Chapter Nine Future Land Use Plan: Agriculture
Chapter Nine Future Land Use Plan: Agriculture
Chapter Nine Future Land Use Plan: Agriculture
Describe desired patterns of future land use in a manner consistent with the goals and objectives set
forth in Chapter 3.
Delineate areas of the Township best suited for various types and densities of land use and
development on the basis of existing land use relationships, the communitys roadway network,
environmental features, park and recreation facilities, and existing and planned infrastructure.
Recognize that current and potential future conditions present opportunities and constraints for
patterns and types of development.
This portion of the Plan includes descriptions of specific geographic land use areas and a future land use map
(Map 9-1). The future land use areas are designed to be consistent with the goals and objectives set forth in
Chapter 3 of this Plan.
The following is an overview of future land use areas:
All of Sections 1 and 2, most of Section 6, the north 1/2 of Sections 11 and 12, and Section 36 east of I-196
are planned to remain in agricultural use. This land use category includes cash crops, special crops, animal
pasture, and animal husbandry operations. The development of non-farm dwellings and other non-farm uses
within areas planned to remain agricultural is discouraged. These active agricultural areas may be
considered for non-agricultural development after the year 2010.
Low Density Residential
This land use category comprises the largest land area of any planned land use category and consists
primarily of single-family homes. Attached single-family use may be permitted in planned developments
provided that the overall density does not exceed that permitted for detached single-family developments.
The preservation of viable open space should be the sole basis for permitting attached single-family
development projects in this land use area.
A density range of one to four dwellings per acre is planned for this category. Lot sizes would range from a
high of 1 acre to a minimum of 10,890 square feet. This planned use is best characterized by current R-1 and
R-2 Residential District zoning classifications.
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In areas where planned developments abut natural features such as floodplains, wetlands, surface water or
significant woodlots, the development should be designed and laid out to respect the natural environment.
Sections 3, 10, 11, 12, the west 1/3 of 13, Sections 14, 15, the east 1/2 of 17, the north 1/2 of 25, and the
south 1/2 of Section 35 are planned locations for infill or development of low-density residential uses.
Mobile home parks are not included in this land use category. The Township has more mobile home sites in
mobile home parks in relationship to the overall number of dwellings in the community than is experienced by
surrounding communities. Accordingly, this Plan does not provide for the establishment of additional mobile
home parks.
Moderate Density Residential
This land use category is intended to accommodate a mix of residential uses at a density of four to six
dwelling units per acre. It includes single-family detached, single-family attached, two-family and any
residential structure with up to four dwelling units.
Areas planned for this category are modest in area and include the east 1/2 of Section 4 along 120th Avenue,
a portion of the southwest 1/4 of Section 16 and the southeast 1/4 of Section 17 east of Beeline Road, the
west 1/2 of Section 17 east of the C & O Railroad right-of-way and the southeast 1/4 of Section 23.
Medium Density Residential
This residential category is intended to accommodate multiple-family development at a density of six to nine
dwelling units per acre. Two-family dwellings on small lots and low-rise (two-story) multiple-family buildings
with up to 12 dwelling units can also be accommodated.
Areas planned for medium density residential development include the northeast 1/4 of Section 7 north of the
West Ottawa Public Schools, the northeast 1/4 and a portion of the southeast 1/4 of Section 9 west of Beeline
Road, the majority of the west 1/2 of Section 15, except for a band of office/industrial use along James Street,
and the northwest 1/4 of Section 21 west of existing commercial uses.
High Density Residential
This category is intended to accommodate between nine to 12 dwelling units per acre. In very limited
situations involving high-rise residential structures (four or more stories) densities may be greater as long as
permanent open space is dedicated to serve residents of the development. High density residential is
planned for the southeast 1/4 of Section 9 east of Beeline Road and the northwest 1/4 of Section 16.
Community Commercial
This land use area includes general retail and service uses. Freestanding and attached business and retail
facilities are appropriate in this category.
Community commercial areas are located along and adjacent to US-31, Chicago Drive east of 112th Avenue,
Chicago Drive at US-31, and Chicago Drive near 120th Avenue.
This category has been established to satisfy the land needs of a wide variety of business uses and to
designate areas of land that may be needed to service an increasing area-wide and regional consumer base.
It is intended that these areas accommodate a wide range of general retail uses that can be established on a
stand-alone basis, or as part of a planned retail development. Wholesale and outdoor sales can also be
The Township recognizes the economic value of these areas and also recognizes how that value may
potentially suffer from problems associated with hazardous traffic conditions, traffic congestion, poorly
designed access and on-site circulation, and shopper inconvenience. The potential of long-term impacts
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resulting from new development in these areas needs to be scrutinized on a case-by-case basis as
development proposals come before the Township.
Whenever these areas abut residential uses, buffer zones should be established to provide visual, sound and
lighting separation to assure quiet enjoyment of residential lots. General commercial development along
major roadways should be subject to access management and service drive standards as well as regulations
developed to prevent the proliferation of unnecessary signs.
Planned Neighborhood Commercial
This land use category is intended to provide convenience commercial and personal services and office uses
in planned centers. These areas are limited to three to five acres in size and will be characterized by:
The location of some of these areas was selected on the basis of existing but limited commercial uses, and
areas now vacant or dedicated to another use. It is important to stress that the locations illustrated on the
Future Land Use Map are shown solely for local retail and personal services. They are not and should not be
construed as an opportunity for further commercial development in the vicinity. Planned neighborhood
centers will function as stand-alone entities.
Areas proposed for a planned neighborhood center include Riley Street at Butternut Drive, Douglas Avenue at
Division Avenue, Riley Street at 120th Avenue and Old Chicago Drive at 104th Ave. It is planned that not
more than one neighborhood center be constructed at each location.
Highway Service Commercial
This area is located at the Adams Street/I-196 interchange. It is intended to accommodate the development
of business and service establishments that serve the needs of the motoring public. Typical uses in this area
include gas stations (with or without convenience stores or food service), motels, hotels, fast-food or full
service restaurants with or without drive-through service facilities, and similar uses.
Light Industrial
This category is intended to accommodate the establishment of light industrial and light manufacturing uses
as stand-alone or grouped uses. These uses can be located in industrial or commerce parks in areas where
adequate setbacks and buffers from adjoining commercial and residential uses can be maintained.
Representative uses include (but are not necessarily limited to) any light industrial operation involving
research and testing, manufacturing, processing, fabrication and packaging of previously prepared materials,
wholesale operations, warehousing, laboratory, freight terminal and similar uses.
General Industrial District
All uses appropriate to the light industrial land use and industrial operations that process raw materials or
involve heavy manufacturing operations can be accommodated in these areas.
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