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(Writer) ____________________________________
(Partners) ____________________________________ Section ___________

PHYS 231 Lab Exercise: Archimedes Principle


You are probably familiar from swimming in pools and/or lakes that when you
are partially or fully submerged in water there is an upward force acting on
you called a buoyant force. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to tread
water if there weren't a large bouyant force pushing upward on you (imagine
trying to tread air and you get the idea)? In fact, the whole watercraft
industry relies on buoyant forces to keep things like boats, canoes and jet-skis
all afloat.
This buoyant force can be quantified using Archimedes' principle, which
states that the upward force on a partially or completely submerged object is
equal to the weight of the fluid that it displaces.
In this exercise you will be studying Archimedes principle, specifically
exploiting it measure the specific gravity of a few different solids and a liquid.


When an object is submerged into a fluid, it experiences an upward force that

is called the buoyant force (or buoyancy). This force is a result of the
difference in pressure of the fluid on the top and on the bottom of the
submerged object. To show this, we assume for simplicity that the object is a
solid cylinder whose cross-sectional area is A and height is h. Then the
buoyant force Fb equals the difference in the force of pressure on the top of the
cylinder versus the bottom of the cylinder



Fb = (Ptop Pbottom)A
= [Patm + gH2 (Patm + gH1)]A
=g(H2 H1)A
= gV
Here  is the density of the fluid and V is the
volume of the submerged object that is equal to
the volume of displaced fluid. This equation is
just another version of the statement of
Archimedes Principle noted above that the
upward force on a partially or completely
submerged object is equal to the weight of the
fluid that it displaces.

Notice that this statement should match your experiences in the real world.
For example, if an object is less dense than the fluid it is immersed in (e.g.
such as wood placed in water), then its weight will be less than the weight of
the water it displaces when submerged, and thus the net force on the object
will be upward that is the object will float. However, if an object is instead
denser than the fluid it is immersed in (e.g. steel pellets placed in water),
then its weight will be greater than the weight of the water displaced and the
net force on the object will be downward that is the object sinks.

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(Writer) ____________________________________
(Partners) ____________________________________ Section ___________
The fact that steel pellets sink in water doesnt mean there is no buoyant force;
it simply means the buoyant force was less than the weight of the water
displaced. In other words, a submerged object will have an apparent weight
less than its true weight when the buoyant force is not present. In this lab,
you will be submerging an object and comparing its mass when not
submerged, m, to the apparent mass, msub, when
submerged. A force diagram for a submerged
= waterVg
object is shown to the right.

Fgravity =


Notice that this means the apparent weight of the

submerged object is:
msubg = Fgravity Fbuoyant = mobjectg mwaterg
= objectVg waterVg

and the weight of the object outside of water is:

mg = Fgravity = mobjectg
= objectVg
Based on the above equations, it can be shown that the specific gravity of the
object (the ratio of its density versus that of water, water = 1000 kg/m3) is:

m  msub


This method will work if the object is denser than water (and thus sinks) and
you will use it to measure the specific gravities of two metal cylinders.
However, in addition to this, you will also explore ways of using Archimedes
Principle to measure the specific gravities of solids less dense than water (and
thus float) and of liquids (which would mix with water).
Apparatus: Balance, two solid metal cylinders, piece of wood or cork,
unknown liquid.

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(Writer) ____________________________________
(Partners) ____________________________________ Section ___________


Part I: Specific Gravity of Objects Denser than Water

a) Hang the smaller of the two metal objects from the hook on the under-side
of the balance and determine its mass. Record the mass of the small
metal object in air, m.


b) Next arrange to have the object hang completely submerged in water.

There is a platform directly below the balance to facilitate this
arrangement. Measure and record the balance reading for the submerged
mass, msub.
c) Compute the specific gravity of the small metal object using equation 3.
Record the specific gravity of the small metal object and use this to
compute the density of the small metal object.
d) Compare your previous determined density for the small metal object to a
direct computation of the density:
 metal =


Start by determining the volume of the metal cylinder

a. Begin by filling the graduated cylinder with water from the
sink and recording the volume of water in the cylinder
(including units).
b. Then carefully place the smaller of the metal objects in the
cylinder and record the volume of the water plus the metal
object (including units).
c. Use this to determine the volume of the small metal object,
since it is equal to the volume of the water displaced by that
metal object (assuming it is total submerged). Record the
volume of the small metal object.
Now compute and record the density of the small metal object and
compare this to your density estimate obtained using Archimedes
e) Next, repeat the above procedure for the larger metal object. Record all
your measurements and both computations of the density of the object.

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(Writer) ____________________________________
(Partners) ____________________________________ Section ___________
Part II: Specific Gravity of Objects Less Dense than Water
Wood has a density lower than water (which is why it floats). In order to
measure the specific gravity of wood, we will have to forcibly sink the wood
by tying a denser mass to it (similar to the old movies where gangsters would
give their victims concrete boots so they would sink).


If we do this, we can compute the specific gravity of wood by using the

water m1  m2
where m is the mass of the wooden block, m1 is the apparent mass of the wood
plus a piece of metal when the metal is submerged, and m2 is the apparent
mass of the wood and metal when both of submerged. If you are concerned
that equation 4 seems to have popped out of thin air, dont worry; you will get
a chance to derive this equation in the conclusion to this lab.
a) Hang the wooden block from the clip on the underside of the balance and
record its mass, m.
b) Continue by hanging the heavier of the metal objects to the wooden block
and arranging to have only the metal object completely submerged in
water. Record the apparent mass of the two objects when the metal
weight is submerged, call it m1.
c) Now arrange to have both the metal weight and the wood completely
submerged. Once again, record the apparent mass of both objects when
both are submerged and call the mass m2
d) Use equation 4 to compute and record the specific gravity of the wood.
Use this to determine the density of wood and record this as well.
e) Determine the volume of the wood. DO NOT place the wood in the
graduated cylinder, as it will swell with water and possibly get jammed
inside it. Instead, use the Vernier calipers to measure the diameter and
length of the wood cylinder. Use this length and diameter to determine the
volume of the wood by assuming it is a perfect cylinder, so that volume, V,
can be computed using:

V = r 2 l

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(Writer) ____________________________________
(Partners) ____________________________________ Section ___________
where r is the radius of the cylinder and l is the length. Record the length,
diameter, radius and the volume you have computed for the wood.

Equipped with direct measurements of the blocks mass and of the block's
volume, compute the wood block's density. Compare this with your
estimate computed using Archimedes principle. Record this work.

Part III: The Specific Gravities of Liquids

Obviously, we cant measure the density of a liquid by dropping a block of
the liquid into water, as the two liquids will likely mix. Instead, we can
measure the buoyant force of an unknown liquid on a submerged object and
compare that to the buoyant force due to water and thus we can compare the
density of the unknown fluid to that of water.



We can actually pull this off by simply comparing the apparent mass of an
object submerged in water, m1, versus the apparent mass of the same object
submerged in the unknown liquid, m2, to arrive at the specific gravity of the

m  m2
m  m1


where m is the true mass of the object. Again, if you are concerned that
equation 5 seems to have popped out of thin air, dont worry; you will get a
chance to derive this equation in the conclusion to this lab.
a) Take one of the metal objects again, hang it from the underside of the
balance and record its mass, m.
b) Then arrange to have the metal object completely submerged in water
while you take another reading of the balance, call it m1. Record the
submerged mass of the metal object in water, m1.
c) The last task is to remove the large beaker with water and submerge the
metal object in the unknown fluid contained in the smaller beaker. Record
the submerged mass of metal object in unknown liquid when the metal
object is completely submerged, m2.
d) Use equation 5 to compute and record the specific gravity of the unknown
liquid. Use this to determine the density of the liquid and record this as

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(Writer) ____________________________________
(Partners) ____________________________________ Section ___________
e) The mystery fluid is nothing but salt water. The typical density of seawater
is about 1025 kg/m3.2 Compute the difference between your measurement
of the density of your mystery liquid and the reported density of
seawater. What might this imply? Record this computation and the


Answer the following questions:

a) Suppose that an ice cube floats in a glass of water filled to the brim. As
the ice melts, will the glass overflow?
b) Why do you float more easily in the ocean than in fresh water?
c) Suppose that you have two balloons of the same weight, and they both
contain the same amount of helium. One is rigid and the other one is free
to expand. When released, which balloon will rise higher?
d) Does the buoyant force on a diving bell deep beneath the oceans surface
have the same value as when the diving bell is just beneath the surface?
e) A barge containing a tall pile of sand approaches a low bridge and cannot
pass under it. Should sand be added to the barge or removed in order to
allow it to pass? Explain.


(This section will be assigned at the your instructors discretion) Now let
us return to equations 4 and 5 which appeared too have been pulled out of thin

The derivation of equation 4 is very similar to the derivation of equation 3,

in that the weight of the wood outside the water is:
mg = woodVwoodg


the apparent weight with just the metal object submerged is

m1g = metalVmetalg + woodVwoodg waterVmetalg


whereas the apparent weight when both the metal and wood are submerged

Salt crystals have a density of about 2200 kg/m3, so when we mix salt with water (which has a density of 1000
kg/m3), the mixture has a higher density than fresh water.

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(Writer) ____________________________________
(Partners) ____________________________________ Section ___________
m2g = metalVmetalg + woodVwoodg water(Vmetal+Vwood)g [8]
Show that equation 4 is a correct expression by using equations 6, 7, and 8.
g) Similar to the derivation of equation 4, equation 5 can be derived via a
combination of force equations for a variety of situations we created to
solve for the unknown density. In this case, the weight of the metal
outside the water is:
mg = metalVmetalg


the apparent weight of the metal object submerged in water is

m1g = metalVmetalg waterVmetalg


whereas the apparent weight of the metal object submerged in the mystery
liquid is:
m2g = metalVmetalg liquidVmetalg
Derive equation 5 using equations 9, 10, and 11.

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(Writer) ____________________________________
(Partners) ____________________________________ Section ___________

(You may record the data in an Excel spreadsheet if you prefer, but please record
the same data)

Part I: Solids more dense than water:

1. Mass of solid in air, m:


Mass of solid in water, m1:



___________________  object: _____________


m  msub

Volume of solid:


object (as directly computed M/V):


2. Mass of solid in air, m:


Mass of solid in water, msub:



___________________  object: _____________


m  msub

Volume of solid:


object (as directly computed M/V):


Part II: Solid less dense than water

Mass of solid in air, m:


Mass of solid in air and sinker in water, m1:


Mass of solid and sinker in water, m2:


m :
water m1  m2

___________________ object: _____________

Volume of Wood:


object (as directly computed M/V):


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(Partners) ____________________________________ Section ___________

Part III: Liquid

Mass of solid in air, m:


Mass of solid in water, m1:


Mass of solid in liquid, m2:



____________________ object: _____________


m  m2 :
m  m1

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(Partners) ____________________________________ Section ___________

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