Ketindeg 10 (Final Issue)
Ketindeg 10 (Final Issue)
Ketindeg 10 (Final Issue)
ISSN 2345-8461
An official publication of the IPDEV Project, Empowering Indigenous Peoples in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
3 - The Lumad equation
6 - Soldiers plant trees for IPs
8 - 2014 State of the IP Address
11 - Does the BBL offer more than the
14 - Celebration, Solidarity & Hope
17 - Group eyes IPs peace agenda
18 - Already hurt and confused
20 - Awards for awesome wards
26 - Reliving and enriching Sulagad
28 - A return to those old ideal ways
30 - Festival in the truest sense
32 - Who are protecting the IP children
and youth in the ARMM?
38 - Mining equates to IPs extinction
43 - Dont leave us
44 - Prayer and ritual on World IP Day
50 - 10th Project Sounding Board
51 - Salamat po!
Consultants Inc.
Recognition of the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao for
Empowerment and Sustainable Development (IPDEV) is a project implemented by the consortium: Konrad
Adenauer Stiftung e.V., Institute for Autonomy and Governance (IAG) and DEVCON Development Consultants Inc.
for IPDEV videos and
radio recordings.
Layout and visual concepts:
in coordination with IPDEV
The Lumad
IF WE were to put a monetary value to each fully grown tree, which can absorb
50,000 gallons of water every rainfall; shed tons of leaves that are converted
to rich fertilizer that nourishes plants that nourish other life forms; cools our
surroundings at the equivalent of 40 air conditioners at full blast; and multiply
that by the number of trees in one square kilometre; and multiply that further
by the number of years that we human beings get for free would it ever be
equal to the amount of money the number of board feet we will earn after say,
five-ten-fifty years of relentless logging, environmental degradation?
Add to that the monetary value of food, dress, dances, rituals, weather
forecasting (which now has a fancy-sounding name - ethnometeorology,
governance & justice systems, flora, fauna, sacred places, lore & history.
Deduct from that the same amount of money we spend on flood victims,
landslide victims, health problems, rehabilitation and disease that resulted
Apr 5, 2014
Inputs on Indigenous Knowledge
Systems and Practices (IKSPs) in
the Planning workshop for the
Bangsamoro Development Plan for
the Environment
Soldiers plant
trees for IPs
SOLDIERS of the 6th Infantry Division
(6ID) of the Philippine Army went out
of their way to plant trees on 9 August
2014, to celebrate the International
Day of the Worlds Indigenous Peoples.
This is in line with IPDEVs activities
on Building Forests.
Forests are very important to the
lives of Indigenous Peoples. Forests
protect everyone from climate
change, landslides, floods.
contribute to the environmental
disasters in Maguindanao, a province
which is home to three Indigenous
Peoples: Teduray, Lambangian, and
Dulangan Manobo; and Lanao del Sur,
where Higaonons also live.
Together with members of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines and
civilian employees of the 6th Infantry
Division, participants estimated to
be around 500, planted some 1000
mahogany seedlings in the Dimapatoy
June 3, 2014
Information Education
Campaign forLGUs on
the Ancestral Domain
IPDEV planted two bamboo
seedlings along a gully, symbolic of
the pliant nature and versatile use of
the worlds tallest grass, along with its
capacity to protect riverbanks.
The planting site was a two-hour
walk uphill from the Metro Cotabato
Water District Pump Station.
Major General Edmundo Pangilinan,
6ID commander, hopes that with
a very conservative estimate of 25
percent survival rate of the planted
seedlings, this first initiative will leave
a legacy of 250 trees to the next
They plan to have another round of
tree planting event before the year
Aveen Acuna-Gulo, IPDEV Project
Manager, expressed her appreciation
to the 6ID for putting into action their
motto of protecting the people and
securing the land by helping build
The good energies of the Teduray,
Lambangian, Dulangan Manobo and
Higaonon tribes will also be with you,
she said.
2014 State
of the Indigenous
Peoples Address
July 1, 2014
Global Partnerships on the
Prevention of Armed Conflict
(GPACC) delegates visit IPDEV
and downtrodden.
3. We, as indigenous peoples,
have our own governance, our own
Indigenous Political Structures (IPS).
Our own governance and IPS are
often not reflected in state laws and
policies. We recognize the women in
our community as equals and partners
in decision-making. The state policy of
IP mandatory representation in local
legislative councils has generally
been used by local political elites
for their own selfish interests. While
We are indigenous peoples; we
have the right to self-determination.
We, too, want lasting peace in
Mindanaw. We support everyone who
works for the attainment of peace
in Mindanaw. We support the full
inclusion of indigenous peoples rights
in the core area in the Bangsamoro
Basic Law and full exclusion of the
adjacent IP territories. We recognize
the diversity of indigenous peoples
and communities in Mindanaw. We
affirm that our identity as indigenous
peoples is intrinsically linked with our
ancestral domains. Lasting peace in
Mindanaw can only be achieved if all
rights are recognized, respected and
protected and no one is excluded.
We, indigenous peoples, are human
beings and as such are not inferior
to anyone. We condemn any form of
discrimination, separating us from the
rest of the Filipino people through
July 8, 2014
10th Project Sounding
Board (PSB) Meeting
Aug 9, 2014
Sixth Infantry Division
conducts Tree Planting
Activities forWorld IP Day
at Dimapatoy Watershed
Celebration, solidarity
and hope
I welcome you all to this event of celebration, solidarity, and
We celebrate today the consensus reached in the Bangsamoro
Transition Commission (BTC) of the draft public policies governing
the Indigenous People in the Bangsamoro. This consensus was
possible because of the historical kinship that all indigenous
people in Mindanao share for centuries of struggle against all
forms of colonization.
This solidarity and kinship makes us hopeful and confident
that we will overcome more challenges in our collective and
continuing assertion for self-determination.
The provisions on the IPs in the draft BBL are consistent and
build on the terms of the Comprehensive Agreement on the
Bangsamoro (CAB).
Let me provide you the main features of the draft provisions.
The heart of this section is the recognition by the Bangsamoro
government of the rights of the indigenous peoples and it is
mandatory that it adopts measures to protect and promote IP
rights particularly the following:
1) The right of the IPs to their native titles and/or fusakainged,
indigenous customs and tradition, justice systems and indigenous
political structures;
2) Right to an equitable share in revenues from utilization of
resources in their ancestral lands;
3) Right to free and prior and informed consent;
4) Right to political participation including at least two (2)
reserved seats for the IPs in the Parliament;
5) Right to basic services and;
6) Right to freedom of choice as to their identity.
(IP Policy Speech delivered by Bangsamoro Transition Commission Chair
The reserved seats in the Parliament were expressly identified Mohagher Iqbal during the Solidarity Event, May 23, 2014, Sharingri-la EDSA
as allocated for the Tedurays, Lambangian, Dulangan Manobo, Hotel, Mandaluyong City)
Oct 8, 2014
Last National Roundtable
Discussions on IP Provisions
in the Bangsamoro Basic
Hurt and
Nov 20 Dec 11
Final Session with Barangays:
ESDEV Evaluation / Signing
off of Community Volunteers
/ Turning over of IPDEV
Tarpaulin Maps
the Bangsamoro.
Our participation in this public
consultation is a manifestation that
we are already hurt and confused,
Bandara lamented.
Meanwhile, Cong. Teddy Baguilat,
the vice-chair of the committee
assured the indigenous peoples that
the BBL is not a hindrance to the
ancestral domain delineation. We
encourage the NCIP to continue with
the delineation.
This long-drawn assertion of the IPs
in the proposed core territory of the
Bangsamoro is a product of raising
the stakes in the peace process and
Awards for
promotes organic
farming in his
to food production.
The other nominees include Ben
Arthur Avila from Mirab, Upi, Liezel
Dagat of Bongo, Mandrezo Kindan, 61,
of Kauran, Ampatuan, Maguindanao,
Ernesto Mao of Badak, Armida Namoc
of Tinungkaan, and Rosie Oguid, also
of Tinungkaan and Imelda Villareal of
The Para-Technician Awards criteria
for judging include assistance to fellow
IP farmers in the implementation of
indivifual farm lots plan 20 percent,
paratech must showcase and
demonstrate application of new but
environment and human-friendly
technologies 30 oercent, lobby and
represent IP organization to access
support for agriculture and farming
activities of IPs in the barangay
(municipal, province, ARMM) 10
percent, participation of original
farmers in the three consecutive
session of farm planning activity 10
percent, fellow farmers adoption of
sustainable farming system technology
20 percent, and paratechs own farm
plan implementation 10 percent.
Best Farms
For IPs with the Best Farms, Merlita
Cuarte of Sitio Brawer, Pilar, South
Upi, Maguindanao, garnered the first
Cuarte is an exemplar of a woman
with high level of hard work and
The application of
sustainable agriculture
technology makes
cultivating the land a joy,
rather than a burden to
the farmer.
SOME 25 IP residents of Sitio
Paningusan, Barangay Awang, Datu
Odin Sinsuat town in Maguindanao,
participated in a training on Contour
The skies were clear and the sun was
shining bright. The heavy downpour
the day before rendered the soil
manageable for staking and digging.
Participants learn Contour Farming
along with Diversified Integrated
Farming Systems (DIFS) which is
actually the indigenous farming
practice of Sulagad.
The process of reclaiming the land
will free them from dependence on
chemical agricultural inputs.
Economic empowerment also
means Food Security in the household
g and enriching
According to Teduray Leader Jovito
Martin: Our tribe started suffering
from crisis when the cash economy
came in. We thought our lives will be
better if we sell all our produce. Its
time to revive the age-old practice of
retaining in the home our harvest for
our needs and sell only the excess.
Sitio Paningusan was chosen to
be the model farm-cum-nursery
from where other Para-Technicians
can train and bring back to their
respective barangays what they have
A return
to those old
ideal ways
In addition, they were told about
the current capacity and potentials
of IPs and their communities
which include barangays, as corn/
There are also barangays with
abundant supply of water for
irrigation; there are barangays which
are near the national hi-way and cost
efficient; IPs have land which have
potential for full utilization, there are
sitios which do not yet use chemicals
and so on.
The participants were also informed
of RA 10068 otherwise known as
Organic Agriculture of 2010 and the
significance of organic agriculture.
It was emphasized to them that
RA 10068 specifically identifies the
IPs and its role in the promotion of
profession answered several technical
During the discussion, many
of the participants themselves
acknowledged that many IPs are
wanting in hard work, that is why
they lag behind compared to non-IPs.
They are challenged to work more in
farming and utilize idle portions of
land and plant more permanent crops.
The second day of the training,
the trainees visited farms and found
out that Paratech Ronie Alejos farm
is diversified with banana, rubber,
rice, several fruit trees, vegetables,
and integrated with goat, boars, and
It can be noted that the effort to
bring back the IPs to their old organic
ways in sustainable farming has been
so far gaining ground.
in the
IT IS a unique experience having to
see and feel how indigenous peoples
The four IP tribes Teduray,
Lambangian, Dulangan Manobo and
Higaonon gathered for the First IP
Cultural Festival on 27-29 October
2014 at Notre Dame University in
Cotabato City, bringing with them
treasures of their domains like houses,
household and farm implements,
ways of preparing food, hunting,
games, conflict settlements, chanting,
clothing, musical instruments, farm
products, and more.
The tribes also showcased their own
language, the diverse designs and
distinct construction materials of their
Each tribe has their own stories of
suffering and joy to tell, of lessons
and dreams to pursue. And in that
two-day FIrst IP Cultural Festival, a
the newly-born child will also bear the
values and good characteristics of his/
her forebears.
Implication: With the rate that
forests are being ravaged, in a
way the child who may now be a
grown person is severed from his
connectedness to the land.
[At this point ladies and gentlemen
Id like also to introduce to you
someone who is a treasure trove
of indigenous knowledge an IP
Woman Leader. Her name is Conchita
Quinlat. Shes right there. She is
from the Lambangian and Teduray
tribe and she wears many hats in her
community: she is a day care worker,
a teacher, a mother and her recent
engagement is being a member of
the IP Communications Group. The
context of the IPComm Group is that
if people are not listening to the IPs,
then maybe the IPs can listen to what
equates to IPs
History will tell
us that only the
mining companies
have enriched
leaving the people
poorer than they
were before the
miners came.
leave us
Prayer and
ritual on
World IP Day
The deliberations of the framers of the
Constitution on the above-provision is
MR. PADILLA. x x We are willing to grant
local autonomy, but it seems that we are
granting by enumerating 13 items of
additional legislative powers or authority
more powers or more autonomy than
those recognized or granted to other
provinces, cities and municipalities.
MR. NOLLEDO. Yes, but the
Commissioner will notice that in the
upper part, these will be subject to
national policies and laws. I think that
would be the saving clause. That is very
THE PRESIDENT. What is the next item?
FR. BERNAS. No. 3 reads: Ancestral
domain and natural resources.
MR. RODRIGO. Natural resources
include minerals. Of course, it is
understood that this is subject to the
Regalian doctrine that minerals within
the autonomous regions belong to the
FR. BERNAS. It is subject to the
provisions of the Constitution and
national laws.
MR. RODRIGO. Yes, thank you.31
As in any law that needs to overcome
the tests of constitutionality and validity,
the legislative powers under the organic
act of autonomous governments must
not run counter to the Constitution and
national laws.
In fact, the Constitution provided
another safeguard, reiterating the
governments. As stated, the President
possesses this administrative power to
see that national laws and policies are
faithfully executed.32
10th Project
Salamat po!
THE month of January 2015 marks
the last month of the IPDEV project!
For 36 months, or from February
2012 until January 2015, the IPDEV
project was implemented by KonradAdenauer-Stiftung (KAS), the Institute
for Autonomy and Governance
(IAG) and Development Consultants
(DEVCON). The target area comprised
80 barangays in the two provinces of
Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur in the
Philippines. Final beneficiaries of the
project were the Indigenous Peoples
in ARMM who include the Teduray,
Lambangian and Dulangan Manobo
in Maguindanao province and the
Higaonon in Wao, Lanao del Sur.
The target groups were indigenous
traditional and formal leaders, IP
farmers and fisher folks, IP women
Organizations of the vulnerable
groups and made them partners
in the development process. As of
January 2015, out of the 80 barangays
covered by IPDEV, 77 are represented
in IPOs. A total of 47 Indigenous
peoples organizations (IPO) have
increased empowerment, sustainable
development and participation, 42 of
these facilitated by IPDEV.
The project has completed data
collection and information gathering
for the three Ancestral Domain
Protection Plans (ADSDPP) for the
Teduray, Lambangian and Dulangan
Manobo tribes. These have been
validated, adopted and printed in
English and Tagalog. The ADSDPPs
have then been turned over to
the communities, LGUs and other
For the Higaonon in the 4 barangays
covered by IPDEV in Wao, Lanao
del Sur the project has completed
the data collection and information
Development Plans (BDP) one for
each of the four barangays. The BDPs
have been printed and turned over to
the Higaonon communities.
As of January 2015, a total of 54
Representatives are now in place
at barangay, municipal, provincial
and regional level for better political
participation of IPs.
IPDEV has held various Exchange
and Networking meetings, such as an
IP Womens Summit on the occasion
of the International Womens Month
Celebration which was attended by
more than 350 IP women from the
Teduray, Lambangian, DulanganManobo and Higaonon tribes and
also other IP tribes from Wao. On the
occasion of IPRA Thanksgiving Day
IPDEV held the first ever IP Cultural
Festival in Cotabato City from 27-30
October 2014. It was the first of its kind
as the IPs in ARMM never celebrated
IP in the ARMM.
With these and many other
activities, the IPs in the ARMM have
been equipped with fundamental
and rights-based knowledge and skills
towards the promotion of indigenous
knowledge, systems and practices
and have been trained to eventually
increase their active participation in
local governance and to effectively
advocate and protect their rights.
All three project partners will
continue to work towards IP
empowerment in the ARMM even
after the IPDEV project ends. Thanks
to the developments and results
achieved by IPDEV, future initiatives
will have a solid foundation to build
on and sustainability has thus been
Fiyo teresang, Fiyo Bagi & Meuyag!!!
Coordination Office
5/F Cambridge Bldg.,
108 Tordesillas cor. Gallardo Sts.,
Makati City, Philippines
Tel: (02) 403-6773
Mob: 0915-139-1449
Implementing Office
DISCLAIMER: This publication has been produced with the assistance of the
European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of
IPDEV and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Consultants Inc.
The European Union (EU) numbers 28 different nations determined to shape their future closely together. Over a period of enlargement of more than 50 years, they have, together,
built a zone of peace, stability, progress and solidarity. The EU is a model for overcoming conflict and promoting reconciliation through close co-operation to achieve common goals,
while respecting national sovereignty and territorial integrity. But the EU is not focused on itself. Its ambition is to share its achievements and values with countries beyond its borders.