Design of Anchor Bolts in Pedestals
Design of Anchor Bolts in Pedestals
Design of Anchor Bolts in Pedestals
Synopsis: The Australian Conrete structures code, AS 3600, provides little guidance for the
design of anchor bolts. The authors suggest that ACI 318 provides suitable design provisions for
headed and hooked anchor bolts. The background and design requirements of ACI 318 are
examined with particular attention to provisions applying to pedestals.
Keywords: Anchor bolts, Concrete, Pedestals, Shear, Strength design, Tension
The purpose of this paper is to introduce Australian engineers to recent developments in
calculating the design strength of anchors in concrete, with particular reference to the
implementation given in ACI 318. Relevant sections are discussed and an example given.
ISBN 0 909375 78 X
Concrete 07
Projected area in tension (shear) for a single anchor remote from edges
The largest of the influencing edge distances that are less than 1.5 times actual hef.
distance from the center of an anchor shaft to the edge of concrete in one direction;
where shear force is applied to anchor, ca1 is in the direction of the shear force.
The anchor diameter
Load bearing length of the anchor but not greater than 8.d0
Nb ,(Vb)
c,N, (c,V)
Background to Appendix D
One widely used design method for anchor bolts was provided by ACI 349 (2). This method is
widely used in Australia, for example, in such publications as the AISC's Design of Structural
Connections (3).
While this provided a rational method for calculating concrete breakout strength in tension and
shear, the -factor method developed in Europe during the late 1980's shows much better
correlation with test results.
In 1994 the Comite Euro-International du Beton (CEB) published a state of the art report on
fastening to concrete and masonry (4). This compared several existing methods including ACI
349 and the -factor method (renamed the -factor method to conform with CEB notation).
The CCD method (5) is a variation of the -factor method developed in the 1990's. It provides "a
clear visual explanation of the calculation of the -factors [combining] the transparency of the
ACI 349 method, accuracy of the -method, and a user-friendly rectangular failure surface
calculation procedure." The CCD method has formed the basis for the design provisions of ACI
One of the main requirements in AS 3600 is clause 14.3 (a), "Fixings shall be designed to yield
before ultimate failure in the event of overload." This is intended to ensure a ductile failure in the
fixing. Note that it is not sufficient for the material the fixing is made from to be ductile. There
must also be sufficient embedment and edge distance to ensure yield before concrete breakout.
In practice it can be very difficult to meet these requirements, especially where the anchors are
close to an edge.
ACI 318 contains provisions in several clauses that govern ductility:
D.3.1 Anchors and anchor groups shall be designed for critical effects of factored
loads as determined by elastic analysis. Plastic analysis approaches are permitted
where nominal strength is controlled by ductile steel elements, provided that
deformational compatibility is taken into account.
For regions of moderate or high seismic risk:
D.3.3.3 the design strength of anchors shall be taken as 0.75Nn and 0.75Vn,
D.3.3.4 anchors shall be designed to be governed by tensile or shear strength of a
ductile steel element, unless D.3.3.5 is satisfied.
D.3.3.5 Instead of D.3.3.4, the attachment that the anchor is connecting to the
structure shall be designed so that the attachment will undergo ductile yielding at a load
level corresponding to anchor forces no greater than the design strength of anchors
specified in D.3.3.3.
Ductility of fixings is not required by ACI 318. In general brittle anchor materials or anchorages
are permitted with some restrictions on design methods, even in regions of moderate or high
seismic risk.
Design methods
For design methods AS3600 Clause 14.3 (b) specifies that "... In the case of shallow
anchorages, cone-type failure in the concrete surrounding the fixing shall be investigated taking
into account edge distance, spacing, the effect of reinforcement, if any, and concrete strength at
time of loading."
ACI 318 Appendix D meets these requirements and is an improvement on the ACI 349 method.
Anchors in tension
The basic concrete breakout strength of a single cast-in anchor in tension in cracked concrete,
Anchors in Shear
The basic concrete breakout strength of a single cast-in anchor in shear in cracked concrete,
Vb, is given in D.6.2.2 as
Vb = 0.6 (le/do)0.2 do0.5 f'c0.5 ca11.5
and in D.5.2.1 for a group of anchors as
Vcbg = AVc/AVco ec,V ed,V c,V Vb
All factors are given in detail in ACI 318 and will not be repeated here.
AS 3600
1.2 (or 1.4 if no live load)
Where live load dominates, the factored load calculated using ACI318 will be higher than when
Australian codes are used. The authors suggest that taking the worst case of 100% live load, the
strength reduction factors used in ACI 318 should be reduced by a factor of 1.5/1.6, giving
capacity reduction
Table 2: Adjusted load factors
x 1.5/1.6
Suggested AS3600
capacity reduction factors
However for ductile anchor bolts such as Grade 4.6, this would result in lower capacities than the
Australian structural code, AS 4100, and to prevent this mismatch the authors suggest that
factors from AS 4100 be used as shown below.
Brittle anchors are intentionally penalized in ACI 318 and Grade 8.8 bolts fall into this category,
having an elongation of 12% compared to the 14% required for ductile anchors
i) Shear loads
ii) Tension
Cast-in headed studs, headed
bolts, or hooked bolts
Condition A
(with supplementary
Condition B
Condition A applies where the potential concrete failure surfaces are crossed by
supplementary reinforcement (see below) proportioned to tie the potential concrete failure prism
into the structural member.
Condition B applies where such supplementary reinforcement is not provided, or where pullout
or pryout strength governs.
These factors are generally higher than would be obtained using AS3600 Table 2.3 (j) Bending,
shear, and tension in fixings where =0.6;
The use of these capacity reduction factors is suggested until appropriate values are published in
AS3600. Capacity reduction factors for post-installed anchors have not been considered here but
are given in ACI 318.
Supplementary Reinforcement
Supplementary reinforcement is defined above with the definition expanded in the commentary to
ACI 318. Supplementary reinforcement should be oriented in the direction of the load, fully
anchored on both sides of the breakout surface, and proportioned to resist the total load. Design
of supplementary reinforcement is not covered in ACI 318 (nor here due to space limitations),
except for longitudinal bars in pedestals. The commentary in clause RD.4.2.1 suggests suitable
references for design methods.
For tension loads on typical column pedestals it will usually be found that a concrete breakout
cone cannot develop the required capacity. Supplementary reinforcement for tension loads can
be provided by extending the bolts to allow anchorage of vertical bars each side of the failure
surface, or by providing hairpin splice bars.
For shear loads on typical column pedestals the Authors have found that edge distances are
often too small to allow effective placement and anchorage of supplementary reinforcement and it
will be necessary to increase pedestal size if shear loads are high.
Minimum ties around anchors are required by ACI 318 clause however this would
not normally meet the requirements of supplementary reinforcement to resist the shear load.
For column pedestals supplementary reinforcement is probably unavoidable for tension loads and
impractical for shear loads. In these cases Condition A applies for tension load concrete
breakout (=0.7) and Condition B for other concrete failure modes (=0.65).
It is suggested that ACI 318 provides detailed design methods that meet the requirements of AS
3600. Some adjustment of capacity reduction factors may be required to compensate for
differences in load factors used in ACI 318 compared to AS 3600, and the capacity reduction
factors calculated above are recommended until suitable provisions are included in the Australian
design code.
1. ACI Committee 318 "ACI 318-05 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and
Commentary, 2005.
2. ACI Committee 349, "Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety Related Concrete Structures (ACI
349-85), Appendix B - Steel Embedment," ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Part 4.
3. AISC (now ASI), "Design of Structural Connections", 4th Ed., 1994.
4. Comite Euro-International du Beton, "Fastenings to Concrete and Masonry Structures, State of
the Art Report," Comite Euro-International du Beton, (CEB), Bulletin No. 216, Thomas Telford
Services Ltd., London, 1994.
5. Fuchs, W., Eligehausen, R., and Breen, J., "Concrete Capacity Design (CCD) Approach for
Fastening to Concrete," ACI Structural Journal, V. 92, No. 1, Jan.-Feb., 1995
6. Standards Australia (SAA), "AS 36002001 : Concrete Structures, 3rd ed.", Standards
Australia International, 2001.
7. Standards Australia (SAA), " AS 4100-1998 : Steel structures, 2nd ed.", Standards Australia
International, 1998.
= 1.0