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Of Saint John's in Pine Meadow

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of Saint Johns in Pine Meadow

Saint Johns mission is to nurture all people in their spiritual growth, in their Christian
education, and in their relationship with God.
Dear Friends,

May 2015

On the Third Sunday of Easter we gathered together to welcome Greyson Levesque into the Body of Christ and into our
Christian community here at Saint Johns. It was a wonderful opportunity for all of us to renew our baptismal vows as
well. At baptism we are sealed as Christs own forever and in response to that adoption into Gods family, we make
promises about how we will live our lives.
As we promise to turn toward God and away from sin, we also promise to, continue in the apostles teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers. At Saint Johns we have many opportunities to be faithful to these
vows. I hope that you will feel called to join us in the following:
Continue in the apostles teaching and fellowship
Beginning May 17th, we will gather for four consecutive Sundays (5/17, 5/24, 5/31 & 6/3 from 11:30-12:30) for an
adult forum, 24/6: A Prescription for Healthier Happier Life and discuss the importance of Sabbath rest.
On May 7th (7-8 pm), we will gather for a book group to discuss The Lord is My Shepherd, an exploration of the 23rd
Psalm by Harold Kushner.
Our young people continue to grow in the knowledge and love of the Lord by participating in our Godly Play program.
On the 1st Sunday of the month we gather for Rhythms of Grace, our service for children and families with special
Our Young People in grades 5-8 recently met for their first gathering for fellowship and will gather again in May.
High School Students will gather soon for ice cream and discussion this coming Sunday. Please help us get the word
to these folks!
Ladies of our parish will travel to the ECW Annual Meeting and to hear Barbara Crafton speak and to join in fellowship with other Episcopal women in Connecticut.
In the breaking of bread
In addition to our Sunday services, our community gathers at 6:30pm on Thursdays for a service of communion and
healing prayers. Please come be with us and bring with you all those who need to be held in prayer.
If you or someone you love is homebound and would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the parish office.
In the prayers
Each Sunday we offer prayer for those who are in need of prayer and those who participate in our outreach ministries.
Please carry these prayers home with you and help us maintain a vigil of prayer for those in need.
We hold our parish family in prayer and celebrate milestones in the life of our community. Please contact the parish
office with news of graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, and other occasions for us to celebrate and to give
Please remember to alert Saint Johns when you will be hospitalized, undergoing surgery or have need for special
Everything we do as a community at Saint Johns is an intentional response to our baptismal vows. As this Easter season
progresses, it is my prayer that we will all live our lives in response to Gods blessings and in a way that makes Gods
love apparent to the world.

Sandra L. Cosman

March 2015

Operating Income:
Operating Expenses:

$ 16,373
$ 16,851

March 2014

$ 18,725
$ 15,233

Operating Income:
Operating Expenses:



$ 44,312
$ 44,393

$ 40,858
$ 49,118

Larry Espinet, Treasurer

Church Office Hours Office hours are 8:30 a.m. 1:30

p.m., Monday through Thursday.
Prayer RequestsRequests are handled confidentially
through the office or by speaking to the Rev. Sandra L. Cosman. You may fill out a prayer request form or contact the
office. If you would like to be a part of the prayer circle,
please call the office. Prayer is part of our concern for
one another.
Altar Guild - The Altar Guild is looking for 2 people to
join a team in June/October and July/December. No experience is necessary as on the job training is provided. If interested, please contact Donna Colavecchio at (860) 379-4643.
Flower Chart Posted in NarthexSign up for the Sunday
of your choice. Cost is $60.00, or you may bring flowers
from your garden in the summer. The office will contact you
about memorials.

Next IngatheringJune 7th

The total year to date is $96.05. Bring coins anytime. We will keep them safe.

Training for Liturgical Duties - Training for greeters, acolytes, torchbearers will be coming soon. Please see Mother
Cosman, if you are interested in helping to lead our worship.
The Open Door Soup Kitchen - would like to thank Saint
Johns Church for their generous donation and support.
Prom Pictures & Senior Pictures - Please contact the office if you are interested in reserving a space in the garden
area for your pictures. Refreshments will be served.

SCRIP A way to help Saint Johns and simplify

your life! The Scrip Program is a simple way for
Saint Johns to benefit from your regular purchases
at select retailers at no cost to you. Here is how it
works: If you purchase a scrip card (gift card) here
at Saint Johns in the amount of $50. You receive a
gift card for $50 for that store and our parish receives a percentage of your card purchase. The gift
card is the full value of your purchase and we receive a donation from the retailer. It is that simple.
Stop & Shop cards are available on Sundays for purchase and a listing of many other retailers is also
available. Easter gifts, birthday presents and everyday expenses can all benefit Saint Johns and you
can save a trip to the store!

(Broadly Defined)
Let the office know about happenings in your own life
and in the lives of other parishioners, especially hospitalizations, so Rev. Sandra L. Cosman can contact those
in need of comfort.

Greyson Jean-Roch Levesque
(Son of Kimberly & Jason Levesque)
Olga S. Welch
(Mother of William Welch)

Rhythms of Grace
First Sunday of Every Month
At 1:00 p.m.
Rhythms of Grace is designed to meet the needs of
families with children on the Autism Spectrum and
with other special needs. Those who help feel it is a
rewarding experience to work with children and
families who need the attention and who are new to
St. Johns. Contact Linda Snyder at
llsnyders4@charter.net for information.

Special thanks to Ron Caine, Tom Chappell,

Bruce Wearne and Bob Osborne for cleaning the
Special thanks to everyone who cooked, cleaned and
volunteered during Holy Week.
Special thanks to our volunteers that helped out during our 1st Annual Giant Jenga Tournament.
Thanks to our Soup Kitchen Crew for their hard
Thanks to everyone who helps with the mission
and ministry of St. Johns.


Thanks to those who help.!

Once again it is time to plan for this ministry. We

take the fourth Saturday in all months, except November and December, because of Thanksgiving
and Christmas. The date of the next meal is May
23rd which will be hosted by Sandra Cosman. Specials thanks to Candy Flaherty and Laura & Bruce
Wearne for hosting the April meal. We still have
July 25 open for volunteers to assist. Please contact
Laura Wearne with a date that you would like to
volunteer for Peters Retreat. She can be reached at
(860)307-3031. Thank you!

Coffee Hour Hosts

10:00 a.m. Service
This is an important part of our ministry of hospitalityto visitors, to children, to one another. Coffee supplies other than cream are available in the
kitchen. Baked goods are terrific, whether home
baked or purchasedwhatever works for you.
A sign up sheet is posted in the parish hall. All parishioners who attend the 10 a.m. service are requested to host at least once this spring/summer.

Discernment Day
On May 16, the Commission on Ministry will host a Discernment Day at The Commons from 9am to 3:30pm. This is an
opportunity for those feeling a pull to do something new and
different, discerning a new vocation, or wondering how to
deepen their participation in God's mission to join in a day of
reflection and learning about call and discernment. There will
be opportunities for worship, fellowship, learning and conversation around what it means to be a follower of Jesus, to be called
by God to serve God's mission in the world. Hebrew Bible
Scholar Carolyn Sharp will speak on the lessons offered to
through the Hebrew Bible stories of Call. Bishop Laura Ahrens
will reflect on how Episcopalians in Connecticut are called to
be apostles and disciples. There will also be a panel discussion
with a variety of lay and ordained ministers who live out their
calls as chaplains, business people, parish clergy, and mental
health professionals.

Garden News
Spring Clean Up Date May 3rd

Well gather in the garden following the 10AM service. Bring your rakes; wear your gardening
clothes. Remember many hands make light work.

Honduras Update!!!
St. Johns Episcopal,
Thank you for being a Pathway Sponsor for students in Honduras! We have attached an updated photo and
translated information sheet about your student. Please look for a letter in the mail from your student as well.
If you would like to correspond with your student, please contact Jill Smith for information. Once again,
thank you for supporting education in Honduras!
Thank you,
Education Coordinator
Name: Genesis Pamela Perez Mejia
Something special about me: Im cheerful
Age: 6 years old
How I help in my house: I mop
Birthday: September 2, 2008
What I want to do in the future: Be a teacher
Name of my village: Culuco
Siblings: (3) sisters, (2) brothers
My favorite color: Purple
My favorite activity with friends: Playing
My favorite food: Apples

P. O. Box 27
Pine Meadow, CT 06061
Phone: 860 379-3062

Address Correction

The Episcopal Church

Were Here For You
Sunday Holy Eucharist
8:00 a.m. & 10 a.m.
Thursday Holy Eucharist
With Healing Prayers 6:30



Godly Play will continue through May with our Easter

Season theme of: Knowing Jesus in a different Way.
The stories are about the encounters with Jesus after
his resurrection on Easter, Accession, and Pentecost
(the birthday of the church). We will conclude this
theme on our last day of Godly Play, Sunday June 7th.
As we begin to look forward to another year of Godly
Play we will be offering additional pieces that we
would like to take our stories deeper for our children.
We will be featuring two stories each month that we
ask you to consider offering to donate (by purchasing
or having made) to our Godly Play ministry. Please
contact the office or speak with Linda Snyder if you
would like to help. (See insert for pictures )

Winsted Food Pantry

Needs Donations
Please, don't forget to bring in non-perishable food
items for the hungry that live among us. Donations
have been declining and the need is still great! The
Open Door Soup Kitchen, located at 160 Main St.,
St. James Place, Winsted, CT, is in need of donations. They can use everything. Donations can be
brought to the church and placed in the totes in the
narthex and are delivered to the kitchen. Please be
generous in donating to this important ministry.

May 2015
St. Johns Church - Calendar of Events
Anniversaries in Italics








10:00 AM Al-Anon

8:30 PM AA

8 & 10 AM
Holy Eucharist
Garden Clean-Up
11:00 am
High School Gathering 2:00pm


8 & 10 AM
Holy Eucharist

Holy Eucharist
6:30 PM

8:00 PM AA
Book Group
7:00 pm





Holy Eucharist
6:30 PM

10:00 AM Al-Anon

Polly & Paul

8:30 PM AA



8:30 PM AA

Open Door



8:30 PM AA

Peters Retreat



10:00 AM Al-Anon

8:00 PM AA
Mothers Day


8 & 10 AM
Holy Eucharist
9:00am Outreach
Committee Meeting
Prescription for
Healthier Life
1st Session-11:30am


8 & 10 AM
Holy Eucharist
Prescription for
Healthier Life
2nd Session-11:30am
Apples to Apples



Nancy & Joseph



Memorial Day
Office Closed



Holy Eucharist
6:30 PM

8:00 PM AA




Holy Eucharist
6:30 PM

10:00 AM Al-Anon

10:00 AM Al-Anon

8:00 PM AA
8:30 PM AA

Skip & Frank



8 & 10 AM
Holy Eucharist
Prescription for
Healthier Life
3rd Session-11:30am

May Birthdays

Luke Healey
Zachary Phillips
Nancy Russo
Jake Levesque
Brian Phillips
Maryelen Wielock


Matthew Moraski
Norma Pappalardo
Phil Walker
Matthew Russo
Michael Budny
Katharine Jessen
Sarah Jessen


Joseph Russo
Paul Patch
Terry Moscaritolo
Helen Kurau
Sherri Johnson
Brian Hester
Madeleine Toro


Sasha Moraski
Sue Hall
Peter Freigant
Bode Allyn
Howard Truax
Molly Lukiwsky
Guy Hayes


Price: $96.95 (for the total set)

The story of Adam and Eve called, Falling Apart

Includes hollow wooden apple containing "differences," 2

fruit trees (one with apples one with out), Adam and Eve,
serpent, green felt underlay, basket, wooden tray, and
story icon.
If we could find someone to make the trees, Adam and
Eve and the differences we could buy the basket and
felt. Someone would only have to donate the Icon, Serpent and hollow apple for a
total of $40.00.

Story of Abraham

Price: $99.95

Includes 3 rocks, 3 clear boxes filled with sand,

dust, and silver stars, statue of three figures,
small pieces of wood wrapped in twine, bowl of
"fire," small knife, long piece of twine, ram cave,
tan felt underlay, basket, wooden tray, story
We would need to buy the 3 clear boxes, the
statue, the bowl of fire, the ram, story icon, and
small knife for a donation of $75.00.

Other stories that will be featured are: The Story of Sarah, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Ruth,
Samuel and King David

Foot Washing Pictures from Palm Sunday!!


Nancy Gibson At The Open Door

Soup Kitchen Presentation is the

Greyson Jean-Rock Levesque - Baptism

(Son of Kimberly & Jason Levesque)





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