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Putnam on Meaning

G. J. Mattey
Fall, 2005 / Philosophy 156
Syntax and Semantics
Great advances are being made in linguistics in our understanding of the basic
syntax of language.
But semantics lags far behind.
The reason is that the pre-scientific concept of meaning is in much worse shape
(216) than the pre-scientific concept of syntax.
The problem with the pre-scientific concept of meaning is not clarified by nominalism or skepticism about whether meanings exist.
It lies in fundamental misconceptions about what meaning is.
The investigation of the problem will take place at the level of word-meaning
rather than sentence-meaning.
Intension and Extension
It has been customary in semantics since the Middle Ages to claim that there is
an ambiguity in the ordinary concept of meaning.
The extension of a term (e.g., rabbit) is supposed to be the set of all things to
which rabbit truly applies.
This notion of extension is actually too precise, due to ambiguity, vagueness, etc.
If extension is the same as meaning, then there must be another sense of meaning
to distinguish the meanings of co-extensive terms, perhaps:
Creature with a heart,
Creature with a kidney.
The feature beyond the extension that distinguishes them is called the intension.

Two Traditional Assumptions About Meanings

Extension is taken to be a kind of meaning because it can be made precise, while
intension cannot.
The problem with intension is that it is understood in terms of concepts, which
was thought by traditional semanticists to imply that they are mental entities.
Frege and Carnap reject this psychologism, holding that concepts are public and
graspable by more than one person.
The first assumption is that, since grasping a concept is a mental act, understanding a word comes down to being in a certain psychological state.
A second assumption about meaning is that the same intension always carries
with it the same extension.
Putnams argument will be that no notion, let alone a notion of meaning, satisfies
these two conditions.
Psychological States
In science, a state is a property of a thing in terms of some branch of science.
Being five feet tall, from the standpoint of physics,
Being in pain, from the standpoint of mentalistic psychology,
Knowing the alphabet, (perhaps) from the standpoint of cognitive psychology.
Knowing the meaning of the word water is a psychological state in this (wide)
sense, but not in the traditional sense.
The traditional (narrow) sense of psychological state is based on the assumption of methodological solipsism, under which the state requires nothing more
than a mind in order to exist.
The mentalistic program assuming methodological solipsism is a failure, which
casts doubt on the usefulness of the narrow sense of a psychological state.
A Consequence of the Two Traditional Assumptions
Given the first assumption, knowing the meaning of A and knowing the meaning
of B are narrow psychological states.
More specifically, the psychological states are of knowing what the intension of
A is and of knowing what the intension of B is are narrow on the first assumption.
Given the second assumption, the extensions of A and B follow from the intensions of A and B.

So, if the extensions of A and B are different, then the intensions of A and B are
So, the narrow psychological state of knowing what the intension of A is is different from the state of knowing what the intension of B is.
So, the narrow psychological state of knowing the meaning of A is different from
that of knowing the meaning of B.
Putnams Thesis
The consequence that meanings of terms with different extensions requires different narrow psychological states will be rejected by Putnam.
Speakers in two possible worlds can be in the same psychological state with
respect to a term A which has distinct extensions at those worlds.
Extension is not determined by psychological state (222).
This requires the rejection of one of the two assumptions.
The narrow psychological state determines intension,
Intension determines extension.
These two alternatives will be considered later.
Twin Earth
Putnam will give science-fiction examples involving Earth and a twin planet
somewhere else in the Milky Way.
Twin Earth is very much like Earth, including the fact that its speakers speak
One difference between the two is that what is called water is not H2 O, but a
different chemical whose composition will be abbreviated as XYZ.
XYZ is perceptually and behaviorally indistinguishable from water.
Same State, Different Meaning
A traveler from Earth, upon investigation, would report that on Twin Earth water means (i.e., has the extension) XYZ.
Conversely, a traveler from (to us) Twin Earth would report that on (to him) Twin
Earth water means H2 O.
In 1750, before the advent of modern chemistry (on both planets), the Earthian Oscar1 and his counterpart the Twin Earthian Oscar2 have exactly the same
experiences of and beliefs about water.

Although they have the same narrow psychological state, the extension of water
is different, in a way that they were in no position to discover.
So, the extension of the term water . . . is not a function of the psychological
state of the speaker by itself.
A Division of Linguistic Labor
The key point in the preceding case is that someone can know the meaning of a
term without being able to fix the extension of the term.
Putnam hypothesizes that the role of determing the extension in developed languages is left up to experts.
This accounts for the fact that meaning of a term is not in the head (at least of
the average user).
Meaning is a function of social interaction between average persons and experts
(such as chemists) who are able to determine extensions.
Language has been thought of as if it were a tool that can be used by a single
person (a hammer) rather than one that requires social co-operation (a steam
There are two obvious ways of telling what someone using a natural kind term
like water means:
Ostensive definition, pointing at an instance and saying, This is water,
Giving a description.
A description consists of two elements:
A marker, which says what type of thing it is (liquid),
A cluster of stereotypical features in addition to the marker.
The stereotypical features sometimes are not sufficient for distinguishing one
kind from another.
An elm is a common deciduous tree, as is a beech.
The connection is that the ostensive definition is the basis for determining the

Natural kind terms like water function as what Kripke called rigid designators.
The extension of the term water as used by inhabitants of Earth is determined
by their relation to a liquid to which they can point on their planet.
If that liquid turns out to be H2 0, then nothing that is not H2 0 can be in the
extension of water.
Thus the extension of natural kind terms is determined in the same way as the
the extension of indexical terms such as I.
Once I is used to indicate myself, then nothing else that might be called I by
another is in the extension of I.
Given the assumption that intensions determine extensions, natural kind terms,
like indexicals, do not have intensions independently of the context in which
their references are fixed.
Realism and Anti-Realism in Semantics
In operationalist semantics, the meaning of a term is given by an operational
definition or set of conditions for determining whether something is in its extension.
Suppose that we understand the nature of gold in terms of a molecular structure
of a kind that could not have been known by Archimedes in ancient Greece.
If Archimedes applied an operational definition of chrusos to a metal that does
not have that property, that metal is not gold because it lacks the nature of gold.
The operationalist might object to this claim on the grounds that nobody has the
right to say that Archimedes was wrong.
But such anti-realism undermines the notion of truth and along with it the notion
of extension (that of which a term is true).
Hidden Structure
Natural kind terms, like water, typically have a number of senses.
Chemically pure water, vs. impure water,
Being H2 O, vs. being used in a certain way,
Being liquid, vs. being a single molecule of H2 O.
Which sense we use in a given context depends on what is important to our

Normally, the hidden structure of a thing (its elemental materials and their arrangement) are the most important, but there can be variations.
In cases like that of jade, the superficial characteristics are indispensible, since
it applies to two different minerals (jadeite and nephrite) with the same appearance.
With water, there is only one structure, and it determines what is the extension
of the term in all possible worlds.
Fixing the Extension
The extension of a term is not fixed by a concept that someone has in his head.
Rather, it is fixed by the actual nature of particular things which serve as paradigms.
The nature of water determines the extension of water.
Generally, the nature is a hidden structure that ordinarily is not fully known to
the speaker (and therefore not in his head when he uses the term).
If an individual speakers concept (which is based on stereotypes) is the meaning
of a given term, then meaning does not determine extension.
Why Meaning Determines Extension
In the case of absolutely indexical words like I, it reasonable to give up the
thesis that meaning determines extension.
We know what I means, but its extension varies depending on who uses
The extensions of natural kind terms do not vary in this way.
What determines the meaning of the terms is the ostensive relation of speakers
to objects in its extension.
The meaning of elm (on Earth), including its stereotype, comes to be in a
social context of pointing out specific trees.
So meaning determines extension, by construction, so to speak (270).
The Components of Meaning
Putnams theory of meaning contains four components, illustrated by the example of water.
Syntactic markers, having to do with the role the word plays in language
(mass noun, concrete),

Semantic markers, central to stereotypes, very hard to give up (natural kind,

Stereotypes, typical features (colorless, transparent, tasteless, thirst-quenching),
Extension, the set of things to which the term refers (the scattered object
composed of H2 O).
Linguistic competence is based only on the first three components, due to the fact
that determining the extension often requires expertise beyond the recognition of
Meaning and Analyticity
Quines arguments against the view that some sentences are analytic, true by
virtue of meaning, do not threaten Putnams account of meaning.
In fact, Quine has done a good thing in exploding claims to analyticity, because
they merely cover up philosophers failures to show why the analytic sentences
are true.
On Putnams view, it is possible for some feature of a stereotype to be part of the
meaning of a natural kind term without that terms being analytic.
Being striped is part of the meaning of tiger, as it is one of the stereotypical features of tigers.
But this feature could be dropped, say if through mutation all tigers were
to become albinos.
Even All tigers are animals could be rejected if, say, it were discovered
that tigers have always been robots.
Analyticity is a confused way of describing centrality.
California Semantics
Carnap, who at the time was a professor at UCLA, had a formal approach to
semantical theory, which will be called more generally California semantics.
The meaning of a term is identified with the intension.
The intension is then identified with a formal object, such as a function from
possible worlds to sets of objects at those worlds.
Then the extension of a term at a world is determined by the intension.
A term has meaning for a speaker just in case the speaker associates it with an

Criticism of California Semantics

It is not realistic to suppose that in understanding the meaning of a term, a
speaker associates it with a formal object such as a function.
This doctrine may be a vestige of verificationism: to grasp an intension is to
be able to verify whether an entity in a possible world belongs to the value of the
function in that world.
But this claim implies that meaning is in the head, a thesis that has already
been discredited.
Further, the account of intensions disregards the indexical and social character
of meaning.
The Utility of California Semantics
It might still be held that California semantics correctly describes meaning in
an ideal language.
There would be no need for a division of linguistic labor, in that everyone would
be an expert who could determine the extension from the intension.
Putnam questions what relevance such an ideal language has to human language,
when it lacks one of its defining features.
There is some hope, though, since indexical and social features might be built
into the definition of an intension.
David Lewis does this in a way that intension does not determine extension.
Such formal models may be of value, but the criticism above is directed at the
philosophy of language underlying the earlier versions of the view (266).

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