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Unit 15 The Environment and Human Health-I1: Structure

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15. 1 Introduction

15.2 Air Pollution and Health

15.3 Occupation and Health
Working Environment and Health
Noise-~nduced Diseases

15.4 Stress and Health

Environmental Stress Factors
Stress-related Diseases


Radiation and Health

Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs
Health Picture in the Country
Changing Profile of Diseases

15.1 1

Future Well-being of Mankind

Termina Questions

In the previous unit on Environment and &man Health-I, we have covered the
potential health hazards that may result from biological and chemical contaminants
in food and water. In this unit, we will continue our discussion and see the effects of
air pollution, occupational environment, stress and radiation on health.
We begin with air pollution and health. While discussing health effects of various
pollutants that are now common in most industrial towns and metropolitan cities, we
will explain how they affect the different parts of the respiratory system and result in
respiratory diseases. Many kinds of pollutants generated from the industry get mixed
in the air. Workers breathing in such an environment are exposed to potential risk to
health. Thousands of workers die annually due to occupational diseases. Therefore,
we will examine the working environment of miners, factory workers and others who
constantly breathe contaminated air, and focus on their health problems. Constant
exposure to high-level noise originating during heavy machinery work,
transportation, loud music, etc. are also harmful for health.
Stress is yet another aspect arising out of the surrounding environment. It
contributes towards many chronic health problems. Among the environmental
hazards the most dangerous is radiation. People all over the world are in fear of
man-made radiation, which may arise from nuclear power plants and nuclear
weapons. You know that in the past, several people have been affected by
radioactive fallout resulting from atomic bomb explosions, nuclear testing and
accidents in nuclear power plants. The effects of radiation last for several
generations. We will also look into the various diseases prevalent in our country due
to mismanaged environment. In addition, you will be apprised with the current
health picture in our country. In the end, we will look into the options available to
us for safeguarding our health.
After reading this unit you should be able to :
explain how air pollutants affect our respiratory system,
relate various respiratory diseases with th; air pollutants and indicate the extent
of such diseases in the country,
give examples of occupation-related diseases from your area and identify affected
people in some cases,
outline noise-related health problems and list some categories of persons prone to
list stress-generating factors and establish with examples the relations hi^ between

- 9

.stress and, disease,

Environment and Human Health-11

discuss health hazards due to radiation,


State: the major killer and debilitating diseases in the country.

A'ir pollution is a growing threat to health throughout the world. It was considered a
g reat threat after the terrible incidence of epidemics of asthma in USA and Japan in
1955 and death of about 4,000 people in London in 1932. In India, Bhopal gas
tragedy alerted she country to the dangers of air pollution. You have already read
about some of the consequences of this tragedy in Block one Unit 1 of this course.
No amount of money in ccppensation from Union Carbide can reverse the ill effects
on the health of affected pkople.


Air pollution reduces the quality of air we breath by limiting the availability of
oxygen. Besides, we are forced to breathe in substances that are harmful to lungs..
We often experience that exposure to smoke or fine dust immediately causes
irritation to eyes, nose, throat, etc. whilz other pollutants may cause watering of
eyes, burning in and blocking of nose, sneezing and headache. This may be followed
by irritation in throat, change in voice, dry cough, and so on. Some gases on deeper
penetration cause irritable cough, difficulty in breathing, increased rate of respiration
and other severe problems that may be fatal. These are the acute effects which are
immediately manifested after exposure to pollutants. Various studies have shown
that most air pollutants cause respiratory problems, Long exposure may result in
diseases like emphysema, bronchitis, chronic cough and asthma.
Smoggy polluted air also contributes to serious health probtems such as allergies,
and heart diseases. One of the components of smog is carbon monoxide which on
breathing interferes with the binding of oxygen to haemoglobin in red blood cells.
You may have experienced a n after-headache when caught in a traffic jam or
travelling on a busy road for a long time. This is due to the increase in the levels of
carbon monoxide in heavily congested traffic. The levels may increase indoors due to
cigarette smoking. That is why smoking is harmful also to the people around the
smoker because 'the second hand smoke' is inhaled by them. You are familiar with
other air pollutants such as oxides of nitrogen, lead, hydrocarbons, particulate
matter produced by automobile exhaust, and sulphur dioxide produced on burning
of coal or oil containing sulphur. In Table 15.1 are given the health effects of these
pollutants. Perhaps, you may not be familiar with the names of many diseases given
in the Table. We will tell you about them later in this section.

-Let us now see how our respiratory system .reacts and signals when exposed to a

pollutant. We feel this knowledge is pertinent as it would help you to (i) identify the
quality of air in your surroundings and (ii) recognise early warning signals of
forthcoming health problems.

15.1 : Effects of Major Air Pollutants on Health


Effects on Health

Ox~desof sulphur
t w e n u ~ daccumulation, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis, acute and chronic
asthama and emphysema

Oxides of nitrogen

Cause writation to eyes. reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.

dim~nishpulmonary function and cause edema of respiratory tract

Carbon monoxide

Asphyxiation, heart and brairi damage. impaired perception. increased

resistance to blood flow, weakness, fatigue and headache

Photochemi6al oxidant.

Sore eyes. coughlng and soreness in chest. decreased pulmonary function,

emphysema. fibrosis, aging of lungs and respiratory tissue, and right heart failure

e.g.. Ozone
Tobacco Smoke

I Particulate matter

Death due to cancer

Causes cancer
The effect depends upon the nature and size of particulate matter.
Cause irritation, alter Immune defence, decrease in pulmonary
function. stress on heart and affect lungs


To understand these problems, you should first know the various parts of the
respiratory system, its defence mechanism, and its response to pollutants or other

The Respiratory System

Let us first revise what you have learnt about the respiratory system in school. A
gross morphology of the system is drawn in Fig.lS.l. Try t o label its parts. After
completion, check it with the answers given in the box below.

Fig. 15.1 :Respiratory Syrtem

Parts of Respiratory system

I ) nose. 2) nasal passage. 3) trachea. 4) bronchi. 5) bronchioles. 6) lungs. and 7)
Fig. .15.2 in the margin shows detailed structure of alveolar sacs which function
collectively as the organs of gas exchange with environment. These are lined by a thin
membrand which is Hurrouaded by many blood capillaries. The alveoli are filled with
inhaled air.
Defences against Pollutants
The respiratory tract is all along equipped with a built-in defense mechanism which
guards against particulate and gaseous pollutants. These are :

nasal hair,

ii) nasal passage.

Fig. 15.2 : Detail Structure of Alveoli

iii) mucous membrane l~ningthe respiratory tract (from nose into the upper portion
of bronchial tree).
iv) tiny hair lining the upper and lower portions of the respiratory tract and

the engulfing cells in the alveoli. Lower respiratory tract is important for
respiratory functions and is safeguard.ed by the upper respiratory tract.

Body's response to Pollutants

When particulate matter or a toxic gas enters the nose it crosses these barriers

before it finally settles in the lung. While passing through, it may irritate,
inflame gs damage the area of contact. First, it is obstructed in the nose by nasal
hair, which function like an air filter used in cars, air conditioners, furnaces, etc.
These particles are later blown out from the nose or are swallowed. If a harmful
gas is breathed in, it may be absorbed quickly by the nasal passage so as to
prevent the entry further down to more delicate and important parts like
bronchioles. In severe attacks the mucousin the respiratory tract helps to wash
away the irritants. Running nose, cough and sneezes, blown out sputum and
even tears from eyes are speeded up to expel the irritant. In addition, the cilia
lining the respiratory tract work to carry mucous and trapped particles up and
out of the respiratory tract. These are eventually expelled or swallowed. Finally, if
the invader succeeds in reaching the bronchioles or alveoli, then the engulfing
cells digest it or push it back to the respiratory tract. Engulfing cells can kill
bacteria only. But the particulat'e insoluble matter like dust, carbon, asbestos,
etc. is deposited in the lungs, whereas the soluble matter like metal fumes enter
the blood and is carried to other sites, where it may accumulate. In either case,
the pollutants many damage or kill many cells.

The sudden death of cells in a short time lead; to secondary effects. The dead
cells release harmful substances that cause blood capillaries to expand and water
to come out of the capillaries. The water accumulates in the nearby tissues,
making them swollen. If it accumulates in bronchioles or alveoli, the rate of gas
exchange by lungs reduces. In other words, lesser amount of oxygen reaches the
lungs for delivery to the body. In turn, the heart is affected because it has to
work harder to cope with oxygen stress. It must be pointed out that decrease in
exchanges o i air by lungs or any obstruction in exhaling or inhaling of air
results in respiratory diseases. .
Although all parts of the respiratory, system w o ~ khard to eliminatela pollutant,
long-term exposure or excess give rise to acute and chronic irritation,
inflammation, excessive mucous production and impairment of lung function.
The symptoms manifest themselves in diseases such as bronchospasm, chronic
bronchitis, aggravated asthma, emphysema and the pneumoconiosis. These are
briefly described below :
1. Bronchospasm
When the muscles of bronchioles are inflammed due to excessive irritation by
pollutants, brodchioles get obstructed (Fig. 15.3a). Hence, the expulsion of air
from the lungs is obStructed. ThIs condition is called Bmnchospasm.

Fig. 15.3 : a ) Condition of bronchiola in bronchospasm,

b) Diagrammatic representation of emphysema.

Environment and Human Health-II

Years of breathing polluted air

and smoking tobacco can weaken
and destroy cilia, alveoli and lung

Effects of Changed
Environment on MUI

2. Chronic Bronchitis
This is due to the inflammation and edema of the lining of bronchi. The
symptoms are increased mucous production and chronii: coughing. In severe
cases small bronchioles are destroyed, Chronic bronchitis can lead to
3. Emphysema
The walls of alveoli breakdown and individual alveoli join together into larger
sacs as shown in Fig. 15.3b. This reduces the total surface area available for the
exchange of gases in the lungs.

4. Pulmonary Fibrosis
Since dust cannot be eliminated by the macrophages in alveoli, it tends to stay in
place over many years and some fibrous tissue is deposited around it. This is
termed as fibrosis which decreases the function of the lungs.
5. Chronic and Aggravated Asthma
Asthma is an allergic condition usually triggered by foreign substances and some
emotional overlay. The disease is marked by narrowing of airways caused by
bronchospasm. So the air is literally trapped in the lungs because it cannot be
expelled. Irritant pollutants such as particulate matter - flour, coal, talc,
asbestos dust, etc. aggravate asthma. They eventually lead to a chronic
condition. Breathing becomes difficult in severe cases and often continuous
condition leads to death.
6. Dust Diseases (Pneumoconioses)
These are caused by inhaling dust.of certain types of polluta~itsof size ranging
. most cases, the victims are either exposed at the work place
from 0.5 to 5 ~ m In
or in its surroundings. The severe dust diseases,are listed in Table 15.2.
Table 15.2 : Dust Diseases





Byssinosir (brown lung)

Cottbn fibre. flax. hemp

Sugarcane fibre


Arbestor fibre

Anthrocosis (black lung)

Coal durt



As we have told you before, if dust stays in the respiratory system for many years,
fibrosis of tissue results Tvhich decreases the function of lungs. ThiS in tyrn puts
stress on the heart. In its advanced stage, the patient suffers breathlessness all the
time and eventually dies. Such effects depend on.

chemical composition of dust,

ii) fineness or dust particle size,

iii) concentration of dust in the air,
iv) period o? exposure, and
v) health status of the person exposed.
So, we can conclpde that health effects of air pollution are very severe and
prolonged exposure to toxic pollutant may be fatal. Diseases like chronic bronchitis,
bronchospasm, chronic cough, emphysema and aggravated asthma, pulmonary
fibrosis, lung cancer, etc. cause a lot of misery as long as the person lives. And he is
relieved only after death. In the following section on occupational health, you will
learn that long exposure of air pollutants is mainly due to the environment in which
some unfortunate people have to work.
Before we move on to the next section on occupation and health, you many like to
try the following SAQs.

a) Match the respiratory impairments listed in column I with'the correspondirlg
diseases in column 2.

Column 1


Column 2


Increased mucous production

and chronic coughing




Inflammation of muscles
of bronchioks


Chronic bronchitis


Breakdown of alveoli
to form large sacs


Aggravated asthma


Deposition of fibrous tissue

around the particulate
pollutant in the l u n g




Trapping of the sir in the l u n ~



Environment and Hurnln 'Health-11

b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words

i) Smoggy polluted air contributes to ..................................and .....................



For most people, the choice of job is limited. The poor and the underprivileged
people who have been doing most risky and hazardous jobs and living in the dirtiest
of environments suffer from many of the diseases discuved above. But the people
who work in offices in a comfortable environment are not free of diseases either.
They suffer from physical illness and psychological stress which, in fact, is the root
cause of many health problems. Studies have shown that exposure to toxic chemicals
and physical agents in working environment contribute to lung diseases, heart
diseases, skin disorders, cancer, hearing loss, etc. Diseases occurring due to
deterioration of environment at working site are known as occupational diseases. In
the following two sub-section we will discuss these diseases.

15.3.1 Working Environment and Health

ln this sub-section, we will tell you about the diseases that result due to working in
factories, mines, agricultural lands, offices, etc. Noise-related diseases will be
discussed in a separate sub-section. In the present century, the incidence'of these
diseases is on the rise due to ever-increasing industrialisation.

1) Mining and Factory Work

In the previous section on air pollution, we have told you about the dust diseases
known as pneumoconioses. Dust particles or chemical dust evolved during mining or
in any processing at the working site is inhaled by workers daily for several years.
This adds up to thousan& of hours of exposure for a worker. Hence, these workers
are prone to getting respiratory diseases.
In India, silicosis was first reported from the Kolar Gold Mines (Mysore) in 1947.
Since then its occurrence has been uncovered in various other industries. It is
common in people working in coal, gold, silver, lead, zinc, manganese, and other
metal mining industries, pottery and ceramic industry, iron and steel industries, sand
blasting and building construction work and several others. In Bihar, the incidence
of pneumoconiosis in mica industries was found to be upto 34% and in ceramic
industry 15%. As we have mentioned before, another major illness byssinosis, is
common among textile workers who work in the bale opening room, carding room,
blow room and the winding and the spinning room. Workers inhale allergenic
pollutants while working and get nose and throat diseases and also ear diseases. Some
cases of cancer of nose and throat have been noted in workers in chemical factory. It
is feared that high levels of exposure to some factory chemicals my even result in
According to a study prepared for US National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health, the hazardous industries are ranked as shown in the margin. The
ranking in the study was based on (i) the relative toxicity of the carcinogen involved
and (ii) the extent of exposure to them by the workers.
In India, several home industries operate -in unorganised. private sector where people

: ~ ~ n " , ~ , " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , "

given in brackets)
.1. Industrial and scientific

instruments (asbatos, lead,


2. Fabricated metal products

(lead, nickel, asbestos, certain
3. E'ectriQ1 quipment
supplies ( l e d , asbestos,
mercury, chlorohydrocarbom,
certain solvents)

4. Machinery (except electrical :

cutting, quenching and
lubricating o l s )
5. Transportation equipment
(ingredimts of plastics,
including formaldehyde and
6. Petroleum and pelroleum

products (bmzene,
7. Leather products (chrome salts
and organic compounds used
in tanning of hides)

8. Pipeline transportation
(petroleum derivatives, metals.
used in welding)

work. in the most unhealthy conditions. Due to lack of adequate space, light,
ventilation and safety measures, they fall prey to many diseases. For example,
workers in welding industry suffer from early blindness and respiratory diseases, in
flour mills, from lung diseases; in sift industry from ear, nose and throat diseases; in
paprika industry from lung disease called paprikosis; and in tobacco factories from
lung diseases and allergic skin diseases.

EKects of Chansal
Environment on Man

We will discuss the health problems due to high level of noise in the following subsection. Constant exposure to noise produces noise-induced (nerve) deafness. This is
common in workers attending boiler section or sand blasting ptocess or heavy
engineering sections. Ladies working as telephone operators suffer from deafness
after several years.


Methyliiyanatt (MIC) that

caused mass poisonin# in Bhopal
has been used in manufacturlng
the pesticides-carbaryl (Sevin)
ddicarb (Temik)

Some of the occupational problems are due to lack of awareness and negligence. For
Instance, most workers do not use goggles while working with bright light or gloves
while handling carcinogenic chemicals. Therefore, they are often exposed to bright
light and get eye diseases and become eventually blind. Carcinogenic chemicals cause
cancer which is common in dyers. tanners, painters and in people work~ngin
chem'ical industries. You have learnt about the effects of toxic chemicals in the
previous unit.

2) Agricultural Field Work

Nowadays farmers use various kinds of chemicals as insecticides or pesticides such
as diazinon, malathion, carbaryl (Sevin), aldicarb (Temik) etc. to protect plants.
Chlordane is widely used to control termite infestations and 2,4-D is generally used
to kill weeds. Due to exposure to such chemicals, farmers suffer from neurological
paralytic diseases or toxic poisoning or cancer. It is observed ,that women working
on such farms invariably suffer from irregular menses, abortions, cancer and give
birth to abnormal children.

3) Office Work
Persons working in offices suffer from diseases of spine, backache and spondilytis.
This could be due to use of uncomfortable furniture and abnormal sitting posture.

4) Working habits
Personal habits during working hours play ahgreat role in deciding health of an
individual. In India, quite a few people of U.P. and Bihar chew tobacco mixed with
lime. Some of the workers in textile factories are misled to believe that by chewing
tobacco and chuna they will not get constant cough or other disorders of lungs.
Workers smoking-cigarettes as relief during working hours, may get cancer of lung.
Tea and coffee are taken in excess routinely by people working in offices. These
beverages, though stimuIants, are habit-forming and are harmful to health. Tea
causes acidity in the stomach.
Workers from chemical factories d o not use gloves while handling hazardous
carcinogenic materials, they do not take a bath or wash their hahds before taking
meals. As a result they ingest hazardous chemicals and suffer from several diseases
due to toxic poisoning by lead, mercury, etc. Negligence or lack of knowledge of
good house-keeping at the shop floor or work site, produces accidents causing minor
injuries, fractures and even death. Unhygenic habits leading to chemical contact with
skin produces eczema, allergic diseases of skin, e.g. chronic ulcer of skin and
machine oil dermatitis of hands.

5) Travel
Persons who drive fast, and do not take a break or use protective and preventive
aids are likely to be involved in accidents. Continuous travel increases stress on body
and the person may suffer from high blood pressure, problems like indigestion,
hyperacidity, and so on.
6) Irregular Timings
Many people work in night shifts. This duty is often by rotation, it changes a
person's physiological rhythms, who may suffer from insomnia, indigestion,
headache, high blood pressure and irritability. Such symptoms make the worker
inefficient or might even f ~ r c ehim to remain absent from work.

7) Other Professions

Envlroament aml Human Health-11

People working in laboratories handling various infective material may suffer from
hepatitis (jaundice) or diseases like AIDS. Some of them handle substances .
containing radioactive isotopes or carcinogens. Consequently, they are subject to
risks discussed earlier.
Finally the work atmosphere, expectation of the employer, interpersonal relations,
pressure of work, etc. may lead to stress and cause illness. We will tell you in detail
about stress-related illnesses in the following section. It is seen that a majority of the
occupational diseases damage body organs permanently.

15.3.2 Noise-Induced Diseases

This century has rightly been called as the 'century of noise.' Because of heavy
industrialisation we are exposed to a high level of noise all around us. Noise has
become a very important 'stress factor' in modern life. It leads to many health
hazards. Some of the sources of noise pollution are aircraft, automobiles, factories,
loud speakers during public speeches or festival celebrations, pop and Rock-n-Roll
music in clubs. The effect of noise on health depends on both loudness and
frequency. Any source producing sound levels of more than 80 to 90 dB for more
than eight hours is harmful to human ear. Frequency of sound is denoted by Hertz,
Hz. One Hz is equak to one cycle per second. Human ear can hear frequencies
between 20 to 20,000 Hz. This range is reduced with age or due to some other
factors. The frequencies below 20 Hz are infrasonic or inaudible and the frequencies
above 20,000 Hz are ultrasonic and also inaudible to human ear.
The sound intensity, its frequency and hearing ability can be measured by
instruments. The intensity is measured in dB by 'Sound Level Meter', the frequency
(i.e. high or low pitch of sound) by 'Octave Band Frequency Analyser'and the
hearing ability of a person by a'n 'Audiometer.' It also helps in detecting the extent
of loss of hearing with respect to various frequencies for the correct assessment of
the type of deafness.
Effect of noise on human health depends on the following three main factors :
i) quality, ii) duration and iii) sensitivity of the individual. Noise produces the
following three main effects.
1) Psychological
Noise leads to emotional disturbances which, however, are difficult to measure.
Noise effects are often manifested in annoyance. Irrespective of its intensity, noise
disturbs sleep, e.g., a dripping tap or traffic rumble, while irritating noise at work
place reduces concentration, efficiency and working capacity.


2) Masking Effect
A masking noise prevents the ear from registering other important sounds and
signals. Such effects increase the risk of accidents on workshop floor of heavy
engineering industries or of automobiles.

3) Physiological Effects
These are of two kinds : auditory and non-auditory
Auditory Effects
i) Auditory fatigue : This occurs when the level of noise is in the range of 85-90 dB,
for example, noise of a food blender. It is greatest when the frequency of noise is
4000 Hz. It may be associated with side effects, such as whistling and buzzing in the
ii) Deafness or impaired hearing : This is a serious problem. It may be temporary
or permanent. Temporary hearing loss occurs on continuous exposure to noise as in
the case of telephone operators. But this disability disappears within 24 hours after a
period of rest. However, repeated or continuous exposure to noise level 6f more than
90 dB may result in permanent loss of hearing. Persons who have ear diseases,
discharging ear or impaired hearing since childhood due to some progressive disease
are usually more prone to permanent ill effects on hearing thansthers. Hence.
persons having ear diseases should avoid noisy working environment.

effects of Changed
~.nvironmenton Man

Non-auditory Effects
i) Interference with speech and communication : Whenthe high level of noise is
around, a person needs to strain his voice by increasing loudness to make speech
intelligible; for example, in foundries, boiler cabins, etc. Sometimes street hawkers 01
salesmen of small stalls in busy markets also continuously yell their product and its
price. Such workers suffer from voice disorder or everi-cancer of voice box in later
part of their lives.
ii) Annoyance : Most people are annoyed by noise but neurotics are more sensitive
than balanced people. Neurotic people lose their temper quickly and become
iii) Efficiency : Low level noise is acceptable to most people. Quiet environment
helps in increasing the work output. Reverse is true in high-level-noise working
environment. It reduces the working efficiency.
iv) General change in the body : Rise in blood pressure, pulse rate, breathing and
sweating or headache may occur on exposure to noise. Giddiness, nausea, fatigue,
disturbed sleep, defective colour perception and reduced night vision are general
symptoms observed in victims. Persons working in night shifts or persons already
suffering from essential hypertension get victimised by noise exposure earlier than
a) Write in column 1 the kind of health problems the people are likely to suffer. to
the corresponding working environment given in column 2.


Column 2

column I

Textile industry
Continuous desk work
Excessive travelling
Handling pesticides
Working in night shifts
Dyeing, painting

b) Fill in the blank spaces with appropriate words.

i) Telephone operators may suffer from, ..................................
......................................... of ...........................................
ii) High level of noise in general affects .............................. .............................
and causes ................................................

.................-:............................ can occur in heavy engineering industry due

to ................................ effect of noise.
iv) ............................. of noise has worse ill effects on persons who have ......
............................or .............S I C .




Nowadays people are confronted with innumerable stressful situations.
Stress leads to many disorders. It has also been observed that stress is an
important factor in diseases such as neurosis, coronary heart diseases, gastric
ulcer, higher blood pressure, allergies, asthma and many other.

15.4.1 Environmental Stress Factors '

The environmental factors which produce stress can be categorised asi) physical and ii) psychological. Stress factors in physical environment are
noise, vibration, temperature, light, etc. These produce stress and can cause
various health hazards and degrade the quality of life. The psychological
factors ?re very important and are created by social environment and poor
economic conditions.
We live in an env'ironment that provides us with neverending array of
challenges throughout. life. These may. be accomplishing daily tasks or
achieving a set goal in life-such as getting good marks in exams, striving
for a specific career, trying to win a competition or even looking for a job.

In addition, there are emotional challenges like maintaining relationships,

finding a life partner, or putting up with uncompromising people. We are
under stress while coping with such challenges. Other psychological
conditions that can cause stress are poverty, unemployment, death of close
relatives, inter-group prejudices and tensions, migration t o culturally
different countries and s o on. Stress also arises from monotony, machine
pacing highly skilled repetitive work, noisy atmosphere and so on.
During stress we experience negative feelings - anxiety, depression, sadness, fear
* and anger, which may result in physical illnesses like headache, sleeplessness,
stomach upset and muscular tension. This meairs that negative feelings trigger a
disruption in our state of psychological balance which in turn affects our
physiological response to stress. In other words, stress causes a breakdown of the
harmony between mind and body.

Environment and Human Health-I1

Studies have shown that air

traffic controllers are under stress
due to cpnstantly worrying about
aeroplane crashes and collisions.
They often suffer from peptic

The stimulus that causes stress is known as a stressor and the reactions or symptoms
it causes is stress. The stressors are circumstances and events that disrupt the
harmony between mind and body. In the following diagram we show how stress can
lead to health disorders.



Emotional distress






15.4.2 Stress-related Diseases

Normally people deal with stress routinely in everyday life. But prolonged unresolved
stress situations can contribute to several kinds of stress-related illnesses. During
emotional distress the nervous system, the endocrine system a n d the immune system
get activated. For instance, under stress our endocrine system produces more
epinephrine-a hormone and the blood pressure rises. In fact, these systems keep on
working under normal physiological conditions and also enable one t o cope with
short-term stressful events. However, under prolonged stress, they are continuously
activated and health problems begin. But illness may not appear until long after the
initial effect of the stressor. The immune system is affected partly by long-term
activation of nervous and endocrine system. Its normal functioning is impaired.
Hence, a person's, susceptibility to disease increases during stress. You may have
observed that when people are emotionally upset, they fall sick easily. For example,
certain students get cough, cold and fever during examination period. When people
are unsuccessful in coping with stress and it becomes unmanageable, adverse
reactions occur. These are psychological and physiological distress as given below.

Psychological and Behavioural effects-anxiety, depression, fatigue, frustration,

shame, irritability, bad temper, low self esteem leading to accident proneness,
drug taking, alcohol drinking, smoking, impaired speech, nervtous laughter,
restlessness and trembling. In extreme cases a person may ever;\ contemplate
committing suicide. Other effects could be inability to take decisions, lack of
concentraiion, frequent forgetfulness, hypersensitivity'to criticism, and mental


Physiological and Health effects-increased blood pressure and heart rate,

dryness bf mouth, sweating, lump in throat, tingling and numblness in limbs.

Effeaa of Changed.
Environment o n Man

Health problems such as asthma, heart attack, dyspepsia, ulcers, headache,

insomnia, loss of sexual interest, weakness, diabetes mellitus, skin disorders,
eczema, vasomotor rhinitis.
3) Organisational effects-absenteeism, high accident rate, poor production,
antagonism at wnrk and iob dissatisfaction.

List two main stressors that contribute tostress in your life. What are your physical o,
emotional stress reactions to these?


You know that doctors use X-rays for diagnosis of various health problems. The Xrays are a kind of radiation much like visible light but with much more energy. You
have already been told about; <(alpha),*, (beta), andY(gamma) radiations which
also have high energy. Perhaps. you know that ultraviolet radiation is also harmful.
When such high energy radiations strike human body, they penetrate the tissue, and
transfer their energy as they pass through it. Table 15.3 shows the effects of different
radiations on the body. The energy of radiation damages the molecules in the cells.
If certain key molecules of the living cells a r t affected, cellular functions are
disrupted and the cells may die. Sometimes, the damage is repaired immediately, but
often it shows up years later. This happens when the DNA molecule which contains
all the genetic information required for functioning and maintenance of the cell is
affected. If the DNA molecules in the germ cells are altered, the effect may by passed
on to the next generation.

Table 15.3 : Different Types of Radiation and.thdr Effect on the Body

.(and g radiations are particula~e
in nature. That is why they are
a k o called q-particles and Bpartides

The rad and the rem are gradually

being replac* by new international
units, the grey and sievert ( I grey =
100 rad and 1 sievert = 100 rems).

Types of Radiation

I )I(,-particles

Effest on the Body

- Can travel in air only a few centimeters. and in living tissues only 3 0 4 m
(i.e. can cross about 3 cells). Generally cannot penetrate the skin.
Entry to the body parts such as bones o r l u n g , results in irrepairable damage.

2) P -particles

Can travel in air about 8 cm and in tissue about I cm. Can penetrate
the skin but d o not reach underlying tissues. Cause damage to the skin.
skin cancer and eye cataract.

3) V radiation

Can travel about hundred metres in air and can easily penetrate
the body and pass through it.

4) X-rays

Can travel extremely far, and pass through the body tissue except bones.
Cause damage to the molecules in cells.

5 ) ultra violet rays

Have relatively lower energy than X-rays. Can cause skin cancer.

The extent of damage depends upon exposure to the amount of radiation and is
measured in units a,f rads (radiation absorbed doses). O n e rad is equal to 100 ergs of
energy deposited per gram of tissue. The rate of transfer of energy to the tissue is
also important. Th.is is called linear energy transfer (LET). It is the amount of energy

transferred per unlt of distance the radiation travels into the tissue. Alpha particles
travel sbwly. so they transfer Inore energy than,o(,Pand X-rays that travel faster.

Environment and Human Health-11

Another unit rem-(raentgen equivalent man). which takes into account linear e k g y
transfer. is used to measure radiation exposure. I t indirectly indicates the damage
that a given amount of radiation will cause in the tissue. Rad and rem are essentially.
equivalent for X-rays.@-rays, and m a y s but forH-particles 1 rad is equivalent to 10
to 20 rems. E x p o s u ~ sbelow 5 to 10 rems/year are generally considered low level.
The effects of radiatibn on heakh depend uponthe following factors: i) the type of
radiation. ii) the energy of radiation, iii) the amount of radiation, iv) age of
individua and v) external and internal exposure.
Ionising radiations may proauce in human beings and in fact, in all living organisms
including plants, the following three types of biological effects:
1) Carcinogenic effects - cause cancer. The probability of getting most forms of
cancer is increased by ionising radiation.

2) Mutagenic effects - cause a change in genetic material that is thin paSsed on to


These three types of defects are

also produced by chemical agents
and acmrdindy Ihe
called carcinogenic. mutagenic
and teratogenlc.

3) Teratogenic effects - defects in the development of embryo which cause birth


In addition it has been found out that i) fetuses are most sensitive to radiation, and
children are more sensitive than adults, ii) cells in tissues undergding rapid cellular
division are highly sensitive to radiation. We are all exposed to natural ionizing
radiation which on average is in the range of about 80-100 rem/ year. Therefore, in
nature such biological effects are spontaneous and bring about change in genetic
make up of organisms. In fact, there is ample evidenceio suggest that life-on this
planet evolved due to ionizing radiation. That they are a great threat to human
beings now may sound ironical.

AII forms ofradlatiom~,C , v

and X-rays have enough energy to
rip off outer shell electrons from
the atoms to form Ions, so they
are cnlled ionizing radiations.

Although radiation exposure is not common and its hazards may remain localised to
some extent, the risk is feared due to accidents in nuclear power pIants and use of
nuclear weapons. As has been witnessed in the past, such hazards can spread on to a
large area and have far-reaching consequences to a large population.
For obvious reasons, the effects of radiations cannot be studied on human beings.
Therefore, most studies have been conducted on animals using very high or low
doses of radiation. The results give us some idea of their various harmful effects but
they cannot be extrapolated to human beings. Moreover, radiation effects may be
manifested after several generations. Presently, a lot of information is obtained by
studying the people who have been exposed to either low or high level radiation
years earlier. Low level radiation is used for medical diagnosis and for the treatment
of certain diseases. It is shown that even such exposures carry with them a certain
degree of risk. In recent decades, there has been a marked increase in people's overall
radiation exposure, especially for certain occupational groups: uranium miners,
watch dial painters, patients treated with radiations, survivors from atomic bomb
explosions, technicians working with X-rays and in nuclear power plants, and people
working with radioisotopes, etc.
In the beginning of this century, malignant tumors were detected for the first tio~ron
the hands of radiologists and scientists using X-ray machines or radium. A high
incidence of leukemia, three t o four times higher than in the general population, was
detected in them years later. Since the dangers of radiation were not known, early
workers were careless in handling radioactive material. Radiotherapy was commonly
used in 1945 for patients suffering from ankylosing spondilitis, children having
tonsils and women having breast ailments or lung tuberculosis. The effects of
radiation appeared years later. Some of these findings have been listed in Table 15.4.

The'radlum watch dial painters

routinely tipped the end of the

experienced a
very high incldenee to bone

Table 15.4 : Efl-

of Low-kvel Radiation

In Australia 2 out of evay 3

person who live up to 70 suffer
from &In cancer at least once in
thdr life time. The high incidence
of cancer is directly related to the
depktion of ozone (4.9 to 10.6
p a cent) sunscreen over South
Australia that allow more
uitnviolet radiation to penetrate
the arth surface. The ozone hole
in Australia, as big u the United
States and as deep a? Mount
Everest is causing scare in the
continent of Australia.


Effects observed years Inter

Radiation therapy for acne,

spinal disorder and syphilis

Elevated risk of leukemia

Radiation therapy for mastitis

(an inflammatory ailment in breast),
and lung tuberculosis in women

Breast cancer

Medical X-ray of neck or

radiation therapy to shrink
tonsils or treat chest
ailment in children

Cancer of thryroid gland,

salivary gland tumor

Uranium and fluorspar (Calcium

ftouride) miners exposed
to radon gas

Lung cancer

Watch dial and aeroplane instrument

painters (paint containing radium)

Bone cancer, aplastic anaemia

(a serious diseases of bone marrow)

Pregnant mothers exposed to diagnostic

X-ray (2 to 3 rads)

Children born show 50% higher rates

of leukemia, tumors of lymphatic
system, brain tumor and other types of cancer

Exposure due to nuclear testing

Higher mortality rates in children

and also in adults

Now it has been seen that continuous low-level radiation is not safe as it has a
cumulative effect. A statisiical study conducted in the USA showed'that frequent
medical X-rays may make a person ten times more susceptible to getting leukemia.
Ultraviolet radiations also cause skin cancer; A high incidence of skin cancer on the
exposed skin has been observed specially.among light-coloured populations living in
the equatorial region. Dark skin contains special pigments malanin which absorb
much of the UV radiation and prevents it from penetrating to DNA of the living
cells. UV radiation is rapidly absorbed by water in livinb tissue and so doek not
penetrate beyond the skin.
High level exposure to radiation is rare. The effects of lethal, sub-lethal and nonlethal radiation have been investigated on the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
These findingcare summarised :i T;sble 15.5. Since the effects of radiations are often
manifested in the offspring, it is difficult to estimate the number of generations in
which they will show up in the victim. Besides the victims suffer socially. Thc
survivors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima are called bibakusha (the bombed ones). They
are ostracised when it comes to marriages.
Table 15.5 : Effects of Hlph-level Radiation

Dose of 650 rads
(High lethal dose)

Kills within a few hours to a few days

300 rads (Lethal dose)

Kills one-half of the population within 60 days

50-200 rads (sublethal .dose)

Not immediate death, suffer from

radiation sickness

Immediate effect
After 2 to i 4 d o y ~

Fatigue, nausea, vomitting diarrhoea and loss of

hair, reduction in blood platelets, sore throat,
recovery is possible within a few days of exposure

General delayed effects

On mothers

Cancer, leukemia, cataract, sterility, decreased lifespan

In mother - increase in spontaneous abortion.
still births, early infant death


a) i)

Can you tell why infants and children are more sensitive to radiation than


L.I,.,," .,,I.





ii) Why d o the effects of radiation pass on t o the next generation?

iii) w h y are X-ray more harmful than ultraviolet rays?

b) Which among the following statements are true? Write .T for true and F for false
in the boxes.

Cells that multiply rapidly are most affected by radiation.


The sensitivity to radiation in human beings is in the order of

adults > children >fetuses.

iii) The effects of, radiation are often manifested after several generations.
iv) Low-level radiation used in the diagnosis of diseases is absolutty
c) The high incidence of the following diseases was observed many years later in
the group of people who were exposed t o radiation. Match the group of people
listed in column 1 with the diseases listed in column 2.

Croup of people



Children exp?sed to radiation

for treatment of tonsilitis




Uranium and fluorspar miners


Cancer of thyroid gland




Bone cancer


People using paint

containing radium


Lung cancer



Cancer is not a new disease as is wrongly believed. However, these days its incidence
is on the rise. At present about 20 to 25% of the human population in the world die
of cancer and it is feared that in future it might become the greatest enemy of
Cancer is uncontrolled division of cells in the body. Any part of the body - skin,
lungs, brain, bone marrow, ovary, or stomach can become cancerous. Normally,
division of every cell is regulated for proper development and functioning. When
cells loose this.contro1, repeated cell division leads to a mass of abnormal cells called tumor. A tumor does not have any function in body. Instead, wherever it
starts, due to rapid growth, it occupies a lot of space and pushes aside the tiss:
and organs around it. It draws their nutrients, and thus obstructs their vital. !,,T,,:rion
Tumors are of two types, benign and malignant. Benign tumors multiply slowly and
are confined to a site. Cysts, moles, warts and polyps are benign tumors. But there is
a risk that they may turn into malignant forms. Malignant tumors multiply rapidly
and later some of the cells may detach from them and migrate into other vital organs
via blood stream and form new tumors there. This stage is called metastasis or
secondary stage. Cancer does not develop abruptly. It is the cumulative result of the
effects of an agent on the body for several years o r decades. Many risk factors such
as radiation, chemicals in the environment, genetic predisposition, nutritional factors,

The term cancer waa introduced

by the famous Creek physician
Hippocrates who is called Father
of Medicine. Cancer in Latin
means crab like. The disease
creeps in all directions through
the body, eventually cutting off
life with its pincers.

According t o National Institute

for Occupational SqCety and
Health (USA) the ten most
hazardous chemicals causing
cancer are in the order, asbestos,
formaldehyde, benzene, lead,
kerosene, nickel, chromium,
"volatiles" in coal tar, carbon
tetrachloride, and sulphuric add.

Effects of Chmned
Environment on Man
Excessive intake of calories or
fats, obesity and nutritional
deficiencies npedally of
vitamin A and lack of roughage
can cause cancer.

immunological deficiencies, stress and negative mental state may induce or contribute
to the development of cancer. It may also be induced by some viruses. Only 20 to
40% of all cancers are caused by hazardous conditions at the work place and other
envirenmeptal pollutants. The rest are the result of natural cellular changes.
There are four categories of cancer as described below:

I ) Carcinomas--the cancers originating from skin, membranes around glands.

nerves, breasts, lining of respiratory, urinary and digestive tracts.

2) Sarcomas-cancers

originating from connective tissues, bones, muscles, fat

and blood vessels.

3) Leukemias-cancer

of the organs and tissues, lymph glands bone marrow,

etc. that form blood cells, causing an over p r o d u c t i ~ nof immature white
blood cells.

4) Lymphomas-Cancers similar to leukemia leading to abnormal production

of white blood cells by the spleen and lymph system.


People who L I ke,
drink o r take drugs introduce harmful chemicals into their body.
Tobacco sm e besides nicotine, contains many toxic chemicals such as acetone,
acrolein, carbon monoxide, methanol, ammonia, oxides of nitrogen, hydrogen
sulphide, traces of various mineral elements, traces of radioactive elements, acids,
insecticides and other substances. Small particles in smoke contribute to yellowish
brown residue of tobacco known as tar. Smoke also contains carcinogenic chemicals
and radioactive isotopes of the element polonium. Actually, radioactive lead is a
constituent of soil which on breakdown forms radioactive polonium. The latter gets
deposited on the sticky leaf hair on tobacco leaves and thus becomes a part of
smoke. Perhaps, you are aware that habitual smokers suffer from chronic cough,
continual sputum production and difficulty in breathing. It has been shown that
smoking is linked with bronchitis. emphysema, cancer of larynx, oral cavlty,
oesaphagus, and bladder, stomach and duodenal ulcers, cirrhosis of liver, and heart
diseases. A high incidence of prenL~:?Iand postnatal mortality has been observed in
babies born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy. Also the babies are generally
born underweight.
Alcohol abuse is one of the common health related problems. In India, the habit is
inore prevalent among people of the weaker sections of our society. Intake of alcohol
depresses the central nervous system. It affects the part of the brain which controls
speech, thinking, movement and other mental functions. That is why after drinkiig a
person loses memory, judgement, concentration, inhibition and self control. High
intake results in progressive deterioration of speech, vision, coordination, hearing
and walking. Besides, wide fluctuations in mood may occur: the initial euphoria may
turn into depression. Alcohol is much more dangerous when used with drugs like
tranquilisers, aspirin, sleeping pills, etc. because of synergetic effects. Alcohol also
affects liver, kidneys and parts of digestive system.
Progressive dcgenrof liver known as cirrhosis is common in alcoholics. It also
damage$ stomacri ilrl~ngand thus causes ulcers. The infants born to women who
drink habitually show heart anomaly, facial disfiguration, and intellectual
impairment. They are also smaller in size than normal infants. They may have
physical addiction t o alcohol called fetal alcoholic syndrome.

Drugs are chemical substances that are medically prescribed to relieve pain, fight
infection, cure illness or to maintain good health. However, in common usage these
substances are called medicines and the terms drugs implies to substances that are
taken t o change mood and perception, to increase pleasurable sensation and even as
a means of escape from life problems temporarily. We are sure that you must have
heard about drugs like cocaine, marijuana, hashish (brown sugar), LSD, heroin, etc.
Since these drugs affect the central nervous system they are called psychoactive
drugs. They alter the physical and mental functions and debilitate the body.

Eavlronmsat and Human Health-LI

The biggest danger of using such drugs is addiction or physical dependence which
means the compulsive use of drug to a n extent that it seriously impairs the ar-.'s
capacity to lead a normal life. Moreover, withdrawal symptoms occl;~if the addict
tries to abstain from using it. In some television documentaries you v - , ,lave seen
the pathetic state of such drug addicts due to withdrawal symptoms. Most of these
drugs cause psychological dependence to the extent that in order t~ ~ u them
requires a large sum of money, the users commit crimes. Otherwise, there is no
co,~nectionas such between the drugs and crimes as is wrongly believed. Since the
sale and use of these drugs is banned all the dealings are underhand and clandestine.
The big money involved leads to organised crime - a sort of Mafia of drug dealers
and peddlers, spanning various countries and even the continents.

It is unfortunate that a large percentage of ybungsters all over the world are victims
of drug abuse. The situation is getting alarming in lndia also. Though the marketing
rind use of drugs is illegal but certain greedy people commit the heinous crime of
coaxing and selling drugs to youngsters who are the future of our nation. Therefore,
it is necessary to create a n atmosphere that will change the attitude of our people.
The youngsters need direction for a reorientation towards constructive work and
towards facing and coping with the adversities of life bravely.
Indiscriminate u'se of drugs has become increasingly common in recent years. In
some instances, the side effects and dangerous complications of drugs become
evident only when it is too late. We will illustrate this point by narrating you the
classic case study of a tragic incident that occurred due to a sed$tive drugthalidomide.
In the 1950s and 1960s, the drug was in use as a n active ingredient in tranquilisers
and sleeping pills in West Germany, England and many other countries. Children
and adults were given the drug with no noticeable side effects. The drug was also
prescribed t o pregnant mothers. In the 1960s several thousand babies were born all
over the world with rare congenital birth defects. The babies had deformed arms o r
legs, and eye o r ear defects.-Later, investigations revealed that the mothers of
affected children had taken thalidomide during pregnancy. We have mentioned
earlier that chemicals that cause birth defects in developing embryos are called
teratogens. Other suspected teratogens are antibiotics - tetracyclin and
streptomycin, alcohol, sex steroids, lithium. etc.


Which among the following statements are true? Write T for true and F for false
in the boxes.

Polluted environment has been responsible for a new group of

diseases known as cancer.

ii) Metastasis is the advanced stage of cancer.

iii) Certain foods may cause cancer.


What kind to risk is feared in babies born to mothers who smoke?


List three major diseases caused by excessive smoking?

d) In the follbwing statements fill in the blanks with appropriate words.


Smoke contains ..................chemical and


ii) Drinking of alcohol by pregnant women results in birth defects and

physical .........................in babies known as ......................
iii) Drugs that cause defects in the development of embryo are
called ................................

iv) One should not take

.................or ................along with alcohol. .


Effects of Changed
Environment on Man



You have studied in detail the health implications of our changing environment. The
introduction of pollutants in environment has posed a threat to human health and
well-being. Hence, our generation is faced with many new diseases. In this section we
highlight the changing profile of killer and debilitating diseases and the current status
of health in India.


Changing Profile of Diseases

You know that industrialisation has expanded like a mushroom in many parts of,
India. Urbanisation is rapidly increasing. With the growth of industry, the rural
population has been migrating towards the nearest industrial zones.
Our rural population has three major enemies as per the World Health Organisations
definition, i.e. poverty, poor nutrition and parasitic infestations. With this
background, the newly migrated working population have low vitality, and hence
are more susceptible to the adverse health effects and industrial pollutants. Migrants ,
stay in unhygenic over-crowded slum areas whichoften lack sanitation and proper
housing. Quite often they cannot afford to bring along their families. This results in
alcoholism, addiction to drugs and prostitution, which, in turn, leads to deterioration
of their health and increased morbidity. They succumb easily to killing diseases like
tuberculosis, heart diseases and cancer.

Present Health Status in lndia

lndia with a population of 84.4 crore(l991) is the second most populous country in
the world. The gross birth rate has come down from 33.3 (1978) to 24 (1981) per
thousand. But, the general death rate has also come down from 27.41 1000 in 1951 to
141 1000 in 1980. However, there are large inter-state variations. Information on
causes of death is however, incomplete.

Morbidity Profile
The morbidity pattern in the last decade has not changed much. The principal causes
of morbidity are the same in large part of our population. These are discussed briefly
a) Infective and parasitic diseases-These are responsible for 60% of admission in
General Hospitals, though some diseases like small-pox have been erdicated or
are under control. Polio or viral hepatitis occurred frequently in 1973 and there
were large scale outbreak of Japanese Encephalitis. Incidence of bacterial
diseases like cholera has declined but that of other water-borne diseases like
diarrohea and dysenterry has not decreased. The prevalence of Tuberculosis
continues to be high with an estimate.of 8-10 million cases. Our country has 113
of all the leprosy cases in the world. Tetanus and diptheria are much under
control in urban areas due to good immunisation, but parasitic infestation and
sexually transmitted diseases are still on the increase:
b) Malnutrition-Very large population in India is malnourished and anaemic.
Lack of vitamin 'A' leads to blindness; similarly lack of iodine in salt leads to
endemic goiter. It is noted that malnourishment in India is net due to poor
resourc;~ or technology, but is largely social and managerial in origin.

Non-communicable diseases-Like most of the heart diseases, cancer, blindness,

deafness are positively posing a threat in certain social groups. Occupational
diseases like silicosis, bagassosis are on the increase. Allergic disorders are
increasing day by day. Surveys show sickness load is 7 to 13% in rural


In these two units you have learnt that the only way to achieve good health is by
k e e ~ i n ethe aualitv of environment hiah. In fact. the conceDt of close association

octween disease and the environment is not new. The relationship of environment to Environment and Human Health-I1
health has been recognised since the ancient times. Now the philosophy of holistic
health is being revived. Such a view recognises the interrelationship of the physical,
psychological. emotional, social, spiritual and other environmental factors that
contribute to overall health and quality of a person's life. Disease is a complicated
interaction between man and environment. Not long ago, human beings were victims
influenza, etc. over which they had little
of epidemics of plague. s ~ a l p o xcholera.
control. AdGances in science'and technology during the 19th century have helped to
understand these diseases and find t h e ~ rcdntrol. It was found that the spread of
these diseases is linked with the environment.
.As we h a i e discussed above that because of deteriorating environment the present
and the future generations are in danger of being affected by new types of health
problems.rHence, appropriate measures need to be taken immediately. However, the
options we can exercise are rather limited and not clear-cut since they entail both
costs and benefits.

In recent years, there has been

much concern about the rllegcd
indifference impact On
environmental qunlitj in man)
H orld Bank developmental

I i a i i ~ ~read
g thc earlier chapters. xou must have rcaliscd the kind of dilemma laced

by many developing nations regarding the choice between development and quality
of environment. While every human being has a right to a life of good quality.
whether it'can be achieved without degrading the environment is the critical
question. For example, higher rate of power consumption that 'is taken as an index
of the quality of life, by some Western standards, call for more and more power
plants which will have an adverse effect on environmental quality, unless suitable
measures are taken. Another example that we can quote is Brazil. Until recently.
economic prosperity was being achieved on!y by destroying the unique Ama/.onian
forest endangering the global climate pattern. The imperatives of the moment are
sustainable development, which implies development keeping in view the
environmental concern arid constraints.
The demands of modern life. it appears, cannot be met without compromising the
quality of 'internal' environment. Let us take a n example. Many of the serious
ailments are due to the life style people'have. One kind of situation arises from
highly competitive culture, imitating our western counterparts, the so called rat race
that brings physical comfort no doubt, but also tensiohs, worries about work, career,
economic status, etc. You have learnt that tensions, worries and frustration can also
predispose people for stress-related illnesses. In the other group are people who may
not have stress due to the reasons mentioned above but because of lack of proper
nutrition. poverty and ignorance buffer from various types of physical as well as
psychological illness.
In conclusion, we want to emphasise that the situation is bad, but not h ~ p e l e s s .The
solutions, however, are not easy. In the last unit of this course we will discuss what
sort of measures can be taken for sustainable development so that our environment
does not deteriorate.



In this unit you have learnt that:


Respiratory problems such as chronic bronchitis, chronic cough, pulmonary

fibrosis, emphysema, aggravated.asthma and pneumoconiosis are linked with air
pollution. Inhalation of carcinogenic chemicals causes cancer.
Our respiratory system responds immediately to pollutants. Some of the responses
are: snee7ing irr~tationin throat, cough, increased mucous production, difficulty in
breathing, etc.
Long exposure to pollutants in working environment causes respiratory diseases in
workers in their later life. Workers in mining, textile, pottery and ceramic, sand
blasting, chemical and in many other such indusiries often suffer from respiratory
- problems and canser. While people working in offices may suffer from backache,
spondilytis, hypertension, high blood pressure, etc. constant exposure to high level
of noise causes various auditory defects and also stress.

By internal environment here n e

mean the physical and
psycholowcal state of the body

- Effects of ~h.n;ed

Stress due to physicalbor social environment triggers diseases such as asthma,

ulcers, diabetes, hypertension, depression, schizophrenia, etc. Behavioural
abnormalities like excessive drinking and smoking or drugs are also due to stress.

Environment w Man

*studies on low and high-level radiation exposure show that effects ,of high level
radiation are severe, In addition, low-level radiation is also harmful though its
effects appear years later.
Incidence of cancer is on the rise due to increased production of carcinogenic
chemicals and ionising radiations. Cancer is also linked with smoking. Inhalation
of 'secondhand' smoke by non-smokers is equally harmful and causes health
problems similar to those faced by smokers.
Indiscriminate intake of drugs, alcohol or smoking during pregnancy is extremely
harmful for the foetus.
The health statistics of India show that diseases caused by infective and parasitic
infestations are still rampant and the efforts for their eradication have not been
very successful. Now new killer diseases are also on the rise, due to the
deterioration of environment.
The future well-being of mankind depends on a strategy of development which
does not endanger environment.


1) Make a list of harmful chemicals ar.d other environmental agents that people
most comtnonly are exposed to.

2 ) Efforts to eradicate infective and parasitic infestations in India have not been
very successful. What do you think are the obstacles?

3) Survey your locality and make list of people whose living environment or
working conditions may lead to some serious health problems.

Self Assessment Questions
I ) a) a) ii. b) iv, C) i, d) v, e) iii.
b) respiratory diseases. allergies and heart problems.
2) a ) Pneumoconiosis
b) Byssinosis
c) Backache and spondilytis
ej Neurological paralytic
blood pressure, ind$estion hyperacidity
f) Insomnia. high blood pressure,
g) Cancer of. skin
. \

b) ij

d) High

temporary loss of hearing

'ii) concentration, efficiency, annoyance
iii) Accident. masking
iv) High level, ear disease, impaired hearing, discharging of ear, childhood.

Environment and Human ~ckth'--11

3) Some of the common stressors are:
J o b pressure, money problems, dislike for work, relationship with co-workers,
relationship with family members, career aspirations, physically uncomfortable

Some of the common stress reactions are:

Hypertension, headache, fatigue, wheezing, rapid heart rate, constipation, insomnia,
skin rashes, stomach cramps, dizziness, nervous tics and itches.
4) a )


Radiation affects cell division which is maximum in the developing

organism. Since infants and children are a t developing stage they are
more sensitive than adults.

ii) Radiation can cause changes in DNA molecule which may show up as
mutation that may be replicated. If this change occurs in the DNA of
the germ cells, it may be passed on to the next generation.
iii) X-rays cause relatively more damage to the tissue than UV radiation
because they have higher energy.
b) i) T.

ii) F,

iii) T ,

C) i) b.

ii) d ,

iii) a ,

5) a ) i) F

ii) T

iii) T

iv) F
iv) c


Increase in death rate of babies before or after the birth.



Respiratory diseases


bronchitis, emphysema, cancer of larynx.

ii) Heart diseases

iii) Ulcer of stomach a n d duodenum
d ) i)

Carcinogenic, radioactive, ii) addiction t o alcohol, fetal alcohol

syndrome, iii) teratogens, iv) tranquilisers, aspirin.

Terminal Questions
I ) Cigarette o r tobacco smoke, smoke from coal, household pesticides, kerosene,

X-rays, coal dust, silicon dust, automobile exhaust etc.

2) The obstacles are : poverty, poor nutrition, ignorance, illiteracy, insanitary

conditions, limited choices, lack of med.ical facilities. You are expected to
elaborate in the answer how one obstacle is linked with other.

Some of the people are : Traffic police a1 the crossing, drivers, personsroperating
flour mills, workers a t construction site, painters, Welders, dyers, telephone
operators, sedentary overweight people managing a smalI shop, etc.

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