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Issue 107

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The Drink Tank Issue 107

A Little Bit Psycho

Letter Graded Mail problem that the facts being argued
sent to garcia@computerhistory.org about were pure fabrications.
by my Gentle Readers The same thing can be said about
Ladies & Gentlemen...Eric Mayer! Bigfoot or Loch Ness or Mokele-
Chris, Mbembe. Bigfoot’s probably the
As I keep repeating to folks, worst of them. There’s a lot of
if I’m kind of brief/late/silent it’s discussion about the two most
because I’ve been pushing to get to famous videos: the Patterson
the end of the first draft of the new Film of 1967 and the Redwoods
book before I’m hit with the avalanche video of 1995. People will always
of legal writing which is even now point to things out the video, like
thundering down the slopes toward the fact that Patterson knew a
me. Great Ghu. If I could ever not have Hollywood effects guy, as a way
to do that for a living I’d be thrilled. to debunk. I know it’s hard to
Must be maddening. I thank Roscoe discredit something entirely within
that I’ve got a gig where I can do and the Tooth Fairy. The more you the discussion of the piece, but
my FANAC and no one ever notices. understand the more boring it all turns little things are often blown out of
I think my fannish productivity out to be. It’s nice to think there might proportion.
would drop if I didn’t work be amazing things going on that aren’t I don’t particularly want to know
anymore! so mundane after all. if all the “facts” about Roswell are true.
I did find your Roswell article I love UFOs, I’m still no convinced Let’s have some mystery in the world.
fascinating. I’ve read about it over the that they’re not out there. One major premise, to me, is a given.
years, but the details become hazy. It The trouble is, most of the The US government does indeed lie!
must have been over thirty years ago Roswell type stories turn out to be That one goes without saying!
when there was a big UFO craze and based on false information. I once I’ve never talked with any of
I collected books featuring pictures of saw a compelling, if distressing, the first person types who were
hazy disks -- flying saucers, or pie tins show debunking the tales about the around at the time, but I’ve talked
or hubcaps. Bermuda Triangle. It turned out that with researchers who have and
I thought Jeff’s article was great. most of the “facts” which, if you added I’m convinced that something
I’ve been to Roswell, but not for them all up formed a remarkable happened, even if it was just a test
years. I’m the proud owner of a picture of weird occurrences were flight gone bad.
Roswell Film Festival T-Shirt, simply false to begin with. So people Sorry about TAFF if I didn’t
though. would argue that the Bermuda Triangle already say so. Lot of politics involved
I love to imagine it might all be believers were drawing the wrong there always seems to me. I sure hope
true. As you get older a lof of the magic conclusions from the facts while the you get the trip next time.
goes out of the world. Things that believers argued convincingly that they I’ll give it my best shot in 2007!
make life interesting, like Santa Claus weren’t. But no one had addressed the Eric
FRANK FRAZETTA BIOGRAPHY Elementary School, Frazetta created
By Jeff Redmond comic books with the main character
a snowman and an array of assorted
Make no mistake about it: I am characters.
most definitely a Frank Frazetta fan, Frazetta began drawing his own
and forever will be. comic books around the age of six.
For a while in the late ‘80s, I Intricate, labor_intensive colored pencil
lived from one Conan the Barbarian stories featuring his original characters
paperback to another. And it just like “Snowman” and “The Red Devil
wasn’t because of the Robert E. & Goldy” still exist and exhibit a level
Howard stories, but especially for
of style and sophistication that is
the cover art by Frank Frazetta. Any
amazing. One of his sisters would often
book with a Frazetta cover was a
take Frank’s home_drawn comics,
book sold as far as I was concerned.
But as much as I loved Frazetta, I and trade them to other kids for
knew little about him. This was on their store_bought issues of Famous
purpose, though. I often try to keep Funnies.
an ignorance going with my heroes Frazetta’s artistic ability wasn’t
because knowing too much can end a secret to his elementary school
his praises as an original who had an
your admiration for someone. teachers. “Christmas, Easter, and
effect on their work.
But now that a new DVD about Thanksgiving were my big days, “
The oldest of four children and
him has come out, I just couldn’t he remembers “I guess I drew more
resist. I just had to know something the only boy in the family, Frank
Santa’s, bunnies, and turkeys on
about this man who had given me so Frazzetta (he would later drop one
blackboards than anyone could count.
much pleasure. “Frazetta: Painting of the “z”s) was born on the 9th day
At the insistence of one of my teachers,
With Fire,” a two-disc package, is a fine of February, 1928 in Brooklyn, New
my parents enrolled me in the
introduction to the artist and, since I York. He discovered the wonders of
Brooklyn Academy of Fine Arts when I
knew very little about the man, the film drawing before he was three, when
was eight.
filled in for me nicely. he sold his first crayon drawing to
The Academy was little more
We learn about the life of this Grandma _ for the tidy sum of one
than a one floor/three room affair
artist, and hear from an impressive penny. It was through her interest and
with a total of thirty students ranging
list of interviewees, who tell us what encouragement, that he continued his
in age from eight–me!–to eighty. I
an incredible influence he was in the drawings through those early years.
still remember the Professor Michael
world of illustration. Artists such as When he hit kindergarten, his
Falanga’s look of skepticism as I signed
Bernie Wrightson, Bill Stout, Neal teachers were astounded that there
in. He was rolling his eyes and you
Adams, Dave Stevens, Michael Kaluta, was a child only 5 1/2 drawing better
Al Williamson and John Buseema sing could almost see the thought balloon
then ten_year_olds. Throughout
over his head, ‘Oh no! Not another my own style.”
child prodigy!’ He sat me down with When Frank started working
a pencil and paper and asked me to for Magazine Enterprises and
copy a postcard featuring a group of National (now known as DC Comics)
realistically rendered ducks. When he graduated to the adventure titles
he returned later to see how far I and drew stories for Durango Kid,
had progressed, he snatched up my Manhunt, Adventure Comics, and
drawing exclaiming, ‘Mama mia!’ and Blackhawk. His covers for Ghost Rider
ran off waving it in the air, calling received tremendous recognition and in
everyone over to look at it. I thought I 1951 M.E. gave Frank the go_ahead to
was in some kind of trouble.” create his own comic, Thun’da .
Falanga, a fine artist of some “I came up with this Tarzan_like
renown in his native Italy, was character who gets trapped in a lost
impressed with Frazetta’s natural world,” he explains. “They brought
ability and believed he had tremendous in Gardner Fox to write the script
potential. based on my idea and the first story
“He died when I was twelve,” in the book followed my plans pretty
Frank explains, “right about the time closely. Then the editor, Ray Krank,
he was making arrangements to send had Fox take everybody out of the
me off to Italy at his own expense to prehistoric setting, by the end of the
study fine art. I haven’t the vaguest third story in the book, and ruined the
idea of whether it would have really entire concept: they turned it into just
affected my areas of interest. I don’t another cardboard jungle comic.”
know, but I doubt it. You see, we never become a very famous fine artiste!’ And Thun’da #1, published in 1952,
had any great conversations. He might that didn’t thrill me! After he died the was the only complete comic book
look over your shoulder and say, ‘Very students tried to keep the school going; Frazetta ever drew.
nice, but perhaps if you did this or we had become such close friends that He quit working for M.E. after
that...’ He spoke very broken English we couldn’t bear to close up shop so they sold the rights to the character to
and he kind of left you on your own.” we all chipped in and paid the rent and Columbia Pictures for a serial starring
“I think I learned more from my continued to hold classes. I did nude Buster Crabbe. Since he had created
friends there, especially Albert Pucci. life drawings and still lifes; we’d paint Thun’da under the comic industry’s
Falanga would look at some of the outdoors. It was all totally different standard work_for_hire agreement,
comics stuff I was doing and say, ‘What that the way I work now, but it taught Frank never received additional
a waste, what a waste! You should be me a lot about brush technique and payment for the characters and art he
in Italy and paint the street scene and perspective and helped me to develop had created. Bob Powell took over as
artist on the comic with the second George Lucas, who has stated romances. In 1952 petite seventeen_
issue and stayed with it until the title (quite accurately) that they were the year_old Eleanor Kelly caught his eye
was canceled with #6. The first issue inspiration for his Star Wars stories. and his days of jumping from one
has become a classic. The first was At the same time, Frank was far relationship to the next came to an
considered by many to have been the from a workaholic. He enjoyed life too end.
best year for Frank as far as comic much to just be chained to a drawing “I sensed that she would be
work was concerned. board, and he made a point of playing forever loyal and I never ever had that
Frazetta ghosted a few weeks of baseball everyday. He enjoyed hanging feeling about any other girl I’d been
Flash Gordon for Dan Barry and tried out with artist friends like Nick Meglin, involved with, “ Frazetta reveals. “Sure,
unsuccessfully to sell the syndicates Angelo Torres, and Roy Krenkel, posing she had most of the physical attributes
several other ideas for newspaper for reference photos, and going to the I looked for in a women, she was
strips: Ambi Dexter featured a baseball movies. Handsome, muscular, and beautiful and athletic. But beyond that
pitcher adept with either his right charismatic, Frazetta was popular with she was very sharp and alert and pert
or left hand, Sweet Adeline was the women and he had a string of intense and she knew a lot of things I didn’t
humorous story of a young working know.”
woman, Nina was a female version of When Frank left Al Capp’s studio
Thun’da and Tiga (originally conceived in early 1961 he though it would be
in 1950 with a script by Joe Greene) no problem to land another steady
was a post_apocalyptic adventure tale. job. And so, with portfolio in hand, he
During the early 1950’s, War went searching. But it seemed his work
was raging in Korea and the prospect had become poison to any publisher
of being drafted was a daily worry. Yet he showed it to. His best stuff was
this time was an invigorating, fun_filled rejected as being too “old style”. He
period in Frazetta’s life. He worked honestly believed he’d been blacklisted
as much or as little as he pleased, by Capp because of his leaving the
producing a memorable stack of art studio on such a down note.
for E.C. (publishers of world_class This “down time” in Frazetta’s
scary and violent comics), Toby Press, career is best shown in the drawing of
and Prize Publications. His Buck his “Self Portrait” (1962). It captures
Rogers covers for Famous Funnies well the look of the troubled artist
are considered some of the finest at the time. The story goes that he
comics work ever published and many painted it after another exhaustive
prominent film makers have cited day of trying to find work. He wasn’t
them as a visual influence on their completely out of work though. There
movies. These covers overwhelmed were companies that found his talent
quite useful. For instance one of those about the contents.
companies, Midwood, hired Frazetta to Because Frazetta’s covers did
illustrate a few of their spicy novels. sell so many books, he became more
Finally, the slow trend ended selective about the material offered
in 1963 when Frank’s best friend to him. He retained ownership of all
Roy Krekel introduced him to original art and permitted only first
paperback covers (for which many printing rights. This in itself started
of us are familiar ). He started with a whole new trend in the paperback
Ace Paperbacks doing a series for industry. To this day Frazetta’s
Edgar Rice Burrough’s novels. This work is considered fine art. Fine Art
was the first published appearance is something that is total: “It has a
of his painted work. It was also his beginning, a middle, and an end.” To
first official work on one of his favorite prove his point, Frank will talk about
characters “Tarzan of the Apes” a design while pulling pictures from the
dream of Frazetta’s since childhood. wall and turning them upside_down,
The public response was drawing the eye toward the center of
overwhelming. Other paperback firms interest, being pleased that it words
started noticing. A back cover for Mad Frazetta’s popularity. Between 1963 from any angle.
Magazine, a characture The Beatle’s _ 1965 Frazetta produced twenty_ In 1970 Doubleday’s Science
drummer Ringo Star, was noticed five covers and twenty_two interior Fiction Book Club embarked on an
by United Artists Film Studios. They illustrations for Ace. aggressive program of reprinting
had Frazetta do the poster for What’s Then Frank began an inspired Edgar Rice Burroughs’ interplanetary
New Pussycat? For it, Frank received series of paintings for Jim Warren’s adventures. Naturally, Frazetta’s
$4,000.00, a whole year’s pay (back Publishing Company, which provided phenomenally popular covers for Ace
then) earned in one afternoon! It finally total freedom for Frank the artist and Lancer made him the only logical
started to pay off. to utilize his talents to the fullest. choice to illustrate the series. His
An interesting story lays behind Just about that same time, Lancer paintings for A Princess of Mars, the
his cover for “ The Mad King”. He so Paperbacks were picking up on Robert first in the series, was so perfectly
enjoyed his work for the 1964 edition, E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian “Frazetta”.
that when it came time to hand over series. They engaged Frank to do Although Frank and Ellie
the art for a reprinted 1970 edition he the covers. When these hit the book were quite comfortable in their New
reproduced the entire painting and stands, they became one of the York area Long Island home, and
handed that over instead. Even though greatest selling series in history, with were keeping busy raising their
the copy was of lesser quality, it was upwards of 10 million copies. Many four children, they moved back to
readily accepted simply because of people bought the books just for the Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn to be
cover art, and couldn’t have cared less
closer to family. While there, Ellie even since the turn of the century!
had saved some money and taken a The asking price was one which dad
gamble by starting a small business could afford. The only thing holding
called Frazetta Prints. It consisted of my father back from closing was that
just 5 posters of some of Franks early someone had already put in a bid!
work. She worked diligently with a few Just $500 less than the asking price.
distributors to get Frank’s artwork The offer was refused and to my dad’s
into the public eye. Now some 28 years disbelief the potential buyer had
later it has blossomed into an empire walked away from the deal! Before you
of over 150 different prints, books, could put a period on the end of the
lithographs, and literally anything that previous sentence, my father said, ‘I’ll
pertains to Frank’s art. take it.’”
After living in Sheepshead Bay “Oh Boy! All I could think of
for only 1 1/2 years, Frank stilled was how much my mom loved my
longed for open space and privacy. dad, to move into this place. There
With his son starting high school, and was a lot of work to be done in order
the big city school violence getting out to turn this run down house into a
of control, Frank decided to set out and home. Mom and dad were determined
prospect,” his son would later explain. to make this place a home for their 4
fulfill his longtime dream. They started
“Then, low and behold a Realtor children. And with the aid of a mop, a
out in search for that old farm house
in Stroudsburg, PA said, ‘You know, Kubota tractor, and lots of hard work,
and lots of land. His one son would
there is this old place just out of town this old house was transformed into
later explain about this period in his
that has 67 acres and a pond. But the now beautiful estate where 3 of
father’s life.
the house is extremely run down and the 4 children, and 9 grandchildren
“I recall driving with my dad
practically worthless.’ My dad said, reside. In just 6 months the place
for days in western New Jersey and
‘Let’s take a look.’ My father always was beautiful, the fields were cut, the
Pennsylvania his dream place _ to no
told me, you can always fix or replace house was painted, the children were
avail. The prices had sky rocketed in
a home, but there is no substitution hitting golf balls, fishing and playing
the past 10 years, and anything my
for land and privacy. Dad always had hide & seek on the property. That very
dad liked was already well out of his
great foresight, especially when he same year a developer had offered
price range. All the quaint old farms
first laid his eyes on the house. He my dad four times more then the
and parcels of land had been bought
immediately fell in love with it.” purchased price. With no disrespect to
up and developed upon. Dad turned
“Sure, the house was run down, the gentleman my father said politely,
to me and said, ‘I can’t believe I waited
the rolling fields were over grown with ‘No thank you, this is our home now.’”
so long, there is nothing left.’ We drove
brush and trees, the entire place was Some 29 years later the now beautiful
hundreds of miles with not even one
seemingly never maintained. Maybe
estate will welcome the addition of the museum opened with much fanfare. A
new Frazetta Art Museum. lavish opening day party was thrown
The decade of the 80’s began and it was attended by many local
auspiciously with an invitation by politicians, Ian and Betty Ballantine,
Ralph Bakshi to come to Hollywood Frank’s longtime friends, Dave
and co_produce a new animated film Winiewicz, and Nick Meglin, Frank’s
based on Frazetta concepts. Bakshi mother, father, aunt, uncle, and scores
was a longtime fan and admirer of of fans. Frank repainted a new version
Frank and always thought his art of the standing “Masai Warrior “ oil
should be seen on the big screen. for the museum. It dominated one
Frazetta accepted Bakshi’s offer and wall. The museum became a kind of
moved to Hollywood. They hired a mecca for the many fans who would
team of animators to draw and paint; travel long distances to see the many
with live performers so that select marvelous masterpieces on display.
scenes could be rotoscoped. Frazetta “It was all Ellie’s Idea,” Frank
wanted the film to feature realistic and explains. “We were always getting calls
believable action. Many action scenes from the fans asking if they could come
were Frank himself doing the falling, see the originals. The best we had
kicking and rolling over because some to his estate in Pennsylvania and done through the years was to have
of the stunt men said it couldn’t be purchased a 10,000 sq. ft. building some exhibits at various conventions,
done. Well, Frank proved some of in downtown East Stroudsburg. but that got to be a risky hassle. We
Hollywood’s top stuntmen wrong. Initially Frank’s two sons started did the museum for all the people
Frank sculpted several clay there own business at this location, who have had fun with my art over
models of the key characters for use by with Ellie devoting herself to open the years. It wasn’t for profit ___ if I
the staff. Frazetta also painted a large the new Frazetta Art Museum. This wanted to make money I would’ve sold
oil for the movie poster and a number was a longtime dream of his wife, the originals. My joy is in showing the
of stunning pencil illustrations that Ellie, and she threw herself into the work.”
were used in the opening sequence of project until it was completed. The A fire on the lower floors of the
the film. Frazetta worked furiously on museum tastefully displayed his most building in 1995 closed the museum;
this project night and day. But because famous works. Accented with African fortunately none of the artwork was
of poor marketing and distribution art and wildlife bronzes, it was an damaged. Announced plans to relocate
irregularities, it was not the success he unprecedented showcase for any living the gallery to Boca Grande, Florida
had hoped for. artist, much less for one categorized were changed at the last moment and
Undaunted by this merely as an “illustrator”. Ellie reopened the museum in East
disappointment Frazetta returned In April of 1985 the new Stroudsburg in 1999.
But along with financial comfort of Frazetta reached a fever pitch in
and critical acclaim, the 1980’s the middle 90’s. A number of people
also brought health problems to the arose with new projects and ideas.
vigorous artist. Randy Bowen convinced Frank to help
“The first symptoms appeared him co_create a bronze sculpture of
about 1986 ,” Frank relates. “ I had Frazetta’s signature oil, The Death
three jobs going on at the same time Dealer. Glenn Danzig, a longtime
and I was burning the midnight oil. Frazetta fan, collector, and emerging
Coincidentally I had bought some rock star, decided to begin his own
really inexpensive turpentine, real publishing company, Verotik. He
junk. The fumes were so terrible commissioned Frank to produce a book
that it probably screwed my thyroid of pencil drawings based on monsters
up. Nobody’s quite sure what makes and demons. This extraordinary
a thyroid malfunction or quit or go volume was intitled, Illustrations
hyperactive, but they certainly know Arcanum, and it immediately became a
and it was used on the cover of Heavy
it can be affected by chemicals. I was wild hit.
Metal magazine. This was followed
working for about two weeks with The quality of the art and the
by the publication of Small Wonders
this turpentine that just permeated beautiful production values blended
in 1991, a book by Kitchen Sink
my studio: my wife and kids wouldn’t to energize Frazetta’s name in the art
Press devoted to reprinting many of
even come into the room it was so bad. world. Danzig followed this success
Frazetta’s funny_animal drawings from
But good ol’ Frank just kept plugging with a series of Death Dealer comics,
the 1940’s. This was closely followed
away. I’m tough, this won’t affect me. other assorted fantasy_supernatural
by the publication of Kitchen Sink’s
Around the time I was finishing the theme productions, a series of
Pillow Book, a collection of Frazetta’s
jobs I suddenly got this eerie, insidious sculptures based on Frank’s Fire
watercolors from many stages of his
taste in my mouth. It was almost as if and Ice models, and a new character
career. Most of these watercolors were
Death had entered.” entitled, Jaguar God, for which
personal productions designed to be
His recovery sparked a creative Frazetta painted several amazing
given as presents on certain holidays.
renewal and in the early 1990’s Frank oils. Danzig’s company presented the
Ellie would often encourage Frank to
reemerged in to the market. He allowed Frazetta name to the newest generation
paint her a watercolor for Christmas,
a few of his originals to be sold at and they responded.
Mother’s Day, etc. Or he would simply
auction at Sotheby’s and Christie’s, The Frazetta Pillow Book
do them just to amuse himself. The
where they went for high five_figure provided a surprising glimpse of a
book has a small selection. There are
sums. more whimsical, if no less erotic, side
another hundred images that have
Frazetta finished a lovely oil to the artist. Filled with a charming
never been seen before.
entitled “The Princess and the Panther” selection of beautiful nude gnomes,
Renewed interest in the work
fairies, and nymphs, the book Yesterday’s DvDs: THe Psychotronic Film Festival ing parking station was a block and a
showcased Frazetta’s proficient skill To really understand the place of half away, I figured I had time to run
with watercolor. 16mm films, you have to understand inside and buy my ticket and get my
“Nearly all the paintings were that it was the good stuff in the 1960s spot: front row, on the right hand aisle.
done as gifts to me or for family,” Ellie and 70s. There was 8mm and Super8, I got to my seat and chatted
Frazetta explains. “They show the but these were hardly enough for most with the folks sitting next to me, a trio
playful, fun_loving side of Frank I have cinemaphiles. 35 was overly expen- of fellas which was seemingly led by
sive and required very difficult to use a big guy with a mustache and chin
known all my adult life.”
projectors. 16mm was the one pre- puff who was wearing a fez and a
And, indeed, Frank Frazetta
ferred by high school A/V Clubs, and pirate kerchief. After a few minutes, I
certainly has that..... and so much
that’s where a lot of kids got their first braved the weather and ran out to that
more. Next time you’re browsing far parking lot, paid my quarters for
taste of running projectors, so that’s
through your favorite bookstore, parking and returned.
what got bought for home use in the
take a look at so many of the fantasy Psychotronic takes place in a
Pre-VCR days. There were thousands
works’ covers. More than a few will be of 16mm films produced for folks to classroom, an appropriate setting
Frazetta Works. And all of them will be watch at home and even more made for 16mm films. There was already
the absolute best! for use in schools and at churchs and a decent turn-out by the time I got
even in video jukeboxes. These films there. I almost immediately started to
are slowly starting to disappear, so run into friends. There was Uncle Al,
someone had to start a programme to the Software Curator at the Museum,
showcase these marvelous films. and there was Dave Clark. KTEH Ken
And that’s the Psychotronic Film and Trivia Jerry were there too! Some
Festival. regulars couldn’t make it, like Bill
It was a dark and stormy night. Maxey, the shorts guy at Cinequest,
Psychotronics takes place at Foothill whose girlfriend just had his baby,
College, nestled into the foothills of Los and my man Jordan Rosa. Jerry noted
Altos Hills, meaning it sits among trees that this was the greatest gathering of
and scrub (and a strand of bamboo) nerds anywhere. I pointed out a thing
that makes a dark night into a horror called WorldCon.
film-grade dark night. It was pour- Robert Emmett runs the thing.
ing rain as I drove up and the road He’s the host of the Norman Bates
was barely visible in front of my car. I Memorial Soundtrack Show on KFJC.
pulled into the driveway and went to He’s a nice guy, great film fan, and a
pay the 8 quarters for parking. I had, lover of Fez culture. Can’t go wrong
of course, forgotten an umbrella, so with that. He introduced the show and
when I discovered that the machine mentioned that since there was only
Thanks to http://frankfrazetta.org/ the one working parking machine,
was broken and that the nearest work-
for all the help with the art!
don’t worry about paying if you didn’t wrapped around him seems to bring
manage. I felt a little wetter just from up. There was also a Castle Film.
hearing that. The show started and as These were old newsreel footages that
always it opened with no sound. This is were reedited in the 1950s and re-
a tradition that will never stop. released. This was about early Extreme
The first thing played was a Snow Sports and included Bobsled
Video Jukebox song called Pretty Girls. crashes and people getting dragged on
Lot’s of hot, late 1960s chicks dancing. skis by horses, motorcycles and even
Can’t go wrong with that. That was a plane. The Ski Jump section was
followed by a Sue Rainey song where the best. Last time they showed old
a vaguely ethnic guy has Sue singing wrestling matches, but this was good
to him. There’s a wonderful moment too.
where Sue is singing, and starts to kiss Plus, there’s lots of old TV.
him but the song continues. That was There was a thing from Our Show of
humour. Shows and there was Frank and Nancy
After the first round of music Sinatra. There was the famous Golden
videos, we were treated to Marcel Globe presentation to Cantinflas by
Marceau. Now, I believe that talkies Jayne Mansfield and Mickey Rooney.
were invented to free us from the Let me say this now: Jayne Masfield
tyranny of Mimes, and this was at One of Psychotronic’s main joys made Marilyn Monroe look like a
times very creepy. There was this is the combination of types of shorts. Bigfoot covered in dog vomit. Just
French dude making out with himself, There’s the cartoons and the live action sayin’ is all. There was also Space
rocking a baby in a way that’d make shorts, and there are commercials Angel, where they used the cartoon
a British Au Pair think he was out of (like the ones for Shredded Wheat and with real mouths thing that Conan
control, and even playing a cop and a Commie-themed one for Tide XK) O’Brien loves so much.
a kid. Now, to be fair, he did morph and there are trailers (a great double There were a couple of UK fan
between characters well, but this stuff feature: Diary of a High School Bride films from the early 1980s. There was
has a hard time playing anymore. That and The Ghost of Dragstrip Hollow) a Dr. Who Music Video and a thing
was followed by Daffy Duck in Mexican and little things like Boris Karloff and for Fandersonvention 81. Neat little
Joyride, where he locked horns with Bela Legosi playing chess. There was a things.
a Fighting Bull. And what’s the only little featurette on WC Fields, including The highlights of the first section
thing that could possibly follow a Mime showing the time in 1933 when they were three obviously brilliant pieces
and a Bull with a Tommy gun? That’s were filming and there was an actual because they were brought up later in
right, Lawrence Welk! Welk’s Let It earthquake (March 11th, 1933 to be the show. First, there was Pirro, the
Snow was a lovely romp, featuring the exact) and a piece of a short about puppet. This was a Marionette thing
most unattractive dancers cutting a a denist that was cut, possibly for about teaching what a Thermometer
rug. the strong sexual theme that having does. It’s full of stuff that is obviously
a dentist with the legs of his patient
sexual commentary, though in 1963, it OK, That’s yet another issue of
might have passed. It was really funny The Drink Tank. I’m hoping to get
to see Pirro, the obviously retarded number 108, 109 and 110 out by
puppet, try and figure out what 212 the end of the year, but it may not
degrees meant. happen. I mean, the Holidays are
The second one was Act Along rough on all of us.
with Boris Karloff. This was a Coffee Any of my LA readers may
ad that had our lines on the bottom of want to know that I’ll be down
the screen. With an audience that is there on teh 28th and 29th. I’ll be
as participatory as the Psychotronic at the LASFS meeting on Thursday
audience, this worked beautifully. It and then hangin’ on Friday. I’m
also became a running bit during the hoping to hit Griffith Observatory
feature. and the Tar Pits, but I’m flexible.
The biggest thing was a bicycle On the 30th, I’ll be in Santa
safety film called One Got Fat. Cruz seeing the Frontier Wives, a
Basically, this was a head trip of a film 1980s and early 90s San Jose band
about 10 friends. We see them as all featuring Lex who was the runner-
having monkey faces and one by one, up on Survivor. They’re a good band
for ignoring the rules of bicycling, they and figure prominently in my Cac-
get picked off. Three or four get hit tus Club Documentary.
by cars, a couple fall down an open Other than that, and a date or
manhole. One succumbs to fallen two (keep reading for more details)
arches and another is, I kid you not, my life will be boring until at least
run over by a steamroller. The saddest CorFlu.
fatality has to be of the popular Floog, and the Chocolate Factory and One SF/SF will have a very impor-
the leader and star athlete. Poor guy. Got Fat, the film was a laugh riot, even tant announcement coming soon.
It’s an unintentionally hilarious film. funnier than the idiotic costumes that Let me just say this: if you’re lo-
After the intermission where they the evil slime wore. It was a blast. cal or can make it up here, try and
raffled off prizes, We got our feature: We were done around 12:30 and keep the middle of September open.
The Green Slime. When Bob Emmett I headed home while it was darker and You’ll hear a lot more about this in
introduced the film, he was wearing stormier than ever before. I’m lucky to the coming weeks and months
dark sunglasses, which made me yell have made it home. I’m planning on And that’s that. I wanna
out “Play Pretty Woman!” That got a going to the next edition in March and thank Jeff Redmond for all of his
good laugh. The Green Slime was a there’s a thingee called Thrillville up in great satuff (you’ll be hearing more
fun little early 1960s film with a great Oakland that I might attend as I hear from him) and to Frank Frazetta
theme song. We MST3Ked the hell out there’s burlesque there. Nothing better and Miss Mayhem for the art.
of the film. From references to Charlie than that! Kisses!

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