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Vivado Tutorial

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Vivado Tutorial

In this tutorial we are designing, simulating and implementing a 4-bit binary adder.
Four full adders are used to build the 4-bit parallel adder.


Full Adder


















Start Vivado
Click on create new project

Click Next
Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Enter the project name and location and click Next

Select RTL Project and click Next

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Click Create File

Enter File name and click OK

Click Create File again

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Enter the name of the file and click OK

Click Next

Click Next
Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Click add Files

Browse to the Nexys4_Master.xdc file and select it and click OK

Click Next

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Enter the Family, Package, and speed grade and the select the device from the list
and click Next

Click Finish

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Enter the ports for the PA and select FA

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Enter the ports of the FA and click OK

Click on FA module and the code for it

Then save it. If you have any syntax error you will get a message alerting you to
Click on the PA module to enter its code

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

After entering the code save it

Click on Add Sources in the Project Manager

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Select Add or Create Simulation Sources and click Next

Click Create File

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Enter the file name and click OK

Click Finish

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

The simulation module does not take ports so just click OK

Click Yes

Click on Sim_PA module to open it. Then enter the simulation code.
Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Save it

After selecting Sim_PA

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Click on Run Simulation and select Run Behavioral Simulation

To display the results in decimal select the signal and right click on it then from
radix select unsigned.
Clicking on Elaborated Design will give you the block diagram of your design

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Pin Assignment:

Nexys4_Master.xdc contain all the resources of Nexys4 board commented. Open this
file and uncomment the resources used in the project. Make sure to use the project
signals for each pin.

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Switch 3 dowto 0 are used for input x , switches 7 downto 4 are used for input y,
and swich 8 is used for input Cin

LEDs 3 downto 0 are used to display the output s and LED 4 is used to display
output Cout
Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

After making all the necessary pin connections save the file

Click on Run Synthesis

After selecting Run Implementation, click OK

Select Generate Bitstream and connect your board to the computer. Then Click OK

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

Select Open Hardware Manager and click OK

Click on Open Target and select Auto Connect

Click on Program device and select xc7a100t_0

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

After making sure the correct bit file is selected click program

Change the inputs and observe the results. For this example all the inputs are
1s(15+15+1) and the result is 31.

Toma Sacco, Ph.D.

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