Westgard Control Quality
Westgard Control Quality
Westgard Control Quality
Background: In this age of evidence-based medicine, nothing is more important than the quality of laboratory tests. It is
commonly thought that laboratory tests provide two-thirds to three-fourths of the information used for making medical
decisions. If so, test results had better tell the truth about what is happening with our patients. Methods: The age-old truth
standard for the quality of evidence describes three dimensions that are importanta test should tell the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth. This three-dimensional model can be used to characterize the clinical and analytical reliability of
laboratory tests and guide the translation of outcome criteria, or quality goals, into practical specifications for method
performance. Results: Clinical reliability, or medical usefulness, should assess the correctness of patient classifications based on
stated test interpretation guidelines, taking into account the precision and accuracy of the laboratory method, and allowing for
the known within-subject biologic variation and the QC needed to detect method instability. Analytical reliability should assess
the correctness of a test result based on a stated error limit, taking into account the precision and accuracy of the method and
allowing for the QC necessary to detect method instability. These assessments challenge the reliability of current tests for
cholesterol, glucose, and glycated hemoglobin in the implementation of U.S. national clinical guidelines. Conclusions:
Evidence-based medicine must employ scientific methodology for translating test interpretation guidelines into practical, benchlevel, operating specifications for the imprecision and inaccuracy allowable for a method and the QC necessary to detect method
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Clinical and analytical reliability; Quality control; Laboratory tests
1. Introduction
There is a long history of discussions of quality
requirements in laboratory medicine, beginning in the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-608-263-9976; fax: +1-608262-9520.
E-mail address: jowestgard@med.wisc.edu (J.O. Westgard).
0009-8981/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this context, one might wonder about the suitability of a test like high sensitivity C-reactive protein
(hs-CRP) for cardiac screening, as recently recommended in the U.S. by the Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) and the American Heart Association (AHA)
[9]. There is an inherent problem with false positives
because hs-CRP is part of the innate immune response [10] to a wide variety of infectious, inflammatory, and necrotic disease processes. While the first
dimension of truth is satisfied by the epidemiologic
studies in the literature and the second dimension is
satisfied by the availability of high sensitivity measurement procedures, the third dimension reveals that
the test may not be reliable because of variation due to
known confounding factors. Those factors identified
in a recent review [10] include the following: non-
specificity of disease, within-subject biologic variation, smoking, obesity, alcohol consumption, statin
therapy, hormone replacement therapy, specimen
collection effects due to non-fasting and anticoagulants, differences between analytical methods because of the need for better standardization, need
for better analytical precision, and the need for better
quality assessment schemes to monitor and control
method performance in the field. These factors all
relate to the nothing but the truth dimension of
quality that is critical in preventing wrong results
and wrongful treatment of patients.
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the
importance of this third dimension of truth in translating outcome criteria for laboratory tests into practical specifications for laboratory methods. Common
confounding factors, such as within-subject biologic
variability and the QC needed to detect medically
important method instability, must always be considered in establishing the specifications for routine
operation of a method. In effect, a margin of safety
is necessary to allow for possible effects of known
variables that will otherwise cause a hazardous
situation for the patient [11]. Patient safety is a
major concern in healthcare today [12], therefore
laboratories need to assure that the test results
reported are not hazardous to the health of their
patients. The proper definition and implementation of
clinical and analytical quality requirements is critical
in that endeavor.
3. Computer tools
A requirement for analytical quality, stated in
the form of an allowable total error (TEa), can be
6. QC safety margin
The need for a safety margin for QC is documented
by power curves [20] for the particular control
rules and numbers of control measurements, as shown
in Fig. 1. For QC procedures commonly used in
laboratories today (shown in the key at the right side
of the figure), changes or systematic errors must be as
large as 1.7 3.7 times the method standard deviation
to be detected reliably (with a probability of 0.90, or
90% assurance).
7. Results
4. Analytical model
The analytical reliability of a laboratory test
depends on the following:
5. Clinical model
The clinical reliability and medical usefulness of a
test depends on the following:
Fig. 1. Power curves for commonly used QC procedures. Probability of rejecting an analytical run is plotted on the y-axis versus the size of
systematic errors on the x-axis. The different curves (top to bottom) correspond to the different control rules and numbers of control
measurements listed in the key at the right.
Fig. 2. Chart of operating specifications for a cholesterol test having an allowable total error (TEa) of 10%. Allowable method bias (in %) is
shown on the y-axis versus allowable method CV (in %) on the x-axis. The different lines define the limits of allowable bias and CV for different
QC procedures, whose rules and numbers of control measurements are listed in the key at the right.
The OPSpecs chart in Fig. 3 represents a cholesterol test and the NCEP guidelines for test
interpretation and method performance specifications
[21]. The NCEP test interpretation guidelines indicate that a patient cholesterol result of 5.17 mmol/
l (200 mg/dl) or less is okay, but a value of 6.23
mmol/l (240 mg/dl) requires follow-up to identify
the problem and the treatment. The difference between these limits corresponds to a decision interval
(Dint) of approximately 20% [100 (6.23 5.17)/
5.17]. Given that the within-subject biologic CV is
known to be 6.5%, much of the clinical decision
interval is consumed by pre-analytical variation,
leaving approximately 9.3% available for analytical
components, as shown by the y-intercepts of the
lines for the various QC procedures. The operating
point that is shown again represents the NCEP
method performance specifications of a maximum
allowable CV of 3.0% and a maximum allowable
bias of 3.0%. The only appropriate way to QC this
method would be a multirule procedure with six
measurements per run. Given that the U.S. CLIA
regulations only require laboratories to measure two
controls per run, there is no guarantee that a
cholesterol test will have the quality needed to lead
to the correct clinical interpretation.
Fig. 3. Chart of operating specifications for a cholesterol test having a clinical decision interval of 20%.
Fig. 4. Chart of operating specifications for a glucose test having a clinical decision interval of 14.5%.
Fig. 5. Performance observed for field methods as shown on a chart of operating specifications for a glucose test having a clinical decision
interval of 14.5%.
Fig. 6. Chart of operating specifications for a glycated hemoglobin test having a clinical decision interval of 14.3%.
11. Discussion
It is extremely unfortunate that clinical guidelines
continue to recommend CVs for analytical imprecision (often unspecified as to type, within-run, day-today, etc.) that bear no resemblance to the objective
criteria related to biological variation and are not
based on medical use of outcomes studies. This
statement by Bruns and Oosterhuis in the year 2003
[8, Chapter 10, p. 201] demonstrates that currently it
is still a major problem to establish quality requirements for laboratory tests and performance specifications for laboratory methods.
We believe one difficulty is the lack of consideration of factors that confound the interpretation of a
test resultthe nothing but the truth dimension of
the truth standard. While existence of these factors is
often acknowledged, the factors are not considered
quantitatively when method specifications are established. At a minimum, it is always important to
account for the within-subject biologic variation,
which is a pre-analytical factor, and the quality control
necessary to detect medically important errors, which
is an analytical factor. We have demonstrated that
these factors can be accounted for by the use of a
graphical tool known as a chart of operating specifications. We recommend that a tool like this be
adopted as part of the scientific methodology for
translating test interpretation guidelines into method
performance specifications.
Many readers will find it surprising that laboratory
methods for common tests such as cholesterol, glucose, and glycated hemoglobin may not be reliable for
current clinical practice guidelines. We are likewise
astonished that the promoters of evidence-based medicine have not come to grips with the fundamentals for
establishing correct specifications for laboratory tests.
It may be that the ease of making measurements with
todays highly automated methods makes people think
that measurements are simple, and by extension, they
must be reliable. Unfortunately, the ease of making
measurements hides the complexity of the measure-
ment process and actually misleads people into thinking that nothing can go wrong. Current regulations
also re-enforce this thinking by allowing personnel
with less and less training to perform more and more
laboratory tests with less and less quality control. In
short, the quality of laboratory tests today is being
assumed, not assured!
We believe that evidence-based medicine is moving in the right direction and will eventually transform
the art of medicine into the science of medicine.
However, there is still a need to make improvements
and to apply scientific principles to fill the gaps where
experimental studies and data are not available or not
sufficient. Price and Christenson [8] point out that the
randomized clinical trial is not the remedy to our
problem with quality specifications. A different methodology is needed, which we suggest requires the use
of mathematical planning models to translate test
interpretation guidelines into bench-level method
specifications for precision, accuracy, and quality
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