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Version 4.2
for Orbiter
Space Flight Simulator 2005

c Jarmo Nikkanen

June 4, 2005

Copying / Warranty
This software is free software and you can freely distribute it with out any fee. All the files must be in place.
This software is the property of Jarmo Nikkanen. It is also a Windows software and there is NO WARRANTY
of any kind. There is no guarantee of any system damage or miss calculations it might cause. Using this
software is at your own risk. This software is created for Martin Schweigers Orbiter the space flight simulator
2005 Edition.

Latest IMFD and tutorials is located in http://koti.mbnet.fi/jarmonik/Orbiter.html

1. Some of the screen shots are from olded version of IMFD and those not looking exactly the
same as the current version. 2. You may need to press [MOD] button to bring up the surface
launch data.

Orbiter Patch 050126 is required.

Unpack the package in to the Orbiter installation folder. Unless you have all ready done. Config folder will
contain IMFD.cfg for configuration options.

Special thanks
To Robert B. Denny for a great features he have coded and added to IMFD to improve its usability and make
it easier to use. =) Also thanks for the great tutorials.

General information

an attitude control speed from IMFD.cfg and that

would be AP MAX ANG VEL maximum angular velocity
in attitude control (rad/sec).

Setting values from keyboard

You can setup values in a many form from the keyboard by pressing [Set] button. The exponent form can
be used like 12.4e3 or 11.45e-2. Also the exponent
can be replaced by a letter like 12.4k or 33.2M or
22.2G. Where k is equal to e3 and so on. d=day
and it will multiply the input value by 86400. h is
equal to an hour and a is one astronomical unit. It
is possible to enter MJDs in a date format like 02-Jun2005 or 02.06.2005 (dd.mm.yyyy) Used names for the
months are Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug,
Sep, Oct, Nov and Dec (not case sensitive).

Burn Integrations
In the IMFD a burn integrations are used to improve
the accuracy of the burns. Typically in a transfer calculations is expected that the delta velocity is gained
at once with no burn time at all. This is the initial
burn executed in the initial position. However, In a
reality the time required by the burn must be notified
somehow. The most easiest way is to reduce a half
of the estimated burn time from the initial burn position. So, that would be the actual position where
the engines should be started. The ship will end up,
almost but not exactly, in a right direction. The grey
sector in a picture below is presenting this method.

Color configuration
IMFD allows a colors to be configured by configuration
file. The file is located in Config folder and the file is
named as IMFD.cfg The same file will be used at least
by BaseSyncMFD

In the burn integrations a numerical methods are used

to calculate the burn position more accurately, so that
the ship would end up in a trajectory that would match
the initial target trajectory as well as possible. This
technique is used with the Pro- and Retro-grade burns.
The green sector is presenting this technique in a picture.

Start Key Selection

You can define the key to be used to open this MFD
by your self. IMFDKey variable can be edited in a
IMFD.cfg Key codes are listed in a orbitersdk.h the
default setting is I

Burns, Crosshairs and AutoBurn

Autoburn feature is originally developed by Robert B. Denny.

Most of the programs are capable to generate a

burn data. The data will appear in a lower left corner
and there is a Time to Burn (TtB) item and remaining
Burn Time (BT) item. After the (BT) there may
appear (PG) or (RG) flags. Those will indicate that
the burn is a pro-grade (PG) or a retro-grade (RG).
If the flag is not present the burn will use a burn
vector and you must use a cross hair tool to setup
the attitude of the space craft. The cross hairs will
appear when pressing [BV] button. Also the autoburn
will complete the burn automatically, no need to play
with the cross hairs. The autoburn can be activated
/ deactivated by pressing [AB] button. When using
slowly rotating space crafts you may want to decrease

Figure 1: Idea of burn integrations

If for some reason above integration fails, the burn
position will start jumping all over the place. Due

the experimental nature of this method it is possible

to control it from the IMFD Menu by pressing [PRJ]
button. Approximate mode is using reduce half method and Precise mode is using burn integrations.

shown in a Flight Planing mode. See Map program


Sources, Targets and References

For correct operation the source, reference and target
must be correctly defined. The reference and source
objects are automatically set after setting the target.
So, start the flight plans by setting the target first.
If necessary the reference and source can be manually
overridden. If for some reason the source of the target
is incorrectly defined en error will be displayed.

Information Flow
IMFD will contain a separate programs for transfer,
sling-shot, orbit-eject, trajectory plotting and burn
control. There is some information transfered form
the program to an other, beginning from the transfer
programs and ending in to the trajectory plotting and
burn control. In this version of IMFD all the programs
are not updated automatically only the programs those
are visible. So, you need to configure the flight plan
in right order and the flight plan must be configured
just before the launch to ensure that the information
is up to date.

To be able to generate an escape vector the source

must be set to the planet being orbited. Setting the
source to x a currently used ship will be selected. In
the IMFD the target must be always defined otherwise
the ecliptic is targeted automatically. There are some
special targets available see Map program section for
more details.
Space stations can be targeted and sometimes they can
be used as a reference objects but a space station can
not be a source object.
Target [TGT] and reference [REF] selection buttons
are in a left edge of the MFD and the source [Src]
button is in a second button page in a right edge.
Change the page with [PG] button.

Orbits, Colors, Line of Nodes

The colors has a special meaning in a displays. The
green orbit is presenting a current orbit of the source
object. The Orange orbit is presenting the target orbit. The target orbit is not always visible for an example when ecliptic of local equator is targeted. The
blue orbit is presenting hypothetical (planned ) orbit.
White line is presenting an intersection/interception
positions and in the orbit-eject program it will show
the escape direction. The orange dashed line will indicate the target position at the time of intersection.
Sometimes blue dashed line is used to indicate a ship
position at a time of interception. The green dashed
line is the position for the burn. Finally, the dashed
line between two square boxes is called a line of nodes.
It is indicating an intersection of the orbital planes.
Most often this is the intersection of target and hypothetical orbits. This is usually presented in a blue.
Sometimes the line of nodes will be drawn to present

Figure 2: Information flow inside IMFD

...Flight plan from the Moon to Mars
At first, the course program (transfer program) will
generate an escape vector for the Earth-Mars transfer.
Using the Earth as an source object. Then, the slingshot program will translate the escape vector in to a
new escape vector for the Moon-Earth-Mars sling shot,
using the Moon as an source object. After that, the
orbit-eject program will read the escape vector and it
generates a burn data for autoburn and map program
for plotting purposes. The hypothetical orbit will be

the intersection of the Ships orbit and the hypothetical transfer orbit (HTO). This is usually presented in
a green. The plane change maneuvers will happen in
a positions pointed by the nodes (boxes).

provide required accuracy on a missions with a multiple fly-bys. In those cases you can use Off-plane intercept program to keep the mission in a schedule. That
will take the time of fly-by as an input parameter. This
will put your ship in a collision course, thats not good,
but this should be fixed from the future versions. At
right now, you need to use the Planet Approach program to raise the periapis distance to prevent the collision. This maneuver should take a place immediately
after crossing the edge of the sphere of influence or
well before that. Off-plane Intercept program should
be used when you have exited the sphere of influence.

A Plane Change Maneuvers

The plane change maneuvers are often required. IMFD
will provide a basic information required to execute the
plane change maneuver. Time to Node (Tn) indicated
how long it takes to reach the next node. (PlC) item is
displaying the burn time required for the plane alignment also there is a flag (-) or (+) that is indicating
the attitude that must be used with the burn.

Known Problems
If you encounter a problems while loading old scenarios
those are using IMFD try to remove the BEGIN MFD END MFD sections from the scenario files.

MFD Operation Mode

Operation mode of the MFD can be changed in a main
menu by pressing [PG] button. The modes are Shared
and Unshared, this will control how the information
is shared between different MFD screens. When the
mode is changed the existing flight plan will be corrupted but the programs will hold the configurations.
When the unshared mode is in use all the MFD screen
will contain an individual flight plan and flight data.
When the shared mode is in use one flight plan will be
shared between the MFD screens and a program can
be used in one MFD screen at a time. So, you can not
run Orbit-Eject in both screens at the same time.

Swing-By Calculator
This is the latest additions in the IMFD. Currently
there is only a partial support for SBC. The dates
of the planet fly-bys are important but there is no
support for them. There is an auxiliary vector input
button [Aux] located in some programs, that will
open an dialog box for input parameters. And there
are four of them. At first enter the V-departure in an
order of appear and finally the C3-departure with the
spaces between the values. For an example: 13.234
12.002 -2.123 23.223
This will setup your exit vector for a plant escape or
a fly-by. These parameters can be used in Orbit-Eject
and Sling-Shot programs. These programs may not

Map Program

calculated in every frame that will make 1600 legs per a

second. Integrator option will define the integration
method to be used in a prediction.

Map display is general display used for monitoring the

ships course and predict an approaches to the target
planets. It allows to view entire solar system as well
a single target. The map program is using a planet to
planet perturbated trajectories. The trajectory is no
longer limited in an ellipses and hyperbolas now, it can
be displayed around a multiple references regardless
the distance or influence the reference causes. The
user have an ability to control the speed and accuracy
of the trajectory engine. The modifications can be
made from the configuration page. Even the fastest
modes will provide a great accuracy for interplanetary
missions. Update rates as high as over ten times per
second can be archived with out a significant system
load with an average home computer.

The Core
The core is using the Encke-Fehlberg methods those
will allow a high speed trajectory prediction. In this
version of the trajectory engine the graphical steps
and the numerical integration steps will go a side by
side. So, increasing a step size will lower the graphics quality. It would be possible to use a high order
integration methods with a long time steps to compute the trajectory and a sub integrations for increasing the graphics quality. That would be more complicated and it would not significantly increase the overall
performance. So, a lower order method with a lower
step size have been chosen as an default option. However, The user can select the integration method from
Third order RK3, RK4-Gill, Symplectic 4th Order and
RK-Fehlberg methods. Also Adams-Multton method
is under consideration. Of course, it is possible to
create a much much more faster trajectory predictors
but it is questionable that does it provide satisfied rewards/efforts ration. Surely, in the integrations where
a graphical plotting is not required such a methods
could be used more easily.

Figure 3: Typical view of the map

Centering the display

You can center the display in a specified position by
pressing [Cnt] button. Then, you can type the name of
the object you wish to center. The display will move
in the objects present position. If you wish the center
the display in a future position it can be done but only
for the positions and times of the periapis passages.
You can center the reference planet of the periapis by
writing r- in a front of the name for an example rMars. And command p- will move the display in
the periapis location. Before using these commands
the correct periapis must be selected with the [Sel]

About the Periapis

Core Configuration
Some of the core functions are configured through the
IMFD.cfg file. The LegSize option will define the size
factor for the leg. Higher number will make the legs
longer therefore, amount of legs required to compute
the trajectory will decrease. LegsPerFrame option will
define how many legs are computed within every frame.
If the frame rate is 80 frames per second and 20 legs are

There can be multiple periapses on a trajectory. Number of available periapses and the currently selected
periapis is shown in a top-left corner Pe 1 of 2. Ref
Moon is indicating that the Moon is the reference if
this periapis. Only the selected periapis is shown on
a display. Also there are two different kind of periapis
points, strong and weak once. This is simply because,


Relative inclination in periapis

Time to periapis
Periapis distance from reference
Velocity at periapis
Periapis altitude
Orbit eccentricity at periapis
Burn time for orbit circularization
Relative inclination in a node
Time to next node
Plane change burn and attitude
Longitude of periapis on planets surface
Latitude of periapis on planets surface
Equatorial inclination of orbit in periapis
Radius of geostationary orbit

riapis is available the current position of the ship is


Include Plane Change

The Map program will automatically include the plane
change in a first node if the (IPC) is activated.
Warning: Sometimes the plane change is required in
a prediction but it may cause failures in a prediction
if used in wrong place.

Table 1: Items shown in a display

What is included in Map

All planets having the following conditions are included in computions: a mass greater than 1e20 kilograms (depends from configuration) and orbiting same
reference planet as the ship or orbiting the Sun. In
addition, planet, ship or station that is selected as an
reference or a target is also included. The moons those
have a different reference than the space craft are not
notified in trajectory calculations.

the strong periapis is located inside the SOI (Sphere

of influence). The weak periapis is located outside
the SOI and most likely there arent a stable orbit in
that position. So, that could be considered to be the
position where the ship will by pass the planet at minimum range. The periapis strong or weak one will be
displayed for a reference and target planets only. If
the trajectory goes several orbit periods around the
reference planet up to six periapies/apoapies can be
displayed. But only if One Pe/Ref option is disabled
from the configuration page.

Trajectory Limiters
Due the nature of numerically computed trajectory.
The generation of the trajectory must be limited somehow. Because, there is no end point in a trajectory.
There are two automatical limiters for the trajectory
such as a Period- and a Hyperbolic-limiters. These limiters will cut the trajectory other vice there would be a
plenty of trajectory on the screen and that would look
chaotic. You can manage these limiters from the configuration page. The period will limit the trajectory
in one orbital period around the reference planet. The
hyperbolic will limit the trajectory in one hyperbolic
periapis relative to reference planet. The automatical limiters can be overridden manually by setting the
time limit and it will limit the trajectory in a specified amount of seconds. That is the most usable if
the others fails. So, If the trajectory looks a little
strange or short it may have been limited incorrectly
by automatic and you should make some manual configurations.

The Display Screen

The projected course of the space craft will appear in
green by a default and it will appear in blue when using flight planning mode. The flight planning mode
will generate hypothetical trajectory based on the information created by some other program. The white
spot is the space craft it self. The green/blue spot
on the trajectory is a periapis, the closest position to
some object. Orange circle is the target orbit. Sometimes the target is not visible on a screen. The boxes
on a trajectory line are the nodes. The line nodes will
be drawn between the node and the reference planet.
That is the position where ships orbital plane and target orbit intersects. This is also the position for the
plane change maneuver. Due the numerical computations, the perturbations may cause some weird effects
to the node positions. Usual they are located at the
opposite sides of the reference planet.

Special orbits

The information on a screen is displayed for the periapis positions not for the current position of the ship.
However, There is one exception when no single pe-

You can also target one of the special orbit like the
ecliptic, equatorial orbit, and the geostationary orbit


(GEO). Also the orbital plane of the reference planet

can be targeted. This is good especially when transferring between planets or returning from the Moon.
Special orbits can be used with all programs. Type
the corresponding letter when asking the name of the

You can select the projection plane by pressing [Prj]

button. Because the space is a three dimensional, displaying it in a two dimensional display will cause some
graphical problems. Therefore, choose the proper projection.

Ecliptic plane (not visible)

Geostationary orbit
Equatorial orbit (not visible)
Orbit of the reference planet (not visible)


Table 2: Special Orbits

Ecliptic plane
Use the target orbit for projection
Use current orbit of the ship
Automatically use the orbit of centered object
Ships orbit in a periapis around Pe. reference

Table 3: List of projections. Available projections will

depend on program being used

Flight Planning mode

In a earlier versions of InterplanetaryMFD this mode
was called external mode.

Nonspherical Gravity

This mode allows to use a numerical multibody

predictor to generate the hypothetical transfer orbit
based on the information generated by other programs. When this mode is activated the Plan text
and the name of the program, generating the plan, will
appear in a title. Also the trajectory will be displayed
in blue. (in a default configuration, of course). When
ever the burn information is present a hypothetical
trajectory can be generated. This mode is especially
great when planning a free-return trajectories and
returning from the Moon.

The Map program can include a non-spherical gravity in a predictions. Currently only J2 coefficients are
notified and this will be included only when the ship
is within the sphere of influence. This feature is controlled by automatic. However, it can be manually
overridden from the IMFD.cfg by setting the option
NonSpherical 0 it can be forced to be always active
with NonSpherical 2

Configuration Page
Some basic configurations, required by multi-body predictor, can be made from the configuration page. In
a top edge there is an indicator telling an amount of
integration steps used in the prediction. Also it will
tell how many planets are currently included in the
computations 3+5 of 62 indicates that there is three
objects fully perturbated and five objects using an analytical update.
Leg Size
One Pe/Ref

How many integration steps are made in time step

Step size multiplier. Large value = Longer steps
Include bodies with higher mass than this
Limit trajectory in one orbit period
Limit trajectory in one hyperbolic periapis
Limit the trajectory in amount of seconds
Show only one periapis per reference
A rectification constant for trajectory engine
Active integration method

Table 4: Configuration options

Figure 4: Free-Return trajectory in flight planning mode

Orbit Eject
Escape Mode
The top right item is used to select a source of the
escape information. If the source is selected incorrectly
the data on a screen is meaningless or it doest appear
at all. This is because there are multiple programs
those are capable to generate the escape information.
Lower/Higher-Orbit modes are internally generated by
orbit eject program.

Orbit eject is probably the most easiest program to

use. It is used for escaping from the current reference
planet. That is required when travelling between planets or moons. However, it is not required when travelling from the Earth to the Moon because you never
leave the influence of the Earth. In a program, there
is five items those can be modified. (oV) is presenting
the outward delta velocity, thats the velocity added
in a velocity of the planet. (TEj) is the time to the
ejection and (Trl) is the true longitude of the ejection
position. These items are presenting the same thing in
a different forms. Escape mode item is the one in a
top-right corner, it will choose the source of the escape
information. Finally, the Burn mode item is used to
select the burn mode, that would be a pro-grade or a


Eject to lower orbit.

Eject to higher orbit.
An Escape vector created by Course
An Escape vector created by BaseApproach
An Escape vector created by Sling-Shot
Use an auxiliary vector.(See SBC)

Table 5: Escape information sources


Warning: If the blue trajectory on a screen will go

through the planet being orbited. So will you if you engage your engines right now. Wait a position pointed
be green dashed line before the main engine start.
When using the autoburn feature in a realtime mode
the burn timer must be used by increasing the (TEj)
or (Trl) so that the eject position (blue line) is in a
location pointed by the green dashed line.

Setup Outward velocity for Lower/Higher-Modes

Setup Orbit-Eject countdown (Optional)
Setup Orbit-Eject position (Optional)
Inclination of current orbit relative to ecliptic
Longitude of ascending node relative to ecliptic
Escape inclination (Important)
Delta velocity for the burn
Outward velocity
Time to main engine start
Remaining burn time
Time to node
Magnitude of plane change burn

Table 6: Items used in Orbit-Eject

Lower-Orbit can be used for an easy return to the Earth from
the Moon. Setup oV to 700.

Burn Mode
There are also a two different burn modes available
and those are a Realtime and a Pro-Grade. Realtime
mode is a good one for escaping from the low gravity bodies. This mode is using a burn vector to eject
the ship in a correct heading. However, this mode in
highly inefficient in a long burns. The Pro-grade mode
is created for a long burns and it is using a Pro-grade
burn. So, use a PG autopilot or the autoburn feature
to complete the burn. Pro-grade mode is not available
if (EIn) is greater than 1.0 degrees. Neither it is available during the liftoff. On a highly elliptical orbits the
integration of the exact burn position may take a few
seconds. The position is integrated with high accuracy
and you should end up exactly in a correct heading after the burn. For the last few seconds you can use
the Realtime mode to improve the accuracy but thats

Figure 5: Orbit-Eject program

Green dashed line is the position for the burn recommended by the flight computer. Time to Burn (TtB)
will tell how long it takes to reach this position.

usually not necessary. (Tra) and (TEj) items are not

available in the Pro-grade mode.
When ever possible use Pro-Grade mode
Surface Launch
Orbit-Eject program can be used for a surface launch.
Press [MOD] button to activate this mode. The launch
heading (Hed) is indicating the launch direction from
the current position at the current time. This information can be used to launch in the Orbit around the
planet. The target is more like a point rather than a
plane. So, a later course corrections are possible and
the flight data is updated all the time. Escape inclination (EIn) is presenting deviation from the target
point. That should be as close to zero as possible but
not during the first few minutes when launching some
other direction than 090. You should be able to control the liftoff so that the (EIn) is zero before the orbit
insertion. You can effect in the value by changing your
heading to the left or the right about 1 to 5 degrees.

Figure 6: Surface launch mode

change burn in a node pointed by the green dashed line
with the boxes. Time to Node item (Tn) is showing the
time how long it takes to reach the node. (PlC) item
is showing the attitude mode that must be used with
the burn, that would be Orbit Normal (+) or Orbit
Normal (-), and it will show the burn time required for
the plane alignment. On a low orbit around a planet
the plane maneuvering is highly expensive in a terms
of fuel. So, It is highly recommended the you make
sure that the plane alignment is correct from the first

The (Time) item under the optimal launch conditions

is presenting the time that it takes to reach the recommended launch position. With in 24 hours there are
two launch opportunities those are better than the others. You can launch any time you want in a heading
(Hed). The launch will be a little more difficult because of the planet rotation and it will consume more
The best launch heading is 090 because the launch
would be in a rotation direction of the planet and you
can use the rotation velocity to assist.
Launch in the best heading 090 is not possible when
the escape angle is greater than the latitude of the
launch location. However, the launch latitude should
be as close to equator as possible. (OLat) is presenting optimal launch latitude but you dont have
to launch from there. (OHed) is presenting a recommended launch heading from the current location.
This launch should take a place when the (Time) is
During the liftoff you should note that your ship must
be moving in the direction guided by (Hed). It is not
enough that your nose is pointing it that direction.

Ejection Plane
Ejection plane can be adjusted by making the plane

Course programs
This is entirely new program in the IMFD. It contains
many different programs for interplanetary transfer,
course correction and approach.

Planar Transfer Orbit

Planar transfer orbit follows the orbital planes of the
source and the target planets. The plane change maneuver must be executed in a node. That is the intersection location of the orbital planes. The amount of
fuel required in a plane change depends from the relative inclination and the distance from the reference
body. So, If possible the mission should be planned so
that the plane change would happen as far from the
reference as possible. If possible, the target could be
intercepted in a node.

Figure 8: Off-plane Transfer Orbit

Program Menu
You can select the program by pressing [Prv] and [Nxt]
buttons from the right edge of the screen. (That would
be Shift-1 and Shift-2) When you have selected the
program you wish to use press [Set] button to activate
it. Pressing the set button on a program title will
always reset the program to its default condition.

The delta velocity required in a plane change maneuver

is defined as:
2h sin(i/2)

, h = |
v =

Important: Press [+] or [-] on a title to return to the

program menu. Unfortunately the program configuration will be lost. This problem should be fixed from
the future releases. However, you can return to main
menu with (MNU) button without losing the configuration

Figure 7: Planar Transfer Orbit

Off-plane Transfer Orbit

Off-plane transfer orbit will transfer the ship directly
from the source planet to the target planet. No plane
change maneuver required. It is included in the ejection and the capture burns. If the target planet is on
the opposite side to the source planet, the inclination of
the transfer orbit may become very high. That would
be also very fuel expensive. In such a cases it is recommended to use a planar transfer. In the off-plane
transfer the transfer plane is defined by two vectors


Figure 9: Navigation program menu


Target Intercept - Program

From technical point of view this program will calculate
a solution for the Lamberts problem sometimes known
as Gauss problem.
This is the primary navigation program and there are
two versions available. One for Planar Intercept and
the other for Off-Plane Intercept. This program will
set your course to intercept the target after a time or
date you have specified. This program can create an
escape vectors for interplanetary transfers. The program can be also used in a mid course corrections and
later interception maneuvers after that. If you are using a planar transfer to your destination. After executing the plane change maneuver in a node you should
continue with the off-plane version of the program to
target directly towards the planet.
In some cases the program may generate highly inefficient transfer orbits. To optimize your transfer choose
the time to intercept (TIn) that will give a lowest burn
time or escape vector. The target can be a planet,
mood or a station. Equator and Ecliptic can not be
targeted an Invalid Target message will be displayed.
The burns generated by the program are usual not a
pro- or a retro-grade burns. However, in some special cases a pro-grade burn can be used for an example
when intercepting the moon from the low earth orbit. Pro-/Retro-grade burns are more efficient than
non pro-/retro-grade burns.

Figure 10: Takeoff from the Earth


Important: When adjusting the setup the burn mode

should be set to Realtime because the Pro-grade mode
will make some adjustments on its own.

Angle between tangents in ejection

Angle between tangents in a planet intercept
Relative inclination
Periapis altitude
Plane change in a node (blue one)
Target orbit insertion burn

Table 7: General information

Above is a screen shot about a takeoff from the Earth.

The blue/white dashed line is the position of interception. This position can be freely selected with the
Intercept Timing items. But be aware of the transfer efficiency. The line of nodes (blue dashed line) is
the position where hypothetical transfer orbit and the
target orbit intersects. This vector is the cross prod

uct l =
h nt of the normal vectors nh and nt of
the hypothetical orbit and target orbits. (RIn) is the
relative inclination measured in this node.

Where vt is the target velocity, vs is the source velocity

and is (EjA) or (InA). Therefore, lower the angle the
better the transfer.

Plane Align (planar transfer only)

When using planar transfer and the ship is the source
object a Plane Align information is displayed and the
line of nodes will appear (greed dashed line). Ejection Inclination (EIn) is the inclination measured in
the node. Technically this is the same as the escape
inclination in the Orbit Eject program but you are not
about to escape at this time. When the (EIn) is zero,

When using Off-plane version, Ejection angle (EjA)

and the Intercept Angle (InA) will also contain the error in inclination. The outward/inward delta velocity
is defined as:

v = vs2 + vt2 2vs vt cos() = |

of ejection manually. Most often the ejection burn is

executed in the current position of the ship where ever
the ship is. This will cause that the burn is not a prograde burn and it is not as efficient as it could be. So
the pro-grade mode is created to improve the performance, this is especially vital in a long burns. The
pro-grade mode will place the ejection position in a
proper location where the ejection angle (EjA) is zero.
In that case the position for main engine start can be
calculated with the burn integrations. The position
would be the green dashed line and the Time to Burn
item (TtB) is displaying how long it takes to reach
that position. Of course, the burn information (TtB)
is also valid in the realtime mode.

Surface Launch (planar only)

It is possible the launch from the surface with the planar Intercept program for an example on the Earth
to the Moon missions. As in all surface launches, the
launch in the heading 090 is the most efficient but
you can make the ejection burn at any time you want,
in the direction guided by (Hed), Of course. You have
to make the orbit insertion at first. After raising the
periapis above the surface, the surface launch mode
will be disabled. It is important that you will define
the target interception time (TIn) before the launch.
Note, that you can not change interception time after
orbit insertion. That would cause the plane alignment
to fail (EIn to change). (TEj) should be set to zero,
there is no point to set it in anything else.

Figure 11: Takeoff from the Earth

the target is located in the orbital plane of the ship at
the time of interception. In such a case the node of
the transfer orbit (blue dashed line) is located in the
interception position. So, the transfer would be similar to the off-plane transfer. But it have one advantage
to the off-plane transfer, it doesnt suffer the rotation
problem when the ship is located on the opposite side
to the interception position.
The error in inclination (EIn) can be reduced with
normal/anti-normal burns in any position but it is
most efficient in the node (green dashed line). However, this doesnt notify that the plane change is
cheaper far from the planet.

In a surface launch, at first, you dont have to worry

about anything else than a launch heading and ejection inclination (EIn). That should be zero. Make
a successful orbit insertion in anyway you like. Then
start worrying about how to continue the mission. See
More details from Orbit-Eject chapter.

The vector pointing to this node is the cross product

is the normal vector of the

p =
rt where

ships orbit and rt is the position vector of the target

at the time of interception. The eject inclination (EIn)

is defined as = /2 6 (
s rt )

Space Station Intercept (off-plane only)

The Off-plane intercept program can be used to intercept the space stations as well. The graphics may not
be shown well but the numbers are correct. It is recommended to intercept the station in a periapis or apoapis
of the hypothetical transfer orbit. A station can be intercepted with an accuracy of few meters. The ability
to intercept a space station is limited because there is

Burn Mode (planar only)

The default burn mode is the realtime mode. That
might not be the best name for it but it is used now.
The realtime mode alloys the user to define the time

very little of space for maneuvering in orbit. When

intercepting a space station you must align the planes
at first. Also the difference between the positions of
the ship and the station should be no more than 10-15
degrees. Setup (TEj) to zero and Adjust (TIn) So that
the intercept line is in opposite side to the ship or it is
in a periapis (blue spot). Also (TIn) must be less than
a one orbit period. Watch the periapis altitude (PeA)
to prevent entering in atmosphere.

Figure 13: Tangential transfer program

orbiting bodies so the target position is not displayed.

Figure 12: Space station intercept

Time to ejection
MJD of ejection
Radius of target orbit (when available)
Time to intersect the target orbit
MJD of orbit intersect
Distance between positions
Relative inclination between orbits
Magnitude and AP mode for plane change
Burn time for orbit insertion (capture)

Table 8: Items shown in a display

Tangential transfer - Program

This program will take only a one input parameter
from the user and that will be expressed in a two forms,
a time to ejection (TEj) and a MJD of ejection. This
program generates a transfer orbit that will have a
matching tangents with the source orbit and the target
orbit. The program uses a planar transfer and a plane
change burn is required in a node. The ejection burn
will be a pro- or retro-grade burn.

Orbit Insert - Program

This program requires not much explanations. But it
is used to make an orbit insertion from hyperbolic approach orbit to a low orbit around the reference planet.
You can define the eccentricity or the apoapis distance
of the target orbit. The burn integration technique
is used for the burn position calculations. The orbit
insertion should be very accurate and efficient.

The white line in a display indicates an orbit intersection position and the orange dashed line indicates the
position of the target planet at the time of intersection. If these two lines are over each other, you will
intercept the target in that position. Source orbit can
be a hyperbolic one but the target must be elliptical
or circular.

Delta velocity - Program

Delta velocity is an old fashion transfer program using
a date of ejection and delta velocity values. Also a true
longitude of the eject position can be used. Program
will display the intersection locations with the target

When the local equator or ecliptic is targeted the radius of the target orbit can be defined. There are no

orbit. The intersection positions can be choused with

the intercept-1, -2 items.

Planet Approach - Program

You can easily change the orbit altitude with the
planet approach program. Expecting that you are in
an approach stage. (Close to the sphere of influence
and on hyperbolic orbit) Also the equatorial inclination can be adjusted. This is good when planning to
approach a high inclination orbit. However, you can
not choose the inclination lower than your current inclination to the equator. To reach a lower inclinations,
normal plane change maneuver must be used and executed in the ascending or descending node of the equator. Min EqI and Max EqI is displaying the limits where the inclination can be adjusted. Inclinations
higher than -90 and lower than 90 degrees are presenting a pro-grade orbits and inclinations higher than 90
and lower than -90 degrees are presenting a retro-grade
orbits. When the inclination is negative you will approach the planet from the south pole other vice from
the north pole.

Figure 15: Planet approach program


Figure 14: Equatorial Inclination

The burn created by this program should be executed
as far from the planet as possible. Sometimes it is
possible to execute the burn as far as three times the
sphere of influence. This will minimize the fuel usage. Smaller correction burn can be executed later if

Altitude of the periapis

Equatorial inclination of the orbit
Time to ejection
True longitude of ejection
Inclination relative to ecliptic
Longitude of AN relative to ecliptic
Longitude of AN of local equator
Orbit circularization time in periapis

Table 9: Items in Planet Approach


Sling Shot


Technically the sling shot program is very much like

the orbit-eject program. User interface is similar and
the mathematics in a program are equal to orbit-eject.
This program is used to change your course to the next
target and it can be used for powered or unpowered
fly-bys. The program will create a burn data for the
correction burn to make sure that your exit vector will
be exactly the same as defined by the transfer program
containing a course to the next stage.

Angle between ships orbit and escape vector

Inclination relative to ecliptic
Longitude of AN relative to ecliptic
Periapis Altitude
Orbital energy of escape asymptote
Outward delta velocity
Time to burn position
Longitude of the burn position

Table 10: Items used in Sling-shot program

directions over the reference planet. Choose the mode
carefully so that you wont collide to the reference
planet. Watch the periapis altitude item (PeA)
Orbit-Eject and Sling-Shot equation used in IMFD.
is the angle between current position and escape vector. r is current distance of the ship. a is the semimajor axis and thats only depended from outward velocity.

r ,
e ),
[0, 2]
= 6 (
= /vo
= r2 sin2
= 2ar(cos 1)

x r sin x + 2y + y
e =


Figure 16: Sling-shot program

The source of navigation information can be selected
with the right-top item. Available sources are described in the Orbit-Eject section. Items in a left edge
allows you to define the position of the burn but usual
this is not required since the burn should be executed
as early as possible.
This program doesnt contain any functions to optimize
sling-shots neither it contain any sling-shot planning
The program is capable to generate an escape vector
for a minor body. This will happen when you setup the
source to a moon. So, you can eject the ship from the
Moon to the Mars if you want to. When ejecting from
the Moon, the most recommended time for the ejection
is when the Moon is moving in the escape direction.
You can choose wheter launch in a pro- or retro-grade



sured in degrees from the center of the planet. When

landing on a planets those have very thin atmosphere
the anticipation should be increased because braking
will take longer.

BaseApproach program is improved version from old

TEI program. It does have a similiar functionality.
With this program it is possible to design a flight that
will allow to land directly on a base located on a planet
without an orbit insertion before landing. This program must be used far from the planet like from the
edge of the SOI. That will allow better syncronization
with the base.


There exists a few trajectories those will allow to land

on a base. To find a proper trajectory or flight plan you
must increase the suggested flight time (Hint). If the
flight computer is unable to find a solution No Solution text is displayed. When the solution is found the
flight data will appear. You can still increase the Hint
to find an other flight plan. Before this you must setup
the target with [TGT] and the atmosphere depended
flight configuration.

Longitude of the target base

Latitude of the target base
Reference altitude
Re-Entry Angle
Re-Entry anticipation
Time to re-entry
Re-entry velocity
Equatorial inclination
Select first or second solution
Number of periods to spend on orbit

Table 11: Items in BaseApproach

Figure 18: ReEntry Anticipation

Moon to the Earth return
When returning from Moon to the Earth, like Apollos
used to, the landing zone is located on a far side of
the Earth as seen from the moon. (See fig. Elliptical)
Since, the re-entry angle is only 5.5 to 7.5 degrees the
zone is located very close to the periapis. Latitude of
the periapis will depend on the position of the Moon
and the size of the landing zone will depend on the
re-entry angle.

Figure 17: BaseApproach program

In a flight configuration you can define the re-entry
angle, reference altitude and anticipation, that will
choose the amount of space you will spare for the actual re-entry phase. ( see the picture for more details
). The reference altitude must be set correctly, that is
the level where the re-entry angle is measured and the
anticipation beging. Good values might be 80km for
the Earth and 8km for the Mars. Anticipation is mea-

The inclination of the Moon is about 23 degrees relative to Earths equator. Therefore, the area that can
be targeted from the moon lies between 23deg North
and 23deg South but only a small part of that area can
be target at a time. So, if the base is located outside

the 23 degree area it is highly difficult to land there by

using elliptical orbit. When the rotation of the planet
is notified the landing zone will cover all longitudes
between the latitudes.

Figure 20: Hyperbolic

The rotation of the planet is notified in syncronization
during the approach and circular orbit phase. (Num)
item is used to define the number of full orbit periods to spend on orbit before landing. Zero means that
there is only a fraction of orbit before landing, not nessesarily enough for de-orbit burn but should work fine
with moon landings. There are two orbits, opposite to
each other, those will lead to the target base. One will
lead to pro-grade orbit and the other to retro-grade

Figure 19: Elliptical

Hyperbolic approach
When approaching a planet, lets say Mars, the orbit will be hyperbolic. That will allow to rotate the
periapis all over the planet. Therefore, the landing
zone will be like a ring shaped area. (See fig. Hyperbolic) And that will cover most of the planet. So, there
shouldnt be difficulties to land on the Mars. Diameter of the ring is depending from eccentricity of the
orbit. When the eccentricity is very close to one the
area will be more like in a picture Elliptical. When
the eccentricity increases the diameter of the ring will
also increase.

Orbit insert mode doesnt suffer problems of critical

timings and zones. Therefore, It is much more easier
to use. It is possible to use orbit insert mode to return
from the Moon to the Earth and land on a specific base
but the orbit insertion to low earth orbit is required.

It is nessecary to execute the first syncronization and

plane orientation burn far from the planet. Something
like 500000 seconds before the periapis passage. That
would be far before crossing the sphere of influence.
Making a burns that far is highly inaccurate and the
trajectory will change a lot after the burn but it will
reduce the magnitudes of the yet coming burns. So,
two more syncronization burns will follow when the
time to periapis is about 100000 and 15000 seconds.
Orbit Insert
Orbit insert mode can be used when you wish to establish an orbit over the base. (Alt) item defines the
altitude of the periapis. The orbit must be circularized
in a periapis. If the orbit is not circular the syncronization with the target base wont work as well as it could.

Reference Section

Items in a displays

Key commands
PeT Time to Periapis

To be able to access the commands in a second column

you must change the page with [PG] Shift-I command.
Open InterplanetaryMFD with the Shift-I command.




PeD Periapis distance from the center of the reference planet


PeV Relative velocity to the reference planet in a

PeA Periapis altitude from the surface of the reference planet

Key commands for programs other than Map






ReT Time to re-entry, time to landing

ReV Re-entry velocity
ReA Re-entry angle

Key commands for Map program



Inc This is the inclination of current orbit relative to

the ecliptic plane.

Select previous variable

Select next variable
Adjust variable
Set variable manually
Change adjustment speed
Change a zoom factor
Setup source object
Center the display in other position
Enable/Disable autoburn
Open/Close burn vector display
Auxiliary vector input for SBC

RIn This is the relative inclination to the target


orbit. 6 (
s ns )
EqI Equatorial inclination of orbit
EIn Escape/Ejection Inclination. An angle between
escape vector and the orbital plane of the ship,

it is defined as: /2 6 (
s E ). In a transfer
programs, It is also the angle between the orbital
plane of the ship and the target position at the
time of interception.

Key commands for programs other than Map



Change a button list in right edge

Open program menu
Select target orbit
Select the reference planet
Change a display mode Text/Graphics
Change the projection plane

Tn Time to next node. When negative it is presenting the time after the node.

Buttons available in a left edge



TEj Time to ejection. Time to launch window.

(MJD) below this item is presenting the modified
julian date of ejection.

Select the periapis to use

Display additional graphics in map
Enable or Disable autozoom feature
Display or Hide ships trajectory
Display the Sphere of influence
Include plane change in prediction
Switch flight planning mode on and off
Find targets from the reference

TIn Time to intercept the target. (MJD) below this

item is presenting the modified julian date of

Key commands for Map program


TtB Time To Burn. Time to main engine start

dV Delta velocity for the burn

EjA Angle between the velocity vectors (tangents)

of the ships orbit and the transfer orbit at the
time of ejection

oV Outward delta velocity

InA Angle between the velocity vectors of ships

orbit and transfer orbit at the time of interception
BT Remaining burn time in seconds at full thrust
Cir Burn time for orbit circularization in periapis
PlC Burn time for plane change burn and the
attitude mode to be used with the maneuver.
Ins Burn time for target orbit insertion.
Lon Longitude on the planets surface. In a Map
program this is the periapis location and in a
BaseApproach program this is the target location.
Lat Latitude on the planets surface
Ecc Orbit eccentricity
LAN Longitude of ascending node relative to ecliptic
GeR Radius of geostationary orbit.
program only

Used in Map

Rad This item presents the radius of the orbit being

Dis Distance between positions
Trl True longitude of ejection position
ALE Longitude of ascending node relative to the
C3 Orbital
C3 = o2V /1000





Tutorials and Checklists

A mid-course correction
1. Open the Off-plane intercept program located
in a course program collection.

Surface Launch From Earth To Moon

2. Setup your target by pressing [TGT] button.

1. Load a scenario where a ship is located on the

Earths surface.

3. Verify that the source is the ship. That would be

the (Src) item in a top edge and middle. If not,
press [PG] and [Src] buttons and write x in a
dialog. If you are about to do a course correction
on interplanetary mission too early it may display
that you need to wait until the ship leaves the
minor SOI.

2. Open the Planar Intercept program, thats in

a course program collection.
3. The program will ask you to setup the target.
Press [TGT] (Shift-T) to setup the target to the

4. Select [TEj] item and set it to zero. By pressing

[Set] button and writing the 0.

4. The flight from the Earth to the Moon will take

approximately three days. Select (TIn) item with
[Prv],[Nxt] buttons and press [Set] button after
that. When the dialog box opens write 3d.
That would mean three days.

5. Then select the (TIn) item and adjust it with the

[+] and [-] buttons. You can choose the speed
of adjustment by pressing the [Adj] button. The
current adjustment factor is shown in a bottom
edge and middle of the screen. The goal is to
adjust (TIn) so that the burn time (BT) in a
bottom-left corner is as low as possible.

5. In a same way setup TEj to zero.

6. Look at the (Hed) item and wait until it is approximately 90 degrees. That may take 24 hours.

6. Engage the autoburn by pressing [AB] button.

7. Engage the engines and turn the ship in a heading

as guided by the (Hed) item. That should be
approximately 90 degrees now.
8. Make the orbit insertion to almost a circular orbit
as required by the ship. During the liftoff look at
the (EIn) item. That will tell how much your ship
is miss aligned from the optimal ejection plane.
You can effect to that value by turning your ship
in to the left or right from the heading displayed
by (Hed). 2 to 8 degrees should be enough. The
goal is to get the (EIn) as close to zero as possible.

Planet Approach
1. Open the Planet Approach program from
course program collection.
2. Setup the reference to the planet being approached by pressing [REF] button. It is most
likely chosen incorrectly by the automatics.

9. After reaching the orbit. What ever the plain

alignment is. Select the burn mode item that is
currently labelled as Realtime and change it to

3. Wait until the Low Influence text goes a way if

it is displayed.
4. Setup the periapis altitude by selecting the (Alt)
item. Press [Set] and setup the value you want.

10. Press [PG] button to change the button labels in

a right edge of the screen and press [AB] button to
activate the autoburn. Note that you can change
the zoom factor with the [Z+] and [Z-] buttons.

5. Select (EqI) item that would be equatorial inclination. Press [Set] and setup the value you want.
Note that you can not reach low inclination orbits with this way. The limits will depend on your
current approach angles. To reach low inclination
orbit execute the standard plane change maneuver in a node.

11. If the plane alignment was a great you will now

intercept the moon. However, if the plane alignment was not so good you may need to do a
mid-course correction with the Off-plane intercept program.

6. Setup (TEj) to zero.


7. Engage autoburn with [AB] button. However, the

burn executed far from the planet may not be accurate enough so you probably need to do another
burn closer to the planet.

the scenario file and edit the MJD but remember

to reduce at least a few hours from it.
8. Due the long wait and the non-spherical gravity and the other perturbations. The (EIn) has
changed a bit, thats not a problem since it can
be fixed by fine adjusting the interception time
9. Re-activate the pro-grade mode by switching the
realtime/pro-grade selector. And the actual burn
position is recalculated.

From ISS to the Moon

Of course, this small tutorial can be used to launch
from any orbit around the Earth. This tutorial is using
a technique that will have two launch windows in every

10. Enable the autoburn with the [AB] button.

1. Open IMFD and the Planar Intercept program

from the Course program collection.
2. At First, the program will ask you to setup the
target. Press [TGT] button and write Moon in
a dialog box. Source and reference will be configured automatically.
3. Then you need to setup the time of arrival to the
Moon. Select the Time to Intercept item (TIn)
with the [Prv] and [Nxt] buttons. Start Increasing it until the Ejection inclination (EIn) is zero.
When it is zero it will mean that the Moon is located in the orbital plane of the Ship and the ISS
at the time when the interception will occur. (if
you use the default scenario Docked At ISS a
good value for Intercept MJD is 51992.2 )
4. Now you know when to be on the Moon but still
need to figure out the launch date. The flight
from earth to moon will take approximately four
days. So, Lets reduce four days from the intercept time. Select Time to Ejection item (TEj) or
the ejection MJD below it and set it to 51988.2
5. You can zoom in/out the display by pressing [Z+]
and [Z-] buttons from the right edge. If you cant
see the buttons press [PG]. When you see the orbit of the moon you can fine adjust the (TEj) so
that the trajectory is what you want.
6. Then Choose the realtime item and switch it
the pro-grade. The program will find a suitable
position for the burn.
7. Then you need to wait the launch window. That
will happen most easily by writing the ejection
MJD on a paper and exiting the orbiter. Open

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