For the political ideology commonly associated with social revolution. The eventual long-term outcome of this
states governed by Communist parties, see Marxism revolution would be the establishment of socialism a
socioeconomic system based on cooperative ownership
of the means of production, distribution based on ones
contribution, and production organized directly for use.
Marxism is a worldview and method of societal analysis that focuses on class relations and societal conict, Karl Marx hypothesized that, as the productive forces
and technology continued to advance, socialism would
that uses a materialist interpretation of historical development, and a dialectical view of social transformation. eventually give way to a communist stage of social deMarxist methodology uses economic and sociopolitical velopment. Communism would be a classless, stateless,
inquiry and applies that to the critique and analysis of the humane society erected on common ownership and the
development of capitalism and the role of class struggle principle of "From each according to his ability, to each
according to his needs".
in systemic economic change.
Marxism has developed into dierent branches and
schools of thought. Dierent schools place a greater
emphasis on certain aspects of classical Marxism while
de-emphasizing or rejecting other aspects of Marxism,
sometimes combining Marxist analysis with non-Marxian
concepts. Some variants of Marxism primarily focus
on one aspect of Marxism as the determining force in
social development such as the mode of production,
class, power-relationships or property ownership while
arguing other aspects are less important or current research makes them irrelevant. Despite sharing similar
premises, dierent schools of Marxism might reach contradictory conclusions from each other.[4] For instance,
dierent Marxian economists have contradictory explanations of economic crisis and dierent predictions for
the outcome of such crises. Furthermore, dierent variants of Marxism apply Marxist analysis to study dierent
aspects of society (e.g. mass culture, economic crises, or
Karl Marx
2 Concepts
2.1 Historical Materialism
Main article: Historical materialism
The discovery of the materialist conception of history,
or rather, the consistent continuation and extension of
materialism into the domain of social phenomenon, removed two chief defects of earlier historical theories. In
the rst place, they at best examined only the ideological motives of the historical activity of human beings,
without grasping the objective laws governing the development of the system of social relations ... in the second
place, the earlier theories did not cover the activities of
the masses of the population, whereas historical materialism made it possible for the rst time to study with the accuracy of the natural sciences the social conditions of the
life of the masses and the changes in these conditions.
These ineciencies manifest themselves as social con- Russian Marxist theoretician and revolutionary Vladimir
tradictions in society in the form of class struggle. Under Lenin, 1913.
the capitalist mode of production, this struggle materializes between the minority (the bourgeoisie) who own the
means of production, and the vast majority of the popuSociety does not consist of individuals,
Criticism of capitalism
but expresses the sum of interrelations, the
relations within which these individuals stand.
Karl Marx, Grundrisse, 1858[13]
The historical materialist theory of history[14] dialectically analyses the underlying causes of societal development and change in the collective ways humans make
their living. All constituent features of a society (social classes, political pyramid, ideologies) stem from economic activity, an idea often conveyed with the metaphor
of the base and superstructure.
The base and superstructure metaphor explains that the
totality of social relations in and by which humans product and re-product their social existence, forms a societys
economic base. From this base rises a superstructure of
political and legal institutions, i.e., ruling class. The base
corresponds to the social consciousness (politics, religion,
philosophy, etc.), and it conditions the superstructure and
the dominant ideology. A conict between the development of material productive forces and the relations of
production provokes social revolutions, thus, the resultant
changes to the economic base will lead to the transformation of the superstructure.[15] This relationship is reexive; At rst the base gives rise to the superstructure and
remains the foundation of a form of social organization.
Hence, that formed social organization can act again upon
both parts of the base and superstructure, whose relationship is not unilinear but dialectic, namely a relationship
driven by conicts and contradictions. As Friedrich Engels claried: The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave,
patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master and
journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood
in constant opposition to one another, carried on uninterrupted, now hidden, now open ght, a ght that each
time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending
Marx considered these socio-economic conicts as the
driving force of human history since these recurring conicts have manifested themselves as distinct transitional
stages of development in Western Europe. Accordingly
Marx designates human history as encompassing four
stages of development in relations of production.[17]
1. Primitive Communism: as in co-operative tribal societies.
workers situation in capitalism his or her self-awareness an ideological process. Hence he imagines false or seemof this condition is not prerequisite.
ing motive forces.[24] Because the ruling class controls
the societys means of production, the superstructure of
society, the ruling social ideas are determined by the best
2.3 Social classes
interests of the said ruling class. In The German Ideology, the ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the
The identity of a social class derives from its relation- ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material
ship to the means of production; Marx describes the so- force of society, is, at the same time, its ruling intelleccial classes in capitalist societies:
tual force.[25]
Proletariat: those individuals who has nothing to
oer but their labour power, because in the capitalist mode of production, they do not own the means
of production. As Andrei Platonov expressed The
working class is my home country and my future is
linked with the proletariat.[22] The capitalist mode
of production establishes the conditions enabling the
bourgeoisie to exploit the proletariat because the
workers labour generates a surplus value greater
than the workers wages.
Marxism taught me what society was. I was like a blindfolded man in a forest, who doesn't even know where
north or south is. If you don't eventually come to truly understand the history of the class struggle, or at least have a
clear idea that society is divided between the rich and the
poor, and that some people subjugate and exploit other
Bourgeoisie: those who own the means of produc- people, you're lost in a forest, not knowing anything.
tion and buy labour power from the proletariat, thus Cuban revolutionary and Marxist-Leninist politician
exploiting the proletariat; they subdivide as bour- Fidel Castro on discovering Marxism, 2009.[26]
geoisie and the petit bourgeoisie.
Petit bourgeoisie are those who work and can
aord to buy little labour power i.e. small
business owners, peasant landlords, trade
workers et al. Marxism predicts that the continual reinvention of the means of production
eventually would destroy the petit bourgeoisie,
degrading them from the middle class to the
Marxists believe that the transition from capitalism to socialism is an inevitable part of the development of human
society; as Lenin stated, it is evident that Marx deduces
the inevitability of the transformation of capitalist society
Lumpenproletariat: The outcasts of society such as [into a socialist society] wholly and exclusively from the
criminals, vagabonds, beggars, prostitutes, et al., economic law of motion of contemporary society.
who have no stake in the economy and no mind of Marxists believe that a socialist society will be far better
their own and so are decoyed by every bidder.
for the majority of the populace than its capitalist counterpart, for instance, prior to the Russian revolution of
Landlords: an historically important social class
1917, Lenin wrote that The socialization of production
who retain some wealth and power.
is bound to lead to the conversion of the means of pro Peasantry and farmers: a scattered class incapable duction into the property of society ... This conversion
of organizing and eecting socio-economic change, will directly result in an immense increase in productivmost of whom would enter the proletariat, and some ity of labour, a reduction of working hours, and the replacement of the remnants, the ruins of small-scale, primbecome landlords.
itive, disunited production by collective and improved
Class consciousness denotes the awareness of itself and
the social world that a social class possesses, and its capacity to rationally act in their best interests; hence, class
consciousness is required before they can eect a success- 3 Classical Marxism
ful revolution.
Without dening ideology,[23] Marx used the term to de- Main article: Classical Marxism
note the production of images of social reality; according to Engels, ideology is a process accomplished by the
so-called thinker consciously, it is true, but with a false
consciousness. The real motive forces impelling him remain unknown to him; otherwise it simply would not be
such, Classical Marxism distinguishes between Marxism as broadly perceived, and what Marx believed";
thus, in 1883, Marx wrote to the French labour leader
Jules Guesde and to Paul Lafargue (Marxs son-in-law)
both of whom claimed to represent Marxist principles
accusing them of revolutionary phrase-mongering and
of denying the value of reformist struggle; from Marxs
letter derives the paraphrase: If that is Marxism, then I
am not a Marxist.[29][30] American Marxist scholar Hal
Draper responded to this comment by saying, there are
few thinkers in modern history whose thought has been
so badly misrepresented, by Marxists and anti-Marxists
Academic Marxism
Marxism has been adopted by a large number of academics and other scholars working in various disciplines.
the dispute between the orthodox and revisionist followers of Marx.[35] Kautskys revisionist rival Eduard Bernstein also later adopted use of the term.[35] Engels did
not support the use of the term Marxism to describe
either Marxs or his views.[36] Engels claimed that the
term was being abusively used as a rhetorical qualier
by those attempting to cast themselves as real followers of Marx while casting others in dierent terms, such
as Lassallians.[36] In 1882, Engels claimed that Marx
had criticized self-proclaimed Marxist Paul Lafargue,
by saying that if Lafargues views were considered Marxist, then "[o]ne thing is certain and that is that I am not
a Marxist.[36]
Karl Marx (5 May 1818 14 March 1883) was a German philosopher, political economist, and socialist revolutionary, who addressed the matters of alienation and
The term Marxism was popularized by Karl Kautsky exploitation of the working class, the capitalist mode of
who considered himself an orthodox Marxist during production, and historical materialism. He is famous for
In 1959, the Cuban Revolution led to the victory of antiimperialist Fidel Castro (1926) and his July 26 Movement. Although the revolution had not been explicitly
socialist, upon victory Castro ascended to the position
of Prime Minister and eventually adopted the Leninist
model of socialist development, forging an alliance with
the Soviet Union.[37] One of the leaders of the revolution, the Argentine Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara
(19281967), subsequently went on to aid revolutionary socialist movements in Congo-Kinshasa and Bolivia,
eventually being killed by the Bolivian government, possibly on the orders of the CIA, though the CIA agent sent
to search for Guevara, Felix Rodriguez expressed a desire to keep him alive as a possible bargaining tool with
the Cuban government; he would posthumously go on to
become an internationally recognised icon.
In the Peoples Republic of China, the Maoist government
the same democratic procedures that the West constantly V. K. Dmitriev, writing in 1898,[40] Ladislaus von
professes to cherish but is hesitant to apply[38]
Bortkiewicz, writing in 190607,[41] and subsequent critics have alleged that Marxs value theory and law of the
tendency of the rate of prot to fall are internally inconsistent. In other words, the critics allege that Marx drew
7 Criticisms
conclusions that actually do not follow from his theoretical premises. Once these alleged errors are corrected,
Main article: Criticisms of Marxism
his conclusion that aggregate price and prot are determined by, and equal to, aggregate value and surplus value
Criticisms of Marxism have come from various political no longer holds true. This result calls into question his
the exploitation of workers is the sole source
ideologies. Additionally, there are intellectual critiques theory that
of Marxism that contest certain assumptions prevalent in
Marxs thought and Marxism after him, without exactly
rejecting Marxist politics.[39] Other, contemporary supporters of Marxism argue that many aspects of Marxist
thought are viable, but that the corpus is incomplete or
outdated in regards to certain aspects of economic, political or social theory. They may therefore combine some
Marxist concepts with the ideas of other theorists such as
Max Weber: the Frankfurt school is one example.
Socialist critiques
Anarchist critiques
Both Marxism and socialism have received considerable critical analysis from multiple generations of
Austrian economists in terms of scientic methodology, economic theory, and political implications.[43][44]
During the marginal revolution, subjective value theory was rediscovered by Carl Menger, a development
which undermined the British cost theories of value
fundamentally. The restoration of subjectivism and
praxeological methodology previously used by classical
economic scientists including Richard Cantillon, AnneRobert-Jacques Turgot, Jean-Baptiste Say, and Frdric
Bastiat led Menger to criticise historicist methodology in
general. Second-generation Austrian economist Eugen
Bhm von Bawerk used praxeological and subjectivist
methodology to attack the law of value fundamentally.
Non-Marxist economists have regarded his criticism as
denitive, with Gottfried Haberler arguing that BhmBawerks critique of Marxs economics was so thorough
and devastating that as of the 1960s no Marxian scholar
had conclusively refuted it.[45] Third-generation Austrian
Ludwig Von Mises sparked the economic calculation debate by identifying that without price signals in capital
goods, all other aspects of the market economy are irrational. This led him to declare "... that rational economic
activity is impossible in a socialist commonwealth.[46]
Mises then elaborated on every form of socialism more
completely in his 1922 book Socialism, an Economic and
Sociological Analysis. Contemporary Austrian critics include Murray Rothbard, David Gordon Yuri Maltsev,
Gary North, and Joseph Salerno.
See also
Economic critiques
[7] S. L. Becker (1984) Marxist Approaches to Media Studies: The British Experience, Critical Studies in Mass
Communication, 1(1): pp. 6680.
[8] See Manuel Alvarado, Robin Gutch, and Tana Wollen
(1987) Learning the Media: Introduction to Media Teaching, Palgrave Macmillan.
[9] A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Introduction 1859
[10] Free will, non-predestination and non-determinism are
emphasized in Marxs famous quote Men make their own
history ... The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte,
Karl Marx 1852.
[11] Socialism, Utopian and Scientic, Chapter three 1882
[12] Lenin 1967 (1913). p. 15.
[13] Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy, by Karl Marx & Martin Nicolaus, Penguin Classics,
1993, ISBN 0-14-044575-7, pg 265
[14] Evans, p. 53; Marxs account of the theory is the Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy (1859). . Another exposition of the theory is in
The German Ideology. It, too, is available online from
Marx, Karl (1849). Wage Labour and Capital. Germany: Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Retrieved 201406-17.
[38] Gianni Vattimo and Santiago Zabala. Hermeneutic Communism: From Heidegger to Marx Columbia University
Press. 2011. p. 122
[39] For example, Baudrillard, Jean (1973). The Mirror of
[40] V. K. Dmitriev, 1974 (1898), Economic Essays on Value,
Competition and Utility. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ.
[41] Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz, 1952 (19061907), Value
and Price in the Marxian System, International Economic
Papers 2, 560; Ladislaus von Bortkiewicz, 1984 (1907),
On the Correction of Marxs Fundamental Theoretical
Construction in the Third Volume of Capital". In Eugen
von Bhm-Bawerk 1984 (1896), Karl Marx and the Close
of his System, Philadelphia: Orion Editions.
[42] M. C. Howard and J. E. King. (1992) A History of Marxian Economics: Volume II, 19291990, chapter 12, sect.
III. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press.
Hans F.
Bourne, Peter G. (1986). Fidel: A Biography of Fidel Castro. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company.
Callinicos, Alex (2010) [1983]. The Revolutionary
Ideas of Karl Marx. Bloomsbury, London: Bookmarks. ISBN 978-1-905192-68-7.
Trigger, Bruce G. (2007). A History of Archaeological Thought (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge
University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-60049-1.
Avineri, Shlomo (1968). The Social and Political
Thought of Karl Marx. Cambridge University Press.
Dahrendorf, Ralf (1959). Class and Class Conict
in Industrial Society. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Jon Elster, An Introduction to Karl Marx. Cambridge, England, 1986.
Michael Evans, Karl Marx. London, 1975.
Koakowski, Leszek (1976). Main Currents of
Marxism. Oxford University Press.
Parkes, Henry Bamford (1939). Marxism: An Autopsy. Boston: Houghton Miin.
Prychitko, David L. (2008). Marxism. In
David R. Henderson (.). Concise Encyclopedia
of Economics (2nd ed.). Library of Economics
and Liberty. ISBN 978-0-86597-665-8. OCLC
Robinson, Cedric J.: Black Marxism: The Making
of the Black Radical Tradition, 1983, Reissue: Univ
North Carolina Press, 2000
Rummel, R.J. (1977) Conict In Perspective Chap.
5 Marxism, Class Conict, and the Conict Helix
Screpanti, E; S. Zamagna (1993). An Outline of the
History of Economic Thought.
McLellan, David (2007). Marxism After Marx. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
10 External links
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Wolfsbayne, Augenblick, Maelgwnbot, Smilo Don, 2Jimbob McCoy2, Thatotherdude, Mygerardromance, Asikhi, Pinkadelica, Denisarona, Faithlessthewonderboy, YSSYguy, SlackerMom, ClueBot, SummerWithMorons, Boodlesthecat, Snigbrook, The Thing That Should
Not Be, Rodhullandemu, The iggmister, Gegenman, Demonite, Gaia Octavia Agrippa, Der Golem, Bobisbob, Mild Bill Hiccup, DanielD-
eibler, Zdecent, Skpperd, LizardJr8, MrBosnia, Neverquick, Passargea, PMDrive1061, Masterpiece2000, Expunge rance, Sirius85,
Dr. B. R. Lang, Excirial, Neurolanis, Indict rance, Bite Me Rance, Jusdafax, Beheader6, Bite Me Rance3, Xtoddxiferx, Shavonna88,
Eeekster, Abrech, Plastic Fish, Grey Matter, Arjayay, Nableezy, Jotterbot, Dn9ahx, Rancewringer, Rancetraitor, Redthoreau, Waterboard
Rance12, Dekisugi, Lhmathies, Waterboarder12, The Red, Waterboard Rance14, Waterboarder15, Waterboarder17, Waterboarder18,
Vivisect rance, Stomp rance, Arrest pol pot stoogerance, Erocifellerskank, Pol pot stoogerance, Aitias, Jail RRance, Lick Spittle RRance,
Bash rrance, Wcp07, Sukdyk rance, Versus22, Sukdyk rrance, Egmontaz, Phookyou rrance, Flush rrance, Fry RRance, Imprison RRance,
DumZiBoT, Doopdoop, Coltonandjerule, Redhill54, Rrance buggerizer, TheLamprey, Atzmon Gilad, XLinkBot, Eatpoop Rrance, Obliterate RRance, Gnowor, Billthesinglingmonkey, Buggerize RRance8, The Christian Apologist, Rror, Trots icepick, Stalins icepick, RRance
Garbage, Depants RRance, RRance Buggered, NellieBly, Traitorrance, Tim010987, Atzmons revenge, TravisAF, Atzmons revenge 2,
ZooFari, MystBot, Fumigate rrance, Imprison rrance2, Imprison rrance7, Ejosse1, Gggh, Roland rance suks, Roland rance sukks, Kus
amok rrance, HexaChord, Kus amok rance, CalumH93, Hang traitors, Hang traitors2, Enigmocracy, Hang traitors4, Ousoonerftball, Hang
traitors6, Addbot, Cxz111, Andreave1977, Arrest traitor rance, Seany101, Ibarrutidarruti, Rachel0898, Arrest traitor rance12, Princess
kia, Arrest the runce, Rolandsukks, Yoenit, Trotskys tooches, Bitemerance71, Bitemerance67, Binary TSO, Bitemerance68, Swallowdung
rance, Bitemerance64, DougsTech, Midnight818, Shootdarance, Bitemerance44, Bitemerance51, Eatshit rrance, TutterMouse, Fielddaysunday, Honeynos090, CanadianLinuxUser, OliverTwisted, MrOllie, Download, Cammomile, Michaelwuzthere, Chzz, Favonian, LinkFABot, West.andrew.g, Blaylockjam10, 5 albert square, Woland1234, Crowbartexas, Tassedethe, Brianjfox, Numbo3-bot, Peridon, Tide
rolls, Lightbot, Mjquinn id, Matj Grabovsk, Jarble, Bartledan, LuK3, Ale66, Matt.T, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Granpu, Apollonius 1236,
Legobot II, II MusLiM HyBRiD II, Kadampa, Jimjilin, Eduen, JMXJMX, Againme, Matty, Synchronism, Mnation2, Bility, Backslash Forwardslash, AnomieBOT, Andrewrp, Eculeus, Krempel, Icky Thump 1, Jim1138, IRP, Tavrian, AdjustShift, Drinkpis rancie, Ulric1313,
Fipps revenge2, Chewshit rancie, Flewis, Naiks20, Materialscientist, Azvas4, Azvas7, DAFMM, Citation bot, Rolandrance fullofshyt,
Winkytink, Dfg4w5ggdf, MGor 2, Rvd4life, SeventhHell, ArthurBot, Kusaburance, Xqbot, Rantsie raus2, Tonys prison butch, Ranceon
endofrope, Razor80, Sahcaaaa, PoughkeepsiePickToe, SenuMeji, Suppresstreason, Capricorn42, Hammersbach, Bihco, Mjcd, Rancebehindbars, Jack gecko, Alv21, Decapitate rancele, The unchomsky, Stars4change, Quark1005, Stomponrance, Torture Trots, Jail rance2,
Jail rance 4, Robotcom33, Desmearer, AbigailAbernathy, Srich32977, Bigteeth88, Renegade887, Trotskyrein2, Icepick 51, Irgun strikeforce3, Irgun strikeforce5, Irgun strikeforce6, Tempestuous44, Rancedrek5, ArableLand, Rancedrek9, Snowboard1219, Drekonrance, Ute
in DC, Bananachicka, Shytonrancele, Intolerrance, Backpackadam, Bugsy bonovich, Metajag, Intolerrance4, Mark Schierbecker, Ranceatshyt, Loo Plunger, Carrite, Greenstalintony, Chinareporter, Crashtest99, MaxBech1975, Jewjyfruit, Edgarie, Suppresstwits, Passdarie,
Roliesukks, Stalinlust, Demolish rolie, Gallowaysbooger, Anhilizer, Rodentrance, Rrohsotreasonous, Doulos Christos, Roliejurkingo, Sophus Bie, Roliecoaster, G. Max Prof, Jurk4stalyn, Stallynsshlong, Stalynsboy, Rolieloves polpot, Polpotskommy, Shadowjams, Willdw79,
Abolishrants, SchnitzelMannGreek, Haldraper, Celuici, Qu2qu, Ddavidb, Stringmup, Lothar von Richthofen, Stalynutsy, Snurants, Zd12,
Sky Attacker, Ong saluri, Kickrantsarss, Atzmons urinal, Divebomber91, Alxeedo, Rancieeatsdyk, Glimmer pikkins, Trust Is All You
Need, PasswordUsername, Luminite2, Firing squad34, Pol potty2, Trotskut, Pushupsonshhook, Chevyrulz, Frykommies, Shiki2, Smashdakrap, Bang it hard8, Atozuser, Redrose64, Frykommies9, Shootkommies9, Biker Biker, Giant guppy, Pinethicket, Inthecaliforniasun,
Error xer7, Snotragsneaker, Teamshoottraitors, Silverado miner, More balalaikas, Jp384, Michael5321, Tom.Reding, Battle stations2,
Big bad noose, Bejinhan, A8UDI, Angry bagel, Jungle billie, SpaceFlight89, Hand creamer, , Motorizer, Gshkfhduskir1, Pillow talk9,
Sluckett7, Beao, Full-date unlinking bot, Milletet, SuperMarxist, All runced out, MassiveLoop, Joklolk, FoxBot, Dert45, Double sharp,
TobeBot, Trappist the monk, Crashandspin, Douglasbell, Joc7, Navilor, Haaninjo, Jonkerz, Whyisthisnotme, Avaith, PPerviz, Dasha14,
Teh lodge, Gritob, Doc Quintana, Bluest, Mitarani, ZhBot, Nataev, Mehmet12394, Reaper Eternal, Specs112, Woverbie, Diannaa, Suffusion of Yellow, REDSoC, Tbhotch, RobertMfromLI, Oncedmw, One fox hunt, Commissarusa, Mcpretty, TjBot, Bhawani Gautam, Tni
soprano, 15Xin, DRAGON BOOSTER, Beatles4ever66, Salvio giuliano, Sbrianhicks, Simplyhaydn, Sky hook hanger, EmausBot, John
of Reading, Bio watcher, WikitanvirBot, Stryn, Smilingsamie, Obamafan70, Gfoley4, Yearbuilt1940, Fly by Night, Dewritech, GoingBatty, Hyperboy3095, RA0808, Wilcannia, Adawablk, Commie hunter, Peter pieman, Sequential samet, Sequential samet2, InSequential
samet2, InSequential samet21, Wikipelli, K6ka, Wellsco, Kaimakides, Funkybege, Baked beanies, AvicBot, Kkm010, Flightseeker, Gimme
gimme 7, Charly Matte, Traxs7, BHeart, Tulandro, Truelight234, Textingtyper, Aplex84, Chafrador2, Phineas fo, Choam Chumsky, Alpha Quadrant (alt), Unused000705, Everard Proudfoot, ClaudioSantos, Semmler, H3llBot, Zoam zumsky, Zloyvolsheb, Smile and heave,
EWikist, Vindaloo Bfast, Ocaasi, Labnoor, Akiva orr, Shemen zayiit, IGeMiNix, Brandmeister, Coasterlover1994, Betsies to heaven,
Beaver builder, L Kensington, Atzmon gillie, Smekking about, Red is like dead, Red is oh so dead, Xiaoyu of Yuxi, DumitruRaduPopa,
Sugerall111, Polisher of Cobwebs, Sugerall2 chippy, Thedude1967, Financestudent, ClamDip, Grampion76, Concert Interruptus, Terra
Novus, 28bot, Rocketrod1960, Qwertyalex11, JoeMclynn, Petrb, ClueBot NG, Somedierentstu, Spychal james, Camawiki, Tweb96,
RJFF, CindyC78, Hazhk, Muon, Sohanshahriar, Jbeau18, DontClickMeName, Helpful Pixie Bot, Praiseinchrist, Phukyuall, Readingwords, Natemup, Marxmsu, Signal9 char, Idtejjkj, Lowercase sigmabot, Trantsbugle, Okidan, XLeGenDx Pwnage, Cpfazz, PhnomPencil,
Darenwithoner, Mark Arsten, Smoothgoomer2, Chmarkine, Zedshort, AnieHall, Glacialfox, ThirdLounge, MattMauler, Anbu121, Boeing720, Popopo8776, Mahmadullah, Arcandam, SD5bot, Khazar2, Harpsichord246, Dudanotak, XCynicaLManiaCx, Symphonic Spenguin, Dexbot, Mpjd500, Advocate.srinivas, Insomesia, Rothbardanswer, Sarg Pepper, Webclient101, Charles Essie, Mr Alex M, Lugia2453,
Idlskk, Joseph90x,
, JonesBredd, Sonia.john2012, Brnly123, Leninostu, Telfordbuck, Urnze, Donfbreed2, CsDix, Mexican former
trot, Frankporridge, Isuperspider, Hendrick 99, Dustin V. S., DavidLeighEllis, Nixin06, Finnusertop, Tooraj-Prospero, Lucy1982, Zozs,
Monkbot, Zumoarirodoka, Dark Liberty, Alyxr, Karmanatory, YeOldeGentleman, Ajdckiykfy and Anonymous: 1420
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