Please Read Carefully
Please Read Carefully
Please Read Carefully
The HP Partner Portal grants access to information and requirements to properly market HP products.
Access to the HP Partner Portal will be granted to HP Authorized Partners. An HP Authorized Partner means
a company that:
Has a valid HP partner agreement with HP;
Or does not have a valid HP partner agreement with HP, meets HP partner program or certification
We reserve the right, at Our sole and absolute discretion, to validate the criteria above and approve exceptions to the
In these HP Partner Portal User Terms ("Terms"), You and Your refers to the company meeting the
requirements as per Section 2 above. HP, We and Us means:
The Hewlett-Packard company that has a valid HP partner agreement with You, or
If You do not have a valid HP partner agreement, the Hewlett-Packard sales entity in the country
where Your company is registered, or Hewlett-Packard Singapore (Sales) Pte Ltd if Your company is registered in
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Laos, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan or Sri Lanka.
The individual representative who is electronically accepting these Terms certifies and warrants being Your fully
authorized representative with full authority to bind and commit You to these Terms.
You will appoint an HP Partner Portal administrator ("Your Administrator") who will be responsible to add users on
Your behalf (the "Designees"). You shall procure that Your Administrator and his/her Designees strictly comply with
these Terms. You shall promptly notify us in case of change of Administrator and Your Administrator shall promptly
notify us in case of change in the Designees.
Your use of the HP Partner Portal shall be made in full compliance with the HP Partner Code of Conduct.
If You have a valid HP Partner Agreement with Us, the HP Partner Portal shall also be used for the purpose referred
to in the HP Partner Agreement.
You will receive email communications from HP. These communications will be limited to:
Messages of an operational and administrative nature related to HP channel space, or messages
about the status and use of the HP Partner Portal.
Regular (weekly or monthly) business awareness communications (newsletters) which are relevant
to HP partners,
Occasional communications related to specific HP sales and marketing operations or campaigns
that may benefit Your customers.
You are of course free to subscribe to other HP email communications, available to businesses and
to the general public at any time. These other communications will always provide You with the ability to unsubscribe.
Please note that unsubscribing from general HP communications will not affect the flow of email described here as
being part of these Terms. Please visit HP's Privacy Statement to learn more about HP's privacy policies and
We will have no liability whatsoever for, and will be held harmless by You against, any damage
resulting from (i) any availability or accessibility issues and/or technical failures to the HP Partner Portal and/or (ii)
any information or material published on the HP Partner Portal, (iii) any temporary or definitive shut down of the HP
Partner Portal.
We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to disqualify any of Your employees from access to the
HP Partner Portal.
Your use of the HP Partner Portal is subject to the U.S. and other local export laws and regulations.
Governing Law and dispute resolutions in these Terms will be:
As per Your valid HP partner agreement if you have a valid HP partner agreement with HP, or
If you do not have a valid HP partner agreement with HP, the laws and the courts of the principal
place of business of the Hewlett-Packard sales entity referred to in Section 3.b above.
We may, at Our sole and absolute discretion, change these Terms from time to time. We will notify
you of such changes.
This is a legal agreement between you and the Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) or any HP affiliated company, as
applicable. HP manufactures, distributes, licenses and promotes computer hardware and software products. Many of
HP's products are technically complex and require complex pre- and post-sales support. In order to ensure
competency in individuals who sell, service and support HP products, the HP Global Certification and Learning
organization runs training and certification programs. By completing the courses and passing the examinations,
individual participants in these programs may be certified by HP, indicating that he or she has satisfied the
requirements to demonstrate proficiency in a given HP technology or product. In addition, certifications held by
individuals may be used in HP Partner Authorization programs, which may require that an HP partner maintain a
specific number of HP certified individuals on staff.
HP reserves the right to revise these terms and conditions from time to time. In the event of a revision, your signing or
otherwise manifesting assent to a new agreement may be a condition of continued certification or training.
HP ExpertONE Program: The HP ExpertONE Program provides individuals with access to HP training and education
courses and materials and validates an individual's competency with HP products and technologies, as described in
this Agreement.
HP Certified Professional (HPCP): An individual who has complied with the certification requirements set out in the
HP ExpertONE Program including, but not limited to, satisfactorily passing the requisite HP Certified Professional
examinations, and who, by maintaining current certification, is entitled to use one or more of the HP Certified
Professional designations in accordance with this Agreement.
Certification: A "certification" is a title awarded to an individual that indicates the completion of a set of program
requirements, including, without limitation, third-party tests and certifications. Each certification includes a formally
documented process whereby individuals may demonstrate competence relating to HP products or technologies.
Examples of certifications are "HP Accredited Systems Engineer (ASE)" and "HP Certified Systems Engineer (CSE)".
HP Certified Professional Examination (HPCP Exam): Any examination set out in the HP ExpertONE Program that
candidates must satisfactorily pass to attain an HPCP certification.
HP Authorized Training Center (ATCA): a company that has been approved by HP as an authorized training provider,
including HP internal training organizations.
Personal Identification Information: Information required in order to contact program participants in relation to the
Program, including, but not limited to, name, address, telephone number(s) and email addresses.
Personal Training and Certification Information: Information generated through participation in the Program, including,
but not limited to, classes registered, classes attended in person, classes taken online, exam scores, certifications
achieved, certifications in progress, third-party exams and credentials, and past certifications held.
Authorized Agents: Third-party agents and entities used by the HP ExpertONE Program to deliver and develop
program services and conduct program transactions, including, but not limited to, authorized training centers, course
developers, fulfillment vendors and exam delivery vendors.
Please carefully read the following terms and conditions, under which HP grants you status as an HP Certified
Professional. HP grants this certification to you on condition that you accept the terms of this agreement.
1.A: Certification Program
The HP ExpertONE Program is a worldwide certification program that is administered on a regional basis. The
process to attain certification may vary among regions.
To become an HP Certified Professional you must:
(1) Complete any prerequisites for your certification. This may include passing exams or attaining a credential from a
third party source.
(2) If required to do so by your region, you must provide a copy of any certificates/transcripts for the relevant
operating system or required third-party certification.
(3) You must pass the required HP exams pertaining to the certification.
(4) You agree to be bound by the terms and conditions in this document. HP reserves the right to modify these terms
and conditions as necessary, without prior notice. It is your responsibility to monitor these terms and conditions to
ensure compliance.
(5) Notwithstanding anything in this agreement to the contrary, HP reserves the right to deny any person access to
HP's certification process.
1.B: Transfer of Certification
(1)Transfer Between Individuals. Certifications are personal and non-transferable.
(2) Transfer Between Employers. You may retain your certification status if you leave your current employment and/or
begin working with a new company, provided you contact the HP ExpertONE Home Page
( to update your profile.
1.C: Termination
Certification is granted once you have satisfied all the HP ExpertONE Program requirements. Thereafter, certification
shall be valid until:
(1) HP discontinues the HP ExpertONE Program
(2) Your specific certification is noted as "Expired", if you hold no other valid HP certification.
(3) You choose to withdraw from the program and terminate your certification from HP by notifying (in writing) your
regional program office of your intention
(4) Your certification is revoked by HP for just cause. Just causes include, but may not be limited to:
Violating the terms of any confidentiality obligations between you and HP or an ATC,
Intentionally misrepresenting your employer or employment status,
Intentionally misrepresenting your credentials or falsifying your credentials,
Harming the reputation or goodwill of HP with customers or the public, or
Cheating on an HPCP examination or otherwise violating the HPCP exam policy, including breaching exam
security, misconduct during the examination, or any other behavior that could compromise the integrity or
confidentiality of any HPCP exam.
1.D: General
(1) Changes in Personal Information or Status: You must notify the HP ExpertONE Home Page Program of any
changes of employment, mailing address or email address, or any change that may affect your HP Certified
Professional status or HP communications to you. Should HP discover that you no longer work for an HP partner
listed in your profile, HP reserves the right to delete the HP partner association from your profile. HP is not liable for
any miscommunication or changes to program participation status if your personal information is not maintained
(2) Keeping up-to-date with Certifications: You are solely responsible for keeping up-to-date with HP's continuing
learning requirements and for maintaining your certification(s). Information about changes and updates are posted
periodically on the HP partner portal. These requirements must be completed within the time specified by the HP
ExpertONE Program. Consult your HP ExpertONE Program Home Page to find out if any continuing learning
requirements apply to your certification(s). Requirements may vary depending on your geographic region. If you do
not complete the continuing learning requirements as required by HP for any certification, your rights and benefits
pertaining to that certification may be terminated, and your certification(s) will no longer be considered valid for
partner authorization programs.
(3) Changes in Program Requirements: Program benefits may be provided to HP Certified Professionals who hold
current certifications that are "Active," or "Inactive." HP reserves the right to change at any time the requirements for
obtaining or maintaining any Program certification. HP manages the lifecycle of a certification through certification
versions. You are responsible for knowing the status of a certification that you hold. The status of a certification can
be found on the worldwide HP ExpertONE Program Home Page. Any HP Certified Professional holding an "Expired"
certification, with no other valid HP certification, will no longer be considered part of the HP ExpertONE Program.
(4) Competitor Employment: HP reserves the right to terminate or revoke HP Certified Professional status if HP
discovers that you are employed by a competitor of HP such as an IT company engaged in the business of
developing and marketing hardware, software, solutions or services, including business computer solutions, faulttolerant business-critical solutions, networking and communication products, commercial desktop, imaging and
printing products and portable products and consumer PCs. If your certified status is terminated, HP will not be liable
for any costs associated with the termination.
(5) Conduct of Business: Because the actions of individuals with HP Certified Professional status reflect upon the
reputation and goodwill of HP, you agree to (i) conduct your business in a way that does not adversely reflect upon
HP, (ii) avoid deceptive, misleading or unethical practices which are or might be detrimental to HP or its products
and/or services, and (iii) refrain from making any representations, warranties or guarantees to customers that are
inconsistent with the policies drawn up by HP. You also agree not to misrepresent your certification status or your
level of skill and knowledge related thereto.
(6) Right of Revocation: HP reserves the right to terminate or revoke HP Certified Professional status for violation of
any of the terms of this Agreement, or for violating any other agreements relating to training courses, course materials
or exams offered in the context of the HP ExpertONE Program. HP is not liable for any claims or losses resulting from
the termination of the HP Certified Professional status.
(7) Investigations: To the extent permitted by law, HP reserves the right to investigate, at any time and without prior
notice, your self-reported information, such as, but not limited to, employment status and current certification status
with third-party vendors, to ensure compliance with the HP ExpertONE Program terms and conditions.
(8) Program Modification: HP may change the program qualifications and requirements in order to respond to
changing business conditions. Changes to certifications will be posted on the HP ExpertONE Home Page, and may
also be communicated via email, newsletter, press release or other means of communication. It is your responsibility
to learn about the changes that affect your certification(s). Any changes made to the program are not retrospective,
and they apply as of the effective date specified by HP in the change notice.
(9) Usage of Program Marks: As an HP Certified Professional in good standing, you are entitled to use various logos,
trade and service marks, trade names and titles (collectively called "trademarks") provided to you by HP,
corresponding to the program certification you have earned. HP reserves the right to terminate your use of these
trademarks if, in its sole discretion, HP finds you in violation of these terms and conditions. HP is not liable for any
costs incurred due to the termination of the use of its trademarks.
(10) Rights: The rights granted to you under this agreement are not property rights, and as such, are not transferable
to others. No title to or ownership of the trademarks or of any software or proprietary technology or intellectual
property is transferred to you.
(11) Indemnities: You agree to indemnify and hold HP harmless against any losses, liability, damages, costs or
expenses (including legal fees) arising from any claims or lawsuits made against HP (i) by reason of your
performance or non-performance under this agreement; (ii) arising from your use of the trademarks in any manner
other than that permitted under this agreement.
(12) Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure of Exams: All HP certification exams, including the content and wording of
exam questions, constitute confidential HP information protected by intellectual property law. Anyone obtaining
access to HP Certified Professional exams is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of this information. An individual
who is caught violating the non-disclosure agreement before beginning the exam will be subject to decertification and
may become permanently ineligible for any HP certification.
Certified Professional exams is obliged to maintain the confidentiality of this information. An individual who is caught
violating the non-disclosure agreement before beginning the exam will be subject to decertification and may become
permanently ineligible for any HP certification.
(1) Training Delivery Guarantee: HP guarantees that all HP training delivered by HP ExpertONE will be provided in
accordance with generally recognized commercial practices and standards.
(2) Other Guarantees: To the extent permitted by law, HP makes no other guarantee or representation as to the
suitability or quality of the training courses or materials. HP expressly rejects any liability for any action taken or
omitted on the basis of the training courses or materials. You shall have sole responsibility for fulfilling any
requirements or accomplishing any objectives for which you have purchased any HP training course or materials.
(3) Intellectual Property: All course materials provided for use during the course are copyrighted works belonging to
HP or the original content provider. No title to or ownership of any intellectual property is transferred to you. This
agreement should not be construed as granting you any right or license, whether by implication, estoppel, or
otherwise, except as expressly stated. The course materials are provided for the sole use of the person attending the
classes and may not be used by any other person and may not be reproduced, distributed or modified without the
written permission of HP.
(4) Service Interruptions: You acknowledge that temporary interruptions of online registrations and other online
services may occur from time to time. HP shall exercise reasonable care to prevent or minimize such interruptions
and is not liable towards you for any losses or damages related to such interruptions.
(5) Data Transmission and Integrity: HP shall not be liable towards you for any failure or delay in receiving or
transmitting data, or for any loss of or corruption of data arising from or connected with the delivery or execution of
training courses.
(6) Assignment: Unless expressly specified in this agreement, neither this agreement nor any of your rights or
obligations arising from this agreement may be assigned without HP's prior written consent.
(7) Non-Waiver: No waiver of any right or remedy on one occasion by either party will be deemed a waiver of such
right or remedy on any other occasion.
(8) Compliance with Applicable Laws: You assume responsibility for complying with applicable laws and regulations,
and for obtaining the required export and import authorizations for any export, re-export or import of data purchased
hereunder. HP may suspend performance if you violate applicable export laws. In addition, by agreeing to these
terms and conditions, you acknowledge that HP will verify your personal identification information to ensure HP's
compliance with all applicable trade laws.
(1) HP Usage of Personal Identification Information. By accepting these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that
your personal identification information may be used for internal and external HP activities that are essential to
running the HP ExpertONE Program. By accepting these terms and conditions, you agree that HP may share this
information outside your country within the HP group of companies and with authorized agents of HP, to the extent
necessary in order to complete the exam and/or training registration and associated transactions. This information is
used solely for the purposes of running HP programs.
Personal identification information is used to inform you of important program updates. This information is not used
for marketing purposes inside or outside of the HP ExpertONE Program, and is disclosed to HP Partner Authorization
programs without your express consent.
The HP ExpertONE Program complies with the HP Global Master Privacy Policy, which may be amended from time
to time at HP's sole discretion and without prior notice. The policy can be found
(2) HP Usage of Personal Certification and Training Information. By registering as an HP ExpertONE Program
participant, you agree to HP collecting and storing information about (1) the classes you take, (2) the exams you take,
and (3) the certifications that you have obtained. Your personal certification information may be used for HP
purposes. This includes sharing your certification or training status with your HP partner program or partner account
manager in those regions where certification or training of individuals is required for the partner company to become
recognized as an authorized HP partner. If you indicate an affiliation with an authorized HP Partner, information
regarding your certification(s) and training completion(s) may be disclosed to and become accessible to the partner
company's internal personnel, for example the partner education manager.
Access to Training Material from territories where it is restricted by US or other national laws or regulations is
prohibited. If you choose to access this training, you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance
with all applicable laws or regulations. You agree to comply with all export and re-export restrictions and regulations
of the U.S. Department of Commerce and any other United States or foreign agencies and authorities in connection
with your use of this Training Material and to not, in violation of any laws or regulations, transfer, or authorize the
transfer, of any Training Material to a prohibited country or otherwise in violation of any laws or regulations, be
exported or re-exported (a) to embargo and sanctioned countries such as Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria,
or (b) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department's List of Specially Designated Nationals* or the U.S. Commerce
Department's Table of Denial Orders** or Entity List of proliferation concern***, or the U.S. State Department's
Debarred Parties List****.
*U.S. Treasury Department's List of Specially Designated Nationals
**Table of Denial Orders
***Entity List of proliferation concern
****U.S. State Department's Debarred Parties List
By using any Training Materials subject to any such laws or regulations, you represent and warrant that you are not
located in, under the control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list.