Sufi Parables en
Sufi Parables en
Sufi Parables en
Written down by
Anna Zubkova
Under editorship of
Vladimir Antonov
Translated from Russian
by Anton Teplyy and Vladimir Antonov
Correctors of English translation:
Hiero Nani and Keenan Murphy
PARABLE ABOUT GOOD AND EVIL .................................................. 7
PARABLE ABOUT THE SIGHT OF THE MASTER .......................... 13
PARABLE ABOUT HOW TO LEARN TRUE LOVE .......................... 15
PURIFICATION OF THE SOUL........................................................... 21
EMBRACE OF ALLAH ........................................................................ 34
People have different ideas about what their religious life should be.
Some think that it should consist in the participation in rites and violence against other people.
Others the reasonable ones understand that
One Universal God (the Creator, the Primordial Consciousness), called Allah in Arabic, now (and not, for
example, during the formation of Islam) wants from us,
embodied people, quite the contrary. Namely, He wants
everyone to perfect, to develop himself or herself as a
It is customary in Islam to denominate a war
against people who are considered enemies as external jihad, while internal struggle against ones own imperfections as internal jihad.
Sufism the main branch of Islam is where the
methods of internal jihad are practiced. You can read
about this in the books such as Classics of Spiritual
Philosophy and the Present, Divine Parables, Book of
the Warrior of the Spirit and in others. The parables
published in this book are also dedicated to this theme.
The true methodology of spiritual development
taught to us by Allah is one for all people who seek the
Path of spiritual perfection. Only the external forms of
manifestation of religiosity are different. Yet they were
created by people, and not by Allah, and do not relate
directly to Him.
This book will be useful to all those people who,
in their personal evolutionary development, have become mature enough to practice internal jihad.
When the travelers approached the house of the
Master, He was standing at the gate. It seemed that He
was waiting for them.
The Master kindly welcomed the travelers.
The sun was shining, and to the disappointment
of the seekers, the shadow of His body followed obediently its every movement
Now the young men did not know what to do
However, the Master cordially invited them to enter, saying:
When the young men made themselves comfortable in a garden to take a rest after the meal, a sick
person came to the Master. His body was covered with
As the Master spoke with him, his face gradually
became brighter and brighter. A smile blossomed on it.
The understanding increased, and the love for Allah
and for all beings in the Creation began to shine in his
He thanked the Master, bowed low, and walked to
the gate Suddenly his skin became clean!
So it happened that the young men stayed with
the Master and became His disciples.
Many years had passed since then. They learned
to see the causes and effects of events, to cleanse the
organs inside human bodies with the Light of Allah, to
Many acquaintances of the Master reproached
Him for allowing the sick girl to stay in His house. They
What will those who want to learn from You think
about You? They will think that You are a bad healer
and not a true Master if a cripple lives in Your house!
However, the Master calmly replied:
I accept that which Allah sends Me and thank
Him for His gifts!
The disciples of the Master began to call the girl
Sufy, since she lived in the house of Sufi sheikh. Thus
this endearing nickname had become her spiritual
name long before she received her first serious initiation.
Once Sufy asked the Master:
Why do diseases exist? How nice it would be if
they didnt!
Are you sure?
But then you and Me would never have met!
Oh! I didnt think about this
Allah brought many people to Me through their
miseries and diseases, and I was able to help some of
Everything is slightly more complex than people
usually think
When you grow up, Sufy, I will teach you to see
the hidden causes of everything that happens. Now
just remember that everything is connected in this
world, in the world beyond the death of the bodies, and
in the Infinite Light of the Love of Allah! Everything is
created by His Love and rests on the foundation made
of this Great Love! Therefore, no matter how difficult
and hopeless a situation seems to be love allows
you to resolve it!
I too wish that diseases and misfortunes didnt
exist However, many things must be changed in the
world and in people living in it so that they never forget
about kindness
Time passed by
The Master taught Sufy other methods of purification of the body and soul. She grew and became a
beautiful girl. The light of her spiritual heart was transforming and healing her body each time more, but she
still walked with great difficulty
In those days, sheikhs sometimes sent their
disciples to learn from other sheikhs. In this way, by
listening about the Truth from other sources and learning from different teachers, disciples could obtain
wider vision and knowledge of life.
And so it happened that the Master and Sufy were
alone in the house that day. The Master was writing a
book while Sufi was washing in the patio when burglars entered the house.
Since deep silence was there, they did not suspect that the Master was in one of the rooms. They
were quickly putting in their bags all that they believed
were of value. (People often thanked the Master with
different gifts; therefore, in the house there were items
that could be sold at a high price).
Having gathered all that they found, they suddenly
saw the Master Who came up to meet them like welcome and kind guests.
The burglars behaved in the same way as people
led by fear usually behave One of them, having approached the Master from the back, hit Him on the
head with a heavy lamp The Master fell and lost consciousness. The bandits hurriedly ran away taking the
stolen with them
Sufy heard a strange noise and ran into the
house She saw the body of the Master on the floor
with trickles of blood around She ran up to Him
This is the end, My girl! said the Master happily, having opened His eyes
No, no, dont die!
I am not going to die! Dont be afraid! The wound
is superficial! Yet now you are completely healed!
Only in this moment Sufy realized that she could
move freely on her legs!
Look how beautiful todays gift of Allah is!
said the Master, while Sufy bandaged the wound.
People often cry and complain when difficulties and
The man stayed in the house of the Master, and
He began to teach His new disciple to move the center
of the soul to the spiritual heart.
He explained:
To start the transformation of the soul, it is necessary to know that one can live perceiving the world
not only with the mind, eyes, and ears of the body, but
also by the loving soul that consists of the spiritual
Now inhale deeply and exhale. Do this several
Feel that space inside your body to which the air
is inhaled and from which it is exhaled. Now try to inhale the light, similar to the one radiated by the sun, in
the same way you inhale the air.
The new disciple of the Master began to repeat
these exercises every day.
A new fascinating perception of the world started
arising in him! It was an amazingly joyful and blissful
contact of the soul, which consisted of tenderness and
calm, with everything and everyone!
Meanwhile, the Master kept showing His disciple
new methods for cleansing the energy of the body and
expansion of the consciousness.
The flower of the soul began blossoming and giving off the fragrance of Divine Love. It became possible, because the love for Allah arose in this man and
got stronger every day!
Now he endeavored to never forget about the
Love of the Creator, Who is always around and inside
each one of us!
Gradually, this man learned to encompass every
situation with his love and calm.
It became easy for him to cope with his evil
thoughts and emotions that still arose sometimes, and
Once his Teacher said to him:
You have mastered the first stage of discipleship: you have learned to be stably in the center of
calm and love, called the spiritual heart. However, you
have mastered this in the conditions of the ashram,
where harmony always reigns.
Now you may go into the world where ordinary
people live and learn to maintain these states also in
those situations in which not everything is favorable.
Moreover, you may teach what you have learned
to those people who will ask for your help.
Are You sending me away, my Master? But I still
know and can do only a little!
Im not sending you away! Im just giving you the
next task: to learn to do all the same but without My
help. Ill meet you here again when youre ready to continue.
How will I know this? I still cannot perceive always the Thoughts of Allah and His Words! I havent
learned enough! How will I distinguish between the
right and the wrong? How can I learn to act correctly if
I cant ask Your advice?
Allah can speak with the soul not only with the
help of the words.
Those who have mastered the ability to be love
can easily master the rest!
Do you remember that day when you came to Me
for the first time?
You then looked at your reflection
Thats how most people live in the world. They
live as if they are looking only at their reflections in
everything. Their horizons are limited. This is how
small individual souls who think only about themselves
live. Such souls perceive everything in the world in relation to how it concerns them personally: People love
me or people dont love me, Im pleased by someone or Im not pleased, I want this and that and
This happens because one usually sees only
what one looks at!
If you, for example, look now at the reflection in
the pond, you will see much more than you saw before,
wont you?
Yes, now I will also see the reflection of this
beautiful sky with light clouds and soaring birds, as
well as tender flowers, which are reflecting so amazingly on this smooth surface, as if they were growing in
Heaven! All this beauty and harmony is like music that
glorifies the Creator! I also see You and myself with
You. I cant see yet the One Who has created all this,
but I know that He is reflected here as well! He is always with us, and I feel His Presence in everything
Well, now you can assess how your horizons
have expanded!
In all that surrounds you, in all that happens to
you you can now learn to see the Manifestation of
the Will of Allah, of His Power, Beauty and Wisdom!
The whole Creation is the Manifestation of His
After a while, the Master continued:
True love is devoid of selfishness. This is the criterion that always permits one to differentiate between
the right and the wrong in oneself and in others.
You should love in this way!
Help others to cognize such pure love!
In this case, the Laws of Kindness and Care that
you have mastered by learning from Me will never let
you fail!
Now you can learn to live feeling the presence of
Allah always!
You will be able to feel Him and simultaneously
to walk or to sit, to be silent or to speak, to eat or just
to admire the beauty!
You will be able to see the Manifestation of the
Will of Allah in everything around you and in everything coming to you! The understanding of His Love
and Wisdom will grow in you every day!
Live in this way and help all other beings that will
be sent to your destiny by Allah!
Thus you will prepare yourself for that time when
you are ready to see the Manifestation of Allah in yourself as well. You will cognize Him as your own Higher
I1, identical to the Universal I! Then we will meet
Or Higher Self.
Some time passed since then. On the surface,
almost nothing had changed in her life, but her attitude
to everything that was happening became quite different.
The disciples of the Master brought her new
books and some money from time to time and helped
her with housework. Besides, at the request of the
Master, they explained the new methods of cleansing
and development of the soul to her.
She also quite often found valuable advice on the
pages of the books that she copied for others. When
she was working with those texts, it seemed to her that
she was speaking with the Master and that He was indicating what she should pay special attention to. She
tried to follow His advice at all times.
However, one day a young disciple gave her latest
work back to her, saying that the Master was not satisfied with the ornament, in whose design, according to
Him, there was no harmony. That is why He was asking
her to do this work over again
The young man left without lingering on.
She stayed alone
Despair seized her: Can it really be true that I
wasnt able to do even this simple work? Oh Allah! Is
there any hope for me?
Tears streamed from her eyes
Then she set to work again, trying hard to feel
harmony and the Love of Allah
Time went by She kept learning to feel the Will
of Allah and the joy of life dedicated to Him.
The disciples of the Master liked to be in her
house. They liked simplicity and purity that now
reigned there. They also liked how she rewrote books,
how she decorated them with delicate ornaments, and
how she took part in discussions by expressing humbly and simply wise thoughts sometimes.
The Master was also pleased with the success of
His female disciple
Villagers started coming to her with their requests
or questions, and she never refused anyone and explained to them what she knew. She also retold stories
that she copied. She told them in a very simple way,
and what was difficult to understand turned into wise
tales or parables from her lips
Now children frequently visited her! They loved
her stories and fairy tales very much! Thus her house
became filled with laughter and joy, and she could
teach those children the Laws of Love of Allah Even
though they were not her own, they loved her and
called her among themselves Sufi storyteller.
Her neighbor changed as well. He apologized for
having offended her once and even offered her to become his second wife She answered him kindly that
she no longer remembered that offense, but the past
could not be returned, and now both he and she
had new lives
One day some travelers from the distant land
came to that village and began to ask where the famous Sufi woman lived. All local people were very surprised and did not know what to answer them
It so happened that the Master sent to her a new
disciple who was not young already. He was traversing
the path of the heart slowly, since in all his born days
earthly love had never happened to him, and therefore
his love for Allah also was not filled with vivid emotions. His efforts were either obedient execution of the
instructions or the attempts to conquer his bad qualities He succeeded greatly in the understanding of
ethical truths and was diligent, but he tried to perform
Amazed by this story and ashamed of their yesterdays conversation, the disciples asked the Master:
Whose words are these? Are You telling us a
made-up story to heal our arrogance or such a Sufi
woman actually lived?
Do you really need to see to be sure? Well, you
will have this possibility. Her name is Sulia. She asked
Me to send someone of My disciples after the book that
she wrote down listening to the words of her Master
Grand Master of Sufism Who isnt embodied right
The next day those disciples who had wished so
went on a journey to learn from the Sufi woman whose
name was Sulia. The girl Sufy was also among them.
The path promised to be long.
On their way to those lands, the disciples asked
sheikhs and murids about this Sufi woman but did not
find out much. They were only told that she lived a solitary life and that sometimes people came to her for advice and healing.
After a long travel, they came to the village that
was, as they found out, the closest one to the house of
Sulia. Here they began to ask how to find a way to her
house. One local female dweller said to them:
Why are you looking for this woman? She has
neither husband nor children and lives all alone. What
can a lonely woman understand in life? Perhaps, she is
not too happy, since her destiny and the circumstances of her life werent good, as it seems.
You look healthy. Usually sick people come to
her, and she can heal their illnesses.
She gathers herbs and prepares remedies. Or
maybe you too want to become healers like she?
In spite of everything, this woman, keeping wondering, led them to the path to the house of Sulia.
When they came, she joyfully welcomed them:
Im so glad to see you, friends! This is so great
that you have come!
They had lunch. Even the most ordinary activities seemed to be sacred in the marvelous harmony of
her house. Sulia gave them very simple and modest
food she had: honey, nuts, and dried fruits.
The disciples themselves brought with them all
kinds of eatables that they bought, but very simple
food of Sulia was much more delicious!
When they had taken a rest and then gathered
near the hearth, Sulia began to tell them about the
My Grand Master dictated me a book about the
Sufi Path. I will pass it on to your Master through you.
Once, in my childhood, your Master helped me a lot! I
know that He is a Great Teacher and will be able to use
and guard this knowledge, which was given to people
from the One Who has maintained the purity and wisdom of Sufi teachings for centuries.
Sulia gave them the book.
The disciples passed it around carefully and read
from it aloud as much as every one of them felt by the
inner desire:
Love for all that exists in the Creation of Allah is
the first stage of the ascension of the soul to the Path.
Let the one who had the courage to start this
Path become a brother or sister to each tree growing
on earth, to each bird singing in branches or flying in
the celestial expanse, to each lizard scurrying in desert
sands, and to each flower blossoming in a garden!
Every living creature of Allah begins to have
meaning in the lives of such spiritual seekers and is
perceived by them as a great miracle created by Allah
for His and our own development!