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International Economics

Prof. S. K. Mathur
Department of Humanities and Social Science
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
Lecture No. # 01
Good afternoon. In todays lecture, we will talk about how expenditures effect the
national income, and the current account balance of the countries. So, I will write down
the equations which will tell us, how expenditures of a country are related to the national
income of a country, and how expenditures affect the current account balance of the
country. And then we will introduce interdependence in the model, and then at the end
we will try to figure out, whether a deficit or a surplus which is generated by the changes
in expenditures or they sustained or or they negated in the interdependent model.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:22)

So, the equations are the following.

(No audio from 01:26 to 03:05)
These 2 equations, tell us about the impact of the expenditures on the changes in the
income, and on the current account balance. So, if you see the first equation; if there are
if theres a change in the expenditures, be it the autonomous private expenditures or
policy induced expenditures or the autonomous changes in net exports, it tends to have
an impact on the incomes; this one upon s plus m is the open economy multiplier,

wherein s is the marginal propensity to save, and m is the marginal propensity to import
of the country.
The second equation tells us, that if theres change in the autonomous private
expenditures or policy induced expenditures, it tends to deteriorate your current account
balance; reason being that, if you increase the autonomous private expenditures and
policy induced expenditures, they tend to have an impact on the incomes. As the incomes
rises, the imports go up; so theres a deterioration in the current account balance; but if
there is a switch in expenditures, in favor of, say the domestic goods from foreign to
domestic goods, dN a goes up and it leads to an improvement in the in the current
account balance. So, if theres an increase in dN a, it will have an impact on the incomes,
but it will also improve the current account balance.
Now, you can see from here that, if theres an improvement in the current account
balance, it has an impact on the incomes. And we are also saying that, it improves the
current account balance. So, whatever is the impact on the incomes, and through
incomes, there is a change in the imports; it is still not able to wipe out the surplus which
is created by the shift of expenditures from from foreign to domestic goods. So, this is
the point that needs to be understood. And what we need to probe further is that, if we
bring in interdependence in the model, and if there is a switch in expenditure from
foreign to domestic goods, will it still lead to an increase in the current account balance?
Or, will there be, still be balance of payment circlers?
So, think of this in a manner that, say for example, we introduce another country; we
introduce another country, which is say Japan and this is U.S or your country is India.
And you introduce the the Indias major trading partner now as, China; now think of,
what happens if there is a change in the autonomous private expenditures in India? What
we will see is that, it not only improves the incomes here, but it also improves the
incomes in the other countries. But on the other hand, it deteriorates our current account
balance. Because the as the incomes goes up, the imports go up. But an as a result, this
current account balance is comes to be negative.
Now, when you have Interdependent model, when you increase expenditures, it increases
incomes in their country; when it increase incomes in their countries, their imports go up;
when their imports go up, our exports go up; and yet we will see at the end, that it is not

able to wipe out the deficit which is created in the current account. So, today we are
going to focus on the Interdependent model. And finally, we will see whether the
changes in expenditures or the switches are able to wipe out the deficit or surplus
And the answer to it is that, it even if you bring in interdependence, it will not be able to
wipe out the surplus or deficit which is created, by the shocks which are given in the in
the model; shocks which are given in the economy. So, if you have to bring in the
Interdependent model, you need to have some changes in this term dN a; dN a earlier
was dX a minus dM a plus m star dy star, where you had assumed that the incomes of the
foreign country are constant; and m star is the marginal propensity to import. Now, in
this interdependent economy, the change is that, you define dN 1 a to be dX 1 a minus
dM 1 a; and dN 2 a to be dX 2 a minus dM 2 a; and dN 2 a is minus dN 1 a.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:32)

So, the equations would become dy 1 1 upon s 1 plus m 1 dA 1 a plus dA 1 g plus dN 1

a. And you would have m 2 dy 2 divided by s 1 plus m 1; now, see the how this term as
emerged? Because now, dN 1 a is dX 1 a minus d 1 dN 1 a and this is m 2 dy 2. So, if
you take it out of the bracket, here out of the parenthesis, you will get m 2 dy 2 divided
by s 1 plus m 1; similarly, you can define dy 2 to be equal to 1 upon s 2 plus m 2 dA 2 a
plus dA 2 g minus dN 1 a plus m 1 dy 1 divided by s 2 plus m 2. Please recall that, your

dA 2 a or dA a is dI a minus ds a and dA g, which reflects the fiscal and the monitory

policy of the government is dD minus s r minus I r dr.
So, the change is, now this change in the autonomous export term; autonomous change is
in the net exports; now, it is a little curtailed one; it is dX 1 a minus d 1 dN 1 a and dN 2
a is dX 2 a minus dM 2 a which is minus dN 1 a. So, now, you have these 2 countries;
we are studying the interdependence models; you have 2 equations in 2 unknowns; these
have to bed to get the values of dy 1 and dy 2. So, I will spend some time on the board,
and then solve these simultaneous equations.
And see what finally comes out? What impacts the changes in the in the incomes? And
youll find that, it is not only your expenditures; that is your countrys expenditures. But
their countrys expenditures also having an impact on your incomes, and then once we
have these figures, we will also get a figure for or current account balance. So, I will
spend some time doings little bit of algebra.
(No audio from 13:01 to 13:26)
(Refer Slide Time: 13:03)

So, what I am going to do is to replace the value of dy 2 here with this big big figure.
(No audio from 13:35 to 18:02)

So, what we get is, that the incomes in your home country changes, because of the
changes in the expenditures; be it the private expenditures or the policy induced
expenditures; they change because of the policy induced expenditures, and the private
expenditures in your neighboring country; in your trading country; in the in the in the
country which is engaging with you. And if there is a switch in expenditures from
domestic to foreign or foreign to domestic; say in case of foreign to domestic. And dN 1
a improves; it will tend to increase your your incomes. Similarly, if you solve for dy 2,
you can always get a value; you can always get the the the incomes of the second
(No audio from 19:18 to 20:05)
(Refer Slide Time: 19:20)

Now, look at the changes which can happen in the incomes of your trading partner; the
expenditures which are done there, it tends to have an impact on the incomes through the
Keynesian multiplier; but your expenditures, your countrys expenditures also tend to
promote incomes in the other countries. And any improvement in the net exports, say for
example, if there is a switch in expenditure from foreign to domestic goods which
improves your net exports, it tends to deteriorate the net exports there; it tends to have a
negative impact on the incomes. But what you should be able to understand from from
these two things is that, if dN 1 a increases, it tends to increase the incomes in your

And it leads to a decline in incomes in the other country; when there is a decline in
incomes in the other country, it leads to a decline in imports; and when there is a decline
in imports, it leads to a decline in exports. And yet it is not able to wipe out the current
account surplus that is created right at the beginning. To further explain the last point
that I just mentioned, I need to get a figure for the change in net exports which is dX
So, dN 1, the change in current account balance dN 1 is equal to dN 1 a plus m 2 dy 2
minus m 1 dy 1; now, you already got the values of y 1, dy 1 and dy 2; you need to
substitute here in this equation to get the value of the current account balance. So, let us
do it. So, in the board, I will just keep the values of dy 1 and dy 2, and then for the
changes in the current account balance.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:41)

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So, dN 1 is equal to dN 1 a plus m 2; instead of dy 2 I would put that to be So, dN 1 is
dN 1 a plus m 2 dy 2; instead of dy 2, I have replaced value of dy 2 here. And then minus
m 1 dy 1 which is Now collect the common terms, and then see what we get? You
need to focus on this equation, which is the changes in current account balance in the
first country, in the home country as a function of the autonomous change in net exports;
changes in expenditures in the other country; the changes in expenditures in your home
country. So, you see this equation where the changes in the home countries current
account balance is a is directly related to the expenditures in your country, that is the

home country; and negatively related to positively related to the expenditures in the
foreign country.
(No audio from 25:24 to 28:00)
So, what it shows is that, even in the Interdependent model, if you raise your
expenditures, it will deteriorate the current account balance; this is happing despite the
interdependence in the model. Please recall the 2 equations which were 1 upon s plus n
dA 1 a plus dA 1 g plus dN 1 a and dN to be equal to s upon s plus m dN a minus
Even in this model, where you didnt have interdependence, expenditures in your home
country, lead to deterioration in the current account balance; meaning that, if you raise
expenditures, your incomes go up; when your incomes goes up, your imports go up;
when your imports go up, there is a deterioration in the current account balance. This is,
when there is no interdependence; it does not have any impact on the incomes of the
trading partners.
Now, bring in the interdependence; if your expenditure goes up, their incomes also go
up; when their incomes go up, their imports go up; when their imports go up, they our
exports go up. And yet it is not able to wipe out the the negativity in the current account
balance. Do you see this? That if this improves, if there is an increase in expenditure, let
me repeat it, it leads to a deterioration in the current account balance. Because the
channel is, when you increase expenditures, your incomes go up by the value of the
multiplier; your imports go up; so, your current account deteriorates.
Now, bringing the Interdependent model; when you increase expenditures, their incomes
also go up. Because dy 2 is not only a function your expenditures, but their expenditures
also. So, when this goes up, their incomes go up; their imports go up; our exports go up.
So, there is marginal improvement in the current account balance. And therefore the net
result is that, there is still, there is still - underline, current account deficit in your balance
of payments. So, even when you bring in interdependence, it is not able to wipe out the
current account deficit which is created by giving a shock to the system; that is
increasing the expenditures in the economy
So, in todays lecture, we see that, even if you have Interdependent model, it is not able
to adjust, fully to the shocks which are given, initially in the model. So, that is where we

will end today. In the next lecture, we will talk about how to remove deficit and surplus
in the balance of payments. Thank you.

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