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Saranagati - A News Letter

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issue no.


SRAVANA, 07|13|14

The Hidden Secrets Of Bhakti

Part 3 of 3

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps 98% of our time we are
in illusion? This illusion comes about when we think: I am so
and so., I am this body, that is so and so many years old now and
celebrates its birthday., when we believe the friends and guests
who come to congratulate, Yes, thats me! As long as one believes
this, one has to remain in this material world, as rla Prabhupda
expresses it in this text: The whole material world is working on
the basis of I and mine. This is the root of attraction to the material
world. If one is attracted by this root of illusory conceptions I and
mine he will have to remain within this material world in different
exalted or nasty positions. (rmad-Bhgavatam, 4.11.30, purport)
Most of our life is unfortunately spent in the identification with
our physical body and our own concepts of who we are and who
others are. Most of our life is not spent on knowing, I am an eternal
servant of rmat Rdhr. And I am serving Ka. I am not this
body. I am not this mind. I have nothing to do with the positioning of
my soul in this present human existence. I have only so much to do
with it in that my body has a brilliant opportunity to become free from
illusion. My mind and body are not identical to me. My interests are
different. And I refuse to be a servant of the illusory life based on wrong
identifications. I do not want to be the servant of the body and mind any
longer. I wish to make this statement to my body and mind: You are
very welcome in my life, because you can help me render service. But
please agree to be engaged by me since my interest is to experience love
of Rdh and Ka.

Photo by vinodbaba.com

As long as one is not fixed in this understanding one will live

amongst shadows only. Lets come out of the darkness and walk

into the light! That happens when we learn the art of bhta-uddhi.
Bhta-uddhi essentially means to become aware of our spiritual
nature. If we want to serve Ka who is spiritual we also have
to become spiritual. At least the concept of our self has to be
spiritual. rla Prabhupda expresses it like this, Without becoming
brahman, one cannot approach the supreme brahman. Just like without
being fire, nobody can enter into the fire. (L.A, January 31, 1969)
Of course, as we go through life we have to be practical. For
example, when someone calls us by our name, we might not want
to reply, I am not here, I am practicing spiritual life. I am not the
body, I am not the name you know. Or it may not be beneficial to
reply This is not me. when we have to sign our passport or get a
visa with our legal name. For practical reasons we must keep a foot
in this world, but our inner orientation and this is the important
point here must be that I am really a servant of Ka. I am a
servant of Rdhr.
Often we are not very interested in this. But this is of just as much
interest as our next breath: If you want to wake up from the
material existence of repeated birth and death you need to practice
now: I am not this body. And positively: Aha brahmsmi: I am
an eternal spiritual soul. This is the beginning of sdhana.
In the bhakti scriptures performing any spiritual practice without
this awareness is compared to a ritual sacrifice where butter is
offered into ashes instead of fire. Such a sacrifice does not bring any
result and similarly, according to the Hari-bhakti-vilsa, sdhana
without bhta-uddhi does not award any result.

aragat Teachings, Realizations and Inspirations from acnandana Swami, page 1

If you do not practice detachment from illusion and continue to

live in concepts like, I am a German, I am a Croatian, I am a man,
I am a woman, I am intelligent or I am less intelligent your spiritual
life is a shadow. A shadow of a meal never nourishes. Similarly,
the shadow of bhakti will not nourish you properly. Then, you will
remain one of these many unfortunate souls who have gotten the
greatest opportunity, but who have not used it and are therefore still
in illusion.
In essence bhta-uddhi means to take a few steps in our understanding of life. After all, our understanding of life describes how
we live it. If we dont understand, I am really a soul and my purpose
is to serve Ka we will spend our life making money, eating,
sleeping, trying to enjoy and trying to be secure in this material
world. But if we understand, I am really a soul we will see that
there are opportunities for us to render service.

Here are two bhta-uddhi prayers:

I am by nature an eternal servant of Ka but because of my own
misfortune I have turned away from Ka since time immemorial.
I have identified myself with my body and wondered continuously in
the cycle of birth and death for so long. I am in the material world
suffering the threefold misery. Now as a result of some unimaginable
good fortune I have met my spiritual master and out of his mercy he
has enabled me to know that I am really Kas eternal servant. He
has told me that I am completely apart from my gross and subtle body.
I am so fortunate that I serve his lotus feet and follow his footsteps
so that I serve r Caitanya Mahprabhu and r-r Rdh and
ymasundara. (Pacartra-Pradpa)
Oh Radha and Krsna who are in the eternal spiritual world! I surrender
to you! Whatever I call mine now is in truth your property only.
Everything is for your sake! Everything is for your enjoyment! Nothing
really is for my enjoyment. Its all for you! (Sanat-kumra Sahit)
Detachment from our illusory identity also includes detachment from
everything it relates itself to. In this world there are many things that
are so deceivingly close to our mind and intelligence because they
correspond to our particular conditioned nature, but we must detach
ourselves from them because most of them are illusions. We just have
to learn to do this little meditation as we go through the process of
bhakti. It can also be brief: I am now sitting down to chant, I am a soul,
I am calling out to you, please engage me in your service!
It is very simple, but because it is the absolute truth, you can go
unlimitedly deep according to your advancement. You will discover
more and more nuances in this meditation. You will enter a forest

of miracles, the divine forest of Vndvana. You will see more and
more things unfolding before your eyes and becoming clear to you.
And the result is, you will be blissful.

This concludes The Hidden Secrets of Bhakti. rla Rpa Gosvm
describes that in order to act in bhakti you need to do three things:
1) focus on Ka,
2) use your body and mind in his service and
3) have the intention to give him pleasure.
To make this bhakti pure you need to understand that
4) All my other desires may be there, but I really desire only bhakti as
my goal, to be in my relationship with Ka, full of love and
5) I dont want to cover it by anything material (jna and karma).
When we consider bhakti not as an achievement but as a path,
practicing this means practicing pure bhakti. This rests upon the
foundation of spiritual life: practicing detachment from illusory
designations and fixing oneself in ones spiritual identity.
From a lecture by acnandana Swami in Zagreb, Croatia,
February 13, 2014.

Meet acnandana Swami

Photo by Mickey Shah

upcoming seminars & events:

Jul. 26

Lecture at Ayurveda Hotel Sonnhof, Tirol, Austria

Jul. 28 - Aug. 2

Bhakti Retreat, Switzerland

Aug. 4-7

Krtana-Mel, Germany

Aug. 15-18

Janmam Festival, Goloka-dhma, Germany

Read more: www.sacinandanaswami.com

aragat Teachings, Realizations and Inspirations from acnandana Swami, page 2

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