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Steroid Guide

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Steroids - A Primer

Steroid Facts You Should Know

Before You Do Your First Cycle
Brought To You By

Click Here To Learn More About The Best Steroid Member Site on the Net

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

Steroid Basics 21 Questions and Answers

Page 3

Knowing Your Bloodwork Terms A Laymans Guide

Page 16

One Day We Shall All Know The Truth About Anabolic Steroids

Page 20

The Ultimate Steroid Member Site

Page 25

The Most In Depth Steroid Survey Every Published

Page 26

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"STEROIDS BASICS - 21 Questions and Answers"

The article covers some of the most asked and relevant questions about their

1. What are they?

These anabolics are synthetic derivatives of testosterone (the male sex
hormone). Testosterone are responsible for normal growth and development
of the male sex organs and for the maintenance of secondary sex
characteristics which include growth and maturation of the prostate, seminal
vesicles, penis, and scrotum.
Furthermore, testosterone help in thickening of the vocal cord, the alteration
in body musculature and fat distribution, and the retention of nitrogen,
water, and electrolytes.
--2. Can you rate the various types of Anabolics?
Anabolic Steroids -



Side Effects

Baldelone Undecylenate















Nandrolone Decanoate




Nandrolone Phenpropionate












Sostenon 250 (Sustanon 250)





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Stanozolol (Oral)



Stanozolol (injectable)











3. What size of syringes and needles are proper?

Injecting oil based drugs (deca durabolin, masteron, primobolan, sustanon,
testosterone enathate, cypionate, equipoise) is done with intramuscular
needle (1,5 inch long and 21 gauge), while water based (winstrol depot,
human growth hormone, Hcg, insulin, testosterone suspension) are injection
with smaller and shorter subskin needle (1.0 inch long and 23 gauge).
--4. Do most body builders use steroids?
Yes they do. I would estimate that 100% of all professional body builders use
anabolics as well as other drugs and I would go as far to say that 90% of the
athletes that compete at the national amateur level use anabolic steriods.
Obviously, few of these athletes are admitting to steriods use, especially at
this point in time.
Anabolic steriods use has never been more of an antisocial behavior than it is
right now, and the stigma is getting worse all the time.
Professional bodybuilders have to stand out and say that they denounce the
use of the very drugs that helped them achieve their current status or they
face serious consequences.
The point of being a professional body builder to begin with is that they have
reached a level of notoriety that is synonymous with marketability.
Through seminars, posing exhibitions and endorsements, the professional
athlete turns all of his hard work into financial success. All of that is in
serious jeopardy if that athlete has been branded with the stigma of using
illegal and banned substances to reach their position.

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Thus, you will see nauseating hypocrisy in athletes at that level, not only in
bodybuilding but in many sports where the athletes are idolized by their fans
and the general public.
Many professional bodybuilders have sincere intentions when they condemn
the use of anabolic steroids in athletics, as they recognize the enormous
abuse potential for these drugs when placed in the hands of ignorant
I would criticize their actions further if I could honestly say that I would not
do the same thing placed in their position.

6. What is the difference between a cc, a ml, an I.U., a mg and a

A cc (cubic centimeter) is equal to a ml (milliliter). They measure volume.
For example if a vial contains 10 ml of liquid, that is the same as 10 ccs. A
mg (milligram) measures the dose of a drug, A mg is equal to 1/1000 of a
gram. A mcg (microgram) is equal to 1/1000 of milligram. An IU
(International Unit) is also used to measure the dose of a preparation.
--7. Can I mix together deca durabolin, sustanon, primobolan,
enanthate or cypionate together and than inject them?
You can mix all oil based steroids in syringe and inject them if you are taking
higher dosages at once.
--8. What to look for before injecting?
Check the expiry dates of every product. - Make sure that the vial or
ampoule contains the right drug in the right strength. - During the whole
preparation procedure, material should be kept sterile. - Wash your hands
before starting to prepare the injection. - Disinfect the skin over the injection
site. - Make sure that there are no air bubbles left in the syringe. - Once the
protective cover of the needle is removed extra care is needed. - Do not
touch anything with the unprotected needle. - Once the injection has been
given take care not to prick yourself or somebody else.

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Step by step for vials:

- Wash your hands. - Disinfect the top of the vial. - Use a syringe with a
volume of twice the required amount of liquid or solution and add the needle.
- Suck up as much air as the amount of solution needed to aspirate. - Insert
needle into (top of) vial and turn upside down. - Pump air into vial (creating
pressure). - Aspirate the required amount of solution and 0.1 ml extra. Make
sure the tip of the needle is below the fluid surface. - Pull the needle out of
the vial. - Remove possible air from the syringe. - Clean up; dispose of waste
safely; wash your hands.
Step by step for ampoules:
- Wash your hands. - Put the needle on the syringe. - Remove the liquid from
the neck of the ampoule by flicking it or swinging it fast in a downward
spiraling movement. - File around the neck of the ampoule. - Protect your
fingers with gauze if ampoule is made of glass. - Carefully break off the top
of the ampoule (for a plastic ampoule twist the top). - Aspirate the fluid from
the ampoule. - Remove any air from the syringe. - Clean up; dispose of
working needle safely; wash your hands.
- Wash your hands. - Reassure yourself / patient's for procedure. - Uncover
the area to be injected (lateral upper quadrant major gluteal muscle, lateral
side of upper leg, deltoid muscle). - Disinfect the skin. - Relax the muscle. Insert the needle swiftly at an angle of 90 degrees (watch depth!). - Aspirate
briefly; if blood appears, withdraw needle. Replace it with a new one. - Inject
slowly (less painful). - Withdraw needle swiftly. - Press sterile cotton wool
onto the opening. Fix with adhesive tape. - Check yourself / patient's
reaction and give additional reassurance, if necessary. - Clean up; dispose of
waste safely; wash your hands.
--9. What are the best ways and what are best steroids for women to
Women athletes certainly do need to take a different approach to steroid use
than males do. There are only a limited number of the drugs listed in this
text that a woman would even want to consider. Among those are

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Primobolans, Proviron, Nolvadex, Nandrolones, Anavar, Winstrol, and

synthetic Growth Hormone.
It is important to note that even on the lowest dosages of any of these
steroids, women can start to experience virilizing effects. This is because any
amount of steroid introduced into the woman's endocrine system is a serious
jolt. Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of male hormones and can
cause serious adverse reactions in some women.
The most prudent approach to administering anabolic steroids to the female
involves the use of low dosages of very low androgenic items.
Women obviously do not have to worry about the Gonadotrophic suppression
that men do nor do they usually encounter much of a problem with the
hepatotoxicity of anabolic steroids.
This is because they most often use low dosages of very clean items. Since
the most androgenic items tend to be the most toxic to the liver, by avoiding
these items women also avoid the liver stress that most men undergo.
Women can however benefit from the use of estrogen antagonists. Many
women favor the use of Nolvadex and/or Proviron while trying to attain
Anabolic steroids have been extremely effective for many women athletes
who use them to obtain size, strength and endurance.
Since the virilizing effects women suffer from using anabolic steroids tend to
be permanent, it is prudent to use caution at all times.
One of the safer ways that I have seen women use anabolic steroids is to
stack two low androgenic items for a period less than six weeks and then
take several weeks off of the drugs before coming back to another four or
five week cycle and then taking a good two months off of the drugs.
With this pattern, women can watch for adverse reactions which usually
occur in proportion to the duration of use by the female.
The use of Growth Hormone by women has proven to be extremely effective
in some cases. Since Growth Hormone is not an androgenic drug, it does not
result in any virilizing effects for women.
Growth Hormone greatly increases muscularity primarily by reducing body fat
stores in the woman while leaving the lean muscle mass unaltered.

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10. How much of the weight that is usually gained on a steroid cycle
is actually solid muscle?
The majority of weight gained on a steroid cycle is from retention of cellular
and extra cellular fluid. This is what many lifters will call "water bloat".
This initial water weight gain is beneficial up to a certain point. It provides
extra nutrients to the muscles and increases their ability to contract by
simply giving them more area to work in.
The average weight gain on a steroid cycle ranges anywhere from five to
twenty pounds. Let's say a lifter has gone on a two month steroid cycle and
gained a total body weight of twelve pounds.
By monitoring body fat percentages, through body composition analysis, an
athlete can keep an idea as to how much of what they gained is body fat.
Although anabolic steroids can increase the body's ability to mobilize and use
fat stores, many athletes find that they go through an increase in body fat
while on a bulking cycle.
This is simply because they take in an excess amount of calories on an
effective bulking program. This is actually a benefit, not a hindrance, at this
Let's say our subject who gained twelve pounds determined through body
composition analysis that he had put on four pounds of body fat.
This leaves an eight pound increase in lean body weight. Of that eight
pounds, it is very likely that only two pounds are skeletal muscle.
It is known that for every one pound of skeletal muscle you put on, the body
brings with it three pounds of supportive cellular and extra cellular fluid. Still,
an increase of two pounds of skeletal muscle mass is a substantial gain.
--11. What accounts for the incredible pump I get while I am using
anabolic steroids?
The "steroid pump" does have an actual physiological explanation. It is
primarily due to the fact that there is more blood available in the body during
a steroid cycle. One of the affects of anabolic steroid use is an increased
production of RBC's (red blood cells).

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That increases blood volume and greatly improves the oxygen carrying ability
of blood. This increases the efficiency and endurance of skeletal muscle cells.
A 200 pound lifter could carry an extra liter of blood during this time.
This increased blood volume partially explains why some athletes feel
"pumped" all the time while they are on a steroid cycle. It also explains the
incredible pump you get while working out at this time
-12. I have finally made up my mind that I am going to try them and I
was just wondering what kind of results I should expect?
This is really a difficult question to answer. Results vary greatly from one
individual to the next.
In general, steroid users find that their first cycle is the most dramatic in
terms of the gains that they make.
Some users claim to gain a solid thirty pounds on their first cycle while
others notice little if any gains at all.
Obviously, the athlete that has weight trained for a number of years, and
continues to train intensely during the cycle and who eats a high calorie
nutrient dense diet, stands to put on a lot more muscle than the athletes who
are not disciplined enough to follow through with the whole program.
It has been substantiated that a steroid user taking moderate dosages of
Nandrolone Decanoate and Dianabol can gain twice as much muscle mass in
a two month cycle than they could in an entire year of effective training.
It is felt that an individual can gain a maximum of 4 pounds of muscle per
year for every 100 pounds of body weight that they possess.
This would translate to a 200 pound man having a maximum potential to
gain 8 pounds of muscle per year, which itself would be an enormous gain.
The first time steroid user can gain as much as 8 pounds per 100 pounds of
body weight in a single ten week cycle. This means that the first time steroid
user could gain 16 pounds of muscle injust 2 months.
Their maximum potential without drugs would be 8 pounds in an entire year.
It is easy to see that the steroid gains are substantially higher.
This does not mean that if a person can gain 16 pounds of muscle in two
months on a steroid cycle that they could gain 96 pounds of muscle if the
athlete were to stay on steroids for twelve months straight.
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Certain inhibiting factors prohibit that. Evidence suggests that the maximum
gains of a steroid cycle are reached before the eighth week.
It is rare for the first time steroid user who eats right and trains hard not to
gain at least four or five pounds of solid muscle.
--13. My doctor informed me that using veterinarian steroids is very
dangerous. What do you think?
Veterinarian steroids do not have to meet the exact same sanitary
specifications that human pharmaceuticals do; however, they are generally
made under sanitary conditions.
Legitimate veterinarian steroids are certainly a much better choice than using
any form of a counterfeit. I have never heard from an athlete that felt they
were harmed by the use of a veterinarian steroid. Interestingly enough,
some of the most modern anabolic steroids are for animals.
However, there are numerous new veterinarian anabolic steroid preparations
being developed every year. A number of these preparations look to be
remarkably anabolic with minimal androgenic qualities.
These agents should optimize muscle mass increases while minimizing
androgenic side effects. Australia seems to be producing most of these new
vet drugs.
--14. Is it possible to use Anadrol in a pre-contest cycle without
retaining water?
The pre-contest use of Anadrol is untraditional yet several bodybuilders claim
to have done it with outstanding results. Few, if any steroids, deliver the type
of size and strength gains seen with Anadrol.
Anadrol gives the muscles bulk and fullness that would be extremely
desirable in a bodybuilding show. The problem is that Anadrol almost always
causes water retention and it aromatizes quite easily resulting in high
estrogen levels.
Some bodybuilders have successfully managed this estrogen and water
retention problem by using Nolvadex at 10 to 20 mg per day in a stack with
50 mg of Anadrol right up to the day before the bodybuilding contest.
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Very often, a prescription diuretic such as Dyazide, Lasix, or Aldactazide is

used for three or four days before the bodybuilding contest to eliminate what
subcutaneous water retention did exist.
Usually, it is a good idea to supplement potassium salts such as Slow-K when
using prescription diuretics. Some athletes have been able to control the
water retention with over the counter diuretics.
Other effective methods have involved taking the Anadrol right up until the
week before the contest and then switching to Halotestin for the last seven
This has worked well for some who find that the Anadrol takes a good two or
three days to get out of the system and then they find they still have the
muscle fullness yet don't have the water retention problem. Halotestin
maintains muscle hardness without the water retention.
--15. I have gotten in the habit of taking small amounts of Primobolan
Depot or Deca off and on between cycles.Is this a bad practice?
It is common for athletes to use a small amount of a mild anabolic steroid
between cycles, but it is not a good idea. Non-stop use can inhibit the body's
natural testosterone production and other endocrine system functions from
returning to normal.
Although such low dosages would likely not exhibit any toxicity nor promote
any significant side effects, they would also not yield much in the way of
positive effects.
Many bodybuilders continue to use small dosages of steroids between cycles
because of their insecurities with letting go of steroids completely.
Many steroid users develop an attitude that if they are not taking any
steroids they are simply not making any gains, and to justify even training
they will use small amounts of steroids between their cycles.
If I were to make a recommendation on the use of low dosages of mild
steroids between cycles I would not encourage it.
The off cycle period is a time to train natural and let the body fully recover
from the steroid use and I believe you can only fully recover if all steroids are
eliminated from the system.
-Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

16. What is the correct way to open glass ampules?

Glass ampules are a real pain. The proper way to open them is to score them
around the narrowest part of their neck. To score these glass ampules it is
best to use a metal knife with small teeth.
Occasionally, these are provided with the ampule and these knives work
best. If these knives are not provided it occasionally works to use a fingernail
file, grapefruit knife, or a type of kitchen knife with very small teeth.
This knife should be rotated around the narrow part of the neck in a sawing
motion. After a white line or "score' is clearly evident on the neck, the
ampule is ready to be cracked open.
Before cracking the ampule open, it should be placed inside a clean paper
towel or a thin clean cotton towel one hand should firmly grasp the lower
portion of the ampule, the other hand should grasp the very top.
A quick snapping motion should cleanly remove the top of the ampule. A
needle can then be inserted and the liquid drawn out.
Do not try to crack open an ampule without scoring it or by using your
fingers directly against the glass ampule. Occasionally the glass ampule can
shatter and this glass can cause a serious cut.
--17. l have heard that seem to indicate that the calculated use of oil
based testosterones will go undetected by urinalysis?
The rumors you are hearing are repercussions of a research project last year
in which a half of dozen males were given various dosages of oil based
testosterone (I believe it was Cypionate) for a period of six weeks and tested
to see if they would pass a urinalysis.
All six subjects displayed an acceptable testosterone to epitestosterone level
which would not have resulted in a positive test. Two of these subjects were
using a dose of 300 mg per week, which is quite a bit of testosterone. More
and more bodybuilders are using testosterones for contest prep. They must
learn to manage the water retention that can accompany such use; this is
often done with the use of unbanned diuretics. The use of injectable
testosterones amongst college football players is reportedly very high. You
might guess that the NFL has a high percentage of athletes using
testosterones as well.
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One athlete informed me that he used a high dosage of the oral testosterone
ester Andriol (testosterone undecanoate) at a drug tested bodybuilding
contest in California and passed with an acceptable testosterone to
epitestosterone ratio.
This bodybuilder stated that he used eight capsules of Andriol per day for
approximately four weeks prior to the contest and only stopped using the
drug two days before the contest. His ratio was 4.5 to I (a positive ratio is 6
to I or higher in most cases).
Low doses of testosterones are the prototype undetectable steroid. There are
rumors of exotic European steroids which cannot be detected as of yet but
the actual use of these products is very low. The actual use of testosterone,
on the other hand, has always been popular.
--18. I have heard that if an air bubble gets in the syringe and is
injected, it can kill you. What should I do it?
First of all, it would likely take a full three ccs of air injected right into a vein
to cause a fatality. Small air bubbles injected intramuscularly in an oil
solution do not pose a hazard, yet it is a good practice to eliminate them
Small air bubbles that appear in an oil solution after it is drawn into the
syringe will slowly rise to the top of the syringe if held needle-side-up. This
may take as long as ten minutes with some persistent tapping on the side of
the case.
After the air has all risen to the top of the solution, the stopper can be
slightly pressed which expels the air from the syringe.
--19. I am starting a cycle of deca durabolin and sustanon. What drug
shoulf I use to rise up natural testosterone after the cycle?
After the cycle of anabolic stereoid is recommended to take HCG or Clomid or
better even both. Dosage for Clomid is 50-100 mg per day, dosage for HCG
is 5.000-10.000 I.U. per week

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20. What are side effects?

Anabolic steroids are associated with numerous side effects. Most of the side
effects are mild and reversible. However, some are permanent and life
In both sexes:
* Acne * Carcinoma * Decrease in HDL to LDL (good to bad cholesterol) ratio
* Depression * Edema due to fluid and electrolytes retention * Impotence *
Increased or decreased libido * Insomnia * Liver cell tumors * Male pattern
baldness * Nausea * Vomiting
In males:
* Bladder irritability * Gynecomastia * Increased frequency of erection *
Inhibition of testicular function * Testicular atrophy
In females:
* Clitoral enlargement * Deepening of voice * Increase in facial and body
hair * Menstrual irregularities
--21. Where can I do a mistake while I am on steroids?
Using Counterfeits:
Counterfeit steroids are a bigger problem than you would believe, there are
more counterfeit steroids in the market than you would think. These steroids
offer no positive gains, and some give the side effects of real steroids. Taking
counterfeit steroids is like injecting poison into your body, bad effects
nothing positive.
Using Excessive Dosages:
When taking steroids, the more you take is not always the best way to go.
Taking excessive dosages has become a huge problem with steroids today. It
isn't only dangerous, but studies have shown it to be ineffective. The body
can only use a limited amount of the steroid so the extra is turned into
estrogen by the body.
Staying On Steroids Too Long:
In several cases, steroid users avoid waring signs telling them not to go on a
cycle more than 8 to 12 weeks without an off period. If an off period is not
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taken, there is a higher chance for the negative effects of steroids to occur. If
there is no off period the body does not have a chance to recover from the
steroids, so more damage is done. This also is terrible for the kidneys and
Eating Poorly:
Many people ignore magazines and educators that explain eating as being an
important asset to growing, but the truth is, eating healthy has a big effect
on the body. When on steroids the user must comsume between 4000 and
7000 calories a day, not meaning eat only fat foods. The diet must be high in
calories and protein, but low in fat.
Training Incorrectly:
When on steroids the training must be intense and difficult. Instead of the
usual weight that suits you, you must do excess weight and strenuous work
for the best gains. The workout should involve the maximum weight possible,
and make progress each time.
Not Getting Regular Blood Tests:
Steroids are very dangerous and can cause great problems. Blood tests
should be done often and regularly. When steroids are first taken many tests
become elevated but will return to normal with in a few weeks. During the off
period tests should also be done to make sure the body is recovering
properly. If there is a problem with the Blood test, consult a doctor that you
can trust.
Using The Wrong Steroids:
Many athletes will increase their chances of getting negative effects when
they take the wrong steroids. The strongest steroids that build more muscle
mass, have the most side effects. These drugs should be avoided if possible,
unless there is a reason to have an unbelievable gain. But these drugs are
very toxic and we would recommend not taking them.

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com


If you use steroids you know the importance of blood tests, but do you know
what they mean when you get the results?
Regular bloodwork being done by the AS using bodybuilder is an
indispensable part of our routine.
It is not wise to leave these type of things to chance and just hoping that
"everything will return to normal for me". Even if you continue to cycle after
seeing some problem areas in your bloodtest results, you will at least be able
to work on clearing these up before you do so.
Also, as I have mentioned before, High Cholesterol can be the silent killer
that catches up with us later when we don't keep an eye on it. Most guys
worry a lot about their nads coming back, or proper testosterone levels, or
even their sperm count if they want children someday.
We don't see nearly as much concern for our cholesterol levels though.
Below is a brief discussion of the components of a blood profile and what the
indicators reveal in terms of bodily functions.
Such information may help you to see at a glance what is going on in your
body when you get a copy of your results. At the least you will be able to
more intelligently discuss your situation with your doctor.
I am not a Physician but this information is generic in nature regarding the
functions of the liver and kidneys as seen in bloodwork profiles.
It is not meant to be used for self-diagnosis and is only for personal interest.
Too many factors come in to play with bodybuilding to attribute elevated
levels to impaired function of a particular organ without precise and qualified
investigation by a Physician
> Blood Glucose (with 12 hour fast)
Steroids can change our sensitivity to insuline and especially certain ones
such as Human Growth Hormone, the direct use of Insuline, as well as
others. Checking this level will help monitor your insuline sensitivity.
> Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
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This reading will help a physician to determine the function of the kidneys in
terms of urea filtration in the kidneys. Steroids have the potential of
damaging the filtration system of your kidneys.
> Creatinine
This again checks the function of the kidney's by way of its ability to clear the
by-product creatinine from the system. These levels could also be high due
to creatine usage as the by-product of creatine usage is creatinine. It is
important to have a doctor who you trust and whom you can reveal all the
particulars to.
> BUN/Creatinine Ratio
Again, this is a predictor of kidney problems whether they be temporary or
> Total Protein
Blood excesses MAY indicate kidney damage. It is important to note that in
some of these areas of indicators bodybuilders may have levels that are
higher in a transient way rather than a permanent way. Also, whenever I
have used creatine, my levels of creatinine were higher but their was no
indication otherwise of kidney damage. It was just a by- product of the
creatine usage. This is one reason that I advocate that bodybuilders use
Physicians that are familiar with Sports Medicine and the various peculiarities
that go with supplementation but which may only be fleeting changes in
blood chemistry.
> Albumin
Can indicate Kidney damage.
> Globulin
Again can indicate the possibility of Kidney damage.
> Albumin/Globulin Ratio
Aspects pertinent to kidney function.
> Total Bilirubin
Liver damage is sometimes indicated by high levels of bilirubin.
> Alkaline Phosphatase

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High levels of this can be a marker for liver damage.

This is the most reliable and specific marker for liver damage and can be
stubborn in bringing down if total recovery is even possible. In some cases
such as chemical induced hepatitis and other instances of damage it may
remain elevated indefinitely. The liver is a very resilient organ but it does
have its limitations.
A marker for muscle/liver damage.
Also a marker for liver damage.
An indicator for muscle/liver/coronary problems. I keep a close eye on this
one as I think that it is more indicative of real problems than the changing
nature of my cholesterol levels which are only temporary.
> Cholesterol
This helps your doctor to decide if you are in the realm of coronary risk. The
elevation of cholesterol even if temporary is a pretty inescapable aspect of
AS usage. I eat very clean with respect to saturated fats at all times. Also, I
do a lot of cardio off cycle and on cycle, unless gains are crucial. Additionally,
I use a niacin supplement, guggul, and Chinese rice yeast to spike my
healthy cholesterol which in turn "fights" the unhealthy cholesterol.
> HDL and LDL Cholesterol Levels
It is important to have a proper balance of these two. The HDL(good
cholesterol) helps keep the LDL in balance but the HDL is often driven down
with AS usage. HDL less than 35 is not good and can have serious
implications in terms of health consequences.
> Cholesterol/High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)
The HDL level is looked at here to assess the risk of coronary artery damage
in conjunction with any other relevant findings that would confirm that.
> Triglycerides

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If these levels are high it could also be an indicator of coronary damage.

Other factors such as high sugar consumption and alcohol could also be the
> Total Testosterone
Helps to assess the function of our natural testosterone production and
depending on how long one has been off the cycle it may indicate whether
your levels are functioning normally again or not. Long term usage without
proper cycling or long durations of excessively high dosages of AS can
permanently alter these levels in a negative way.
> Cortisol
Much can be said about how cortisol levels change in the athlete as he/she
trains, but generically these levels are watched to look for adrenal problems
or to indicate over- training.
Again remember that diet, heavy training and subsequent muscle
breakdown, deep tissue massage, prolonged levels of mental stress,
overtraining, creatine usage, recent antibiotic usage, tylenol, and other
factors can also temporarily alter blood levels of various these indicators.
It is important that your doctor know everything that you have been
using...even recreational drugs if pertinent. Physicians are not there to turn
you in and are bound by the law in terms of confidentiality.
When I was using illegal drugs in my addiction I spoke freely to doctors
about it. They are there to help and are not policeman.
One should not hesitate to find a reliable Sports Medicine Physician with
whom he/she can openly discuss their steroid usage with.
It is also true that not all doctors are adamantly opposed to steroid usage
and they may be willing to guide you in productive ways.
Good Luck in your bodybuilding and make your Health Number One!!!

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com


I am a 42 year old male who feels like "the world is my
oyster." When I see teenage boys hootin and hollerin' I
laugh because their behavior resonates with how I feel much
of the time.
I feel young, virile, healthy, energetic, strong, capable,
and full of stamina. My last girlfriend was 27 years old and
could not believe our sex-life.
She made the comment that she will always date a bodybuilder
from now on.
In staffings at work I am the assertive one who doesn't care
if people like my opinion or not. I get my point across and
it does not matter that I don't always get my way. I also
give my all at work almost everyday and am able to feel
competent and energetic in doing that.
My children are amazed at my stamina and tell me that I am
"cool". I don't know about that for sure but I would say
that to any extent that I am "cool" it is because I feel
much younger than I am and love doing the things that they
love to do, and that I loved to do when I was 20 years
In the movie "As Good As It Gets" Jack Nicholson tells his
girlfriend that she makes him want to be a better person and
he goes on an anti-depressant as a result.
I must say that somehow that mirrors the effect that
steroids have had on my life and the people in my life.
I have become a better person as a result of the juice.
Without a doubt my children have benefited, as have my
employers, girlfriends, and other friends.
My relationship with God is better as well as I now
understand that he wants me to be as happy as I can be and
still living healthy.
Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

In my early 30's I smoked and was getting quite fat. I was

5'10" and 225 and probably 30% bodyfat. I know that I could
have lost 60 pounds of fat and been at a healthy weight.
I had lifted in high school but had lost it all over the
years of sedentary living and misspent youth.
My wife was telling me that I was not the same man that she
married, and our sex-life was very "slow" and lukewarm.
Sometimes I would see how she was looking at me and just
knew that I was really out of shape.
Also, my hepatitis C was really taking over my health and
vitality. I use to have to take a nap every day in the
afternoon or I was no good in terms of energy. I was also
very addicted to coffee and caffeine in order to just keep
moving a bit.
I had always been fairly attractive and cared about how I
looked throughout my life but a tough marriage, kids, the
job, and money problems had taken there toll and I let
myself go in a bit of depression.
In my early 30's I separated and divorced. I was really
having some anger problems and self-esteem problems so a
friend of mine told me to "get to the gym".
I can still remember that as soon as he said that it rang
true inside me as something that I needed to do. He was a
54 year old bodybuilder and he really knew his stuff.
He was also my spiritual advisor and a Born Again Christian.
The very next day I was there and I never looked back. I
have been there at least 4 days/week for 8 years. In the
beginning I of course over-trained and was there 6 days/week
but even that served the purpose of getting rid of some
serious fat and anger.
I spent a couple of years training natural and with the
andro products but I got into the juice pretty quickly.
Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

And it has never been a disappointment.

I don't tell my parents who are still living because frankly
they just would not understand. However, every time they see
me my mom tells me how good I look and to "keep it up".
Good ol' mom! LOL
When she looks in my smiling face I see her love and her
happiness that I have found something in my life that has
elevated me to such a virile and brawny level of existence.
I am now 42 years old, 5'10" and weigh 230lbs but with only
11 percent bodyfat.
Now instead of getting winded going up stairs, I am taking
them two at a time and loving it.
...No crazy cycles, no health risks, no
acne, no water retention, no bitch tits,
no fat, no abuse, no side effects...
...Just safe and intelligent use of
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less than one year.
Click here for full information:

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

(Continued here...)
I bench 365 for two reps and can rep out 225 seventeen
times. Last month I got 1000 on the sled for 5 reps. I do
20mins cardio 3 days week.
I eat like the athlete that I am and believe that being a
star is not about doing something right some of the time but
is about doing something right most of the time.
A couple of months ago, my ex-wife told me that if I looked
this good when we were married that things would have been a
lot different!!! Coming from her that was a hell of a
compliment let me tell you!!
She has done some cycles and loved the results too. However,
I now tend to date women who are about a dozen or so years
my younger. So far none of them have believed my age.
In relating all of the above I certainly do not want to
appear egotistical for I do not take the credit for what I
consider to be this fountain of youth.
I know that my hard work in the gym paid off but I also know
that all the above that I have acclaimed is due to steroids.
But not just any steroids.
I must emphasize that for a man in his 40's to be feeling
this way and be relatively injury-free most of the time is
due in large part to doing the right things in the right
And that came from a lot of reading, asking the right people
the right questions (I always emphasize that I want to stay
healthy), and experimentation.
Also, it has come from realizing what my real goals are and
not being deceived by all the hype and egos that go with the
territory of bodybuilding.

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com


I don't care what anyone else is doing or how big they are
getting. I compete against myself but from within the rules
and parameters that I set down for myself.
There is a whole group of men in there 40's, 50's, and even
60's who are presently setting a precedence for both
longevity and vitality due to the sport of bodybuilding and
due to sport supplementation of Anabolic Steroids.
It is incredible that this way of life which is so rewarding
and which inspires one to continue to become the best person
that he/she can be would be an illegal way of life in this
It is so paradoxical that on this Fourth of July I had to
write about it.
It is so mysterious to me as I reflect on the blessings that
have come to me from this way of life. I could never say
that or feel this way when I was in my drug and alcohol
addiction back in the eighties.
I was very unhappy and everybody who was close to me
suffered in one way or another as a result of my usage.
Such is not the case with AS.
Some of the most patriotic, God-fearing, generous,
compassionate, honest, and kind-hearted people I have ever
met came to me via http://www.buildleanmuscle.com/se.html .
Every day that I sign on and read various threads I am
amazed at the depth of humanity that the members represent
and talk about.
On this Fourth of July may God continue to Bless this
wonderful country as He has for so long and may he bless all
my Brothers and Sisters of the Iron on Steroid
I think that someday the truth will be known about the
benefits to society of Anabolic Steroids.
Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com


Here's the link to test drive an SE membership:http://www.buildleanmuscle.com/se.html Enter and then click on test drive
membership on the left
Take a closer look at what you get with a SE membership...

Serious and reliable steroid Suppliers

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and much more...

Check it out for yourself:http://www.buildleanmuscle.com/se.html

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Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

The Ultimate Steroid Survey

The "Ultimate Steroid Survey" Results.

A total of 1152 people took part on what is probably the biggest survey ever done
on anabolic steroid use. We wanted to know what the modern day steroid user is

like, how much he/she spends on steroids, do they suffer from "roid rage", how old,
what sex, why they started on steroids, how many times they have bought, have
they been scammed etc etc etc.

Well now we know. A massive thanks to all who took part....

Take a look at the results for yourself. (At the foot of the page I have listed what I
think are the most interesting points.)

NOTE, the percentages may not always add up to 100% exactly. The reason for this
is that either some people did not answer a particluar question or some may have
selected a multiple answer.
What's your age?
Between 22-35

- 576 ( 50%)

Between 35-50

- 265 ( 23%)

Younger than 22

- 196 ( 17%)

Older than 50

What's your sex?


- 115 ( 1%)

1152 - Overall Total

- 81 ( 2%)

- 1014 ( 88%)

1152 - Overall Total

Do you think anabolic / androgenic steroids should be legal and

sold without a prescription?
Legal to use but with a prescription

- 357 ( 31%)
- 104 ( 9%)

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com


- 553 ( 48%)

1152 - Overall Total

If anabolic steroids were legal and possible to buy without a

prescription, do you think you would use more than you use now?

- 392 ( 34%)


- 576 ( 50%)

1152 - Overall Total

If anabolic steroids were legal and possible to buy without a

prescription, do you think more people would start using them,
simply because it's easier to get them?

- 161 ( 14%)


- 829 ( 72%)

1152 - Overall Total

If you have never used anabolic steroids before, what's the

Because I don't know where to get them

- 81 ( 7%)

Because they're illegal

- 35 ( 3%)

Because the price is to high

because i did not have sufficient information

to use them correctly

- 35 ( 3%)
- 127 ( 11%)
1152 - Overall Total

Have you ever bought anabolic steroids or other prescripted drugs

through the Internet?

- 588 ( 51%)


- 368 ( 32%)

1152 - Overall Total

If yes, how many times have you bought steroids ?

1 time

Between 2-10 times

More than 10 times

- 81 ( 7%)

- 276 ( 24%)

- 23 ( 2%)

1152 - Overall Total

And how much do you usually buy steroids for?

Between 200-600$
Less than 200$

More than 600$

- 311 ( 27%)

- 150 ( 13%)

- 58 ( 5%)

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

1152 - Overall Total

Have you ever been scammed when buying anabolic steroids

through the Internet?

- 657 ( 57%)


- 127 ( 11%)

1152 - Overall Total

If you got the chance, would you buy anabolic steroids or other
prescripted drugs through Internet, even if it's illegal?

- 253 ( 22%)


- 726 ( 63%)

1152 - Overall Total

If you have used anabolic steroids, for how long?

A couple of times

- 357 ( 31%)

Between 2-5 years

- 81 ( 7%)

More than 5 years

- 46 ( 4%)

Less than 2 years

Only 1 time

- 173 ( 15%)
- 219 ( 19%)

1152 - Overall Total

Have you ever experienced any side effects?



- 553 ( 48%)

- 357 ( 31%)

1152 - Overall Total

If yes, which side effects?

One of the following: Cancer, Enlarged


- 12 ( 1%)

One of the following: Liver Damage, Kidney


- 12 ( 1%)

One of the following: Feminizing effects in

males (growth of breast tissue), Shrunken
testicles, Reduced sperm count, Impotence,
One of the following: Male attributes in
females (deepening of voice, excessive hair
growth), Enlarged clitoris, Menstrual cycle
Psychical problems

- 242 ( 21%)

- 12 ( 1%)

- 58 ( 5%)

1152 - Overall Total

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

Do you feel that the steroids make you more violent?


- 714 ( 62%)

Only when I drink alcohol or take other drugs - 58 ( 5%)

(i.e narcotics)

- 115 ( 10%)

1152 - Overall Total

What made you start using steroids?

Lack of self-confidence
Wanted to be stronger

Wanted to get a great body fast

Wanted to improve myself in sports

Are you able to control your steroid use?

No, I use them all-year long without any

Yes, I only use them only a couple of times

per year

- 138 ( 12%)

- 507 ( 44%)

- 461 ( 40%)

- 173 ( 15%)

1152 - Overall Total

- 57 ( 5%)
- 795 ( 69%)
1152 - Overall Total

How much do you spend on steroids and other performance

enhancement drugs every year?
Below 1000$

Between 1000-3000$
Between 3000-5000$
More than 5000$

Do you get the desired effect?


Not as much as I thought it would


- 553 ( 48%)

- 288 ( 25%)

- 35 ( 3%)

- 12 ( 1%)

1152 - Overall Total

- 23 ( 2%)

- 288 ( 25%)

- 588 ( 51%)

1152 - Overall Total

What do you think is the most effective way to use anabolic /

androgenic steroids ?
Alone, i.e. only one steroid per cycle

Stacked, i.e. two or more steroids take

together per cycle

- 58 ( 5%)

- 910 ( 79%)

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

1152 - Overall Total

What's your favourite steroid for gaining mass?

Methandrostenolone (for example Dianabol)
Nandrolone Decanoate (for example Deca
Oxymetholone (for example Anadrol)

Stanazolol (for example Winstrol)


Testosterone Enanthate (for example


Testosterone Propionate (for example

Testosterona 50, Anatest)

- 196 ( 17%)

- 300 ( 26%)

- 104 ( 9%)

- 46 ( 4%)

- 35 ( 3%)

- 438 ( 38%)

- 127 ( 11%)
- 35 ( 3%)
1152 - Overall Total

Have you ever tried growth hormone, and did you get any effect?
No, never tried it

- 852 ( 74%)

Yes, but it didn't give me anything

- 12 ( 1%)

Yes, got some effect, but not more than

steroids would do

- 46 ( 4%)

Yes, gained a lot of muscle and lost a lot of


- 35 ( 3%)

1152 - Overall Total

If you got the chance, would you use growth hormone?


- 253 ( 22%)


- 726 ( 63%)

1152 - Overall Total

What's your level of education?

College Degree
High School

- 392 ( 34%)

- 357 ( 31%)

University Degree

- 46 ( 4%)

- 253 ( 22%)

1152 - Overall Total

Do you use other drugs (i.e. narcotics) together with steroids ?



- 783 ( 68%)

- 92 ( 8%)

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

1152 - Overall Total

If yes, did you use drugs before you started using anabolic
steroids ?

- 207 ( 18%)


- 104 ( 9%)

1152 - Overall Total

If yes, do you feel that the steroids was the reason to why you
started experimenting with other drugs?

- 265 ( 23%)


- 12 ( 1%)

1152 - Overall Total

Do you handle your own injections?


No, my doctor do it for me


- 161 ( 14%)

- 23 ( 2%)

- 680 ( 59%)

1152 - Overall Total

What do you feel is the best to take after a steroid cycle?

Cloimd, Clenbuterol and Proviron
HCG then Clomid

- 69 ( 6%)

- 276 ( 24%)

HCG then Clomid and Clenbuterol

- 127 ( 11%)

Just HCG

- 104 ( 9%)

Just Clomid

- 196 ( 17%)

1152 - Overall Total

Roid Rage; do you think it's real or just someone's ego out of
Ego problems

- 392 ( 34%)

Not real

- 81 ( 7%)


Steroids just easy to blame

- 230 ( 20%)

- 346 ( 30%)

1152 - Overall Total

Most cycles are planned in a certain manner. Which type do you

usually follow when running a cycle?
Levels are kept basically even

- 276 ( 24%)

- 265 ( 23%)

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

Taper Down

- 288 ( 25%)

Taper Up

- 69 ( 6%)

1152 - Overall Total

Since you've started steroids, have you found that you eat better,
exercise more and generally feel healthier?
A little

- 138 ( 12%)


- 46 ( 4%)


- 668 ( 58%)

1152 - Overall Total

Since starting steroids, have you been able to reduce your bodyfat
while maintaining or increasing muscle?

- 127 ( 11%)


- 714 ( 62%)

1152 - Overall Total

How do you feel steroids effect your overall appearance and

Better off before I used

Very good

- 35 ( 3%)

- 196 ( 17%)

- 611 ( 53%)

1152 - Overall Total

Do you feel that steroids have made you want to eat more?

- 127 ( 11%)


- 219 ( 19%)


- 507 ( 44%)

1152 - Overall Total

Do you attribute your weight gains to (1) eating more because you
know you have to or (2) being on steroids and eating more
because steroids make you hungrier?

- 438 ( 38%)

- 426 ( 37%)

1152 - Overall Total

Where do you live?


- 12 ( 1%)

- 35 ( 3%)

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com


- 23 ( 2%)


- 81 ( 7%)


- 150 ( 13%)


- 35 ( 3%)


- 714 ( 62%)

1152 - Overall Total

Have you ever used anabolic steroids?



- 173 ( 15%)

- 852 ( 74%)

1152 - Overall Total

Where did/do you learn about anabolic steroids from?

Internet free source

Internet membership site

Medical source

People in the gym

- 530 ( 46%)

- 219 ( 19%)

- 288 ( 25%)

- 495 ( 43%)

1152 - Overall Total

Do you feel you were sufficiently and correctly informed about

steroids before you took them?

- 173 ( 15%)


- 680 ( 59%)

1152 - Overall Total



- 334 ( 29%)

1152 - Overall Total



- 657 ( 57%)

- 703 ( 61%)

- 300 ( 26%)

1152 - Overall Total

Interesting reading, here are the most interesting points of the survey for me:

Most steroid users are 22-35 year old single males with no children.

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

Education was not a significant factor as the percentages represented any

cross section of society. There was certainly NO tendence towards a lower


The main reason why people did not do steroids previously was due to lack

Most people who buy through the Internet repeat purchase, although 1 in 6

of information to correctly inform them

approximately gets scammed (We know that in general this percentage is

MUCH higher, but as many who took the survey ordered through the links

we have to suppliers they are very well protected against being scammed).

Most users are "beginners to intermediate" with only a very few having done

Whilst the majority do not experience any side effects, those who do almost

steroids for more than 5 years.

always experience one of the following: Feminizing effects in males (growth

of breast tissue), Shrunken testicles, Reduced sperm count, Impotence,

Hardly anybody feels that steroids made them feel more violent, and that

The main reasons why people started on steroids were to become stronger

"roid rage" is generally someones ego out of control.

and to get a great body fast, and easily the vast majority feel very happy
with what they have achieved with steroids.

Almost everyone who used steroids found they eat better, exercise more,
feel heathier, have gained muscle and lost fat, and believe they have a
better appearance and attitude.

Most people spend under $1000 per year and feel totally in control of their

Almost everyone stacks, with Sustanon and Deca being the favourite drugs.

Very few use other drugs, and the few who started to use other drugs after

Almost everyone handles their own injections.

steroid use

If given the chance most would use growth hormone.

starting steroids do not feel steroids had anything to do with their decision.

Most people felt they were correctly informed before use. The source of their
information came from either the Internet or people in the gym.

Copyright 2003 http://www.buildleanmuscle.com

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