Quantum Optomechanics
Quantum Optomechanics
Quantum Optomechanics
P. Meystre
1 Introduction
Broadly speaking, quantum optomechanics provides a
universal tool to achieve the quantum control of mechanical motion [1]. It does that in devices spanning a vast
range of parameters, with mechanical frequencies from a
few Hertz to GHz, and with masses from 1020 g to several
kilos. At a fundamental level, it offers a route to determine and control the quantum state of truly macroscopic
objects and paves the way to experiments that may lead
to a more profound understanding of quantum mechanics; and from the point of view of applications, quantum
optomechanical techniques in both the optical and microwave regimes will provide motion and force detection
near the fundamental limit imposed by quantum mechanics.
While many of the underlying ideas of quantum optomechanics can be traced back to the study of gravitational wave detectors in the 1970s and 1980s [2, 3], the
spectacular developments of the last few years rely largely
on two additional developments: From the top down,
it is the availability of advanced micromechanical and
nanomechanical devices capable of probing extremely
tiny forces, often with spatial resolution at the atomic
scale. And from the bottom-up, we have gained a detailed
understanding of the mechanical effects of light and how
they can be exploited in laser trapping and cooling. These
developments open a path to the realization of macroscopic mechanical systems that operate deep in the quantum regime, with no significant thermal noise remaining.
structure rather than via the internal structure of materials. This could be for example an optical resonator with
a series of narrow resonances, or an electromagnetic resonator such as a superconducting LC circuit. Indeed, numerous designs can achieve optomechanical control via
radiation pressure effects in high-quality resonators. They
range from nanometer-sized devices of as little as 107
atoms to micromechanical structures of 1014 atoms and
to macroscopic centimeter-sized mirrors used in gravitational wave detectors.
That development first appeared at the horizon in the
1960s, but more so in the late 1970s and 1980s. It was
initially largely driven by the developments in optical
gravitational wave antennas spearheaded by V. Braginsky, K. Thorne, C. Caves, and others [2, 3, 8]. These antennas operate by coupling kilogram-size test masses to the
end-mirrors of a large path length optical interferometer.
Changes in the optical path length due to local changes
in the curvature of space-time modulate the frequency of
the cavity resonances and in turn, modulate the optical
transmission through the interferometer. It is in this context that researchers understood fundamental quantum
optical effects on mechanics and mechanical detection
such as the standard quantum limit, and how the basic
light-matter interaction can generate non-classical states
of light.
Braginsky and colleagues demonstrated cavity optomechanical effects with microwaves [9] as early as 1967.
In the optical regime, the first demonstration of these
effects was the radiation-pressure induced optical bistability in the transmission of a Fabry-Prot interferometer,
realized by Dorsel el al. in 1983 [10]. In addition to these
adiabatic effects, cooling or heating of the mechanical motion is also possible, due to the finite time delay between
the mechanical motion and the response of the intracavity
field, see section 2.2. The cooling effect was first observed
in the microwave domain by Blair et al. [11] in a Niobium
high-Q resonant mass gravitational radiation antenna,
and 10 years later in the optical domain in several laboratories around the world: first via feedback cooling of
a mechanical mirror by Cohadon et al. [12], followed by
photothermal cooling by Karrai and coworkers [13], and
shortly thereafter by radiation pressure cooling in several
groups [1419]. Also worth mentioning is that as early as
1998 Ritsch and coworkers proposed a related scheme to
cool atoms inside a cavity [20].
This paper reviews the basic physics of quantum optomechanics and gives a brief overview of some of its
recent developments and current areas of focus. Section
2 outlines the basic theory of cavity optomechanical cooling and sketches a brief status report of the experimental
state-of-the-art in ground state cooling of mechanical os-
cillators, a snapshot of a situation likely to be rapidly outdated. Of course ground state cooling is only the first step
in quantum optomechanics. Quantum state preparation,
control and characterization are the next challenges of
the field. Section 3 gives an overview of some of the major
trends in this area, and discusses topics of much current
interest such as the so-called strong-coupling regime, mechanical squeezing, and pulsed optomechanics. Section 4
discusses a complementary bottom-up approach that
exploits ultracold atomic samples instead of nanoscale
systems to study quantum optomechanical effects. Finally,
Section 5 is an outlook that concentrates largely on the
functionalization of quantum optomechanical systems
and their promise in metrology applications.
2 Basic theory
To describe the basic physics underlying the main aspects
of cavity optomechanics it is sufficient to consider an optically driven Fabry-Prot resonator with one end mirror
fixed -and effectively assumed to be infinitely massive,
and the other harmonically bound and allowed to oscillate under the action of radiation pressure from the intracavity light field of frequency L , see Fig. 1. Braginsky
recognized as early as 1967 [9] that as radiation pressure
drives the mirror, it changes the cavity length, and hence
the intracavity light field intensity and phase. This results
in two main effects: the optical spring effect, an optically induced change in the oscillation frequency of the
mirror that can produce a significant stiffening of its effective frequency; and optical damping, or cold damping,
whereby the optical field acts effectively as a viscous fluid
that can damp the mirror motion and cool its center-ofmass motion.
Importantly, that channel does not come with an additional (classical) thermal bath. Optical frequencies are
much higher than mechanical frequencies, so that the optical field is effectively coupled to a reservoir at zero temperature. In steady state Eq. (3) gives E = k B T /( + opt ),
Teff =
+ opt
G = 0c /x.
||2 =
( +G x)2 + (/2)2 L
( + c x/L)2 + (/2)2 L
P = L |in |2
is the input laser power driving the cavity mode. This normalization allows for an easy generalization to the case of
quantized fields, in which case will be interpreted as the
p root of the mean number of intracavity photons,
with a and a the bosonic annihilation and
= a a,
creation operators of the intracavity field. Note that |in |2
has then the units of photons per second.
For oscillation amplitudes x 0 small enough that G x 0 /m
1, it can be shown that the mirror oscillations simply result in the generation of two sidebands at frequencies
L m , see e.g. Refs. [21, 22]. The time-dependent complex field amplitude (t ) then takes the approximate form
(t ) ' 0 (t ) + 1 (t ) with
0 (t ) '
i + /2
G x0
1 (t ) '
2 i + /2
e i m t
e +i m t
i ( + m ) + /2 i ( m ) + /2
The first sideband in Eq. (15) can be interpreted as an antiStokes line, with a resonance at L = c m , and the
second one is a Stokes line. An important feature of these
sidebands is that their amplitudes can be vastly different,
as they are determined by the cavity Lorentzian response
function evaluated at L m and L + m , respectively.
The potential Vrp slightly displaces the equilibrium position of the mirror to a position x 0 6= 0, as would be intuitively expected, and also changes its spring constant
from its intrinsic value k = m2m to a new value
d 2 Vrp (x)
k rp = mm +
d x2
x=x 0
+ x
+ 2 x = G0 + ,
= (i /2) + iG0 x.
These equations of motion can easily be solved, for instance in Fourier space, to give
() =
+ ) + /2
i (
= +G x 0 ,
F rp () = G0 () + () .
Together with Eq. (20) this expression shows that the mirror motion exerts a dynamical back-action on the radiation pressure force, which acquires both a real and an
imaginary component, the physical origin of the imaginary component being the delayed response of the intracavity field. As a result the intracavity power acquires a
component that oscillates out of phase with the mirror
motion, that is, with its velocity. It is through that friction
force that the optical field acts as a viscous field for the
The net effect of the real and imaginary components of
F rp can be conveniently cast in terms of the back-action
opt =
G 2 20
+ m
+ m )2 + 2 /4
2mm (
+ m
m )2 + 2 /4
opt =
G 2 20
+ m )2 + 2 /4
2mm (
m )2 + 2 /4
2 G 2 20
Figure 2 (Color online) Schematic of sideband cooling: a coherent light field driving the resonator acquires frequency sidebands due to the mirror oscillations. The origin of the high
frequency sideband is the parametric transfer of phonons from
the mirror to the optical field and the lower sideband is due to
the reverse process, see section 2.2. Sideband cooling results
when the upper sideband frequency is resonant with the resonator. The solid black curve depicts the resonator transmission
near its mode of frequency c .
p 2 1
+ m2m x 2 ,
2m 2
where a and a are bosonic annihilation and creation operators for the cavity mode of frequency , and p and x are
the momentum and position of the oscillating mirror of
mass m and frequency m . In reality, though, this Hamiltonian is more subtle than may appear at first. This is
because the mode frequency (q) depends on the length
of the resonator, which in turn depends on the intracavity
intensity. Stated differently, the boundary conditions for
the quantization of the light field are changing in time,
and do so in a fashion that depends on the state of that
field and its history. The rigorous quantization of this system is a far-from-trivial problem, but for most cases of
interest in quantum optomechanics the situation is significantly simplified since the transit time c/2L of the light
field through the optical resonator is much faster than the
mechanical frequency m . The intracavity field therefore
learns about changes in its environment in times short
compared to 1/m . Under these conditions one can assume that the cavity frequency follows adiabatically any
change in resonator length,
= c
c (1 x/L)
L + x
1 + x/L
where n is an integer that labels the mode of nominal
frequency c and L is the nominal resonator length (in the
absence of light.) In the classical limit we recover the result
G = c /L valid for a simple Fabry-Prot. The Hamiltonian
(26) reduces then to [2527]
p 2 1
H = c a a +
+ m2m x 2 G a a x
2m 2
p 2 1
b + b ).
+ m2m x 2 g 0 a a(
2m 2
In the second line we have used the familiar relationship
between the position operator x and the annihilation and
creation operators b and b of the mechanical oscillator,
= c a a +
x = x zpt (b + b )
x zpt =
opt n m
+ n m
+ opt
Here n m
is the mean steady-state number of phonons in
the absence of mechanical damping, given by the detailed
balance expression
+ m )2 + 2 /4
n m
+ 1 (
m )2 + 2 /4
k B Teff
n m
n m
is the equilibrium phonon occupation determined by
the mechanical bath temperature, and
opt =
g 02 a a
+ m )2 + 2 /4
m )2 + 2 /4
For n m
0 one recovers the classical result of Eq. (4).
If the optical damping opt dominates, opt , though,
the mean phonon number is limited in the resolved sideband limit m to
n m =
n m=0.93
n d =4,500
n m=27
3 (Color online) Artist conception of the microwave
n =0.55
n =71
n =22
optomechanical circuit
of Ref.n[42].
Capacitor element of the
n =280 is formed
n =8.5 by a 15 micrometer diameter membrane
n =0.36
n =28,000
lithographically suspended 50 nanometers above a lower elecn =1,100
n =2.9
Insert: cut through the capacitor
showing the membrane
n =0.34
n =89,000
n =4,500
n =0.93
n =0.42
n =180,000
S/Po (1/H z)
Sx (m /H z)
O ccupancy
F requency (M H z)
F requency (M H z)
D rive P hotons, n d
Figure 4 (Color online) Phonon occupancy (blue) and intracavity photon occupancy (red) as a function of the drive photon
number. In this example sideband cooling reduces the thermal
occupancy of the mechanical mode from n m =40 into the quantum regime, reaching a minimum of n m =0.34 0.05. From
Ref. [42], with permission.
optical microcavities opened up the possibility to extend these ideas in many new directions, leading to the
demonstration of significant cooling in a broad variety
of systems from 2006 on, see Refs. [1518], with the first
demonstration of cooling in the resolved sideband regime
reported in Ref. [36].
More recently these efforts have culminated in the
cooling of the center-of-mass motion of at least three different micromechanical systems with a mean phonon
number within a fraction of a phonon of their ground
state of vibrational motion, n m < 1 [4143]. We postpone a discussion of Ref. [41] until the next section to
concentrate first on the two experiments [42, 43] that
utilized resolved sideband cooling to approach the me-
p 2 1
b + b ).
+ m2m x 2 g 0 a a(
2m 2
= 1, this interaction is
At the single photon level, a a
usually much too weak for its coherent nature to dominate over the incoherent dynamics for realizable levels of
1 the quantum
decay and decoherence. Since for a a
nature of the optical field normally rapidly decreases in
importance, it is therefore challenging to reach situations
where the full quantum nature of the interaction between
the photon and phonon fields is significant. There is a way
around this difficulty, though, the trade-off being that the
intrinsic nonlinear nature of the optomechanical interaction (36) disappears in the process to be replaced by a
linear effective interaction. As we shall see, this is not all
bad, as that effective interaction offers itself a number of
new opportunities.
Our starting point is the observation that strong intracavity optical fields can usually be decomposed as the
sum of a classical, or mean-field part and a small quantum mechanical component. In terms of the mean field
where c is again a photon annihilation operator. The optomechanical coupling term in the Hamiltonian (36) becomes then
Hint = g 0 n(b + b ) g c + c (b + b )
V ' g b c + h.c. ,
the so-called beam-splitter Hamiltonian of quantum optics. In contrast, in the blue-detuned side of the resonance,
= +m , we have
V ' g b c + h.c. ,
which describes the parametric amplification of the
phonon mode and the optical field.
This approach has enabled experiments to reach the
regime of strong phonon-photon optomechanical coupling in several micromechanical devices [5052]. A familiar characteristic of strongly coupled systems is the
occurrence of normal mode splitting. For the Hamiltonian (40) the normal mode frequencies are
1 2
+ 2m
2 2m + 4g 2 m
The beam-splitter Hamiltonian (41) describes the coherent exchange of cavity photons and mechanical phonons.
One of its remarkable properties is that it offers the potential to precisely transfer the quantum state of the mechanical oscillator to the electromagnetic field, and conversely.
p /2 (GHz)
g /
This is seen easily by considering the Heisenberg equations of motion for the annihilation operators b and c in
the absence of decay,
) = b(0)
cos(g t ) + i c(0)
sin(g t ),
g 0
Probe frequency, p /2 (GHz)
sin(g t ).
) = c(0)
cos(g t ) + i b(0)
n(t )t = /2
int ) = c(0)
and c(t
int ) = i b(0),
we then have that b(t
indicative of a perfect state transfer between the optical and
phonon modes assuming of course that dissipation and
decoherence can be ignored during that time interval.
V = i g b c g b c
the well-known unitary two-mode squeezing operator. Introducing the generalized two-mode quadrature operator
X ab =
(c + c + b + b )
one finds that the variance of a system initially in a twomode vacuum state is given by [60]
(X )2 =
1 2|g |t
cos2 (/2) + e 2|g |t sin2 (/2) .
That same result also holds if the two modes are initially
in coherent states. For the choice = /2 one finds immediately that (X )2 can be well below the standard
quantum limit of 1/4, a signature of two-mode squeezing. Two-mode squeezed states are known to be entangled, indicating that this form of interaction can result in
quantum entanglement between the photon and phonon
modes. As such this configuration represents a useful resource for demonstrating fundamental quantum mechanical effects as well as for exploiting cavity optomechanical
devices in a quantum information context.
We note for completeness that in early work, Fabre
and coworkers [61], and independently Mancini and
Tombesi [62] exploited the analogy between the situation of an optical resonator and a cavity filled by a Kerr
medium to predict single mode squeezing of the reflected
optical field in situations where the motion of the mirror
is dominated by thermal fluctuations and can be treated
i m + /2
1 i m t
X (t ) = p ce
+ c e i m t ,
i i m t
Y (t ) = p ce
c e i m t
of the motional mode, with [ X (t ), Y (t )] = i and
V = 2g X (1 + cos(2m t )) + Y sin(2m t ) (b + b )
where g = g 0 = g 0 n as before.
In a time-averaged sense the interaction Hamiltonian (53) reduces to
V 2g X (b + b )
and commutes with X , thus giving rise to the possibility of performing a back action evading measurement of
the X quadrature of mirror motion. This was verified experimentally in the classical regime by J. B. Hertzberg et
al. [68], but not yet in the quantum regime so far.
Since the interaction (54) is linear in X it is perhaps
less evident that it can also lead to quadrature squeezing.
This can be achieved by first performing a precise measurement of X , following which its quadrature can clearly
be below the standard quantum limit. Following that measurement the system would normally rapidly relax back to
a classical state, but by applying an appropriate feedback,
the measurement induced squeezing can be turned into
real squeezing. This is discussed in detail in Ref. [64].
F rad =
|(t )|2
n =
J n (G A/m )
i nm / + i (G x )/ + 1/2
Here (t ) = (G A/m ) sin(m t ) and J n are Bessel functions of the first kind. The stability of the system can be
determined simply comparing the mechanical power P rad
due to radiation pressure to the dissipated power P fric due
to friction. When their ratio increases above unity the system starts to undergo self-induced oscillations [69].
Figure 6 is an example of a stability diagram determined from such an analysis. It shows the ratio P rad /P fric
as a function of the detuning and the square of the
(dimensionless) mechanical energy A 2 . Regions with
P rad /P fric > 1 are unstable, and the solid line defines an attractor where there is an exact power balance between amplification and damping. In general the parameter space
(, A) is characterized by the presence of a number of such
attractors. For relatively weak amplitudes A, nonlinear
effects tend to stabilize the oscillations of the cantilever,
1 c 2 2
x (b + b ) a a.
H = c a a + M b b +
2 x 2 zpt
2 c
H = c a a + M b b + x zpf
a a
x 2
= c a a + M b b + g 0(2) b b + 1/2 a a
g 0(2) x zpf
leading to "laser-like" oscillations [65,66], but for larger oscillations amplitudes the system can become chaotic [67].
Quantum mechanically fluctuations are strongly amplified just below threshold, so that the attractor is no longer
sharp [70].
2 c
x 2
Quadratic coupling opens up the way to a number of interesting possibilities, including the direct measurement
of energy eigenstates of the mechanical element, rather
than the position detection characteristic of linear coupling. J. Harris and coworkers estimate that it may be possible in the future to use this scheme to observe quantum
jumps of a mechanical system [73]. In another theoretical study, Nunnenkamp and coworkers [76] considered
optomechanical cooling and squeezing via quadratic optomechanical coupling. They showed that for high temperatures and weak coupling, the steady-state phonon
number distribution is nonthermal, and demonstrated
how to achieve mechanical squeezing by driving the cavity with two optical fields.
Another possibility offered by that geometry is to observe the quantum tunneling of an optomechanical system operating deep in the quantum regime through a
classically forbidden potential barrier. One proposed approach [77] relies on adiabatically raising a potential barrier, whose parameters can be widely tuned, at the location of a mechanical element. For the right choice of
parameters the optomechanical potential is a double-well
potential, and it is estimated that quantum tunneling between its wells can occur at rates several orders of magnitude larger than the decoherence rate of the mechanical
membrane. Besides tunneling, that scheme may also allow for the study of the quantum Zeno effect in a mechanical context and provide a comparatively simple scheme
for the preparation and characterization of non-classical
mechanical states of interest for quantum metrology and
4 Cold atoms
In a development complementary to the research on
nanoscale mechanical systems, recent quantum optomechanics experiments have also manipulated and controlled at the quantum level the center-of-mass degrees
of freedom of ultracold atomic ensembles [8184]. In the
following we restrict our discussion to the case of a neutral
atomic sample cooled well below its recoil temperature
and trapped inside a single-mode Fabry-Prot resonator.
This could be for example a nearly homogeneous and col-
Hfield = c a a
Hbec =
d x
p x2
Here (x)
is the bosonic Schrdinger field operator for
the atoms, a is the photon annihilation operator as before,
and the atoms interact with the light field via the familiar
off-resonant coupling
U0 = g R2 /(L a ),
= (1/ L) b k e i q x ,
where b q and b q are annihilation and creation operators for atomic bosons with the momentum k, satisfying
the bosonic commutation relations [b q , b q 0 ] = q,q 0 and
[b q , b q 0 ] = 0.
Consider for simplicity the case of scalar bosonic
atoms: In the absence of light field and at T = 0 the ground
0 (x) is the condensate wave function and 2 (x) =
2 cos(2kx). For very weak optical fields the occupation
of the sine mode remains much
p smaller the the zeromomentum mode, so that b 0 ' N and b 2 b 2 N . Substituting then Eq. (69) into the Hamiltonian (65) and in a
frame rotating at the pump laser frequency the Hamiltonian H becomes
H om,bec = 4rec b 2 b 2 + a a + g 2 (b 2 + b 2 ) ,
g (z i )2
L a
kz i
where N is the number of atoms and the operator b i describes the annihilation of a phonon from the center-ofmass motion of atom i .
The second line of the Hamiltonian (74) describes the
optomechanical coupling of the intracavity optical field
to the collective atomic variable
k z i = kN Zcm
Hom,at = 0c a a + z b b + g N (b + b )a a,
g 2 = (U0 /2) N /2
+ U0 sin(20 )a a
with scales as N . Quantum optomechanics experiments
with non-degenerate ultracold atoms samples have so far
been carried out principally in the group of D. StamperKurn at UC Berkeley, while T. Esslinger and coworkers at
ETH Zrich have concentrated on the use of Bose condensates [86]. In a trailblazing experiment [85] Purdy et al positioned a sample of cold atoms with sub-wavelength accuracy in a Fabry-Prot cavity to demonstrate the tuning
from linear to quadratic optomechanical coupling from
the linear to the quadratic coupling regime. The Berkeley group also observed the measurement back-action
resulting from the quantum fluctuations of the optical
field by measuring the cavity-light-induced heating of the
atomic ensemble [81], the first observation of quantum
back-action on a macroscopic mechanical resonator at
the standard quantum limit. More recent work [87] detected the asymmetric coherent scattering of light by a
collective mode of motion of a trapped ultracold gas with
0.5 phonons of average excitation, a result that complements the work of Safavi-Naeini et al. [45] on the asymmetric absorption of light by a nanomechanical solid-state
resonator, see section 2.4.
cillator substantially influences the cavity field. In subsequent work, the Bose condensate was irradiated from the
side of the optical resonator, resulting in the demonstration of a second-order quantum phase transition where
the condensed atoms enter a self-organized super-solid
phase, a process mathematically described by the Dicke
model of an ensemble of two-state systems coupled to
a single-mode electromagnetic field. In contrast to the
situation in the usual Dicke model, where the two states
of interest are two atomic electronic levels coupled by a
dipole optical transition, in the present case the relevant
states are two different momentum states coupled to the
cavity field mode [88, 89].
-130 -120 -110 -100 -90 90
Frequency (kHz)
120 130
Phonon occupation
0.4 0.6
ated by the light field. Both the effect of the membrane motion on the atoms and the back-action of the atomic motion on the membrane were observed. Singh and coworkers [104] considered a variation on that scheme where a
Bose condensate is trapped inside a Fabry-Prot with a
moveable end mirror driven by a feeble optical field. They
showed that under conditions where the optical field can
be adiabatically eliminated one can achieve high fidelity
quantum state transfer between a momentum side mode
of the condensate, see Eq. (69), and the oscillating endmirror.
Artificial atoms such as NV centers are of much interest for hybrid optomechanical systems [91] due to the
attractive combination of their optical and electronic spin
properties. Their ground state is a spin triplet [105] that
can be optically initialized, manipulated and read-out by
a combination of optical and microwave fields, and they
are characterized by remarkably long room-temperature
coherence times for solid-state systems. As such, they
offer much promise for applications e.g. in quantum information processing and ultrasensitive magnetometry,
where the spin is used as an atomic-sized magnetic sensor [106108]. In this context, a spin-oscillator system
of particular interest consists of a magnetized cantilever
coupled to the electronic spin of the NV center. A recent
experiment by Arcizet and colleagues demonstrated the
coupling of a nanomechanical oscillator to such a defect
in a diamond nanocrystal attached to its extremity [109].
In two further recent demonstrations of the potential
of hybrid optomechanical systems, a mechanical oscillator was used to achieve the coherent quantum control
of the spin of a single NV center [111], and the coherent
evolution of the spin of an NV center was coupled to the
motion of a magnetized mechanical resonator to sense
its motion with a precision below 6 picometers [110]. The
authors of that experiment comment that it may soon
become possible to detect the mechanical zero-point fluctuations of the oscillator.
More speculatively perhaps, micromechanical oscillators in the quantum regime offer a route toward new
tests of quantum theory at unprecedented sizes and mass
scales. For instance, spatial quantum superpositions of
massive objects could be used to probe various theories of decoherence and shed new light on the transition from quantum to classical behavior: In contrast to
the generally accepted view that it is technical issues
such as environmental decoherence that rapidly destroy
such superpositions in massive objects and establish
the transition from the quantum to the classical world,
some authors [112116] have proposed collapse models that are associated with more fundamental mechanisms and the appearance of new physical principles.
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