Black Experience Final Exam Cheat Sheet
Black Experience Final Exam Cheat Sheet
Black Experience Final Exam Cheat Sheet
6. After police assaulted civil rights workers at the Edmund Pettus Bridge,
Martin Luther King Jr. called supporters from around the country to join him in
Selma, Alabama to march across the bridge. During their first attempt at this
march, King turned the marchers around and did not cross the bridge. Why did
he turn them around?
Turned because there was not much else to do
Army had blockaded the bridge and MLK knew nothing good would come of trying
to force their way through
Wanted peaceful, nonviolence manner
7. What was the major achievement of the Selma civil rights campaign?
The alliance of LBJ (President) in coming together to overcome civil rights issues
Nonviolent, peacefully
Campaign was able to avoid direct violence and aggression against town of
Montogomery in order to maintain their civil rights
Voting Rights Act Passage (signed into law 1965), brought an end to all the means
and devices that the South used to try and exclude black voting
Social Movements Most successful when: clearly identifiable/attainable goals, popular
support (people rally and mobilize behind the goal;coalitions
Freedom: contested and historically evolving idea (not the same 2014 as in 1680,
o Early 1700: Free man if owned property and owned slaves
o Our definition of freedom today is what it is because ordinary people
contested the limitations of the definition (still being evolved)
o Restrictions on black civic rights, on women
MLK Jr deeply influenced by work of Ghandhi
o Kings father was deeply interested in South African struggle (particularly
work of Albert Luthuli, African National Congress Leaderfirst black man to
win Nobel Peace Prize in 1960), Luthuli stayed at Kings residence
o Also influenced by Modecai Johnson, a famous black
scholar/education/president of Howard that talked about Ghandi and the
importance of his legacy
o Morehouse college Mordecai Johnson: aquinted with strategies of
o Ghandi spent 20 years of his early life (came to South Africa in 1893) in South Africa his
experience in South Africa transforms him into a civil rights activist and a civil rights leader
David Levering Lewis: Triad of Influence --Black struggle in US, Anti-Colonial
Movements, Protests Movements in South Africa (early 1900s)
o We need to understand South Africa in order to understand the civil rights
movement because many of the civil rights mov leaders were so heavily
influenced by Gandhi (whose ideas nurtured by South Africa)
Kings Philosophy: The Black Struggle, Christianity and Social Justice, Gandhian
influence (nonviolence), Transformative integration (both blacks and whites live as
equals), Economic Justice
o Principles of Civil Rights Movement
o Constitutional Patriortism (translating the Constitution and making it real,
especially for Blacks in south that couldnt exercise certain rights (like the
right to vote)
o Transformative Integration:
o Inevitable outcome for people of African ancestry for democratic rights and
recognition in American society
Gandhis influence:
o Religion as a force of positive change for social justice
o Religious eccumentaism (religion and social justice): religious people need to
come together for common good (MLK and Abraham Joshua Heschel)
o Non violence
Similarities between Civil Rights movement and Gandhi struggle:
o Unification of people from different classes (coalition politics) central to
success of both movements
Gandhi, people of Indian ancestry didnt think of themselves as
collectively Indianharsh class divisions, separated linguistically,
segregated religiously (Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Gudrathi----Gandhi
comes as Gudrathi lawyer and leaves an indian
Civil Rights: interracial interregional coalition
o King tries to demonstrate his constitutional patriotism
Civil Rights Movement
o Inevitable outcome for people of African ancestry for democratic rights and
recognition in American society
o May 1954: Brown vs Board of Ed: segregation was legal and constitution until
this decision
NAACP (Du Bois fundamental in formation of organization)
o 1909 to May 1954, NAACP successfully took 39 cases before the Supreme
Court to chip away at walls of segregation in American society
The Great Migration: up and until WW1, majority of African Americans lived in the
South, but from Civil war onwards, best paying jobs were in the North (West Coast,
East coast industires)
o After WW1, African Americans by hundreds of thousands, moved to the
o Greatest internal democratic shift in American history (from South to East,
Detroit, Chicago, Pittsburgh, California)
o Many black political movements has to be understood and contextualized to
this great migration
o San Fransico State College, Black Panther Party
Voting Rights:
o Politicians tried to court the black vote (wanted black votes), as a
o Democratic party dilemma (Johnson embraces agenda of civil rights
movement, calling for Voting Rights Act vs George Wallace)
George Wallace Governor of Alabama who blocked civil rights
movements with state troopers (Democratic party)
Lyndon B Johnson (We shall overcome) was Democratic
o As consequene of migration (1950s/1960s, starts with Truman), national
Democratic party starts to embrace civil rights agenda
Truman speaks before NAACP Covention
Kennedy: actively courts black vote (Illinois, Chicago black population
votes overwhelmingly, speculation that
NAACP and legal battles
o Irene Morgan:
Boston could sit anywhere, but Maryland/Virginia, had to follow laws of
South (Blacks go to the back)
Legal stragey: interstate commerce, NAACP Lawyers sued successfully
and won, Interstate transportation/commerce was banned
Rosa Parks of 1940s
Politics of colorism (much more darker than Rosa Parks)
Brown vs Board of Ed
o Topeka School Board and Linda Brown
o Viewed the negative Consequences of Segregation
o Overturns Plessy vs Ferguson decision
Tragic death of Emmett Till
o Grows up in Chicago, leaves south to move to Chicago
o Goes to spend holiday in South
o Goes into candy store run by white woman
Convention of South: dont speak to white man until spoken to first
Talks fresh to white woman in store
o Late at night, woman and husband shows up takes Emmet TIllet, and
o Body found in Mississippi River
o When body was discovered, US Government wanted a closed casket funeral
Mother insisted on an open casket funderal (hundreds of thousands go
past his
o America made to come to term with violence of racism
o Media also covered, plays important role (TIME)
Random Football
College football drives desegregation
Forces for social change: music, entertainment, sports (other than courts that was propelling integration forward in the
Stevie Wonder
Former confederate states, former slaveholding states, former jim crow states (former confederacy where so
much of civil rights struggle)
o Large states university of former confederacy, where civil rights struggles takes place (espectially in
footballvowing publicly that would never recruit black athletes)