Sawtelle Project - Institutions
Sawtelle Project - Institutions
Sawtelle Project - Institutions
Preserving Ethnic Neighborhoods through Cultural Institutions
These reports represent Asian American Studies commitment to engaged scholarship through teaching and
community-oriented research that are mutually beneficial. Community partners are instrumental in identifying research needs, participating in and facilitating data collection, assisting in analyzing information,
and disseminating findings to inform policy debates and program development. For community members,
we hope that they will gain insights from student research. At the same time, students gain real-world understanding of Asian American issues. The class that sponsored a community project serves as a bridge for
students academic training and their life after graduation. We hope that this project enables students to
acquire and apply research skills and engage in broader social justice movements.
This course, Capstone Community-based Research: Asian American Enclaves and Community Institutions, connected students to Sawtelle Japantown Association (SJA). The class was offered through UCLAs
Asian American Studies Department. This years project examines the factors that contribute to the vitality of ethnic enclaves and community institutions to then provide recommendations to SJA. SJA has been
working since 2014 to preserve the cultural and historic aspects of the Sawtelle area. They are working to
mobilize and strengthen community and cultural organizations so that its members have an active, strong,
and effective voice in planning their neighborhoods future. This project emerged from a joint planning effort that started during the summer of 2014. Students conducted interviews with key stakeholders around
four topics:
Background and history of Japanese settlements in California and contemporary issues
that Japantowns and Japanese neighborhoods experience.
Efforts by Los Angeles Asian enclaves in seeking official neighborhood designation.
The role of cultural institutions in preserving and promoting Asian American neighborhoods.
Review of community-based initiatives to engage in neighborhood planning processes,
particularly in Asian neighborhoods.
Most of these interviewees were located in the Los Angeles area. Based on their interviews, each group developed evidence-based recommendations to help SJA with its efforts of community building and preservation. We believe that the analyses and findings are also useful to other neighborhoods interested in promoting their unique cultural and ethnic identity.
This project was conducted in partnership with the UCLA Asian American Studies Center and the George
and Sakaye Aratani Community Advancement Research Endowment (C.A.R.E.), which provided funding
to edit and produce the final reports. Additional funding was provided by the UCLA Office of Instructional
Development mini-grants and UCLA Asian American Studies Department for guest speakers who spoke to
students during the class. The Center for the Study of Inequality provided funds to cover the cost of a graduate teaching assistant. We also thank Professor Valerie Matsumoto for initiating the discussion with SJA and
Alycia Cheng for her assistance with layout. Last by not least, we thank SJA, particularly Randy Sakamoto,
Scott Nakaatari, Dr. Jack Fujimoto, and Randall Fujimoto, who provided our students with a wonderful
educational experience.
Project Coordinators:
Paul M. Ong
C. Aujean Lee
This work is made possible by the Asian American Studies Center and the George and Sakaye Aratani
Community Advancement Research Endowment (C.A.R.E.). Candice, Jackie, and Sinh would like to
thank Professor Paul Ong and Aujean Lee for their patience, support, and guidance throughout the research process. They would also like to thank the community leaders of Little Saigon, Gardena, Torrance,
Japanese American National Museum, and Historic Pilipinotown for dedicating time out of their busy
schedules to participate and be interviewed.
A special thank-you to:
Alison Kochiyama, Gardena Japanese Cultural Institute
Mick Nagasawa & Andy Matsuda, Sushi Chef Institute
Clement Hanami, Japanese American National Museum
Randy Sakamoto, Sawtelle Japantown Association
Nina Tran & Julie Huynh, United Vietnamese Student Association of Southern California
Luan Vu, Vit Cm Dance/Lc Hng Dance
Cay Mai, Bich Hai Vu, & Cam Van Cao, Trng Vit Ng Saddleback
Tony Nguyen, on Saddleback Thiu Nhi Thnh Th
Jeffrey Hsu, Asian Pacific Coalition
Melany De La Cruz-Viesca, Asian American Studies Center
Meg Thorton, Asian American Studies Center
Chancee Martorell, Thai Community Development Center
Martina Dorff, Samahang Pilipino Education and Retention at UCLA
Daniella Veloria, Samahang Pilipino at UCLA
Krizelle Cuevas, Francesca Rebosura, Raymar Baesa, & Jahzeel Paguntalan, Samahang Pilipino Cultural
Night at UCLA
John Luna, Samahang Pilipino at UCLA
Joshua Jose, Tribal Caf
Fellow classmates in the Asian American Studies Capstone Community-Based Research Course
Defining cultural institutions
Role of cultural institutions in Asian neighborhoods
Community partnerships increase an organizations viability
Organizations partner with local schools
Organizations create events around target audience interests and demographics
Use community partners and multiple methods to publicize organization and events
Reach out to students and professors
Organize events to cater to different target audiences
Appendix A: Methodology
Appendix B: Interview Protocol
Visitors often see Sawtelle as a commercial district. The neighborhood, however, holds historical and cultural significance for the Japanese American community. With redevelopment projects, Sawtelle community
members have been advocating for the cultural preservation and promotion of Sawtelles Japantown.
The purpose of the research project is to examine the role of cultural institutions in preserving the history and culture of Asian neighborhoods, specifically Little Saigon, Historic Pilipinotown, and the Japanese
American community of Torrance/Gardena. After the report includes background information about cultural institutions, 16 interviewees were conducted with organizational leaders. (For more detailed information on these neighborhoods and interviews, please see the Methodology section in the Appendix.)
Our analysis of the interviews and secondary data found that community partnerships within and outside
the targeted ethnic community help with viability; school and university partnerships can provide additional resources; and designing events to cater to different audiences can help to increase organizational
members. From these findings, we recommend that SJA use community partnerships to publicize events;
reach out to Japanese American student organizations and professors from neighboring schools; and organize events based on community feedback, after gauging the audiences interests.
Cultural institutions play an important role in cultural preservation. While ethnic organizations in
Asian neighborhoods may perform a wide array of
social, cultural, and economic functions, this report defines cultural institutions as organizations
that promote and preserve cuisine, music, arts, and
language in addition to tangible cultural items such
as monuments. The following section defines other
information on cultural institutions and how they
have contributed to Asian neighborhoods.
Defining Cultural Institutions
To understand cultural institutions, we define culture and institutions separately. According to Zimmerman (2012), the idiosyncrasies of the lifestyles of
a particular group of people defined by language,
beliefs, religion, cuisine, social habits, traditions, and
music and arts constitute culture. Culture is also
learned behaviorindividuals growing up within a
culture learn to behave and function in the realm of
their respective communities (Martin, 1994).
clearly protects, honors, and promotes a neighborhoods culture without exoticizing it.
Cultural organizations should be sustained because
they are vital to the development of Asian American communities. For the past several years, there
has been a greater influx of Asian immigrants in the
United States (Overberg, 2014). It is not a coincidence that Asian American organizations have also
experienced rapid growth following this massive
immigration: a growing Asian American population provides these organizations with more sustaining power. (Hung & Ong, 2012). Hung and
Ong (2012) argue, however, that although older
organizations may struggle to adapt to these changing demographics, younger organizations are most
vulnerable. Therefore, cultural organizations need
new approaches to keep themselves and their ethnic
neighborhoods viable.
Using 16 interviews and secondary data, we present 3 major findings about community involvement,
partnerships with schools, and audience engagement. Many of these organizations had similar experiences with trying to stay viable through multifaceted projects. Nevertheless, they found several
strategies to connect with other organizations and
cultivate their membership.
1. Community partnerships within and outside
the targeted neighborhood can increase an organizations viability.
These partnerships can include organizations, advocacy groups, and churches. Interviewees who developed a variety of partnerships benefited from greater
publicity, volunteer recruitment, and financial assistance. Partnerships within and outside of the ethnic
community provide a range of benefits, which is explained below.
A majority of the cultural organizations that were
personal communication, March 14, 2015). Cooperating with other organizations outside of the ethnic
community presents more opportunities to promote
Some organizations worked with churches and other
religious institutions for additional resources. For
example, Trng Vit Ng is a program held at a
church, which connects members with other racial
and ethnic groups, including Latino and Pilipino
people who attend the same church. These other
groups have provided assistance with funding and
volunteersit is through donations from parents
and fundraisers, were able to rent out spaces for our
services and programs (C. Mai, personal communication, February 20, 2015). Melany from FilAm
ARTS also agrees that working with other organizations helps subsidize the cost of their events which is
one way they can overcome financial barriers.
Findings from these interviews have proven how important partnerships within and outside the ethnic
community are. Whether it is working with advocacy groups, or other cultural organizations, collaboration creates a mutual relationship where they can
Vi t C m D a n c e / L c H n g D a n c e
features various styles of dance. Luan
occasionally works with dancers from
different communities to choreograph
and teach his students.
Photo: Sinh Nguyen
Based on the findings, this project recommends
three actions for SJA:
1. Use community partnerships
and multiple methods to
publicize their organization
and events.
2. Reach out to students and
3. Organize events to cater to
different target audiences.
Each action is discussed in further detail below.
1. SJA should use community partnerships and
multiple methods to publicize their organization
and events.
SJA has successfully created a number of community partners, including the Japanese Institute of
Sawtelle and the local churches and temples in the
neighborhood. The following describes additional
ways to strengthen these partnerships through social media and other nontraditional ways. Although
SJA already works with other organizations within
Sawtelle, we also recommend that they outreach to
organizations and leaders outside of Sawtelle.
Many organizations used social media as a way to
publicize their organization and events, particularly
because it effectively targets youth. Andy mentioned
that his institute is a Google top search which is how
people hear about his program. In order to become
a top search on Google, SJA must become more active on social media and create hashtags that will
trend them on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram.
Therefore, SJA could create their own website and
create a Twitter and Instagram. On these social media applications, SJA can create a photo campaign
where students from schools, programs, and community meetings can hashtag SJA (#SJA) and participate in giveaways. They can continue to publicize their cause and events on Facebook, which also
features a Promote Page or Promote Website
JCI emphasizes the importance of the Japanese language in preserving culture. Alison sees that A lot
of the young people became interested in Japanese
language because they wanted to get more involved
in anime and manga (personal communication,
February 20, 2015). Finding out what people are
interested in is key in creating programs that cater
to the community. Based off of Alisons finding, SJA
can use more manga and anime in their programs
and events to attract more people.
Trng Vit Ng, TNTT, and UVSA create fun programs to engage the community while promoting
the Vietnamese culture. For example, Lunar New
Year is a communal celebration that involves collaboration among Vietnamese organizations. Bich
Hai from Trng Vit Ng found that to keep them
interested...for Lunar New Year...I try to tell them
about background, and bring typical foods we would
eat. Of course they love food and money origami for
good luck money for the New Year.
UVSA holds a festival for Lunar New Year that attracts over 100,000 participants annually: they work
in partnership with student and community organizations to hold booths, programs, and activities that
cater to both the younger and older generations. Although the Vietnamese culture is very different from
the Japanese culture, SJA can work to create similar
programs and ideas that would engage the youth
with the Japanese culture. Food is always a great way
to attract people to an event.
Japanese food in particular has become very trendy:
SJA can incorporate food into their programs as a
way to bring the community together and promote
the Japanese culture. Incorporating food can make a
program fun, which is something that organizations
such as Trng Vit Ng aims for during traditional
holidays, and should also be a goal for SJA. SJA can
create a Taste of Sawtelle program where visitors
not only tour Sawtelle, but also sample different
foods from local restaurants along the way.
missing in our center; is to be more proactive in developing in programs of their interests and and try to do more outreach and
get them involved and actually involve even
developing programs that they can relate to.
We cant just be passive...we have to be there
to actually make opportunities available for
them to feel part of this (personal communication, February 20, 2015).
Meg from SIPA also agrees with Andy. While it is
important to preserve traditional Japanese culture,
SJA should look for similarities that they share with
other cultures and create partnerships with them for
programming and support. Therefore, it is important for SJA to be proactive and find what the interests of those individuals are and then incorporate
them into programs and events. SJA should engage
the youth with the older generations through these
programs and events that both generations can relate to and find interesting. They can find common
interests within groups or in the overall community.
After conducting sixteen interviews across Little Saigon, Historic Pilipinotown, and Torrance/Gardena, this
paper presented three recommendations to SJA. The recommendations emphasized community involvements within and outside the targeted ethnic community, partnerships with student organizations and professors from nearby schools, and events that reflect the audiences demographics and interests.
Attempting to define the extensive breadth of culture and subsequently making recommendations to promote the spirit of culture was no simple task. The efficacy of programs offered by cultural organizations
in Little Saigon, Historic Pilipinotown, and Torrance/Gardena were analyzed to provide proper context to
Sawtelle Japantowns cultural preservation and promotion. Through a comprehensive analysis of these interviews and literary sources, this report identified key topics for constructive conversations with regards to the
advancement of SJA and other cultural organizations across Southern California.
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A p p e n d ix A: METHODOLOGY
A total of 16 interviews were conducted in three target neighborhoods: Little Saigon, Gardena/Torrance,
and Historic Pilipinotown. Organizations were identified as those that met the cultural institutions criteria
described in previous sections. Most organizations were identified through internet searches, while others
were recommended by other interviewees or class instructors. Three interviews were conducted over Skype,
while the other 13 were in-person at either the organization or convenient public area. A total of 17 organizations were initially contacted, but some were not available or did not respond to requests for interviews.
In the end, 13 organizations were included in the study. Two interviews were conducted in Vietnamese, and
transcripts were translated by one of the students. The other 14 interviews were conducted in English.
The following provides more detailed information about the key research questions, each target neighborhood, and the interviewed organizations. The neighborhoods are Asian American areas in Los Angeles
County and Orange County. This section also includes materials used during the interviews, including the
consent form, interview guide and script, interview questions, and field notes. In developing the protocol
and research questions, two beta tests were done. These interviews help to understand patterns in challenges
and successes that Asian cultural institutions experience in remaining viable.
Key Research Questions
The research questions targeted community leaders who are involved with cultural organizations. The following lists the key research questions. However, based on the interviewees experiences, some questions are
not answered as in-depth as other questions.
What keeps a cultural organization viable?
What are effective ways of publicizing and outreaching to the community?
What are some ways to overcome financial barriers?
What are some effective techniques to promote culture?
Case Studies
The selected ethnic neighborhoods are located in Southern Orange County, specifically Garden Grove and
Westminster for Little Saigon, Los Angeles for Historic Pilipinotown, and Garden/Torrance for the Japanese
American community.
The Little Saigon commemorative sign welcomes visitors and residents to the officially
designated Little Saigon.
Map: Google Maps
Photo: Sinh Nguyen
Gardena has the highest percentage of Japanese in North America outside of Hawaii Japanese Americans
comprise more than a fifth of the citys population (Goodman, 1989). Torrance also has a large Japanese
American population, or 147,027 in 2013. We selected both cities because of the large Japanese American
concentration and their close proximity to each other. South Gardena is very close to the city of Torrance,
which is why both Gardena and Torrance was examined for this research.
About 59% of Asian Americans in Torrance are foreign-born, which creates demand for Asian businesses
and organizations. There are a variety of Japanese corporations in Torrance including Toyota, All Nippon
Airlines, and Japan Tiger Corporation USA. In addition to these large companies, there are Japanese markets, schools, churches, and festivals that help preserve the Japanese culture.
Historically, Gardenas Japanese Americans played an important role in the farming industry (County of Los
Angeles Public Library, 2015). All of the Japanese living in Gardena during WWII were sent to the internment camps (County of Los Angeles Public Library, 2015). Even after the return of Japanese Americans and
migration out of Gardena, some of the Japanese organizations and businesses have remained and helped
preserve language, foods, and customs (see The Trajectory of Japanese American Neighborhoods report
for more information about Japanese American neighborhoods).
Historic Pilipinotown
This neighborhood has approximately 25,000 persons, and 60% of residents are Latino while 25% of residents are Pilipino American (Historic Pilipinotown Neighborhood Council, 2011). Pilipino Americans are
now minorities in Historic Pilipinotown; Historic Pilipinotown would be a good case study since the demographic trend of Pilipino Americans follows a similar path relative to the dwindling population of Japanese
Americans in Sawtelle. Historic Pilipinotown received its designation due to the fact that it was one of the
first areas of settlement amongst Pilipinos entering America.
Many Pilipino organizations are also located within the neighborhood which adds to the presence of Pilipino Americans in Pilipinotown such as the Search to Involve Pilipino Americans (SIPA). There is a current
project underway to construct a permanent building for the Pilipino American Library (Historic Pilipinotown Neighborhood Council, 2011). Similar to Budokan in Little Tokyo, it aims to preserve and promote
culture by bringing younger generations to the neighborhood and interact with Pilipino history and literature. The Pilipino American Library contains a compilation of published and unpublished materials on the
history of Pilipinos in Los Angeles. This collection includes books, reports, memorandums, periodicals, and
programs (USC Libraries, 2015). Studying these cultural works will help Historic Pilipinotown preserve its
culture and history.
Targeted Organizations
The following organizations (see Table 1) were selected based on this studys definition and criteria of cultural institutions.
United Vietnamese Student Association (UVSA) Southern Orange County
UVSA is a student community-based organization committed to cultural awareness, educating peers, and
community service (UVSA Southern, n.d.). Founded in 1982 to organize socially and politically high school
and college students, UVSA is also comprised of working professionals, alumni, and educators. UVSA
Southern California represents dozens of schools across Southern California. This organization holds various programs, but the focus is on UVSAs biggest program of the year: Little Saigon Tet Festival. Held annually for Lunar New Year, the Little Saigon Tet Festival located in Garden Grove is one of largest Tet
Festival in the world, attracting over 100,000 guests (UVSA SoCal, 2015). UVSA aims to educate both the
Vietnamese American community and the general public about traditional Vietnamese traditions, practices,
and values (UVSA SoCal, 2015).
Executive Director
Little Saigon
Cay Mai
Instructors Assistant
Little Saigon
Bich Hai Vu
Little Saigon
Little Saigon
Tony Nguyen
Executive Youth
Little Saigon
Nina Tran
Former President
Little Saigon
Julie Huynh
Social Media
Little Saigon
Vit C m Dance/Lc Hn g
Luan Vu
Sawtelle Japantown
Sawtelle Japantown
Association (SJA)
Little Tokyo
Vice President of
Operations and Art
Historic Pilipinotown
Melany De La
Historic Pilipinotown
John Luna
Cultural Coordinator
Historic Pilipinotown
Executive Producer
Historic Pilipinotown
Tribal Caf
Joshua Jose
Historic Pilipinotown
Meg Thornton
Director (1980s)
Association for the Advancement of Pilipino American Arts and Culture (FilAm ARTS)
FilAm ARTSs mission is to advance the arts and diverse cultural heritage of Pilipinos through arts services, presentation, and education (Association for the Advancement of Pilipino American Arts and Culture,
n.d.). This organization offers three programs: Eskuwela Kultura (EK), Festival of Philippine Arts & Culture
(FPAC), and Pilipino Artist Network (PAN). EK is an education program that encourage youth to share their
stories and empower them to develop art (Association for the Advancement of Pilipino American Arts and
Culture, n.d.). FPAC is the largest festival of Philippine arts and culture in Southern California and attracts
more than 25,000 attendees. FPAC is created by a group of 50 volunteer professionals and involves more
than 400 volunteers. PAN is a California-statewide capacity-building initiative for Pilipino American artists
in arts/cultural disciplines: dance, music, literary arts, visual arts, theater, media arts, traditional arts, arts
education, and arts presenters.
Japanese American National Museum (JANM)
JANM is the largest museum dedicated to preserving and sharing the experiences of Japanese Americans.
Working alongside various organizations and diverse communities, JANM provides a venue for community events, holds archives related to Japanese Americans, and presents exhibits related to Asian Americans
and Japan (JANM, 2015). Major projects and units include: Discover Nikkei, National Conferences, Arts
Innovation, National Center for Preservation of Democracy, and U.S.-Japan Programs. Additionally, the
museum highlights the Japanese experience within an international context it showcases the diasporic
experiences of Japanese (Japanese American National Museum, 2015).
Participant Consent Form
University of California, Los Angeles
Students of the UCLA Asian American Studies Department are conducting research on the role of
cultural institutions in preserving and promoting ethnic neighborhoods. You were selected to be
a participant in this research because you are part of a cultural organization that this located in an
ethnic neighborhood.
What is the purpose of this study?
The purpose of our research project led by undergraduate students of the Asian American Studies Department is to examine the role of cultural institutions in ethnic neighborhoods. With
the information from our interview, we hope to provide recommendations to our client, Sawtelle
Japantown Association (SJA). Your help would assist in informing how SJA can work to preserve
the historical and cultural aspects of Sawtelle.
What happens if I take part in this research study?
You will be asked to answer a series of questions by a student researcher. The interview will take
approximately 30-60 minutes. You will be asked about your organization and what you do for the
Are there any potential risks that I may experience from this study?
There are no potential risks that are expected. However, if you feel uncomfortable at any time during our conversation, you can refrain from answering the questions or withdraw from the study.
The interview will also be audio-recorded so that we can reference your answers accurately in our
report. The audio file will be kept confidential and stored in a password-locked folder we will not
release the audio-recording or allow anyone outside our group to have access to it. The file will be
deleted as soon as we finish our report. If you feel uncomfortable with it at any time during the
interview, please let me know and I will turn it off. Your name and organization will be put into our
report, unless requested otherwise.
Are there any benefits if I participate?
You are not expected to directly benefit by participating in this study. By giving recommendations
to SJA, your input will benefit the Sawtelle community in the future. At your request, a copy of the
final report will be emailed to you.
Interview Guide
University of California, Los Angeles
Asian Neighborhoods and Official Designation in Los Angeles County
Opening Script
I would like to thank you for meeting with me today. My name is __________ and I am a researcher
with UCLAs Asian American Studies capstone course. For our group project, I am conducting interviews in the [Little Saigon, Historic Pilipino Town, or Torrance/Gardena] neighborhood. During
the interview, please feel free to ask me any questions.
First, as a research participant, we are required to have your verbal consent.
1. The purpose of this study is explained in this form, which is to research ethnic organizations and
then provide recommendations for Sawtelle Japanese Association (SJA).
2. The interview should last 30 60 minutes.
3. The consent form discusses your rights as a research participant. If you feel uncomfortable at
any time during the interview, you are allowed to withdraw from the interview or refrain from
answering the question.
4. This research project is voluntary. Since we may draw quotes from our conversation, please let us
know if there is any information you would like to remain confidential. If there is any information that you would like me to not release, please let me know.
5. The interview will be audio-recorded, unless you request otherwise. Only group members can
have access to the recording. The file will be stored in a password-locked folder and deleted as
soon as we finish our report.
6. Information is provided so that you may contact our research group for any questions or concerns.
Please take a few minutes to review the consent form. [When the participant is finished reading the
form, ask:]
Do you feel comfortable giving consent to participate in this study?
Do you feel comfortable being audio-recorded?
If theyre iffy about it, remind them of confidentiality
If no, then say:
Ill just be taking notes during our conversation
Before we move onto our interview, do you have any questions?
INTERVIEWEE (Title and name):
You are being interviewed because the organization that you work for is identified as a cultural
institution. Our project as a whole focuses on ethnic neighborhoods, so our conversation today
will give us a better understanding of how organizations such as yours help to preserve and promote
culture in Asian American neighborhoods.
Background Information
First, Im going to ask you some background questions.
1. How long have you worked here for?
a. Probe: [if applicable and you dont know the answer] What is your role in this organization?
b. Probe: How did you get involved with [organization or program]
c. Probe [before interview, do research. If their program has volunteers, ask them:]
How do you work with your volunteers to make sure that your [organization or
program] meets its goals?
d. Probe: [if applicable] How does your program fit into your organizations goals?
2. Probe: Have your organizations goals changed over time? If so, how?
3. What are your goals for the neighborhood and organization?
a. Probe: Why are these goals important to you?
Community Feedback and Partnerships
Now, were going to talk about community feedback and partnerships.
4. Which specific ethnic community or communities does [name of program] target?
a. Probe: How have people from these communities responded to [name of program]?
b. Probe: Have the goals of your [program or project] changed accordingly to these
community feedbacks?
5. We found out about your program through your organizations website. In your experiences,
what are some good ways to advertise your program?
a. Probe: In your experiences, what is the most effective method for outreaching to
the community?
b. Probe: In outreaching, have you experienced any indifferences or unresponsiveness?
c. Probe: How has your organization worked to overcome this challenge?
6. Is your organization involved in other (not culturally oriented) community and/or neighborhood
activities (e.g., working with others on community/neighborhood beautification projects)?
7. For your program, what are some of the other ethnic organizations or leaders that you work
a. Probe: Why is it helpful to work with these organizations or leaders?
b. Probe: How do you outreach to them?
c. Probe: How have they helped your program achieve its goals?
d. Probe: What types of programs have you held with them?
e.. Probe: What are some challenges you have found from working with these community partners or leaders?
Cultural Preservation and the Neighborhood
Were moving onto questions related to cultural preservation and your neighborhood
8. How do you define cultural preservation?
a. Probe: What types of cultural activities are offered by your organization?
b. Probe: Where are these activities are offered? (in what neighborhood, in what type
of building)
c. Probe: What are the types of people who participate? (number, ethnicity, location)
d. Probe: What are the recent trends in level of activities, participants and interest?
(increasing, declining, stable, etc.)
9. What do you believe are some of the challenges and opportunities in keeping cultural organizations viable?
a. Probe: How has your organization addressed these challenges?
10. Since youve been working, how has the neighborhood that you serve changed?
a. Probe: How have these changes impacted your program goals?
Were wrapping up our interview with a few concluding questions.
11. Where do you see your neighborhood in five years?
a. Probe: Do you see your program goals changing?
b. Probe [If they mention new goals or programs in the future:] What kind of resources would you want to meet future goals?
c. Probe [if they mention new program:] How do you think a potentially new program
would fit into the future of your organization?
d. Probe: Are there any financial barriers that may hinder the success of your current
or future program?
e. Probe: How do you plan to overcome this financial challenge?
12. Probe: Do you think [ethnic neighborhood] will support this new program?
a. Probe: How do you plan to involve the community when planning these new programs?
b. Probe: What do you hope for from the future generations of this neighborhood?
c. Probe: As weve mentioned, we are working with the Sawtelle Japantown Association. If you could give advice to SJA, who is aiming to preserve culture in Sawtelle,
what would it be?
13. Would you be able to connect us to the ethnic institutions or leaders that you have worked with
or are currently working with?
Closing Script
Before I conclude the interview, is there anything else you would like to tell me about your community work, program, or organization?
Thank you so much for your time and responses. Weve learned so much about your organization
and neighborhood during this interview. The information that you provided will give helpful recommendations Sawtelle Japantown Association, and help the larger Asian American community
with preserving and promoting culture. If you have further comments or questions, feel free to
contact any of us.
[Turn off recording.]
[Add additional notes or comments about the interview and interviewee. Make sure notes are comprehensive so that emotions, characteristics, etc. are highlighted.]
Field Notes
Fill this out ASAP!
1. How was the setting of the interview?
2. Were there any distractions or disruptions during the interview?
3. Were there any questions that interviewee struggled to answer?
4. Did you (the interviewer) feel comfortable during the interview? Why?
5. What are three words to describe your emotions during the interview?
6. What are three words to describe the interviewee during his/her interview?
7. Did the interviewee say any words or phrases that stood out to you particularly?
8. Did the interviewee display any characteristics that stood out to you? If so, what were they?
P h o t o : C. Aujean Lee