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Psychology Syllabus

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The document provides information about a General Psychology course including the course description, objectives, topics, schedule and grading system.

The course will cover topics like the nature of psychology, biological foundations, sensory processes, perception, consciousness, motivation, emotions, intelligence and more as outlined in the course schedule.

The course objectives are to discuss the beginnings of psychology as a science, explain the development and structures of the nervous system, illustrate mechanisms of sensation, discuss perception and consciousness, and explain motivation and intelligence.

International Colleges for Excellence, Inc.

#40 Calle Garcia, Poblacion, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan, 2428 Philippines

Tel/Fax # (075) 568-7660/4360
E-Mail: icse2003_urdaneta@yahoo.com
Website: www.ice.edu.ph

Faculty Information:
April Joy Lim, MAEd (In Progress, UP Diliman)
Consultation Hours: T - Th (2:00 5:00) Faculty Room, HR Department
Email: apriljoylim@gmail.com
Course number and title: SS 111: General Psychology
Course description: a three (3) unit course which deals with the fundamental concepts
and principles in the study of human behavior, sensory modalities, perception,
consciousness, motivation, emotion, and intelligence. Social, abnormal behaviors and effects
of drug use will also be discussed.
Course objectives:
At the end of the semester, the students will be able to:

Discuss the beginnings of psychology as a science, its scope, nature, perspectives,

methods and fields;
Explain the development and structures of the nervous system;
Illustrate the mechanism involved in sensation;
Discuss the phenomenon of consciousness and perceptual processes and;
Explain how motives operate as well as describe the dynamics of intelligence and
Develop and enhance students writing and oral skills.
Also, the students should be able to develop critical and logical thinking skills on
choices that they are going to take.
Students will be able to know and understand themselves more.

Other equipment / material requirements/ Methods

LCD Projector, Laptop
Group Discussions, Role Playing, Interactive Activities (Group Dynamics, Sensorial
Games and etc.), Movie Reviews, Lecturettes, Reports, Culminating Activity
Classroom Protocol

Come on time and wear proper uniform (when the class meets)

Strictly NO PERMIT, NO EXAM in Finals. Present your permit before you take your
final exam in this course.

You are allowed to take your special exams if you have valid reasons provided
with an excuse letter approved by the College Coordinator or Head.

CELLPHONE use is prohibited during the examination proper.

Internet browsing (especially FACEBOOK), playing games and other unnecessary

doings are not allowed during lectures, exercises and exams.

Submit your papers ON TIME. No extensions. Strictly NO PLAGIARISM. Cite

your reference properly.

Dropping and Adding

Information about the latest changes and news is available at the www.ice.edu.ph.


Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about
add/drop, grade forgiveness, etc. The deadline for dropping of subjects is 2 weeks after the
start of semester. Students that would drop subjects after the deadline will be considered as
failed and no refund of fees shall be given back. Students should be aware of the current
deadlines and penalties for dropping classes.

To be a leading Institution that produces students who are God fearing, noble, critical
thinkers, creative and who can take part in nation building.
We exist to equip our students with relevant knowledge, skills, Christian values and
desirable habits to prepare future generation to become globally competitive and useful
members of society.
College Policies
Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or
plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another persons
ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the College.
For this class, all assignments are to be completed by the individual student unless
otherwise specified.
Campus Policy in Compliance with the Philippine Disabilities Act
If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or if you
need to make special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an
appointment with Ms. April Joy Lim as soon as possible.
Student Technology Resources
Computer units are available for students located at the library, 4th floor of the college
building. Students may also request the use of media tools such as projectors, DVD
player, video camera, digital camera, provided that they will sign a waiver of usage
plus the consent of their instructor; the request should be made at least 4 working

Teaching Methods:
1. Group Discussions
2. Role Playing
3. Interactive Activities (Group Dynamics, Sensorial Games and etc.)
4. Movie Reviews
5. Lecturettes
Class Requirements:
Class Participation (Recitation, Sharing of their Found Information, Lecturettes)
Analysis Papers *
Grading System

Preliminary Grade = 0.50 PE + 0.50 CSP

Mid-Term Grade = 1/3 PG + 2/3 (0.50 ME + 0.50 CSM)
Final Grade = 1/3 MG + 2/3 (0.50 FE + 0.50 CSF)
FE- Final Exam
CSP Class Standing Prelim
CSM Class Standing Midterm
CSF Class Standing Final


PG Preliminary Grade
PE- Prelim Exam
MG - Mid-term Grade
ME- Mid-term Exam
FG Final Grade

General Psychology, 1st Semester, Course Schedule

Table 1 Course Schedule



June 13
June 14

Expectations Discussion
Syllabus Discussion
Group Dynamics
Introduction to Psychology
The Nature of Psychology


June 19 - 21


June 26 - 28

Biological foundations of Psychology

Scope of Psychology
Historical Origins of Psychology
Contemporary Psychological Perspectives
How psychological research is done

2.3 Organization of the Nervous Systems

2.4 Evolution, Genes and Behavior
Biological foundations of Psychology

July 3 -6

2.3 Organization of the Nervous Systems

2.4 Evolution, Genes and Behavior
Short Movie Clips
Sensory Processes

July 10 - 12

3.1 Characteristic of Sensory Modalities

3.2 Vision
Sensory Processes

July 17 - 19

3.3 Hearing
3.4 Others Senses
Experiential/ Culminating Activity

July 24 26

4.1 use of Perception
4.2 Attention
4.3 Localization

July 31
August 2

August 7 9


August 14 16

4.4 Recognition
4.5 Abstraction
4.6 Perceptual constancies
4.7 Neural Basis of Behavior: Division of Labor in the Brain
4.8 Perceptual development
Pictorial- Sensory Activity
Review for Exams and Assignment of Projects and Reports
Preliminary Exams

5.1 Aspects of Consciousness





Sleep And Dream

Psychoactive drugs
PSI Phenomena

August 22 23


August 28 30


September 4

11 13


Research Week (Written Papers)

18 -20

25 October

6.1 Rewards ad incentives Motivation

6.2 Homeostasis and Drives
6.3 Hunger
6.4 Gender and Sexuality
Report with Activities
7.1 Component of Emotions
7.2 Cognitive Appraisal and emotion
7.3 Subjective experiences and emotion
7.4 Bodily changes and Emotion
7.5 Facial Expression and Emotion
7.6 Responses to Emotion: Emotion regulation
7.7 Emotions, Gender, and Culture
7.8 Aggression
Report with Activities
Review for Exams and Assignment of Projects and Reports
Preliminary Exams
8.1 Assessment of Intellectual Abilities
8.2 Contemporary Theories of intelligence
8.3 Genetics and Intelligence
Report with Activities
Processing of the Topics
Research and Practice for Culminating Activity

October 19

Presentation of Culminating Activity

Books and References:


1. Atkinson & Hilgards Introduction to Psychology. 2003. Smith, E., Nolen- Hoeksema S.,
Frederickson, B., & Loftus, G.R. Thomson Wadsworth, Asia. 14th ed. (Asian ed.).
2. Foundations of Ministry.1992. Anthony. M.E. SP Publications, Inc. Illinois.
3. Introduction to Psychology Understanding Human Behavior. 2005. Carson-Arenas, A.
Rex Printing Company Inc. Quezon City.
4. General Psychology.2002. Sanchez, C.A., Abad, P.F., & Jao, L.V. Rex Printing Company
Inc. Quezon City. 4th ed.
5. General Psychology with Values Development Lessons. 2006. Sevilla,C.G., Punsalan,
T.G., Rovira, L.G., & Vendivel Jr., F.G. Rex Printing Company Inc. Quezon City. 4th ed.

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