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It was in 1932 that the Kripalu Bagh Ashram was built by scholarly erudite
and god realized Swami Kripalu Dev Maharaj on the land next to the holy
Ganges. Concomitant with this noble struggle, Swami Kripalu Dev along
with another great spiritualist Swami Shraddhanand, who was the founder
of the pure and chaste hindu traditions of the GURUKUL KANGRI,
organized a movement of rejuvenation of pristine Indian ancient traditions
and renaissance of its glorious and hoary past whereby the country, its
religion and all related aspects, covered by the gathering dust of centuries
neglect, were rediscovered and extolled. Kripalu Bagh Ashram was the
place where the great patriots like Sh. Rash Bihari Bose had taken shelter
Later, Swami Kripalu Dev was succeeded by his illustrious disciple Swami
Shankar Dev Maharaj, well conversant with vedic knowledge and an
ardent advocate of noble human values.
It was then in 1995, that the seeds for forming another trust based on the
disciples that were followed at Kripalu Bagh Ashram were planted. Swami
Kripalu Dev called upon Swami Ram Dev and Acharya Balkrishna who
dedicated their presence to augment the haloed traditions of the trust
based on selfless service.
Initially Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) was founded 1995 at Kankhal in Hardwar
(Uttarakhand, India) followed by Meditation Centre at Gangotri in the
Himalayas, Brahmakalpa Chikitsalaya, Divy Pharmacy, Divya Prakashan,
Divya Yog Sadhana, Patajali Yogpeeth Mahashaya Hiralal Arsh Gurukul
Yog Gram and Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) in the later years.
Swami Randev having excellence in education, vedic learning and
promoter of nationalism and Acharya Balkrishna who is a great spiritualist
& scholar of Ayurveda, together continue to exalt the traditions and enrich
the future with what the trust had enshrined and achieved in its glorious
preceding years.
Patanjali Yogpeeth envisions making a disease-free world through a
scientific approach to Yog and Ayurveda where every individual can have
healthy existence.
Making India an ideal place for the growth and development of Ayurveda
and a prototype for rest of the world.
All the objectives and activities of Patanjali Yogapeeth revolve around the
core value of humanity. It draws its inspiration from Swami Ramdev.
Services provided by the Patanjali Yogapeeth in the field of social,
spiritual, health and philosophy are drawn by the following values:
This trust is established for the purpose of moral, social and economic
upliftment of the rural community. The aim and objective of the trust is to
establish Gramodhyog using the resources and manpower available in the
villages, to organize and manage the traditional knowledge, art and skills
in the villages and convert the same into an industry. The trust also works
for management and mitigation of disasters which affect the lives of the
rural people. The trust takes disaster mitigation activities such as
distribution of medicine, food and blankets to the flood victims;
implantation of solar lights, biogas plant, etc. time to time. Farmer clubs
are also formed to foster unity and cooperation of the villagers.
Patanjali Research Foundation
The aim and objectives of Patanjali Research Foundation is to undertake
research in the areas of bio-medical studies, revitalizing & restore ancient
systems of knowledge and synchronization between traditional and
modern system of medicine, traditional agriculture activities, development
of new products, processes which are eco-friendly, Indian system of
medicine and Yoga therapy etc. The evaluation of the effect of Yoga and
meditation on the physiological functioning of the body is studied using
present-day scientific methods at the foundation, with an aim of using
these traditional systems of healing to promote health and manage
Patanjali Yogpeeth, UK
PYP (UK) Trust was established as a registered UK charity in 2006. PYP
(UK) Trust has many visionary aims and objectives, all focused around
one key aim: to make a disease-free world through a scientific approach to
Yog and Ayurved. Here, trained yog teachers also give giving their free
time to raising health awareness in local communities by holding yog
more than 200 medicinal herbs, shrubs, trees, climbers and ornamental
plants being cultivated scientifically. A team of scientists and volunteers
from botany and agriculture field are engaged regularly for research. Many
scarce medicinal plants have been grown with great care after intensive
research and organic manure is also produced for in-house utilization as
well as sale at the garden.
Patanjali Ayurved Ltd.
Industrial units equipped with ultra-modern machinery to make the
ancient, traditional and classical knowledge of Ayurveda reach the
common man in its pure form are installed at Patanjali Ayurved. The
manufacturing units adhere to the latest standards of quality like GMP,
GLP, GPP, ISO, and OHSAS on international level. Here, new researches
merge with old traditions. The discoveries made by the ancient sages are
presented with new research; keeping natural taste intact and providing
maximum benefits.
Patanjali Bio Research Institute
The institute is involved in developing techniques for organic farming
through biotechnological applications, implanting biogas plant at a lesser
cost for the benefit of farmers, developing ecofriendly and farmer friendly
bio-fertilizers. Good laboratory facilities are also available for testing the
quality of fertilizers.
Yog Sandesh
Published in 14 Indian languages, this is a monthly journal containing
articles on Yoga, Ayurveda, Culture, Refinement and Spirituality. It has a
wide circulation in almost 25 countries with a monthly readership of more
than a million of people in India and abroad.
Vedic Broadcasting Ltd.
Medical Services
PatanjaliYogpeeth is a renowned name in the field of medical science, rendering
free services to millions of people across the globe throughYoga andAyurveda.
1. Free Yoga Classes In Patanjali Yogpeeth : Free Yoga
classes are conducted in the premises of Patanjali Yogpeeth
by trained Yoga Instructors at one hour interval.
2. Yoga Science Camps : People below poverty line are
permitted to participate in the Residential and NonResidential Yoga Science Camps held in towns and cities of
India from time to time in the benign presence of Yogrishi
Swami Ramdevji Maharaj.
3. Free Yoga Classes Through Patanjali Yog Samiti : Fifty
thousand free Yoga classes by about twenty million
dedicated and trained Yoga teachers take place everyday in
nook and corner of India. About two million Yoga teachers
have been engaged in training & teaching of people in East
Africa, South Africa, U.S.A., Canada, U.K., Nepal & Mauritius.
Yogpeeth-2 by Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust), where lodging facilities for about 1000
persons are available. On ground floor 53, on first floor 90, on second floor 87 and
on third floor 84 spacious rooms with modern facilities have been built. This
hospice has been named after Mahrishi Balmiki, the author of the great epic
Yajna is performed daily within the premises so that the persons staying in this
hospice may come closer to Indian values and traditions. Visitors can also seek free
Ayurvedic consultancy in O.P.D. of Patanjali Yogpeeth. They can also gain the
practical knowledge of Yoga and Pranayama by participating in Yoga Classes
which are conducted at one hour interval.
The United States of America is the third most populous country in the world, and the
fourth largest by total area. With a population of over 318 million, the country is
ethnically diverse and has the largest economy in the world. The countrys growth
slowed down after the 9/11 attacks and the recession in 2009 added to that as the
economy contracted significantly. However, the economy is now moving on steady
course forward thanks to increase in business investment, consumer expenditure and
substantial decrease in unemployment.
Lets take a look at the PEST analysis of USA:
USA has a strong democratic setup and effective rule of law, with elections that are
considered fair and transparent. The country enjoys massive political and economic
influence over both national and global policymaking, and is recognized as the leading
superpower in the world. However, the country faces international criticism for its
interventionist policies regarding the War on Terror which is souring foreign relations,
and at the same time fueling terrorist groups, increasing the threat of terrorism.
With a GDP of over $16.760 trillion, the US is the largest economy in the world. The
economic system is well-developed and gathers its strength from its services and
manufacturing industries. The recession in 2009 adversely affected the economy of the
country and unemployment rates soared to an alarming point. But the economy
bounced back with a growth of around 4% in the third quarter of 2014 as consumers and
businesses have stepped up spending. However, the increasing budget deficit puts the
economic prosperity of the country at grave risk as the deficit currently amounts to a
staggering $506 million.
Like most developed countries, the US faces the problem of an aging population which
can lead to a serious labor shortage and rising tax rates in the future. Nonetheless, the
education and healthcare system is one of the best in the world. A majority of the
population has a liberal mindset, but rising racial intolerance is a serious concern.
Additionally, increasing illegal immigration is another concern, as there are currently
more than 11.7 million people living illegally in the US, further increasing the risk of
racial discrimination.
Innovation and technology are the cornerstones of the US economy. Since its inception,
the country has been leading in terms of adapting and applying technology. Though the
country faces strong competition from rising economies, it is expected it will continue to
retain a technology supremacy over its competitors. Additionally, the US has also been
at the forefront in enhancing and developing technologies in areas such as
nanotechnology, environmental technology and biotechnology, which opens up massive
opportunities for companies with expertise in the mentioned fields. IT is another field
the US has been excelling in. However, it has also been facing intense competition from
countries like China and India.
So, in this PEST analysis of USA, we examined briefly the various factors that are
affecting the external macro environment of the country.
Market Scenario
There is growing awareness among people in US about health and there
is a shift in attitude of the people towards nature care products due to a
powerful green wave. This is because of the perceived pernicious effects
on health of individual of the alternative medicines. It is believed by many
in the US now that high-tech medicines do not pay attention to a patients
belief system and the possible side effects that may be caused by
protracted use of allopathic drugs. This has helped the herbal medicines
to make an impact in the US market.
The World Health Organisation has estimated that at least 25% of all
allopathic medicines contain a plant derivative.
It is difficult to estimate US herbal market because these activities are not
econometrically tracked. However there is strong indication that alternative
medicine markets are growing.
In US, Ayurveda is not a licensed practice but many health practitioners in
related areas do practice some aspects of it. At least several hundred
physicians have trained themselves in the US at Ayurvedic institutes.
There were approximately 10 Ayurveda clinics in North America that
served more than 25,000 patients since 1985. More than 200 physicians
have received the training for Ayurveda through the American Association