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A Project Report ON "Recruitment Procedure": Master of Business Administration

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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment for the

Award of Degree of
Master of Business Administration

Indian industry is waking up to the challenges thrown in by market economy,
policies and globalization. To survive in this highly competitive scenario, heavy
emphasis is laid on getting to know the customers basic needs and keeping
abreast with the latest technology. The collective efforts of both assume
relevance in this context.
Airtels need to self analyze its position to enter the Jaipur sector plus be aware
of the market scenario and the atmosphere prevailing in Jaipur; the tasks need
insight about the ground realities.
Knowledge of market is essential for the development of the product. The needs
of the consumers change very often and so the companies are forced to
incorporate these changes within themselves.

The main purposes of the project are following:

To study the recruitment policies and procedures of the Company.


Any work of this magnitude requires the inputs, efforts and encouragement of
people from all sides. In this project report, I have been very fortunate in having
got the active co-operation of many people, whom I would like to humbly thank.
Jaipur, for giving me an opportunity for summer training. I am thankful to MS.
SHIKHA TAMBI, Chief Executive Officer, for the same.
The true credit of my completing the work successfully goes to my guide MR.
MAHESH KUMAR, HR Manager, who with his patience and knowledge guided
me through the project. He helped me to understand telecom industry, markets,
project objectives and execution.
I have been obliged to take value assistance and co-operation of a number of
eminent personalities, therefore I would like to express my deep sense of thanks
and sincere regards to all these members.
I owe special thank to all the respondents whom I approached with my
questionnaire and who took time off their busy schedules to answer them

Renu Paul


S. NO.

Introduction to the industry


Introduction to the Organization


Research Methodology

Page no.

1. Title of the Study

2. Duration of the Project
3. Objective of the Study
4. Types of Research
5. Collection Method and Sample Size
6. Scope of Study

7. Limitation of Study
Facts and Findings


Data Analysis and Interpretation


Swot Analysis




Recommendation and Suggestion







The telecom industry is one of the fastest growing industries in India. Indias
more than 100 million telephone network is the third largest network in the world
after China and USA. With a growth rate of 45%, Indian telecom industry has the
highest growth rate in the world. In terms of phones, India occupies the fifth
position, after China, USA, Japan and Germany.


The first wind of reforms in telecommunications sector began to flow in 1980s
when the private sector was allowed in telecommunications equipment
manufacturing. In 1985, Department of Telecommunications (DOT) was
established. It was an exclusive provider of domestic and long-distance service
that would be its own regulator (separate from the postal system). In 1986, two
wholly government-owned companies were created: the Videsh Sanchar Nigam
Limited (VSNL) for international telecommunications and Mahanagar Telephone








In 1990s, telecommunications sector benefited from the general opening up of

the economy. Also, examples of telecom revolution in many other countries,
which resulted in better quality of service and lower tariffs, led Indian policy
makers to initiate a change process finally resulting in opening up of telecom
services sector for the private sector. National Telecom Policy (NTP) 1994 was










telecommunications sector. In 1997, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

(TRAI) was created. TRAI was formed to act as a regulator to facilitate the growth
of the telecom sector. New National Telecom Policy was adopted in 1999 and










The growth of telecom sector in India is really astonishing. In 1947, when

India attained independence, it had less than 80,000 telephone connections. In
the next 34 years, the country could add only two million connections. At present,
the sector is adding two million connections every month! In 1947, the teledensity
(telephone penetration per 100 persons) was 0.02. It reached a level of 9.13 by
13th April 2005. Still India lags behind countries like China and Brazil where
teledensity is more than 42.
The government initiated the process of liberalization of the sector in 1991 by
inviting bids from private operators for two licenses to provide cellular services in
each of the four major cities. In 1994, bids were invited for one license for
providing fixes line-services in 21 circles. In January 1995, bids were invited for
two licenses to provide cellular services in each of the 18 telecom circles
excluding the four metros. Of course, Dot/MTNL retained the right to operate a
cellular network in each of the licensed areas. The cellular rollout was done in
1995 for the metros and during 1996-98 for the other circles.
At the end of September 2007, telephone connections in the country numbered
248.67 million and teledensity stood at 21.85 (per 100 population).
By the end of 2007, entire country will be covered by telecom network, and all the
villages will be connected by phone. Internet connections shall increase from
5.45 million in December 2004 to 18 million by 2007, and further to 40 million at
the end of 2010.
Telecom revenues increased from Rs 6578 million in 1980-81 to Rs 27,775
million in 1989-90, and further to Rs 186,286 millions in 1999-2000.Net profit
increased from Rs. 1712 million in 1980-81 to Rs. 11,504 millions in 1989-90,
and further to Rs 119,750 million in 1999-2000.

Telecommunication sector in India can be divided into two


1. Fixed Service Provider.

2. Cellular Services.

Fixed line services consist of basic services, national or domestic long

distance and international long distance services. The state operators (BSNL
and MTNL), account for almost 90 per cent of revenues from basic services.
Private sector services are presently available in selective urban areas, and
collectively account for less than 5 per cent of subscriptions. However, private
services focus on the business/corporate sector, and offer reliable, high- end
services, such as leased lines, ISDN, closed user group and video-conferencing.

Cellular services can be further divided into two categories:1. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM).
2. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).
The GSM sector is dominated by Airtel, Vodafone, and Idea Cellular, while
the CDMA sector is dominated by Reliance and Tata Indicom. Opening up of
international and domestic long distance telephony services are the major growth
drivers for cellular industry. Cellular operators get substantial revenue from these
services, and compensate them for reduction in tariffs on airtime, which along
with rental was the main source of revenue. The reduction in tariffs for airtime,
national long distance, international long distance, and handset prices has driven

The Genesis of the Industry

The govt. of India recognizes the importance of the telecommunications

(telecom) sector and has given it due importance. The telecom sector is broadly
divided into two types of service providers- basic telephony and cellular
Basic Services: the major players providing basic services are BSNL, the Tata
Teleservices and reliance, which use the code division multiple accesses
(CDMA) standard, which provides limited mobility. Using CDMA, calls can be
made to and received from certain fixed areas.
Cellular Services: Operators providing cellular services use the global system for
mobile communication (GSM) standard: using this, call can be made to and
received from any place. The major players in this segment are Bharti, Hutchison
BPL and Idea.

The telecom sector requires very heavy investment (The National Telecom
policy-1994 estimated a resource gap of Rs. 230billion for the telecom targets of
the eight five year plan, 1992-1997 to be met). To meet the resource requirement
and achieve the nations telecom targets, the government decided to invite the
participation of private players, and the telecom sector was opened up in 1992.
(The early 1990s was a period of economic liberalization in India. Liberalization
was initiated on a large scale through the industrial policy Statement of 1991).
The policy abolished the regime of public sector supremacy and paved the way
for private participation in the economy).
Cellular mobile services were one of the first areas to be opened up for private

Initially to easy operations, the country was divided into four

metropolitan cities and 19 circles, which were roughly analogous with the
geographic boundaries of the states of India. Cellular licenses were given to the

private players, first in the four metropolitan cities in 1994 and then for the 19
other telecom circles in 1995. The first metro cellular network started operating in
Kolkata in August 1995.
The Usefulness of Telecom
India has a huge disparity of income among its people. One reason for this is the
lack of education. In the days when telecom was a state monopoly, the
government introduced education classes through the state run TV channel.
Even now, these classes are watched by huge numbers of students who cannot
afford to go to regular schools/colleges. An estimated 3.5 million students are
enrolled in various distance education universities throughout the country. Some
foreign universities have seen this potential market and set up programs.
Computer education is a route to generating more employment and prosperity.
Due to the lack of proper telecom infrastructure in the interiors of the country,
there is general lack of awareness of global developments. The spread of
telecommunications will help tap this potential market and the sheer magnitude
of the market will continue to beckon global players for years to come.
Entrance of private telecom operators various reports examines the emergency
of innovation and value creation for enhancing customers experience, as a result
of increasing competition in the Indian telecom industry during the late 1990s and
early 2000s. The report provides a detailed account of the evolution of the Indian
telecom industry. It traces
various developments in the industry before, during and after the liberalization of
the Indian telecom sector.
It also provides information about the increasing popularity of cellular services,
which led to the emergence of several private telecom operators like BhartiTeli
Ventures, Hutchison Essar Telecom India, Idea Cellular Ltd., Reliance
Communication and Tata Teleservices, etc. Due to the huge market potential

even public sector undertakings like BSNL and MTNL have also begun offering
cellular services apart from basic wire line services in February 2004. Bharti Airtel
Telecom India Limited (Airtel)Indias leading GSM service provider entered the
Pre paid and Post paid mobile services segment by offering subscription
schemes that allowed customers to make use of a digital mobile phone service at
an affordable price.

MTNL (Mahan agar Telephone Nigam Limited):

MTNL, which was the first to launch limited mobility services in 1999, has less
than 1.5 lakh customers. While the decline in fixed-line subscribers can be
attributed to the entry of private operators and MTNLs lack of aggression.
The GSM network of MTNL expanded to 2.25 lakh lines in both the metros
and WLL capacity was expanded to 1.8 lakh line in Delhi and 1.48 lakh lines
in Mumbai. The CDMA network was upgraded to 2000-1X.
Corporate office:
9, Door Sanchar Sadan,
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003
CMD: R.S.P. Sinha
Service Area: Delhi & Mumbai
Brand Name: Dolphin
Technology Used: GSM and CDMA

Reliance Infocomm:
Reliance Telecom limited has been promoted by India's largest private
sector company, Reliance Industries limited with

minority equity

participation by Bell Atlantic - NynexInc. Reliance Telecom's major


coverage lies in the eastern region of the country, where there is an

opportunity to supplement the existing fixed line network which has
remained underdeveloped due to historical reasons. Reliance Telecom
has been successful in a short span of time in setting up network and
providing cellular services across seven Circles with networks covering six
contiguous circles in Central and Eastern India.
Corporate office:
Reliance Infocomm Ltd.,
Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City, Thane, Belapur Road,
Navi Mumbai 406 709
CMD: Mukesh D.Ambani
Service Area: Assam, Bihar, HP, MP, NE, Orissa, and West Bengal
Brand Name: Reliance Mobile
Technology Used: CDMA
Customer Base:
Hp- 11139
Bihar: 216270
Orissa: 77556
Assam: 42636
N.E.- 9390
M.P.- 177295
W.B. & A&N- 79132
No. of operating circles: 7
IDEA Cellular
IDEA Cellular Limited, formerly known as Birla, Tata AT&T Communication
Limited, was launched in the Gujarat circle in January 1997 and in the
Maharashtra Circle (excluding Mumbai, including Goa) in March 1997.


Corporate office:
11/1, Sharda Centre, Eranwadane,
Off. Karve Road, Pune 411 004
CEO: Vikram Mehmi
Service Area: Gujarat, Maharashtra, AP, MP and Delhi (Metro)
Brand Name: Idea
Technology Used: GSM
Customer Base:
Delhi- 339594
Maharashtra 700766
Gujarat 308027
A.P 333220
M.P. 216899

Vodafone Telecom is a part of Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL), a Hong
Kong based Fortune 500 company operating in 41 countries spread across
the Asia Pacific region, Europe and America. It is one of the largest
companies listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Hutchison Telecom is
also recognised as one of the first cellular operators in the world, having
started its services way back in 1985.
Corporate office:
Vodafone Telecom Limited
Hutch House
Peninsula Corporate Park,
Ganpatrao Kadam Marg,
Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013
CMD: Asim Ghosh
Service Area: Mumbai (Metro)
Brand Name: Orange
Technology Used: GSM
Customer Base:

In Mumbai- 873592
No. of operating circles:1
Service area AP, Karnataka, Chennai, Delhi (Metro), Kolkata (Metro)
Cutomer base:
Delhi- 875826
Chennai 88278
Kolkata- 399695
Karnataka 154278
Bharti Cellular Service:
Bharti became a billion dollar company with the revenue of Rs. 5003 crores.
The company background has been discussed in Detail Below:
CMD: Sunil Bharti Mittal
Service Area: Delhi, Chennai, kolkatta, Maharashtra, Gujarat, A.P., Karnataka,
Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Punjab, Haryana, U.P.(W), M.P., H.P., Bihar, Orissa.
Human resources are a term used to describe the individuals who comprise the
workforce of an organization. The use of the term 'human resources' by
organizations to describe the workforce capacity available to devote to the
achievement of its strategies has drawn upon concepts developed in
Organizational Psychology.
Human Resources may set strategies and develop policies, standards,
systems, and processes that implement these strategies in a whole range of
areas. The following are typical of a wide range of organizations:

Recruitment, selection, and outsourcing

Organizational design and development

Business transformation and change management

Performance, conduct and behavior management

Industrial and employee relations

Human resources workforce analysis

Compensation, rewards, and benefits management


Training and development.

Recruitment forms a major part of an organization's overall

resourcing strategies, which identify and secure people needed for the
organization to survive and succeed in the short to medium-term.
Recruitment activities need to be responsive to the ever-increasingly competitive
market to secure suitably qualified and capable recruits at all levels.

To be effective these initiatives need to include how and when to

source the best recruits internally or externally. Recruitment refers to the process
of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified people for a job at an
Selection may be defined as the process by which the organization
chooses from among the applicants, those people whom they feel would best
meet the job requirement, considering current environmental condition.
The data has been collected by using questionnaire and it has been
analyzed. Analysis of data in a general way involves a number of closely related
operation that are performed with the purpose of summarizing the collected data
and organizing them in such a manner that answer the research questions.



Strategic plans:

The steps most commonly used in developing an HR strategy:

Setting the strategic direction

Designing the Human Resource Management System

Planning the total workforce

Generating the required human resources

Investing in human resource development and performance

Assessing and sustaining organizational competence and performance.

Organizational policies:

Basic Overviews of Human Resource Management

Getting the Best Employees

Paying Employees (and Providing Benefits)

Training Employees

Ensuring Compliance to Regulations

Ensuring Safe Work Environments

Sustaining High-Performing Employees.

Recruitment Criteria:

Technical criteria, i.e. know-how, professional skills, and experience in

your field.

The candidates personality and charisma are the most influential criteria

in the process of recruitment in France.

Communication skills and the knowledge of foreign languages are also

very important, to ensure the smooth flow of communication between the

company and its subsidiary


Before an organization begin recruiting applicants, it should consider the
most likely source of the type of employee it needs. Some companies try to
develop new sources, while most only tackle the existing sources they have.
These sources accordingly, may be termed as internal and external.
As a conscious focus of the organization to nurture high potential talents
by providing them suitable career growth opportunities within the organization,
efforts would always be made to fill in specific vacancies from its existing human
resource pool and this is known as internal sources.
The entire process would be done through job posting (IJP) and
communication including the job profile, candidate profile, eligibility (who can
apply), application deadline etc. would be made available by the HR.
Employees possessing necessary skills, knowledge, and experience
matching with those required for the job may apply through the appropriate
communication channels as prescribed in the IJP.

The process of elevating a person to higher level job is what is known as


Transfer of an employee may be either from one section to another or

from one department to another.

Job rotation:
Moving an employee to get specialized in various posts of the



Re-employment of ex-employees:
Re-employment of ex-employees is one of the internal sources of

recruitment in which employees can be invited and appointed to fill vacancies in

the concern. There are situations when ex-employees provide unsolicited
applications also.
The use of an internal source paves way for the following merits:

It improves the morale of employees, for they are assured of the fact they

would be preferred to outsiders when vacancies occur.

The employer is in a better position to evaluate those presently employed

than outside candidates. This is because the company maintains a record of the
progress, experience and service of employees security and opportunities for

As a person in the employment of the company, are fully aware of and well

acquainted with its policies and know its operating procedure they require little
training and the chances are that they would stay longer in the employment of
the organization than a new outsider would.

It is less costly than going outside to recruit.

However this sources suffer from the following defects:

It often leads to inbreeding and discourages new person from entering an


There are possibilities that the internal sources may dry up and it may be

difficult to find the requisite personnel within an organization.

As promotion is based on seniority, the danger is that really capable hands

may not be chosen.

The likes, dislikes and personal biases of the management may also play

an important role in the selection of the personnel.

External sources of recruitment have to be solicited from outside the
organization. External sources are external to a concern. But it involves lot of

time and money. The external sources of recruitment include Employment at

factory gate, advertisements, employment exchanges, employment agencies,
educational institutes, labor contractors, recommendations etc.

Employment at Factory Level This a source of external recruitment in

which the applications for vacancies are presented on bulletin boards outside the
Factory or at the Gate. This kind of recruitment is applicable generally where
factory workers are to be appointed. There are people who keep on soliciting
jobs from one place to another. These applicants are called as unsolicited
applicants. These types of workers apply on their own for their job. For this kind
of recruitment workers have a tendency to shift from one factory to another and
therefore they are called as badli workers.

Advertisement It is an external source which has got an important place

in recruitment procedure. The biggest advantage of advertisement is that it

covers a wide area of market and scattered applicants can get information from
advertisements. Medium used is Newspapers and Television.

Employment Exchanges There are certain Employment exchanges

which are run by government. Most of the government undertakings and

concerns employ people through such exchanges. Now-a-days recruitment in
government agencies has become compulsory through employment exchange.

Employment Agencies There are certain professional organizations

which look towards recruitment and employment of people, i.e. these private
agencies run by private individuals supply required manpower to needy

Using the external sources as a recruitment tool gives the following merits:



It provides the requisite type of personnel for an organization, gives skilled

training and education up to the required standard.


Since persons are recruited from a large market the best selection can be

made without any discrimination of caste, sex and color.


The cost of the employees will be minimized because candidates selected

in this method will be placed in the minimum pay scale.


The entry of new persons with varied expansion and talent will help in

human resource mix.


It also helps in bringing new ideas, better techniques and improved

methods to the organization.

Demerits of using the external sources method:


It is more expensive and time consuming to recruit people from outside.

Detailed screening is necessary to know about the candidate.


The employees being unfamiliar with the organization, their orientation

and training is necessary.


If higher level jobs are filled from external sources, motivation and loyalty

of existing staff are affected.


It should be in conformity with its general personnel policies.


It should be flexible enough to meet the changing needs of an


It should be so designed as to ensure employment opportunities for its

employees on a long term basis.


It should match the qualities of employees with the requirements of the

work for which they are employed.


It should highlight the necessity of establishing job analysis.




Definition of selection:
According to Dale, selection may be defined as the process by which the
organization chooses from among the applicants, those people whom they feel
would best meet the job requirement, considering current environmental
Factors influencing selection process:

Nature of the organization


Nature of the labor market


Union requirements


Government requirements


Composition of the labor force


Location of the organization.

Steps in selection procedure:

Receiving application
The candidates may be asked to submit their applications together with their bio

data on a plain paper.

Preliminary interview
The object of this interview is to see the candidate personally to ensure

whether he is physically and mentally suitable for job.

Application blank
The printed applications contain the details desired by the employer from

the candidate with sufficient space for the candidate to furnish the particulars.


A test is a sample measurement of a candidates ability and interest for the job.

Final interview
An interview is a face to face oral examination of a candidate by an


Back ground verification

The background verification is done to check the honesty and integrity of

the candidate.

Final selection
If the employer is satisfied with the candidate, then the selection will be


Physical examination
It is important that a person selected for the job must also be medically fit

to perform it.

If the employer is satisfied with the medical report of the candidate, he

may place in the concern.




Bharti Enterprises has been at the forefront of technology and has revolutionized
telecommunications with its world class products and services.
Established in 1976, Bharti has been a pioneering force in the telecom sector
with many firsts and innovations to its credit. Bharti provides a range of telecom
services, which include Cellular, Basic, Internet and recently introduced National
Long Distance. Bharti also manufactures and exports telephone terminals and
cordless phones.
Bharti is the leading cellular service provider, with a footprint in 15 states
covering all four metros. It has over four million satisfied customers.
Bharti has many joint ventures with world leaders like Singtel (Singapore
Telecom); Warburg Pincus, USA; Telia, Sweden; Asian infrastructure find,
Mauritius; International Finance Corporation, USA and New York Life
International, USA.
Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited was incorporated on July 7, 1995 for promoting
investments in telecommunications services. Its subsidiaries operate telecom
services across India. Bharti Tele-Ventures is India's leading private sector
provider of telecommunication services based on a strong customer base
consisting of approximately 8.37 million total customers which constitute,
approximately 7.67 million mobile and approximately 704,000 fixed line
customers, as of June 30, 2004.
Telecom giant Bharti Airtel is the flagship company of Bharti Enterprises. The
Bharti Group, has a diverse business portfolio and has created global brands in
the telecommunication sector. Bharti has recently forayed into retail business as
Bharti Retail Pvt. Ltd. under a MoU with Wal-Mart for the cash & carry business.
It has successfully launched an international venture with EL Rothschild Group to

export fresh agri products exclusively to markets in Europe and USA and has
launched Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd under a joint venture with AXA,
world leader in financial protection and wealth management.
BHARTI AIRTEL LTD started in July 7 1995.Its head quarters is at Delhi.
In 1998 company started their first land line operation. Airtel is the name of their
brand. AIRTEL stands for Affectionate, Interested, Respectful, Tolerant, Energetic
and loving .Their logo is Think fresh Deliver More. Their first company is Bharti
Cellular Limited under the brand name of Airtel. Another one is Bharti Tele Sonic
Ltd under the brand name of India One. Then Bharti Tele Net Ltd under the brand
name of Touch Net. Another one is Bharti broad band Ltd under the brand name
of Manthra Online. The companies Bharti Telenet Ltd and Bharti Broadband Ltd
combined together and form Bharti Broadband and Teleservices Ltd. After
sometime the companies Bharti Telesonic Ltd and Bharti Broadband and
Teleservices Ltd combined together and form Bharti Infotel Ltd.
In 13th September 2004 all the four companies combined together and
form Bharti AIRTEL Ltd. Bharti Airtel is one of India's leading private sector
providers of telecommunications services with more than 79 million subscribers
as of November 2008.
Bharti airtel limited is a leading global telecommunications company with
operations in 19 countries across Asia and Africa. The company offers mobile
voice & data services, fixed line, high speed broadband, IPTV, DTH, turnkey
telecom solutions for enterprises and national & international long distance
services to carriers. Bharti airtel has been ranked among the six best performing
technology companies in the world by business week. Bharti airtel had 200
million customers across its operations.
Airtel was born free, a force unleashed into the market with a relentless
and unwavering determination to succeed. A spirit charged with energy, creativity
and a team driven to seize the day with an ambition to become the most
admired telecom service provider globally. Airtel, in just ten years of operations,
rose to the pinnacle of achievement and continues to lead.


As India's leading telecommunications company, Airtel brand has played the role










resurgence.Today it touch people's lives with their Mobile services, Telemedia

services, to connecting India's leading 1000+ corporates. They also connect
Indians living in USA, UK and Canada with their callhome service.
Our Vision & Promise :
By 2015 airtel will be the most loved brand, enriching the lives of millions.
" Enriching lives means putting the customer at the heart of everything we
do. We will meet their needs based on our deep understanding of their ambitions,
wherever they are. By having this focus we will enrich our own lives and those of
our other key stakeholders. Only then will we be thought of as exciting,
innovation, on their side and a truly world class company."

Airtel comes to you from Bharti Airtel Limited, Indias largest integrated
and the first private telecom services provider with a footprint in all the 23
telecom circles. Bharti Airtel since its inception has been at the forefront of
technology and has steered the course of the telecom sector in the country with
its world class products and services. The businesses at Bharti Airtel have been
structured into three individual strategic business units (SBUs)

Mobile Services


Airtel Tele media Services


Enterprise Services.
Airtel provides GSM mobile services in all the 22 telecom circles in India,

Srilanka, Bangladesh and now in 16 countries of Africa.Provides telemedia

services (fixed line and broadband services through DSL) in 87 cities in India.
Provides an integrated suite of Enterprise solutions, in addition to providing long
distance connectivity both Nationally and Internationally. Airtel has won the Most

Preferred Cellular Service Provider Brand award at the CNBC Awaaz Consumer
Awards in Mumbai. This is 6th year in a row that airtel has won the award in this
category. Businessworld CSR award was instituted in 1999 to recognize
exemplary responsible business practices by the Indian industry.
The Indian Telecommunications network is the third largest in the world and the
second largest among the emerging economies of Asia. Today, it is the fastest
growing market in the world. The telecommunication sector continued to register
significant success during the year and has emerged as one of the key sectors
responsible for Indias resurgent Indias economic growth. This rapid growth has
been possible due to various proactive and positive decisions of the Government
and contribution of both by the public and the private sector. The rapid strides in
the telecom sector have been facilitated by liberal policies of the Government
that provide easy market access for telecom equipment and a fair regulatory
framework for offering telecom services to the Indian consumers at affordable
It has also undergone a substantial change in terms of mobile versus fixed
phones and public versus private participation. The preference for use of wireless
phones has also been predominant in the sector. Participation of the private
entities in the telecom sector is rapidly increasing rate there by presenting the
enormous growth opportunities. There is a clear distinction between the Global
Satellite Mobile Communication (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access
technologies used and the graph below shows the divide between the two.
With increasing penetration of the wireless services, the wire line services
in the country is becoming stagnant. On the other hand, Broadband demand has
picked up and promises to stabilise fixed line growth. In terms of the Global
System for Mobile Communication (GSM) subscriber base this now places India
third after China and Russia. China had 401.7 million GSM subscribers CDMA
technology was introduced in India as a limited mobility solution.


The introduction of CDMA services has created competition, lowered

tariffs and offered many citizens access to communication services for the first
time Internet services were launched in India on August 15, 1995. In November
1998the government opened up the sector to private operators. A liberal licensing
regime was put in place to increase Internet penetration across the country. The
growth of IP telephony or grey market is also a serious concern.

Government loses revenue, while unlicensed operation by certain

operators violates the law and depletes licensed operators market share. New
services like IP-TV and IP-Telephony are becoming popular with the demand
likely to increase in coming years. The scope of services under existing ISP
license conditions are unclear. Rising demand for a wide range of telecom
equipment, particularly in the area of mobile telecommunication, has provided
excellent opportunities to domestic and foreign investors in the manufacturing

The last two years saw many renowned telecom companies setting up
their manufacturing base in India. Ericsson has set up GSM Radio Base Station
Manufacturing facility in Jaipur. Elcoteq has set up handset manufacturing
facilities in Bangalore. Nokia set up its manufacturing plant in Chennai. LG
Electronics set up plant of manufacturing GSM mobile phones near Pune. The
Government has already set up Telecom Equipment and Services Export
Promotion Forum and Telecom Testing and Security Certification Centre (TETC).
A large number of companies like Alcatel, Cisco have also shown interest in
setting up their R&D centers in India. With above initiatives India is expected to
be a manufacturing hub for the telecom equipment.


The group has been structured to create functional and operational specialization
with a linear vision of business lines and functional areas.
The Company is headed by Chairman and Group Managing Director- Sunil
Bharti Mittal who is assisted by two Joint Managing Directors- Akhil Gupta and
Rajan Bharti Mittal. The Company also has two Presidents- President Mobile
Services and President Infotel Services, this responsibility includes Fixed-line,
Long Distance and Broadband Services. The Presidents report to the Group
Chairman and Managing Director. The head of units and Strategic Business
Units (SBU) report to the respective business's President.


To make mobile communications a way of life and be the
customers first choice.
Meet the mobile communication needs of the customer through
Error free service
Innovative products and services and
Cost efficiency.
Unified messaging solutions

Airtel from Bharti Cellular Limited is a part of the biggest private integrated
telecom conglomerate, Bharti Enterprises.


The core values of Bharti are:

Generating and implementing entrepreneurial and innovative ideas, to
create new growth engines.
Customer First
Committed to delivering service beyond the expectations of the customer.
Performance Culture
Benchmarking processes and performance against world-class standards
helps to distinguish between performers and non-performers by valuing

achievement at the individual as well as the team level. The culture

encourages and invites feedback, learning and ideas sought and acted
Valuing Partnership
Committed to building exemplary relationship with partners, which stands
on the principles of mutual trust and mutual growth.

Valuing People
Nurtures an environment where people are respected and their
uniqueness is valued. Firmly believing that people are key differentiates.

Responsible Corporate Citizenship

Committed to making a positive and proactive contribution to the
community and as a responsible corporate citizen will contribute to and
abide by environmental and legal norms.
Ethical Practices
Will uphold the highest ethical standards in all internal and external
relationship and will not allow misuse or mis-representation of any facts.

Bharti Airtels strategic objective is:
To capitalize on the growth opportunities that the Company believes are
available in the Indian telecommunications market and consolidate its position to
be the leading integrated telecommunications services provider in key markets in
India, with a focus on providing mobile services.
The Company has developed the following strategies to achieve its strategic


Focus on maximizing revenues and margins;

Capture maximum telecommunications revenue potential with minimum

geographical coverage;

Offer multiple telecommunications services to provide customers with a

"one-stop shop" solution;

Position itself to tap data transmission opportunities and offer advanced

mobile data services;

Focus on satisfying and retaining customers by ensuring high level of

customer satisfaction;

Leverage strengths of its strategic and financial partners.

Emphasis is laid heavily on human resource development to achieve operational



Capture maximum telecommunications revenue potential with minimum

geographical coverage to maximize its revenues and margins.

Build high quality mobile networks by deploying state-of-the-art technology

to offer superior services.

Use the experience it has gained from operating its existing mobile
networks to develop and operate other mobile networks in India and to
share the expertise across all of its existing and new circles.

Provide affordable tariff plans to suit each segment of the market with a
view to expand the reach, thereby increasing the mobile customer base

Attract and retain high revenue generating customers by providing

competitive tariffs, offering high quality customer services.


Competitive Strengths
1. Bharti Airtel believes that the following elements will contribute to the
Company's success as an integrated telecommunication services provider
in India and will provide the Company with a solid foundation to execute its
business strategy:
2. Nationwide Footprint - As of June 30, 2004, approximately 92% of India's
total mobile subscribers resided in the Company's sixteen mobile circles.
These 16 circles collectively accounted for approximately 56% of India's
land mass;
3. Focus on telecommunications to enable the Company to better anticipate
industry trends and capitalize on new telecommunications-related
business opportunities;
4. The strong brand name recognition and a reputation for offering high
quality service to its customers;
5. The Company's strong relationships with international strategic and
financial investors such as Singtel, Warburg Pincus, International Finance
Corporation, Asian Infrastructure Fund Group and New York Life
6. Quality management teams with vision and proven execution skills


Recruitment is the process concerned with the identification of sources from
where the personnel can be employed and motivating them to offer themselves
for employment.
Werther and Davis have defined this as follows; Recruitment is the process of
finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The Process begins
when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are submitted. The
result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected.
Lord has defined, Recruitment is a form of competition. Just as corporations
compete to develop, manufacture, and market the best product or service, so
they must also compete to identify, attract and hire the most qualified people.
Recruitment is a business, and it is big business.
Thus, recruitment process is concerned with the identification of possible sources
of human resource supply and tapping those sources.

Selection can be conceptualized in terms of either choosing the fit candidates, or
rejecting the unfit candidates, or a combination of both. Selection involves both
because it picks up the fits and rejects the unfits. In fact, in Indian context, there
are more candidates who are rejected than those who are selected in most of the
selected processes. Therefore, sometimes, it is called a negative process in
contrast to positive program of recruitment.
Stone has given a formal definition; Selection is the process of differentiating
between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of
success in a job.


Difference between Recruitment and Selection

At this stage, it is worthwhile to understand difference between recruitment and
selection as both these terms are often used together or sometimes
Flippo described in the following statement: Recruitment is a process of
searching for prospective employees and stimulating and encouraging them to
apply for jobs in an organization. It is often termed positive in that it stimulates
people to apply for jobs to increase the hiring ratio, i.e., the number of applicants
for a job. Selection, on the other hand, tends to be negative because it rejects a
good number of those who apply, leaving only the best to be hired.
To attract highly qualified individuals.
To provide an equal opportunity for potential candidates to apply for vacancies.

To systematically collect information about to meet the requirements of the
advertised position.
To select a candidate that will be successful in performing the tasks and
meeting the responsibilities of the position.
To engage in hiring activities that will result in eliminating the under utilization of
women and minorities in particular departments.
To emphasize active recruitment of traditionally under represented groups, i.e.
individuals with disabilities, minority group members, women, and veterans.


An organization can fill up its vacancies either through promotion of people
available in the organization or through the selection of people from outside.
Thus, there can be two sources of manpower external and internal. For all

recruitment, a preliminary question of policy considers the extent to which it will

emphasize external and internal sources.
Vacancies through internal sources can be filled up either through promotion or
transfer; recruiters tend to focus their attention on outside sources. Therefore, the
first problem is to identify outside sources. Normally, following outside sources
are utilized for different positions.
1. Advertisement -: Advertisement is the most effective means to search
potential employees from outside the organization. Employment advertisement in
journals, newspaper, bulletins, etc, is quite common in our country. An
advertisement contains brief statement of the nature of jobs, the type of people
required, and procedure for applying for these job.
2. Employment Agencies -: Many organizations get the information about the
prospective candidates through employment agencies. In our country, two types
of agencies are operating: public employment agencies and private employment

Public Employment Agencies: There are employment exchanges run by the

government almost in all districts. The employment seekers get themselves
registered with these agencies. Normally, such exchanges provide candidates for
lower position like semi-skilled and skilled workers, and lower-level operations
like clerks, junior supervisors, etc.
Private Employment Agencies : There are many consultancy and employment
agencies like ABC consultants, Personnel and productivity services, etc., which
provide employment services particularly for selecting higher level and middle
level executives. These agencies also undertake total functions personnel on
behalf of various organizations. They charge fees for this purpose.
3. On campus Recruitment -: Many organizations conduct preliminary search of
prospective employees by conducting interviews at the campuses of various
institutes, universities and colleges. This source is quite useful for selecting

people to the posts of management trainees, technical supervisor, scientist, and

technicians. The organizations hold preliminary interviews on the campus on the
predetermined date and candidates found suitable are called for further
interviews at specified.
4. Employee recommendations -: Employee recommendation can be considered
to the lower levels. The idea behind employee recommendations as a source of
potential applicants is that the present employees may have specific knowledge
of the individuals who may betheir friends, relatives, or acquaintances. If the
present employees are reasonably satisfied with their jobs, they communicate
these feelings to many persons in their communities.
5. E Hiring -: Many organizations conduct preliminary search of prospective
employees through the internet service. There are many job portals available on
internet like Naukri.com, Monster.com etc. Candidates register their cvs on the
different job portals which are searched by the recruiters who are looking for the
candidates. The candidates whose profiles match with the recruiters requirement
are contacted through email or by telephone for further interview process.
6. Gate Hiring -: The concept of gate hiring is to select people who approach on
their own for employment in the organization. Gate hiring is quite useful and
convenient method at the initial stage of the organization when large number of
such people may be required by the organization. It can be made effective by
prompt disposal of applications, by providing information about the organizations
policy and procedures regarding such hiring and providing facilities to +such gate
It is not necessary that a particular organization will utilize all sources to employ
people of all types. Some of the sources are more useful for a particular category
of employees. For example, advertisement and e-hiring are more useful for
employing managerial personnel.


A selection process involves a number of steps. The basic idea is to solicit
maximum possible information about the candidates to ascertain their suitability
for employment. Since the type of information required for various positions may
vary, it is possible that selection process may have different steps for various
positions. For example, more information is required for the selection of
managerial personnel as compared to workers. A standard selection process has
the following steps:
1. Screening of Applications -: Prospective employees have to fill up some sort of
application forms. These forms have variety of information about the applicants
like their personal bio-data, achievements, experience, etc. Such information is
used to screen the applicants who are found to be qualified for the consideration
of employment. Based on the screening of applications, only those candidates
are called for further process of selection who are found to be meeting the job
standards of the organization.
2. Selection Tests -: Many organizations hold different kinds of selection tests to
know more about the candidates or to reject the candidates who cannot be called
for interview, etc. Selection tests normally supplement the information provided in
the application forms. Such forms may contain factual information about
candidates. Selection tests may give information about their aptitude, interest,
personality, etc., which cannot be known by application forms. Types of selection
tests areas follows: Achievement test, Intelligence test, Personality test, Aptitude
test, Interest test.
3. Interview -: Selection tests are normally followed by personnel interview of the
candidates. The basic idea here is to find out overall suitability of candidates for
the jobs. It also provides opportunity to give relevant information about the
organization to the candidates. In many cases, interview of preliminary nature
can be conducted before the selection the selection tests. For example, in the
case of campus selection, preliminary interview is held for short listing the
candidates process of selection.

4. Checking of References -: Many organizations ask the candidate to provide

the names from whom more information about the candidates can be solicited.
Such information may be related to character, working, etc. The usual referees
may be previous employers, persons associated with the educational institutions
from where the candidates have received education, or other persons of
prominence who may be aware of the candidates behavior and ability.
5. Physical Examination -: Physical examination is carried out to ascertain the
physical standards and fitness of prospective employees. The practice of
physical examination varies a great deal both in terms of coverage and timings.
Some organizations only have general check up of applicants to find out the
major physical problems which may come in the way of effective discharge of
duties. In the context of timings also, some organizations locate the physical
examination near the end of the selection process, others place it relatively early
in the process. This latter course is generally followed when there is high
demand for physical fitness.
6. Approval by appropriate Authority -: On the basis of the above steps, suitable
candidates are recommended for selection by the selection committee or
personnel department. Organizations may designate the various authorities for
approval of final selection of candidates for different categories of candidates,
Thus, for top level managers, Board of directors may be approving authority; for
lower levels, even functional heads concerned may be approving authority. When
the approval is received, the candidates are informed about their selection and
asked to report for duty to specified persons.
7. Placement -: After all the formalities are completed, the candidates are placed
on their jobs initially on probation period may range from three months to two
years. During this period, they are observed keenly, and when they complete this
period successfully, they become the permanent employees of the organization.


Interview is selection technique that enables the interviewer to view the total
individual and to appraise him and his behavior. It consists of interaction between
interviewer and applicant. If handled properly, it can be a powerful technique in
achieving accurate information and getting access to material otherwise
unavailable. However, if the interview is not handled properly, it can be a source
of bias, restricting or distorting the flow of communication. Interview is the most
widely used selection technique because of its easiness.

There can be several types of interviews:

Preliminary interview is held to find out whether the candidate is required to be
interviewed in more detail.
Stress interview is directed to create situations of stress to find out whether the
applicant can perform well in a condition of stress.
Patterned interview is structured and questions asked are decided in advance.
This is done to maintain uniformity in different boards of interviewers.
Depth interview, also known as non-directive interviewer, covers the complete
life history of the applicants and includes such areas as the candidates work
experience, academic qualifications, health, interests, hobbies, etc. This method
is informal, conversational with freedom of expression to the candidate

Interview is the most frequently used technique for selection. However, it can
give better results only when it is conducted properly. Following points can be
taken into consideration to make an interview more effective:
There should be proper planning before holding the interview, what way it will
be conducted, on what basis the candidate is to be evaluated, and how much
weight-age will be given to interview in the total selection process. Preparation on
these lines avoids ambiguity and confusion in interviewing.


There should be proper setting for conducting interview. The setting is required
both of physical and mental nature. The physical setting for the interview should
be comfortable and free from any physical disturbance. The mental setting
should be one of rapport between interviewer and the candidate.
When the candidate feels at ease, the interview may be started. At this stage,
the interview obtains the desired information and may provide the information
sought by the candidate. The interviewer should ask questions in a manner that
encourages the candidate to talk. He should listen to carefully when the
candidate is furnishing the information. This gives an impression to the candidate
that the interviewer is quite serious about him and he will do his best.
The interview of the candidate should close with pleasant remarks. If possible,
the interviewer should give an induction about the likely end of interview. Saying
thanks, good wishes or similar things carries much better impression about the
Immediately after the interview is over, the interviewer should make an
evaluation of the candidate. At this stage, the things are quite fresh mind. He can
give remarks about the characteristics of the candidate or give grade or mark as
the case may be. This will help the interviewer to make a comparative evaluation
of all candidates easily.


After a candidate is selected for employment, he is placed on the job. Initially, the
placement may be probation, the period of which may range from six months to
two years. After successful completion of the probation period, the candidate may
be offered permanent employment.
After the initial placement of the candidate on the job, his induction is necessary.
Induction is a technique by which a new employee is rehabilitated into the
changed surroundings and introduced to the purposes, policies and practices of
the organization, employees job and working conditions, salary, perks, etc. In

other words, it is the process of introducing the employee to the organization and
vice versa. Induction is required because of following reasons:
1. When a new employee joins an organization, he is a stranger to the
organization and vice versa. He may feel insecure, shy, and nervous in the
strange situation. He may have anxiety because of lack of adequate information
about the job, work procedures, organizational policies and practices, etc. In
such a case, induction is needed through which relevant information can be
provided; he is introduced to old employees and to work procedures. All these
may develop confidence in the candidate and he may start developing positive
thinking about the organization.
2. Effective induction can minimize the impact of reality shock some new
employees may undergo. Often, freshers join the organization with very high
expectations which may be far beyond the reality. When they come across with
reality, they often feel shocked. By proper induction, the new comers can be
made to understand the reality of the situation. Every organization has some sort
of induction program either formally or informally. In large organizations where
there are well-developed personnel functions, often induction programmers are
undertaken on formal basis, usually through the personnel department. In smaller
organizations, this may be done by the immediate superior of the employees.


Introduction: The project discusses HR Practices in Airtel. HR helps the
organization to manage its human assets more strategically so that it can attain
higher levels of performance and greater profitability. The HR manager assists
employees in finding ways to increase productivity and to reinforce the
organization's core competencies by teaching skills that contribute to
organizational growth. Additionally, HR works to develop an environment that
encourages affiliation, responsibility and commitment.


Human Resource management functions:

- Analyses jobs and skills needed in the organization.
- Assesses, develops and implements policies, procedures and systems.
- Recruits and selects workers
- Appraises performance.
- Rewards workers through the implementation of compensation systems.
Designs and delivers training, development and educational programs for
employees to provide the organization with the skilled resources it needs.


The Indian mobile market, according to the (COAI), has increased from
approximately 1.2 million subscribers as of March 31, 1999 to approximately
37.38 million subscribers as of December 31, 2004.
Despite this rapid growth, the mobile penetration rate in India, at approximately
3.6% as of December 31, 2004, is significantly lower than the average mobile
penetration rate in other Asian and international markets.
The number of mobile subscribers in India is expected to show rapid growth over
the next four years, 2006 projected it at 50 million by COAI and 44 million by
Bharti Tele-Ventures believes that the demand for mobile services in India will
continue to grow rapidly as a result of the following factors:

Lower tariffs and handset prices over time;

Growth in pre-paid customer category;

Greater economic growth and continued development;

Higher quality mobile networks and services; and


Greater variety and usage of value added services.

Bharti Airtel, through its subsidiary has the licenses to provide GSM services in
all the twenty-three telecom circles in India.
It proposes to consolidate all its subsidiaries providing mobile services under
Bharti Cellular Limited.

The map below depicts the location of, and provides certain information for,
Bharti Airtels existing mobile circles in India:

Historical prospective of Bharti Airtel:Sunil Bharti Mittal:Chairman& Managing Director since October 2001
Board director since: July 1995
Age: 49 years
Sunil Bharti Mittal is the Chairman & Managing Director of Bharti Airtel Ltd. Head
quartered at New Delhi, India.
Bharti Airtel, Indias leading private integrated telecom company has been at the
forefront of the Telecom revolution and has transformed the telecom sector with
its world-class services built on leading edge technologies. Bharti has been a
pioneering force in the telecom sector and today enjoys a strong nationwide
Sunil started his career at a young age of 18 after graduating from Punjab
University in India and founded Bharti, with a modest capital, in the year 1976.
Today, at 49 he heads a successful enterprise, amongst the top 5 in India, with a
market capitalization of over US$ 40 billion and employing over 30,000 people.


Bharti has grown successfully in partnership with various leading companies of

the world - Singapore Telecom, Vodafone, Warburg Pincus, British Telecom to
name a few. The other businesses in the group are consumer electronics (Bee
tel), life insurance with AXA of France (Bharti AXA), and a joint venture with the
Rothschild group to develop Indian horticulture and export fruits and vegetables
to the world (Field Fresh) Bharti has recently entered into a JV with Wal-Mart for
setting up supply chain, logistics and cash and carry to support the burgeoning
retail market in India.

Organization culture of Bharti Airtel:

Organization Culture is a Dynamic system of shared values, beliefs,

philosophies, experiences, habits, behavior that give an organization its
distinctive character.

This excellence extends beyond technology roles, and is equally important

to how we manage and sustain this rapid growth.

The spirit of innovation and excellence.

The opportunity for cross-functional moves.

Taking a risk on new ideas and giving us ours own creativity space to
operate in.

External training courses are sponsored to ensure that the objective of offering
continuous professional development is achieved.

Area estimates are from National Census, 2001.


Population estimates for all the circles other than the metropolitan areas
are as per National Census, 2001 and are as of March 1, 2001.
Population estimates for the Uttar Pradesh (West) circle is 37% of the









Based on data released by the COAI on the total number of mobile

subscribers in the circles as of December 31, 2004.


DELs as on March 31, 2002. Based on data released questions and

Government statistics as per The Financial Express dated June 10,2002.


Vehicles comprise four wheeler and two wheeler non-commercial.


Vehicles and are derived from data released by the Motor Transport
Statistics of India as of March 31, 1997 in its most recent report.


The organization is designed to ensure identical businesses are run along similar
lines and best resources in any functional field, be tapped to serve the best
interests of the entire group. With its experience and expertise it has totally
empowered to manage respective companies and are fully responsible for
business operations to build world-class organizations with a high degree of
customer focus.

Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited incorporated on July 7, 1995
Bharti Cellular launched mobile services Airtel in Delhi

Bharti Telenet launched mobile services in Himachal Pradesh
Bharti Telenet obtained a license for providing fixed-line services in

Madhya Pradesh circle

Bharti Telecom formed a joint venture, Bharti BT, for providing VSAT


Bharti Telecom formed a joint venture, Bharti BT Internet for providing

Internet services
First Indian private fixed-line services launched in Indore in the Madhya

Pradesh circle on June 4, 1998 by Bharti Telenet thereby ending fixed-line

services monopoly of DoT (now BSNL)

Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired an effective equity interest in Bharti Mobile

(formerly JT Mobiles), the mobile services provider in Karnataka and

Andhra Pradesh circles.
Warburg Pincus (through its investment company Brentwood investment

Holdings Limited) acquired equity interest in Bharti Televentures.

Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired an effective equity interest in Bharti Mobile

(formerly JT Mobiles), the mobile services provider in Karnataka and

Andhra Pradesh circles.

New York Life Insurance Fund, or NYLIF, acquired equity interest in Bharti

Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired an effective equity interest in Bharti Mobinet

(formerly Skytel Communications), the mobile services provider in

Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired equity interest of Telecom Italia and Bharti

Telecom in Bharti Telenet thereby making Bharti Telenet a 100%

subsidiary of Bharti Tele-Ventures.
Singtel (through its investment company Pastel Limited) acquired STET's

equity interest in Bharti Tele-Ventures.


Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired an additional effective equity interest in

Bharti Mobile resulting in Bharti Tele-Ventures holding an effective 74%

equity interest in Bharti Mobile.

Bharti Telesonic entered into a joint venture, Bharti Aquanet, with Singtel

for establishing a submarine cable landing station at Chennai.

Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired NYLIF's equity interest in Bharti Cellular.

Bharti Cellular acquired a 100% equity interest in Bharti Mobile (formerly

Spice Cell), the mobile services provider in Kolkata.
Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired equity interest in Bharti Cellular from British

Telecom, thereby making Bharti Cellular its 100% subsidiary.

Bharti Tele-Ventures acquired an additional equity interest in Bharti

Mobinet from Millicom International and BellSouth International.

Punjab license restored to Bharti Mobile by the DoT and migration to NTP1999 accepted.

Bharti Cellular entered into license agreements to provide mobile services

in eight new circles following the fourth operator mobile license bidding

Bharti Telenet entered into license agreements to provide fixed-line

services in the Haryana, Delhi, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka circles.

Bharti Telesonic has entered into a license agreement with DoT to provide
National Long Distance Services in India and has been the first service
provider to start service in the country.

Bharti Aquanet, Bharti Telesonic and Bharti Cellular have entered into
license agreements with the DoT to provide ISP services in India.


Bharti launched mobile services in Gujarat, Haryana, Kerala, Madhya

Pradesh circle, Maharashtra, Mumbai, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh

(West) circle. Bharti listed on the National stock Exchange, Bombay Stock
Exchange and the Delhi Stock Exchange on February 18, 2002.
Bharti entered into a license agreement with the DoT to provide

international long distance services in India.

Bharti launched fixed-line services in the Delhi, Haryana, and Karnataka

and Tamil Nadu license areas.

Bharti became the first private telecommunications services provider to

launch international long distance services.


Bharti to invest Rs. 150 crores in its mobile business in Tamil Nadu state.

AirTel Magic launches pre-paid international roaming for all its customers.

AirTel to add six new towns-Satna, Katni, Hoshangabad, Itarsi, Morena.

AirTel announces exciting national initiatives to expand the mobile market.


Bharti Teletech introduces new standards of cordless telephony in India.

Airtel launches WI-FI service in Mumbai .

Blackberry Launch: Airtel unveils another first in global business mobile

communication with the launch of Blackberry - the most powerful instant email mobile innovation.

Airtel adds another first becomes the first private sector mobile service to
launch operations in J&K.



Airtel Becomes The First GSM Operator In The Country To Cross The 10
Million-Customer Milestone.

Sunil Bharti Mittal Inducted To The Global GSM Association Board.

Bharti Launches Airtel In North East & Assam.


Airtel and Research In Motion launch the BlackBerry 8700g - the first
EDGE-enabled BlackBerry device in India.

Results of Postal Ballot for change of company name from Bharti TeleVentures Limited to Bharti Airtel Limited.


Airtel brings the Highly-Anticipated BlackBerry 8800 Smartphone to India.


Airtel Partners with SingTel to Offer Free Incoming Calls while on

International Roaming in Singapore.

Airtel makes its television debut - Set to redefine home entertainment with
Airtel digital TV.


Airtel adds to the joy of festive season launches digital TV.

Pre-4th License
Post-4th License
Number of Mobile Circles
Number of Fixed-Line Circles
Population covered in our licensed area (%)

Area covered in our licensed areas (%)


Wireless Coverage Area(% of Mobile Customers covered)

1) Comprises the circle of Delhi and Himachal Pradesh.

2) Comprises the circle of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and Andhra
3) Comprises the circle of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh
and Chennai.
4) Comprise the sixteen operational circles of Bharti Tele-Ventures.
5) Based on data released by the COAI on the total number of persons
subscribing to mobile services in our licensed areas.

The largest private sector in integrated telecommunications services

group in India in terms of the number of customers.

Largest Mobile footprint in India, covering 20 of the 23 licensed areas.

Proven track record of managing growth - both organic as well as by way

of acquisitions.
Existing foreign shareholders have acquired direct and indirect equity

interests in the Company for a total consideration exceeding US$1 billion.


First and largest private telecommunications services company offering

fixed-line services in India.

First private telecommunications company to launch long distance

First off the block to launch fixed-line services in all the four circles of

Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.


FIRST operator to revolutionize the concept of retailing with the inaugurations

of connects (exclusive showrooms) in 1995.
FIRST mobile communication service provider in India to be certified for
ISO9001: 2000.
FIRST in world certified by British Standards Institution for mobile
FIRST to expand its network with the installation of second mobile switching
centers in 1997.
FIRST TO introduce the intelligent network platform first to provide retail
subscribers by forming an association called World 1 Network.
FIRST to provide roaming facility in USA.
FIRST to introduce a wide array of value added services like Smart mail, fax
facility, call waiting, Web-messages, information services etc. to enhance the
convenience of its subscribers.


The objective of Recruitment is to ensure precisely channeled selection of

resources, to enable achievement of the companys business goals.
In Bharti Airtel once the Manpower budgeting is prepared by the CEO, GM-HR &
HODs at the end of financial year.
The concerned manager of a vacant position requests for manpower through
Manpower Requisition Form (MRF). GM-HR approves the form. If the manpower
requirement is approved it is forwarded to recruitment manager.
Then the sourcing of CVs is done, through various methods. Then the initial
screening, if the candidate is selected then he is supposed to fill JAF , and then
get the JAF form and mark the date of functional Interview .
Short listing of CVs as per requirement and then the candidates are called for
the interviews. Then the candidates initial screening is done i.e. qualification of
candidate is matched with the requirement. JAF is made to fill by the candidate.
Then comes the functional interview round which is taken by the functional
manager. If he qualifies functional interview round then the candidate goes for
the salary negotiation, which is done by the HR. At last the offer letter is issued to
the selected candidate.

To learn the HR process of the organization


To study the recruitment policys and procedure


To learn the ability to select a recruitment model that will improve the
quality of the present and future workforce of the organization


To learn the framework around how to achieve recruitment objectives


SWOT Analysis of Bharti Airtel


Many HR Policies are not known to most of the employees. It should be

made clear on the day of joining or on the First working day.

Interview Assessment Sheets are not filled by both Functional and HRInterviewer. It should be filled on the time of interview.

The company should follow job rotation to retain its best talents.

In the Skip Level Meetings, no name and oracle code should be asked. To
get the true reply from the employees.

There should be frequent Feedback Sessions for employees.

There should be Exit Interview of all the leaving employees and it should
be taken seriously.

For COLD Calls or WARM Calls a proper data should be made (on the
basis of work experience, and current salary) and then the calls should be
made for Interviews.

New Joiners should be made clear of there KRA on the first working day.

There should be proper maintenance of all the employees documents for

future needs.


Bharti Tele-Ventures, its subsidiaries and management have received several
awards and recognitions, including:

Bharti Airtel crosses the 60 million customer mark in feb. 2008.

Bharti Airtel enhances empowerment, strengthens business roles in 2007.

Bharti Enterprises announces new Apex level Strategic Organization

Structure in 2007.

Indias Most Famous Icons Fight For Supremacy in 2005.

Airtel Becomes The First GSM Operator In The Country To Cross The 10
Million-Customer Milestone in 2005.
Bharti, Indias leading telecom conglomerate, declared countrys best-

managed company by Asiamoney in 2004.

Airtel wins the World Communications Best Brand Award in 2004.

Bharti makes it to the Hewitt top 25 Best Employers in 2003.

Bharti moves ahead in the creation of a single power brand in 2003.


Bharti gets international long distance service licence in 2002.

Sunil Mittal is 'Businessman of the Year 2002'

Sunil Bharti Mittal awarded the Dataquest IT Man of the Year 2002

Bharti was recognized as one of the "Leading Lights of Telecom" in Asia in

November 2001 in the Asian edition of the "tele.com" magazine with
analytical inputs from research consultants Frost &Sullivan.
The leading telecommunications service provider in India in a survey of

Indian companies conducted by Business World in association with Indian

Marketing Research Bureau in September 2001.
The Techies award from Information Communications World, an

international business magazine, for four consecutive years (1997 to

2000) for brand excellence, network quality, customer service and value
added service in our Delhi mobile circle.
Golden Peacock National Training Award 1999 to Bharti Cellular for our

Delhi mobile operations from the Institute of Directors, a non-profit

association in India committed to improving the competitiveness of Indian
business by focusing on development of business leaders, for the best
human resources and training practices.
Ascent Times of India and Sodexho Pass award in 1999 from the Asia

Pacific HRD conclave to Bharti Cellular for corporate excellence in the

category of most innovative human resource practices.
Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal (Chairman and Group Managing Director) was

honored as " One of the Top Entrepreneurs Worldwide" for the year 2000
and "Stars of Asia" for the year 2001 by international business magazine,
Business Week.

Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal was selected as the "Businessman of the year

2002" by Business India.


Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal was awarded the Dataquest IT man of the year

Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal was selected the "CEO of the year 2002" by World

HRD congress.
Mr. Akhil Gupta (Joint Managing Director) was adjudged as the Chief

Financial Officer for year 2001 for Mergers & Acquisitions activities by EIU.

Human Resource Management has become one of the most discussed
approaches to the practice and analysis of the employment relationship in
western market economies over past few decades.
Human Resource Management has become pervasive and influential approach
to the management of employment in a wide range of market economies.
Economies, which once seemed to enjoy a distinctive successful pattern of
employee management against a background of economic growth, have been
attracted to the debate of those economies like India, which, have struggled with
a problematic employment relationship and low growth.
In a broad sense, Human Resource management is a responsibility of all those
who manage people as well as being a description of the work of those who are
employed as specialists. It is that part of management, which is concerned with
people at work and with their relationship with an enterprise. It applies not only to
industry and commerce but also to all fields of employment.

The human resources of an organization consist of all people who perform its
Human resource management (HRM) is concerned with the personnel policies
and managerial practices and systems that influence the workforce. In broader


terms, all decisions that affect the workforce of the organization concern the
HRM function.

Summary of Chapter 1. Strategic Human Resource Management in a Changing

Environment in

H John Bernardin, Human Resource Management, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill,


The human resources of an organization consist of all people who perform its

Human resource management (HRM) is concerned with the personnel policies

and managerial practices and systems that influence the workforce. In broader
terms, all decisions that affect the workforce of the organization concern the
HRM function.

The activities involved in HRM function are pervasive throughout the

organization. Line managers, typically spend more than 50 percent of their time
for human resource activities such hiring, evaluating, disciplining, and scheduling
employees. Human resource management specialists in the HRM department
help organizations with all activities related to staffing and maintaining an
effective workforce. Major HRM responsibilities include work design and job
analysis, training and development, recruiting, compensation, team-building,
performance management and appraisal, worker health and safety issues, as
well as identifying or developing valid methods for selecting staff. HRM


department provides the tools, data and processes that are used by line
managers in their human resource management component of their job.

What is the focus of HRM department?

The HRM focus should always be maintaining and, ideally, expanding the
customer base while maintaining, and ideally, maximizing profit. HRM has a
whole lot to do with this focus regardless of the size of the business, or the
products or services you are trying to sell. (Dr. James Spina, former head of
Executive Development at the Tribune Company). HRM is involved in managing
the human resources with a focus on expanding customer base that gives profit
to the company. The bottom line of the company is the focus of the HRM
department as well as the function.

Contributing to the Bottom-line of the Company through HR Top-line Activities

A growing body research shows that progressive HRM practices have a

significant effect on corporate bottom-line and middle-line performance. The
positive effect on financial performance, productivity, product and service quality,
and cost control are documented by researchers.

High-performance work systems (HPWS) is a term used to describe a collection

of HR practices or characteristics of HR systems designed to enhance
employees competencies so that employees can be a reliable source of
competitive advantage. A summary of the research on HPWS indicated that a
one standard deviation of improved assessment on a HPWS measurement tool
increased sales per employee in excess of $15,000 per employee, an 8 percent
gain in labor productivity.

The Activities of Human Resources Management

The activities performed by HRM professionals fall under five major domains:

(1) Organizational design,

(2) Staffing,

(3) Performance Management and Appraisal,

(4) Employee and Organizational Development, and

(5) Reward Systems, Benefits and Compliance

Acquiring human resource capability should begin with organizational design and
analysis. Organizational design involves the arrangement of work tasks based on
the interaction of people, technology and the tasks to be performed in the context
of the objectives, goals and the strategic plan of the organization. HRM activities
such as human resources planning, job and work analysis, organizational
restructuring, job design, team building, computerization, and worker-machine
interfaces fall under this domain.

Recruitment, employee orientation, selection, promotion, and termination are

among the activities that fit into the staffing domain. The performance
management domain includes assessments of individuals and teams to
measure, and to improve work performance. Employee training and development
programs are concerned with establishing, fostering, and maintaining employee
skills base don organizational and employee needs.

Reward systems, benefits and compliance have to do with any type of reward or
benefit that may be available to employees. Labor law, health and safety issues
and unemployment policy fall under compliance component.

Major Trends Affecting HRM

The following trends have an effect on human resource management function

and department. The importance of HRM increases due to some of them and the
practices of HRM are affected to some extent due to some of them.

1. Increased globalization of the economy.

2. Technological changes and environmental changes.

3. The need to be flexible in response to business changes.

4. Increase in litigation related to HRM.

5. Changing characteristics of the workforce.

The Importance of HRM Measurement


Many HRM systems and activities are not subjected to systematic measurement.
Many organizations do not assess either the short- or long-term consequences of
their HRM programs or activities. A recurring theme of the book is that
measurement and accountability are key components to organizational
effectiveness and competitive advantage. Good measurement, allied with
business strategies, will help organizations select and improve all of their HRM
activities and provide a much stronger connection between HRM activities and
organizational effectiveness.

Stanford University professor Jeffrey Pfeffer considers measurement to be one of

the keys to competitive advantage. His book Competitive Advantage Through
People cites measurement as one of the 16 HRM practices that contribute the
most to competitive advantage.

A new book entitled The Workforce Scorecard by Professors Mark Huselid, Brian
Becker, and Dick Beatty extends research on the "balanced scorecard" to a
comprehensive management and measurement system to maximize workforce

Competitive Advantage and HRM

Competitive Advantage refers to the ability of an organization to formulate

strategies that place it at favorable position relative to other companies in the
industry. Two major principles, namely customer value and uniqueness, are
relevant for gaining competitive advantage.


Competitive advantage occurs if customers perceive that they receive more

value form their transaction or relationship with an organization than from its
competitors. HRM needs to make efforts to ensure that all employees are
focused on understanding customer needs and expectations.

The second principle of competitive advantage derives from offering a product or

service that your competitor cannot easily imitate or copy.

The status of HRM is improving relative to other potential sources of competitive

advantage for an organization. Professor Pfeffer notes that "traditional sources of
success (e.g., speed to market, financial, technological) can still provide
competitive leverage, but to a lesser degree now than in the past, leaving
organizational culture and capabilities, derived from how people are managed, as
comparatively more vital."

For success in 21st century, HRM activities must be (1) responsive to a highly
competitive marketplace and global business structures, (2) closely linked to
business strategic plans, (3) jointly conceived and implemented by line and HR
managers, and (4) focused on quality, customer service, productivity, employee
involvement, teamwork, and workforce flexibility.

Importance of Study of HRM for Students Specializing in Other Functional Areas

of Management

Even as line managers in any functional department, management students are

likely to manage people at some point in their career. Research shows that the
manner in which one conducts the human resource responsibilities of the
management job will be the key for effectiveness and growth in ones career.




3.2 Duration of the project-: 45 days training {15may to 30june}


To know the brand awareness towards Airtel products in Jaipur

To know the competitive strategies of Airtel.
To learn the HR process of the organization.
To study the recruitment policys and procedure.
To learn the ability to select a recruitment model that will improve the quality
of the present and future workforce of the organization
To learn the framework around how to achieve recruitment objectives
HR Policies are not known to most of the employees. It should be made

clear on the day of joining or on the First working day.

Interview Assessment Sheets are not filled by both Functional and HRInterviewer. It should be filled on the time of interview.
The company should follow job rotation to retain its best talents.

In the Skip Level Meetings, no name and oracle code should be asked. To
get the true reply from the employees. There should be frequent Feedback
Sessions for employees.
For COLD Calls or WARM Calls a proper data should be made (on the

basis of work experience, and current salary) and then the calls should be
made for Interviews.
New Joiners should be made clear of there KRA on the first working day.


The research design is the conceptual structure in which research is
conducted. It constitutes the blue print for the collection, measurement and
analysis of data. A research design is a basic plan, which guides the data
collection and analysis of the phases of the project. It is the framework, which
specifies the type of information to collect the source of data collection
procedure. Data was collected from primary and secondary sources.

Primary source: employees

The primary data was collected by giving questionnaires to the employees
and through discussion with the HR manager.

Secondary data source:

Source of secondary data includes company past records.

In this study the sample size of respondent was decided to be fifty. The data
was collected through questionnaires. The questionnaire was distributed to
the employees and they were asked to answer the questions. The employees
were also contacted personally to get the necessary data information required
for the completion of the survey.
The questionnaire used in this study was a structured one. Here the
questions were arranged in a specific order and were logically interconnected
for the research study. The advantage of the structured questionnaire lies in


the reduction of interviewers and interpreters bias. The questionnaire was

framed by keeping in the mind the objective of employee satisfaction.
The questionnaire was constructed to gather some information which are as
Nature of employment
The responses were noted down on the questionnaire and their comments
were noted on the back of the questionnaire. These responses were used to
analyze and interpret the results.


Human Resource Management is the backbone of any organization and its
success mainly depends on the manpower. The ability and potentiality of
personnel must be matched with the requirement of the positions in the
organization. This necessitates the significance of effective and efficient
recruitment process. The organization has to see that right person has to get
right job. The candidates attitude about the job and organization goals should
launched Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd under a joint venture with AXA,
world leader in financial protection and wealth management.
A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them,
intended to identify the goods and services of one company and to differentiate
them from those of competitors. It is the place you own in the minds of people
who matter to you most. It is the psychological and emotional identifier that gives
a company value.


High brand equity provides a number of competitive advantages:

A brand name needs to be carefully managed so that its quality doesnt
depreciate. This requires maintaining or improving brand awareness, perceived
quality and functionality, and positive associations. These tasks require
continuous R&D investment, skillful advertising, and excellent trade and
consumer service.
As a first step toward strategic growth since the breakup of the Spanish
telephone network monopoly, Airtel invested $1.9 billion in its own transport and
access networks, allowing it to meet the demands of a rapidly growing operation.
With more than seven million customers, the company also recognized it needed
to invest in a database to manage customer data and provide high-level
marketing information. A data warehouse, the Almacn Integrado de Datos
(Aida),was constructed. The purpose was to provide Airtel staff with all the quality
information required for dealing with business processes quickly, simply and
efficiently. This was difficult given the huge volumes of data. In order to convert
the mass of basic data into usable business intelligence, Airtel needed a powerful
data warehouse that was fast, flexible, scalable and easy to use. The integrity
and consistency of information had to be maintained, even though the data was
generated from disparate departments. It was essential that any solution could
ensure a high degree of information integration throughout the company. Airtel
selected Sybase IQ.


A fundamental problem of using Aida was the sheer volume of information
handled on a daily basis. Waiting for all the complex data-processing algorithms
to be resolved caused unacceptable delays. However, storage technology and


advances in processing capability means that an enormous volume of data can

now be processed at relatively low cost. Sybase IQ cut the waiting time for query
responses down to just seconds. This compares very favorably with other tools
that can take hours. Airtel recognized that achieving this kind of result meant
selecting the best possible database management solution. It was particularly
important that data from disparate sources could be fully integrated in order to
provide high-quality analysis that was fast and reliable.
The Airtel data warehouse organizes information according to the companys
business map. Even though many different departments use the same data, the
consistency and integrity of the information is maintained. The data warehouse
converts data into knowledge? turning real-world facts, via an interface, into
valuable business intelligence. The ability to accurately analyze and predict
customer activity is crucial to Airtel overall business strategy.
A thousand employees use the data warehouse for multidimensional analysis,
making more intensive use of the system. With multidimensional analysis using
specifically designed information structures, data concerning customers,
infrastructures and company processes can be extracted and users are able to
create modeling and simulation processes including techniques that complement

In our study the marketing strategy Airtel and Vodafone are involve. Telecoms
are rolling but like never before and that 100 million marks does not look to far
away. The mobile subscriber base crossed 65 million in sept-2005 and over 30%
increase over the previous year.
Indian cellular industry will roach will touch dollar 24 billion by the end of
Airtel 22% market share over 15 million mobile subscribers (Source:cellular operators association of India witnessed its highest ever net addition of
18 million mobile customers in a single quarters

Vodafone with over 10 million subscriber 15% market share may be no. 4
(behind reliance and BSNL ) at present but it can the highest average revenue
per user.
Airtel marketing strategy








involvements and investigation by fact based root cause analysis.

Vodafone Marketing strategy
A big success factor was how aspirational overtones in brand imagery stayed,
even through price wars had started again the colour orange was a seminal
attribute the brands slogan was, the future bright the futures orange.


No project is without limitations and it becomes essential to figure out the various
constraints that we underwent during the study. The following points in this
direction would add to our total deliberations:1.

During the study, on many occasions the respondent groups gave us a cold

2. The respondents from whom primary data was gathered any times displayed
complete ignorance about the complete branded range, which was being studied.
3. Lack of time is the basic limitation in the project.
4. Some retailers/wholesellers refuses to cooperate with the queries.
5. Some retailers/wholesellers gave biased or incomplete information regarding
the study.
6. Money played a vital factor in the whole project duration.
7. Lack of proper information and experience also because hurdle for me.
8. Some retailers did not answer all the questions or do not have time to answer.

This is in accordance with the study conducted on Recruitment
procedure at Bharti Airtel.
Some of the findings are as follows:

It was found that graduates are recruited for entry level jobs and
experienced professionals for higher positions.

It was found that recruitment is carried out on project basis. This might be
good in the long run.

It was found that most of them came to know about the company through
advertisement and friends.

It was found that most of the individuals joined the company because of its
working environment.

Recruiting through advertisement is the popular mode at Bharti Airtel.

Consultant and Referral system is not much practiced, but some times
they are used for recruiting for senior positions.

It was found that most of them are aware of the recruitment policy of
Bharti Airtel.


Majority of them feel that the policy is conducive to retain its employees.

It was found that majority of them are satisfied with the recruitment
practices of the company. This shows that recruitment and selection
practices are good and agreeable to its employees.

It was found that majority of employees feel advertisement is the best

mode for Bharti Airtel because they feel that it is open to all candidate and
it helps in recruiting more knowledgeable and highly qualified persons.

Most of them feel campus recruitment would be best mode for the
company because they feel students with more discipline and high
percentage marks can be recruited.

It was found that the mode of communication used to intimate the

candidate is through call letter.

It was found that most of them are not satisfied with the remuneration
package offered at the time of recruitment. They feel that a better package
offered could attract more people.



The data after collection has to be processed and analyzed in accordance
with the outline laid down at the time of developing plan. This is essential
for a scientific study and for ensuring that we have all relevant data for
making contemplated comparison and analysis.
Table showing age group of employees
50 and above



Chart showing the age group of the respondents



From the above table we can say that 60% of the respondents are
between the age group of 20-30, 14% of the respondents are between the
age group of 30-40, 10% of the respondents are between the age group of
40-50, 16% of the respondents are above 50.
The organization has therefore manpower resources, which include both
fresher, and experienced, energetic workforce, which means combination
of this two, will yield better results in terms of productivity and efficiency.

Table showing sources from which employees heard of Bharti Airtel.








Chart showing sources from which employees heard about Bharti Airtel


From the above table we can analyze that 38% of the respondents heard
about Quest Diagnostics through advertisements, 22% of them heard
through consultants and 16% of the respondents heard

through their

friends and relatives, 24% heard through peers and others being 0%

From the above table we can infer that many respondents came to know
about Quest Diagnostics through advertisement. A good advertising effort will
help in increasing the image of the company. Minor percentage heard through
consultants and friends.


Table showing mode of recruitment of respondents










Chart showing mode of recruitment of respondents

From the above table we can infer that 50% of the respondents were
recruited through advertisement, 30% of the respondents were recruited


through campus, 14% through consultants and 6% through referral


From the above table we can infer that most of them were recruited
through advertisements. This is the popular method at Bharti Airtel. Other
modes are not much practiced at this organization. Consultants and
referral system is usually for recruiting for senior positions.

Table showing awareness of recruitment policy among employees





An attempt was made to understand the awareness of respondents with
respect to recruitment policy

From the above table we can analyze that 74% of them are aware of the
recruitment policy of the company whereas 26% of them are not aware of
the recruitment and selection policy of Bharti Airtel..
From the above analysis we can infer that most of them are aware of the
recruitment policy of the organization. This shows that Bharti Airtel has
made a very good attempt to make employees aware of its recruitment
and selection policy.

Table showing satisfaction regarding recruitment practices
Particulars Number


Chart showing satisfaction regarding recruitment



From the above table we can say that 90% of employees are satisfied with
the recruitment and selection practices, 10% of them are not satisfied with
the recruitment and selection practices.

From the above table we can infer that majority are satisfied with the
recruitment and selection practices. This shows that Bharti Airtel
recruitment practices are good and agreeable to its employees. Minor
percentage of employees is dissatisfied with the practices.


Table showing the best method of recruitment for the organization
Campus recruitment
Referral system




Chart showing employees opinion on best method of recruitment for their


The above table shows the employees opinion on the best method of
recruitment for their organization

From the above table we can analyze 48% feel advertisement is the best
method, 36% feel campus recruitment is the best, 8% feel through
consultant and 8% feel referral system is the best method of recruitment
for their organization.
From the above table we can infer that employees feel that advertisement
would be the best method for their organization. They feel through this
right people for the right job can be selected. Some of them feel campus
would be a better option because they feel disciplined youngsters with
high marks could be recruited. Minor percentage feel consultant and
referral system would be better.
Table showing mode of communication used by Bharti Airtel to intimate
the candidate




Chart showing mode of communication used by Airtel to intimate the




Call Letter

The above table shows the mode of communication used by Bharti Airtel to
intimate the candidate for interview.
From the above table we can say that 64% of respondents were intimated
through call letter, 20% of them were communicated through telephone, 16% of
them were intimated through telephone and E-mail.


Table showing the satisfaction regarding the remuneration package
offered at the time of recruitment

Number of respondents


Chart showing satisfaction regarding remuneration package offered at the

time of recruitment

An attempt was made to find out the satisfaction of employees regarding
the remuneration package offered at the time of recruitment.


From the above table we can say that 56% of respondents are satisfied
with the remuneration package offered at the time of recruitment.
From the above table we can infer that only half of them are satisfied with
the remuneration package. 44% is a large percentage that is not satisfied
with the remuneration package. Since half of them are not satisfied with
the remuneration package the company should try to offer a better




Bharti Airtel has more than 65 million customers (July 2010). It is the largest
cellular provider in India, and also supplies broadband and telephone
services - as well as many other telecommunications services to both
domestic and corporate customers.

Bharti airtel is a rapidly growing communication company

Bharti Airtel is the largest telecom company in private sector

In just over few years, there are so many customers across the country &
the number keeps on increasing.

The sales force of company is very effective

An often cited original weakness is that when the business was started by

Sunil Bharti Mittal over 15 years ago, the business has little knowledge and
experience of how a cellular telephone system actually worked. So the startup business had to outsource to industry experts in the field.
Until recently Airtel did not own its own towers, which was a particular

strength of some of its competitors such as Hutchison Essar. Towers are

important if your company wishes to provide wide coverage nationally.
The fact that the Airtel has not pulled off a deal with South Africa's MTN

could signal the lack of any real emerging market investment opportunity for
the business once the Indian market has become mature.


The company possesses a customized version of the Google search

engine which will enhance broadband services to customers. The tie-up with
Google can only enhance the Airtel brand, and also provides advertising
opportunities in Indian for Google.
Global telecommunications and new technology brands see Airtel as a key

strategic player in the Indian market. The new iPhone will be launched in
India via an Airtel distributorship. Another strategic partnership is held with
BlackBerry Wireless Solutions.
Despite being forced to outsource much of its technical operations in the

early days, this allowed Airtel to work from its own blank sheet of paper, and
to question industry approaches and practices - for example replacing the
Revenue-Per-Customer model with a Revenue-Per-Minute model which is
better suited to India, as the company moved into small and remote villages
and towns.

Airtel and Vodafone seem to be having an on/off relationship. Vodafone

which owned a 5.6% stake in the Airtel business sold it back to Airtel, and
instead invested in its rival Hutchison Essar. Knowledge and technology
previously available to Airtel now moves into the hands of one of its
The quickly changing pace of the global telecommunications industry

could tempt Airtel to go along the acquisition trail which may make it
vulnerable if the world goes into recession. Perhaps this was an impact upon
the decision not to proceed with talks about the potential purchase of South
Africa's MTN in May 2008. This opened the door for talks between Reliance
Communication's Anil Ambani and MTN, allowing a competing Inidan


Research shows that satisfied employees are more efficient and productive so
they positively influence organizational performance and work towards fulfilment
of companys objectives and goals. Good Company Culture, Company Policies,
Convenient Work location, Communication , job satisfaction, opportunities for
promotion and career prospects, fair salary are few area which are critically
important from the view point of most of the employees.
In conclusion, several themes emerged from the overall result of the survey. The
cause of concern here is that employees have indicated that they need more for
their compensation and from their superiors. Based on the results as a whole,







Manager/Supervisor Co-operation, Training and Development, Performance

Appraisal and Opportunity for career and promotion, the companys current
climate could eventually erode the employees outlook and eventually their
commitment to doing their job.
The good news is that employees seem ready and willing to offer their insight
and constructive ideas on how to improve their area within company. They are
highly satisfied with Company Culture, Company Polices, Work Place and
Environment where they are work, Interpersonal Communication in a company
and more important is satisfied by job they are doing.


Referral system should be used

as the mode of recruitment as it

motivates the existing employees through advertisement are used as a

wide accepted method of attracting employees in to the organization.

Bharti Airtel can adopt modern techniques of recruitment, which are costeffective, like web portals.

The modern technique like email or telephone should be used to inform

the recruited candidates rather than old methods like call letter.



How did you come to know about job opportunities?

Friends and relatives

Are you aware of the recruitment policies of your organization?


Specify the method of your recruitment in organization:

Campus recruitment
Referral system
Data bank

Do you feel organizations recruitment policy is conducive to its



What mode of communication was used to intimate the candidate
for his/her interview?
Through call letter
Through telephone

Are you satisfied with the remuneration package offered at the time
of recruitment?


Are you satisfied with the method of recruitment in your



Which do you feel is the best method of recruitment?

Campus recruitment
Referral system



What were the problems faced during the recruitment process?


If yes specify________________________

About yourself
NAME: __________________________________________
AGE: ____________________________________________
QUALIFICATION: __________________________________

YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: ____________________________



Aswathappa K., Human Resource & Personal Management-Text and

Cases, New Delhi, Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2002

Sudha G.S., Human Resource Management, New Delhi, Ramesh Book

Depot, 2008

Kothari C.R., Research methodology and Techniques, New Delhi, Wishwa

prakashan, 1990






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