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IBM System Storage TS3100 Tape Library Express Model: Large-Capacity, High-Performance Tape Backup For Critical Data

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Large-capacity, high-performance tape backup for critical data

IBM System Storage TS3100 Tape

Library Express Model

The IBM System Storage TS3100

Tape Library Express Model and its
storage management applications are
designed to address capacity, performance, data protection, reliability, availability, affordability and application
requirements. It is designed as a functionally rich, entry tape-storage solution
incorporating LTO Ultrium tape technol-


ogy. The IBM TS3100 Express model is

an excellent solution for large-capacity

Designed to support the new

Remote library management

or high-performance tape backup with

IBM LTO Ultrium 4 and the

through a standard Web inter-

or without random access. The TS3100

LTO Ultrium 3 Tape Drives for

face supports flexibility and

is also an excellent choice for tape

increased capacity and per-

greater administrative control

automation for IBM System p,

formance including 4 Gbps

of storage operations

IBM RS/6000, IBM System i,

fibre channel, Low Voltage

Differential (LVD) SCSI and

IBM AS/400, IBM System x and

3 Gbps SAS attachment

Ultrium 4 native data capacities

up to 19.2 TB (38.4 with 2:1
compression) with 24 data car-

The IBM TS3100 Tape Library Express

Designed to support cost-

tridge slots and the use of LTO

is well-suited for handling backup, save

effective backup, save and

Ultrium 4 Tape Drive with a

and restore and archival data-storage

restore and archival storage in

native data rate of 120 MBps

needs for small to medium-size environ-

sequential or random access

mode with a standard bar-code

other open systems.

ments. With its single Ultrium 4 or

Ultrium 3 native physical data

Ultrium 3 Tape Drive and 24 tape car-

capacities up to 9.6 TB (up to

tridge capacity, the IBM TS3100 model

19.2 TB using 2:1 compression)

is designed to leverage LTO technology

Designed to offer outstanding

with the 24 data-cartridge slots,

capacity, performance and

and the use of LTO Ultrium 3

reliability for midrange and net-

Tape Drive with a native data

work tape-storage environ-

rate of up to 80 MBps

ments in a 2U form factor with

the 24 data-cartridge slots and
a dedicated mail slot

to cost effectively handle growing stor-

throughput of the first-generation drive.

build on this storage investment by

age requirements. The TS3100 Tape

The IBM LTO Ultrium 4 Tape Drives

moving to higher capacity and perform-

Library is configured with two remov-

are designed to support up to

ance automated libraries employing

able cartridge magazines, one on

120 MBps native data-transfer rates.

the new IBM Ultrium 4 Tape Drive

the left side and one on the right.

In addition, with the use of the new


Additionally, the left magazine includes

IBM TotalStorage LTO Ultrium 800 GB

a single mail slot to help support

Data Cartridge, the IBM Ultrium 4 Tape

The IBM TS3100 Tape Library Express

continuous library operation while

Drive doubles tape-cartridge physical

features LVD SCSI, native switched,

importing/exporting media. A bar-code

capacity up to 800 GB native physical

4 Gbps fibre-channel and 3 Gbps SAS

reader is standard in the library, sup-

capacity (1.6 TB with a 2:1 compres-

interfaces for Ultrium 4 drives (LVD

porting the librarys operation in

sion), providing an IBM TS3100 Tape

SCSI and 4 Gbps FC for Ultrium 3

sequential or random access mode.

Library capacity of up to 38.4 TB with a

drives) and can attach to a wide variety

The TS3100 also comes standard with

2:1 compression or 19.2 TB native. The

of open system servers. The sequential

remote management capabilities to

IBM Ultrium 4 Tape Drives are designed

or random access library comes in a

allow for remote administration of the

to read and write third-generation LTO

stand-alone base configuration with the

tape library through a Web interface.

Ultrium data cartridges and read

option of an industry-standard 19-inch

LTO Ultrium 2 data cartridges with

rack mount kit. The IBM TS3100 also

The new IBM Ultrium 4 drive has more

improved data rates. The new Ultrium 4

has an LCD display and indicators for

than double the drive throughput of the

technology helps support the encryp-

power, drive and activity, error status

third-generation LTO Ultrium Tape

tion of data when using either IBMLOT

and message information.

Drives and up to nearly ten times the

4 four Gbps FC or 3 Gbps SAS tape

drives. As storage needs grow, you can

IBM System Storage TS3100 Tape Library Express Model at a glance

Drive options

Ultrium 4: LVD SCSIFC (8143); 4 Gbps Fibre ChannelFC(8144); 3 Gbps SAS

Ultrium 3: LVD SCSIFC (8043); 4 Gbps Fibre ChannelFC (8044)

Available Models:

3573 L2U
3573L3S (Express model, PN) includes IBM LTO Ultrium 3 LVD Ultra160 attach, SCSI tape
drive, rack mount kit
3573F3S (Express model, PN) includes IBM LTO Ultrium 3 four Gbps Fibre Channel tape
drive, rack mount kit
3573L4S (High Volume, PN) includes IBM LTO Ultrium 4 LVD Ultra160 attach SCSI tape
3573F4S (High Volume, PN) includes IBM LTO Ultrium 4 four Gbps Fibre Channel tape drive
3573S4S (High Volume, PN) includes IBM LTO Ultrium 4 three Gbps SAS tape drive

Optional feature codes

Rack mount
Right-side magazine set


Tape drive type

IBM LTO Ultrium 4 or IBM LTO Ultrium 3

Number of drives

Number of tape cartridges


Number of mail slots

Physical capacity


Data transfer rate

Up to 120 MBps native with LTO Ultrium 4

Up to 80 MBps native with LTO Ultrium 3


1.6 TB per cartridge compressed; 800 GB native with LTO4

800 GB per cartridge compressed; 400 GB native with LTO3
38.4 TB per tape library compressed; 19.6 TB native
19.2 TB per tape library compressed; 9.6 TB native

Dimensions (W x H x D)
Stand alone
Rack mount

17.6 in (447.5 mm) x 3.84 in (97.6 mm) x 31.9 in (810 mm)

17.6 in (447.5 mm) x 3.44 in (87.6 mm) x 29.13 in (740 mm)
33 lb (15 kg)

Operating Environment
Relative humidity
Electrical power

54 to 95 degrees F, 12 to 35 degrees C
20% RH to 80% RH (non-condensing)
1.3 amps at 100 V ac, 0.7 amps at 240 V ac

Attachment and systems support

The TS3100 features LVD Ultra160, 4 Gbps Fibre Channel and 3 Gbps SAS (LTO4 only)
interfaces, attaching to IBM System p, IBM System i, IBM System x, RS/6000 SP,
AS/400 and IBM Netfinity systems, and non-IBM servers, workstations and personal

Operating Systems support

Native device-driver support is available for IBM AIX, IBM OS/400, IBM i5/OS,
Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, Red Hat and United

For more information

Contact your IBM representative or
IBM Business Partner or visit:



Copyright IBM Corporation 2007

IBM Systems and Technology Group
5600 Cottle Road
San Jose, CA 95193
Produced in the United States
April 2007
All Rights Reserved

MB, GB and TB equal 1,000,000,

1,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000,000 bytes,
respectively, where referring to storage capacity.
Actual storage capacity will vary based upon
many factors and may be less than stated.
Some numbers given for storage capacities give
capacity in native mode followed by capacity
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