Wire Shark Debug
Wire Shark Debug
Wire Shark Debug
This is a simple how-to fro getting packets from an Asterisk server and into wireshark
and then looking at what it has to show you.
We will look at :1.
On starting Wireshark open your Pcap file and you should get a screen as above. We
can see in the protocol column both SIP and RTP packets but we want to isolate our
3. Locating calls
Too locate our call we click on statistics then on Voip Calls and not as you might expect
SIP. Sip will show you a count of each sip message in the capture.
By selecting VoIP call you will get a new window as shown here.
This will show all calls in the capture and their status.
4. Graphing the calls
We can then highlight the call we want and by clicking on graph we get a visual
representation of the SIP messages as below.
Here we can trace the messaging of the call and debug any issues we have.
This can then be saved as an ASCII version.
5. Listening to the Audio
Also in the VoIP calls screen there is a player button. On clicking this you get a screen
as below showing both legs of the call and its possible to play both separately or
This is very useful for listening to audio from calls as well as for inband DTMF issues.
Audio quality is subjective and by being able to listen to each leg of a call you can see
if its poor in both directions or just one.
Another option on the Statistics menu is RTP option. Click this and then click RTP
streams. This will open a window as below.
In this window it does show some headline staistics for the call to see more detail
select the stream you want to look at and click on analyze. This opens a new window
As you can see its possible here to track the jitter and delta/delay full details of whats
here is at http://wiki.wireshark.org/RTP_statistics?highlight=(RTP)
We can see that its possible to get a lot of information about calls from a simple
capture, and armed with the output debugging issues will be much simpler and in the
case of quality issues easier to put forward to the users.
The wireshark wiki is at http://wiki.wireshark.org/FrontPage and has all you need to