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QUESTAO 3rdyear Inter 2ndtermtest 2015

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1. (Ueg 2015) Analise a charge a seguir para responder questo.

De acordo com a imagem e a fala da personagem Calvin,

a) a prova de que h vida inteligente em outras partes do universo que esses seres nunca
tentaram contato com os humanos.
b) o sinal evidente de existncia de vida fora da terra percebido pela devastao do planeta
por seres extraterrestres.
c) a ironia presente no texto refere-se existncia de vida inteligente na terra e ausncia dela
em outros planetas.
d) a rvore cortada um sinal de que seres extraterrestres tentaram entrar em contato com os
habitantes da terra.
2. (Ufg 2014) The term ''hate speech, as defined by the Council of Europe's Committee of
Ministers, covers all forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify racial hatred,
xenophobia, anti-Semitism or other forms of hatred based on intolerance, including: intolerance
expressed by aggressive nationalism and ethnocentrism, discrimination and hostility against
minorities, migrants and people of immigrant origin.
According to the given definition, which of the following cartoons contains hate speech?


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Youre in the middle of a texting conversation when the other person suddenly stops for a long
pause before responding. What does 1it mean? Maybe they got a call or got distracted by
something else, or their thumbs needed a break. But its also possible theyre taking the time to
cook up a lie.
Researchers from Brigham Young University asked more than 100 college students to respond
to 30 questions each that were generated by a computer and texted to the participants. In half of
their responses, the students were asked to lie. The researchers found that when the students
lied, it took 2them 10% longer to send the text message and they made more edits than usual.
When communicating with someone in person, most people look for behaviors that 3they feel
are indicators of dishonesty, like not being able to look people in the eye or moving nervously.
Spotting 4such signals is hard to do when someone is on the other end of a string of text
messages. But the new research suggests that some patterns, such as the delay in texting,
could become a sign for detecting lies in such communications. The researchers say 5their
findings raise questions about how the validity of communications on social media might be
interpreted on matters of security and personal safety.
From: Time 100 New health discoveries how the latest breakthroughs can improve your
health and wellness. ed. 50. Time Inc. Specials, 2003,
p. 51.

3. (Ufsc 2015) Choose the alternative(s) that BEST represents (represent) a possible title for
01) Research on face to face communication
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02) Liars take longer to text
04) Skilled versus unskilled communicators
08) Strategic media
16) The power of telling the truth
4. (Ufsc 2015) Choose the CORRECT alternative(s).
01) It, in reference 1, refers to the delay of a persons response when texting a message.
02) Them, in reference 2, refers to researchers.
04) They, in reference 3, refers to most people.
08) Such signals, in reference 4, refers to text messages.
16) Their, in reference 5, refers to research findings on virtual security and safety.
5. (Ufsc 2015) Choose the CORRECT alternative(s) according to text.
01) Doing research on technology requires at least 100 participants.
02) Taking longer to text may be a sign of lying.
04) Responding to text messages takes 10% longer than sending text messages.
08) It is harder to detect lies when communicating through messages than when communicating
with someone in person.
16) Communications on social media are totally safe.
6. (Ufsc 2015) Which question(s) can be answered according to text? Select the CORRECT
01) In which situations did students have to lie?
02) How did students report to feel when they had to tell a lie?
04) In how many answers did each student have to lie?
08) Why was the research conducted by Brigham Young University?
16) How many students were interviewed by researchers from Brigham Young University?
32) How long did the research last?
64) How many questions were asked to these students?
7. (Uel 2014) Leia o texto a seguir.
What is love?
What is love? And what causes it? A University professor, Charles Zastrow, offers an
interesting answer, particularly to the second question. He argues that there are many kinds of
love and that particularly in one kind, which he calls romantic love we are strongly influenced
not so much by what we actually feel, but by what we tell ourselves about the way we feel. He
calls this self-talk. For example, say a woman is strongly attracted to a man (it could just as
easily happen to a man attracted to a woman). She tells herself things like:
He is all I have ever wanted in a man! Hes warm, kind and affectionate and will
understand all my needs. But when she discovers that he is, like all of us, just an ordinary
human being with both strong and weak points, she is bitterly disappointed.
Zastrow says that particularly in romantic love, our self-talk comes from intense,
unsatisfied desires and frustrations, and that this kind of romantic love often requires
distance. The more forbidden the love, the stronger it becomes. The more the effort necessary
to be with each other (traveling long distances) or the greater the frustration (loneliness and
sexual needs), the more intense the romance.
He points out that this kind of love often begins to fade and die as soon as the problems
and obstacles which separated the two people are removed and a normal relationship begins.
He contrasts romantic love with what he calls rational love. This is based on such
thing as: an accurate, objective idea of the other persons weakness as well as his or her
strengths; the ability to communicate with each other openly and honestly, so that you can deal
with problems as they arise; the ability to show affection openly to each other and to give as well
as receive; a clear knowledge of your own goals in life; a realistic and rational self-talk, so that
your feelings are not based on fantasy.
This kind of love is far more likely to lead to a lasting satisfying relationship. But it is, as
Zastrow and others point out, much more difficult to achieve, and is not as common as romantic

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(Adaptado de: <http://www.isabelperez.com/select/whatislove.htm>. Acesso em: 7 jun. 2013.)
De acordo com o texto, compare as caractersticas do amor romntico e do amor racional.

Leia a resenha abaixo, do romance If today be sweet, para responder (s) questo(es).
Tehmina Sethnas beloved husband has died this past year and she is visiting her son,
Sorab, in his suburban Ohio home. Now Tehmina is being asked to choose between her old,
familiar life in India and a new one in Ohio with her son, his American wife and their child. She
must decide whether to leave the comforting landscape of her native India for the strange rituals
of life in a new country. This is a journey Tehmina, a middle-aged Parsi 1 woman, must travel
The Parsis were let into India almost a millennium ago because of their promise to
sweeten and enrich the lives of the people in their adopted country. This is an ancient promise
that Tehmina takes seriously. And so, while faced with the larger choice of whether to stay in
America or not, Tehmina is also confronted with another, more urgent choice: whether to live in
America as a stranger or as a citizen. Citizenship implies connection, participation and
involvement. Soon destiny beckons in the form of two young, troubled children next door. It is
the plight of these two boys that forces Tehmina to choose. She will either straddle two worlds
forever and live in a no-mans land or jump into the fullness of her new life in America.
If today be sweet, novel by Thrity Umrigar, celebrates family and community. It is an
honest but affectionate look at contemporary America the sterility of its suburban life, the tinsel
of its celebrity culture, but also the generosity of its people and their thirst for connection and
communication. Eloquently written, evocative and unforgettable, If today be sweet is a poignant
look at issues of immigration, identity, family life and hope. It is a novel that shows how cultures
can collide and become better for it.

Parsi antigos persas que, para escapar s perseguies muulmanas, emigraram e se

estabeleceram na ndia

8. (Uerj 2014) A resenha faz referncia a uma antiga promessa que permitiu a permanncia
dos Parses na ndia.
Identifique essa promessa e a forma como Tehmina a encara nos dias de hoje.
9. (Uerj 2014) As resenhas tm o propsito de descrever e avaliar os livros para possveis
Indique os pargrafos da resenha de If today be sweet que apresentam o enredo desse
romance para os leitores. Indique, tambm, o principal dilema vivido por sua protagonista,
Tehmina Sethna.
10. (Uerj 2014) De acordo com o segundo pargrafo, a protagonista, Tehmina Sethna, precisa
fazer uma escolha relacionada sua cidadania.
Retire, em ingls, o fragmento que explicita a escolha a ser feita. Em seguida, com base no
texto, cite dois elementos que caracterizam a cidadania.

Beautiful Day, Isnt It?

The day started out rotten. Mary overslept and was late for work. Everything that
happened at the office contributed to her nervous frenzy. By the time she reached the bus stop
for her homeward trip, her stomach was one big knot.
As usual, the bus was late and jammed. She had to stand in the aisle. As the lurching
vehicle pulled her in all directions, her gloom deepened.
Then she heard a voice from up front boom, Beautiful day, isnt it? Because of the
crowd, she could not see the man, but she heard him as he continued to comment on the spring
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scenery, calling attention to each approaching landmark. This church. That park. This cemetery.
That firehouse. Soon all the passengers were gazing out the windows. The mans enthusiasm
was so contagious she found herself smiling for the first time that day.
They reached her stop. Maneuvering toward the door, she got a look at their guide: an
older gentleman with a beard, wearing dark glasses and carrying a thin, white cane.
Disponvel em: <http://www.miguelmllop.com>. Acesso em: 23 jul. 2013.

11. (Uema 2014) Retire do texto duas (2) frases para cada situao abaixo:
a) O humor de Mary antes de entrar no nibus.
b) O humor de Mary enquanto estava no nibus.
12. (Uema 2014) Responda questo a, em portugus.
a) Mary est indo de casa para o trabalho ou do trabalho para casa?
b) Retire a frase do texto que justifica a resposta da letra 'a'.
13. (Uema 2014) Could the older gentleman really see that the day was beautiful? Justify your
answer in English.

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Resposta da questo 1:
A alternativa [A] est correta, pois a frase pode ser entendida como: "de vez em quando eu
acho que o sinal mais evidente de que a vida inteligente existe em algum lugar no universo
que ningum tentou nos contatar".
Resposta da questo 2:
A tirinha da alternativa [B] configura aquilo que o enunciado chama de "discurso do dio" (hate
speech), o uso de expresses que "disseminam, promovem ou justificam o dio racial, a
xenofobia, o antissemitismo ou outras formas de dio baseadas na intolerncia". A alternativa
[B] est correta porque o homem afirma que apesar de ele fazer parte de uma sociedade muito
tolerante, se o outro povo no se comportar como ele, tal povo ter que voltar para sua maldita
(bloody) origem.
Resposta da questo 3:
[01] Falsa. "Pesquisa sobre comunicao cara a cara" no um ttulo apropriado para o texto,
pois a pesquisa trata de conversas por mensagens de texto.
[02] Verdadeira. "Os mentirosos demoram mais para escrever mensagens de texto". Esse ttulo
coerente com o texto, pois temos o seguinte trecho: "But the new research suggests that
some patterns, such as the delay in texting, could become a sign for detecting lies in such
communications" (mas a nova pesquisa sugere que alguns padres, tais como o atraso em
mandar mensagens de texto poderia ser um sinal para detectar mentiras em tais
[04] Falsa. "Comunicadores habilidosos e no habilidosos" no tem relao nenhuma relao
com o texto.
[08] Falsa. "Mdias estratgicas" no tem nenhuma relao com o texto.
[16] Falsa. "O poder de falar a verdade" no tem nenhuma relao com o texto.
Resposta da questo 4:
01 + 04 = 05.
[01] Verdadeira.O pronome it refere-se ao "atraso da resposta de uma pessoa ao mandar uma
mensagem de texto".
[02] Falsa. O pronome "them" no se refere aos "pesquisadores", mas sim aos "estudantes".
[04] Verdadeira. O pronome "they" refere-se "maioria das pessoas".
[08] Falsa. A expresso "tais sinais" no se refere s mensagens de texto, mas sim s
[16] Falsa. O possessivo "their" no se refere a descobertas de pesquisas sobre segurana e
privacidade virtuais, mas sim aos "pesquisadores.
Resposta da questo 5:
02 + 08 = 10.
[01] Falsa. "Fazer pesquisas sobre tecnologia requer pelo menos 100 participantes". O texto
fala: "Researchers from Brigham Young University asked more than 100 college
students..." (pesquisadores da Universidade de Brigham Young pediram para mais de 100
[02] Verdadeira. "Demorar mais tempo para mandar mensagens de texto pode ser um sinal de
mentira". O texto coloca: "But its also possible theyre taking the time to cook up a lie" (Mas
pode ser um sinal de que eles estejam mentindo).
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[04] Falsa. "Responder a mensagens de texto demora 10% mais tempo do que enviar
mensagens de texto". O texto fala apenas que "The researchers found that when the
students lied, it took them 10% longer to send the text message and they made more edits
than usual" (os pesquisadores descobriram que quando os estudantes mentiam, eles
demoravam 10% mais tempo para enviar uma mensagem de texto e que eles faziam mais
edies do que de costume).
[08] Verdadeira. " mais difcil detectar mentiras ao se comunicar por meio de mensagens do
que ao se comunicar com algum em pessoa". O texto fala: "Spotting such signals is hard
to do when someone is on the other end of a string of text messages" (detectar tais sinais
difcil de se fazer quando algum est no outro lado da linha durante uma troca de
mensagens de texto).
[16] Falsa. "A comunicao nas mdias sociais totalmente segura". O texto coloca: "The
researchers say their findings raise questions about how the validity of communications on
social media might be interpreted on matters of security and personal safety" (os pesquisadores
dizem que suas descobertas levantam questes sobre at que ponto a validade das
comunicaes nas mdias sociais pode ser interpretada em questes de segurana e de
Resposta da questo 6:
04 + 16 + 64 = 84.
[01] Falsa. A pergunta "em que situaes os estudantes tiveram que mentir?" no pode ser
respondida com base no texto.
[02] Falsa. A pergunta "como os estudantes relataram estar se sentindo quando tinham que
mentir?" no pode ser respondida com base no texto.
[04] Verdadeira. A pergunta "em quantas questes os estudantes tinham que mentir?" pode ser
respondida com base no texto. O texto coloca: "In half of their responses, the students
were asked to lie" (em metade das respostas [15], foi pedido para que os estudantes
[08] Falsa. A pergunta "por que a pesquisa foi conduzida pela Universidade Brigham Young?"
no pode ser respondida com base no texto.
[16] Verdadeira. A pergunta "quantos estudantes foram entrevistados por pesquisadores da
Universidade Brigham Young?" pode ser respondida com base no texto. O texto coloca: "
Researchers from Brigham Young University asked more than 100 college students..."
(pesquisadores da Universidade de Brigham Young pediram para mais de 100
[32] Falsa. A pergunta "quanto tempo a pesquisa durou?" no pode ser respondida com base
no texto.
[64] Verdadeira. A pergunta "quantas questes foram dadas para os estudantes?" pode ser
respondida com base no texto. O texto coloca: "... to respond to 30 questions..." (para
responder 30 questes).
Resposta da questo 7:
No amor romntico, a pessoa amada idealizada como perfeita, o que resulta em
desapontamentos, conforme o trecho: But when she discovers that he is, like all of us, just an
ordinary human being with both strong and weak points, she is bitterly disappointed. (Mas
quando ela descobre que ele , como todos ns, apenas um ser humano comum com pontos
fortes e fracos, ela fica extremamente desapontada.). Outra caracterstica do amor romntico
que quanto maior os obstculos para a realizao desse amor, mais intenso o romance,
conforme o trecho: The more forbidden the love, the stronger it becomes. The more the effort
necessary to be with each other (traveling long distances) or the greater the frustration
(loneliness and sexual needs), the more intense the romance. (Quanto mais proibido o amor,
mais forte ele se torna.
Quanto maior o esforo para estar com o outro (viajar longas distncias) ou quanto maior a
frustrao (solido e necessidades sexuais), maior e mais intenso o romance.). Alm disso,
caracterizado pelo self-talk, ou seja, a pessoa apaixonada se convence do que sente. Em
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contrapartida, o amor racional se baseia em uma viso mais realista da pessoa amada com
seus pontos fortes e fracos, em um dilogo aberto e em uma relao com objetivos claros e
bem determinados e sem fantasias, conforme o trecho: an accurate, objective idea of the other
persons weakness as well as his or her strengths; the ability to communicate with each other
openly and honestly (...) so that your feelings are not based on fantasy (uma ideia precisa e
objetiva das fraquezas da outra pessoa assim como seus pontos fortes; a habilidade de
comunicar-se aberta e honestamente (...) para que seus sentimentos no sejam baseados em
Resposta da questo 8:
Mil anos atrs, os Parses tiveram permisso de permanecer na ndia sob a condio de
"abrandar" e enriquecer as vidas das pessoas no pas adotado. Tal promessa encarada
seriamente por Themina.
Resposta da questo 9:
Os pargrafos 1 e 2 apresentam o romance aos leitores. O principal dilema vivido por Tehmiina
Sethna refere-se escolha da personagem em ficar na Amrica ou no, vivendo no pas como
uma estranha ou como uma cidad. Em outras palavras, Tehmiina Sethna, enquanto uma
mulher Parsi de meia-idade ter que decidir se deixar a paisagem confortvel de sua ndia
natal para participar de costumes estranhos a ela em um novo pas.
Resposta da questo 10:
O fragmento que explicita a escolha a ser feita o seguinte: "And so, while faced with the
larger choice of whether to stay in America or not, Tehmina is also confronted with another,
more urgent choice: whether to live in America as a stranger or as a citizen".
O candidato poderia escolher como elementos que caracterizam a cidadania a conexo, a
participao e o envolvimento.
Resposta da questo 11:
a) Everything that happened at the office contributed to her nervous frenzy e her stomach
was one big knot.
b) As the lurching vehicle pulled her in all directions, her gloom deepened e she found herself
smiling for the first time that day.
Resposta da questo 12:
a) Mary est indo do trabalho para casa.
b) By the time she reached the bus stop for her homeward trip.
Resposta da questo 13:
Sugesto de resposta:
By being physically blind, the man could not see objects or people. However, he developed a
sense of wonderment and became able to understand how beautiful nature is in its essence.

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Resumo das questes selecionadas nesta atividade

Data de elaborao:
Nome do arquivo:

05/06/2015 s 09:49

Q/Prova = nmero da questo na prova
Q/DB = nmero da questo no banco de dados do SuperPro
Q/prova Q/DB





1.............138099.....Mdia.............Ingls.............Ueg/2015..............................Mltipla escolha
2.............128637.....Mdia.............Ingls.............Ufg/2014...............................Mltipla escolha

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