Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication is an exchange of information between two or more people. It is also an area of
study. Related skills are learned and can be improved.
During interpersonal communication there is message
sending and message receiving. This can be conducted
using both direct and indirect methods. Successful interpersonal communication is when the message senders
and the message receivers understand the message.
thoughts and feelings in a healthy way, practicing critical thinking skills but I do not agree with them because
I think one of important negative point of interpersonal
communication through social network is that people who
rely on social networking are losing the ability to talk with
others in real life. On the other hand, positive and negative eect of using interpersonal communication varies
and depend on your point of view then we can not give
this question specic answer.
2 Context
The role of interpersonal communication has been studied mainly as a mediator for mass media eects. Since
Katz and Lazarsfeld (1955) introduced their lter hypothesis, maintaining that personal communication mediates the inuence of mass communication on individual
voters, many studies have repeated this logic when combining personal and mass communication in eect studies
on election campaigns (Schmitt-Beck, 2003). Although
some research exists that examines the activities of social networking and the potential eects, both positive
and negative, on its users, there is a gap in the empirical
literature. Social networking relies on technology and is
conducted over specic devices with no presence of faceto-face interaction, which results in an inability to access
interpersonal behavior and signals to facilitate communication.(Drussel,2012) As many positive advances weve
seen come from the latest web innovations, can it be said
that there are negative ones as well? Interpersonal communication is dened as what one uses with both spoken
and written words as the basis to form and maintain personal relationships with others (Heil 2010). As technological advancements are made, the residual impact of social networking on societys young generation is of valuable importance to researchers in the social work eld.
Left unattended, the lack of skills to eectively communicate and resolve conicts in person may negatively affect behavior and impair the ability to develop and maintain relationships. (Drussel,2012)
takes place. For example a classroom, a military conict, When mistakes occur in hospitals, more often than not,
a supermarket checkout, and a hospital would be consid- they are a result of communication problems rather than
ered situational milieus.
just errors in judgment or negligence.[9] Furthermore,
In order to understand the meaning of what is being com- when there is a lack of understanding and cooperation,
municated, context must be considered.[5] In a hospital due to a breakdown in communication in the
Therecontext, internal and external noise can have a profound
eect on interpersonal communication. External noise
consists of inuences around the receiver of the commu- to eective communication, through appropriate use of
communication channels, as well as the elimination, when
nication that distract from the communication itself.[6]
In hospitals, this can often include the sound made by possible, of distracting internal and external noise.
medical equipment or conversations had by team members outside of patients rooms.[7] Internal noise is de2.3 Cultural and linguistic backgrounds
scribed as cognitive causes of interference in a communi[6]
cation transaction. Internal noise in the hospital setting
Linguistic is primarily the study of language that is dicould be health care professionals own thoughts distractvided into three broad aspects including the form of laning them from a present conversation with a client.
guage, the meaning of language, and the context or funcChannels of communication also contribute to the eec- tion of language. The rst aspect, form is based on the
tiveness of interpersonal communication. A communi- words and sounds of language and uses the words to make
cation channel can be dened as the medium through sentences that make sense. The second aspect, meaning,
which a message is transmitted. There are two distinct focuses on the meaning and signicance of the words and
types of communication channels: synchronous and asyn- sentences that human beings have put together. The third
chronous. Synchronous channels involve communication aspect, function, or context is based on recognizing the
where both parties are present. Examples of synchronous meaning of the words and sentences being said and using
channels include face-to-face conversations, video chats, them to understand why a person is communicating.[11]
and telephone conversations. Asynchronous communiCulture is a human made concept that helps to dene the
cation can be sent and received at dierent points in
beliefs, values, attitudes, and customs of a group of peotime. Examples of this type of channel are text messages,
ple that have similarities to one another in relation to lan[8]
emails, and notices on a message board.
guage and location that have helped the people to surIn the hospital setting, synchronous and asynchronous vive more throughout time.[12] There are two subcultures,
communication channels can be useful if utilized at ap- which include high-culture and low-culture. High-culture
propriate times. An asynchronous communication chan- is seen as the part of culture that includes a set of cultural
nel can be an optimal way to deliver that message when aspects mainly focusing on the arts, such as music, drama
the recipient of the message is unavailable. For instance, and others. Those that are of higher esteem and can acwhen a doctor is busy with a patient, a written mes- cess these aspects mostly are apart of this. Low-culture
sage would be appropriate. When messages are recorded in contrast, has a massive audience and is a term more for
in some way, either hand written or through electronic popular culture.
mediums, they can serve as reminders of what has been
Culture has a strong dependence on communication bedone and what needs to be done, which can prove to bencause of the help it provides in the process of exchanging
ecial in a fast-paced health care setting. Some of the disinformation in the objective to transmit ideas, feelings,
advantages associated with communication through asynand specic situations present in the persons mind.[13]
chronous channels are that the sender does not know when
Culture inuences our thoughts, feelings and actions,
the other person will receive the message. Mix-ups and
and when communication is occurring there should be
errors can easily occur when clarication is not readily
an awareness of this.[14] This means the more dierent
available. On the other hand, when an urgent situation
an individuals cultural background is, the more dierarises, as they commonly do in a hospital environment,
ent their styles of communication will be.[1] Therefore,
communication through synchronous channels is ideal.
the rst step before communicating with individuals of
Benets of synchronous communication include immeother cultures is the importance of being aware of a perdiate message delivery, and fewer chances of misundersons background, ideas and beliefs before there is interstandings and miscommunications . A disadvantages of
pretation of their behaviours in relation to communicasynchronous communication is that it can be dicult to
tion. It is stressed that there is an importance of culretain, recall, and organize the information that has been
tural safety which is the recognition of social, economic
given in a verbal message. This is especially true when coand political positions of individuals before beginning
pious amounts of data has been communicated in a short
communication.[15] There are 5 major elements related
amount of time. When used appropriately, synchronous
to culture that aect the communication process:[16]
and asynchronous communication channels are both ecient ways to communicate and are vital to the function- 1- Cultural history
ing of hospitals.[8]
2- Religion
who do use eye contact may nd it hard to talk or listen
to someone who is not looking at them.[1] Another example is touching as a form of greeting may be perceived as
impolite to some cultures whereas it is seen as a norm to
others.[16] It is important to acknowledge these cultural
dierences, and be understanding of them so better non
verbal communication can be established.[20]
An example is that culture has a strong process of dependence on communication in the professional eld.[13]
Therefore, communication constitutes an important part
of the quality of care and predominantly inuences client
and resident satisfaction; it is a core element of care and
is a fundamentally required skill. Still, language can be
expressed in dierent aspects although the most common process is the verbal and nonverbal communication.
Hence, body language does a key factor in the process to
communicate and interact which other. For example, the
nurse-patient relationship is primarily mediated by verbal and nonverbal communication, so both aspects need
to be understood.
breakdown what adults and others are saying
to them, they then use their comprehension of
this communication to produce their own.[23]
Infants have a remarkable capacity to adjust
their own behaviour in social interactions. Infants readiness to communicate completely effects their language development. Variations
in the amount of interaction between a mother
and her child will eect certain aspects of the
infants language performance.[24]
1-2 Years of Age:
This pyramid demonstrates the relationship between interpersonal communication and the stages of development. The downward formation of the triangle represents how much language
is developed during that growth stage. The greatest amount of
development occurs in the stage of infancy. As the triangle gets
smaller, the development occurs less frequently and in a lesser
Emotional State
caregiver because this is a crucial part of
self-discovery for the child and taking ownership over their own actions in a continuous
while talking with adults. This is an important developmental part socially and physiologically for the child.[29] School-aged children
can easily be inuenced through communication and gestures.[27] As children continue to
learn communication, they realize the dierence between forms of intentions and that there
are numerous dierent ways to express the
same intent, with dierent meaning. This new
form of message complexity shows growth in a
childs interpersonal communication and how
they interpret language of others.[26]
10-18 Years of Age:
By the age of 10, individuals can participate fully and understand the purpose of their
conversations. During the end of this period the individual reaches maturity inuencing their cognitive potential, aecting their
communication. During this time, there are
rises in the sophistication and eectiveness
for communication skills. Adolescents go
through changes in social interactions and
cognitive development which inuences the
way they communicate.[30] The individual has
reached a higher level of education which
has increased their vocabulary and grammar.
However, adolescences tend to use colloquial
speech (slang) which can increase confusion
and misunderstandings.[27] Also, an individuals interpersonal communication depends on
who they are communicating with. Their relationships change inuencing how they communicate with others. During this period, adolescences tend to communicate less with their
parents and more with their friends. When discussions are initiated in dierent channels of
communication, attitude and predispositions
are key factors that drive the individual to discuss their feelings. This also shows that respect in communication is a trait in interpersonal communication that is built on throughout development.[29] The end of this adolescent stage is the basis for communication in the
adult stage.
3 Theories
Symbolic interaction
Symbolic interaction argues the world is made up of social objects that are named and have socially determined
Main article: Social exchange theory
meanings. When people interact over time they come to
shared meaning for certain terms and actions and thus
Social exchange theory falls under the symbolic interac- come to understand events in particular ways. There are
tion perspective. The theory predicts, explains and de- three main concepts in this theory: society, self and mind.
scribes when and why people reveal certain information
about themselves to others. The social exchange theory Society Social acts (which create meaning) involve an
uses Thibaut and Kelleys (1959) theory of interdepeninitial gesture from one individual, a response to that
dence. This theory states that relationships grow, degesture from another and a result.
velop, deteriorate, and dissolve as a consequence of an
unfolding social-exchange process, which may be con- Self Self-image comes from interaction with others
based on others perceptions.
ceived as a bartering of rewards and costs both between
A person makes sense of the world and denes their
the partners and between members of the partnership and
self through social interactions. One s self is a sigothers (Huston & Burgess, 1979, p. 4). Social exchange
nicant object and like all social objects it is dened
theory argues the major force in interpersonal relationthrough social interactions with others.
ships is the satisfaction of both peoples self-interest.
Mind Your ability to use signicant symbols to respond dierent types of relational dialectics. These consist
to yourself makes thinking possible. You dene ob- of connectedness and separateness, certainty and uncerjects in terms of how you might react to them. Ob- tainty, and openness and closedness.
jects become what they are through our symbolic
minding process.[32]
3.4.2 Connectedness and separateness
Constructs for this theory include creation of meaning,
social norms, human interactions, and signs and symbols.
An underlying assumption for this theory is that meaning
and social reality are shaped from interactions with others and that some kind of shared meaning is reached. The
boundary conditions for this theory are there must be numerous people communicating and interacting and thus
assigning meaning to situations or objects.
Regulative rules are essentially rules of action used to framework that describes the development in interperdetermine how to respond or behave.[38]
sonal relationships. This theory refers to the reciprocity
of behaviors between two people who are in the process
An example of this can be seen if one thinks of a hy- of developing a relationship. These behaviors can vary
pothetical situation in which two individuals are engag- from verbal/nonverbal exchange, interpersonal perceping in conversation. If one individual sends a message tions, and ones use of the environment around them. The
to the other, the message receiver must then take that behaviors vary based on the dierent levels of intimacy
interaction and interpret what it means. Often this can that a relationship encounters.
be done on an almost instantaneous level because the interpretation rules applied to the situation are immediate
and simple. However, there are also times when one may
have to search for an appropriate interpretation of the
rules within an interaction. This simply depends on each
communicators previous beliefs and perceptions within
a given context and how they can apply these rules to
the current communicative interaction. Important to understand within the constructs of this theory is the fact
that these rules of meaning are always chosen within a
context.[38] Furthermore, the context of a situation can
be understood as a framework for interpreting specic
Onion Theory
This theory is best known as the onion theory. This
analogy suggests that like an onion, personalities have
layers that start from the outside (what the public sees)
all the way to the core (ones private self). Often, when a
relationship begins to develop, it is customary for the individuals within the relationship to undergo a process of
self-disclosure.[40] As people divulge information about
themselves their layers begin to peel, and once those
layers peel away they cannot go back; just like you cant
put the layers back on an onion.[41]
There are four dierent stages that social penetration theory encompasses. These stages include the orientation,
The authors of this theory believe that there are a numexploratory aective exchange, aective exchange, and
ber of dierent context an individual can refer to when
stable exchange.[42]
interpreting a communicative event. These include the relationship context, the episode context, the self-concept
Orientation stage At rst, strangers exchange very little
context, and the archetype context.
amounts of information and they are very cautious
in their interactions.
Relationship context This context assumes that there
are mutual expectations between individuals who Exploratory aective stage Next, individuals become
somewhat more friendly and relaxed with their comare members of a group.
munication styles.
Episode context This context simply refers to a specic event in which the communicative act is taking Aective exchange In the third stage, there is a high
amount of open communication between individuplace.
als and typically these relationships consist of close
friends or even romantic partners.
Self-concept context This context involves ones sense
of self, or an individuals personal denition of
Stable stage The nal stage, simply consists of conhim/herself.
tinued expressions of open and personal types of
Archetype context This context is essentially ones image of what his or her belief consists of regarding
If a person speeds through the stages and happens to share
general truths within communicative exchanges.
too much information too fast, the receiver may view that
interaction as negative and a relationship between the two
Furthermore, Pearce and Cronen believe that these spe- is less likely to form.
cic contexts exist in a hierarchical fashion. This theory assumes that the bottom level of this hierarchy con- Example- Jenny just met Justin because they were sitsists of the communicative act. Next, the hierarchy ex- ting at the same table at a wedding. Within minutes of
ists within the relationship context, then the episode con- meeting one another, Justin engages in small talk with
text, followed by the self-concept context, and nally the Jenny. Jenny decides to tell Justin all about her terrible
ex-boyfriend and all of the misery he put her through.
archetype context.
This is the kind of information you wait to share until
stages three or four, not stage one. Due to the fact that
Jenny told Justin much more than he wanted to know, he
3.6 Social penetration theory
probably views her in a negative aspect and thinks she is
Main article: Social Penetration Theory
crazy, which will most likely prevent any future relationship from happening.
Developed by Irwin Altman and Dallas Taylor, the So- Altman and Taylor believed the social exchange theory
cial Penetration Theory was made to provide conceptual principles could accurately predict whether or not people
will risk self-disclosure. The principles included, relational outcome, relational stability, and relational satisfaction. This theory assumes that the possible outcome is
the stance that which the decision making process of how
much information an individual chooses to self disclose
is rooted by weighing out the costs and rewards that an
individual may acquire when choosing to share personal
information. Due to ethical egoism, individuals try to
maximize their pleasure and minimize their pain; acting
from the motive of self-interest.[43] If a person is more
of a hassle to you than an asset, it is more likely that you
will dispose of them as a friend because it is decreasing
the amount of pleasure in your life.
freedom of foregoing the interpersonal rules of self disclosure. Rather than slowly disclosing personal thoughts,
emotions, and feelings to others, anonymous individuals
online are able to disclose personal information immediately and without the consequence of having their identity revealed. Ledbetter notes that Facebook users selfdisclose by posting personal information, pictures, hobbies, and messages. The study nds that the users level
of self-disclosure is directly related to the level of interdependence on others. This may result in negative psychological and relational outcomes as studies show that people are more likely to disclose more personal information
than they would in face to face communication, primarily
due to the heightened level of control within the context of
the online communication medium. In other words, those
with poor social skills may prefer the medium of Facebook to show others who they are because they have more
control.[44] This may lead to an avoidance of face-to-face
communication, which is undoubtedly harmful to interpersonal relationships. The reason that self disclosure is
labeled as risky, is because, individuals often undergo a
sense of uncertainty and susceptibility in revealing personal information that has the possibility of being judged
in a negative way by the receiver. Hence the reason that
face-to-face communication must evolve in stages when
an initial relationship develops.
These expectations are either reinforced during the interaction, or new expectations are established which will be
used in future interactions. These new expectations are
created by new patterns of interaction, established expectations are a result of established patterns of interaction.
Patterns of interaction
An individuals private information is protected by the individuals boundaries. The permeability of these boundaries are ever changing, and allow certain parts of the public, access to certain pieces of information belonging to
Self-other faceground, giving in, alternating in their sup- the individual. This sharing occurs only when the indiport of each identity, and also by avoiding the issue com- vidual has weighed their need to share the information
against their need to protect themselves. This risk assesspletely.
ment is used by couples when evaluating their relationship boundaries. The disclosure of private information to
a partner may result in greater intimacy, but it may also
result in the discloser becoming more vulnerable.
Identity management is an ongoing process which Imahori and Cupach dene as having three relational
stages.[48] Typically, each stage is dealt with dierently
by couples.
The theory of cognitive dissonance, part of the Cyber- possess a meaningful relationship with one another, they
netic Tradition, explains how humans are consistency are unrelated and do not cause dissonance.
seekers and attempt to reduce their dissonance, or discomfort, in new situations.[51] The theory was developed
in the 1950s by Leon Festinger.[52]
3.11 Attribution theory
When individuals encounter new information or new experiences they categorize the information based on their
preexisting attitudes, thoughts, and beliefs. If the new encounter does not coincide with their preexisting assumptions, then dissonance is likely to occur. When dissonance does occur, individuals are motivated to reduce
the dissonance they experience by avoiding situations that
would either cause the dissonance or increase the dissonance. For this reason, cognitive dissonance is considered a drive state that encourages motivation to achieve
consonance and reduce dissonance. An example of cognitive dissonance would be if someone holds the belief
that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is important, but they
dont regularly work out or eat healthy, they may experience dissonance between their beliefs and their actions.
If there is a signicant amount of dissonance, they may
be motivated to change their attitudes and work out more
or eat healthier foods. They may also be inclined to avoid
situations that will point out the fact that their attitudes
and beliefs are inconsistent, such as avoiding the gym or
not reading health reports.
Bochner (2000) stresses inherent dialectic in interpersonal communication as the key to healthy marital dyads.
He proposes that people in intimate relationships are
looking to nd an equilibrium point between needing to
be open with their partner and needing to protect their
partner from the consequences of this openness. Therefore, the communication in romantic, long-term relationships can be viewed as a balance between hiding and revealing. Taking this theory even further, communication
within marriages can be viewed as a continuing renement and elimination of conversational material. The
partners of the marriage will still have things to discuss,
but as their relationship and communication grows, they
can decide when to not speak about an issue, because
in complex relationships like marriage, anything can become an issue.
Many theorists have studied how the relationship between
the husband and wife greatly aects the relationship between the parent and child (Belsky, 1990; Parke & Tinsley, 1987). There have been numerous studies done
People skills
Face-to-face interaction
Interpersonal relationship
See also
Organizational communication
Coordinated Management of Meaning
Decision downloading
Friedemann Schulz von Thun
Nonviolent Communication
5 References
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