Steroid Guide
Steroid Guide
Steroid Guide
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Steroid Basics 21 Questions and Answers
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One Day We Shall All Know The Truth About Anabolic Steroids
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Side Effects
Baldelone Undecylenate
Nandrolone Decanoate
Nandrolone Phenpropionate
Stanozolol (Oral)
Stanozolol (injectable)
Thus, you will see nauseating hypocrisy in athletes at that level, not only in
bodybuilding but in many sports where the athletes are idolized by their fans
and the general public.
Many professional bodybuilders have sincere intentions when they condemn
the use of anabolic steroids in athletics, as they recognize the enormous
abuse potential for these drugs when placed in the hands of ignorant
I would criticize their actions further if I could honestly say that I would not
do the same thing placed in their position.
10. How much of the weight that is usually gained on a steroid cycle
is actually solid muscle?
The majority of weight gained on a steroid cycle is from retention of cellular
and extra cellular fluid. This is what many lifters will call "water bloat".
This initial water weight gain is beneficial up to a certain point. It provides
extra nutrients to the muscles and increases their ability to contract by
simply giving them more area to work in.
The average weight gain on a steroid cycle ranges anywhere from five to
twenty pounds. Let's say a lifter has gone on a two month steroid cycle and
gained a total body weight of twelve pounds.
By monitoring body fat percentages, through body composition analysis, an
athlete can keep an idea as to how much of what they gained is body fat.
Although anabolic steroids can increase the body's ability to mobilize and use
fat stores, many athletes find that they go through an increase in body fat
while on a bulking cycle.
This is simply because they take in an excess amount of calories on an
effective bulking program. This is actually a benefit, not a hindrance, at this
Let's say our subject who gained twelve pounds determined through body
composition analysis that he had put on four pounds of body fat.
This leaves an eight pound increase in lean body weight. Of that eight
pounds, it is very likely that only two pounds are skeletal muscle.
It is known that for every one pound of skeletal muscle you put on, the body
brings with it three pounds of supportive cellular and extra cellular fluid. Still,
an increase of two pounds of skeletal muscle mass is a substantial gain.
--11. What accounts for the incredible pump I get while I am using
anabolic steroids?
The "steroid pump" does have an actual physiological explanation. It is
primarily due to the fact that there is more blood available in the body during
a steroid cycle. One of the affects of anabolic steroid use is an increased
production of RBC's (red blood cells).
That increases blood volume and greatly improves the oxygen carrying ability
of blood. This increases the efficiency and endurance of skeletal muscle cells.
A 200 pound lifter could carry an extra liter of blood during this time.
This increased blood volume partially explains why some athletes feel
"pumped" all the time while they are on a steroid cycle. It also explains the
incredible pump you get while working out at this time
-12. I have finally made up my mind that I am going to try them and I
was just wondering what kind of results I should expect?
This is really a difficult question to answer. Results vary greatly from one
individual to the next.
In general, steroid users find that their first cycle is the most dramatic in
terms of the gains that they make.
Some users claim to gain a solid thirty pounds on their first cycle while
others notice little if any gains at all.
Obviously, the athlete that has weight trained for a number of years, and
continues to train intensely during the cycle and who eats a high calorie
nutrient dense diet, stands to put on a lot more muscle than the athletes who
are not disciplined enough to follow through with the whole program.
It has been substantiated that a steroid user taking moderate dosages of
Nandrolone Decanoate and Dianabol can gain twice as much muscle mass in
a two month cycle than they could in an entire year of effective training.
It is felt that an individual can gain a maximum of 4 pounds of muscle per
year for every 100 pounds of body weight that they possess.
This would translate to a 200 pound man having a maximum potential to
gain 8 pounds of muscle per year, which itself would be an enormous gain.
The first time steroid user can gain as much as 8 pounds per 100 pounds of
body weight in a single ten week cycle. This means that the first time steroid
user could gain 16 pounds of muscle injust 2 months.
Their maximum potential without drugs would be 8 pounds in an entire year.
It is easy to see that the steroid gains are substantially higher.
This does not mean that if a person can gain 16 pounds of muscle in two
months on a steroid cycle that they could gain 96 pounds of muscle if the
athlete were to stay on steroids for twelve months straight.
Copyright 2003
Certain inhibiting factors prohibit that. Evidence suggests that the maximum
gains of a steroid cycle are reached before the eighth week.
It is rare for the first time steroid user who eats right and trains hard not to
gain at least four or five pounds of solid muscle.
--13. My doctor informed me that using veterinarian steroids is very
dangerous. What do you think?
Veterinarian steroids do not have to meet the exact same sanitary
specifications that human pharmaceuticals do; however, they are generally
made under sanitary conditions.
Legitimate veterinarian steroids are certainly a much better choice than using
any form of a counterfeit. I have never heard from an athlete that felt they
were harmed by the use of a veterinarian steroid. Interestingly enough,
some of the most modern anabolic steroids are for animals.
However, there are numerous new veterinarian anabolic steroid preparations
being developed every year. A number of these preparations look to be
remarkably anabolic with minimal androgenic qualities.
These agents should optimize muscle mass increases while minimizing
androgenic side effects. Australia seems to be producing most of these new
vet drugs.
--14. Is it possible to use Anadrol in a pre-contest cycle without
retaining water?
The pre-contest use of Anadrol is untraditional yet several bodybuilders claim
to have done it with outstanding results. Few, if any steroids, deliver the type
of size and strength gains seen with Anadrol.
Anadrol gives the muscles bulk and fullness that would be extremely
desirable in a bodybuilding show. The problem is that Anadrol almost always
causes water retention and it aromatizes quite easily resulting in high
estrogen levels.
Some bodybuilders have successfully managed this estrogen and water
retention problem by using Nolvadex at 10 to 20 mg per day in a stack with
50 mg of Anadrol right up to the day before the bodybuilding contest.
Copyright 2003
One athlete informed me that he used a high dosage of the oral testosterone
ester Andriol (testosterone undecanoate) at a drug tested bodybuilding
contest in California and passed with an acceptable testosterone to
epitestosterone ratio.
This bodybuilder stated that he used eight capsules of Andriol per day for
approximately four weeks prior to the contest and only stopped using the
drug two days before the contest. His ratio was 4.5 to I (a positive ratio is 6
to I or higher in most cases).
Low doses of testosterones are the prototype undetectable steroid. There are
rumors of exotic European steroids which cannot be detected as of yet but
the actual use of these products is very low. The actual use of testosterone,
on the other hand, has always been popular.
--18. I have heard that if an air bubble gets in the syringe and is
injected, it can kill you. What should I do it?
First of all, it would likely take a full three ccs of air injected right into a vein
to cause a fatality. Small air bubbles injected intramuscularly in an oil
solution do not pose a hazard, yet it is a good practice to eliminate them
Small air bubbles that appear in an oil solution after it is drawn into the
syringe will slowly rise to the top of the syringe if held needle-side-up. This
may take as long as ten minutes with some persistent tapping on the side of
the case.
After the air has all risen to the top of the solution, the stopper can be
slightly pressed which expels the air from the syringe.
--19. I am starting a cycle of deca durabolin and sustanon. What drug
shoulf I use to rise up natural testosterone after the cycle?
After the cycle of anabolic stereoid is recommended to take HCG or Clomid or
better even both. Dosage for Clomid is 50-100 mg per day, dosage for HCG
is 5.000-10.000 I.U. per week
taken, there is a higher chance for the negative effects of steroids to occur. If
there is no off period the body does not have a chance to recover from the
steroids, so more damage is done. This also is terrible for the kidneys and
Eating Poorly:
Many people ignore magazines and educators that explain eating as being an
important asset to growing, but the truth is, eating healthy has a big effect
on the body. When on steroids the user must comsume between 4000 and
7000 calories a day, not meaning eat only fat foods. The diet must be high in
calories and protein, but low in fat.
Training Incorrectly:
When on steroids the training must be intense and difficult. Instead of the
usual weight that suits you, you must do excess weight and strenuous work
for the best gains. The workout should involve the maximum weight possible,
and make progress each time.
Not Getting Regular Blood Tests:
Steroids are very dangerous and can cause great problems. Blood tests
should be done often and regularly. When steroids are first taken many tests
become elevated but will return to normal with in a few weeks. During the off
period tests should also be done to make sure the body is recovering
properly. If there is a problem with the Blood test, consult a doctor that you
can trust.
Using The Wrong Steroids:
Many athletes will increase their chances of getting negative effects when
they take the wrong steroids. The strongest steroids that build more muscle
mass, have the most side effects. These drugs should be avoided if possible,
unless there is a reason to have an unbelievable gain. But these drugs are
very toxic and we would recommend not taking them.
This reading will help a physician to determine the function of the kidneys in
terms of urea filtration in the kidneys. Steroids have the potential of
damaging the filtration system of your kidneys.
> Creatinine
This again checks the function of the kidney's by way of its ability to clear the
by-product creatinine from the system. These levels could also be high due
to creatine usage as the by-product of creatine usage is creatinine. It is
important to have a doctor who you trust and whom you can reveal all the
particulars to.
> BUN/Creatinine Ratio
Again, this is a predictor of kidney problems whether they be temporary or
> Total Protein
Blood excesses MAY indicate kidney damage. It is important to note that in
some of these areas of indicators bodybuilders may have levels that are
higher in a transient way rather than a permanent way. Also, whenever I
have used creatine, my levels of creatinine were higher but their was no
indication otherwise of kidney damage. It was just a by- product of the
creatine usage. This is one reason that I advocate that bodybuilders use
Physicians that are familiar with Sports Medicine and the various peculiarities
that go with supplementation but which may only be fleeting changes in
blood chemistry.
> Albumin
Can indicate Kidney damage.
> Globulin
Again can indicate the possibility of Kidney damage.
> Albumin/Globulin Ratio
Aspects pertinent to kidney function.
> Total Bilirubin
Liver damage is sometimes indicated by high levels of bilirubin.
> Alkaline Phosphatase
(Continued here...)
I bench 365 for two reps and can rep out 225 seventeen
times. Last month I got 1000 on the sled for 5 reps. I do
20mins cardio 3 days week.
I eat like the athlete that I am and believe that being a
star is not about doing something right some of the time but
is about doing something right most of the time.
A couple of months ago, my ex-wife told me that if I looked
this good when we were married that things would have been a
lot different!!! Coming from her that was a hell of a
compliment let me tell you!!
She has done some cycles and loved the results too. However,
I now tend to date women who are about a dozen or so years
my younger. So far none of them have believed my age.
In relating all of the above I certainly do not want to
appear egotistical for I do not take the credit for what I
consider to be this fountain of youth.
I know that my hard work in the gym paid off but I also know
that all the above that I have acclaimed is due to steroids.
But not just any steroids.
I must emphasize that for a man in his 40's to be feeling
this way and be relatively injury-free most of the time is
due in large part to doing the right things in the right
And that came from a lot of reading, asking the right people
the right questions (I always emphasize that I want to stay
healthy), and experimentation.
Also, it has come from realizing what my real goals are and
not being deceived by all the hype and egos that go with the
territory of bodybuilding.
A total of 1152 people took part on what is probably the biggest survey ever done
on anabolic steroid use. We wanted to know what the modern day steroid user is
like, how much he/she spends on steroids, do they suffer from "roid rage", how old,
what sex, why they started on steroids, how many times they have bought, have
they been scammed etc etc etc.
NOTE, the percentages may not always add up to 100% exactly. The reason for this
is that either some people did not answer a particluar question or some may have
selected a multiple answer.
What's your age?
Between 22-35
- 576 ( 50%)
Between 35-50
- 265 ( 23%)
Younger than 22
- 196 ( 17%)
Older than 50
- 115 ( 1%)
- 81 ( 2%)
- 1014 ( 88%)
- 357 ( 31%)
- 104 ( 9%)
- 553 ( 48%)
- 392 ( 34%)
- 576 ( 50%)
- 161 ( 14%)
- 829 ( 72%)
- 81 ( 7%)
- 35 ( 3%)
- 35 ( 3%)
- 127 ( 11%)
1152 - Overall Total
- 588 ( 51%)
- 368 ( 32%)
- 81 ( 7%)
- 276 ( 24%)
- 23 ( 2%)
- 311 ( 27%)
- 150 ( 13%)
- 58 ( 5%)
- 657 ( 57%)
- 127 ( 11%)
If you got the chance, would you buy anabolic steroids or other
prescripted drugs through Internet, even if it's illegal?
- 253 ( 22%)
- 726 ( 63%)
- 357 ( 31%)
- 81 ( 7%)
- 46 ( 4%)
- 173 ( 15%)
- 219 ( 19%)
- 553 ( 48%)
- 357 ( 31%)
- 12 ( 1%)
- 12 ( 1%)
- 242 ( 21%)
- 12 ( 1%)
- 58 ( 5%)
- 714 ( 62%)
- 115 ( 10%)
- 138 ( 12%)
- 507 ( 44%)
- 461 ( 40%)
- 173 ( 15%)
- 57 ( 5%)
- 795 ( 69%)
1152 - Overall Total
Between 1000-3000$
Between 3000-5000$
More than 5000$
- 553 ( 48%)
- 288 ( 25%)
- 35 ( 3%)
- 12 ( 1%)
- 23 ( 2%)
- 288 ( 25%)
- 588 ( 51%)
- 58 ( 5%)
- 910 ( 79%)
- 196 ( 17%)
- 300 ( 26%)
- 104 ( 9%)
- 46 ( 4%)
- 35 ( 3%)
- 438 ( 38%)
- 127 ( 11%)
- 35 ( 3%)
1152 - Overall Total
Have you ever tried growth hormone, and did you get any effect?
No, never tried it
- 852 ( 74%)
- 12 ( 1%)
- 46 ( 4%)
- 35 ( 3%)
- 253 ( 22%)
- 726 ( 63%)
- 392 ( 34%)
- 357 ( 31%)
University Degree
- 46 ( 4%)
- 253 ( 22%)
- 783 ( 68%)
- 92 ( 8%)
If yes, did you use drugs before you started using anabolic
steroids ?
- 207 ( 18%)
- 104 ( 9%)
If yes, do you feel that the steroids was the reason to why you
started experimenting with other drugs?
- 265 ( 23%)
- 12 ( 1%)
- 161 ( 14%)
- 23 ( 2%)
- 680 ( 59%)
- 69 ( 6%)
- 276 ( 24%)
- 127 ( 11%)
Just HCG
- 104 ( 9%)
Just Clomid
- 196 ( 17%)
Roid Rage; do you think it's real or just someone's ego out of
Ego problems
- 392 ( 34%)
Not real
- 81 ( 7%)
- 230 ( 20%)
- 346 ( 30%)
- 276 ( 24%)
- 265 ( 23%)
Taper Down
- 288 ( 25%)
Taper Up
- 69 ( 6%)
Since you've started steroids, have you found that you eat better,
exercise more and generally feel healthier?
A little
- 138 ( 12%)
- 46 ( 4%)
- 668 ( 58%)
Since starting steroids, have you been able to reduce your bodyfat
while maintaining or increasing muscle?
- 127 ( 11%)
- 714 ( 62%)
Very good
- 35 ( 3%)
- 196 ( 17%)
- 611 ( 53%)
Do you feel that steroids have made you want to eat more?
- 127 ( 11%)
- 219 ( 19%)
- 507 ( 44%)
Do you attribute your weight gains to (1) eating more because you
know you have to or (2) being on steroids and eating more
because steroids make you hungrier?
- 438 ( 38%)
- 426 ( 37%)
- 12 ( 1%)
- 35 ( 3%)
- 23 ( 2%)
- 81 ( 7%)
- 150 ( 13%)
- 35 ( 3%)
- 714 ( 62%)
- 173 ( 15%)
- 852 ( 74%)
- 530 ( 46%)
- 219 ( 19%)
- 288 ( 25%)
- 495 ( 43%)
- 173 ( 15%)
- 680 ( 59%)
- 334 ( 29%)
- 657 ( 57%)
- 703 ( 61%)
- 300 ( 26%)
Interesting reading, here are the most interesting points of the survey for me:
Most steroid users are 22-35 year old single males with no children.
The main reason why people did not do steroids previously was due to lack
Most people who buy through the Internet repeat purchase, although 1 in 6
MUCH higher, but as many who took the survey ordered through the links
we have to suppliers they are very well protected against being scammed).
Most users are "beginners to intermediate" with only a very few having done
Whilst the majority do not experience any side effects, those who do almost
Hardly anybody feels that steroids made them feel more violent, and that
The main reasons why people started on steroids were to become stronger
and to get a great body fast, and easily the vast majority feel very happy
with what they have achieved with steroids.
Almost everyone who used steroids found they eat better, exercise more,
feel heathier, have gained muscle and lost fat, and believe they have a
better appearance and attitude.
Most people spend under $1000 per year and feel totally in control of their
Almost everyone stacks, with Sustanon and Deca being the favourite drugs.
Very few use other drugs, and the few who started to use other drugs after
steroid use
starting steroids do not feel steroids had anything to do with their decision.
Most people felt they were correctly informed before use. The source of their
information came from either the Internet or people in the gym.
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