The Health Revolution Episode 7
The Health Revolution Episode 7
The Health Revolution Episode 7
Clive: Of the many health professionals I know in the UK, Richard is at the cutting edge and
theres very little Richard hasnt had experience with over the years, hes had far more
experience than I have and is an expert in Chinese medicine amongst a number of other
things. Energy medicine is perhaps number 1?
Richard: Yes well Ive certainly been researching energy medicine and getting stuck into
what we would consider to be the ways of getting really good non invasive healing so
Chinese medicine is one of them and I suppose I was lucky enough to be brought up in the
Middle East and the Far East and over there they are taught at schools that if youve got a
headache you push this acupuncture point and theyre shown that. I just saw the difference
between the West and the East and it was very remarkable that people at school in the West
were told that if you were ill you went to see the doctor and over in China and Hong Kong
and the Middle East they all knew about the herbs, they knew about massage, they knew
about the natural ways of doing it so I suppose that was my real impetus into trying to find
out what was going on. I suppose the definition of energy medicine would be to define it as
voltage of cells so if the cells have the right voltage, the right substances in other words
ultimately the right voltage then youve got a coherent happy body. I certainly know that
people like Gerry Tenant who has written a book called Healing is Voltage, theres many
wonderful books out there, The Body Electric, Energy Medicine James Oshman and
theyre all pertaining to, really if you get the cells back to the right voltage, you could
describe it as Chinese Medicine or Ayuvedic medicine so yes its very exciting!
Clive: In the laboratory theyve kept cells alive forever havent they? Theyve proved that
actually cells dont die necessarily...
Richard: Thats very interesting and when you read things like The Hayflick Limit about
how many times a cell can divide and then you look at some of the ancient texts and scripts
about people living for hundreds of years and some for seven or eight hundred years and
there was a group of scientists that said that really the average life span should be perhaps
seven to eight hundred years. I think they were alluding to the fact that that was the kind of
time that you probably get hit by the proverbial bus, in other words you wouldnt necessarily
die but something would happen to stop you functioning. So I really think were at the edge
of a Brave New World and with all the research telling Russia and the States and especially
now the internet that is translating things that otherwise wouldnt have seen the light of day
for many years, were really getting that information now and the internets acting like a
global brain, a consciousness to bring that information forward and Im probably like a lot of
people, Im just behind the computer too often, one or two in the morning Im reading
something so we all need a break but then again the things that are coming up now with
devices, hands on healing, essential oils, zero point energy, lasers, I think that really as a
home kit if people had a small outlay they could probably have two or three things in that
home kit that would be more powerful than most things in most clinics.
Clive: Ok, so what would those items be? What would be the top of your list?
Richard: Well people would probably say Im biased because I started a company called
Pain Genie seven years ago because I realised that Scenar technology from the Russian
Space Program was certainly at the forefront or cutting edge of energy medicine, so definitely
I would have a Pain Genie in my toolbox. Its a little device that effectively takes away pain
very quickly or accelerates the healing so the pain is resolved and although we dont claim
that in Europe, certainly from Russian statistics and the positive side effects of using it,
theres a massive acceleration of healing. So certainly youd definitely have one of those
devices in your toolbox and theyre relatively inexpensive, then essential oils, definitely. I
know youve been doing a lot of research on oils and youve got three books over there and I
know you just recorded a programme about essential oils, theyre very powerful and they
were using them thousands of years ago and if you look at the scriptures what do they bring
Jesus? They bring him frankincense, gold and myrrh and its quite likely that gold in fact at
those times was liquid gold which was balsam, so the chances are that maybe they brought
Jesus three essential oils because they were (and Im not going into the pros and cons of
whether Jesus existed or whatever) but the fact that they mention these things is proof enough
to show how powerful they were for anointing and for healing. So youd have some essential
oils and you would then put in a few good books about diet, raw food, not going for
genetically modified foods for example and trying to stay local, a staple diet of good organic
food is a must. Good quality water and then something like a healing blanket and again from
the Russian Space Program these are blankets that in effect act something like orgone
generators, they change the frequency of water in the body, they help reflect good energy
back to the body and so theres a huge healing effect and these are all very simple things you
can put into your toolbox. Beyond that theres a whole range of wonderful health products, I
know your company Ancient Purity has got some amazing products, I think thats how we fell
across each other, and really I think the biggest thing is to make things simple because at the
moment most things are very complex for most people. They get ill, they look at the internet
and theres a plethora of stuff out there, no one knows where to start, they go and see the
medical doctor and by the way I always say that medical doctors try to do the right thing,
maybe the drugs theyre prescribing are not doing the right thing, but certainly to get a
diagnosis is fantastic, but it really is make it simple because if somebody goes to a doctor
they have no information, they have to rely on everything the doctor tells them but whats
nice now is people are actually taking things into their own hands and being responsible for
their own health. So I think anything that helps them do that in that toolbox and really most
of this stuff you could put in your own toolbox for under 1000.
Clive: So lets go through those then, lets just start with gold, frankincense and myrrh,
frankincense for example, what would you use that for? When would you use it? How
would you use it?
Richard: Well, I carry frankincense, patchouli and lavender and peppermint and quite a few
that are essential oils in small bottles with me all the time. One great way of using it is as a
perfume because its a wonderful scent, frankincense is very healing, its very powerful, a lot
of people would be using it to aid with things like cancer a serious disease I mean it has
so many different functions but its certainly a big healer and usually when you apply to the
body theres this thing called resonance thats set up. So each of the oils will have a certain
frequency or base harmonic resonance so that when you take this oil you can actually supply
voltage to other organs in the body and for anybody who wants more information on that, just
search on the internet under essential oils and harmonic resonance but effectively what
happens is if you take an oil like peppermint which has a base frequency of about 70
megahertz and the brain generally has the similar harmonic frequency so like if you had a
tuning fork and you hit a tuning fork at say 434 hertz, another tuning fork at 452 hertz will
also resonate even in the next room but the resonance will happen with anything twice or half
the hertz rate so if you had a 10 hertz tuning fork and you had a 20 hertz tuning fork, you hit
the 10 hertz and the 20 hertz will also vibrate, so would a 5 hertz, this is just harmonic
resonance up the scales. So likewise when you apply essential oils to certain things like
vitaflex points on the feet, points on the hand, forehead and neck, wherever, they will supply
by resonance, voltage, and if were talking about cells having the correct voltage so if you
read about voltage in cells, generally speaking a healthy cell might be about -25 milivolts
which effectively means its alkaline, its above 7 on the Ph scale and when you start looking
at how healing happens when theres a problem to a cell the cell has to raise its voltage up to
about -50 milivolts to kick off the healing cycle. People with cancer and serious disease have
been shown to have a plus voltage so maybe plus 30 milivolts, all were really saying is if we
look at the Ph scale which goes from zero to 14 and 7 is neutral, anything above 7 is alkaline
and what this effectively means is that anything alkaline is an electron donor, its giving
electrons, and anything thats acidic or below 7 is really an electron stealer so its acting as a
free radical. So if you start having a sick cell that has lost its voltage or its acidic and if you
read things like The Ph Miracle and all those sorts of books that show to alkalise for health,
we see that we want to be alkaline and not acidic. If we can change the voltage of those cells
back to healthy electron donor so they can give energy to other cells, weve got healing. So
all those things like frankincense which is a wonderful oil many studies were done taking
frankincense and using it in cancer trials, things like all the citrus oils so were talking
lemon, lime, orange and bergamot have been shown to be full of delimanine and in many
trails that Ive seen theyre showing delimanine is a tumour inhibitor. So I think essential oils
are pretty much essential in many ways because if you look at most of the synthetic drugs
that are out there they are based on plant based material, youve got the lifeblood of the plant
in that essential oil. I think the main thing is you have to sure youve got a real organic
demeter quality essential oil, not something youve just bought and hope it is because most
things unfortunately have been cut or synthetically made, you have to know your oils, thats
all. I know that in a previous interview you did with Paul Dean from a company in America
where they make their own pure essential oils, the effects are dramatic! So you can carry
those around and use them for everything from taking peppermint one drop of peppermint
on the tongue push the tongue up onto the roof of the mouth and often a lot of headaches
will disappear because its been supplied with voltage.
Clive: Ive been reading with peppermint that there have been a number of trails with school
children, giving them peppermint to smell during exams and some children getting 20%
higher marks as a result of essentially switching their brain on!
Richard: Exactly, because its their brains frequency! So these are really vital things that if
you think about what the French were doing in hospitals a long time ago and probably still
now theyre diffusing the oils into the air which was killing the germs, very very natural, so
really it would be very nice to have every hospital with a diffuser on each corner a
vibrational diffuser pumping these beautiful oils out there changing peoples emotions and
breathing that wonderful oil in and thinking Ah and just relaxing. Most times now you get
these things you squirt on the hands and rub in and if you look at the chemical names, these
huge long chemical names, you think that anything you put on the skin... if you wouldnt eat
it why put it on the skin because it will be absorbed into the body. Essential oils are
definitely a fantastic tool in a range of health applications. Then you have the scenar
Clive: Yes, lets talk about the Scenar technology, Id like to introduce this by saying that in
the 60s when there was this space race going on, the Americans realised that pens wouldnt
write in space. So they spent millions of dollars developing the space pen that would write
upside down in zero gravity and I love the fact that the Russians took pencils instead!
Clearly the Russians had been watching episodes of Star Trek probably....
Richard: Well certainly a lot of their scientists are quite brilliant and I think the issue Russia
had is they didnt have a lot of money but they had some brilliant people who were just
getting on with looking at experimental ways of looking at how the universe worked
generally and as you say, some of their scientists without doubt are world leaders. I think
back in the 60s when the Scenar program was first kind of put together it really came from
the space race when the Russians were looking at what could they use in space to treat their
cosmonauts to prevent them from getting ill and obviously the Americans had reusable
shuttle technology so if you had a space station perhaps with a lot of astronauts on there and
they got ill you could pick up them up from space and take them back to earth and treat them,
I think at the time maybe the Russians didnt have that nicety. They had these very large
solid fuel booster rockets and they probably wanted to have something that was new and
powerful for use in space and the information Ive seen that they came up with a blueprint of
really four things; they wanted to have a device that was very powerful, very easy to use, had
to have a very low energy footprint because anything in space energy is at a premium and
also had to be very light. I think they achieved that with the Scenar technology, Scenars an
acronym, it stands for Self Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Reflex, its quite a mouthful,
in simple terms it means you have a device that will effectively mimic nerve impulses, will
find blockages and then will go into a biofeedback with the body and get a massive healing
response. I suppose really it takes something often thats chronic, with chronic disease or
chronic pain, and makes it acute and suddenly the bodys very much aware of it and theres
almost like a new neural connection to whats actually going on and thats for chronic
conditions but certainly for acute conditions, my experience over 14 years of being involved
with this technology its dramatic!
Clive: So give us an example, somebodys just had a skiing accident that would normally
take around 6 weeks to get over...
Richard: Well I go skiing and when I go I usually have a bum bag like this in which I carry
certain essential oils, I carry my Pain Genie Scenar which is a ....
Clive: Its worth mentioning that in space they cant use drugs because theyre sharing the
water, its being recycled so if one person gets the antibiotics for instance, they all get it so
that was one of the reasons why an electronic device was favoured.
Richard: I was skiing down the hill, I heard these shouts and cries of pain and I think it was
the girls first or second day out, never been skiing before, and shed effectively cartwheeled
and ripped a cruciate ligament, she was lying there with her husband in a big heap crying
with the pain. I stopped and said I could probably help her, they asked who I was and I said
look Im not a medical doctor but I think I can help you through this pain if you want me to
and it was pretty obvious they did because she was in agony.... I took the device out, I treated
her knee the area where the damage was done was incredibly sticky this is one of the
telltale signs of the bodys reaction to try and heal, in other words the skin ????? has changed,
so the device stuck to the area, I treated it for probably 3 or 4 minutes and she went from a
pain level of about 10 out of 10 to about 1 in about 5 to 10 minutes. Of course everyone was
amazed, Im not particularly amazed although I kind of always am because its so amazing
every time you do it and ok she didnt ski again for the week but she was off crutches within
2 or 3 days and walking carefully but she at least enjoyed the rest of the holiday. The
alternative to that is she would probably have been on crutches for about 3 or 4 weeks,
certainly need physio at the end of it, the splint they put onto her leg to mobilise it came off
pretty much after 4 days, again they were amazed because I did give her 3 or 4 treatments
over the next two days but its great because you have a good time, you can help healing and
you get your food and beer free because everyones queuing up asking for a quick treatment!
This is why we want to empower people and get their own devices, learn a bit about how the
bodys working and just treat themselves and use that as an adjunct. Look at the health
system, the NHS which is pretty much bankrupt in many ways, were always told about how
they havent got enough money, so wouldnt it be great to help out the medics from a
personal point of view and a lot of things you otherwise might have to go to the hospital for
you may not need to.
Clive: Here is one. How many hospital visits could be saved if doctors were using these?
Richard: Well how long is a bit of string? It would be phenomenal, for example a leading
doctor in 1999, James Coulthurst, when he was addressing the Royal College of Surgeons
and Nurses pointed out that if they put this type of technology into the NHS they would save
in his opinion, billions of pounds. Since that 14 years ago weve tried to get into the NHS,
weve tried to demonstrate this to medical doctors and nurses and we have a lot of medical
doctors maybe using it in private practice, certainly in Germany and Austria, theres I think
thousands of medical doctors using it have been trained on it although this particular device
we call the Pain Genie although its a powerful therapeutic device its very easy to use, you
just have a DVD and you start using it. I think really because it accelerates healing and
certainly the biggest problem now with days off work is back pain, neck pain, arm pain, so if
you just looked at the amount of nurses for example whove got pain because theyre lifting
patients in and out of chairs, that alone would revolutionise things and we just really want to
raise awareness so that we want to give people the choice and I dont think at the moment,
certainly in the way things are run that people are given choice. Theyre told what they can
have for x, y, z and theyre not really told theres any alternatives and this sort of thing is still
classed like essential oils as alternative or complementary medicine as though its
complementary to something else! Well this is very powerful stuff in its own right, so Id
prefer to see these types of things labelled as natural medicine and drug based therapy
labelled as synthetic medicine because ultimately thats what it is. Its easy to use, anyone
can use it, in acute situations its completely dramatic, as I say with this girl on the ski slopes,
2 or 3 treatments, were talking 20 minutes per treatment.
Clive: Tell us a little bit about the clinical trials that the Russians have done...
Richard: Well theres a lot of information in Russia, last time I looked there was well over
300 different papers, some have been translated from Russian into English. There are other
studies that have been done in Australia, America, we did our own study a basic pilot study
in India we went to the bioenergetic research lab in Puni University at the World Peace
Centre and we set up a trial using this technology and I think theres two things to make
plain; first of all theres a number of reverse engineers and cloned devices that have naturally
sprung up over the years and while some of these work relatively well its nothing like the
real thing and of course you want to make sure you get the real thing because thats where all
the research and efforts gone into and a lot of these other devices will typically claim this
research as theirs and its not! The only company that has done the research is is Ok B
Ritamin in Russia, part of it came out of the Space Program. But certainly our studies show
we had 60 people, 30 were treated by a medical doctor with the device turned off and 30 were
treated with the device turned on. All of them had differing levels of pain, were only dealing
with pain, were only saying in Europe that this is for pain relief or as we like to say, pain
resolution, we dont make any other claims. In the study we made which was each of these
60 people went through a battery of tests before and after treatment, at the end of the
treatment all the things were tabulated and I dont know if youve seen in any clinical trials
for example you get one asterisk when it says significant, two when it says very significant
and three when it says extremely. Well I think most people would agree when youve got one
asterisk for significant, thats significant and if that was a drug for example that means that
goes to market in my understanding of it, in our case and well publish this soon a vast
majority came out as extremely significant. Now if we just did one treatment down the spine
which we show on the DVD and it was these techniques that weve tried and perfected
ourselves over many years, so someone might have had terrible pain in the foot, in the back
or the head or the arm, wherever, the treatment was the same, down the spine and one area on
the neck and treatment time is the same irrespective, and we werent really going into what
disease they had but everyone had a disease behind it so this was pain related to something
else, at the end of the study was pretty dramatic, I mean theres no other words you can talk
about for that, so that was just our own study. We had to do it in India because we couldnt
afford to do it in Europe or America but it was done professionally, to ISA standards and that
information will again join the massive documentation.
Clive: So how did the two groups compare? How many of the 30 which had been switched
on and how many of the 30 which had been switched off?
Richard: Well interestingly enough a few of the control group who had it turned off also
noticed certain changes because again they were being treated with the device and they were
going through the motions of giving them treatment so there is placebo effect working there,
but dramatically different between the two groups, it was a huge change and of course when
you looked at the pain levels that went from and 8 to a 1 or a 9 to a 0 after only 10 minutes
treatment, that I think is the real proof. Were very much based in the West of having all
these different trials done and typically if a drug company does a trial it might cost them
millions, but what we do know recently its been in the press a lot, especially the alternative
press is a lot of these studies have even been fixed, were seeing that all the time with
things coming out now, so when these studies are done, double blind, placebo controlled and
all the rest of it some medical doctors I know would say that it doesnt mean a thing because
we want something in real terms. Were not saying dont go and see your medical doctor we
say go and see him, every time you get a pain go and get a diagnosis but when he comes up
and says we recommend taking this drug or that drug then the person should have the choice
of do they want to take the drug? Or maybe they want to take the drug and something natural
but I think right now were being pretty closed down, I mean theyre attacking homeopathics,
I saw in the press recently, a leading consultant of somewhere was saying homeopathics are
very dangerous! Well if theyre very dangerous that means theyre working so whats going
on? I mean if homeopathics dont work how can they be dangerous? And what theyre
saying is if somebody has a choice between taking a synthetic drug with all the side effects
and taking something that apparently doesnt work, we dont want him going over there
because he may not go for the other ones. Well let the person make the choice and if this
thing doesnt work then by all means take the drugs but I think were being shut down to
choice and its just narrowing right down where all these sorts of wonderful things like oils
and zero point ones and healing blankets and natural things like EFT and tapping, oil pulling
swilling oil around to pull the toxins out of your gums but were not really being told
about it. So our main raison detre is to push things through, is to give people the choice and
so sure, we should all work together the medical fraternity should work more with the
natural Im not saying that some of it shouldnt necessarily be regulated but theres so many
things that are just regulated to death and theyre shut down via the back door because they
maybe a threat to whats going on with selling drugs for example. Theres a lot of good drugs
but theres a lot of bad ones too!
Clive: So Im interested in the numbers because Ive heard you say previously about the
number of people in total whove been cured of their pain in Russia, I mean 130 people had
treatments, can you enlighten us? Id like people to understand just how effective this is.
Richard: A lot of the statistics are actually on the website, look under
testimonials and youll see video testimonials but theres also a lot of clinical data there and
certainly if you search on it theres a lot more around. To give you some idea, when we do
shows for example like you and I have done together and we get people from the audience
with pain, off the street, to come up and they could have back pain, foot pain, wherever, well
just treat them for the arm and youve seen this Clive havent you and we have recorded
most of this we just havent edited it yet. So you treat them through the arm and you explain
how the bodys working and how the holographic principals and the channels and meridians
and we usually get them out of pain either completely or such a massive reduction they cant
believe it, just treating through the arm. They say how can you possibly affect my lower back
through the arm? Its because theyre not quite understanding how the bodys really working!
So I would say out of 10 people with different types of pain related issues youre probably
going to take 7 of them to virtually no pain or a tiny amount of pain and 2 or 3 of them to
substantially reduced just treating through the arm or in the finger. But as for looking at
studies, really theres nothing Ive seen in my research into natural medicine, things that
work, nothing comes close to it, and we lay down a challenge, weve done a lot of the big
shows like the Back Pain Show in Olympia, Rude Health Show in Dublin all these kind of
pain related shows and weve laid a challenge down, we say look well take anybody on to
prove that this over any other system for pain relief or resolution and so far we havent had
any takers. Im not saying theres not a lot of other good stuff out there, there is good stuff
but Ive seen nothing that comes close to it. I cant give you exact figures but I think what
youve seen yourself already and thats without going to where the pain is shows... Ill
give you another example, we were in Ireland not long ago and I was at a little market where
I was talking to a homeopath and a friend of his came up and he couldnt move his arm, his
arm was stuck to his body, he had terrible pain in his shoulder, about 9 out of 10, and he was
a local postman and he was asking the homeopath if he could help him and the guy turned
round and said, Richard will help you. So I took the device out and treated him through the
arm not where the pain was and now there were quite a few people looking at what we
were doing, the treatment was about three minutes and he suddenly lifted his arm up and he
couldnt believe it because the pain had gone and then he told everybody which was great!
So you will have these type of experiences and theyre wonderful, I think this is the kind of
technology where a family can treat each other and see how theyre responding.... So the
great thing is, we would say, as a positive side effect of this device is it effectively gives the
body energy and information and the body responds naturally. If you looked at the Russian
statistics for a whole range of different types of disease that were treated with this technology,
its fairly breathtaking. When I first saw it myself I was highly sceptical and then when I
started using it myself I had my first treatment, I tracked down I think it was 13 or 14 years
ago a Russian doctor, the only person in the UK who had the device, she lived in Salisbury,
at the time I hadnt played tennis for about 18 months because I had a knee problem I always
had a dull pain, I couldnt play so I just gave up and I was a bit peeved or depressed about it
because if you like a sport you cant do it its a bit annoying. So I went to see her about the
technology and while I was talking to her I didnt think about this beforehand which is
strange she said, Well have you got a problem?, well actually I had! So I told her I had a
problem in my leg, I didnt tell her what or where and she said, Well take your trousers off
so I did and she scanned my leg with this device and she told me exactly where the problem
was and she gave me a 3 minute treatment. She told me it was a chronic problem, Id need 5
or 6 treatments and down the spine and I went away after 3 or 4 hours of meeting this doctor
feeling different but I could still feel this dull pain in my leg and it was still there about a
week later so I put a question mark by this technology and wondered if it had worked or not.
Another week later it was a lovely summers day and a friend of mine just came around with
some tennis rackets, we went out playing tennis for 2 hours and later on I was lying in the
bath thinking that something was different. I hadnt realised that Id been playing tennis for 2
hours and I hadnt even had a twinge in my leg, I couldnt believe it! I thought, Right, thats
it Ive got to get involved with this, the question mark went away very quickly because you
have to understand the body has to heal so when youre treating people like top sportsmen or
any sportsman for that matter, just because you can take the pain away doesnt mean they
should go out playing straight away because it takes time to heal. So when youre dealing
with those sorts of injuries you have to make sure people are aware they just ... because with
a lot of professional footballers Ive been treating theyre just jumping up and down because
its the first time they could move their ankle for example.
Clive: And youve treated some of the pretty famous ones....
Richard: Yes, weve had a lot of interest obviously to treat people, most of them dont really
want their names given out but you know it gives them a massive advantage. So some of the
top people in sport are using this Pain Genie and some people we can say like Djibril Cisse
the French footballer, I first met him through a friend of his and he had an ankle problem, I
went up to meet him and gave him a 5 minute treatment in his kitchen and hes had some of
the top physios in the world trying to treat him, couldnt do it, 5 minutes and hes jumping up
and down! I told him to stop jumping up and down but he was saying wow its incredible.
So he helped us out, he gave us some testimonials and then when he went to play for
Panathinaikos, the Greek team, they had some of their players who couldnt get well or they
couldnt get training and he flew us out to treat those members of the team. When we were
out there we gave 3 treatments of 10 minutes and we explained the combination treatment to
make it even better and all of them were training again very quickly and of course everyone
was amazed. We werent because we expected it but then this is perception and
understanding of really that you can accelerate an inflammatory response safely because
theres a lot of people who say that inflammation youve got to go through a healing cycle,
well yes sure but you can accelerate that, we all know that now so its remarkable stuff.
Clive: It is remarkable, somebody gave me one about 4 years ago to use for a year and they
gave me instructions over the telephone and of course when you get an important piece of
technology like this you should read the instructions and watch the training videos but I
didnt do any of that I just turned it on and started using it and I was getting results right away
without knowing anything really apart from a quick telephone conversation. Its amazing and
I still use it all the time and its so small you can shove it in your pocket and for those who
want to know, youre talking around 450.00 to buy one and although one can use it just with
the instructional video I think its a good idea to go on one of Richards courses because I was
amazed at how much Id learnt on one of the courses, theyre two day courses and theres a
level one and a level two and its extraordinary. You were talking about homeopathy and Id
like to mention that homeopathic hospitals still exist in England and Scotland and the
homeopathic hospital in Scotland has been around for over 100 years and if it didnt work,
well I dont think there would be a whole hospital operating like that and of course the
authorities are trying to close it down because its not drug based.... A patient cured is a
customer lost!
Richard: But I think also with the current scientific model, when they cant prove it
scientifically it is a problem. So we had that big thing with James Randy and Jacques
Benavista when he came up and he was showing how water had memory etc and then they
couldnt repeat the experiment when this team came in because they were changing it with
their intention, they were changing the results! I think its very much about perception, so
when you look at how were effectively programmed especially in the West from birth by
this system, and whether the system meant to or not the result is the same, I think they call it
premature cognitive commitment, thats the actual term, and what that kind of means I think
is once you get this programming your neurons fit into a certain pattern and this is your
belief, of course it doesnt mean to say that its the truth. There is only one truth but beliefs
can be far ranging and the trouble we have worldwide and whether its a relationship where
people fall out or get divorced or end up in a punch up or countries go to war its about lack
of communication and the beliefs get in the way of the truth and really this is about choice
and getting the truth back, when people see homeopathic things and they cant prove it with
their apparatus that they have from a left brain perspective created, therefore theyre looking
for something and they create something to look for it but its over there and I know the first
time I took a homeopathic from a classical homeopath, it almost knocked me out, it was quite
amazing. Homeopathics if its done right, its fantastic and it doesnt have any of the
negative effects as far as Ive seen.
Clive: Homeopathy is obviously being used for ophthalmic purposes for the eyes and of
course my background is ophthalmic optics. So tell us a little bit about how Scenars being
used for reversing blindness and improving vision.
Richard: To try and make it simple because what often happens is that people come along
and say well what about for vision, what about for this disease, that disease and other disease
and what that really means is you have to try and explain it with that disease in mind.
Effectively to simplify the whole process, is when you rub this device over the body
wherever it sticks to or you feel a heightened sensitivity, is where there is a blockage. So for
example if your thinking about eyes, often the eyes are related to the liver meridian and other
things too, so if you were treating an area that was sticky that was related to the liver
meridian you are treating everything on that liver meridian, youre helping the energy for it,
so you might find that suddenly the eyesight improved or an eye condition went away. A big
area is treating around the neck and we found that a lot of people because they have tension,
and lets face it a lot of people have tension these days, theres a lot of fear going on, have I
got a job, can I earn enough money, how can I look after the kids and all these fear based
scenarios going on, a lot of tension, people are stuck. So when you start treating the neck
with this and you find areas of the neck that are sticky, it releases the tension and often that
means that the blood flow is better to the eyes. Weve had people whove had things like
whiplash so they cant move more than that, they literally cant move more than 2, 3, 5, 10,
15 years, you give them some treatment and within 3 or 4 minutes their head goes right round
and then they often remember the time that the lorry hit them up the backside, the emotions
processed, theres a huge healing reaction and then they say, Oh crikey, my eyesights
improved!. There are many techniques and so with this technology we teach them some
really good basics about health and how it fits in, theres many other great courses out there
which are just based purely for that technology, we like to make it simple and say to people
you can take it where you want to, if you just want to look at the DVD and treat somebody
without knowing anything about how it works, cool, because youre going to get results. If
you really want to know about how its working then come on a course and take it further.
Clive: I just want to give a few dramatic examples! Would you describe what can be
achieved, lets say somebody comes to you and one leg is shorter than the other, correct that
in a 24 hour period, how would you do that?
Richard: A lot of it can relate to how muscles are working in the body and how the muscle
skeletal system is working, so if for example youve pulled or pushed or constrained one
muscle system then it will have a knock on effect to all the other systems in the body so often
what youll find is that somebody has had an issue where theyve damaged the spine or
certain nerves are damaged so theres not the proper feedback to those muscle systems in a
leg for example or a muscle system, as you start treating with this technology, the body starts
accelerating the healing. Ill make it quite plain, we dont claim anything in Europe apart
from pain relief because thats all its licensed for but if we were talking from Russia now and
what theyve experienced then a lot of this stuff comes right as the blockages of the body are
taken out of the way. So if you could imagine the body as say 12 major meridians and theres
a blockage, so youve got a hosepipe of energy here and theres a foot standing on that,
blocking energy flow, that where the foots standing could be a sticky area, you find that, you
treat it, you take the foot off and you let the energy start flowing, theres a huge neuropeptide
response, muscles start relaxing, coming back into sync. Its quite possible that if that was a
problem with the spine or muscle system that that might change that gait. I could give you an
example of whats happened and Ive seen information from Russia, there was a girl born in a
hospital and when she was born I think that her right or left leg was turned around and part of
the heel was missing. Now we know with things like phantom limb pain, if someone loses a
limb how is it that they still feel the pain in that limb? Because the body has an energetic
template and in this case this girl was treated by a medical doctor in the hospital who was
familiar with this technology and over a period of 18 months the foot came back in again and
the heel regrew. Now thats someone with a very vibrant child etc, but weve seen so many
different examples of how major issues have reversed and changed that it sounds like youre
making this stuff up and this is one of the problems. Weve done quite a few shows and
weve had some medical people there, weve had the comment, Oh well how much did you
pay that person to say that? and we just go ....
Clive: And it really is like that, we did this talk together and Richard had got somebody
completely out of pain and we couldnt shut him up, he was at the front, tried to stop what we
were talking about just to show everybody how hed suddenly come out of pain and Ive seen
people whose whole skeletal structure has changed in a 24 hour period. People who have had
one inch or one leg shorter than the other where the whole thing corrects itself, the body is
triggered by the frequencies to work properly.
Richard: I think the big thing with this is its easy so I always say to people that if you want
to get involved with this type of technology you can just do it. As far as were aware in all
the studies have shown its completely safe, theres a few provisos, you wouldnt use it with a
cardiac pacemaker for example, but apart from that its very simple to use and ultimately
once you start seeing how youre affecting people, thats all you need to know! So you could
be a yak herder in Siberia who doesnt know anything about health, he has one of these, he
can find the sticky area, rub the device over the body, the chances are that person will get
better and the pain will disappear. Or you can be a therapist and say well I dont just want to
do that, although thats fantastic, but Id like to work out what that point is, whats this point,
how can I change whiplash, pain and blockages in minutes. I mean obviously most people
will want to find out, thats why we give out that information.
Clive: So lets say somebody wakes up in the morning and theyre just feeling lousy, theyve
got no energy, theyre feeling rubbish and all theyve got is this, what would you do to boost
yourself with electrons to create the body voltage that you need? Can you use one of these to
literally bring yourself back to life again?
Richard: Yes we see that all the time! I mean certainly the kidney areas if theyre sticky
you can just rub it over your back, set an option on here and put it on the kidney area, theres
points we can have pads you can attach to the device, you can put one pad here, theres a
video on our members area you put one pad here literally in between the nipples and you
put the other pad on the ciprocal area on the spine, set an option and just turn the device on
which is an energising technique. Most of these techniques that weve learned with the pads
have come from our own experimentation and medical doctors from Austria and Germany for
example were using it all the time and saying, Wow, just put these pads on! and were
getting this voltage change, were getting this new connection where the body wakes up. This
is just one of many things, I think we put that into the toolbox as number one probably
because it is so multifunctional.
Clive: Lets rush through them shall we? Whats number 2 for you?
Richard: Well number 2 for me is essential oils because theyre relatively cheap, most of
them smell wonderful, some people even like the smell of dill, I dont but spearmints great
and of course spearmint and dill are pretty much the same chemical formula, but they all have
remarkable properties, you can put several drops of lemon in your vacuum cleaner and it
smells of lemon when you do the hovering. When youre doing cooking you can put a tiny
toothpick with a bit of oregano into the cooking if youre cooking some kind of
Mediterranean type dish and the flavour is exquisite.
Clive: Would the properties be drastically lessened with the heat of the cooking?
Richard: Well I guess they probably would be but the fact is if youre talking about flavour,
so you put one drop of lemon oil into a lemon cake and everyone wants to know where you
got the recipe from, of course you say well I cant tell you, its one drop of lemon oil and it
changes the whole dish. But then we are talking about pure, organic, Demeter quality oils
that have very very low atomic mass units, all under 350, so if you put it on the skin its in the
bloodstream very quickly. People say all these oils have a big X on the back, the ones that
are made in synthetic ways and they say dont put it on the skin, be very careful, never take it
internally for example, but its quite ok to put it into massage oil and massage in the body and
diffuse it and breathe it in? Or put it in soaps? Well if its got a big X on there and its
synthetic then you dont want it on the skin.
Clive: Clearly with essential oils its vital to know the source. So lets just go on to your
number 3 choice then?
Richard: One of my favourites again comes from the Russian program and thats the healing
blanket. Its called a TMV blanket, Thermal Multilayer Blanket, effectively what happens is
it acts as a sort of orgone generator, it re-establishes coherence in water in the body and
allows the body to kick off the healing process. So if Im feeling tired Ill just lie on the
blanket for half an hour, wrap myself completely so just my heads out and usually within 5
or 10 minutes youre away and you have half an hour and you wake up feeling like you want
to go and run the 100 metres, you feel great. So what we would do with very chronic people
who have multiple issues of low energy, so imagine your cell voltage is shifted to acidic
rather than alkaline, paradoxically you need energy to heal but your energy is very low, how
do we get the energy levels up? Well the one, two, three approach for that is that you treat
them with Pain Genie, often down the spine as a starter, you apply essential oils to the spine
its called the raindrop technique and then you wrap them in the blanket and the results
from that one, two, three fusion is a massive synergistic compression. So one plus one plus
one is not three its 111 or a lot higher than the existing parts but thats really for chronic
people. Weve had people whove put the blanket under their sheet and gone to sleep on the
blanket so theyre not completely wrapped in it and after 6 or 7 days theyve noticed their
eyesights improved, their sleep quality is better so these technologies in their own right are a
mono therapy. So each one of these things you could use on its own and get great results,
when you combine it together you get a massive acceleration of change of body function.
Clive: Lets say somebodys generally quite well, should they buy a blanket and if so how
would they use it?
Richard: It depends on what your income is and what youve got to spend, the blankets
range from about 349 to about 500 depending on the size. The one I have personally is 7
years old and it still works fine, I think its up to people to decide what they want. I find it
interesting when people go on holiday, they spend 5,000 going to Jamaica or somewhere
very nice and they spend the whole two weeks in pain because their back is hurting them and
when youve seen them beforehand and said how about getting one of these or trying it out
because we decided to offer a money back guarantee because were so sure about it and they
say well .... and they go away for two weeks and dont enjoy the holiday so its a bit like, why
dont you service the car before it breaks down? And if you start looking at these
technologies and see how powerful they are, that was originally the Russians intention, to
prevent these people getting ill in the first place. So when youre looking at having your own
tool kit I suppose it depends what youve got to spend but certainly once you understand the
technology I cant imagine anyone not wanting one. So if someones got enough money to
buy that and the blanket and some oils, as I say, under 1000 and youve got the most
amazing kit, why not just start with some essential oils or start with the Pain Genie, start
using it, see the changes. You carry it around, someone hurts themselves, a kid falls over, you
can treat them.
Clive: Talking of kids, would you say that a school leaver for instance who wanted to learn a
profession and really do something of great value with their lives, should a parent buy them
one of these and send them on a course? Would they be able to make a living and clearly
theyre going to be pretty gratified if theyre healing people all the time...
Richard: Well Id say obviously yes! We had a chap come on a training course about 5
years ago and what he wanted to do was to he loved skiing but he wanted to be able to
work his way round, enjoy himself and he thought if he got one of these even though he
wasnt a therapist he could just give someone a demonstration and they could give him a
donation. So he came on the training course just to learn a bit more so he could go round the
ski slopes and had a great time because hed go Austria, Canada or San Moritz and the emails
came back saying it was amazing, theyre calling it the Jesus stick, theyre following me
around. The real thing is, lets go back to Chinese Medicine, lets go back to what do you do
if youve got a headache? Could you push this point? I think the best thing is knowledge and
people if they have the right knowledge can make the choice, in our case we give people
choice and if you had people leaving home carrying one of these things around, well if they
get ill or theyve got a problem they first of all can treat themselves, accelerate their own
healing. My daughter is now 18, she had one as soon as I could give her one about 10 years
ago, she carries it around with her, treats herself....
Clive: Is there anything else youd like to share with us that you feel everybody needs to
know about?
Richard: I think the biggest problem at the moment is that we dont seem to be getting good
information to people so they can make the good choices, the biggest problem right now I
think is the pollution. So if you look at genetically modified food, there are thousands of
people talking about the problems with the epicyte gene, the GMO studies which show rats
fed this stuff get tumours. We just want to make sure that if people can search in the right
places to get this information to change where theyre getting their food from, their diet. I do
simple techniques for example, oil pulling, you put some pure olive oil or coconut oil into the
mouth maybe a teaspoon and preferably one drop of lemon oil which freshens the breath, you
put it in the mouth and you swish it around for about 20 minutes and it pulls a lot of the
toxins out into the oil and you spit it out at the end dont swallow it! But this has changed
health just that simple thing and it costs you pennies.
Clive: A lot of people tell me the results theyre getting from oil pulling! What other cheap
and simple techniques can you recommend?
Richard: Having a good organic diet, simple good food, especially locally sourced. Peoples
energy levels change rapidly with maybe some good juicing with some nice organic
vegetables, a lot of greens. Things like sun gazing, a lot of people say how can you look into
the sun? Itll blind you etc... well Ive tried it, Im up to about 7 minutes, the trouble is
youve got to have the sun but you only look at it in the morning or last thing at night so
check out sun gazing.
Clive: And water, I know this is a subject youre interested in. If somebody has no water
filter at all what would you recommend?
Richard: From information that weve had back from a number of sources, the drinking
water in the West now is contaminated, theres things like copper and lead, barium and
aluminium and different types of birth control hormones in it and a lot of other run offs, so
were getting glysophate, things from fertilizers and pesticides into the water and some
leading people around are finding a lot of people now are very ill because theyre ingesting
this. This is stuff that is actually toxic in parts per billion or trillion so once its in the water
supply and the food, if youre not aware of that youre going to have major problems. The
good news is that simple things like brewers yeast can affect positively the bodys response to
a lot of these toxins, from things like Roundup and glysophates and things that have come
from that type of product. So really I think its just getting aware and programmes like this
are raising awareness. And to smile because the powers at everyones own fingertips, they
really can change it and its dramatic as you well know Clive...
Clive: Do you recommend that people go out and buy a water alkaliser or just a Britta filter
or ozonate the water, what would you suggest?
Richard: The most important thing is to take the chlorine out so if you get a natural charcoal
filter, you must change them quite often because otherwise you get bacteria building up in the
cartridge, but really I think people need to look into it and look at things like water ionisers,
reverse osmosis as long as the waters remineralised, theres a whole plethora of devices out
there now. One that we rather like and that weve seen over the years is, Ive had one of the devices for some time, but theres a lot of
cheap things you can buy and if you can get bottled water, get good mineral water and look
for a high Ph above 7 so for example, Evian is 7.8 and that will be better than having
something thats acidic.