Better Understanding The Process Through Flowcharting: Department of Professional Practice
Better Understanding The Process Through Flowcharting: Department of Professional Practice
Better Understanding The Process Through Flowcharting: Department of Professional Practice
Better Understanding
the Process through
An Implementation Guide
August 2014
As this Guide has been designed for use by management, the use of terms such as you or your refer to employees or other
individuals within the entity responsible for internal control over financial reporting.
Background and objectives
Introduction to flowcharting
Standard symbols
Developing flowcharts
As defined in Auditing Standard No. 5 An Audit of Internal Control Over Financial Reporting That Is Integrated with An Audit of Financial Statements.
Do our processes have redundant controls, and conversely, do we have all the WCGWs covered?
Introduction to flowcharting
A flowchart is a graphic depiction of the steps or activities that constitute a process. The steps or activities used by an
entity to initiate, authorize, process and record transactions are represented by various shapes and standard symbols
connected with arrows to illustrate the sequence of events.
The purpose of a flowchart is to gain an understanding of the end-to-end process, including understanding the key inputs,
processes and outputs. Once an understanding of the process has been achieved, management is, enabled to properly
identify the points in the process where there is a risk of material misstatement, whether caused by error or fraud, and
the automated and manual controls in place to address the WCGWs. The preparer should exercise appropriate judgment
in determining the appropriate level of detail to present of the process activities in the flowchart. At a minimum, the
flowchart should be presented in sufficient detail to ensure that a reader familiar with ICOFR may understand the process
and be able to follow a single transaction from the beginning to the end of a process. However, it should not be so
detailed that it is redundant with other documentation or difficult to follow.
Present the flow of the transaction from top to bottom and left to right.
Use standard symbols to capture key inputs, process activities and key
Use a top down approach to identify risks that could result in a material
Use a separate flowchart for each process. For more complex processes,
it may be necessary to break down a flowchart into multiple
in the
Identify the beginning (i.e., initiation of a transaction) and end points (i.e.,
recording a transaction in the general ledger) of the process (see B
in the illustration on page 7)
Begin with the end in mind work backwards from the general ledger
account to initiation of the transaction.
The focus should be on capturing the key steps or activities within the
process that impact relevant transaction data (i.e., data elements).
Standard symbols
To ensure consistent implementation, the basic elements and standard symbols for use when constructing flowcharts
are as follows:
The start/end icon is used to indicate the beginning (i.e., initiating a
transaction) and end point (i.e., recording in the general ledger) of a process.
Capture the name of the general ledger account(s) impacted by the
transaction inside the end icon.
The manual activity icon designates a manual step or activity in the process.
Within the shape, include a brief description of the manual process activity
being performed.
The automated activity icon designates a step or activity occurring inside the
system (i.e., system configured to process data). Within the shape, include a
brief description of the automated process activity being performed.
The arrow connects the steps and activities in the process. The arrowhead
indicates the direction or sequence of events.
The decision icon designates a decision point from which the process
branches into two or more paths. The path taken depends on the answer to
the question.
The icon should be populated with a question and the responses (i.e.,
yes/no) should be noted in the arrows originating from the decision box.
Decisions may be manual or system driven.
The IPE icon represents a data file or report generated as an output of the
system and used in the performance of a control. Capture the report name
and relevant data elements inside the icon.
While there is no ideal size, a flowchart can range from one to several
pages. Therefore, it is likely that complex processes will continue onto an
additional page or link to another process. The off-page connector icon
provides a visual cue that the flowchart continues on another page or
another process.
The WCGW icon identifies the points within the process at which a material
misstatement could arise.
Once the WCGWs have been determined, identify and document the
controls implemented to address these risks.
The WCGW and control icons are included within the flowchart. These icons
should refer to separate documentation that includes a description of the
WCGW and the control(s) designed to address each WCGW. An example of
this is included in the illustration on page 10.
The following illustration is intended to highlight the basic structure of a flowchart for a purchase to pay process. It is not
intended to be a comprehensive example of all elements that should be considered when obtaining an understanding of
the purchase to pay process and does not include any descriptions of the activities within the process (an example of
these is included on page 10).
Developing flowcharts
Leverage available information and validate managements understanding
Leveraging all available information, including any existing description of the process and walkthrough, will expedite the
ability to develop effective flowcharts. When gathering and reviewing available information, consider the following:
What are the process boundaries the beginning (i.e., initiating a transaction) and end points (i.e., recording in
the general ledger) of the process?
What are the key activities in the process? How often are they performed and in what order do they occur?
What reports are generated as an output of the process and used in the performance of a control?
What are the points in the process at which a material misstatement could arise (WCGWs)?
Current documentation should serve as a starting point to update your understanding of the process activities, the likely
sources of potential material misstatements and the controls designed to prevent or detect such misstatements. While
not required, performing walkthroughs will frequently be the most effective way of following a transaction from its
origination through the entitys processes, including information systems, until it is recorded in the entitys financial
records. This will assist you in identifying the activities involved in the process, identifying potential misstatements and
the controls in place. Walkthrough procedures usually include a combination of inquiry, observation, inspection of relevant
documentation and re-performance of controls.
Every transaction originates from one of three sources: (1) a source outside the
entity, (2) a department or IT system not shown in the flowchart or (3) a
department or function referenced in the flowchart.
The description of each process activity should be short and concise, but
detailed enough for a reader to understand the event, action or decision.
Describe key events, actions, or decisions as they occur until transactions are
recorded in the general ledger and the process is concluded.
Identify the IT relevant controls and processes in the flowchart including the
WCGWs and describe the risks related to IT controls.
IT related controls
Show the final disposition of all transactions. Every transaction should terminate
in one of three places: (1) a destination outside the entity, (2) a department or IT
system not shown on the flowchart or (3) the general ledger.
Understand how data is entered and processed into IT systems and understand
the flow of data from initiation to where it is recorded in the financial
The following illustration is intended to highlight the basic elements of one component (accounts payable) of the
purchase to pay process. This flowchart is not intended to be a comprehensive example of all elements engagement
teams should consider when obtaining an understanding of the purchase to pay process. While the illustration highlights
only one WCGW and key control, there are likely many other WCGWs and key controls in this process. See Appendix for
example flowchart.
Information systems are a key component of processes and controls. Understanding the flow of transactions includes
understanding how data is entered into IT systems and how it is stored, processed and accumulated for use in operating
controls and preparing financial statements. Additionally, management should understand how data associated with the
transaction flows through the various information systems, including applications, databases and other system
Your understanding of relevant IT systems, including information as it flows into, through and out of the relevant IT
systems, may be enhanced by using IT Systems Diagrams (ISDs). These diagrams also will assist in identifying WCGWs
and relevant controls. An ISD should be developed prior to development of a process flowchart as it will help you to
understand ITs relevance and role within the process.
ISDs are not flowcharts; rather, they are diagrams that depict the different layers of IT. ISDs show relevant applications,
databases, operating systems and other network infrastructure. ISDs will often show how service organization systems
that interact with internal IT systems are involved. An example diagram is included below:
Example of an ISD that
describes the sales and
sales returns process of a
Does the information flow properly (from top to bottom and from left to right)?
Does the flowchart contain only information that is relevant to the financial reporting process?
Have all relevant data elements (i.e., date, party, description, quantity and price) been identified?
When data is transferred to or from one system to another, are all WCGWs considered?
Are there sections of the process that you dont fully understand after the initial draft of the flowchart?
Reverse the direction in the flowchart unless the flow reverses itself in reality
Flowcharting can be an effective way to document the flow of information through an entitys processes and systems.
This Guide was designed to assist management in implementing flowcharting and to provide a common language,
symbols and approach to be used to use a picture to replace a thousand words.
AR Cash
In-Store Sales & Returns
Internet Sales & Returns
Returns Reserve
Cashiers scan
SKUs into POS
system at the store
locations to
capture sales data
Bank deposit
prepared based on
cash and credit card
completes a sales
order online in the
POS Webstore
Packing Slip
Warehouse employees
pick, pack and ship
product and generates a
sales invoice with a return
RR 9
SAP Database
journal entry
RR 8
RR 7
Sales Function controls:
- Reconciles store cash and credit card
receipts with bank deposits
- Polls and closes all POS sales register data
Customer returns
product via store visit
Customer orders
via internet
Customer returns
product via warehouse
(internet orders)
Update to returns
reserve estimate
required monthly
SAP FI module
whether each
transaction is a
sale or return
For a return
transaction, the
SAP FI module
reverses the sale
For a sale
transaction, the
SAP FI module
records the sale
RR 6
Various liabilities
RR 5
2014 KPMG LLP, a Delaware limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of the KPMG network of
independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International), a Swiss entity.
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. The KPMG name, logo and cutting through complexity are registered
trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. NDPPS 302005