Object-Oriented Ontology: 2 Basic Principles
Object-Oriented Ontology: 2 Basic Principles
Object-Oriented Ontology: 2 Basic Principles
tical or theoretical action.[8] Furthering this idea, Harman contends that when objects withdraw in this way,
they distance themselves from other objects, as well as
humans.[9] Resisting pragmatic interpretations of Heideggers thought, then, Harman is able to propose an
object-oriented account of metaphysical substances.
Following the publication of Harmans early work, several scholars from varying elds began employing objectoriented principles in their own work. After encountering speculative realism in the blogosphere, Collin College philosophy instructor Levi Bryant proposed a volume of collected essays on the topic. Called The Speculative Turn, the project involved Harman and Nick Srnicek as co-editors. While completing the compilation,
Bryant began what he describes as a very intense philoObject-oriented ontology is often viewed as a subset of sophical email exchange with Harman, over the course
speculative realism, a contemporary school of thought of which Bryant became convinced of the credibility of
that criticizes the post-Kantian reduction of philosophical object-oriented thought.[10]
enquiry to a correlation between thought and being, such Other advocates for object-oriented ontology include litthat the reality of anything outside of this correlation is erature and ecology scholar Timothy Morton and video
unknowable.[5] Object-oriented ontology predates specu- game designer Ian Bogost. Morton became active in the
lative realism, however, and makes distinct claims about
movement after his book Ecology Without Nature was
the nature and equality of object relations to which not favorably compared to some aspects of object-oriented
all speculative realists agree. The term object-oriented
philosophy.[11] Bogost, on the other hand, had read Harphilosophy was ocially coined by Graham Harman, mans Tool-Being while nishing his doctoral dissertation
the movements founder, in his 1999 doctoral dissertation
at UCLA and subsequently applied object-oriented ideas
Tool-Being: Elements in a Theory of Objects.[6] Since to gaming, media, and technology studies.[12]
then, a number of theorists working in a variety of disciplines have adapted Harmans ideas, including philosophy professor Levi Bryant, literature and ecology scholar
Timothy Morton, video game designer Ian Bogost, and 2 Basic principles
medievalists Jerey Jerome Cohen and Eileen Joy. In
2009, Bryant rephrased Harmans original designation as While object-oriented philosophers reach dierent conobject-oriented ontology, giving the movement its cur- clusions, they share common precepts, including a crirent name.
tique of anthropocentrism and correlationism, a rejection
of philosophies that undermine or overmine objects,
preservation of nitude and withdrawal.
The rejection of post-Kantian privileging of human existence over the existence of nonhuman objects. Beginning
with Kants Copernican revolution, modern philosophers began articulating a transcendental anthropocentrism, whereby objects are said to conform to the mind
of the subject and, in turn, become products of human
cognition.[2] In contrast to Kants view, object-oriented
philosophers maintain that objects exist independently of
human perception, and that nonhuman object relations
distort their related objects in the same fundamental manner as human consciousness. Thus, all object relations,
human and nonhuman, are said to exist on equal ontological footing with one another.[4]
Object-oriented thought holds that there are two principal strategies for devaluing the philosophical import of
objects.[15] First, one can undermine objects by claiming that they are an eect or manifestation of a deeper,
underlying substance or force.[16] Second, one can overmine objects by either an idealism which holds that there
is nothing beneath what appears in the mind, or as in social constructionism, by positing no independent reality
outside of language, discourse or power.[17][18] Objectoriented philosophy rejects both undermining and overmining.
Accordingly, objects cannot be exhausted by their relations with humans or other objects in theory or practice,
meaning that the reality of objects is always present-athand.[21] The retainment by an object of a reality in excess of any relation is known as withdrawal.
Critique of correlationism
Preservation of nitude
Unlike other speculative realisms, object-oriented ontology maintains the concept of nitude, whereby relation
to an object cannot be translated into direct and complete knowledge of an object.[19] Since all object relations distort their related objects, every relation is said
to be an act of translation, with the caveat that no object can perfectly translate another object into its own
nomenclature.[20] Object-oriented ontology does not re- Coupling Heideggers tool-analysis with the phenomenostrict nitude to humanity, however, but extends it to all logical insights of Edmund Husserl, Harman introduces
objects as an inherent limitation of relationality.
two types of objects: real objects and sensual objects.
Real objects are objects that withdraw from all experience, whereas sensual objects are those that exist only in
2.5 Withdrawal
experience.[26] Additionally, Harman suggests two kinds
of qualities: sensual qualities, or those found in experiObject-oriented ontology holds that objects are indepen- ence, and real qualities, which are accessed through inteldent not only of other objects, but also from the quali- lectual probing.[27] Pairing sensual and real objects and
ties they animate at any specic spatiotemporal location. qualities yields the following framework:
Sensual Object/Sensual Qualities: Sensual ob- being contiguous to it. Connection conveys the vicarious
jects are present, but enmeshed within a mist of generation of intention by real objects indirectly encounaccidental features and proles.[28]
tering one another. Finally, no relation represents the typical condition of reality, since real objects are incapable
Sensual Object/Real Qualities: The structure of direct interaction and are limited in their causal inuof conscious phenomena are forged from eide- ence upon and relation to other objects.[35]
tic, or experientially interpretive, qualities intuited
Real Object/Sensual Qualities: As in the tool- 4 Expansion
analysis, a withdrawn object is translated into
sensual apprehension via a surface accessed by Since its inception by Graham Harman in 1999, a numthought and/or action.[30]
ber of theorists working in a variety of disciplines have
adapted and expanded upon Harmans ideas, including
Real Object/Real Qualities:
This pairing
philosophy professor Levi Bryant, literature and ecology
grounds the capacity of real objects to dier from
scholar Timothy Morton, video game designer Ian Boone another, without collapsing into indenite
gost, and medievalists Jerey Jerome Cohen and Eileen
To explain how withdrawn objects make contact with and
relate to one another, Harman submits the theory of vicarious causation, whereby two hypothetical entities meet
in the interior of a third entity, existing side-by-side until something occurs to prompt interaction.[32] Harman
compares this idea to the classical notion of formal causation, in which forms do not directly touch, but inuence one another in a common space from which all are
partly absent. Causation, says Harman, is always vicarious, asymmetrical, and buered:
Thus, causation entails the connection between a real object residing within the directionality of consciousness,
or a unied intention, with another real object residing
outside of the intention, where the intention itself is also
classied as a real object.[34] From here, Harman extrapolates ve types of relations between objects. Containment
describes a relation in which the intention contains both
the real object and sensual object. Contiguity connotes relations between sensual objects lying side-by-side within
an intention, not aecting one another, such that a sensual
objects bystanders can be rearranged without disrupting
the objects identity. Sincerity characterizes the absorption of a real object by a sensual object, in a manner that
takes seriously the sensual object without containing or
arising only from the perspective of consciousness, rather
than an ontological dierence that arms independent
being.[39] Second, the Principle of the Inhuman asserts
that the concept of dierence producing dierence is not
restricted to human, sociocultural, or epistemological domains, thereby marking the being of dierence as independent of knowledge and consciousness.[40] Humans exist as dierence-making beings among other dierencemaking beings, therefore, without holding any special position with respect to other dierences.[41] Third, the Ontological Principle maintains that if there is no dierence
that does not also make a dierence, then the making of
dierence is the minimal condition for the existence of
being. In Bryants words, if a dierence is made, then
the being is.[42] Bryant further contends that dierences
produced by an object can be inter-ontic (made with respect to another object) or intra-ontic (pertaining the internal constitution of the object).[43]
Since Onticology construes anything that produces differences as beingincluding ctions, signs, animals, and
plantsall being in the same sense real, albeit at dierent scales, it is what Manuel Delanda has called a at
ontology.[44] Within an onticological framework, objects are composed of dierences coalescing into a system that reproduces itself through time. Changes in the
identity of an object are not changes in substance (dened by Bryant as a particular state attained by dierence), however, but shifts in the qualities belonging to a
substance.[45] Qualities are the actualization of an objects
inhered capacities or abilities, known as an objects powers.[46] The actualization of an objects power into qualities or properties at a specic place and time is called local manifestation.[47] Importantly, the occurrence of local manifestations does not require observation. In this
way, qualities comprise actuality, referring to the actualization of an objects potential at a particular spatiotemporal location among a multitude of material dierences,
whereas powers constitute virtuality, or the potential retained by an object across time.[48] As objects are distinct from local manifestations and one another, referred
to as withdrawal, their being is dened by the relations
forming their internal structure, or endo-relations, and retained powers.[49] This withdrawn being is known as the
virtual proper being of an object and denotes its enduring, unied substantiality.[47] When relations external to
an object, or exo-relations, consistently induce the same
local manifestations to the extent that the actualization of
qualities tends toward stability (for example, the sky remaining blue because of the constancy of Rayleigh scattering on atmospheric particles), the set of relations forms
a regime of attraction.[50]
an assemblage of objects; for example, a neutrino passing through solid matter without producing observable
eects.[52] Dark objects are objects that are so completely
withdrawn that they produce no local manifestations and
do not aect any other objects.[53] Rogue objects are not
chained to any given assemblage of objects, but instead
wander in and out of assemblages, modifying relations
within the assemblages into which they enter.[54] Political
protestors exemplify rogue objects by breaking with the
norms and relations of a dominant political assemblage
in order to forge new relations that challenge, change, or
cast o the prior assemblage.
Additionally, Bryant has proposed the concept of 'wilderness ontology' to explain the philosophical pluralization
of agency away from human privilege. For Bryant,
wilderness ontology alludes to the being of being, or common essence characteristic of all entities and their relations to one another.[55] Resisting the traditional notion
of wilderness that views civilization (the inside world
of social relations, language, and norms) as separate
from wilderness (the outside world of plants, animals,
and nature), wilderness ontology argues that wilderness
contains all forms of being, including civilization.[56] Accordingly, the practice of wilderness ontology involves
experiencing oneself as a being amongst, rather than
above, other beings. In generalizing the agential alterity
of being as a foundational ontological principle, Bryant
posits three theses:[57] rst, wilderness ontology signals
the absence of ontological hierarchy, such that all forms
of being exist on equal footing with one another. Second,
wilderness ontology rejects the topological bifurcation of
nature and culture into discrete domains, instead holding that cultural assemblages are only one possible set of
relations into which nonhuman entities may enter in the
wilderness. Third, wilderness ontology extends agency
to all entities, human and nonhuman, rather than casting
nonhuman entities as passive recipients of human meaning projection. Employing these theses, Bryant pluralizes
agential being beyond human nitude, contending that in
so doing, the intentionality of the nonhuman world may
be investigated without reference to human intent.[58]
resist. In this way, hyperobjects overrule ironic distance, meaning that the more an object tries to resist
a hyperobject, the more glued to the hyperobject it
antecedence of these thinkers, particularly Grant and Simondon, includes the plurality of actually existing objects, rather than a single substance of which objects are
mere epiphenomena.[79]
Key texts
Bennett, Jane (2010). Vibrant matter: a political
ecology of things. Durham, North Carolina: Duke
University Press. ISBN 9780822346197.
Bogost, Ian (2012). Alien Phenomenology, or What
Its Like to Be a Thing. University of Minnesota
Bogost, Ian (2006). Unit Operations: An Approach
to Videogame Criticism. MIT Press.
Bogost, Ian (2011). How to Do Things with
Videogames. University of Minnesota Press.
Braver, Lee (2007). A Thing of This World: A
History of Continental Anti-Realism. Northwestern
University Press.
Bryant, Levi (2011). The Democracy of Objects.
Open Humanities Press.
Bryant, Levi (2014). Onto-Cartographies: An Ontology of Machines and Media. Edinburgh University
Bryant, Levi; Srnicek, Nick; Harman, Graham
(2011). The Speculative Turn. re.press.
Ennis, Paul (2010). Post-Continental Voices: Selected Interviews. Zero Books.
Harman, Graham (2002). Tool-Being: Heidegger
and the Metaphysics of Objects. Open Court.
Harman, Graham (2005). Guerilla Metaphysics:
Phenomenology and the Carpentry of Things. Open
Harman, Graham (2009). Prince of Networks:
Bruno Latour and Metaphysics. re.press.
Harman, Graham (2010). Towards Speculative Realism: Essays and Lectures. Zero Books.
Latour, Bruno (1993). We Have Never Been Modern. Harvard University Press.
7 References
[1] Harman, Graham (2002). Tool-Being: Heidegger and the
Metaphysics of Objects. Peru, Illinois: Open Court. p. 2.
ISBN 978-0-8126-9444-4.
[2] Bryant, Levi. OnticologyA Manifesto for ObjectOriented Ontology, Part 1. Larval Subjects. Retrieved
9 September 2011.
[3] Harman, Graham (2002). Tool-Being: Heidegger and the
Metaphysics of Objects. Peru, Illinois: Open Court. p. 16.
ISBN 978-0-8126-9444-4.
[4] Harman, Graham (2005). Guerrilla Metaphysics: Phenomenology and the Carpentry of Things. Peru, Illinois:
Open Court. p. 1. ISBN 0-8126-9456-2.
[5] Bryant, Levi; Harman, Graham; Srnicek, Nick (2011).
The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism. Melbourne, Australia: re.press. p. 8. ISBN 978-09806683-4-6.
[6] Harman, Graham. Brief SR/OOO Tutorial. ObjectOriented Philosophy. Retrieved 23 September 2011.
Harman, Graham (2011). Quentin Meillassoux: Philosophy in the Making. Edinburgh University Press.
[7] Ibid.
[44] Delanda, Manuel (2002). Intensive Science & Virtual Philosophy. New York: Continuum. p. 41. ISBN 0-82647932-4.
Retrieved 10
[64] Morton, Timothy (2011). Sublime Objects. Speculations II: 207227. Retrieved 2014-05-18.
[65] Morton, Timothy (2010). The Ecological Thought. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. pp.
131132. ISBN 0-674-04920-9.
8.2 Journals
Collapse - published by Urbanomic
continent. - edited by Jamie Allen, Paul Boshears,
and Nico Jenkins
O-Zone: A Journal of Object-Oriented Studies edited by Levi Bryant and Eileen Joy
[67] Coeld, Kris. Interview: Ian Bogost. Fractured Politics. Retrieved 15 September 2011.
8.3 Presses
Open Humanities Press - Ann Arbor, Michigan
punctum books - Brooklyn, New York
[73] Bryant, Levi. Latour Litanizer. Larval Subjects. Retrieved 16 September 2011.
[74] Coeld, Kris. Interview: Ian Bogost. Fractured Politics. Retrieved 16 September 2011.
[75] Segall, Matthew David. Cosmos, Anthropos, and Theos
in Harman, Teilhard, and Whitehead. Footnotes to Plato.
Retrieved 16 September 2011.
[76] Berry, David Michael. Critical Theory and the Digital.
Critical Theory and the Digital. Retrieved 1 July 2012.
8.4 Lectures/Tutorials
Speculative realism/object-oriented ontology tutorial - by Graham Harman
History of object-oriented ontology and speculative
realism - video lecture by Graham Harman
Onticology Manifesto, Part 1 - by Levi Bryant
[79] Ibid.
External links
Selected Interviews
Towards a Speculative Realist/OOO Literary Criticism audio lecture on a possible SR/OOO literary
criticism by Eileen Joy
More Notes Toward an SR/OOO Literary Criticism
Twitter University lecture on SR/OOO literary criticism by Eileen Joy
Selected Interviews
Object-oriented ontology Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-oriented_ontology?oldid=628032939 Contributors: Ijon, Nihiltres, Bhny, Frap, OSborn, Hu12, Gregbard, Andyjsmith, Seaphoto, Mesnenor, Magioladitis, Dwatson888, Snowded, Ydnahij, Beeblebrox, Sustainablefutures2015, Hasteur, Adynatoniac, Protoblast, XLinkBot, Download, Yobot, AnomieBOT, Omnipaedista, RjwilmsiBot,
Bollyje, Gary Dee, ClueBot NG, Chriscoast, Helpful Pixie Bot, Footnotes2plato, LadyDiotima, Sordini2, Fracpol, BattyBot, OOOisthenewcorrelationism, Mogism, Cerabot, The Vintage Feminist, MrLukeDevlin, Jakec, Star767, MadScientistX11, Vivaortega and Anonymous: 26
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