Media effects:
Option 1) Observe an individual (someone you know) who is engaged in playing an aggressive, high
action (or violent) video game for at least 1 hour (you must not be a participant; simply an outside
observer). Make notes on how the game influences his or her behavior and answer the following
questions: Which video game did they play? Where did they play it? Did they play alone or with others?
How did his or her demeanor change during the course of the hour? What is their normal demeanor?
How was their behavior different while playing than under normal circumstances (did they say things or
acts in ways that are not typical)? After making the observations, interview the individual to assess his or
her observations of how he or she may have been physically or emotional affected. Ask them under what
circumstances do they feel the same emotions? Ask them if there are other non-physical activities when
they feel the same way? Why do they think they reacted the way they did? Why do you think they
reacted the way they did? Was there an effect?
Media effects theory: Social Learning Theory
Option 2) For 45 minutes, observe a child (under the age of 12) as he or she watches television. Answer
the following questions: What show did they watch? Was this a kids show or not? How did the child
actually interact with the television? In other words, how would you describe the actual process of
watching and the impact it had on the child? How absorbed did they appear to be? How active or
inactive are they as they watch? How did they respond to the commercials? What were the commercials?
Who were the commercials targeting? How much of the storyline did they understand? What was most
compelling for them? Why did you arrive at these conclusions? Explain. Interview the child about what
they watched (ask them to explain what the program was about). How close is their understanding
about the storyline to your understanding about the storyline? Did they remember any of the
commercials? If so, which commercials and why?
Media effects theory: Social Learning Theory
Option 3) View 1 hour of childrens TV programming (e.g., Saturday morning network or cable
programs, not PBS or educational or Disney) and pay special attention to the advertisements. Answer
the following questions: List and describe the show you watched and all of the products advertised.
What was the length of the show? How many ads were shown? What were the products advertised?
How many were specifically directed to children? How many of these advertisements involved food
(drinks, candy, general food, etc.)? Describe these food products and the persuasive strategies used to
sell the product. What is your assessment of the potential health effects of these products on children?
What is assessment of the effects of these ads on children? In Europe, many countries prohibit or
severely restrict advertising directly to children, particularly for food-related products. Do you think this
is a good idea? Why or why not?
problem solver and, more specifically, to accept war as a means of resolving international disputes.
Make sure the 10 examples you cite make a compelling case for the potential effect you argue.
Media effects theory: Social Learning Theory
. It must be formatted using Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spacing, and 1-inch margins.
the names of newspapers, books, magazines, radio and television shows should be in italics (i.e., USA
Today, The New York Times).
Use a comma to separate two independent clauses (complete sentences) connected by a coordinating
conjunction (and, but, for, or, yet, while, nor, etc.).
Ruth wanted to buy an Elvis record, but her parents forbid her from listening to Elvis.
(subject #1 = Ruth) (verb #1 = wanted)
Do not add a comma to a compound predicate (two or more verbs that serve the same subject).
Ruth loved movies and went to the theater every weekend.
(subject #1 = Ruth) (verb #1 = loved) (verb #2 = went)
This paper is based off of my interest in music.
The correct grammatical construction would be:
This paper is based on my interest in music.
Other common colloquialisms include being as or seeing as instead of because.
Being as it was in the publics best interest, I decided to do it.
The correct form would be:
Because it was in the publics best interest, I decided to do it.
Another option:
Since it was in the publics best interest, I decided to do it.
Another common colloquialism is using anyways instead of anyway.