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The document discusses the restoration of the Great Sphinx in Egypt from the late 1980s to 1997 under the supervision of various Egyptian officials and experts. It aimed to preserve the Sphinx and protect it from environmental damage through various conservation and restoration methods.

The restoration project aimed to reveal the majesty of the Sphinx and leave it intact for humanity as one of the most important creations of Egyptian history and civilization. It worked to do this through renovation using state-of-the-art techniques while also leaving the Sphinx as it was in ancient times.

Studies found that the strong, sand-bearing northwest wind was the principal source of wind erosion. Moisture in the atmosphere also contributed to surface flaking of the limestone by reacting with salts contained within it on a daily basis.

The Secrets

of the Sphinx
Restoration Past and Present

Zahi Hawass

The American University in Cairo Press

ISBN 977 4 2 4 - 4 9 ^

The Secrets
of the Sphinx
Restoration Past and Present

The Secrets
of the

Past and

Dr. Zahi



Director General of the Giza

H.E. Farouk



Minister of Culture
Dr. Gaballa



General Secretary of the Supreme Council for


The American University in Cairo Press

The Sphinx Restoration Project

under the supervision of
Farouk Hosni, Minister of Culture
Gaballa, General Secretary of the Supreme
Council for Antiquities
Adam Henein, Sculptor
Dr, Mahmoud Mabrouk, Sculpture Supervisor and Artist
Dr. Zahi Hawass, Director of the Project
Dr. Shawki Nakhla, Scientific Director
Engineer Abdel Hamid Kotb
Engineer Adel Amin Zaki
Nasser Mohamed Ramadan
Emad Fahmy Mohamed
Moustafa Abdel Kader, Head of Conservation
Mohamed Sayed Mabrouk, Assistant
Technical Supervision:
an Mohamed, Overseer of Sculpture
Yassien Mohamed Ahmed, Assistan'

Copyright 1998 by
The Cultural Development Fund
Published by
The American University in Cairo Press
113 Sharia Kasr el Aini
Cairo, Egypt
Dar el Kutub No. 5065/98
ISBN 977 424 492 3
Printed in Egypt

Cultural achievement is vital to any nation that strives to create for itself a contemporary
presence, for the present is built on foundations that are marked by historical witnesses
of what is great in humanity.
It is thus an almost sacred duty to preserve the signs, the icons, the historical witnesses
of the profundity of our civilization, in order that we may pass them on to coming gen
erations just as they have been left to us by our ancestors.
The Sphinx is a marvelous instance of what I term the witnesses of history. More than
an archaeological treasure, it has created a space in which, on the basis of in-depth
research, archaeologist and creative artist have worked in cooperation. This cooperation
aims to reveal the majesty of the Sphinx, so that, by a process of renovation that utilizes
state-of-the-art techniques, we may leave intact for humanity one of the most important
creations of our history and our civilization.
This goal could not have been realized without the support of our political leadership,
in their perception that to preserve the past is simultaneously to safeguard the achieve
ments of the present and the future.
I would like to express my great happiness at the completion of the renovation
process, which has taken ten long years of work. I would like to thank the experts,
scientists, artists, and workers who participated in this great undertaking. Their
achievement is documented in this book, which is offered as a witness to a job most
excellently done.

Farouk Hosni

No statue has so inspired people's imagination, now or in the past, as the Sphinx. Since its
inception forty-five centuries ago, the Sphinx has become a symbol of the achievements
of the people who built it and an embodiment of the stability of religious faith in its age.
A glorious creation surrounded by mystery, the Sphinx has also become a symbol of enig
ma, and remains to this day a focus of scientific interest and the inspiration of poets.
Taking care of the Sphinx is not only a modern concern but goes back to pharaonic
times. A stela of Thutmose IV (ca. 1400 BC) found in front of the Sphinx's chest records
the removal of the sand that had covered the Sphinx and the building of a mud wall
around it for its protection. There is also evidence that Ramses II ordered the renovation
of ruined parts in stone, an activity continued in the Twenty-sixth Dynasty and, some
what sporadically, by the Ptolemies and the Romans.
By the early nineteenth century, all that was visible were the neck, parts of the back,
and the head of this enormous statue (it is fifty-seven meters wide and twenty meters
high). This was best documented and illustrated by Napoleon's draftsmen, and it was

their work that first attracted scientists' attention to the statue and inspired the renova
tions and excavations that followed throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth cen
turies. These were carried out by both foreigners and Egyptians, the last of whom was
the late Dr. Selim Hassan.
Although this work revealed many of the secrets of the Sphinx, uncovering its body has
also exposed it to the effects of the elements, including sand-bearing winds and humidity,
which increases salinity and speeds the rate of rock breakdown. It is therefore natural that
the Supreme Council for Antiquities should direct its interest toward protecting the statue
by carrying out its renovation on a scientific basis. This process began in March 1992 with
an international conference attended by scientists and experts in various fields, including
the renovation of antiquities, architecture, archaeology, and chemistry.
Proud as we are of the Sphinx as an achievement of our ancestors, we are equally proud
of all those who have participated in this projectarchaeologists, renovators, engineers,
and workers. Their achievement is a service and an inspiration to the nation, demonstrat
ing that the march of Egyptian civilization continues, and that we, the descendants of illus
trious ancestors, will preserve their creations for generations to come.

Gaballa Ali


The Secrets
of the

Past and

By Zahi



The Great Sphinx of Giza is a ruin and it should be kept as it is. Most Egyptologists who
attended the first International Symposium of the Sphinx in 1992 concurred with this
statement. To alter the visual context of the Sphinx is to compromise its original aesthetic
excellence, its value as a research subject, and its impact on popular culture. A clear
expression of this must be communicated to any specialist conservator, restorer,
architect, chemist, and geologist alike. Indeed, this very sentiment is now motivating
new approaches in protecting, conserving, and restoring the Sphinx. This paper outlines
the history of conservation, both modern and ancient, in the Sphinx precinct and pro
vides a brief account of its excavations. It will also touch upon evidence that has recent
ly come to light relating to chronology and function.

The Great Sphinx is a unique monument. Even in its own time it was one of a kind, for
Egyptian sculptors of the Old Kingdom did not utilize the same techniques of work
manship in any other monument. Its size alone is unparalleled until the New Kingdom.
It was only toward the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty that kings began to make statues
on a scale that rivaled that of the Sphinx. The colossi of Memnon built by Amenhotep III
are a case in point.
The Sphinx sits on the lowest part of the Ciza plateau, to the east of the three major
Fourth Dynasty pyramids, the pyramids of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. The Old
Kingdom architecture program for the pyramid complex was conceived as a whole in
the time of Khufu. His pyramid complex plan, which was to become canonical for the
rest of the Old Kingdom, included the pyramid as a royal tomb surrounded by an enclo
sure wall, the upper temple located to the east of the pyramid, and a causeway con
necting it with a ceremonial temple near the valley. This latter served as an entrance to
the entire pyramid complex. The lower temple was connected to a harbor on the Nile
by means of a canal.



about the


The latest phase of conservation of the Great Sphinx started in 1989. This is the mos
important campaign in the precinct since the ARCE Sphinx project, which producec
maps and drawings of the statue and, in particular, the 1979 photogrammetric map tha
has been so useful in guiding our work. In addition, we were privy to the insights o
artists contracted to advise on the work. Quite apart from laying the foundation for future
conservation, the investigations yielded several important pointers on the question of th(
Sphinx's construction, date, and function. In addition, new evidence that has surfacec
independently of the conservation efforts contributes to our understanding of when th<
Sphinx was abandoned and plundered. The new evidence confirms that a) Khafre buil
the Sphinx in the Fourth Dynasty (ca. 2600 BC) for cultic purposes, and b) the Sphin:
was not abandoned in the Middle Kingdom as some scholars have maintained, bu
rather at the end of the Old Kingdom, and plundered thereafter during the Firs
Intermediate period (ca. 2150-2040 BC).

Date and Purpose



The Sphinx has traditionally been dated to the reign of Khafre, the builder of the second
pyramid on the Giza plateau. This dating is based on its location near the pyramid complex
of Khafre and the similarity of its temple, the so-called Sphinx's temple, to the lower or
Valley temple of Khafre. Indeed, new evidence confirms that the Sphinx and its temple were
not included in the original master plan developed by Khufu, but were integrated into the
plan as a new architectural component by his successor, Khafre, probably for cultic reasons.
This evidence came to light during the phase of work in which we were removing the large,
visually incongruent stones that had been added to the lion body in 1982-1987. This oper
ation revealed the core of the Sphinx and hence allowed us to examine its composition.
The composition of the core holds a key to understanding the chronology and pur
pose of the Sphinx's construction. The floor and the lower portions of the lion body
proved to be composed of a variety of rough and brittle limestone. The upper body of
the Sphinx is composed mostly of layers of poor quality bedrock with many vertical fis
sures, of which the largest stretch down to the lower parts. Thus, the limestone compo
sition of the Sphinx contributes to its long-term vulnerability. W e deduce 1) that the con
ceptual aspects underlying the location and creation of the Sphinx were given priority
over any concern for the quality of the stone, and 2) that the very nature of the stone
bears on interpretation of the weathering that is now observable, and that has affected
the statue since it received its first casing.
That the Sphinx was carved in this location despite the poor quality of the stone sug
gests there was indeed a master plan for the Khafre complex that included the Sphinx,
and that the overseer of works had no choice but to carve it in this location and to incor
porate these weaker layers in the massive lion body. At the very base of the Sphinx,
where we have been able to examine the mother rock closely, there are extremely large
Tura-quality limestone blocks that cover the bedrock and form a casing. Since the hard
part of the mother rock could not have weathered after the casing was applied, its rough
surface underneath these large blocks must have been left as we see it by the original
Sphinx builders. It was also in this condition when the casing of very large blocks was


added. The conclusion follows that these large blocks belong to an O l d

Kingdom casing that w a s applied by Khafre's workmen in order to c o m
plete the modeling of the lion body, since the poor quality limestone
found higher up and comprising most of the core body, w o u l d not suffice
for fine modeling. The Sphinx architect tried to complete the mother rock
sculpture by adding stones, exactly as the builders did with the pyramids,
mastabas, and temples of the time.
The O l d Kingdom master sculptor carved the face, beard, and neck
only. The overseer of works had the pyramid architect protect the w e a k
core with large stones of the same quality used to encase the pyramid.
The sculptor added a finish to the casing of large stones rather than to the
mother rock itself, working together with the architect in the gross mod
eling of the exterior. This exterior form of the Sphinx body, modeled as a
lion, w a s completed with masonry. W e have seen these relationships
between unfinished mother rock and finished outer masonry during our
restoration work on the tail, the sides, and the chest of the Sphinx. W e
thus see that:
a) The Sphinx was indeed an element of the master plan of Khafre's
pyramid complex and not, as some scholars have suggested, located
haphazardly because the architect had left-over quarry rock. The
architect ordered the workers to cut and remove the rock from around
the chosen site. The stone they removed may have been cut and sized
for use in building the pyramids and temples at Giza.
b) The masonry that completes the modeling of the mother rock to
form the Sphinx's lion body was applied during the Old Kingdom.
c) Finish-work modeling
face, beard, and neck.

of the Sphinx mother rock was limited to the

According to traditional scholarship, the Sphinx temple w a s devoted to

a cult that identified the Sphinx with the sun. The G e r m a n archaeologist
Stadelmann and the present author, however, argue that Khufu w a s the
sun god Ra himself and that Khafre worshipped his father Ra within his
pyramid complex. 1 w o u l d further propose that the Sphinx itself repre
sents Khafre as Horus giving offerings to his father Khufu, the incarnation
of Ra w h o rises and sets in the temple in front of the Sphinx. I w o u l d
argue that the location of the Sphinx has significance in terms of the cult
that w a s to be practiced there. This is reflected in the Sphinx's later, N e w
Kingdom name, Horemakhet, 'Horus of the Horizon,' under w h i c h name
the Sphinx became the symbol of kingship and the nation. The hiero
glyphic sign 'akhet' has t w o horizons or peaks and the sun disk in
between. The Sphinx as the sun god can be seen between the horizon
peaks of the Khufu and the Khafre pyramids. The Sphinx c a n also be seen
in a similar horizon profile formed by the pyramid of Khafre and the pyra
mid of M e n k a u r e .
In my opinion, the cult of Khufu as Ra w a s practiced within the Sphinx
temple. That the Sphinx temple proper housed a cult would contradict the
views of Herbert Ricke, the German archaeologist w h o believed the Sphinx
temple was not completed in the Fourth Dynasty, a conclusion that in turn


led him to the opinion that the cult service was practiced only at the temple entrances.
However, Ricke did not have the evidence of 1979 finds of O l d Kingdom pottery (includ
ing a cache) northeast of the Sphinx temple. The type of pottery is consistent with cult ser
vice rather than with use by workmen. In my opinion, the context of this pottery associ
ates it with the temple itself and thus suggests that there was in fact a cult service in the
Sphinx temple during the O l d Kingdom. This w o u l d in turn indicate that it was indeed
completed rather than left unfinished.

Tunnels under



O v e r the years, the Sphinx has revealed some of its secrets, though not all. In 1881
Henry Vyse found two tunnels inside the Sphinx, but his discovery w a s never published.
In 1979, w e opened these tunnels.
The first tunnel is located behind the head of the Sphinx, cut into the mother rock
about six meters. The second tunnel is located in the tail of the Sphinx. W e learned of it
from Sheikh M o h a m e d A b d al-Maugud, w h o in turn knew of it from his grandfather. It
too is cut into the mother rock, about twelve meters. W e found no significant artifacts
inside the tunnel, but the e v i d e n c e suggests that the tunnels w e r e cut during the
pharaonic period, I believe during the Twenty-sixth Dynasty.
A third tunnel, in the north side of the Sphinx, has not been opened since 1926, w h e n
Emile Baraize opened it. W e have photographs showing t w o workmen inside it.


of a Lost


M y colleague Mark Lehner and I have excavated around the Sphinx for fifteen years, and
w e have e v i d e n c e to prove that the Sphinx dates from the reign of Khafre. There are,
however, people w h o believe that the Sphinx is ten thousand years old.
Writer )ohn Anthony W e s t and Boston University geologist Robert Schoch contend
that weathering of the M e m b e r II layers indicates that the Sphinx w a s built between
5000 and 7000 B C . If Egyptologists tend to ignore W e s t and Schoch, this is because they
almost completely ignore the evidence surrounding the Sphinx of an O l d Kingdom soci
ety, and argue that the monument must be the remnant of a much older civilization, oth
erwise unknown to archaeology. They do not explain how their lost civilization disap
peared from the archaeological record, nor how the O l d Kingdom society of Khufu,
Khafre, and their cohorts is so abundantly represented in that record. Nor do they


explain what happened to this lost civilization during the thousands of years between
the mysterious Sphinx builders and the O l d Kingdom. Apart from these problems, the
W e s t - S c h o c h case is flawed in the specifics they cite about erosion on the Sphinx.
During the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) Sphinx project, w e identified
Member II layers in our drawings by giving each one a number (and a Roman numeral
for subdivisions); for example, 1 i denotes the soft bottom, and 1 ii the hard top of the first
M e m b e r II layer above M e m b e r I. Geologists Thomas Aigner and K. L. Gauri have stud
ied these layers. Gauri has analyzed samples from their surfaces at the Stone
Conservation Laboratory at the University of Louisville to understand the mechanics of
how the layers eroded, a process that has left a profile
of rounded protrusions at the top and deep recesses at
the bottom of each layer.
The bases of the lowest layers (1 i, 2i, and 3i),which
are the most recessed, are so soft that in places (such as
the inner side of the left forepaw) you can crumble the
stone with your fingertips. The surface of the harder,
protruding layers is constantly flaking in large patches
like giant potato chips. A gust of strong w i n d sends
these flakes rattling across the stone surface of the
Sphinx, after w h i c h more flakes appear on the surface.
In 1978, w h e n w e carried out the first thorough
cleaning around the base of the Sphinx since the late
1920s and 1930s, Sphinx 'dust' from these disintegrat
ed chips had accumulated around the base of the chest and the rock walls of the ditch.
In places along the upper edge of the Sphinx's back, w h e r e the 1926 restorers poured
gray cement into cracks and fissures, the surrounding stone has flaked away, leaving the
cement protruding.
W h i l e geologists and conservators may not agree on w h y the surface of M e m b e r II is
constantly shedding off, or on what to do about it, anyone can see that this erosion pro
gresses daily. Schoch is aware that if the same rapid deterioration occurred in antiquity,
w e w o u l d not need to push back the origin of the Sphinx five thousand years. The eleven
hundred years between Khafre and the first major restoration in the Eighteenth Dynasty,
or even half this time, w o u l d have been more than enough to erode the M e m b e r II into
the deep recesses behind Phase I restoration masonry. In the unabridged version of The
Mystery of the Sphinx, a video production about the W e s t - S c h o c h hypothesis narrated
by Charlton Heston, Schoch dodges this issue. " B u t the weathering I'm looking at," he
says, "is ancient weathering . . . that w e see under ancient repairs, and that's a w h o l e
different ball game, a w h o l e different set of evidence than modern weathering." Schoch
cites pollution and acid rain as possible causes for faster weathering, but offers no data
to back up this c l a i m . G i v e n that w e are dealing with weathering processes (wind or
water erosion) on the same limestone layers with the same intrinsic qualities, ancient
and modern weathering on the Sphinx are, for the most part, the same "ball game."
The M e m b e r I and II rock is also transected by many fractures or joints, eroded by sub
surface water to form fissures. These run through the rock for several yards. W h e n joints
intersect near the surface of the Sphinx they isolate boulder-size pieces that w i l l even
tually fall off the body if not supported. This is precisely w h y a three-ton chunk fell from
the south shoulder in 1988. Such fractures occur throughout the G i z a Plateau and w e r e
probably created in post-Eocene geological times w h e n regional tectonic forces lifted
the formation at Giza. Underground water dissolved the limestone along the joints to


create subsurface channels and cavities. W h e n the Egyptians quarried the Sphinx ditch,

Thus their case for the lost civilization rests, ultimately, on angularity. Schoch, how

they had to cope with these fissures and cavities, the largest and most problematic of

ever, never shows any other examples of w i n d or rain weathering that might help us

w h i c h passes through the waist and is more than three feet across at the top of the back.

judge the Giza profiles by comparison. If he did, w e w o u l d then be interested in how

It extends vertically through the entire forty feet of the lion body and deep into the floor

he establishes rates of erosion to demonstrate that the Sphinx w a s built between 5000

of M e m b e r I. The Major Fissure, as w e call it, is formed of a series of smaller joints that

and 7000 B C . Even if the Sphinx w a s eroded by rain, Schoch never demonstrates why

traverse this part of the geological formation and run together at the Sphinx. It is easily

the rainfall over the last 4,500 years w o u l d not be sufficient to round off the corners. W e

traced on both sides of the Sphinx, and through the wall of the ditch to the south.

have been caught in many downpours during our work at Giza over the last twenty

In some of the W e s t - S c h o c h photographs w e see W e s t standing inside the opening of

years. Schoch must present more evidence than a few photographs and some video

one of the larger fissures in the walls of the Sphinx ditch. H e w o u l d have us believe that

animation to make the case that these different erosional patterns are chronologically

it is a major piece of evidence for rainwater erosion that occurred after the Sphinx w a s

significant. To point simply to the "morphology of the rock," that is, "the w a y it looks,"

created. W e are apparently supposed to believe that the other joints are also surface fea

is not enough to convince us of the enormous ramifications that W e s t and Schoch attach

tures created by torrents of rain water running over the sides of the Sphinx and into its

to this distinction.

there is a graphic of the Sphinx layers entirely

Another problem with Schoch's comparison between the Sphinx and "the exact same

unblemished by any vertical fissures. Rainwater then pours over the edge of the rock

layers" in the O l d Kingdom tomb concerns their location. The Sphinx sits at the lowest

ditch. In The Mystery

of the Sphinx,

wall and gouges out vertical gullies, suggesting how the fissures w e r e created. In fact,

part of the plateau, around sixty-five feet above sea level, and close to the damp Nile

however, the joints existed in the rock long before the ancient quarrymen ever fashioned

flood plain that today is between fifty-five and fifty-nine feet above sea level. Schoch

the Sphinx and its ditch. That the television scenario may look convincing testifies more

does not tell the audience that the Debehen tomb layers are much higher and drier, 458

to the power of video graphics than to bedrock reality. Schoch is aware of the technical

yards out in the desert (more than the length of four football fields), west-southwest of

studies that discuss how these fissures w e r e formed he cites them in his articles. But

the Sphinx, at an elevation between 154 and 206 feet above sea level. Between the

in the unabridged Mystery of the Sphinx, he points to a fissure on the south wall of the

Sphinx and the tomb of D e b e h e n there are numerous rock-cut tombs and, most signifi

Sphinx ditch, "clearly formed by water running d o w n the w a l l , pecking out w e a k spots."

cant, a yawning open-air quarry, 250 yards w i d e , from w h i c h Khufu probably took much

Next Schoch and W e s t point to the fagade of the tomb of D e b e h e n , w h o lived during

of the stone for his pyramid. Correlating stratigraphic layers from the Sphinx to the tomb

the Fourth Dynasty. They claim it was carved, as Heston reads from his teleprompter,

of D e b e h e n is not as easy as Schoch, or Heston's script, w o u l d have us believe.

from "the exact same layers as the Sphinx," and that the facade is weathered by w i n d .

The layers in the tomb of Debehen are not, in fact, the same as those in the Sphinx.

The evidence, apparently, is the sharp angle between the harder protruding layers and

Certainly all the layers at Giza are part of the Mokattam Formation, but from the bottom

the softer recessed ones. Schoch and W e s t find it chronologically significant that the

to the top of the sequence they vary considerably in quality. Starting at the edge of the

tomb was eroded by w i n d , as evidenced by an angular profile, w h i l e the Sphinx (they

Khafre causeway, which is the south side of the Sphinx ditch, one can trace the Sphinx lay

claim) w a s eroded by rain, evidenced by the rounded profile.

ers southwest. The top of the causeway is formed by layers 4 and 5 as w e numbered them



in the Sphinx profile. South of the Sphinx ditch and causeway, the surface slopes radical
ly to the south. It is possible to follow the Sphinx layers down this slope, then, proceeding
through the cemetery of rock-cut tombs to the west, toward Debehen, you can trace layer
5 and then layer 6 (with some gaps between quarry blocks and tombs). Proceeding west
through this quarry, which was later converted to a cemetery of rock-cut tombs, it becomes
apparent that as the ground surface rises, layers equivalent to the neck and head of the
Sphinx and, farther west, layers that are higher (i.e., younger) in the Mokattam sequence
than the Sphinx's head, are exposed. Farther west and higher in elevation, the layers of the
Debehen tomb are younger, closer to the top frosting in the 'layer cake' of limestone than
the Member II layers of the Sphinx, which are at the very bottom.
Schoch also fails to mention in his public presentations the simple fact that different
limestone layers, like those in the Debehen tomb and the Sphinx, weather in different
ways. The angularity or roundness of weathered rock profiles are due as much to the rate
at w h i c h one layer grades into another as to different weathering agents. In fact, between
Debehen and the Sphinx there are O l d Kingdom rock surfaces with both rounded and
angular profiles. For Schoch to present a credible argument about erosion patterns and
the date of the Sphinx relative to O l d Kingdom tombs, he must offer more evidence than
a single photograph of one tomb facade. His argument should at least begin with a
detailed stratigraphic correlation that demonstrates he is not comparing apples and
oranges. So many factors can affect the erosion of stone surfaces that surface erosion is
simply not a good basis for dating stone monuments or for postulating the existence of
a civilization lost somewhere in Epipalaeolithic or Neolithic times.
West and Schoch's treatment of the evidence tying the Sphinx to Khafre's pyramid c o m
plex is incorrect. They point to the "two-stage construction" of the Khafre temples, but never
cite the detailed architectural studies of this kind of construction at Giza. There is no doubt
that the large limestone blocks of the core and the granite blocks of the casing of the tem
ple walls were built at the same time. In both the Sphinx temple and Mortuary temple of
Menkaure's pyramid there are 'frozen moments' where the builders left the work incom
plete. Even today you can see where one team was trimming back the rough limestone core
walls while another, working several yards behind, was fitting the granite casing. The lime
stone blocks are not weathered under the intact granite casing on the Khafre valley temple.
W h e r e the granite casing remains in situ, the original face of the limestone core block
behind it is preserved.
W e s t and Schoch perceive that the south and west walls of the Sphinx ditch are erod
ed more at the top than at the bottom, the effect, they say, of rain water beating back a
rock face that w a s originally vertical. But looking at the eastern end of the south w a l l ,
where much of the original face is still preserved, it is clear that the ancient quarrymen
cut the face at this slope in the first place. In their treatment of the west w a l l , W e s t and
Schoch seem to get tangled in their o w n argument. Selim Hassan, w h o excavated at the
Sphinx in 1936, pointed out that the drainage channel along the north side of Khafre
causeway opens into the southwestern corner at the back of the Sphinx ditch. This sug
gests that the ancient quarrymen formed the Sphinx ditch after the Khafre causeway.
Schoch, however, believes that Hassan's point is "negated" because "the back of the
Sphinx enclosure" w a s excavated by Khafre five millennia after the time of the mysteri
ous Sphinx builders. Accordingly, the back wall should not show rain weathering
because, in W e s t - S c h o c h logic, that w o u l d date it thousands of years before Khafre.
W h y , then, do w e see Schoch in The Mystery of the Sphinx patting that same back wall
of the Sphinx ditch and calling it a "classic textbook example of what happens to a lime
stone wall w h e n you have rain beating d o w n on it for thousands of years"?


of the Sphinx
A number of theories have been postulated about w h e n the Sphinx was abandoned and
plundered. Some scholars have suggested that the monuments on the Giza plateau
began to be destroyed at the end of the O l d Kingdom and that this destruction contin
ued during the First Intermediate period and beyond. In its excavations of the pyramid
complex of Amenemhat I at Lisht from 1906 to 1934, for example, the Metropolitan
Museum of Art found a number of interesting relief blocks that seemed to have been
taken from various O l d Kingdom monuments. A number of these blocks bear the name
of Khufu. Goedicke, w h o studied and catalogued these blocks, concluded that they must
have been brought to Lisht from elsewhere, as there is no archaeological evidence that
Khufu built any monuments at Lisht. Thus he suggested that these blocks represented a
contemporary plundering of monuments on the Giza plateau. Ricke, on the other hand,
concluded that there w e r e two periods of robbing in the M i d d l e Kingdom, during the
first of w h i c h the Sphinx temple was stripped, and during the second of w h i c h theValley
temple w a s stripped.
In my opinion, it seems most likely that the Sphinx was abandoned at the end of the
O l d Kingdom and then plundered in the First Intermediate Period, ca. 2150-2040 B C .
This conclusion is suggested by the evidence of plundering on the Giza plateau at this
time, the scope of w h i c h w o u l d arguably also have affected the Sphinx.
Firstly, I cite the artifacts of Hetepheres found in the shaft east of the pyramid G l - a . It
is clear that her funerary equipment was removed from her tomb and placed in the shaft
for safe keeping during a time of plundering, as no queen w o u l d have been originally
buried in such a shaft. The crux of the issue lies in the original location of these artifacts,
i.e., the location of her tomb. I w o u l d argue that Hetepheres w a s originally buried in the
pyramid G l - a , rather than at Dahshur as other scholars have held, and that during the
First Intermediate Period, seeing the results of plundering on the plateau and fearing for
the safety of the queen's funerary equipment, the priests of Khufu moved the equipment
from pyramid G l - a to this shaft for safe-keeping.
Secondly, evidence from the lower temple of Khafre supports the hypothesis that the
monuments on the Giza plateau were viciously destroyed at the end of the O l d Kingdom.
The temple was certainly robbed, and most of the statuary was smashed, as the many stat
ue fragments in the area testify. The careful burial of the diorite statue of Khafre found in
the pit in the antechamber suggests an attempt to protect it from plunderers.
This evidence suggests that the monuments of Giza w e r e plundered in the First
Intermediate Period. The Sphinx w a s most likely also abandoned at that time. I w o u l d
also suggest that the removal of the granite Khafre statues, alabaster pavement, and the
granite pillars occurred during the First Intermediate Period. From that time until about
1400 B C , therefore, w h e n Thutmose IV carried out the first excavations around the
Sphinx (see below), the Sphinx and its temple w e r e left to the encroaching sand and
eventually buried.


History of
around the Sphinx
This section summarizes the history of exploration and excavation around the Sphinx in
the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This brief history constitutes a vital background
for anyone w h o may wish to undertake conservation on the Sphinx. The information will
also help the reader in understanding the subsequent section on the history of the
Sphinx's conservation.
W h e n Napoleon c a m e to Egypt in 1798, the Sphinx w a s completely covered with
sand. Napoleon's expedition mapped the C i z a plateau and cleared the area around the
Sphinx's head and neck to take measurements. This, I believe, was the first work of this
type to be done in modern times.
The work of Giovanni Battista Caviglia, who had worked in cooperation with Henry Salt,
the British consul in Egypt, was published by Henry Vyse. Caviglia concentrated his work
between the paws of the Sphinx and found the so-called dream stela and fragments of the
Sphinx's beard, one of which is kept in the British Museum, the others in the Cairo Museum.
In 1840-1842, Vyse made a very large hole just behind the Sphinx's head and cleared
some tombs to the north of the Sphinx amphitheater. In 1 842-1843, Karl Richard Lepsius
cleared the chapel located between the paws of the Sphinx and drew up plans of it.
Auguste Mariette started to clear the sand around the Sphinx in 1853, then switched the
work to the lower temple of Khafre, before returning to excavate the Sphinx in 1858. H e
cleared the sand until he reached the Sphinx floor, found the protective wall left in the
north side by Thutmose IV, cleared the shaft on the Sphinx's back and, finally, found the
masonry blocks that w e r e located on the sides of the Sphinx. Based on a statue base of
Osiris, he believed that a number of large masonry 'boxes' located to the north and south
of the Sphinx were chapels for Osiris, and dated them to the N e w Kingdom.
Gaston Maspero started his work at the Sphinx in 1885, assisted first by Brugsch and
later by Gebraut. The work focused mainly on the same places that Caviglia and Mariette
had worked. The Egyptian Antiquities service sponsored excavation in this area under
the direction of Kamal and Daressy from 1907-1909. They cleared the walls that Baraize
discovered, found jars of Amenhotep II, and a number of O l d Kingdom tombs, such as
that of Khafre's daughter and Menkaure's wife, Q u e e n Khamerernebti.
Emile Baraize was the first person since Thutmose IV to completely clear the sand
from around the Sphinx. His campaign, from 1925 to 1936, w a s documented with 226
photographs, one of which shows a cut in the middle of the Sphinx and a passage locat
ed in its north side. Baraize restored the Sphinx's head and neck with cement and built
a limestone wall on the north side. H e also found the rest house of Tutankhamun and,
as shown in his photographs, worked in the southwest area of the Sphinx d o w n to
bedrock. In the course of his work he uncovered the Sphinx's court and its temple.
Selim Hassan started his work in October 1936. Continuing the work of Baraize, he
completely cleared the Sphinx sanctuary and the temple. H e demolished the retaining
walls built by Baraize and in doing so, found the mud brick temple of Amenhotep II. H e


worked in the northwest corner of the Sphinx amphitheater and found rock tombs, the
mudbrick walls of Thutmose IV, votive stelae dedicated to the Sphinx, and other artifacts.
In 1960 a sound and light system was installed by the Department of Antiquities at the
Sphinx sanctuary. For this enterprise, channels for cables were cut and cement boxes built.
In the same yearVito Maragioglio and Celeste Rinaldi conducted a survey in the area.
Herbert Ricke recorded and mapped the Sphinx temple in the period 1965-1967. It
was on the basis of this work that he stated that the Sphinx temple w a s never complet
ed, as described above.
In 1978 Stanford Research Institute, in cooperation with Ain Shams University, c o n
ducted a remote sensing subsurface survey of the Sphinx temple and the sanctuary of
the Sphinx. These operations, w h i c h w e r e designed to investigate the possible existence
of cavities, required the drilling of five holes in the vicinity of the Sphinx t w o at the
Sphinx temple, two on the southeast corner of the Sphinx's sanctuary, and one to the
south of the south paw. N o cavities w e r e discovered.
Excavations by Mark Lehner and myself w e r e conducted northeast of the Sphinx and
at the northeast corner of the Sphinx temple. The area of the northeast corner of the
Sphinx temple had been left unexcavated by Hassan. W e recorded stratified deposits of
the Roman period, N e w Kingdom, M i d d l e Kingdom, and O l d Kingdom.
In cooperation with the G e r m a n Institute in Cairo and A R C E , Lehner began the Sphinx
mapping project and produced 1:50 photogrammetric elevations of the Sphinx sides and
front. Lehner also produced detailed studies of the stones attached to the Sphinx at
scales 1:20 and 1:10.
In conjunction with the A R C E Sphinx project, K. L. Gauri and Thomas Aigner c o n
ducted an important geological study of the Sphinx.




Any conservation campaign that is undertaken on the Sphinx now or in the future must
heed the lessons of the past. This belief underlies present efforts to document the histo
ry of conservation on the Sphinx. O n l y with a clear understanding of what has taken
place in the precinct over the years indeed, from the time of the earliest restoration
by Thutmose IV in 1400 B C through the interventions of the 1980s, and right up to the
present change of policy can w e comprehend the current state of affairs. In my opin
ion most conservation campaigns in the past w e r e conceived as stop-gap solutions, with
no long-term strategy in mind for protecting the Sphinx. Some of these temporary mea
sures damaged the Sphinx more than they benefited it. In consequence our work today
is all the more difficult. This section will outline and review the five phases of conser
vation from 1400 B C through 1987, and then describe the work in progress in the cur
rent campaign, w h i c h began in 1989.


Phase 1: Thutmose IV and

the New


Evidence for Thutmose IV's campaign is preserved in the so-called dream stela he erect
ed between the paws of the Sphinx around 1400 B C . According to the story inscribed
on the stela, prince Thutmose went hunting in the Valley of Gazelles southeast of the
Sphinx. The Sphinx spoke to him in a dream and asked the prince to free him from the
sand. The Sphinx (Horemakhet) offered in return the c r o w n of Upper and Lower Egypt.
From this w e know that the Sphinx w a s buried up to its neck in sand by 1400 B C . The
implication of the Thutmose stela is that Thutmose freed the monument from the sand
and thereby became pharaoh. Indeed, Thutmose's commitment to the Sphinx w o u l d
explain the revival of cultic practice focusing on the Sphinx during that king's reign. As
mentioned earlier, the Sphinx became an important focus for a popu
lar and royal cult under the name Horemakhet, 'Horus of the Horizon,'
a combination of the god of kingship, Horus, and the sun god Ra.
The archaeological record confirms that Thutmose did indeed free
the Sphinx of sand. Mudbrick walls, inscribed with the name of this
king, survive in remnants in the precinct. The fact that he built these
walls suggests that Thutmose IV excavated the Sphinx and also cleared
the sand completely, as Baraize did centuries later in 1926. The walls
w o u l d have afforded a barrier against the elements and halted reburial
by the sand. I w o u l d like at this point to interject a comment concern
ing the origins of the dream stela itself, because this bears upon the
sentiments I believe Thutmose IV must have felt in lending aid to the
Great Sphinx. Grinsell has suggested that the granite dream stela w a s
originally the door of the lower temple of Khafre, and that Thutmose
reused it for his dream stela. Lehner also favored a theory of reuse, but
instead suggested that the dream stela w a s originally the door of the
upper temple of Khafre, and postulated that Thutmose ordered the
workers to move it from the upper temple. H e concluded that the gran
ite slab w a s then erected between the paws of the Sphinx w h e r e it was
subsequently inscribed with the dream story and its scenes.
Personally, I am not inclined to accept any theory claiming that the
dream story was inscribed on stone 'cannibalized' from one of Khafre's monuments, or
from anywhere else for that matter. If Thutmose IV did indeed invest his energies in exca
vating the Sphinx and clearing the sand from around the monument, and if he construct
ed walls to ensure its long-term protection, it hardly follows that he would then have taken
a door from Khafre's temple for reuse in another monument built by the same esteemed
pharaoh. I propose, rather, that the dream stela was cut from granite ordered anew from
the quarry in Aswan or that the plain granite slab was found abandoned in ancient rubble,
a remnant of the First Intermediate period's campaign of destruction which the overseer of
all works could not trace to either the temple of Khufu or of Khafre.
There is also a second element to Thutmose's efforts at conservation. This concerns the
course of limestone blocks facing the core. It seems to me likely that the weaker part of
the mother rock was probably further damaged w h e n the Sphinx w a s restored in the
Eighteenth Dynasty, 1,200 years after its original carving. W h e n the Eighteenth Dynasty
excavators uncovered the Sphinx, I believe they found a situation much like that found


by Baraize in his excavations, w h e n for the first time he cleared the statue completely
for the Egyptian Antiquities Service in 1926.
In Baraize's case, the sand had buried the statue nearly to the top of its back. As his
men hauled away the sand and debris that had accumulated over the ages, they found
many large and small restoration blocks that had gradually fallen off the curves of the
lion's body, d o w n to about o n e third the height of the north side of the body, and to
about two thirds the height of the body on the south side. Baraize simply took many of
these stones, including the large ones of the phase I restoration, and cemented them
back into place on the Sphinx's body. Thutmose IV's workmen seem to have done some
thing very similar. O n the upper part of the body w e found O l d Kingdom blocks, of the
same quality used to face the causeway of Khafre, reset against a badly weathered O l d
Kingdom core. As the dream stela of Thutmose IV shows that this was the first time that
the Sphinx had ever spoken and thus w o n its freedom from the sand, it is clear that there
was plenty of time between Khafre and Thutmose IV 1,119 years at least for the
O l d Kingdom casing stones to have fallen off, and for the weak stone of the Sphinx body
to have weathered to the condition that w e see it under the phase I restorations of the
upper Sphinx body. This weak stone weathers very quickly even today, in a process of
flaking and powdering that leaves freshly fallen stone flakes and dust at the base of these
layers in the side of the Sphinx ditch.
The large stones found facing the core are of the same quality that w e r e used in mak
ing the causeway of Khafre. This, and the fact that the limestone slabs in the causeway
correspond in size (36-38 cm) to those encasing the Sphinx's body, led Lehner to sug
gest that Thutmose restored the casing of the Sphinx using slabs of limestone from
Khafre's causeway. However, by the same logic expressed above with respect to the
source of the stone used for the dream stela, I would argue against Lehner's theory.
Rather, it seems to me more likely that Thutmose would either have reattached existing
casing stones that had fallen off the statue but had not been carried away, or commis
sioned these slabs corresponding to those that w e r e still in situ in the causeway.
Therefore, Thutmose IV's activities consisted of the following:
7) After clearing away the sand in the precinct, he built the protective mudbrick
around the Sphinx to protect it from wind and sand.


2) Having discovered that the Sphinx was damaged and that the Old Kingdom stones
were falling down, he put them back in their original places, and may have com


3) He brought a granite stela from Aswan

dream story.

and inscribed

the story known as the

To Ramses II may be attributed the two stelae between the front paws of the Sphinx and
the other artifacts inscribed with his name that were found there. The existence of these
objects suggests he may also have engaged in restoration activities at the Sphinx, such as
replacing some of the fallen stones that had been restored by Thutmose IV. Ramses's son,
Khaemwaset, known as the first Egyptologist and restorer, may also have restored the
Sphinx in the same manner as his father. The Turin papyrus mentions that workmen in the
time of Ramses II took stone for 'Hor-m-mn-nfr.' Some scholars have recognized in this
name the Sphinx's name Horoun, one of the names used in the N e w Kingdom to refer to
the Sphinx. Artifacts attributed to other kings, including Ay, Horemheb, Seti I, and
Merenptah, have also been discovered in the area of the Sphinx, but there is no evidence
to suggest these kings sponsored any restorations of that great monument.


Phase 2: Saite Period (664-525


In 1853 Auguste Mariette found the so-called Inventory stela, or the stela of the daugh
ter of Cheops (Khufu). It w a s found on the east side of the C l c pyramid and dated to the
Twenty-sixth Dynasty. The stela indicates that the Sphinx w a s repaired in this period. To
this period may be attributed the major layer of restoration masonry on the upper part
of the Sphinx's body on the south side. This layer, composed of smaller slabs than those
of the O l d Kingdom, w a s laid over the earlier (phase I) layer of Thutmose, the surface of
w h i c h w a s cut away in phase II, however, for fitting the new stones. It is important to
note here that the restorers did not remove the O l d Kingdom stones from the Sphinx. The
Saite restoration also focused on the Sphinx's tail and on the nemes headdress. The
Egyptians of this period may also have painted the Sphinx. There is no evidence, how
ever, of any excavations around the base of the Sphinx. Even Herodotus is silent on the
Sphinx, suggesting that it w a s at least partially obscured by sand.

Phase 3: Roman Period (30


of second century AD)

The ancient sources attest that in the Roman period the Sphinx was again freed from the
sand. For example, the people of Busiris, a village located at the foot of the Khufu pyra
mid, left a stela in honor of Nero and the governor, Claudius Babillus. W e know also
that the Sphinx w a s a popular gathering place. The Egyptians apparently c a m e to sit by
the Sphinx, and the place w a s highly romanticized. The Sphinx even served as the back
drop for the performance of plays. These literary references, plus the nature of the
Roman restorations, indicate that the monument was in full view.
The Roman restorations consisted of a layer of protective stones applied to the paws
and sides of the Sphinx. These stones w e r e recorded and planned by Lehner in the photogrammetric map made in 1979. They w e r e applied directly over the O l d Kingdom
courses; smaller stones w e r e used as necessary to retain the modeling and proportions
of the Sphinx. In addition, the floor of the Sphinx sanctuary w a s paved. This phase of
work is the largest Sphinx restoration effort in history.
O u r studies of the Sphinx indicate that the O l d Kingdom stones placed on the Sphinx
w e r e respected by subsequent generations of restorers. They may even have been c o n
sidered sacred. As in the case of their Saite predecessors, the Roman restorers did not
remove the O l d Kingdom stones. The layers of the Roman period are composed of small
brick-sized stones that w e r e placed on top of, not in place of, the O l d Kingdom stones
and later casing.


Phase 4: Baraize


M a n y centuries passed before the next phase of conservation was

undertaken, this time by Emile Baraize. For almost eleven years Baraize
cleared the area around the Sphinx to free it of sand. The scale of this
undertaking had its only precedent in the reign of Thutmose IV and in
the Roman period. This is made particularly clear by Baraize's records,
w h i c h comprise notes and 226 photographs.
Baraize's restoration program and its consequences are summarized
as follows:
1) Baraize's clearing operations revealed that the Old Kingdom stones
returned to their original positions by Thutmose were again falling down.
The records show that a crack located at top center divided the Sphinx
into two parts. The head was in poor condition. A large passage, the size
of which is indicated by the workmen standing in it, was open on the
north ridge. Baraize restored the head with cement, which at the time was
deemed necessary for its protection. But since we now know from the
investigations that the upper part of the Sphinx is relatively
strong, it is now desirable to reverse this work. The cement restoration of
the head is not good and obscures the impressiveness of the Sphinx.
2) Baraize closed the northern passage with masonry. It would be
advantageous to open it in order to view the interior of the lion's body
and take samples. The northern side of the Sphinx is a big problem, as
the deterioration of the casing stones here is in a more advanced state.
3) Baraize restored the crack on the top of the Sphinx with cement and
replaced the Old Kingdom stones.
4) He also restored many other parts of the Sphinx, as recorded
Lehner in 1979.


Baraize's work c a n be seen now on the left and right shoulders of the
Sphinx and on the southern shoulder, where he restored a fallen chunk
from the mother rock. Also parts on the south, north, and back of the
lion body w e r e restored. However, most of Baraize's restorations have
been removed and readdressed with the new method currently in use
on the south side (see phase VI).

Phase 5: Egyptian


Phase 5 as described here consisted of a series of sporadic restorations car

ried out by the restoration department of the Egyptian Antiquities
Organization (EAO) in 1955, 1977, 1979, and 1982-1987. There was no
overarching plan of work, nor was the work recorded or photographed. The
workmen were mainly working without supervision by an architect or con
servator, and consequently their efforts did not help preserve the Sphinx.


In 1955 temporary restoration work w a s done, primarily in the areas to the rear of the
chest w h e r e very thin layers of limestone had started to flake off. Restorers injected a
chemical into the surface layer of the chest. Two months later, this layer began to fall
d o w n , and w e are left with this problem.
In September 1979, the architectural department of the E A O began restoration on the
northern side of the Great Sphinx. This work w a s carried out by workmen with only
monthly supervision by the architect. The workmen started to add new stones to the
north side w h i l e at the same time taking the earlier stones out. Some of the stones taken
out w e r e ancient, and others belonged to Baraize's restoration. Unfortunately, the work
men used mortar that consisted of cement and gypsum, a formula well known even at
the time to be harmful to the monuments. W h e n this w a s discovered to be the case, the
work w a s suspended.
In October 1981 veneer stones began falling off the north hind paw of the Sphinx. This
alarming event did not go unnoticed by the press. The newspapers called attention to
the increasingly dilapidated condition of the Sphinx and called for a change in the E A O .
As a result, many experts from the faculty of archaeology and other institutions initiated
studies on the Sphinx. Research on the water table and pollution, and analyses of mor
tar and stone w e r e conducted. However, none of the findings and recommendations
arising from these studies w e r e ever applied in practice.
In 1981-1982, the newly constituted Sphinx committee met to discuss conservation
needs. These discussions led to their unfortunate decision to remove the Roman stones
and apply large stones. These stones, w h i c h remain today, are similar to neither the
pharaonic nor the Roman stones. The reasoning behind the use of such visually incongruent stones was that the procedure required a minimum of mortar.
The E A O architect directed the restoration program from 1982-1987. The biggest
problems in this phase of the work are the following:
1) The mortar recommended in the scientific report was not used, but instead a very
large amount of cement and gypsum. Furthermore, the mortar was put directly on
the mother rock.
2) The workmen had no supervision from any member of the Sphinx committee.
architect in charge came to the site personally only rarely.
3) The large stones used in the restoration completely


obscured the modeling and the

proportions of the Sphinx. This casing was applied on the south paw, north paw, the
northern side, the back, the tail, the masonry boxes, the Roman stairs, the Sphinx sanc
tuary, and the back paw of the northern side. All these places look new and strange.
4) Rather than giving priority to the weak areas, such as the shoulders and the top of
the haunches, attention was focused on cosmetic renovations, which were them
selves done badly. The 'restoration' consisted merely of removing stones and mortar
and replacement works. Buttresses of stone and mortar (again, cement and gypsum)
were added over the mother rock of the Sphinx on the rump, north, and part of the
south side.
5) All the ancient stones that were added to the Sphinx in the phase III
were removed. These stones were not recorded or saved in storage.
6) The Giza branch of the EAO, whose personnel


were at the time best equipped


supervise the work, was not permitted a role in overseeing the work.
7) A wall was built on the north side which, among other things,
obscured the modeling of the Sphinx's shoulder. This was wholly

it was based on imagination


rather than


The results of this type of work on the Sphinx w e r e :

1) The Sphinx's body could not tolerate the huge amount of mortar (cement and gyp
sum). The mother rock of the Sphinx could not 'breathe' and began to push the
newly applied stones out. This was especially the case on the back of the northern
paw and the area of the tail.
2) Deterioration and salt started to appear on the new stone. The salt problem
appeared even during the work on the back northern paw. To counteract this deteri
oration the area was covered with mud.
3) The workmen cut the claws that had been carved in the stone by the ancient Egyptians.
For these reasons work was suspended in N o v e m b e r 1987.
In February 1988, a chunk of limestone on the southern shoulder of the Sphinx fell
off. The weakness of this part had long been k n o w n . Indeed it w a s initially restored by
Baraize and it is obvious in all the Sphinx photographs that this area needed attention.
However, no repairs had been carried out in this area during the 1982-1987 activities.
The media made a case of it and the Sphinx became a political issue, as had happened
in 1400 B C in the reign of Thutmose IV, and in 1981 w h e n veneer stones fell off the
north hind paw of the Sphinx.

Phase 6:


Since it was uncovered by Baraize in 1926 the Sphinx has been under siege. It is threatened by:
1) The rising water table.
2) Vibrations emanating from aircraft and traffic, especially buses, in the


3) People living around the Sphinx, in particular the villagers of Nazlet
and Kafr al-Cebel. The population of the former has now reached 200,000.
4) Leakage of waste water from nearby villages that lack sewage containment
5) The modern construction
nels for cables.

of the sound and light installation


and the cutting of tun

6) Climatic factors such as rain and fluctuations in humidity and temperature.

7) Modern technology, such as factories near the monument and the resulting pollution.
8) The utilization of stop-gap and harmful methods of conservation and restoration, par
ticularly those using cement and gypsum on the mother rock of the Sphinx's lion body.
9) The limestone quarry near the Giza plateau, where dynamite is used to
lime for use in sugar factories.


After 1988 a great many foreign experts c a m e to the Sphinx to investigate and offer
solutions to these problems. All agreed that the new casing stones and the cement
should be taken off immediately.


In 1989 a Sphinx committee was established, made up of appointees from different

divisions of the EAO and from Egyptian universities. In addition, the late Sayed Tawfik
and the author, among others, appointed a group of specialists to work on the site. The
team used the elevations and plans produced in 1979 by the ARCE Sphinx project and
the German Institute as a guide to begin restoring the contours of the Sphinx as they
existed prior to 1982-88 interventions.
The project had three phases. The first consisted of carrying out scientific studies as well
as doing restoration work in select areas. The areas include the southern paw, the southern
side of the Sphinx, and the tail. In this work both the Sphinx project photogrammetric map
and the old Baraize photographs were used as a basis for directing reconstruction. The old
large stones and cement were all removed and the mother rock treated. New stone was cho
sen from a quarry at Helwan after analysis had shown it was consistent with the limestone
of the mother rock. Rather than use thin facing slabs that would require lots of mortar, we
elected to use whole blocks of stone, placed end first against the mother rock and laid in
overlapping courses. This system, the norm in bricklaying, interlocks the stones and permits
ease of replacement. The mortar was made of lime and sand mixed in proportions of 1:3.
The mixture was allowed to stand in plastic bags for ten to fifteen days to allow for maxi
mum congealment. Also in this first phase the chest was given a protective course of lime
stone on the sides, matching the construction techniques of the original.
The scientific studies associated with the first phase of our current campaign yielded
many important insights toward the future conservation needs of the Sphinx. The out
come of studies on the level of the water table carried out by the National Research
Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics is of particular interest: the studies show the
water level is now seven meters below the base of the Sphinx. This is down five meters
from the situation that prevailed for at least fifty years. The drop in the water table may
be a consequence of the new sewage system the Egyptian government constructed in
the previous two years in the village of Nazlet al-Samman.
A major concern about the strength of the head and neck was also alleviated through
a diagnostic examination of the Sphinx by a team from UNESCO under the supervision
of B. Chagneaud and A. Bouineau. As a result the weakest parts of the Sphinx have been
identified. The head, however, turns out to be the strongest part of the Sphinx.
An improvement in the Sphinx's environment has stemmed from another study by the
National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, this time into the seismic
waves emanating from blasting activities at quarries in the vicinity. These waves were
shown to be a potential hazard to the Sphinx. Based on the study's recommendations,
limits were placed on the size of the blasts, and schedules were established to space out
the detonations so as to prevent overlapping. Recording stations were set up in the
Sphinx complex to monitor compliance with these restrictions.
In May 1990 the Getty Conservation Institute of the United States installed a solarpowered monitoring station on the back of the Great Sphinx designed to measure such
potentially destructive environmental factors as wind, precipitation, relative humidity,
and condensation. Data collected thus far indicate the strong, sand-bearing northwest
wind as the principle source of wind erosion. They also indicate that moisture in the
atmosphere, reacting on a daily basis with salts contained in the limestone, contributes
at least in part to the surface flaking of the Sphinx.
Samples of rock taken from the Sphinx and surrounding outcrops were analyzed by the
Petroleum Research Institute in Cairo, permitting composition analyses. Petrographic and x-


ray diffraction analyses indicate, among other things, that the uppermost layers of the
Sphinx are composed of marly limestone, the heterogeneous nature of which con
tributes to decomposition. The lower parts, on the other hand, are composed of fossiliferous limestone which, while harder and more compact, raises other conservation con
cerns. Analysis of the data is on-going and one looks forward to the full publication of
the results in the near future.
The Center of Archaeological Engineering submitted to the EAO a plan for the fol
lowing two phases of conservation. These included recording, sampling, and protecting
the Sphinx from the environment.
The second phase was important in addressing the problems of the Sphinx's
north side:
1) Large stones had been placed that did not match others of the Old

or Roman period.

2) Three cubic meters of cement had been put on this side.

3) Salt had begun to appear on the left paw.
4) Stones had begun to move from the north side due to pressures
caused by the cement preventing
5) The proportions
because of faulty

the limestone from


of the north side had been completely



W e started by mechanically removing the new stones and

cement. Then Mahmoud Mabrouk began the modeling with large
stones similar to those used in the New Kingdom. Meanwhile the
conservation of the upper part of the body was continued by our
restorer, and all the work was documented by the architects and archaeologists.
The third phase focused on the Sphinx's chest. Solutions discussed included restora
tion of the chest either with chemicals or with masonry, but it became clear that neither
solution was suitable: we do not know what the Sphinx looked like in ancient times, so
we cannot rebuild the chest with masonry, and chemicals would react with the natural
limestone. W e found that the best solution was to restore the lower part of the chest with
stones, and the middle and upper parts and the neck with a mortar of lime and sand.
On December 25, 1997, we took away the scaffolding and announced the final phase
of the Sphinx restoration. W e should note, however, that the Sphinx is the oldest patient
in the world and needs our constant attention. Egyptian scholars have demonstrated
their willingness to discuss the Sphinx issue, which has long been a source of heated
political and scholarly debate in their own country. Their receptiveness to criticism and
their frank invitation to collaborative research represent perhaps the single most impor
tant step towards saving this precious monument. It is a clear statement that the Great
Sphinx is part of the world heritage and not that of Egypt alone. Indeed, a worldwide
response is needed to face the enormous challenge that still lies ahead.
Our celebration of the restoration was announced by President Hosni Mubarak, H.E.
Farouk Hosni, Minister of Culture, and Dr. CaballaAli Gaballa, General Secretary of the
Supreme Council for Antiquities. W e give the message to the world that the Sphinx, a
symbol of civilization, is safe. W e believe that the Sphinx and the Egyptian monuments
belong to the whole world.


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