Instructor's Manual
Instructor's Manual
Instructor's Manual
Seventh Edition
Prepared by
J. Richard Christman
Professor Emeritus
United States Coast Guard Academy
Stanley A. Williams
Iowa State University
Walter Eppenstein
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
This manual contains material designed to be useful in the design of an introductory physics
course based on the text FUNDAMENTALS OF PHYSICS, seventh edition, by David Halliday,
Robert Resnick, and Jearl Walker. It may be used with either the extended or regular versions
of the text. Section One includes material to help instructors choose topics and design courses.
Section Two contains a discussion of sources for ancillary material that might be helpful in designing
a course or obtaining lab and demonstration apparatus and audio/visual material. Section Three
contains lecture notes outlining the important topics of each chapter, suggested demonstration and
laboratory experiments, computer software, video cassettes, and DVDs.
Sections Four, Five, and Six contain answers to checkpoints, end-of-chapter questions, and end-
of-chapter problems. To help ease the transition from the sixth to the seventh edition of the text,
Section Seven of the manual cross references end-of-chapter problems between the two editions.
Because some instructors avoid assigning problems that are discussed in A Student’s Companion,
in the Student Solution Manual or on the Wiley website, while others desire to include a few of
these in many assignments, Section Eight of the manual contains a list of these problems.
The principal author is grateful to Stanley Williams, who co-authored the first edition of the
instructor manual for Fundamentals of Physics. Much of his material has been retained in this
manual. He is also grateful to Walter Eppenstein, who helped with suggestions for demonstration
and laboratory experiments. Jearl Walker helped significantly by supplying answers to checkpoint
questions, end-of-chapter questions, and end-of-chapter problems.
The author is indebted to the Project Editor Geraldine Osnato, who managed many aspects of
this project. Special thanks go to Sharon Prendergast, the Production Editor. Karen Christman
carefully read earlier editions of the manuscript and made many useful suggestions. Her fine work
is gratefully noted. The unfailing support of Mary Ellen Christman is joyfully acknowledged.
J. Richard Christman
Professor Emeritus
U.S. Coast Guard Academy
New London, Connecticut 06320
Preface iii
Section One
About the Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Section Two
Suggestions for the Course . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Section Three
Lecture Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Section Four
Answers to Checkpoints . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Section Five
Answers to Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Section Six
Answers to Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Section Seven
Comparison of Problems
with the Sixth Edition . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Section Eight
Problems in the Student Solution Manual,
in the Student’s Companion,
and on the Wiley website . . . . . . . . . 265
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Table of Contents v
Fundamentals of Physics, seventh edition, follows the sequence of topics found in most intro-
ductory courses. In fact, earlier editions of this text were instrumental in establishing that sequence.
It is, however, extremely flexible in regard to both the range of topics and the depth of coverage.
As a result, it can be used for a two, three, or four term course along traditional lines. It can
also be used with many of the innovative courses that are presently being designed and taught. In
many instances sections that discuss fundamental principles and give applications are followed by
other sections that go deeper into the physics. Some instructors prefer to cover fewer topics than
others but treat the topics they do cover in great depth. Others prefer to cover more topics with
less depth. Courses of both types can easily be accommodated by selecting appropriate sections of
the text.
By carefully choosing sections of the text to be included, your course might be a two-term,
in-depth study of the fundamentals of classical mechanics and electromagnetism. With the addition
of another term you might include more applications and the thermodynamics and optics chapters.
In a three-term course, you might also forgo thermodynamics and optics but include Chapter 37
(Relativity) and some of the quantum mechanics chapters added in the extended version.
When designing the course, some care must be taken in the selection of topics because many
discussions in later chapters presume coverage of prior material. Here are some comments you
might find useful in designing your course. Also refer to the Lecture Notes section of this manual.
Mechanics. The central concepts of classical mechanics are covered in Chapters 1 through 11.
Some minor changes that are possible, chiefly in the nature of postponements, are mentioned in
the Lecture Notes. For example, the scalar product can be postponed until the discussion of work
in Chapter 7 and the vector product can be postponed until the discussion of torque in Chapter
Coverage of Chapter 5 can be shortened to two lectures or elongated to over four, depending
on the time spent on applications. Sections 9—8, 9—9, 9—10, and 9—11, on collisions, can be covered
as part of laboratory exercises. Other sections in the first twelve chapters that can be used to
adjust the length of the course are 2—10, 3—7, 4—8, 4—9, 6—4, 7—8, 9—10, 9—11, 9—12, 11—5, and 11—12.
Section 10—7, which deals with the calculation of the rotational inertias of extended bodies, can
be covered in detail or can be shortened by simply stating results once the definition as a sum
over particles has been discussed. The parallel axis theorem is needed to solve some end-of-chapter
problems in this chapter and in Chapter 16 and it should be covered if those problems are assigned.
The order of the chapters should be retained. For example, difficulties arise if you precede
dynamics with statics as is sometimes done in other texts. To do so, you would need to discuss
torque, introduced in Chapter 10, and explain its relation to angular acceleration. This involves
considerable effort and is of questionable value.
Chapters 12 through 18 apply the fundamental principles of the first 11 chapters to special
systems and, in many cases, lay the groundwork for what is to come. Many courses omit one or
more of Chapters 12 (Equilibrium and Elasticity), 13 (Gravitation), 14 (Fluids), and 17 (Waves
– II). There is some peril in these omissions, however. Chapter 13, for example, is pedagogically
important. The central idea of the chapter is a force law and the discussions of many of its rami-
fications show by example how physics works. Since the chapter brings together many previously
discussed ideas it can be used as a review. In addition, Newton’s law of gravity is used later to
introduce Coulomb’s law and the proof that the electrostatic force is conservative relies on the
analogy. The basis of Gauss’ law is laid in Chapter 13 and inclusion of this chapter makes teaching
A bare bones two-semester course (about 90 meetings) can be constructed around Chapters 1
through 11, 15, 16, and 21 through 33, with the omission of Chapter 31 Sections 32—7 through 32—
The following chart gives estimates of the time required to cover all of each chapter, in units
of 50 minute periods. The second and fifth columns of the chart contain estimates of the number
of lecture periods needed and includes the time needed to perform demonstrations and discuss
the main points of the chapter. The third and sixth columns contain estimates of the number of
recitation periods required and includes the time needed to go over problem solutions, answers to
end-of-chapter questions, and points raised by students. If your course is organized differently, you
may wish to add the two numbers to obtain the total estimated time for each chapter.
Use the chart as a rough guide when planning the syllabus for a semester, quarter, or year
course. If you omit parts of chapters, reduce the estimated time accordingly.
General Two excellent books that deal with teaching the introductory calculus-based course are
Teaching Introductory Physics; Arnold B. Arons; John Wiley (1997); also available from
the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse, College Park,
MD 20740-3845;
Teaching Introductory Physics (A Sourcebook); Clifford E. Swartz and Thomas Miner;
Springer-Verlag (1998); also available from the AAPT (see above for address).
Both of these provide well thought-out explanations of some of the concepts that perplex students
and give help with teaching those concepts. They are also excellent sources of demonstration and
laboratory experiments that illuminate the important ideas of the introductory physics course.
Over the past fifteen years or so the field of physics education research has grown tremendously.
Many research projects focus on the troubles students have in learning physics and analyze proposed
remedies. Lillian McDermot and Edward Redish have compiled an extensive resource letter that
lists books and journal articles in the field. It appeared in the September 1999 issue of the American
Journal of Physics and is highly recommended as a source of material for improvement of the course.
Also see On Teaching Physics; edited by Melba Phillips. An older but still valuable collection
of American Journal of Physics articles dealing with physics education.
Class Participation Each chapter contains several semi-quantitative questions, called checkpoints.
Encourage students to use them to check their understanding of the concepts and relationships
discussed in the chapter. Go over some or all of them in recitation classes or lectures. Answers to
the checkpoint questions are given in Section Four of this manual.
If funds are available, consider setting up an interactive class room or lecture hall in which
students can be polled remotely. The checkpoints and end-of-chapter questions are excellent
for this purpose. You might look into Classroom Performance System from Texas Instruments
Assessment. Several books deal with grading practices and the use of grading in effective teach-
ing. See for example
Effective Grading: A Tool for Learning and Assessment ; Barbara E. Walvoord and Virginia
Johnson; Jossy-Bass, A Wiley Company; 250 pages. Available through the AAPT (see
above for address).
Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers; Thomas A. Angelo
and K. Patricia Cross; Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Company; 427 pages. Available through the
AAPT (see above for address).
Many schools now use computer submission and grading for homework, quizzes, and exams.
WebAssign (Box 8202, NCSU, Raleigh NC 27695; and mapleT.A. (Wa-
terloo Maple, 615 Kumpf Drive, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2V 1K8; are
two such software products. Both allow you to generate assignments and exams containing your
own problems.
Video. All of the video cassette and DVD items listed in the SUGGESTIONS sections of the
Lecture Notes are short, well done, and highly pertinent to the chapter. It is not possible to review
all available material and there are undoubtedly many other fine video cassettes and disks that are
Computer Software. Computers have made significant contributions to the teaching of physics.
They are widely used in lectures to provide animated illustrations, with parameters under the
control of the user; they also provide tutorials and drills that students can work through on their
own. Specialized programs are listed in appropriate SUGGESTION sections of the Lecture Notes.
In addition, several available software packages cover large portions of an introductory course. Some
of them are:
Core Concepts in Physics; Macintosh, Windows; Thomson Brooks/Cole (10 Davis Drive,
Belmont, CA 94002; A great many animations and live videos, lab-
oratory demonstrations, and graphics. Most are interactive. Many step-by-step solutions
are given to example problems.
Interactive Physics; MSC Working knowledge; available from Physics Curriculum & In-
struction (see above for address); Windows, Macintosh. Animations and graphs for a wide
variety of mechanical phenomena. The user can set up “experiments” with massive ob-
jects, strings, springs, dampers, and constant forces. Parameters can easily be changed.
Reviewed in The Physics Teacher, September 1991.
Interactive Physics Player Workbook ; tutorial oriented work book and CD-ROM; Macin-
tosh, Windows; Cindy Schwartz and John Ertel; Prentice-Hall (240 Frisch Ct., Paramus,
NJ 07652-5240; A large number of animations and simulations. Self-
check quizzes are associated with the simulations.
Physics 4.2 CD ; MCH Multimedia, Inc; available from the AAPT (see above for address);
Windows and Macintosh. A collection of interactive demonstrations covering topics in
introductory mechanics, with some quantum mechanics.
Demonstrations. Notes for most of the chapters are developed around demonstration experi-
ments. Generally speaking, these use relatively inexpensive, readily available equipment, yet clearly
demonstrate the main ideas of the chapter. The choice of demonstrations, however, is highly per-
sonal and you may wish to substitute others for those suggested here or you may wish to present
the same ideas using chalkboard diagrams. Several excellent books give many other examples of
demonstration experiments. The following are available from the AAPT (see above for address):
A Demonstration Handbook for Physics, G.D. Freier and F.J. Anderson, 320 pages (1981).
Contains over 800 demonstrations, including many that use everyday materials and that
can be constructed with minimal expense. Line drawings are used to illustrate the demon-
String and Sticky Tape Experiments, Ronald Edge, 448 pages (1987). Contains a large
number of illuminating experiments that can be constructed from inexpensive, readily
available materials.
Apparatus for Teaching Physics, edited by Karl C. Mamola. A collection of articles from
The Physics Teacher that describe laboratory and demonstration apparatus.
How Things Work , H. Richard Crane, 114 pages, 1992. A collection of 20 articles from
The Physics Teacher.
Turning the World Inside Out and 174 Other Simple Physics Demonstrations, Robert
Ehrlich, 216 pages. A collection of demonstration experiments using common, inexpensive
Apparatus for Teaching Physics, edited by Karl C. Mamola, 247 pages. A collection of
articles from The Physics Teacher dealing with laboratory and demonstration apparatus.
Interactive Physics Demonstrations, edited by Joe Pizza. Describes 46 interactive demon-
strations suitable for hallway exhibits. From The Physics Teacher .
The following is currently out of print but is available in many college libraries and physics depart-
Physics Demonstration Experiments, H.F. Meiners, ed. An excellent source of ideas, in-
formation, and construction details on a large number of experiments, with over 2000
line drawings and photographs. It also contains some excellent articles on the philosoph-
ical aspects of lecture demonstrations, the use of shadow projectors, TV, films, overhead
projectors, and stroboscopes.
Appropriate demonstrations described in Freier and Anderson are listed in the SUGGESTIONS
sections of the notes. This book does not give any construction details, but more information about
most demonstrations can be obtained from the book edited by Meiners.
The Physics InfoMall CD-ROM (The Learning Team, 84 Business Park Drive, Suite 307,
Armonk, NY 10504;, a searchable database of over 1000 demon-
strations, is another excellent source. There are both Windows and Macintosh versions. The CD
Student supplements. Several supplements, all available from Wiley, might be recommended
to the students:
A Student’s Companion to Fundamentals of Physics. A study guide. The basic concepts
of each chapter are reviewed in a format that helps students focus their attention on
the important ideas and their relationships to each other. Hints are given for all the
odd numbered end-of-chapter questions and about one-third of the odd numbered end-of
chapter problems. There is also a quiz (with answers) for each chapter so students can test
their understanding. A list of the problem hints in the study guide are given in Section
Seven of this instructor manual.
Student Solution Manual . Contains fully worked solutions to about one-third of the end-
of-chapter problems. These problems are different from those for which hints are given in
the study guide. A list of the solutions in the solution manual are given in Section Seven
of this Manual.
CD Physics. A CD ROM version of the text and supplements for Windows and Macintosh.
This contains the complete text, the Student Solution Manual, A Student’s Companion,
interactive tutorials, interactive simulations, and a glossary. It is extensively hyperlinked.
Wiley Website. Wiley maintains a website devoted to materials for students using this
text. It contains samples of worked-out solutions from the Student Solution manual and
hints from the study guide. In addition there are self-quizzes and additional problems
using graphical simulations. The site also contains links to other websites. The solutions
and hints on the site are given in Section Seven of this manual.
Instructor aids. In addition to this Instructor Manual Wiley provides several other aids for
Instructor’s Solution Manual Contains fully worked solutions to all the end-of-chapter
Test Bank . Contains over 2800 multiple choice questions (with answers) for use on exams
and quizzes. Both quantitative and qualitative questions are included. In each chapter,
some of the questions are modeled after the checkpoints and end-of-chapter questions, as
well as after the end-of-chapter problems and exercises.
A set of transparencies for overhead projectors.
eGrade Plus, WebAssign, and CAPA for homework submission and management.
Instructor’s Resource CD. A CD ROM for Windows and Macintosh. It contains the
Instructor’s Solution Manual (in both Word and PDF form), reproductions of illustrations
from the text (in JPEG form), and the Test Bank . There is a computer program that
allows instructors to generate exams from the test bank questions.
Lecture notes for each chapter of the text are grouped under the headings BASIC TOPICS
BASIC TOPICS contains the main points of the chapter in outline form. In addition, one
or two demonstrations are recommended to show the main theme of the chapter. You may wish
to pattern your lectures after the notes, suitably modified, or simply use them as a check on the
completeness of your own notes.
The SUGGESTIONS sections recommend end-of-chapter questions and problems, video cas-
settes, DVDs, computer software, computer projects, alternate demonstrations, and other material
that might be useful for the course. Many of the questions concentrate on points that seem to
give students trouble, and it is worthwhile dealing with some of them before students tackle a
problem assignment. Some questions and problems might be incorporated into the lectures while
some might be assigned and used to generate discussion by students in small recitation sections.
Answers to the questions appear in Section Five of this manual and answers to the problems appear
in Section Six.
I. Base and derived units.
A. Explain that standards are associated with base units and that measurement of a physical
quantity takes place by means of comparison with a standard. Discuss qualitatively the
SI standards for time, length, and mass. Show a 1 kg mass and a meter stick. Show the
simple well-known procedure for measuring length with a meter stick. Many schools have
atomic clocks. If yours does, here is a good place to demonstrate it.
B. Explain that derived units are combinations of base units. Emphasize that the speed of
light is now a defined unit and the meter is a derived unit. Discuss an experiment in which
the time taken for light to travel a certain distance is measured. Example: the reflection
of a light signal from the Moon. Use a clock and a meter stick to find your walking speed
in m/s.
C. This is a good place to review area, volume, and mass density. Use simple geometric figures
(circle, rectangle, triangle, cube, sphere, cylinder, etc.) as examples.
II. Systems of units.
A. Explain what a system of units is. Give the 1971 SI base units (Table 1—1). Stress that
they will be used extensively in the course.
B. Point out the SI prefixes (Table 1—2). The important ones for this course are mega,
kilo, centi, milli, micro, nano, and pico. Discuss powers of ten arithmetic and stress the
simplicity of the notation. This might be a good place to say something about significant
C. Discuss unit arithmetic and unit conversion.
D. Most of the students’ experience is with the British system. Relate the inch to the cen-
timeter, the yard to the meter, and the slug to the kilogram. Discuss unit conversion.
Use speed as an example: convert 50 mph and 3 mph to km/h and m/s. Point out the
conversion tables in Appendix D.
1. Assignments
a. To emphasize SI prefixes assign problems 3 and 10.
b. Unit conversion is covered in many problems. Choose some, such as 2, 4, and 6 that deal
with unfamiliar units. Also consider problem 9.
c. According to the needs of the class, assign one or more problems that deal with area and
volume calculations, such as 5 and 7.
d. Assign a problem or two that deal with mass density, such as 19, 20, 21, or 23.
2. Demonstrations
Examples of “standards” and measuring instruments: Freier and Anderson Ma1 – 3.
3. Books and Monographs
a. Frequency and Time Measurements, edited by Christine Hackman and Donald B. Sullivan;
available from the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse,
College Park, MD 20740-3845,
b. SI: The International System of Units; edited by Robert A. Nelson; available from the
AAPT (see above for address).
c. Connecting Time and Space; edited by Harry E. Bates; available from the AAPT (see above
for address). Reprints that discuss measurements of the speed of light and the redefinition
of the meter. Students will not be able to understand much of this material at this stage
of the course but it is nevertheless useful for background.
d. Powers of Ten : A Flipbook ; by Philip Morrison and Phylis Morrison, and the Office of
Charles and Ray Eames; published by W.H. Freeman and Company; available from the
AAPT (see above for address).
4. Audio/Visual
a. Time and Place, Measuring Short Distances; Cinema Classics DVD 1: Mechanics (I);
available from Ztek Co. (PO Box 11768, Lexington, KY 40577—1768, and
from the AAPT (see above for address).
b. Powers of Ten from the Films of Charles and Ray Eames; produced by Pyramid Media;
video tape; available from the AAPT (see above for address).
5. Laboratory
a. Meiners Experiment 7-1: Measurement of Length, Area, and Volume. Gives students
experience using the vernier caliper, micrometer, and polar planimeter. Good introduction
to the determination of error limits (random and least count) and calculation of errors in
derived quantities (volume and area).
b. Bernard Experiments 1 and 2: Determination of Length, Mass, and Density and Measure-
ments, Measurement Errors, and Graphical Analysis. Roughly the same as the Meiners
experiment, but a laboratory balance is added to the group of instruments and the polar
planimeter is not included. Graphs of mass versus radius and radius squared for a collec-
tion of disks made of the same material, with the same thickness, are used to establish the
quadratic dependence of mass on radius.
I. Position and displacement.
A. Move a toy cart with constant velocity along a table top. Select an origin, place a meter
stick and clock on the table, and demonstrate how x(t) is measured in principle. Emphasize
that x is always measured from the origin; it is not the cart’s displacement during any time
B. Draw a graph of x(t) and point out that it is a straight line. Show what the graph looks
like if the cart is not moving. Point out that the line has a greater slope if the cart is going
faster. Move the cart so its speed increases with time and show what the curve x(t) looks
like. Do with same for a cart that is slowing down.
C. Some students think of a coordinate as distance. Distinguish between these concepts.
Point out that a coordinate defines a position on an axis and can be positive or negative.
Demonstrate a negative velocity, both with the cart and on a graph. As another example,
throw a ball into the air, pick a coordinate axis (positive in the upward direction, say),
and point out when the velocity is positive and when it is negative. Draw the graph of the
coordinate as a function of time. Repeat with the positive direction upward.
D. Define the displacement of an object during a time interval. Emphasize that only the initial
and final coordinates enter and that an object may have many different motions between
these while still having the same displacement. Point out that the displacement is zero if
the initial and final coordinates are the same.
II. Velocity.
A. Define average velocity over an interval. Stress the meaning of the sign. Go over Sample
Problem 2—1. Draw a graph of x versus t for an object that is accelerating. Pick an interval
and draw the line between the end points on the graph. Observe that the average velocity
in the interval is the slope of the line. Figs. 2—3 and 2—4 may also be used. Show how to
calculate average velocity if the function x(t) is given in algebraic form.
B. Define instantaneous velocity. Demonstrate the limiting process. Use a graph of x versus t
for an accelerating cart to demonstrate that the line used to find the average velocity
becomes tangent to the curve in the limit as ∆t vanishes. Remark that the slope of the
tangent line gives the instantaneous velocity. Show a plot of v versus t that corresponds to
the x versus t graph used previously. Show how to calculate the instantaneous velocity if
the function x(t) is given in algebraic form. See Sample Problem 2—3. Stress that a value
of the instantaneous velocity is associated with each instant of time. Some students think
of velocity as being associated with a time interval rather than an instant of time.
C. Define instantaneous speed as the magnitude of the velocity. Compare to the average speed
in an interval, which is the total path length divided by the time. Remark that the average
speed is not the same as the magnitude of the average velocity if the direction of motion
changes in the interval.
D. Note that many calculus texts use a prime to denote a derivative. They also define the
derivative of x with respect to time by the limit of [x(t + ∆t) − x(t)]/∆t rather than by
1. Assignments
a. To help students obtain some qualitative understanding of velocity and acceleration, ask
them to discuss questions 1, 2, 3, and 6. Some aspects of motion with constant acceleration
are covered in questions 4 and 7. Free fall is covered in questions 5 and 8.
b. To make more use of the calculus assign some of problems 5, 12, and 13. Problem 13 can
also be used to discuss differences between average and instantaneous velocity.
c. To emphasize the interpretation of graphs assign a few of problems 5, 6, 13, and 18. Some
of these require students to draw graphs after performing calculations.
d. Ask students to solve a few problems dealing with motion with constant acceleration.
Consider problems 21,, 22, 24, 27, 30, 33, and 35. For a little more challenge, consider
problem 32.
e. Problems 38, 42, 47, and 49 are good problems to test understanding of free-fall motion.
Problem 53 is more challenging.
2. Demonstrations
Uniform velocity and acceleration, velocity as a limiting process: Freier and Anderson
Mb10 – 13, 15, 18, 21, 22.
3. Audio/Visual
a. Acceleration due to Gravity; from AAPT collection 1 of single-concept films; DVD; available
from Ztek Co. (PO Box 11768, Lexington, KY 40577—1768, and from the
American Association of Physics Teachers (One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-
b. One Dimensional Motion; Distance, Time & Speed; One Dimensional Acceleration; Con-
stant Velocity & Uniform Acceleration; from the AAPT collection 2 of single-concept films;
DVD; available from Ztek Co. and from the AAPT (see above for addresses).
c. Uniform Motion, Free Fall; Cinema Classics DVD 1: Mechanics (I); available from Ztek
Co. and from the AAPT (see above for addresses).
d. Numbers, Units, Scalars, and Vectors; VHS video tape, DVD; Films for the Humanities
and Sciences (PO Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08543—2053;
4. Computer Software
a. Mechanics from Exploration of Physics Volume I; Windows and Macintosh; Physics Cur-
riculum & Instruction (22585 Woodhill Drive, Lakeville, MN 55044; www.PhysicsCurricu- Simulations of physical phenomena along with graphs. Includes sections on
position, velocity, acceleration, and free fall.
b. Forces and Motion from Exploration of Physics Volume II; Windows and Macintosh;
Physics Curriculum & Instruction (see above for address). Includes sections on velocity
and acceleration graphs and on free fall, with and without air resistance.
c. Graphs and Tracks; David Trowbridge; DOS, Macintosh; available from Physics Academic
Software (Centennial Campus, 940 Main Campus Drive, Suite 210, Raleigh, NC 27606—
5212; A ball rolls on a series of connected inclines. In one part the
student is given graphs of the position, velocity, and acceleration and is asked to adjust the
Chapter 3 VECTORS
I. Definition.
A. Explain that vectors have magnitude and direction, and that they obey certain rules of
B. Example of a vector: displacement. Give the definition of displacement and point out that
a displacement does not describe the path of the object. Give the definition and physical
interpretation of the sum of two displacements. Demonstrate vector addition by walking
along two sides of the room. Point out the two displacements and their sum. Note that
the distance traveled is not the magnitude of the displacement. Go back to your original
position and point out that the displacement is now zero.
C. Compare vectors with scalars and present a list of each.
D. Go over vector notation and insist that students use it to identify vectors clearly. In this
text a vector is indicated by placing an arrow over an algebraic symbol. The italic version
of the symbol, without the arrow, indicates the magnitude of the vector. Point out that
many other texts use boldface type to indicate vectors.
II. Vector addition and subtraction by the graphical method.
A. Draw two vectors tail to head, draw the resultant, and point out its direction. Explain
how the magnitude of the resultant can be measured with a ruler and the orientation can
be measured with a protractor. Explain how a scale is used to draw the original vectors
and find the magnitude of the resultant.
B. Define the negative of a vector and define vector subtraction as a−b = a+(−b). Graphically
show that if a + b = c then a = c − b.
C. Show that vector addition is both commutative and associative.
III. Vector addition and subtraction by the analytic method.
A. Derive expressions for the components of a vector, given its magnitude and the angles
it makes with the coordinate axes. In preparation for the analysis of forces, find the x
component of a vector in the xy plane in terms of the angles it makes with the positive
and negative x axis and also in terms of the angles it makes with the positive and negative
y axis.
B. Point out that the components depend on the choice of coordinate system, and compare
the behavior of vector components with the behavior of a scalar when the orientation of
the coordinate system is changed. Find the components of a vector using two differently
oriented coordinate systems. Point out that it is possible to orient the coordinate system
so that only one component of a given vector is not zero. Remark that a pure translation
of a vector (or coordinate system) does not change the components.
C. Define the unit vectors along the coordinate axes. Give the form used to write a vector
in terms of its components and the unit vectors. Explain that unit vectors are unitless so
they can be used to write any vector quantity.
1. Assignments
a. Use questions 2, 3, and 4 to discuss properties of vectors. Questions 1 and 5 deal with
vector addition and subtraction. Question 6 deals with the signs of components.
b. Ask students to use graphical representations of vectors to think about problems such as
8 and 10.
I. Definitions.
A. Draw a curved particle path. Show the position vector for several times and the dis-
placement vector for several intervals. Define average velocity over an interval. Write the
definition in both vector and component form.
B. Define velocity as dr/dt. Write the definition in both vector and component form. Point
out that the velocity vector is tangent to the path. Define speed of the magnitude of the
C. Define acceleration as dv/dt. Write the definition in both vector and component form.
Point out that a is not zero if either the magnitude or direction of v changes with time.
1. Assignments
a. Assign some of problems 3, 5, 6, 9, 12, and 14 to have students think about the analysis
of motion in two dimensions.
b. Use questions 3 through 10 to generate discussions of ideal projectile motion.
c. Ask questions 11, 12, and 13 in connection with centripetal acceleration.
d. Have students work several of the projectile motion problems (17 through 43). Some of
these deal with sports. See, for example, problems 18, 26, 28, 32, 34, 37, 39, and 43.
e. Assign two or three of problems 45, 47, 49, and 51 in connection with uniform circular
f. Assign one or two problems that deal with relative motion. Good examples are 56, 57, 58,
60, and 66.
2. Demonstrations
Projectile motion: Freier and Anderson Mb14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23, 24, 28.
3. Audio/Visual
a. A Matter of Relative Motion, Galilean Relativity – Ball Dropped from Mast of Ship;
Object Dropped from Aircraft , Projectile Fired Vertically; from the AAPT collection 1 of
single-concept films; DVD; available from Ztek Co. (PO Box 11768, Lexington, KY 40577—
1768, and from the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT, One
Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3845,
b. Projectile Motion, Circular Motion; Cinema Classics DVD 2: Mechanics (II) and Heat;
available from Ztek Co. and the AAPT (see above for addresses).
c. Projectile Motion; VHS video tape, DVD (20 min); Films for the Humanities and Sciences
(PO Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08543—2053;
I. Overview
A. Explain that objects may interact with each other and, as a result, their velocities change.
State that the strength of an interaction depends on properties of the objects and their
relative positions. Gravitational mass is responsible for gravitational interactions, electric
charge is responsible for electric and magnetic interactions.
B. Explain that we split the problem into two parts and say that each body exerts a force on
the other and that the net force on a body changes its velocity. Remark that an equation
that gives the force in terms of the properties of the objects and their positions is called
a force law. Force laws are discussed throughout the course. The dominant theme of this
chapter, however, is the relationship between the net force and the acceleration it produces.
II. Newton’s first law.
A. State the law: if an object does not interact with any other objects, its acceleration is zero.
B. Point out that the acceleration depends on the reference frame used to measure it and that
the first law can be true for only a select set of frames. Cover the essential parts of the
relative motion section of Chapter 4, if they were not covered earlier. Define an inertial
frame. Tell students that an inertial frame can be constructed, in principle, by finding an
object that is not interacting with other objects and then attaching a reference frame to
it. Any frame that moves with constant velocity relative to an inertial frame is also an
inertial frame, but one that is accelerating relative to an inertial frame is not.
C. Explain that we may take a reference frame attached to Earth as an inertial frame for the
description of most laboratory phenomena but we cannot for the description of ocean and
wind currents, space probes, and astronomical phenomena.
III. Newton’s second law.
A. Explain that the environment influences the motion of an object and that force measures
the extent of the interaction. The result of the interaction is an acceleration. Place a cart
at rest on the air track. Push it to start it moving and note that it continues at constant
velocity. After it is moving, push it to increase its speed, then push it to decrease its speed.
In each case note the direction of the force and the direction of the acceleration. Also give
an eraser a shove across a table and note that it stops. Point out that the table top exerts
a force of friction while the eraser is moving. Push the eraser at constant velocity and
explain that the force of your hand and the force of friction sum to zero.
B. Define force in terms of the acceleration imparted to the standard 1 kg mass. Explain how
this definition can be used to calibrate a spring, for example. Point out that force is a
vector, in the same direction as the acceleration. If two or more forces act on the standard
mass, its acceleration is the same as when a force equal to the resultant acts.
Unit: newton. Explain that 1 N is 1 kg·m/s2 . .............
C. Have three students pull on a rope, knotted together ....
. ..................
as shown. Ask one to increase his or her pull and ask .........................................................................................•...................
........... ..
the others to report what they had to do to remain ..............
... ..
D. Define mass in terms of the ratio of the acceleration imparted to the standard mass and to
the unknown mass, with the same force acting. Attach identical springs to two identical
1. Assignments
a. Use questions 1 through 7 to help students think about the influence of forces on bodies.
some of these emphasize that the net force is a vector sum and others exercise Newton’s
first law. Assign one or two of problems 1, 2, and 3.
b. Use questions 9 and 10 to help students think about normal forces.
c. Use question 8 and problem 9 to help students with tensions in ropes.
d. Assign problem 2 to emphasize the definition of force and problem 4 or 5 to demonstrate
Newton’s second law.
e. Use problems 21 and 43 to discuss Newton’s third law.
f. Assign a few applications problems from the group 13 through 56, according to the needs
and interests of the class.
g. As a prelude to Chapter 9 (where the center of mass and conservation of momentum are
discussed) assign problem 27.
2. Demonstrations
a. Inertia: Freier and Anderson Mc1 – 5, Me1.
b. F = ma: Freier and Anderson Md2, Ml1.
c. Third-law pairs: Freier and Anderson Md1, 3, 4.
I. Frictional forces.
A. Place a large massive wooden block on the lecture table. Attach a spring scale, large
enough to be read easily. If necessary, tape sandpaper to the table under the block. Pull
weakly on the scale and note that the reading is not zero although the block does not
move. Pull slightly harder and note that the reading increases but the block still does not
move. Remark that there must be a force of friction opposing the pull and that the force
of friction increases as the pull increases. Now increase your pull until the block moves
and note the reading just before it starts to move. Pull the block at constant speed and
note the reading. Have the students repeat the experiment in a qualitative manner, using
books resting on their chair arms. To show that the phenomenon depends on the nature of
the surface, the demonstration can be repeated after waxing the wooden block and table
B. Give a brief qualitative discussion about the source of frictional forces. Stress that the force
of static friction has whatever magnitude and direction are required to hold the two bodies
in contact at rest relative to each other, up to a certain limit in magnitude. Define the
coefficient of static friction and explain the use of fs < µs FN . In particular, explain that if
the surface is stationary the force of static friction is determined by the condition that the
object on it has zero acceleration. To test if an object remains at rest, the frictional force
required to produce zero relative acceleration is calculated and compared with µs FN .
C. Define the coefficient of kinetic friction and explain that fk = µk FN gives the frictional
force as long as the object is sliding on the surface. Also explain that if the surface is
stationary the force of kinetic friction is directed opposite to the velocity of the object
sliding on it.
D. Work some examples:
1. Find the angle of an inclined plane for which sliding starts; find the angle for which
the body slides at constant speed. These examples can be analyzed in association with
a demonstration and the students can use the data to find the coefficients of friction.
2. Analyze an object resting on the floor, with a person applying a force that is directed
at some angle above the horizontal. Find the minimum applied horizontal force that
will start the object moving and point out that it is a function of the angle between
the applied force and the horizontal.
3. Consider the same situation but with the object moving. Find its acceleration. This
and the previous example demonstrate the dependence of the normal force and the
force of friction on the externally applied force.
1. Assignments
a. Discuss some or all of questions 1 through 7 in connection with the force of static friction
and the onset of sliding. Kinetic friction is the subject of questions 6, 7, and 9. Consider
asking question 9 in connection with problem 30.
I. Kinetic energy and the work-kinetic energy theorem.
A. Define kinetic energy for a particle. Remind students that kinetic energy is a scalar and
depends on the speed but not on the direction of the velocity. Point out that v2 = vx2 + vy2
for two-dimensional motion and remark that the appearance of velocity components in the
expression does not mean K has components.
B. Consider a ball thrown into the air. Neglect air resistance and point out that during
the upward part of the motion the force of gravity slows the ball and the kinetic energy
decreases. As the ball falls, the force of gravity speeds the ball and the kinetic energy
increases. Remind students that for a constant force (and acceleration) v2 = v02 + 2a ∆x
(which was derived in the study of kinematics). Multiply by m/2 to obtain K = K0 +F ∆x.
Say that for a constant force acting on a particle that moves in one dimension W = F ∆x
is the work done by the force F as the particle travels through the displacement ∆x. State
that K = K0 + W is an example of the work-kinetic energy theorem: the change in the
kinetic energy of a particle during a given interval equals the work done on the particle by
the total force during the interval.
C. Point out that only the component of a force parallel or antiparallel to the velocity changes
the speed. Other components change the direction of motion. Positive total work results in
an increase in kinetic energy and speed, negative total work results in a decrease. Remind
students of previous examples in which the object moves with constant speed (including
uniform circular motion). The total work is zero and the kinetic energy does not change.
Avoid quantitative calculations involving frictional forces.
D. Explain that the work-kinetic energy theorem can be applied only to particles and objects
that can be treated as particles. To give an example in which it cannot be applied directly,
consider a car crashing into a rigid barrier: the barrier does no work but the kinetic energy
of the car decreases.
E. Explain that observers in different inertial frames will measure different values of the net
work done and for the change in the kinetic energy but both will find W net = ∆K.
F. Use Newton’s second law to prove the theorem for motion in one dimension. If the students
are mathematically sophisticated, extend the theorem to the general case. Stress that it is
the total work (done by the resultant force) that enters the theorem.
II. Work done by a constant force.
A. Write down W = F · d = F d cos φ and point out φ on a diagram. Explain that this is the
work done on a particle by the constant force F as the particle undergoes a displacement
d. Explain that work can be calculated for each individual force and that the total work
done on the particle is the work done by the resultant force. Point out that work is a
scalar quantity. Also point out that work is zero for a force that is perpendicular to the
displacement and that, in general, only the component of F tangent to the path contributes
to the work. The force does no work if the displacement is zero. Emphasize that work can
be positive or negative, depending on the relative orientation of F and d. For a constant
force, the work depends only on the displacement, not on details of the path. Unit: joule.
B. Calculate the work done by the force of gravity as a mass falls a distance h and as it rises
a distance h. Emphasize the sign. Calculate the work done by a non-horizontal force used
to pull a box across a horizontal floor. Point out that the work done by the normal force
I. Potential energy, conservative and nonconservative forces
A. Explain that potential energy is an energy of configuration. The potential energy of a
system of objects depends on the relative positions of the objects. A system consisting of
an object and Earth has a potential energy that depends on the separation of Earth and
the object, for example.
B. State that a potential energy can be associated with a force only if that force is conservative
and explain that a force is conservative if the work done by the force when the system
starts and ends with the same configuration is zero, no matter what the configurations
and no matter what motions occur between the beginning and end of the interval. Show
that this implies that the work done by the force between any given starting and ending
configurations is the same no matter what intervening configurations are assumed by the
1. Assignments
a. Use question 1 to discuss the idea of a conservative force.
b. Question 3 and problems 2, 3, 5, and 6 test basic understanding of gravitational potential
energy. Use problem 1 to test basic understanding of elastic potential energy.
c. Test for understanding of the conservation of mechanical energy by asking questions 2 and
3 and assigning some of problems 9, 10, 12, 17, 26, 29, 31, and 34. Some of these are
related to previous problems. Some combine gravitational and elastic potential energies.
d. Draw several potential energy curves and have the class analyze the particle motion for
various values of the total energy. This can provide particularly useful feedback as to how
well the students have mastered the idea of energy conservation. Also ask question 5 and
assign problems 37 and 39.
e. Assign a few questions and problems dealing with applied and dissipative forces. Consider
questions 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9 and problems 41, 43, 44, 45, 51, 52, and 58.
2. Demonstrations
a. Conservation of energy: Freier and Anderson Mn1 – 3, 6.
b. Nonconservative forces: Freier and Anderson Mw1.
3. Books and Monographs
The Bicycle by Phillip DiLavore; available from the American Association of Physics Teach-
ers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse, College Park MD 20740—3845; Deals
chiefly with energy. Students do not need to know about rotational motion.
4. Audio/Visual
a. Gravitational Potential Energy; Conservation of Energy – Pole Vault and Aircraft Take-
off ; from the AAPT collection 1 of single-concept films; DVD; available from Ztek Co.
(PO Box 11768, Lexington, KY 40577—1768,
b. Energy Conservation; Cinema Classics DVD 5: Conservation Laws; available from Ztek
Co. (see above for address) and the AAPT (see above for address).
I. Center of mass.
A. Spin a chalkboard eraser as you toss it. Point out that, if the influence of air can be
neglected, one point (the center of mass) follows the parabolic trajectory of a projectile
although the motions of other points are more complicated.
B. Define the center of mass by giving its coordinates in terms of the coordinates of the
individual particles in the system. As an example, consider a system consisting of three
discrete particles and calculate the coordinates of the center of mass, given the masses and
coordinates of the particles. Point out that no particle need be at the center of mass.
C. Extend the definition to include a continuous mass distribution. Note that if the object
has a point, line, or plane of symmetry, the center of mass must be at that point, on that
line, or in that plane. Examples: a uniform sphere or spherical shell, a uniform cylinder,
a uniform square, a rectangular plate, or a triangular plate. Show how to compute the
coordinates of the center of mass of a complex object comprised of a several simple parts,
a table for example. Each part is replaced by a particle with mass equal to the mass of the
part, positioned at the center of mass of the part. The center of mass of the particles is
then found. Explain how to find the center of mass of a simple shape, such as a rectangular
or circular plate, with a hole cut in it.
D. Explain that the general motion of a rigid body may be described by giving the motion of
the center of mass and the motion of the object around the center of mass.
E. Derive expressions for the velocity and acceleration of the center of mass in terms of the
velocities and accelerations of the particles in the system.
F. Derive Fnet = M acom and emphasize that Fnet is the net external force on all objects of
the system. As an example, consider a two-particle system with external forces acting on
both particles and each particle interacting with the other. Invoke Newton’s third law to
show that the internal forces cancel when all forces are summed.
G. State that if Fnet = 0 and the center of mass is initially at rest, then it remains at the
same point no matter how individual parts of the system move. Refer to the two carts of
1. Assignments
a. Use problems 1, 3, and 6 to generate discussion about the position of the center of mass.
To present a challenge, assign problem 8.
b. Questions 1 and 2 are good tests of understanding of the motion of the center of mass.
Discuss them as an introduction to the problems. Assign problems 11, and 12. Assign
some problems in which the center of mass does not move: 16 and 17, for example.
c. To emphasize the vector nature of momentum, assign problems 19 and 20.
Chapter 10 ROTATION
I. Rotation about a fixed axis.
A. Spin an irregular object on a fixed axis. A bicycle wheel or spinning platform with the
object attached can be used. Draw a rough diagram, looking along the rotation axis.
Explain that each point in the body has a circular orbit and that, for any selected point,
the radius of the orbit is the perpendicular distance from the point to the rotation axis.
Contrast to a body that is simultaneously rotating and translating.
B. Define angular position θ (in radians and revolutions), angular displacement ∆θ, angular
velocity ω (in rad/s, deg/s, and rev/s), and angular acceleration α (in rad/s2 , deg/s2 ,
1. Assignments
a. Use questions 1, 2, and 3 to discuss graphical interpretations of angular position and
b. Use techniques of the calculus to derive the kinematic equations for constant angular
acceleration. That is, integrate α = constant twice with respect to time. Assign problem
4 or 6.
c. Assign some problems that deal with rotation with constant angular acceleration: 11, 13,
and 17, for example.
d. To discuss the relationship between angular and linear variables, assign some of problems
21, 22, 23, and 28.
e. Use question 4 to guide students through a qualitative discussion of rotational inertia.
Assign problems 37, 39, and 41.
f. Use problem 47 or 48 to discuss the calculation of torque.
g. To help students think about torque and τnet = Iα, discuss questions 5, 6, 7,8, and 9.
Assign some of problems 53, 54, and 57. To deal with a situation in which the dynamics of
more than one object is important, demonstrate the Atwood machine and discuss problem
h. Use question 10 to discuss the work done by a torque and changes in rotational kinetic
energy. Discuss conservation of mechanical energy and assign problems 65 and 67.
2. Demonstrations
a. Rotational dynamics: Freier and Anderson Ms7, Mt 5, 6, Mo5.
b. Rotational work and energy: Freier and Anderson Mv2, Mr5, Ms2.
3. Computer Software
Mechanics from Exploration of Physics Volume I; Windows and Macintosh; Physics Cur-
riculum & Instruction (22585 Woodhill Drive, Lakeville, MN 55044; www.PhysicsCurricu- Includes a section on torque.
4. Computer Project
Ask students to use a commercial math program or their own root finding programs to
solve rotational kinematic problems.
I. Rolling.
A. Remark that a rolling object can be considered to be rotating about an axis through the
center of mass while the center of mass moves. The text considers the special case for
which the axis of rotation does not change direction. Point out that the rotational motion
obeys τnet = Icom α and the translational motion of the center of mass obeys Fnet = macom ,
where τnet is the sum of external torques and Fnet is the sum of external forces. Emphasize
that one of the forces acting may be the force of friction produced by the surface on which
the object rolls.
B. Explain that the speed of a point at the top of a rolling object is vcom + ωR and the speed
of a point at the bottom is vcom − ωR. Specialize to the case of rolling without slipping.
Point out that the point in contact with the ground has zero velocity, so vcom = ωR. Use
Fig. 11—5 as evidence. Also point out that tire tracks in the snow are clean (not smudged)
if the tires do not slip.
C. Explain that a wheel rolling without slipping can be viewed as rotating about an axis
through the point of contact with the ground. Use this and the parallel axis theorem to
show that the kinetic energy is 12 M vcom
+ 12 Icom ω 2 .
D. Consider objects rolling down an inclined plane and show how to calculate the speed at
the bottom using energy considerations. If time permits, carry out an analysis using the
equations of motion and show how to find the frictional force that prevents slipping.
E. Roll a sphere, a hoop, and a cylinder, all with the same radius and mass, down an incline.
Start the objects simultaneously at the same height and ask students to pick the winner.
Point out that the speed at the bottom is determined by the dimensionless parameter
β = I/M R2 and not by I, M , and R alone. All uniform cylinders started from rest reach
the bottom in the same time and have the same speed when they get there.
F. Consider a ball striking a bat. Show how to find the point at which the ball should hit
so the instantaneous center of rotation is at the place where the bat is held. The striking
point is called the center of percussion. When the ball hits there the batter feels no sting.
II. Torque and angular momentum.
A. Define torque as τ = r × F and explain that this is the general definition. Review the
vector product, give the expression for the magnitude (τ = rF sin φ), and give the right
hand rule for finding the direction. Explain that τ = 0 if r = 0, F = 0, or r is parallel (or
antiparallel) to F .
1. Assignments
a. In connection with rolling without sliding assign problems 4, 6, and 7. For a little greater
challenge, assign problem 14.
b. The definition of torque is covered in questions 1, 2, and 3. The definition of angular
momentum is covered in questions 5 (particle) and 6 (system of particles). Assign problems
22 and 26 to stress the importance of the origin in calculations of torque and angular
momentum. Problem 27 asks students to calculate the angular momentum if the cartesian
components of the position and momentum vectors are given. Problem 24 deals with both
angular momentum and torque. Be sure students can calculate the angular momentum
of an object moving along a straight line and the angular momentum of a rigid body
rotating about a fixed axis. See problems 25 and 37. Also consider discussing the angular
momentum of a projectile.
c. Newton’s second law in angular form is covered in questions 7 and 8. Assign problem 32
or 33.
d. Assign questions and problems dealing the conservation of angular momentum. Consider
questions 9 and 10. Problem 47 includes motion along a straight line. Problems 41 and 46
deal with changes in rotational inertia. Problems 42 and 43 deal with inelastic rotational
collisions. Assign one or more from each of these groups.
2. Demonstrations
a. Rolling: Freier and Anderson Mb4, 7, 30, Mo3, Mp3, Mr1, 4, Ms1, 3, 4, 6.
b. Conservation of angular momentum: Freier and Anderson Mt1 – 4, 7, 8, Mu1.
c. Gyroscopes: Freier and Anderson Mu2 – 18.
3. Audio/Visual
a. Human Momenta, Initial Translation and Rotation from Skylab Physics; DVD; available
from Ztek Co. (PO Box 11768, Lexington, KY 40577—1768,
b. Conservation of Linear/Angular Momentum; from the AAPT collection 2 of single-concept
films; DVD; available from Ztek Co. (see above for address).
c. Angular Momentum; Cinema Classics DVD 6: Angular Momentum and Modern Physics;
available from Ztek Co. (see above for address) and the American Association of Physics
Teachers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse, College Park MD 20740—3845;
d. Rotational Dynamics; from Physics Demonstrations in Mechanics, Part VI; VHS video
tape, DVD; ≈3 min; Physics Curriculum & Instruction (22585 Woodhill Drive, Lakeville,
MN 55044;
e. Conservation of Angular Momentum; Center of Percussion; from Physics Demonstrations
in Mechanics, Part II; VHS video tape, DVD; ≈3 min; Physics Curriculum & Instruction
(see above for address).
4. Computer Software
Forces and Motion from Exploration of Physics Volume II; Windows and Macintosh;
I. Conditions for equilibrium.
A. Write down the equilibrium conditions for a rigid body: Fnet = 0, τnet = 0 (about any
point). Remind students that only external forces and torques enter. Explain that these
conditions mean that the acceleration of the center of mass and the angular acceleration
about the center of mass both vanish. The body may be at rest or its center of mass
may be moving with constant velocity or the body may be rotating with constant angular
momentum. Point out that the equilibrium conditions form six equations that are to be
solved for unknowns, usually the magnitudes of some of the forces or the angles made by
some of the forces with fixed lines. Explain that we will be concerned chiefly with static
equilibrium for which P = 0 and L = 0. Remark that the subscript “ext” is usually
B. Show that, for a body in equilibrium, τnet = 0 about every point.
C. Explain that the gravitational forces and torques, acting on individual particles of the
body, can be replaced by a single force acting at a point called the center of gravity. If the
gravitational field is uniform over the body, the center of gravity coincides with the center
of mass and the magnitude of the replacement force is M g, where M is the total mass. It
points downward.
II. Solution of problems.
A. Give the problem solving steps: isolate the body, identify the forces acting on it, draw a
force diagram, choose a reference frame for the resolution of the forces, choose a reference
frame for the resolution of the torques, write down the equilibrium conditions in component
form, and solve these simultaneously for the unknowns. Point out that the two reference
frames may be different and that the reference frame for the resolution of torques can often
be chosen so that one or more of the torques vanish.
1. Assignments
a. Use questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 to help students gain understanding of the equilibrium con-
ditions in specific situations. Assign a few problems, such as 3 and 10, for which only the
total force is important. Assign others, such as 7, 11, and 11, for which torque is also
important. To provide a greater challenge assign a few of problems 21, 28, and 31.
b. The fundamentals of elasticity are covered in problems 36 (Young’s modulus), and 37
(shear). Also assign one or both of problems 39 and 40, in which the laws of elasticity are
used in conjunction with the equilibrium conditions to solve for forces and their points of
2. Demonstrations
Freier and Anderson Mo1, 2, 4, 6 – 9, Mp4 – 6, 9, 11, 14, 15, Mq1, 2.
3. Audio/Video
Linear Momentum and Newtons’ Laws of Motion; VHS video tape, DVD (part of a col-
lection); Films for the Humanities and Sciences (PO Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08543—2053;
4. Laboratory
a. Bernard Experiment 5: Balanced Torques and Center of Gravity. A non-uniform rod is
pivoted on a fulcrum. A single weight is hung from one end and the pivot point moved
until equilibrium is obtained. The data is used to find the center of gravity and mass of
the rod. Additional weights are hung and equilibrium is again attained. The data is used
to check that the net force and net torque vanish.
I. Newton’s law of gravity.
A. This is an important chapter. It is the first chapter devoted to a force law and its ram-
ifications. Students get a glimpse of how a force law and the laws of motion are used
together. It reviews the concepts of potential energy, angular momentum, and centripetal
acceleration in the context of some important applications. In addition, the discussion of
the gravitational fields of continuous mass distributions is a precursor to Gauss’ law.
B. Write down the equation for the magnitude of the force of one point mass on another.
Explain that the force is one of mutual attraction and is along the line joining the masses.
Give the value of G (6.67 × 10−11 N·m2 /kg2 ) and explain that it is a universal constant
determined by experiment. If you have a Cavendish balance, show it but do not take
the time to demonstrate it. As a thought experiment dealing with the magnitude of G,
consider a pair of 100-kg spheres falling from a height of 100 m, initially separated by a bit
more than their radii. As they fall, their mutual attraction pulls them only slightly closer
together. Air resistance has more influence.
C. Explain that the same mathematical form holds for bodies with spherically symmetric mass
distributions (this was tacitly assumed in B) if r is now the separation of their centers.
Explain that the force on a point mass anywhere inside a uniform spherical shell is zero.
(Optional: use integration to prove that this follows from Newton’s law for point masses.)
Use this to derive an expression for the force on a point mass inside a spherically symmetric
mass distribution. See Sample Problem 13—4.
D. Point out the assumed equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass.
E. Use Newton’s law of gravity to calculate the acceleration ag due to gravity for objects near
the surface of Earth and justify the use of a constant acceleration due to gravity in previous
chapters. Remark that the acceleration due to gravity is independent of the mass of the
F. Optional: Discuss factors that influence ag and apparent weight. Explain the difference
between ag and the free-fall acceleration g arising from earth’s rotation.
II. Gravitational potential energy.
A. Use integration to show that the gravitational potential energy of two point masses is given
by U = −GM m/r if the zero is chosen at r → ∞. Demonstrate that this result obeys
F = −dU/dr.
B. Argue that the work needed to bring two masses to positions a distance r apart is indepen-
dent of the path. Divide an arbitrary path into segments, some along lines of gravitational
force and others perpendicular to the gravitational force.
C. Consider a body initially at rest far from Earth and calculate its speed when it gets to
Earth’s surface. Calculate the escape velocity for Earth and for the Moon.
1. Assignments
a. To stress Newton’s force law, ask question 1 and assign problem 1. Also assign problem 15
to test if students know the source of the value for ag . To discuss symmetry, ask question
b. Use problems 4 through 6 to test for understanding of the superposition principle.
c. Discuss problem 21 in connection with calculations of the gravitational force of a spherically
symmetric mass distribution on a point mass. Problem 20 is fundamental to the shell
d. The essentials of gravitational potential energy are covered in problems 24 and 31. Con-
servation of mechanical energy is important for the solution to problem 32. Some of these
can be used later as models for electrostatic potential energy. Question 10 covers some
I. Pressure and density.
A. Introduce the subject by giving a few examples of fluids, including both liquids and gases.
Remark that fluids cannot support shear.
B. Define density as the mass per unit volume in a region of the fluid. Point out that the
limit is a macroscopic limit: the limiting volume still contains many atoms. The density
is a scalar and is a function of position in the fluid.
C. Explain that fluid in any selected volume exerts a force on the material across the boundary
of the volume. The boundary may be a mathematical construct and the material on the
other side may be more of the same fluid. The boundary may also be a container wall
or an interface with another fluid. Explain that, for a small segment of surface area, the
force exerted by the fluid is normal to the surface and is proportional to the area. The
pressure is the force per unit area and F = pA, where the magnitude of A is the area and
the direction of A is outward, normal to the surface. Units: Pa (= N/m2 ), atmosphere,
bar, torr, mm of Hg. Give the conversions or point out Appendix D in the text.
D. Show that in equilibrium with y measured positive above some$ reference height dp/dy =
−ρg, where ρ is the fluid density. Then, note that p2 − p1 = − ρg dy, where the integral
limits are y1 and y2 . Point out that the difference in pressure arises because a fluid surface
is supporting the fluid above it. Finally, point out that if the fluid is incompressible and
homogeneous, then ρ is a constant. If y2 − y1 is sufficiently small that g is also constant,
then p2 − p1 = −ρg(y2 − y1 ). Point out that if p0 is the surface pressure, then the pressure
a distance h below the surface is p = p0 + ρgh. Note that the pressure is the same at all
points at the same depth in a homogeneous fluid. Explain that p0 is atmospheric pressure
if the surface is open to the air and is zero if the fluid is in a tube with the region above
the surface evacuated.
E. Connect a length of rubber tubing to one arm of a U-tube partially filled with colored
water. Blow into the tube, then suck on it. In each case note the change in water level.
Insert the U-tube into a deep beaker of water, with the free end of the tubing out of the
water. As the open end is lowered, the change in the level of the colored water will indicate
the increase in pressure. Go over Sample Problem 14—3 to show the equilibrium positions
of two immiscible liquids of different densities. Show how to obtain the pressure at the
top of one arm in terms of the pressure at the top of the other arm, the densities, and the
quantities of fluids. Point out that the pressures are the same and are the atmospheric
pressure if the U-tube is open. Explain that the pressure is always the same at two points
that are at the same height and can be joined by a line along which neither ρ nor g vary.
Use the diagram associated with the problem to point out two places at the same height
where the pressure is the same and two places at the same height where the pressures are
II. Measurement of pressure.
A. This section not only describes some pressure measuring instruments but also provides
some applications of previous material, especially the variation of pressure with depth in
a fluid.
B. Show a mercury barometer. A lens system or an overhead projector suitably propped on
its side can be used to project an image of the mercury column on a screen for viewing by
a large class. Use p = p0 + ρgh to show why the height of the column is proportional to
the pressure at the mercury pool. Emphasize that the pressure at the top of the column
is nearly zero and that this is important for the operation of the barometer.
1. Assignments
a. Use question 1 to discuss pressure. Problems 1, 2, and 4 cover the definition of pressure.
Problem 14 deals with the variation of pressure with depth. Problem 19 includes torque.
b. Use problem 22 in connection with Pascal’s principle.
c. Questions 4, 5, and 6 all provide good examples of Archimedes’ principle. Pick several
to illustrate applications of the principle. Also assign problems 24 and 25 and some of
problems 31, 33, 35, 36, and 38.
d. Use problems 42 and 47 as part of the discussion of the equation of continuity.
e. The fundamentals of Bernoulli’s equation are covered in problems 45, 47, and 48. Also
consider problems 55 and 59. Some of these require students to combine the equation of
continuity and Bernoulli’s equation. Work one or two of these as examples in lecture and
assign others.
2. Demonstrations
a. Force and pressure: Freier and Anderson Fa, Fb, Fc, Fd, Fe, Ff, Fh.
b. Archimedes’ principle: Freier and Anderson Fg.
c. Bernoulli’s principle: Freier and Anderson Fj, Fl1.
3. Books and Monographs
Hydraulic Devices; by Malcolm Goldber, John P. Ouderkirk, and Bruce B. Marsh ; available
from the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse, College
Park MD 20740—3845;
4. Audio/Visual
Pressure; VHS video tape, DVD; Films for the Humanities and Sciences (PO Box 2053,
Princeton, NJ 08543—2053;
5. Computer Software
a. Fluids from Exploration of Physics Volume I; Windows and Macintosh; Physics Curriculum
& Instruction (22585 Woodhill Drive, Lakeville, MN 55044;
Simulated experiments with analysis. Includes exercises dealing with density, pressure,
buoyancy and, the Bernoulli equation.
I. Oscillatory motion.
A. Set up an air track and a cart with two springs, one attached to each end. Mark the
equilibrium point, then pull the cart aside and release it. Point out the regularity of the
motion and show where the speed is the greatest and where it is the least. By reference to
the cart define the terms periodic motion, equilibrium point, period, frequency, cycle, and
B. Explain that x(t) = xm cos(ωt + φ) describes the coordinate of the cart as a function of
time if x = 0 is taken to be the equilibrium point, where the force of the springs on the
cart vanishes. State that this type motion is called simple harmonic. Show where x = 0 is
on the air track, then show what is meant by positive and negative x. Sketch a mass on
the end of a single spring and explain that the mass also moves in simple harmonic motion
if dissipative forces are negligible.
C. Discuss the equation for x(t).
1. Explain that xm is the maximum excursion of the mass from the equilibrium point
and that the spring is compressed by xm at one point in a cycle. xm is called the
amplitude of the oscillation. Explain that the amplitude depends on initial conditions.
Draw several x(t) curves, identical except for amplitude. Illustrate with the air track
2. Note that ω is called the angular frequency of the oscillation and is given in radians/s.
Define the frequency by f = ω/2π and the period by T = 1/f . Show that T = 2π/ω
is in fact the period by direct substitution into x(t); that is, show x(t) = x(t + T ).
Explain that the angular frequency does not depend on the initial conditions. For the
cart on the track, use a timer to show that the period, and hence ω, is independent
of initial conditions. Draw several x(t) curves, for oscillations with different periods.
Replace the original springs with stiffer springs and note the change in period. Also
replace the cart with a more massive cart and note the change in period.
3. Define the phase of the motion and explain that the phase constant φ is determined
by initial conditions. Draw several x(t) curves, identical except for φ, and point out
the different conditions at t = 0. Remark that the curves are shifted copies of each
other. Illustrate various initial conditions with the air track apparatus.
Chapter 16 WAVES – I
I. General properties of waves.
A. Explain that wave motion is the mechanism by which a disturbance created at one place
travels to another. Use the example of a pulse on a taut string and point out that the
displaced string causes neighboring portions of the string to be displaced. Stress that the
individual particles have limited motion (perhaps perpendicular to the direction of wave
travel), whereas the pulse travels the length of the string. Demonstrate by striking a taut
string stretched across the room. Point out that energy is transported by the wave from
one place to another. Ask the students to read the introductory section of the chapter for
other examples of waves.
Microphone ⊃
Oscilloscope S2 Amplifier Signal
D. Explain that a phasor is an arrow that rotates around the location of its tail. Its length,
to some scale, is taken to be the amplitude of a sinusoidal traveling wave and its angular
velocity is taken to the angular frequency of the wave. Show that its projection on an axis
through the tail behaves like the displacement in a wave. Point out the significance of the
phase constant φ for the phasor rotation. Show how to use phasors to add two sinusoidal
waves with the same frequency and wavelength but with different amplitudes and phase
2 2 2
constants. Develop the expression ym = y1m + y2m + 2y1m y2m cos φ for the amplitude of
the resultant wave. Show how to use the law of sines to obtain the phase constant of the
resultant wave.
V. Standing waves.
A. Use a mechanical oscillator to set up a standing wave pattern on a string. Otherwise, draw
1. Assignments
a. Use question 4 to discuss wave speed. To emphasize the mathematical description of a
traveling wave, assign problems 6 and 8. Wave speed in terms of tension and linear mass
density is covered in problems 13 through 21. Assign a few of these.
b. Assign problem 29 when discussing energy transport.
c. Question 4 deals with the superposition of waves and questions 5 and 7 deal with wave
interference. The fundamentals of interference are covered in problems 29 and 30. Include
problem 34 if you discuss phasors.
d. Assign questions 9, 10, and 11 and problems 38, 43, and 44 in connection with standing
waves. The superposition of traveling waves to form a standing wave is covered in problems
47, 50, and 53. For a challenge assign problem 55.
2. Demonstrations
a. Traveling waves: Freier and Anderson Sa3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13.
b. Reflection: Freier and Anderson Sa7, 12, 14.
c. Standing waves: Freier and Anderson Sa8, 9.
3. Audio/Visual
a. Superposition; Vibrations of a Wire; Vibrations of a Drum; from the AAPT collection 1
of single-concept films; DVD; available from Ztek Co. (PO Box 11768, Lexington, KY
Chapter 17 WAVES – II
I. Qualitative description of sound waves.
A. Explain that the disturbance that is propagated is a deviation from the ambient density
and pressure of the material in which the wave exists. This comes about through the
motion of particles. If Chapter 14 was not covered, you should digress to discuss density
and pressure briefly. Point out that sound waves in solids can be longitudinal or transverse
but sound waves in fluids are longitudinal: the particles move along the line of wave
propagation. Waves in crystalline solids moving in low symmetry directions are examples
that are neither transverse nor longitudinal. Use a slinky to show a longitudinal wave and
point out the direction of motion of the particles. State that sound can be propagated in
all materials.
B. Draw a diagram, similar to Fig. 17—3, to show a compressional pulse. Point out regions of
high, low, and ambient density. Also show the pulse at a later time.
C. Similarly, diagram a sinusoidal sound wave in one dimension and draw a rough graph of
the pressure as a function of position for a given time. Give the rough frequency limits of
audible sound and mention ultrasonic and infrasonic waves.
D. Discuss the idea that the wave velocity depends on an elastic property of the medium
(bulk modulus) and on an inertia property (ambient density). Recall the definition of
bulk0 modulus (or introduce it) and show by dimensional analysis that v is proportional
to B/ρ. Assert that the constant of proportionality is 1. Point out the wide range of
speeds reported in Table 17—1.
II. Interference.
A. Remind students of the conditions for interference. Consider two sinusoidal sound waves
with the same amplitude and frequency, traveling in the same direction. Explain that
constructive interference occurs if they are in phase and complete destructive interference
occurs if they are π rad out of phase.
B. Explain that a phase difference can occur at a detector if two waves from the same source
travel different distances. Show that the phase difference is given by k∆x (= 2π∆x/λ).
C. Interference of sound waves can be demonstrated by wiring two speakers to an audio
oscillator and putting the apparatus on a slowly rotating platform. Students will hear the
changes in intensity.
III. Mathematical description 0of one-dimensional sound waves.
A. If desired, derive v = B/ρ as it is done in the text.
B. Write s = sm cos(kx − ωt) for the displacement of the material at x. Show how to calculate
the pressure as a function of position and time. Relate the pressure amplitude to the
displacement amplitude. Explain that a sinusoidal pressure wave traveling in the positive
x direction is written ∆p(x, t) = ∆pm sin(kx − ωt), where ∆pm = vρωsm . State that ∆p
is the deviation of the pressure from its ambient value. Remind students that k = 2π/λ,
f = ω/2π, and λf = v.
1. Assignments
a. The speed of sound is emphasized in problem 3.
b. Ask question 3 and assign problems 17 and 19 in connection with interference.
c. Use problems 22 and 23 to discuss sound intensity and problems 24 and 25 to discuss sound
level. They will help students with the concepts of bel and decibel. Also consider problem
d. Ask questions 4 through 7 and assign problems 36, 42, and 44 when discussing standing
e. Assign problems 46 and 46 in connection with beats.
f. Use question 10 and problem 59 in a discussion of the Doppler effect. Assign problems 57
and 61. Assign problem 63 in connection with sonic booms.
2. Demonstrations
a. Wavelength and speed of sound in air: Freier and Anderson Sa16, 17, 18, Sh1.
b. Sound not transmitted in a vacuum: Freier and Anderson Sh2.
c. Sources of sound, acoustical resonators: Freier and Anderson Sd3, Se, Sf, Sj6.
d. Harmonics: Freier and Anderson Sj2 – 5
e. Beats: Freier and Anderson Si4 – 6.
f. Doppler shift: Freier and Anderson Si1 – 3.
3. Books and Monographs
a. Resource Letters, Book Four and Resource Letters, Book Five; available from the American
Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse, College Park MD 20740—
3845; Contains resource letters on sound and acoustics.
b. Musical Acoustics; edited by Thomas D. Rossing; available from the AAPT (see above for
address). Reprints.
4. Audio/Visual
a. Waves and Sound ; VHS video tape, DVD; Films for the Humanities and Sciences (PO Box
2053, Princeton, NJ 08543—2053;
b. Experiments on the Doppler Effect; VHS video tape, DVD; Films for the Humanities and
Sciences (see above for address).
c. Longitudinal Waves; Longitudinal Standing Waves; from Physics Demonstrations in Sound
& Waves, Part I; VHS video tape, DVD; ≈3 min each; Physics Curriculum & Instruction
(22585 Woodhill Drive, Lakeville, MN 55044;
d. Nature of Sound Waves; Propagation of Sound ; Transmission of Sound ; Refraction of
Sound; Interference of Sound; diffraction of Sound ; Doppler Effect; from Physics Demon-
strations in Sound & Waves, Part II; VHS video tape, DVD; ≈3 min each; Physics Cur-
riculum & Instruction (see above for address).
I. The zeroth law of thermodynamics.
A. Explain that if two bodies, not in thermal equilibrium, are allowed to exchange energy
1. Assignments
a. After discussing gas thermometers assign problems 1 and 3. Temperature scales are covered
in problems 4 and 7.
b. Use question 2 and one or two of problems 8, 12, and 15 to discuss thermal expansion. Use
problem 17 in connection with the ball and hole demonstration.
c. To test the fundamental concepts of heat capacity and heat of transformation assign ques-
tion 3 and some of problems 22 through 41. Some of these problems involve phase changes.
Include one or two of them.
d. Problems 42 and 44 are good tests of understanding of the first law. Also assign questions
5 and 6 and problems such as 42, 43, 45, 48, and 49, which involve the interpretation of
p-V diagrams. Tell students to pay attention to signs.
e. Following the discussion of thermal conductivity, assign problems 51, 53, and 57 in con-
nection with heat conduction.
2. Demonstrations
a. Thermometers: Freier and Anderson Ha1 – 4.
b. Thermal expansion: Freier and Anderson Ha5 – 12.
c. Heat capacity and calorimetry: Freier and Anderson Hb1, 2.
d. Work and heat: Freier and Anderson He1 – 6.
I. Macroscopic description of an ideal gas.
A. Explain that kinetic theory treats the same type problems as thermodynamics but from
a microscopic viewpoint. It uses averages over the motions of individual particles to find
macroscopic properties. Here it is used to clarify the microscopic basis of pressure and
B. Define the mole. Define Avogadro’s number NA and give its value, 6.02 × 1023 mol−1 .
Explain the relationships between the mass of a molecule, the mass of the sample, the
molar mass, the number of moles, the number of molecules, and Avogadro’s number.
These often confuse students.
C. Write down the ideal gas equation of state in the form pV = nRT and in the form pV =
N kT . Here N is the number of molecules and n is the number of moles. Give the values of
R and k and state that k = R/NA . Explain that for real gases at low density pV /T is nearly
constant. Point out that the equation of state connects the thermodynamic variables n (or
N ), p, V , and T . Draw some ideal gas isotherms on a p-V diagram.
D. To show how the equation of state is used in thermodynamic calculations, go over Sample
Problem 19—1. Also consider a problem in which the pressure and volume of an ideal gas
are changed. Calculate the change in temperature.
E. Derive expressions for the work done by an ideal gas during an isothermal process and
during an isobaric process.
II. Kinetic theory calculations of pressure and temperature.
A. Go over the assumptions of kinetic theory for an ideal gas. Consider a gas of molecules
with only translational degrees of freedom. Assume the molecules are small and are free
except for collisions of negligible duration. Also assume collisions with other molecules and
with walls of the container are elastic. At the walls the molecules are specularly reflected.
1. Mean free path. This topic emphasizes the collisions of molecules and adds depth to the kinetic
theory discussion but it is not crucial to subsequent chapters. Discuss as much as time allows.
2. Distribution of molecular speeds. This section deals with the Maxwell distribution and provides
a deeper understanding of average speed and root-mean-square speed. Include it if you intend
to cover thermonuclear fusion later in the course.
1. Assignments
a. Assign a problem, such as 3, that is a straightforward application of the ideal gas law
. Then, assign problems that show how the law is used to compute changes in various
quantities when the gas changes state: 5 and 6, for example.
b. Problem 13 provides an illustration of the work done by an ideal gas and problem 12
provides an example of heat exchange during a cycle. Also consider questions 1, 2, AND
c. Problems 14 and 15 deal with real-life applications. If possible, assign one or both. You
may wish to discuss mixtures of gases and partial pressures; if so, consider problem 9.
d. Use problem 21 in a discussion of the kinetic basis of pressure. Also assign problem 19.
e. Assign problem 23 when you deal with the kinetic basis of temperature and the relationship
between kinetic energy and temperature.
f. After discussing the various specific heats, ask questions 5, 7, and 8 and assign problem
44. Assign problem 46 to emphasize the dependence of the heat capacity on the process.
g. Consider using problem 54 to discuss adiabatic processes.
2. Demonstrations
Kinetic theory models: Freier and Anderson Hh1, 2, 4, 5.
3. Audio/Visual
a. Boyle’s Law , Equipartition of Energy, Maxwellian Speed Distribution, Random Walk and
Brownian Motion, Diffusion, Gas Diffusion Rates; from the AAPT collection 2 of single-
concept films; DVD; available from Ztek Co. (PO Box 11768, Lexington, KY 40577—1768,
b. Gas Laws; from Cinema Classics DVD 2: Mechanics (II) and Heat; available from Ztek Co.
(see above for address) and from the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT,
One Physics Ellipse, College Park MD 20740—3845;
I. Entropy.
A. Distinguish between reversible and irreversible processes. Remark that reversible processes
are quasi-static but not all quasi-static processes are reversible (i.e. quasi-static processes
involving friction). Also mention that for a gas the path of a reversible process can be
plotted on a p-V diagram. As examples consider reversible and irreversible compressions
of an ideal gas.
B. Define the entropy difference between two infinitesimally$ close equilibrium states as dS =
dQ/T and between any two equilibrium states as ∆S = dQ/T . Explain that the integral
is independent of path and that S is therefore a thermodynamic state function. Stress
that a reversible path must be used to evaluate the integral but that entropy differences
are defined regardless of whether the actual process is reversible or irreversible. The end
points must be equilibrium states, however.
C. Derive expressions for the change in entropy for an ideal gas undergoing processes at
constant volume (nCV ln(Tf /Ti )), constant pressure (nCp ln(Tf /Ti )), and constant tem-
perature (nR ln(Vf /Vi )).
D. Consider the adiabatic free expansion of an ideal gas. Point out that the process is ir-
reversible, Q = 0, and ∆E $ int = 0. Since the gas is ideal, Tf = Ti . Find the change
in entropy by evaluating dQ/T over a reversible isotherm through the initial and final
states. Point out that the isothermal path does not represent the actual process. Show
that ∆S = nR ln(Vf /Vi ) and state this is positive.
E. Consider two identical rigid containers of ideal gas, at different temperatures, TH and
TL . Place them in contact in an adiabatic enclosure. Show they reach equilibrium at
temperature Tm = (TH + TL )/2. Then, consider a reversible, constant volume process that
1. Assignments
a. To start students thinking about entropy changes as they occur in common processes, ask a
few of the questions in the group 1 through 5. Assign problems 1, 4, 5, and 14. To include
entropy changes in calorimetry experiments, ask problems 7, 9, and 16. Also consider
problem 17.
b. Use questions 8 and 9 to discuss real and ideal engines. Problems 27, 29, and 32 cover the
fundamentals of cycles.
c. Consider practical engines and their efficiencies by approximating their operation by re-
versible cycles. For a gasoline engine, TH ≈ 1000◦ F and TL ≈ 400◦ F. Compare actual
efficiencies with the ideal efficiency. Actual efficiencies can be obtained by considering the
fuel energy available and the work actually obtained.
d. Consider practical refrigerators. Look in a catalog for typical values of the coefficient of
performance and compare with the ideal coefficient of performance. Also consider question
10 and assign some of problems 36, 38, 41, and 42.
e. Ask question 11 in connection with the statistical interpretation of entropy.
2. Demonstrations
Engines: Freier and Anderson Hm5, Hn.
3. Audio/Visual
Entropy; from Physics Demonstrations in Heat, Part III; VHS video tape, DVD; ≈3 min;
Physics Curriculum & Instruction (22585 Woodhill Drive, Lakeville, MN 55044; www
4. Computer Software
a. Thermodynamics from Exploration of Physics Volume II; Windows and Macintosh; Physics
Curriculum & Instruction Physics Curriculum & Instruction (see above for address). In-
cludes sections on entropy and the second law of thermodynamics.
I. Charge.
A. Explain that there are two kinds of charge, called positive and negative, and that particles
with like charges repel each other, particles with unlike charges attract each other. Give
the SI unit (coulomb) and explain that it is defined in terms of current, to be discussed
later. Optional: explain that current is the flow of charged particles and is measured in
amperes. One coulomb of charge passes a cross section each second in a wire carrying a
steady current of 1 A.
B. Carry out the following sequence of demonstrations. They work best in dry weather.
1. Suspend a pith ball by a string. Charge a rubber rod by rubbing it with fur, then
hold the rod near the pith ball. The ball is attracted, touches the rod, then flies away
after a short time. Use the rod to push the ball around without touching it. Explain
that the rod and ball carry the same type charge. Hold the fur near the pith ball and
explain that they are oppositely charged.
2. Repeat using a second pith ball and a wooden rod charged by rubbing it on a plastic
sheet (this replaces the traditional glass rod — silk combination and works much better).
Place the two pith balls near each other and explain that they are oppositely charged.
3. Suspend a charged rubber rod by a string. Use another charged rubber rod to push
it around without touching it. Similarly, pull it with the charged wooden rod. Also
show that only the rubbed end of the rubber rod is charged.
II. Conductors and insulators.
A. Explain the difference between a conductor and an insulator as far as the conduction
of charge is concerned. Explain that excess charge on a conductor is free to move and
generally does so when influenced by the electric force of other charges. Excess charge
on a conductor is distributed so the net force on any of it is zero. Any excess charge on
an insulator does not move far from the place where it is deposited. Remind students
of the demonstration that showed that only the rubbed end of the rubber rod remains
charged. Metals are conductors. The rubber rod is an insulator. Mention semiconductors
and superconductors.
B. Use an electroscope to demonstrate the conducting properties of conductors. Charge the
electroscope by contact with a charged rubber rod and explain why the leaves diverge. Dis-
charge it by touching the top with your hand. Explain why the leaves converge. Recharge
the electroscope with a charged wooden rod, then bring the charged rubber rod near the
electroscope, but do not let it touch. Note the decrease in deflection and explain this by
pointing out the attraction of the charged particles on the rod for the charged particles on
the leaves. Throughout, emphasize the motion of the charged particles through the metal
leaves and stem of the electroscope.
C. Demonstrate charging by induction. Bring a charged rubber rod near to but not touching
an uncharged electroscope. Touch your finger to the electroscope, then remove it. Remove
the rubber rod and note the deflection of the leaves. Bring the rubber rod near again
and note the decrease in deflection. Observe that the electroscope and rod are oppositely
charged. Confirm this with the wooden rod. Explain the process.
1. Assignments
a. Discuss question 10, perhaps in connection with demonstrations or lab experiments. Also
see problems 4 and 9.
b. Use questions 3 and 4 to test for understanding of the direction of an electrical force and
the superposition of forces. Problems 8 and 13 deal with the addition of electric forces
in one dimension and problems 6 and 15 deal with the addition of electric forces in two
c. Ask question 1 in connection with the shell theorems.
2. Demonstrations
a. Charging, electroscopes: Freier and Anderson Ea1, 2, 11.
b. Electric force: Freier and Anderson Ea5, 6, 8, 12, 15, 17, Eb3, 4, 9, 10, 12, Ec4 – 6.
c. Induction: Freier and Anderson Ea12, 13, 14.
d. Touch a grounded wire to several places within a small area of a wall. Rub a balloon with
fur and place it in contact with that area. Ask students to explain why the balloon sticks.
I. The electric field.
A. Use a fluid to introduce the idea of a field. The temperature of the fluid T (x, y, z, t) is an
example of a scalar field and the velocity v(x, y, z, t) is an example of a vector field. Point
1. Assignments
a. Center a qualitative discussion of electric field lines on question 1. Have students sketch
field lines for various charge distributions. See problems 1, 3, and 8.
b. Ask questions 2, 3, 4, and 5 and have students work some of problems 6, 8, 9, 11, and 12.
These deal with the superposition of fields.
c. Problems 18 and 19 are good tests of understanding of the derivation of the dipole field.
d. Assign problems 24 and 25 in support of the calculation of the field of a ring of charge.
Assign problems 27 and 29 to give students practice in deriving expressions for the field of
a continuous charge distribution.
e. Ask question 9 and assign problem 31 to support the discussion of the field of a uniformly
charged disk.
f. Assign problem 40 to help students with the motion of point charged particles in fields.
Assign questions 10 and 11 and problems 50 ( torque) and 53 (energy) in connection with
the discussion of a dipole in a field.
g. To include the Millikan oil drop experiment, assign problem 42.
2. Demonstrations
Electric field lines: Freier and Anderson Eb1, Ec2 – 4.
I. Electric flux.
A. Start by discussing some of the important concepts in a general way. Define a vector
surface element. Define the flux of a vector field through a surface. Distinguish between
open and closed surfaces and explain that for the latter the surface normal is taken to be
outward. Interpret the surface integral for the flux as a sum over surface elements. If you
covered Chapter 14, use the velocity field of a fluid as an example.
B. Define electric flux. Point out that it is the normal component of the field that enters. Also
point out that the sign of the contribution of any surface element depends on the choice
for the direction of dA.
C. Interpret electric flux as a quantity that is proportional to the net number of field lines
penetrating the surface. Remind students that the number of lines through a small area
perpendicular to the field is taken to be proportional to the magnitude of the field. By
considering surfaces with the same area but different orientations, show that the net number
of penetrating lines is proportional to the cosine of the angle between the field and the
normal to the surface. Conclude that E · dA is proportional to the number of lines through
D. Stress that lines roughly in the same direction as the normal contribute positively to the
flux, lines roughly in the opposite direction contribute negatively, and lines that pass
completely through a volume do not contribute to the flux through its boundary. Point
out that zero flux through a surface does not imply zero field at points on the surface.
E. As an example, calculate the flux through each side of a cube in a uniform electric field.
Also consider Sample Problem 23—2, which deals with a nonuniform field.
II. Gauss’ law.
A. Write down the law. Stress that the surface is closed and that the charge appearing in
the law is the net charge enclosed. Interpret the law as a statement that the number of
(signed) lines crossing the surface is proportional to the net charge inside, and make the
statement plausible by reminding students that the field of each charge is proportional to
the charge and its direction depends on the sign of the charge.
B. Illustrate by considering the surface of a sphere with positively charged particles inside, with
negatively charged particles inside, with both positively and negatively charged particles
inside, and with charged particles outside. In each case draw representative field lines
with the number of lines proportional to the net charge. Stress that the position of the
charged particles inside is irrelevant for the flux through the surface. Also use Gauss’ law
to calculate the flux.
C. Use Gauss’ law and symmetry arguments to obtain an expression for the electric field of a
point charged particle.
III. Gauss’ law and conductors.
A. Argue that the electrostatic field vanishes inside a conductor and use Gauss’ law to show
that there can be no net charge at interior points under static conditions. Point out that
exterior charged particles and charged particles on the surface separately produce fields in
the interior but that the resultant field vanishes. For contrast, point out that an insulator
may have charge distributed throughout.
B. Demonstrate that any excess charge on a conductor resides on the exterior surface. Use a
hollow metal sphere with a small hole cut in it. As an alternative, solder shut the top of
an empty metal can and drill a small hole in it. This will not work as well because of the
sharp edges. Charge a rubber rod by rubbing it with fur and touch it to the inside of the
1. Assignments
a. Use questions 1, 4, 6, and 7 to help students understand the flux integral and charge that
appear in Gauss’ law. Use problems 1 and 2 to introduce electric flux. The latter problem
also demonstrates the vanishing of the total flux for a closed surface in a uniform field.
b. Problem 5 illustrates the fundamental idea of Gauss’ law. Problems 4 and 13 are also
c. Use questions 8 and 9 and problem 19 to discuss the electrostatic properties of conductors.
d. Assign a variety of problems dealing with applications: 29 (cylinder of charge); 32, 38, and
41 (plane of charge); 45 and 49 (sphere of charge). Assign problem 47 or 51 to challenge
good students.
2. Demonstrations
Charges on conductors: Freier and Anderson Ea7, 18, 23, Eb7.
3. Audio/Visual
Charge Distribution – Faraday Ice Pail Experiment ; from the AAPT collection 2 of single-
concept films; video tape; available from Ztek Co. (PO Box 11768, Lexington, KY 40577—
4. Computer Software
EM Field. See Chapter 22 SUGGESTIONS.
5. Computer Project
Have students use a commercial math program or their own programs to evaluate the flux
integral in Gauss’ law. Have them separately calculate the flux through each face of a cube
I. Electric potential.
A. Define the potential difference of two points as the negative of the work per unit charge
done by the electric field when a positive test charge moves from one point to the other.
Stress the sign of the potential: the potential of the end point is higher than that of the
initial point if the work is negative. The electric field points from regions of high potential
toward regions of low potential and positively charged particles tend to be repelled from
regions of high potential. The region near an isolated positively charged particle has a
higher potential than regions far away. The opposite is true for a negatively charged
particle. Unit: volt. Define electron volt as a unit of energy.
B. If you covered Chapter 14, use the similarity of Coulomb’s law and Newton’s law of gravity
to argue that the electrostatic force is conservative and that the work is independent of
path. If you did not cover Chapter 14, either derive or$ state these results.
C. Show that the definition is equivalent to Vb − Va = − E · ds, where the integral is along
a path from a to b. Point out that the potential is constant in regions of zero field. Note
that the unit N/C is the same as V/m and the latter is a more common unit for E.
D. Point out that the potential is a scalar and that only potential differences are physically
meaningful. One point can be chosen arbitrarily to have zero potential and the potential
at other points is measured relative to the potential there. Often the potential is chosen to
be zero where the field (or force) is zero. For a finite distribution of charge, the potential
is usually chosen to be zero at a point far away (infinity). Show a voltmeter and remark
that the meter reads the potential difference between the leads.
E. Show that the potential a distance r from an isolated point charged particle is given by
V = q/4π 0 r. Remark that this is the potential energy per unit test charge of a system
consisting of the point particle with charge q and the test charge. Explain that the equation
is valid for both positively and negatively charged particles. Show how to calculate the
potential due to a collection of point charged particles. Derive the expression for the
potential of an electric dipole.
F. Give some examples of calculations of the potential from the electric field. Start with a
uniform electric field, like that outside a uniform plane distribution of charge, and show
that potential is given by −Ex + C, where C is a constant. Since the distribution is infinite
the point at infinity cannot be picked as the zero of potential.
F. As a more complicated example, consider one of the configurations discussed in the last
chapter, a point charged particle at the center of a spherical conducting shell, say. Take
the potential to be zero at infinity and compute its value at points outside the outer
surface, within the shell, and inside the inner surface. As an alternative you might find
expressions for the potential in various regions around and inside a nonconducting sphere
with a uniform charge distribution.
G. Write down the integral expressions for the potential due to a line of charge and for a
surface of charge, in terms of the linear and area charge densities. Work an example, such
as the potential of a uniform finite line of charge or a uniform disk of charge.
1. Assignments
a. Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 can be used to help students think about some qualitative
aspects of electric potential.
b. Use question 5 and problem 3 to test for understanding of equipotential surfaces.
c. Ask students to calculate potential differences for various situations: see problems 5, 7, 15,
19, and 28.
d. Use questions 9 and 10 and problems 37 and 41 in connection with the discussion of
electrostatic potential energy and the work done by an electric field or an external agent.
Also assign some conservation of energy problems, such as 43 and 45.
e. Assign one or two of problems 53, 56, and 58 to aid in a discussion of the field and potential
of a conductor.
2. Demonstrations
Electrostatic generators: Freier and Anderson Ea22, Ec1.
3. Audio/Visual
Electrical Energy; VHS video tape, DVD; Films for the Humanities and Sciences (PO Box
2053, Princeton, NJ 08543—2053;
4. Computer Software
a. Electric Field Plotter See Chapter 22 SUGGESTIONS.
b. EM Field. See Chapter 22 SUGGESTIONS.
5. Computer Project
Have students use a commercial math program or their own root finding programs to plot
equipotential surfaces for a discrete charge distribution. It is instructive to consider two
particles with unequal charges (any combination of signs).
6. Laboratory
Meiners Experiment 10—1: Electric Fields and Bernard Experiment 25: Mapping of Electric
Fields. Students map equipotential lines on sheets of high resistance paper with metallic
electrodes at two sides. In the Meiners experiment an audio oscillator generates the field
and an oscilloscope or null detecting probe is used to find points of equal potential. If
students are not familiar with oscilloscopes, you might want to preface this experiment
with Part A of Meiners Experiment 10—10. In the Bernard experiment the field is generated
by a battery and a galvanometer is used as a probe.
I. Capacitance.
A. Describe a generalized capacitor. Draw a diagram showing two separated, isolated con-
ductors. Assume they carry charge q and −q, respectively, draw representative field lines,
and point out that all field lines start on one conductor and terminate on the other. Ex-
plain that there is a potential difference V between the conductors and that the positively
charged conductor is at the higher potential. Define capacitance as C = q/V . Explain
that V is proportional to q and that C is independent of q and V . C does depend on the
1. Assignments
a. Use question 1 to emphasize the dependence of capacitance on geometry.
b. The fundamental idea of capacitance is illustrated by problem 2. Assign problem 6 to have
students compare spherical and plane capacitors. Problem 4 covers the dependence of the
capacitance of a parallel plane capacitor on area and separation.
c. Include some of questions 5 through 9 in the discussion of series and parallel connections
of capacitors. Problems 8 and 10 cover equivalent capacitance, charge, and potential
difference for series and parallel combinations. Also consider assigning some problems in
which students must find the equivalent capacitance of more complicated combinations.
See problems 7 and 9, for example. Problem 23 is more challenging.
d. Problem 26 covers most of the important points discussed in connection with energy stor-
age. Also assign problem 31, which deals with the energy needed to separate the plates of
a parallel plate capacitor, and problem 32, which deals with the energy density around a
charged metal sphere.
e. Include question 11 in the discussion of the influence of a dielectric on capacitance. Assign
problems 36 and 40.
f. To test understanding of induced polarization charge, assign problem 45 or 47.
2. Demonstrations
a. Charge storage: Freier and Anderson Eb8, Ed3, 7.
b. Capacitance and voltage: Freier and Anderson Ed1.
c. Energy storage: Freier and Anderson Ed8
d. Dielectrics: Freier and Anderson Ed2, 4.
I. Current and current density.
A. Explain that an electric current is moving charged particles. Draw a diagram of a long
straight wire with positively charged particles moving in it. Consider a cross section and
state that the current is dq/dt if charge dq passes the cross section in time dt. Give
the sign convention: both positively charged particles moving to the right and negatively
charged particles moving to the left constitute currents to the right. Early on, use the
words “conventional current” quite often. Later “conventional” can be dropped. Some
high school courses now take the current to be in the direction of electron flow and it is
worthwhile making the effort to reduce confusion in students’ minds. Unit: 1 ampere =
1 C/s.
B. Explain that under steady state conditions, in which no charge is building up or being
depleted anywhere in the wire, the current is the same for every cross section. Remark
that current is a scalar, but arrows are used to show the direction of positive charge flow.
C. Explain that current is produced when charged particles are free to move in an electric
field. For most materials, it is the negative electrons that move and their motion is opposite
to the direction of the electric field. Current is taken to be in the direction opposite to
that of electron drift, in the direction of the field.
D. Distinguish between the drift velocity and the velocities of individual charged particles.
Note that the drift velocity of electrons in an ordinary wire is zero unless an electric field
is turned on. Also note that the drift speed is many orders of magnitude smaller than the
average electron speed.
E. Explain that current density is a microscopic quantity used to describe current flow at a
point. Use the same diagram but now consider a small part of the cross section and state
that J = i/A in the limit as the area diminishes to a point. State that current density is
a vector in the direction of the drift velocity for positively charged $particles and opposite
the drift velocity for negatively charged particles. Explain that i = J · dA is the current
1. Semiconductors
2. Superconductors
Both topics are important for modern physics and technology. Say a few words about them if you
have time or encourage students to read about them on their own.
1. Assignments
a. Discuss question 2 to emphasize the sign convention for current.
b. Use questions 5 and 6 in a discussion of current density, resistivity, and drift velocity.
Definitions are covered in problems 1 (current), 5 (current density), and 6 (drift speed).
c. Use questions 3 and 5 when you discuss the calculation of resistance. Assign problems 18,
21, and 22. For a greater challenge assign problem 33.
d. As part of the coverage of energy dissipation by a resistor, assign problems 37 and 41.
2. Demonstrations
a. Model of resistance: Freier and Anderson Eg1.
b. Thermal dissipation by resistors: Freier and Anderson Eh3.
c. Fuses: Freier and Anderson Eh5.
d. Ohm’s law: Freier and Anderson Eg2, Eo1.
e. Measurement of resistance, values of resistance: Freier and Anderson Eg3, 6.
f. Temperature dependence of resistance: Freier and Anderson Eg4, 5.
3. Audio/Visual
a. Electric Currents; from Cinema Classics DVD 4: Waves (II) & Electricity and Magnetism;
available from Ztek Co. (PO Box 11768, Lexington, KY 40577—1768, and
from the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse, College
Park MD 20740—3845;
b. Electric Current; VHS video tape, DVD; Films for the Humanities and Sciences (PO Box
2053, Princeton, NJ 08543—2053;
c. Temperature and Resistance; from Physics Demonstrations in Electricity and Magnetism,
Part II; VHS video tape, DVD; ≈3 min; Physics Curriculum & Instruction (22585 Woodhill
Drive, Lakeville, MN 55044;
4. Laboratory
a. Probeware Activity 20: Ohm’s Law. Voltage and current probes, connected to a computer,
are used to plot the current versus the potential difference for several resistors and a diode.
b. Meiners Experiment 10—3: Electrical Resistance. An ammeter and voltmeter are used to
find the resistance of a light bulb and wires of various dimensions, made of various materials.
The dependence of resistance on length and cross section is investigated. Resistivities of
the substances are calculated and compared.
c. Bernard Experiment 29: A Study of the Factors Affecting Resistance. A Wheatstone bridge
and a collection of wire resistors are used to investigate the dependence of resistance on
length, cross section, temperature, and resistivity.
Chapter 27 CIRCUITS
I. Emf devices.
A. Explain that an emf device moves positive charged particles inside from its negative to its
positive terminal or negatively charged particles in the opposite direction and maintains
the potential difference between its terminals. Emf devices are used to drive currents in
circuits. Example: a battery is an emf device with an internal resistance. Note the symbol
used in circuit diagrams to represent an ideal emf device (no internal resistance).
B. Explain that a direction is associated with an emf and that it is from the negative to the
positive terminal, inside the device. This is the direction current would flow if the device
acted alone in a completed circuit. Point out that when current flows in this direction the
device does positive work on the charged particles and define the emf of an ideal device as
the work per unit positive charge: E = dW/dq. Also point out that the positive terminal
of an ideal device is E higher in potential than the negative terminal, regardless of the
direction of the current. Unit: volt.
C. Point out that the rate at which energy is supplied by an ideal device is iE. State that
for a battery the energy comes from a store of chemical energy. Mention that a battery is
charging if the current and emf are in opposite directions.
II. Single loop circuits.
A. Consider a circuit containing a single ideal emf and a single resistor. Use energy consider-
ations to derive the steady state loop equation (Kirchhoff’s loop rule): equate the power
supplied by the emf to the power loss in the resistor.
B. Derive the loop equation by picking a point on the circuit, selecting the potential to be zero
there, then traversing the circuit and writing down expressions for the potential at points
between the elements until the zero potential point is reached again. Tell the students that
if the current is not known a direction must be chosen for it and used to determine the
sign of the potential difference across the resistor. When the circuit equation is solved for
i, a negative result will be obtained if the current is actually opposite in direction to the
arrow. As you carry out the derivation remind students that current enters a resistor at
the high potential end and that the positive terminal of an emf is at a higher potential
than the negative terminal.
C. Consider slightly more complicated single loop circuits. Include the internal resistance of
the battery and solve for the current. Place two batteries in the circuit, one charging and
the other discharging. Once the current is found, calculate the power gained or lost in each
D. For the circuits considered, show how to calculate the potential difference between two
points on the circuit and point out that the answer is independent of the path used for the
calculation. Explain the difference between the closed and open circuit potential difference
across a battery.
1. Assignments
a. Problem 2 covers the fundamental idea of emf. Use problems 7 and 14 to discuss the
distinction between the emf and terminal potential difference of a battery.
b. Assign some single-loop problems, such as 5.
c. Discuss some of questions 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9 in connection with parallel and series combi-
nations of resistors. Assign problems 11, 15, and 29.
d. Assign some problems dealing with multiloop circuits. Consider problems 19, 20, 32, and
e. Assign problem 39 if voltmeters and ammeters are discussed in lecture or lab. Also consider
problems 41 and 42.
2. Demonstrations
a. Seats of emf: Freier and Anderson Ee2, 3, 4.
b. Measurement of emf: Freier and Anderson Eg7.
c. Resistive circuits: Freier and Anderson Eh1, 2, 4, Eo2 – 8.
3. Computer Software
a. DC Circuits; Windows; Miky Ronen, Matzi Eliahu, and Igal Yastrubinezky; available
from Physics Academic Software (Centennial Campus, 940 Main Campus Drive, Suite 210,
Raleigh, NC 27606—5212; Circuit elements can be put together to form
circuits, values of the parameters can be selected, and the circuits can then be analyzed.
b. Electricity and Magnetism from Exploration of Physics Volume I; Windows and Mac-
intosh; Physics Curriculum & Instruction (22585 Woodhill Drive, Lakeville, MN 55044; Simulated experiments with analysis. Includes sections on
resistive circuits and RC circuits.
c. Electricity and Magnetism from Exploration of Physics Volume II; Windows and Macintosh;
Physics Curriculum & Instruction (see above for address). Includes sections on electric
circuits, Ohm’s law, parallel and series connects of resistors.
4. Computer Projects
A computer can easily be programmed to solve simultaneous linear equations. Have stu-
dents use such a program to solve multiloop circuit problems.
5. Laboratory
a. Probeware Activity 21: Resistance in Series and Probeware Activity 22: Resistance in Par-
allel. Voltage and current probes, connected to a computer, are used to find the equivalent
resistance of several resistors in series and in parallel.
b. Meiners Experiment 10—7 (Part A): Measuring Current with a d’Arsonval Galvanometer.
Students determine the characteristics and sensitivity of a galvanometer. To expand this
lab, ask the students to design an ammeter and a voltmeter with full scale deflections
prescribed by you. Students practice circuit analysis while trying to understand design
c. Meiners Experiment 10—9: The EMF of a Solar Cell. Students study a slide wire poten-
tiometer and use it to measure the emf of a solar cell. This is another experiment that
gives them practice in circuit analysis.
d. Bernard Experiment 28: Measurements of Potential Difference with a Potentiometer. Stu-
dents study a slide wire potentiometer and use it to investigate the emf and terminal
voltage of a battery and the workings of a voltage divider.
I. Definition of the field and the magnetic force on a moving charged particle.
A. Explain that moving charged particles create magnetic fields and that a magnetic field
exerts a force on a moving charged particle. Both the field of a moving charged particle
and the force exerted by a field depend on the velocity of the particle involved. The latter
property distinguishes it from an electric field. Also say that many particles, among them
the electron, proton, and neutron, have intrinsic magnetic fields associated with them, even
when they are not moving.
B. Define the magnetic field: the force on a moving test charge is q0 v × B after the electric
force is taken into account. Review the rules for finding the magnitude and direction of a
vector product. Point out that the force must be measured for at least two directions of v
since the component of B along v cannot be found from the force. The direction of B can be
found by trying various directions for v until one is found for which the force vanishes. The
magnitude of B can be found by orienting v perpendicular to B. Units: 1 tesla = 1 N/A·m,
1 gauss = 10−4 T. Point out the magnitudes of the fields given in Table 28—1.
C. Explain that the magnetic force on any moving charged particle is given by FB = qv × B.
Point out that the force is perpendicular to both v and B and is zero for v parallel or
antiparallel to B. Also point out that the direction of the force depends on the sign of q.
Remark that the field cannot do work on the charged particle and so cannot change its
speed or kinetic energy. A magnetic field can change the direction of travel of a moving
charged particle. It can, for example, be used to produce a centripetal force and can cause
a charged particle to move in a circular orbit.
D. To show a magnetic force qualitatively, slightly defocus an oscilloscope so the central spot
is reasonably large. Move a bar magnet at an angle to the face of the scope and note the
a •....................
1. Assignments
a. Use question 1 to help in understanding the magnetic force. The dependence of magnetic
force on velocity and charge is emphasized in problem 2.
b. Use questions 5 through 8 to test for understanding of the motion of charge particles in
magnetic fields. Problems 17 and 20 deal with the circular orbit of a charged particle in
a uniform magnetic field. Crossed electric and magnetic fields, used as a velocity filter,
are explored in questions 3 and 4 and in problems 7 and 9. Problem 25 deals with a mass
spectrometer. Problem 29 deals with cyclotrons. Use some of these problems to include
practical applications.
c. Use problem 12 to help students study the Hall effect.
d. Use problems 32 and 36 to stress the importance of the angle between the magnetic field
and the current carrying wire on which it exerts a force. Use problem 40 to emphasize that
the force of a uniform magnetic field on a closed loop is zero. Problem 45 asks students
about the dynamics of current-carrying wires in magnetic fields. Assign problems 55 in
support of the discussion of magnetic torques on current-carrying loops.
e. Magnetic dipoles and the torques exerted on them by magnetic fields are explored in
problems 47 and 48. Question 10 and problem 53 deal with the energy of a dipole in a
field. Also consider problem 52.
2. Demonstrations
a. Force on an electron beam: Freier and Anderson Ei18, Ep8, 11.
b. Forces and torques on wires: Freier and Anderson Ei7, 12, 13 – 15, 19, 20.
c. Meters: Freier and Anderson Ej1, 2.
d. Hall effect: Freier and Anderson Ei16.
3. Books and Monographs
Teaching about Magnetism; by Robert J. Reiland; available from the American Associ-
ation of Physics Teachers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse, College Park MD 20740—3845;
I. Magnetic field of a current.
A. Place a magnetic compass near a wire carrying a dc current of several amperes, if possible.
Turn the current on and off and reverse the current. Note the deflection of the compass
1. Assignments
a. Use questions 1 and 2 and problem 1 as part of the discussion of the magnetic field due
to a long straight wire. Problems 17 and 19 deal with the field of a finite straight wire.
Assign them, then problem 25, which asks students to superpose the fields of finite wires.
b. Question 3 deals with the field of a circular arc. Problems 4, 5, 6, and 13 deal with circuits
consisting of straight line and circular segments. Assign one or two of them.
c. Ask questions 5 and 6 in association with the magnetic forces exerted by wires on each
other. Assign problem 29.
d. Use questions 7 through 9 in your discussion of Ampere’s law. After discussing line integrals
around closed loops, assign problems 35 and 36 to test the fundamentals; problem 37 gives
an application. Assign problem 39 if you want to include the field of a wire with nonuniform
current density.
e. Problems 40 and 43 can be assigned to support the discussion of solenoids and toroids.
f. Problems 48 and 53 deal with the magnetic fields of coils and dipole loops. Assign problem
50 if you cover Helmholtz coils or use them in lab.
2. Demonstrations
a. Magnetic fields of wires: Freier and Anderson Ei8 – 11.
b. Magnetic forces between wires: Freier and Anderson Ei1 – 6.
c. Magnetic Fields; VHS video tape; Films for the Humanities and Sciences (PO Box 2053,
Princeton, NJ 08543—2053;
3. Computer Software
a. Electricity and Magnetism from Exploration of Physics Volume II; Windows and Mac-
intosh; Physics Curriculum & Instruction (22585 Woodhill Drive, Lakeville, MN 55044; Includes sections on the magnetic field of a current-carrying
wire, the magnetic field of a solenoid, and the magnetic field of a bar magnet.
b. EM Field; David Trowbridge. See Chapter 22 SUGGESTIONS.
4. Books and Monographs
The Solenoid; by Carl R. Stannard, Arnold A. Strassenberg, and Gabriel Kousourou;
available from the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse,
College Park MD 20740—3845; Covers the magnetic field of a solenoid and
practical applications as a mechanical switch.
I. The law of induction.
A. Connect a coil (50 to 100 turns) to a sensitive galvanometer and move a bar magnet in and
out of the coil. Note that a current is induced only when the magnet is moving. Show all
possibilities: the north pole entering and exiting the coil and the south pole entering and
exiting the coil. In each case point out the direction of the induced current. With a little
practice you might also demonstrate effectively that the deflection of the galvanometer
depends on the speed of the magnet.
B. To show the current produced by changing the orientation of a loop, align the coil axis with
Earth’s magnetic field and rapidly rotate the coil once through 180◦ . Note the deflection
of a galvanometer in series with the coil. Explain that this forms the basis of electric
C. Connect a coil to a switchable dc power supply. Connect a voltmeter (digital, if possible) to
the supply to show when it is on. Place a second coil, connected to a sensitive galvanometer,
near the first. Show that when the switch is opened or closed, current is induced in the
second coil, but that none is induced when the current in the first coil is steady.
Vb − Va = −L di/dt Vb − Va = −iR Vb − Va = E
Remark that these are correct no matter if the current is positive or negative or if it is
increasing or decreasing. Write down the solution for the current as a function of time
for the case i(0) = 0: i = (E/R)[1 − e−Rt/L ]. Show that the expression satisfies the loop
equation and meets the initial conditions. Show a graph of i(t); point out the asymptotic
limit i = E/R and the time constant τL = L/R. Remark that if L/R is large, the current
approaches its limit more slowly than if L/R is small.
B. Explain the qualitative physics involved. When the battery is turned on and the current
increases, the emf of the coil opposes the increase and the current approaches its steady
state value more slowly than if there were no inductance. At long times, the current is
nearly constant so di/dt and the induced emf are small. The current is nearly the same as
it would be in the absence of an inductor. Just after the battery is turned on, the potential
difference across the resistor is zero and the potential difference across the inductor is
E. After a long time, the potential difference across the resistor is E and the potential
difference across the inductor is zero.
C. Repeat the calculation for a circuit with an inductor and resistor but no battery. Take the
initial current to be i0 and show that i(t) = i0 e−t/τL . Graph the solution and show the
position of τL on the time axis. Point out that the emf of the coil opposes the decrease in
D. Demonstrate the two circuits by connecting a resistor and coil in series to a square-wave
generator. Observe the current by placing oscilloscope leads across the resistor. Observe
the potential difference across the coil. Vary the time constant by varying the resistance.
VIII. Energy considerations.
A. Consider a single loop circuit containing an ideal battery, a resistor, and an inductor.
Assume the current is increasing. Write down the loop equation, multiply it by i, and
identify the power supplied by the battery and the power lost in the resistor. Explain that
the remaining term describes the power being stored by the inductor, in its magnetic field.
Point out the similarity between iE and −iL di/dt for the rate at which work is being done
by an ideal battery and by an inductor (with emf −Ldi/dt).
B. Integrate P = iL di/dt to obtain UB = 12 Li2 for the energy stored in the magnetic field
(relative to the energy for i = 0).
C. Consider the energy stored in a long current-carrying solenoid and show that the energy
density is uB = B 2 /2µ0 . Explain that this gives the energy density at a point in any
magnetic field and that the energy required to establish a given magnetic field can be
calculated by integrating the expression over the volume occupied by the field.
IX. Mutual induction.
A. Repeat the demonstration experiment discussed in note IC. Explain it in terms of the
concept of mutual induction. Point out that the flux through the second coil is proportional
1. Assignments
a. Question 2 deals with the magnitudes of induced emf and current. Questions 1 and 3 deal
with Lenz’s law. Use several as examples and several to test students.
b. Assign problems 1, 2, and 3 to cover the emf’s generated by various time dependent
magnetic fields. Addition of emf’s is covered in problem 9. This is a good problem to test
for understanding of the sign of an induced emf.
c. Motional emf is covered in problems 11, 15, 29, 30 and 32. If you use a flip coil in the lab,
assign problem 13. Problems 31 and 33 deal with energy transfers.
d. Assign problems 34 and 35 in connection with the discussion of induced electric fields.
e. Assign problem 38 (coil) or 41 (two parallel wires) as an example of a typical inductance
f. Use some of questions 7, 9, and 10 when discussing LR circuits. Assign problem 50. LR
time constants are considered in problem 49.
g. After discussing energy flow in a simple LR circuit with increasing current, assign problems
60 and 62.
h. Problem 63 deals with energy storage and energy density in an inductor.
2. Demonstrations
a. As a supplementary demonstration, take a large, long ..........................
coil, mount it vertically, insert a solid, soft-iron rod with ............. ring
a foot or so sticking out, and connect the coil via a switch ........
it. Finally, use an ac power supply. The effect can be
enhanced by cooling the ring with liquid nitrogen. coil
b. Generation of induced currents: Freier and Anderson Ek1 ...
...... ......
– 6. ........
................... .
c. Eddy currents: Freier and Anderson Ei1 – 6.
d. Generators: Freier and Anderson: Eq4 – 7, Er1.
e. Self-inductance: Freier and Anderson Eq1 – 3.
f. LR circuit: Freier and Anderson Eo11, En5 – 7.
3. Audio/Visual
a. Electromagnetism; from Cinema Classics DVD 4: Waves (II) & Electricity and Magnetism;
available from Ztek Co. (PO Box 11768, Lexington, KY 40577—1768, and
from the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse, College
Park MD 20740—3845;
I. LC oscillations.
A. Draw a diagram of an LC series circuit and assume the capacitor is charged. Explain that
as charge flows, energy is transferred from the electric field of the capacitor to the magnetic
field of the inductor and back again. When the capacitor has maximum charge, the current
(dq/dt) vanishes, so no energy is stored in the inductor. When the current is a maximum,
the charge on the capacitor vanishes and no energy is stored in that element.
B. Write down the loop equation, then convert it so the charge q on the capacitor is the
dependent variable. If the direction of positive current is into the capacitor plate with
positive charge q, then i = dq/dt. If it is out of that plate, then i = −dq/dt.
C. Write down the solution: q(t) = Q cos(ωt + φ). Show by direct differentiation that this is
a solution if ω 2 = 1/LC. Show that φ is determined by the initial conditions and treat the
special case for which q = Q, i = 0 at t = 0.
D. Once the solution is found, derive expressions for the current, the energy stored in the
capacitor, and the energy stored in the inductor, all as functions of time. Sketch graphs of
these quantities. Show that the total energy is constant.
E. Derive expressions for the potential differences across the capacitor and the inductor. Draw
graphs of them as well. Mention that the charge on the capacitor is proportional to the
potential difference across its plates and that the time rate of change of the current is
proportional to the emf of the inductor.
F. Note that the form of the differential equation for q is the same as that for the displacement
x of a block oscillating on the end of a spring. Make the analogy concrete by explaining
that if q is replaced by x, L is replaced by m, and C is replaced by 1/k, the equation for q
The transformer. Say that ac is in common use because it is efficient to transmit power
at high potential and low current but safety considerations require low potential at the user
1. Assignments
a. Questions 1 through 5 can be used to help students think about LC circuit relationships.
b. If you compare an oscillating LC circuit to an oscillating mass on a spring, assign problem
6 or 7.
c. Assign problems 1, 3, 4, and 11 to test for understanding of the fundamentals of LC
oscillations. The frequency of oscillation is covered in problems 9, 10, and 15.
d. When discussing solutions to the RLC loop equation, include questions 8, 9, and 11.
e. Assign problem 33 in connection with discussions of the phase and amplitude of separate
inductive and capacitive circuits.
f. Resonance is covered in problems 45 and 49.
g. Power in an RLC circuit is covered in problems 56 and 57 and the power factor in problem
55. Include question 12 in the discussion.
2. Demonstrations
a. LCR series circuit: Freier and Anderson En12, Eo13.
b. Measurements of reactance and impedance: Freier and Anderson Eo9.
c. Transformers: Freier and Anderson Ek7, Em1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10.
3. Laboratory
a. Meiners Experiment 10—11: A.C. Series Circuits. Students use an oscilloscope and ac
meters to investigate voltage amplitudes, phases, and power in RC and RLC circuits.
Voltage amplitudes and phases are plotted as functions of the driving frequency to show
resonance. Reactances and impedances are calculated from the data.
b. Bernard Experiment 37: A Study of Alternating Current Circuits. An ac voltmeter is used
to investigate the voltages across circuit elements in R, RC, RL, and RLC circuits, all with
60 Hz sources. Reactances and impedances are computed. If possible, oscilloscopes should
be used. A section labeled optional describes their use. This experiment is pedagogically
similar to the text and can be used profitably to reenforce the ideas of the chapter. Warning:
the lab book uses the word vector rather than phasor.
I. Gauss’ law for magnetism.
A. Explain that a magnetic monopole is a particle that produces a magnetic field even while
at rest, with magnetic field lines starting or stopping on it. Remark that no magnetic
monopole has been observed yet but it is currently being sought. Write down Gauss’ law
for the magnetic field and state that magnetic field lines form closed contours so the flux
Earth’s magnetic field. Section 32—6 describes the magnetic field of Earth. The shape, cause,
and some of the ramifications of Earth’s field are important topics and should be covered if you
have the time. If not, you might intersperse some of the information in your other lectures.
Explain that the field can be approximated by a magnetic dipole field. Draw a sphere, label the
north and south geographic poles, draw a dipole moment vector at the center (pointing roughly
from north to south, about 10◦ away from the axis of rotation), and draw some magnetic field
lines. Remark that the north pole of the dipole is near the south geographic pole. Define
declination and inclination.
1. Assignments
a. To test for understanding of Gauss’ law for magnetism, assign problem 2 or 3.
b. Ask students to think about a permanent bar magnet that pierces the surface of a sphere
and explain why the net magnetic flux through the surface is zero. Also ask them about
the electric flux as a single charge as it crosses the surface and the magnetic flux of a single
magnetic monopole as it crosses the surface.
c. To test for understanding of the direction of the magnetic field induced by a changing
electric field, assign questions 1 and 3.
d. Question 4 helps students think carefully about displacement current. Also assign problems
15, 16, and 19.
e. Questions 5 and 6 deal with the energy of a magnetic dipole in an external magnetic
field. They also deal with the intrinsic dipole moments of electrons. Assign problem 29 in
connection with the dipole moments of electrons.
f. Questions 7, 8, and 11 deal with diamagnetism and question 9 deals with paramagnetism.
Magnetization in a paramagnetic substance is covered in problems 38 and 39.
I. Qualitative features of electromagnetic waves.
A. Explain that an electromagnetic wave is composed of electric and magnetic fields. The
disturbance, analogous to the string shape that moves on a taut string, is made up of
the fields themselves, moving through space or a material medium. Also explain that
electromagnetic waves carry energy and momentum.
B. State that the wave speed in a vacuum is given by c = 1/ µ0 0 and is about 3.00×108 m/s.
The existence of waves and this expression for the wave speed in vacuum are predicted by
Maxwell’s equations. Since the values of c and µ0 are fixed, this fixes 0 .
C. Show the electromagnetic spectrum (Fig. 33—1 of the text) and point out the visible,
ultraviolet, infrared, x-ray, microwave, and radio regions. Remark that all the waves are
fundamentally the same, differing only in wavelength and frequency. Remind students that
0 and µ0 enter electrostatics and magnetostatics, respectively, and were first encountered
in situations that had nothing to do with wave propagation.
D. Restate that the visible spectrum extends from just over 400 nm to just under 700 nm.
Remark that while color is largely subjective, violet is at the short wavelength end while
red is at the high wavelength end. Use a prism to display the spectrum. Show Fig. 33—2
of the text and remark that human eyes are most sensitive in the green—yellow portion of
the spectrum and that sensitivity falls off rather rapidly on either side.
1. Assignments
a. Relationships among frequency, wavelength, and speed are explored in problems 2, 3, and
4. These also give some examples of high and low frequency electromagnetic radiation and
ask students to interpret Fig. 33—2, which graphs the sensitivity of the human eye as a
function of wavelength.
Chapter 34 IMAGES
I. Plane mirrors.
A. Consider a plane wave incident on a plane mirror. Remind students of the law of reflection:
θ1 = θ 1 .
B. Consider a point source in front of a plane mirror. Draw both incident and reflected rays
and show that the reflected rays appear to come from a point behind the mirror. Show
that the object and image lie on the same normal to the mirror and that they are the same
distance from the mirror. Remark that no light comes from the image and that the image
is said to be virtual.
C. Define the object distance p and image distance i and explain that the latter is taken to
be negative for virtual images. The law of equal distance is written p = −i.
D. Give the condition for being able to see an image. Draw a mirror, an eye, a source, and
its image. Draw the line from the image to the eye and state that the image can be seen if
this line intersects the mirror. Show that length of a wall mirror with its top edge at eye
level need reach only halfway to the floor for a person to see his feet. Demonstrate with a
mirror resting on the floor and half-covered with a cloth. Have a student stand in front of
the mirror. Start with the cloth about shoulder height and lower it until the student can
see his feet.
II. Spherical mirrors.
A. Consider a point source in front of a concave spherical mirror. Draw a diagram that shows
the central axis, the center of curvature, and the source on the axis, outside the focal point.
Show that small-angle rays form an image and that object and image distances are related
by 1/p + 1/i = 2/r. To emphasize the small-angle approximation, consider the case p = 2r
and use a full hemispherical concave surface. The small-angle formula predicts all rays
cross the axis at i = (2/3)r, but the ray that strikes the edge of the mirror crosses at the
B. Explain that the mirror equation is also valid for convex mirrors and for any position of
the object, even virtual objects for which incoming rays converge toward a point behind
the mirror. Give the sign convention: p and i are positive for real objects and images (in
front of the mirror) and are negative for virtual objects and images (behind the mirror); r
is positive for concave mirrors (center of curvature in front of the mirror) and negative for
Optical instruments. This section may be studied in the laboratory. Ask students to experiment
with the image forming properties of positive and negative lenses, then construct one or more
optical instruments. Display several instruments in the lab.
1. Assignments
a. Interesting applications of plane mirrors are covered in problems 4 (can observer see an
image?) and 120 (rotation of mirror). Problem 102 and question 3 deal with images in
multiple mirrors.
b. Use questions 3 and 5 to discuss images in spherical mirrors. Problems 19 through 21 cover
nearly all possibilities. Lateral magnification is covered in problem 7.
c. Assign problem 32 in connection with spherical refracting surfaces. Problems 34 through
40 cover all possibilities.
d. Use question 6 to discuss images formed by thin lenses. For comprehensive coverage of
nearly all relationships, assign problems 66, 67, 68 and 74 through 77. Problems 43 and
45 test understanding of the lensmaker’s equation. Also assign problem 125, which deals
with a compound system and includes a ray tracing exercise.
e. Consider expanding the course a little by including problem 91, which deals with the human
2. Demonstrations
a. Plane mirrors: Freier and Anderson Ob1 - 6, Ob8.
b. Refraction at a plane surface: Freier and Anderson Od1 - 7.
c. Prisms: Freier and Anderson Of1 - 4.
d. Total internal reflection: Freier and Anderson Oe1 - 7.
3. Books and Monographs
a. Resource Letters, Book Four and Resource Letters, Book Five; American Association of
Physics Teachers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse, College Park MD 20740—3845; www.aapt
.org). Contains a list of journal articles on optics.
b. The Camera; by Bill G. Aldridge, Gary S. Waldman, and John Yoder III.; available from
the AAPT (see above for address). Concepts important for understanding cameras.
I. Huygens’ principle.
A. Shine monochromatic light through a double slit and project the pattern on the wall. Either
use a laser or place a single slit between the source and the double slit. Use a diagram
to explain the setup. Point out the appearance of light in the geometric shadow and the
The Michelson interferometer. This is an excellent example of an application of interference
effects. Set up a hallway demonstration and give a brief explanation.
I. Qualitative discussion of single-slit diffraction.
A. Shine coherent monochromatic light on a single slit and project the pattern on the wall.
Point out the broad central bright region and the narrower, less bright regions on either
side, with dark regions between. Also point out that light is diffracted into the geometric
B. Remark that diffraction can be discussed in terms of Huygens wavelets emanating from
points in the slit. Explain that they not only spread into the shadow region but that
they arrive at any selected point with a distribution of phases and interfere to produce the
pattern. Explain that for quantitative work, this chapter deals with Fraunhofer diffraction,
with the screen far from the slit.
C. Draw a single slit with a plane wave incident normal to it. Also draw parallel rays from
equally spaced points within the slit, all making the same angle θ with the forward direction.
Point out that all wavelets are in phase at the slit. The first minimum can be located by
selecting θ so that, at the observation point, the ray from the top of the slit is 180◦ out
of phase with the ray from the middle of the slit. All wavelets then cancel in pairs. Show
that this leads to a sin θ = λ, where a is the slit width. Point out that this value of θ
determines the width of the central bright region and that this region gets wider as the
slit width narrows. Use sin θ ≈ tan θ ≈ θ (in radians) to show that the linear width of the
central region on a screen a distance D away is 2Dλ/a. Use a variable width slit or a series
of slits to demonstrate the effect.
D. By dividing the slit into fourths, eighths, etc. and showing that in each case the wavelets
cancel in pairs if θ is properly selected, find the locations of other minima. Show that
a sin θ = mλ for a minimum.
E. Explain that for a < λ, the central maximum covers the whole forward direction. No point
of zero intensity can be observed. Also remark that the intensity becomes more uniform as
a decreases from λ. This was the assumption made in the last chapter when the interference
of only one wavelet from each slit was considered.
F. Qualitatively discuss the intensity. Draw a phasor diagram showing ten or so phasors
representing wavelets from equally spaced points in the slit. Show that each wavelet at
the observation point is out of phase with its neighbor by the same amount. First, show
the phasors with zero phase difference (θ = 0), then show them for a larger value of θ.
Show that they approximate a circle at the first minimum and then, as θ increases, they
wrap around to form another maximum, with less intensity than the central maximum.
Point out that as θ increases, the pattern has successive maxima and minima and that the
maxima become successively less intense.
II. The intensity.
A. Draw a diagram showing ten or so phasors along the arc of a circle and let φ be the phase
difference between the first and last. See Fig. 36—8. Explain that you will take the limit
as the number of wavelets increases without bound and draw the phasor addition diagram
1. Diffraction from a circular aperture. This topic is important for its application to diffraction
patterns of lenses and the diffraction limit to the resolution of objects by a lens system. Show
a diagram or picture (like Fig. 36—9) and point out the bright central disk and the secondary
rings. Tell students that the angular position of the smallest ring of zero intensity occurs for
θ = 1.22λ/d, where d is the diameter of the aperture. If you intend to discuss the resolving
power of a grating, the Rayleigh criterion for a circular aperture should be covered first since
it is easier to present and understand. You can demonstrate the Rayleigh criterion by drilling
two small holes, closely spaced, in the bottom of a tin can. Place the can over a light bulb and
let students view it from various distances. See problem 36—17. Also use red and blue filters
to show the dependence on wavelength.
2. Dispersion and resolving power of a grating. Define the dispersion of a grating and show it is
m/d cos θ for a line of order m occurring at angle θ. Note that dispersion can be increased by
decreasing the ruling separation but dispersion does not depend on the number of rulings. If
1. Assignments
a. Basic relationships for the single-slit pattern are explored in problems 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7.
Assign a few of these. To test for qualitative understanding, consider questions 1, 2, and
b. Following the discussion of the equation for the double-slit pattern, ask question 8. Char-
acteristics of the pattern are explored in problems 29, 30, and 33.
c. Diffraction from a circular aperture with application to the Rayleigh criterion for resolution
is covered in problems 16 through 28. Assign one or two if you cover this topic.
d. After discussing diffraction patterns of multiple slits, ask question 11. Problems 37 and
39 cover the fundamental equation for an intensity maximum. Questions 9 and 10 and
problem 42 deal with line width.
e. Ask question 12 in connection with the dispersion and resolving power of a grating. Assign
problems 49 and 50 if you cover this topic.
f. After discussing x-ray diffraction by crystals, assign problems 55 and 58. Problems 60 and
63 are a little more challenging. Problem 61 deals with the geometry of a square lattice.
2. Demonstrations
a. Single-slit diffraction: Freier and Anderson Ol2, 3, 6, 7.
b. Multiple-slit diffraction: Freier and Anderson Ol10, 13.
c. Diffraction by circular and other objects: Freier and Anderson Ol21 – 23.
d. Diffraction by crystals: Freier and Anderson Ol14.
3. Computer Software
a. Light and Optics. See Chapter 35 SUGGESTIONS.
b. EM Field. See Chapter 22 SUGGESTIONS.
4. Computer Projects
Have students use a computer to plot the intensity pattern for various situations including
the case when the screen is not far from the sources.
5. Laboratory
a. Probeware Activity 28: Diffraction of Light. See Chapter 35.
b. Meiners Experiment 13—4: Interference and Diffraction. See Chapter 40 notes.
c. Probeware Activity 29: Spectral Lines. A diffraction grating, along with the equipment of
Activity 28, is used to measure the wavelengths of the emission line of mercury vapor.
d. Meiners Experiment 13—5; Diffraction Gratings. Wavelengths of the helium spectrum are
found using a grating spectrometer and the influence of the number of grating rulings is
e. Bernard Experiment 44; The Wavelength of Light. Wavelengths of the sodium spectrum
are found using a grating spectrometer. The wavelength of a laser is also found.
f. Bernard Experiment 45; A Study of Spectra with the Grating Spectrometer. Sources used
are a sodium lamp, an incandescent bulb, a mercury lamp, and a lamp containing an
I. Introduction.
A. Consider a wave0on a string and remind students that its speed relative to the string is
given by vw = τ /µ, where τ is the tension and µ is the linear mass density. Explain
that, according to non-relativistic mechanics, an observer running with speed v0 with the
wave measures a wave speed of vw − vo and an observer running against the wave measures
a wave speed of vw + vo . Remark that these results are not valid for light (or fast moving
waves and particles). The speed of light in a vacuum is found to be the same, regardless
of the speed of the observer (or the speed of the source).
B. Remark that this fact has caused us to revise drastically our idea of time. If, for example,
two observers moving at high speed with respect to each other both time the interval
between two events, they obtain different results.
C. Explain that special relativity is a theory that relates measurements taken by two observers
who are moving with respect to each other. Although it sometimes seems to contradict
everyday experience, it is extremely well-supported by experiment.
D. State the postulates: the laws of physics are the same for observers in all inertial frames; the
speed of light in a vacuum is the same for all directions and in all inertial frames. Remind
students what an inertial frame is. Explain that the laws of physics are relationships
between measured quantities, not the quantities themselves. Newton’s laws and Maxwell’s
equations are examples. State that relativity has forced us to revise Newton’s second law
but not Maxwell’s equations.
II. Time measurements.
A. Explain the term event and note that three space coordinates and one time coordinate are
associated with each event. Explain that each observer may think of a coordinate system
with clocks at all places where events of interest occur and that the clocks are synchronized.
Outline the synchronization process involving light. State that the coordinate system and
clock used by an observer are at rest with respect to the observer and may be moving from
the viewpoint of another observer.
B. State that two observers in relative motion cannot both claim that two events at differ-
ent places are simultaneous if their motion is not perpendicular to the line joining the
coordinates of the events. To illustrate, show Fig. 37—4 and explain that the events are
simultaneous in Sam’s frame but the Red event occurs before the Blue event in Sally’s
frame. Show that signals from the events meet at the mid-point of Sam’s spaceship but
the signal from the Red event gets to the mid-point of Sally’s spaceship before the signal
from the Blue event. Stress the importance of the second postulate for reaching these
C. Explain the light flasher used to measure time, in principle. Consider a flasher at rest in
one frame, take two events to be a flash and the subsequent reception of reflected light
back at the instrument, then remark that the time interval is ∆t0 = 2D/c, where D is
the separation of the mirror from the flash bulb. Consider the events as viewed in another
frame, moving0 with speed v perpendicularly
0 to the light ray, and show the interval is
∆t =02D/c 1 − v 2 /c2 = ∆t0 / 1 − v 2 /c2 . This is also written ∆t = γ∆t0 , where γ
(= 1/ 1 − v 2 /c2 ) is called the Lorentz factor. State that v/c < 1 and γ > 1.
The Doppler effect for light. The expression for the frequency transformation can be derived
easily by considering the measurement of the period in two frames. Suppose an observer
in S obtains T for the interval between successive maxima at the same place. This is a
proper time interval and the interval in another frame S is γT . If S is moving parallel to
the wave, however, the two events do not occur at the same place in S and γT is not the
period in that frame. An observer in S must wait for a time |∆x |/c longer before the next
maximum is reached at 0 the place of the first. Thus, T = γT0 + |∆x |/c or since ∆x = −γT v,
T = γT (1 + v/c) = T (1 + β)/(1 − β). Thus, f = f (1 − β)/(1 + β). If S is moving
perpendicularly to the wave, the two events occur at the same place in both frames and T = γT ,
so f = f /γ.
1. Assignments
a. Simultaneity and time measurements are the issues in questions 2, 3, 5, and 7. Ask some
of them to test for understanding. Also assign problems 5 and 6.
b. When length contraction is covered, assign problems 9, 13, and 14.
c. Assign problems 16, 17, and 25 in support of the discussion of the Lorentz transformation.
d. Assign problems 27 and 30 in connection with the relativistic velocity transformation.
I. Introduction.
A. Explain that this chapter deals with some of the fundamental results of quantum physics.
The first few sections describe experimental results that can be understood only if light
is regarded as made up of particles. Remark that interference and diffraction phenomena
require waves for their explanation. Reconciliation of these opposing views will be discussed
B. Explain that the energy of a photon is related to the frequency of the wave through E = hf
and the momentum of a photon is related to the wavelength of the wave through p = h/λ.
Show these equations predict p = E/c, the classical relationship. Also explain that the
energy density is nhf , where n is the photon concentration, and that the intensity is Rhf ,
where R is the rate per unit area with which photons cross a plane perpendicular to their
direction of motion. Recall the discussion of the Poynting vector in Chapter 33. Explain
that the Planck constant is a constant of nature and pervades quantum physics. Give its
value (6.63 × 10−34 J·s) and calculate the photon energy and momentum for visible light,
radio waves, and x rays.
C. Point out that classically monochromatic electromagnetic radiation can have any value of
energy. Quantum mechanically, this is not true, but since h is so small, the discreteness of
the energy values is important only at the atomic level.
d2 ψ 8π 2 m
+ [E − U (x)] ψ = 0 ,
dx2 h2
where E is the energy of the particle and U (x) is its potential energy function. Explain
that, for a free particle, we may take U (x) = 0 and write
d2 ψ
+ k2ψ = 0 ,
where k 2 = (8π 2 m/h2 )E. The most general solution is
where A and B are arbitrary constants. The first term represents a particle moving in the
positive x direction with momentum hk/2π and the second represents a particle moving
in the negative x direction with the same magnitude momentum.
1. Assignments
a. Ask questions 3, 9, and 10 and assign one or two of problems 4 and 7 as part of a discussion
of photon properties. Emphasize that the energy in a light beam is the product of the
number of photons and the energy of each photon. Assign some of problems 3, 4, 8, 9, 10,
11, and 12.
b. After discussing the photoelectric effect, ask some of questions 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. Assign
problems 22 and 24.
c. After discussing the Compton effect, ask questions 6, 7, and 11 and assign problem 28.
Also consider problem 34.
d. In the discussion of the properties of matter waves, include questions 12 through 15 and
18. Assign problems 43 and 50.
e. Following the discussion of the uncertainty principle, assign problems 59 and 60.
f. Ask some of questions 16, 17, 19, and 20 in connection with tunneling. Also assign problems
62 and 63.
2. Demonstrations
Photoelectric effect: Freier and Anderson MPb1
I. One-dimensional particle traps
A. Explain that, for a particle confined by infinite potential energy barriers to the region
between 0 and L on the x axis, possible wave functions are given by ψn (x) = A sin(nπx/L),
where n = 1, 2, . . . . Show that these satisfy the Schrödinger equation
d2 ψ 8π 2 m
+ Eψ = 0
dx2 h2
inside the trap and that ψ goes to zero at the boundaries. Explain that a condition for the
given function to be a solution is that the energy of the particle must be En = n2 h2 /8mL2 .
You might want to include the time dependence by writing Ψ = A sin(nπx/L)fn (t) and
explaining that fn (t) is a function of time with magnitude 1.
B. Explain that confinement of the particle leads to energy quantization and that energy is
quantized for any bound particle. Plot the allowed values of the energy, as in Fig. 39—3.
Point out that the particle has kinetic energy even in the ground state and mention that
this energy is called its zero-point energy.
C. Explain that the particle can certainly be found between x = 0 and x = L, so 0 |ψn |2 dx =
1. The wave function is said to be normalized
0 if it obeys this condition. Show that the
normalization condition leads to A = 2/L.
D. Use the particle confined to a one-dimensional trap as an example and explain that ψn2 dx =
(2/L) sin2 (nπx/L) dx gives the probability that the particle can be found between x and
x+dx when it is in the state with the given wave function. Sketch several of the probability
density functions and point out that there are several places where the probability density
vanishes. See Fig. 39—6.
E. Explain that experimentally the probability can be found, in principle, by performing a
large number of position measurements and calculating the fraction for which the particle
is found in the designated segment of the x axis. Since a position measurement changes
the state of the particle, it must be restarted in the same state each time.
F. Explain that a particle may jump from some initial state to a lower energy state with the
emission of a photon and that the photon energy is equal to the change in the particle
energy. Write hf = ∆E, where f is the frequency of the electromagnetic wave associated
with the photon. Remind students that the frequency and wavelength are related by
λf = c. Use an energy level diagram to show that only a set of discrete wavelengths occur.
Explain that the particle may also absorb a photon and jump to a higher energy state but
only if the photon energy equals the difference between two allowed energy values for the
G. Draw a diagram of a one-dimensional trap with finite potential energy barriers at the ends
and state that the particle wave function now extends into the barriers, although it de-
creases exponentially there. Show Fig. 39—8. Mention that the allowed values of the energy
are different from those for infinite barriers, but that the energy is still quantized. Also
mention that the particle might absorb a photon of any energy that makes the final particle
energy greater than the barriers. Particle energy above the barriers is not quantized.
II. Two- and three-dimensional particle traps
A. Describe a two-dimensional rectangular trap with sides of length Lx and Ly , such that the
particle has infinite potential energy at the boundaries and zero potential energy within.
where nx and ny are integers. Explain that neither nx or ny can be zero since either of
those values would make the wave function zero everywhere.
B. Repeat the discussion for a three-dimensional trap in the form of a rectangular solid with
sides of lengths Lx , Ly , and Lz . Show that the energies are given by
h2 n2x n2y n2z
Enx ,ny ,nz = + + ,
8m L2x L2y L − z2
C. Mention the possibility of degeneracy. In some cases two or more states (with different
quantum numbers) may have the same energy.
III. The hydrogen atom and line spectra.
A. Use a commercial hydrogen tube to show the visible hydrogen spectrum. Since the intensity
is low, you will not be able to project this but you can purchase inexpensive 8 ×10 sheets
of plastic grating material, which can be cut into pieces and passed out to the students.
Point out Fig. 39—19.
B. Give the expression for the hydrogen energy levels in terms of the principal quantum
number: En = −(me4 /8 20 h2 )(1/n2 ). State that quantum physics predicts these allowed
values. Say that a photon is emitted when a hydrogen atom changes state and derive
f = (me4 /8 20 h3 )[(1/n22 ) − (1/n21 )] for the frequency of the emitted electromagnetic wave.
C. Explain that the Schrödinger equation is a differential equation for the wave function of a
particle and that the main ingredient that causes two identical particles to have different
wave functions is their potential energy function. For an electron in a hydrogen atom, the
potential energy function is U (r) = −e2 /4π 0 r, where r is the distance from the proton to
the electron. Mention that when this potential energy function is used in the Schrödinger
equation and the reasonable condition that the wave functions remain finite everywhere
is applied, then the allowed energy values are predicted. Draw a graph of U (r) and draw
lines across it to indicate the values of the first few energy levels.
D. Explain that states for hydrogen are classified using three quantum numbers:
1. The principal quantum number n, which determines the energy.
2. The orbital quantum number , which determines the magnitude of the orbital angular
3. The orbital magnetic quantum number m , which determines the z component of the
orbital angular momentum.
E. Explain that traditionally each value of n is said to label a shell. Remark that a shell
may consist of many states, but each is associated with the same value of the energy. Tell
students that for a given shell, may take on the values 0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1. There are n
different values in all. Explain that all the states with given values of n and are said to
form a subshell. Say that for a given value of , m may take on any integer value from −
to + and there are 2 + 1 values in all. As examples, list all the states for n = 1, 2, and
3. Group them according to n and remark that all states with the same n have the same
energy, all states with the same have the same magnitude of orbital angular momentum,
and all states with the same m have the same z component of orbital angular momentum.
Remark that states with different values of n, , or m have different wave functions.
1. Assignments
a. Use questions 1 through 7 in your discussion of a particle in a one-dimensional infinite well.
Assign problems 5, 6, and 49.
b. Ask questions 8, 10, 13, and 14 in connection with a particle trapped in a one-dimensional
finite well. Consider problems 15, 52, and 53.
c. Assign problems 20 and 21 in connection with two-dimensional traps and problems 22 and
23 in connection with three dimensional traps.
d. After discussing the hydrogen spectrum, ask questions 9, 16, and 17. Also assign problems
25, 27, 29, and 31. If you have discussed the terms binding energy and excitation energy,
assign problem 38.
e. When you discuss the enumeration of hydrogen atom states, assign problem 51.
f. Discuss problems 39 and 42 in connection with the ground state of a hydrogen atom. You
might also assign problems 37 and 41 if you did not show the given ground state wave
function is a solution to the Schrödinger equation and is normalized. Give problem 47 to
students who are math oriented.
g. The n = 2 hydrogen wave functions are covered in problems 43 and 48.
2. Demonstrations
Thompson and Bohr models of the atom.
3. Audio/Visual
a. Absorption Spectra; from the AAPT Miller collection of single-concept films; DVD; avail-
able from Ztek Co. (PO Box 11768, Lexington, KY 40577—1768, and from
the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse, College Park
MD 20740—3845;
b. Electron Distribution in the Hydrogen Atom; A.F. Burr and Robert Fisher; slide set; AAPT
(see above for address). Probability distributions for n =1 to n = 6.
c. Atoms, Molecules, and Models; from Cinema Classics DVD 6: Angular Momentum and
Modern Physics; available from Ztek Co. and from the AAPT (see above for addresses).
4. Computer Software
a. Bellbox ; Darrel J. Conway; available from Physics Academic Software (Centennial Cam-
pus, 940 Main Campus Drive, Suite 210, Raleigh, NC 27606—5212;
This simulation program allows students to experiment with the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen
5. Laboratory
Meiners Experiment 14—3: Analysis of Spectra. A spectroscope is used to obtain the
wavelengths of hydrogen and helium lines. Hydrogen lines are compared with predictions
of the Balmer equation.
I. Orbital and spin angular momentum.
A. Remark that orbital angular0momentum is quantized and that the allowed values of its
magnitude are given by L = ( + 1)h̄, where h̄ = h/2π. The orbital quantum number
takes on positive integer values.
B. State that the z component of the angular momentum is given by Lz = m h̄, where m = 0,
±1, ±2, . . . , ± . m is called the orbital magnetic quantum number. The z axis can be in
any direction, perhaps defined by an external magnetic field. Point out that the0 angle θ
between the angular momentum vector and the z axis is given by cos θ = m / ( + 1).
The smallest value of θ occurs when m = and it is not zero. Explain that the angles
L makes with the x and y axes cannot be known if the angle between L and the z axis is
known. Discuss this in terms of the precession of L about the z axis.
C. Explain that the electron and some other particles have intrinsic angular momentum, as
0 they were spinning.
0 The magnitude of the electron spin angular momentum is S =
s(s + 1)h̄ = 3/4h̄ and the z component is either ms = − 12 h̄ or + 12 h̄ (there are two
possible states), where ms is called the spin magnetic quantum number. You might want
to remark that spin is not predicted by the Schrödinger equation but that it is predicted
by relativistic modifications to quantum physics.
D. Say that the total angular momentum of an atom is the vector sum of the orbital angular
momenta and the spin angular momenta of its electrons.
II. Magnetic dipole moments.
A. Explain that the electron has a magnetic dipole moment because of its orbital motion and
write µorb = −(e/2m)L and µorb,z = −(e/2m)Lz = −(eh̄/2m)m . Give the value of the
Bohr magneton (µB = eh̄/2m = 9.28 × 10−24 J/T). Remind students that because of its
motion, the electron experiences a torque in an external magnetic field and produces its
own magnetic field (provided µorb = 0).
B. State that the spin magnetic moment is µsz = −2ms µB . Stress the appearance of the
factor 2. The electron produces a magnetic field and experiences a torque in a magnetic
field because of this moment.
C. Remark that the energy of an electron is changed by−µz B when an external field B is
applied in the positive z direction. Thus states with the same n but different m have
different energies in a magnetic field. This is called the Zeeman effect. Photons with an
energy equal to the energy difference of the two spin states cause the spin to flip. The
phenomenon can be detected by measuring the absorption of the beam.
D. Briefly describe the Stern-Gerlach experiment. Explain that a magnetic dipole in a non-
uniform magnetic field experiences a force and that Fz = µz dB/dz for a field in the
z direction that varies along the z axis. Atoms with different values of m experience
different forces and arrive at different places on a screen. That discrete regions of the
screen receive atoms is experimental evidence for the quantization of the z component of
angular momentum.
E. To emphasize the practical, qualitatively explain NMR and its use in diagnostic medicine.
You might also explain how local magnetic fields in solids, for example, can be measured
using magnetic resonance techniques.
IV. Pauli exclusion principle.
A. State the principle. For any two electrons in the same trap at least one of their quantum
numbers must be different. State that this is a principle that holds for electrons, protons,
1. Assignments
a. To test for understanding of the angular momentum quantum numbers, go over questions
1 through 5 and assign problems 5 and 7. To stress the connection between angular
momentum and magnetic dipole moment, assign problem 9.
b. To discuss the Stern-Gerlach experiment in more detail, include question 10. Also assign
problems 12 and 14.
c. Use problems 19 and 21 (two-dimensional trap) or problems 23 and 24 (three-dimensional
trap) to test for understanding of the Pauli exclusion principle. To emphasize the role
played by spin in the building of the periodic table, ask problem 17. To help in the
discussion of the periodic table, assign problems 25 and 27.
d. The existence of a minimum wavelength in the continuous x-ray spectrum provides an
argument for the particle nature of light. Either discuss this or see if the students can
devise the argument. Assign problems 31 and 32. After discussing characteristic x-ray
lines and Moseley plots, ask questions 11 and 12. Assign problems 33, 37, and 40.
e. Ask questions 13 and 14 to see if students understand how lasers work. Also assign problems
45, 51, and 52. Populations of states are covered in problems 46, 48, and 55.
2. Demonstrations
Zeeman effect: Freier and Anderson MPc1.
3. Books and Monographs
Resource Letters, Book Five; American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT, One
Physics Ellipse, College Park MD 20740—3845; Contains an exhaustive
list of journal articles on atomic physics.
4. Audio/Visual
a. Structure of the Atom; VHS video tape ; Films for the Humanities and Sciences (PO Box
2053, Princeton, NJ 08543—2053;
b. Atoms and Molecules; VHS video tape, DVD; Films for the Humanities and Sciences (PO
Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08543—2053;
5. Computer Software
a. Modern Physics from Exploration of Physics Volume II; Windows and Macintosh; Physics
Curriculum & Instruction Physics Curriculum & Instruction (22585 Woodhill Drive, Lake-
I. Electron energy bands.
A. Explain that a crystalline solid is a periodic arrangement of atoms and show some ball and
stick models or Fig. 41—1.
B. Explain that energy levels for electrons in crystalline solids are grouped into bands with the
levels in any band being nearly continuous and with gaps of unallowed energies between.
Remark that bands are produced when atoms are brought close together. Wave functions
for outer electrons then overlap and extend throughout the solid. Show Fig. 41—3 and
remark that low energy bands are narrow since the wave functions are highly localized
around nuclei and overlap is small. High energy bands are wide because overlap is large.
When the atoms are close together, outer-shell electrons are influenced by many atoms
rather than just one.
C. Remind students that since the Pauli exclusion principle holds, the lowest total energy is
achieved when electrons fill the lowest states with one electron in each state. Thus, at
T = 0 K, all states are filled up to a maximum energy.
D. Remark that for a metal at T = 0 K, the highest occupied state is near the middle of a
band, while for an insulator or semiconductor, it is at the top of a band.
E. Write down the Fermi-Dirac occupancy probability P (E), given by Eq. 41—6, and state that
it gives the thermodynamic probability that a state with energy E is occupied. State that
EF is a parameter, called the Fermi energy, that is different for different materials. Show
that for T = 0 K, P (E) = 1 for E < EF and P (E) = 0 for E > EF . To give a numerical
example, calculate the probabilities of occupation for states 0.1 and 1 eV above the Fermi
energy, then 0.1 and 1 eV below, at room temperature. Graph P (E) versus. E for T = 0
and for T > 0. See Fig. 41—6. Also show the graph for a still higher temperature and point
out that the central region (from P = 0.9 to P = 0.1, say) widens. This quantitatively
describes the thermal excitation of electrons to higher energy states. Remark that the
Fermi-Dirac occupancy probability is valid for any large collection of electrons, including
the collections in metals, insulators, and semiconductors.
II. Metallic conduction.
A. Write down Eq. 26—25 for the resistivity and remark that n is the concentration of con-
duction electrons and τ is the mean time between collisions of electrons with atoms. Ask
students to review Section 26—6. Remark that a low resistivity results if the electron con-
centration is large or the mean free time is long. In a rough way, if there are few collisions
per unit time, then the mean free time is long and the electrons are accelerated by the
electric field for a long time before colliding, so the drift velocity is large. Remark that
quantum physics must be used to determine n and τ .
B. Explain that for metals, the energies of conduction electrons (those in partially filled bands)
are primarily kinetic and to a first approximation, we may take the electrons to be trapped
in a box the size of the sample. The so-called free electron model of a metal takes the
potential energy to be zero in the box.
C. Define the density of states function N (E) and the density of occupied states function
No (E). Explain that No (E) = N (E)P (E) and that the total electron concentration in a
1. Assignments
a. Questions 1 and 2 deal with crystal structure. Ask them if you include more than a passing
mention of this topic. Also consider problem 43.
b. Questions 3 and 4 deal with electrons in solids and questions 5 and 6 deal with energy
c. Assign problems 2 and 7 in connection with the Fermi energy of a metal. Assign problem 6
in connection with the density of states for a metal. Assign some of problems 8, 11, and 16
in connection with the occupancy probability. Also assign problem 17 and either problem
19 or 22. The justification for the free electron model of a metal is covered in problem 12.
d. Problem 30 should be assigned or covered in class when you discuss intrinsic semiconduc-
e. Doped semiconductors are considered in questions 9, 10, and 14. Discuss them and then
assign problems 31 and 32. Also consider problem 33.
f. p-n junctions are the subject of questions 12, 13, and 15. Be sure to assign or discuss
problem 36. If you include LED’s, assign either problem 37 or 38 and if you discuss
field-effect transistors, assign problem 40.
2. Audio/Visual
Condensed Matter ; from Cinema Classics DVD 6: Angular Momentum and Modern Phys-
ics; available from Ztek Co. (PO Box 11768, Lexington, KY 40577—1768,
3. Computer Project
Ask students to use a root finding program to carry out calculations of the electron con-
centration in the conduction band and hole concentration in the valence band of both
intrinsic and doped semiconductors. Then ask them to calculate the contact potential for
a p-n junction with given dopant concentrations.
I. Nuclear properties.
A. Explain that the nucleus of an atom consists of a collection of tightly bound neutrons, which
are neutral, and protons, which are positively charged. A proton has the same magnitude
charge as an electron. Define the term nucleon and state that the number of nucleons is
called the mass number and is denoted by A, the number of protons is called the atomic
number and is denoted by Z, and the number of neutrons is denoted by N . Point out
that A = Z + N . Remark that nuclei with the same Z but different N are called isotopes.
The atoms have the same chemical properties and the same chemical symbol. Show a wall
chart of the nuclides. Refer to Table 42—1 when discussing properties of nuclides.
B. Explain that one nucleon attracts another by means of the strong nuclear force and that this
force is different from the electromagnetic force. It does not depend on electrical charge and
is apparently the same for all pairs of nucleons. It is basically attractive; at short distances
(a few fm), it is much stronger than the electrostatic force between protons, but it becomes
very weak at larger distances. Two protons exert attractive strong forces on each other
I. The fission process.
A. Refer back to the binding energy per nucleon vs. A curve (Fig. 42—6). It suggests that a
massive nucleus might split into two or more fragments nearer to iron, thereby increasing
the total binding energy. Each fragment is more stable than the original nucleus. This is
the fission process.
B. Remark that many massive nuclei can be rendered fissionable by the absorption of a thermal
neutron. Such nuclei are called fissile. Give the example 235 U + n → 236 U → X + Y + bn.
Explain that a thermal neutron (≈ 0.04 eV) is absorbed by a 235 U nucleus and together
they form the intermediate fissionable 236 U nucleus. This nucleus splits into two fragments
(X and Y) and several neutrons. The sequence of events is illustrated in Fig. 43—2. Point
out 236 U on Fig. 42—6. The disintegration energy for one possible fission event is calculated
in Sample Problem 43—1.
C. Explain that different fission events, starting with the same nucleus, might produce different
fragments. The fraction of events that produce a fragment of a given mass number A is
graphed in Fig. 43—1. Point out that fragments of equal mass occur only rarely. Explain
that the parent nucleus is neutron rich, the initial fragments are neutron rich, and that the
initial fragments expel neutrons to produce the fragments X and Y. These generally decay
further by β emission and some may emit delayed neutrons following β decay.
D. Show Fig. 43—3 and explain that the parent nucleus starts in the energy well near r = 0.
The incoming neutron must supply energy to start the fission process. The required energy
is slightly less than Eb since tunneling can occur. Point out the energy Q released by the
process. Point out Table 43—2 and explain that En is the actual energy supplied by an
incoming thermal neutron. Point out nuclides in the table for which fission does not occur.
E. Write out several fission modes for 235 U and note that on average more than one neutron is
emitted. Explain that some neutrons come promptly while others come from later decays
(the delayed neutrons). Point out that the average mode yields Q ≈ 200 MeV, of which
190 MeV or so appears as the kinetic energy of the fission fragments and 10 MeV goes to
the neutrons.
II. Fission reactors.
A. Note that to have a practical reactor, the fission process must be self sustaining, once
started. Also, there must be a way to control the rate of the process and to stop it, if
B. To be self-sustaining, a chain reaction must occur: neutrons from one fission event trigger
another. The neutrons emitted from a typical fission event share about 5 to 10 MeV energy
and they must be slowed to thermal speeds to be useful. Some sort of moderator, often
water, is used.
C. Explain that on average about 2.5 neutrons are produced per fission event. Describe in
detail what happens to them. Some leak out of the system, some of the slowed neutrons
are captured by 238 U, some are captured by fission fragments, and the rest start fission in
U. Fig. 43—4 gives some typical numbers.
I. The particle “zoo”.
A. Show a list of particles already familiar to students. Include the electron, proton, neutron,
and neutrino, then add the muon and pion. Explain that many other particles have been
discovered in cosmic ray and accelerator experiments. To impress students with the vast
array of particles and the enormous collection of data, make available to them a Review of
Particle Properties paper, published roughly every two years in Reviews of Modern Physics.
B. Explain that many new particles are discovered by bombarding protons or neutrons with
electrons or protons and show a picture of a detector or a bubble chamber picture, such
as Fig. 44—3. State that the picture shows tracks of charged particles in a strong magnetic
field, hence the curvature. Remind students that the radius of curvature can be used to
find the momentum of a particle if the charge is known. Indicate the collision point and
emphasize that the new particles were not present before the collision: the original particles
disappear and new particles appear. In most cases, the total rest energy after the collision
is much greater than the total rest energy before. Kinetic energy was converted to rest
C. Mention that a few particles seem to be stable (electron, proton, neutrino) but most decay
spontaneously to other particles. Point out decays on a bubble chamber picture. Explain
the statistical nature of decays and remind students of the meaning of half-life. Examples:
n → p + e− + ν, π + → µ+ + ν.
D. Explain that for each particle there is an antiparticle with the same mass. A charged
particle and its antiparticle have charge of the same magnitude but opposite sign. Their
magnetic moments are also opposite, relative to their angular momenta. A particle and
its antiparticle can annihilate each other, the energy (including rest energy) being carried
by photons or other particles produced in the annihilation. Example: e+ + e− → γ + γ.
1. Assignments
a. To test for understanding of the conservation laws and the stability of particles, ask ques-
tions 4, 6, and 7. Problems 1, 7 (or 9), 11, 12, 13, 15, and 17 each deal with one or more
of the conservation laws. Assign several.
b. To help clarify particle properties and classifications, ask questions 8, 11, 12, and 13.
c. Problems 20, 21, 24, 39, and 28 provide excellent illustrations of the quark model.
d. Assign problem 26 in connection with Hubble’s law. Assign problem 27 or 28 in connection
with the red shift. If you discussed the relativistic Doppler shift in connection with Chapter
37, assign problem 29. Problem 31 deals with the cosmic background radiation. Dark
matter and the future of the universe are the subjects of problem 34.
2. Demonstrations
Show nuclear emulsion plates, available from Brookhaven National Laboratory, Fermilab,
and other high energy laboratories.
3. Books and Monographs
a. Resource Letters, Book Four and Resource Letters, Book Five; American Association of
Physics Teachers (AAPT, One Physics Ellipse, College Park MD 20740—3845; www.aapt
.org). Contains lists of journal articles on high energy, particle physics, and cosmology.
b. Quarks; edited by O.W. Greenberg; available from AAPT (see above for address). Reprints
covering important aspects of the quark model.
c. Quarks, Quasars, and Quandaries; edited by Gordon Aubrecht; available from AAPT (see
above for address). Summaries of particle physics and cosmology.
d. Cosmology and Particle Physics; edited by David Lindley, Edward W. Kolb, and David N.
Schramm. Reprint collection dealing the evolution of the universe from the big bang.
e. Black Holes; edited by Steven Detweiler; available from AAPT (see above for address).
Reprints dealing with structure and dynamics of black holes.
4. Audio/Visual
a. Black Holes, Dark Matter from The Complete Cosmos series; VHS video tape; Films for
the Humanities and Sciences (PO Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08543—2053;
The following are the answers to the Checkpoints that appear throughout the text.
Chapter 4 Chapter 7
1. (a) (8 m) î − (6 m) ĵ; (b) yes, the xy plane 1. (a) decrease; (b) same; (c) negative, zero
(no z component) 2. d, c, b, a
2. (a) first; (b) third 3. (a) same; (b) smaller
3. (1) and (3) ax and ay are both constant, so 4. (a) positive; (b) negative; (c) zero
a is constant; (2) and (4) ay is constant but 5. zero
ax is not, so a is not
4. 4 m/s , −2 m/s, 3 m
5. (a) vx constant; (b) vy initially positive, de-
Chapter 8
creases to zero, and then becomes progres-
sively more negative; (c) ax = 0 through- 1. no (consider round trip on the small loop)
out; (d) ay = −g throughout 2. 3, 1, 2
6. (a) −(4 m/s) î; (b) −(8 m/s ) ĵ 3. (a) all tie; (b) all tie
Chapter 10
1. (b and (c) Chapter 14
2. (a) and (d) 1. all tie
3. (a) yes; (b) no; (c) yes; (d) yes 2. (a) all tie (gravitational force on the pen-
4. all tie guin is the same); (b) 0.95ρ0 , ρ0 , 1.1ρ0
5. 1, 2, 4, 3 3. 13 cm3 /s, outward
6. 1 and 3 tie, then 2 and 5 tie (zero) 4. (a) all tie; (b) 1, then 2 and 3 tie, 4 (wider
7. (a) downward in the figure; (b) less means slower);
(c) 4, 3, 2, 1 (wider and lower mean more
Chapter 11
1. (a) same; (b) less Chapter 15
2. less
3. (a) ±z; (b) +y; (c) −x 1. (sketch x versus t) (a) −xm ; (b) +xm ;
4. (a) 1 and 3 tie, then 2 and 4 tie, then 5 (c) 0
(zero); (b) 2 and 3 2. a (F must have the form of Eq. 6—10)
5. (a) 3, 1, then 2 and 4 tie (zero) 3. (a) 5 J; (b) 2 J; (c) 5 J
6. (a) all tie; (b) sphere, disk, hoop 4. all tie (in Eq. 15—29, m is included in I)
7. (a) decreases; (b) same; (c) increases 5. 1, 2, 3 (the ratio m/b matters; k does not)
Chapter 25
Chapter 30
1. (a) same; (b) same
2. (a) decreases; (b) increases; (c) decreases 1. b, then d and e tie, then a and c tie (zero)
3. (a) V , q/2; (b) V /2, q 2. a and b tie, then c (zero
4. (a) q0 = q1 + q34 ; (b) equal (C3 and C4 are 3. c and d tie, then a and b tie
in series) 4. b, out; c, out; d, into; e, into
5. (a) same; (b) same (same potential differ- 5. d and e
ence across same plate separation) 6. (a) 2, 3, 1 (zero; (b) 2, 3, 1
6. (a) same; (b) decrease; (b) decrease; (c) in- 7. a and b tie, then c
Chapter 31
Chapter 26
1. (a) T /2; (b) T ; (c) T /2; (d) T /4
1. 8 A, rightward 2. (a) 5 V; (b) 150 µJ
2. (a)–(c) rightward 3. (a) remains the same; (b) remains the same
3. a and c tie, then b 4. (a) C, B, A; (b) 1, A; 2,B; 3, S; 4, C; (c) A
4. device 2 5. (a) remains the same; (b) increases
5. (a) and (b) tie, then (d), then (c) 6. (a) remains the same; (b) decreases
7. (a) 1, lags; 2, leads; 3, in phase; (b) 3 (ωd =
ω when XL = XC )
Chapter 27 8. (a) increase (circuit is mainly capacitive; in-
1. (a) rightward; (b) all tie; (c) b, then a and crease C to decrease XC to be closer to res-
c tie; (d) b, then a and c tie onance for maximum Pavg ); (b) closer
2. (a) all tie; (b) R1 , R2 , R3 9. (a) greater; (b) step-up
3. (a) less; (b) greater; (c) equal
4. (a) V /2, i; (b) V , i/2
5. (a) 1, 2, 4, 3; (b) 4, then 1 and 2 tie, then 3 Chapter 32
1. d, b, c, a (zero)
2. (a) 2; (b) 1
Chapter 28 3. (a) away; (b) away; (c) less
1. a, +z; b, −x; c, FB = 0 4. (a) toward; (b) toward; (c) less
2. (a) 2, then 1 and 3 tie (zero); (b) 4 5. a, c, b, d (zero)
3. (a) +z and −z tie, then +y and −y tie, then 6. tie of b, c, and d, then a
+x and −x tie (zero); (b) +y
Chapter 44
1. (a) the muon family; (b) a particle;
(c) Lµ = +1
2. b and e
3. c
Chapter 43
1. a
2. a
3. b, e, a, c, d
4. b
5. c
6. (a) 93 Sr; (b) 140
I; (c) 155
7. c, a, d, b
8. c
9. d
10. a
11. c
12. c
Chapter 44
1. into
2. d
3. the π+ pion whose track terminates at point
4. b, c, d
5. c, f
6. a, b, c, d
7. baryon number
8. (a) lepton; (b) antiparticle; (c) fermion;
(d) yes
9. c
10. 1d, 2e, 3a, 4b, 5c
11. (a) 0; (b) +1; (c) −1; (d) +1; (e) −1
12. b, f, c, d, a, g, e
(l) −30 m/s2 ; (m) −42 m/s2 (d) right; (e) left; (f) 3.46 s
20. (a) 0.100 m 67. (a) 15.7 m/s; (b) 12.5 m; (c) 82.3 m
21. (a) +1.6 m/s; (b) +18 m/s 68. (a) 5.00 m/s; (b) 1.67 m/s ; (c) 7.50 m
22. (a) 5.00 s; (b) 61.5 m 2
69. (a) 2.0 m/s ; (b) 12 m/s; (c) 45 m
23. (a) 3.1 × 106 s; (b) 4.6 × 1013 m 70. (a) 3.2 s; (b) 1.3 s
24. (a) 30 s; (b) 300 m 71. (a) either; (b) neither
25. 1.62 × 1015 m/s 72. (a) 60.6 s; (b) 36.3 m/s
26. 21g 73. (a) 9.08 m/s2 ; (b) 0.926g; (c) 6.12 s;
27. (a) 3.56 m/s ; (b) 8.43 m/s (d) 15.3Tr ; (e) braking; (f) 5.56 m
28. (a) 2.5 s 74. 8.4 m
29. (a) 10.6 m; (b) 41.5 s 75. +47 m/s
30. (a) 56.6 s; (b) 31.8 m/s 76. (a) 3.5; (b) (5.0 m)/vs
31. (a) 4.0 m/s ; (b) +x 77. 217 m/s
32. (a) 15.0 m; (b) 94 km/h 78. (a) 2.5 m/s; (b) 8.0 m/s; (c) 1.0 m/s ; (d) 0
33. (a) −2.5 m/s ; (b) 1; (d) 0; (e) 2 79. (a) 14 m/s; (b) 18 m/s; (c) 6.0 m/s;
2 2
34. (a) 32.9 m/s; (b) 49.1 s; (c) 11.7 m/s (d) 12 m/s ; (e) 24 m/s; (f) 24 m/s
35. 40 m 80. (a) 38.1 m; (b) 9.02 m/s; (c) down;
36. (a) −50 km/h; (b) −2.0 m/s (d) 14.5 m/s; (e) up
(c) 98 s 2
55. (a) 6.00 cm/s ; (b) 4.87 N; (c) 4.54 N;
16. (a) 1.0 rev/s ; (b) 4.8 s; (c) 9.6 s; (d) 48 rev (d) 1.20 rad/s2 ; (e) 0.0138 kg · m2
17. (a) 44 rad; (b) 5.5 s; (c) 32 s; (d) −2.1 s; 56. 2.51 × 10−4 kg · m2
(e) 40 s 2
57. (a) 4.2 × 102 rad/s ; (b) 5.0 × 102 rad/s
18. (a) 13.5 s; (b) 27.0 rad/s 58. 396 N · m
19. 6.9 × 10−13 rad/s 59. (a) 1.4 m/s; (b) 1.4 m/s
20. 199 hits/s 60. (a) 19.8 kJ; (b) 1.32 kW
21. (a) 20.9 rad/s; (b) 12.5 m/s; 61. (a) 0.63 J; (b) 0.15 m
(c) 800 rev/min2 ; (d) 600 rev 62. (a) 11.2 mJ; (b) 33.6 mJ; (c) 56.0 mJ;
22. (a) 3.0 rad/s; (b) 30 m/s; 2
(d) 2.80 × 10−5 J · s2 /rad
2 2
(c) 6.0 m/s ; (d) 90 m/s 63. 5.42 m/s
23. (a) 2.50 × 10−3 rad/s; (b) 20.2 m/s ; (c) 0 64. (a) 0.15 kg · m2 ; (b) 11 rad/s
24. (a) 3.1 × 102 m/s; (b) 3.4 × 102 m/s 65. 9.82 rad/s
15. 0.26 cm3 58. (a) 15.8 C◦ ; (b) greater than; (c) 13.8 C◦
16. (a) −0.69 %; (b) aluminum 59. −4.2◦ C
17. 360◦ C 60. 1.1 m
18. (a) 0.36 %; (b) 0.18 %; (c) 0.54 %; 61. 0.40 cm/h
(d) 0.00 %; (e) 1.8 × 10−5 /C◦ 62. 10%
19. 0.13 mm 63. 1.5
20. 0.217 K/s 64. 0.27 mm
21. 7.5 cm 65. (a) 6.61 mm; (b) 3.006 606 m; (c) 6.62 mm;
22. 109 g (d) 2.999 985 m; (e) 1.45 × 10−5 m
23. (a) 523 J/kg · K; (b) 26.2 J/mol · K; 66. (a) 2.5 × 102 K; (b) 1.5
(c) 0.600 mol 67. (a) 90 W; (b) 2.3 × 102 W; (c) 3.3 × 102 W
24. 94.6 L 68. 4.5 × 102 J/kg · K
25. 42.7 kJ 69. (a) 10 000◦ F; (b) 37.0◦ C; (c) −57◦ C;
26. 0.25 kg (d) −297◦ F
27. 160 s 70. 0.432 cm3
28. (a) 52 MJ; (b) 0◦ C 71. 0.41 kJ/kg · K
29. 3.0 min 72. (a) −45 J; (b) +45 J
30. (a) 2.03 × 104 cal; (b) 1.11 × 103 cal; 73. 1.87 × 104 ; (b) 10.4 h
(c) 873◦ C 74. (a) 84.3◦ C; (b) 57.6◦ C
31. 33 g 75. 1.7 × 102 km
32. (a) 68 kJ/kg; (b) 2.3 kJ/kg · K 76. 6.7 × 1012 J
33. 33 m2 77. (a) 11p1 V1 ; (b) 6p1 V1
34. 4.0 × 102 J/kg · K 78. 766◦ C
35. 742 kJ 79. 4.83 × 10−2 cm3
36. (a) 37 W; (b) 2.0 kg; (c) 0.13 kg 80. 35.7 m3
37. (a) 5.3◦ C (b) 0; (c) 0◦ C; (d) 60 g 81. 23 J
38. 82 cal 82. 3.1 × 102 J
39. (a) 0◦ C; (b) 2.5◦ C 83. (a) 80 J; (b) 80 J
40. 13.5 C◦ 84. 4.4 × 10−3 cm
41. 8.71 g 85. 1.17 C◦
42. (a) positive; (b) positive; (c) zero; (d) posi- 86. (a) 2.3 × 102 J/s; (b) 15
tive; (e) negative; (f) negative; (g) negative; 87. −6.1 nW
(h) −20 J 88. 0.32 cm2
43. A: 1.2 × 102 J; (b) 75 J; (c) 30 J 89. 10.5◦ C
44. (a) −200 J; (b) −293 J; (c) −93 J 90. 33.3 kJ
45. −30 J 91. 20 MJ
46. (a) +8.0 J; (b)−9.3 J 92. −157◦ C
47. 60 J 93. 79.5◦ C
48. −5.0 J 94. 8.6 J
49. (a) 6.0 cal; (b) −43 cal; (c) 40 cal; (d) 18 cal; 95. (a) 13 × 10−6 /F ; (b) 4.2 mm
(e) 18 cal 96. (a) 1.2 W/m · K; (b) 0.70 Btu/ft · F◦ · h;
50. (a) 0.13 m; (b) 2.3 km (c) 5.3 × 10−3 m2 · K/W
51. 1.66 kJ/s 97. 2.16 × 10−5 m2
52. (a) 8 × 102 W; (b) 2 × 104 J 98. 45.5◦ C
53. (a) 16 J/s; (b) 0.048 g/s 99. (a) 1.8 W; (b) 0.024 C◦
54. (a) 1.23 kW; (b) 2.28 kW; (c) 1.05 kW W 100. 66◦ C
73. (a) 1.66 × 103 km; (b) 383 µT; (c) 61.1 µT; 33. 3.1%
(d) 84.2◦ 34. 4.5 × 10−2 %
74. (a) 27.5 mm; (b) 110 mm 35. (a) 1.9 V/m; (b) 1.7 × 10−11 Pa
75. (b) sign is minus; 36. 44%
(c) no, because there is compensating pos- 37. 20◦ or 70◦
itive flux through the open end nearest to 38. 9.4%
magnet 39. 0.67
40. (a) 19.6◦ ; (b) 70.4◦
Chapter 33 41. (a) 0.16; (b) 0.84
42. 7.38
1. 30 cm 43. (a) 2 sheets; (b) 5 sheets
2. (a) 515 nm, 610 nm; (b) 555 nm, 44. 180◦
5.41 × 1014 Hz, 1.85 × 10−15 s 45. 1.48
3. (a) 4.7 × 10−3 Hz; (b) 3 min 32 s 46. (a) greater; (b) greater; (c) 1.4; (d) 1.9
4. 7.49 GHz 47. 1.26
5. 5.0 × 10−21 H 48. (a) greater; (b) greater; (c) 1.9; (d) 1.4
6. 4.7 m 49. 1.07 m
7. 1.07 pT 50. (a) 1.7; (b) 38◦
8. 6.7 nT; (b) y; (c) negative y direction 51. (a) 56.9◦ ; (b) 35.3◦
9. 0.10 MJ 52. (a) 3.1◦ ; (b) 0 (no rainbow)
10. 4.8 × 10−29 W/m 54. 34◦
11. 1.2 MW/m 55. 182 cm
12. (a) 16.7 nT; (b) 33.1 mW/m2 56. (a) 26.8◦ ; (b) yes
13. (a) 1.03 kV/m; (b) 3.43 µT 57. (a) 1.39 (b) 28.1◦ ; (c) no
14. (a) 1.4 × 10−22 W; (b) 1.1 × 1015 W 58. (a) 35.1◦ ; (b) 49.9◦ ; (c) 35.1◦ ; (d) 26.1◦ ;
15. (a) 6.7 nT; (b) 5.3 mW/m2 ; (c) 6.7 W (e) 60.7◦ ; (f) 35.3◦
16. 3.44 × 106 T/s 59. 23.2◦
17. (a) 87 mV/m; (b) 0.29 nT; (c) 6.3 kW 60. (a) 3; (b) 2; (c) 40◦ ; (d) none; (e) 2;
18. (a) 30.1 nm; (b)345 nm (f) 3; (g) none; (h) 70◦
19. 1.0 × 107 Pa 61. (a) 49◦ ; (b) 29◦
20. 3.3 × 10−8 Pa 62. (a) 35.6◦ ; (b) 53.1◦
21. 5.9 × 10−8 Pa 63. (a) 1 + sin2 θ; (b) 2; (c) yes; (d) no
22. (a) 6.0 × 108 N; (b) 3.6 × 1022 N 64. (a) 53◦ ; (b) yes
23. (a) 1.0 × 108 Hz; (b) 6.3 × 108 rad/s; 65. 49.0◦
Chapter 44
1. 18.4 fm
2. 2.4 × 10−43
3. 1
4. π− −→ µ+ + ν
5. 2.7 cm/s
6. (a) 1.90 × 10−18 kg · m/s; (b) 9.90 m
7. 769 MeV
8. 31 nm
10. (a) 2e+ , e− , 5ν, 4ν; (b) boson; (c) meson;
(d) 0
11. (a) angular momentum, Le ; (b) charge, Lµ ;
(c) energy, Lµ
12. b and d
13. (a) 0; (b) −1; (c) 0
14. (a) 605 MeV; (b) −181 MeV
15. (a) energy; (b) strangeness; (c) charge
17. (a) K+ ; (b) n; (c) K0
18. 338 MeV
19. (a) 37.7 MeV; (b) 5.35 MeV; (c) 32.4 MeV
20. (a) n; (b) Σ+ ; (c) Ξ−
21. (a) uud; (b) udd
22. (a) sud; (b) uss
23. (a) not possible; (b) uuu
25. Σ0 , 7.51 km/s
26. 1.4 × 1010 ly
27. 668 nm
28. 2.77 × 108 ly
29. (b) 0.934; (c) 1.28 × 1010 ly
30. (b) 5.7 H atoms/m3
31. (a) 0.26 µmeV; (b) 4.8 mm
32. 102MS
In the table below, the left column of each group gives the numbers of problems and exercises
in the last edition (the sixth) of Fundamentals of Physics and for each entry the right column gives
the number of the same problem or exercise in this edition (the seventh). The titles (Standard
Edition Problems, Enhanced Edition Problems, and Supplement Problems) refer to sixth edition
Chapter 30
Chapter 28
Chapter 26
28—N1 27—22 revised 30—N1 29—16 revised
26—N1 25—51 28—N2 27—34 revised 30—N2 29—10
26—N2 25—52 sig. figs. 28—N3 27—103 30—N3 29—64
26—N3 25—14 revised 28—N4 27—24 30—N4 29—26 revised
26—N4 25—22 28—N6 27—10 revised 30—N5 29—22
26—N5 25—18 28—N8 27—48 30—N6 29—62 revised
26—N6 25—19 28—N10 27—69 30—N7 29—12
26—N7 25—53 revised 28—N11 27—65 30—N8 29—56
26—N8 25—20 revised 28—N12 27—12 30—N9 29—78
26—N9 25—38 revised 28—N13 27—75 revised 30—N10 29—18
26—N10 25—54 28—N14 27—60 30—N11 29—77
26—N11 25—61 sig. figs. 28—N15 27—76 30—N12 29—54
28—N16 27—64 sig. figs. 30—N13 29—59
26—N12 25—55 revised
28—N17 27—77 revised
26—N13 25—62 30—N14 29—14
28—N18 27—28
26—N14 25—16 30—N15 29—76 revised
28—N19 27—78 revised
26—N15 25—63 28—N20 27—79 revised 30—N16 29—24
26—N16 25—56 revised 28—N21 27—80 revised 30—N17 29—60 revised
26—N17 25—64 28—N22 27—62 revised 30—N18 29—27
26—N18 25—58 28—N23 27—26 revised 30—N20 29—32 revised
26—N19 25—81 28—N24 27—112 30—N22 29—20
26—N20 25—65 sig. figs. 28—N25 27—111 revised 30—N24 29—46
26—N22 25—66 28—N26 27—56 30—N25 29—58
28—N27 27—113
The Student Solution Manual contains fully worked out solutions to about one-third of the odd
numbered end-of-chapter problems and the study guide (A Student’s Companion) contains hints
for about another third. The Wiley website duplicates three or four solutions of each chapter from
the Student Solution Manual and slightly less than half the hints in A Student’s Companion. The
Student Solution Manual and A Student’s Companion are available to students as print supplements.
The wiley Website is can be reached at the address given in the text. The problem solutions included
in the Student Solution Manual and the hints in A Student’s Companion are listed here. Those
that appear on the website are underlined.
As part of each assignment you may wish to have students study a few of the solutions in the Student
Solution Manual before attempting their own solutions to other problems. You may also wish to
include in the assignment several of the problems discussed in A Student’s Companion. These will
help students develop problem-solving strategies and learn effective problem-solving techniques.
Chapter 1
Solution Manual: 1, 5, 7, 13, 19, 23, 29, 33, 37, 41, 47, 57
Study Guide: 3, 9, 11, 17, 21, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 45, 49, 59
Chapter 2
Solution Manual: 3, 5, 15, 19, 23, 25, 27, 39, 41, 43, 47, 49, 51, 65, 69, 75, 87, 93, 103, 107, 115
Study Guide: 7, 13, 17, 21, 31, 35, 37, 45, 53, 57, 61, 67, 73, 79, 89, 105, 109, 113, 117
Chapter 3
Solution Manual: 1, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 25, 31, 35, 41, 45, 47, 55, 65, 67, 77
Study Guide: 5, 13, 21, 23, 27, 29, 33, 37, 39, 43, 53, 61, 69, 73
Chapter 4
Solution Manual: 5, 9, 15, 25, 27, 31, 37, 39, 41, 53, 59, 61, 63, 69, 75, 79, 81, 87, 97, 99, 103, 107,
115, 119, 127, 135
Study Guide: 7, 19, 23, 29, 33, 35, 43, 45, 51, 57, 67, 71, 73, 83, 89, 91, 101, 105, 111, 117, 123,
129, 133
Chapter 5
Solution Manual: 5, 9, 13, 17, 23, 29, 39, 43, 49, 53, 59, 63, 67, 73, 77, 83, 89, 99
Study Guide: 3, 15, 21, 25, 35, 37, 45, 47, 55, 61, 69, 75, 81, 85, 87, 93, 97
Chapter 6
Solution Manual: 3, 5, 13, 15, 21, 25, 27, 31, 45, 47, 49, 51, 55, 61, 67, 69, 73, 77, 87, 91, 99, 105
Study Guide: 1, 7, 9, 17, 19, 23, 29, 37, 39, 43, 57, 59, 65, 75, 79, 83, 93, 101, 107
Problems in the Student Solution Manual, in the Student’s Companion, and on the Wiley Website 265
Chapter 7
Solution Manual: 3, 13, 17, 19, 29, 33, 41, 43, 45, 55, 59, 63, 65, 71, 73, 77
Study Guide: 7, 9, 11, 15, 23, 25, 35, 37, 39, 47, 51, 53, 61, 67, 69, 75
Chapter 8
Solution Manual: 1, 3, 9, 13, 17, 29, 43, 45, 51, 67, 69, 71, 83, 89, 99, 105, 115, 119, 125, 127, 129
Study Guide: 5, 11, 19, 21, 27, 35, 39, 49, 57, 65, 75, 79, 87, 91, 97, 103, 109, 121, 123, 135
Chapter 9
Solution Manual: 1, 15, 17, 23, 35, 43, 55, 59, 63, 69, 71, 73, 75, 79, 81, 89, 95, 99, 101, 105, 107,
121, 125, 131, 133, 135
Study Guide: 5, 7, 11, 13, 21, 31, 39, 49, 53, 65, 77, 83, 87, 97, 109, 113, 119, 123, 127, 137
Chapter 10
Solution Manual: 13, 21, 27, 29, 33, 35, 37, 41, 45, 47, 49, 55, 63, 69, 71, 77, 83, 85, 89, 97, 101,
107, 111, 123
Study Guide: 11, 15, 17, 23, 25, 31, 39, 51, 53, 59, 61, 65, 75, 79, 81, 87, 93, 99, 105, 109, 117
Chapter 11
Solution Manual: 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 31, 35, 37, 41, 43, 45, 59, 67, 75, 83, 85, 95
Study Guide: 7, 9, 13, 25, 29, 39, 47, 51, 55, 61, 63, 69, 73, 81, 87
Chapter 12
Solution Manual: 5, 7, 9, 11, 19, 21, 25, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 45, 47, 51, 55, 61, 69, 75
Study Guide: 1, 3, 13, 15, 17, 23, 27, 43, 49, 53, 63, 73, 81
Chapter 13
Solution Manual: 1, 5, 11, 15, 23, 25, 31, 33, 35, 41, 53, 55, 61, 67, 69, 75, 79, 85, 97, 99, 103
Study Guide: 3, 9, 13, 19, 27, 29, 37, 39, 43, 47, 51, 59, 63, 71, 73, 83, 87, 93, 101
Chapter 14
Solution Manual: 1, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 21, 25, 29, 31, 35, 41, 43, 45, 49, 59, 67, 69, 71, 75, 79, 85, 89,
Study Guide: 5, 9, 13, 17, 23, 27, 37, 39, 47, 51, 55, 61, 73, 77, 81, 83, 87, 93
Chapter 15
Solution Manual: 1, 5, 13, 15, 21, 23, 29, 31, 39, 43, 49, 55, 59, 65, 71, 77, 79, 81, 85, 97, 113
Study Guide: 7, 9, 17, 19, 25, 27, 33, 37, 41, 47, 53, 61, 63, 67, 73, 83, 89, 99, 101
Chapter 16
Solution Manual: 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 33, 39, 41, 45, 47, 49, 53, 55, 61, 65, 67, 77, 85, 87
Study Guide: 3, 7, 11, 15, 25, 27, 31, 37, 43, 51, 57, 63, 71, 79, 83, 91
266 Problems in the Student Solution Manual, in the Student’s Companion, and on the Wiley Website
Chapter 17
Solution Manual: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 21, 25, 37, 39, 43, 47, 59, 63, 77, 83, 93, 95, 107
Study Guide: 13, 15, 27, 29, 31, 33, 41, 53, 55, 61, 65, 79, 85, 99, 109
Chapter 18
Solution Manual: 11, 15, 21, 25, 27, 39, 41, 45, 49, 51, 61, 63, 77, 79, 81, 89, 93, 99
Study Guide: 7, 13, 17, 19, 29, 31, 37, 47, 55, 59, 67, 73, 75, 83, 91, 97, 101
Chapter 19
Solution Manual: 5, 13, 17, 21, 27, 31, 39, 43, 51, 59, 63, 65, 71, 75, 79, 85, 89, 91
Study Guide: 7, 9, 15, 25, 35, 37, 45, 47, 53, 57, 67, 69, 73, 77, 87
Chapter 20
Solution Manual: 1, 7, 15, 17, 21, 25, 27, 35, 37, 41, 45, 49, 51, 57, 61, 73
Study Guide: 5, 9, 11, 13, 23, 39, 43, 53, 63, 67, 71
Chapter 21
Solution Manual: 3, 5, 9, 17, 21, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 53, 57, 61, 71
Study Guide: 1, 7, 13, 19, 25, 27, 33, 39, 45, 49. 59, 65, 67
Chapter 22
Solution Manual: 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 17, 21, 27, 31, 35, 39, 41, 45, 51, 55, 65, 71, 81, 87
Study Guide: 1, 13, 15, 19, 25, 29, 33, 53, 61, 67, 75, 85, 91
Chapter 23
Solution Manual: 1, 9, 11, 15, 19, 21, 27, 31, 37, 39, 41, 43, 47, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 77, 81, 85
Study Guide: 7, 17, 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 41, 45, 51, 53, 65, 69, 71, 73, 79, 83
Chapter 24
Solution Manual: 1, 3, 15, 17, 23, 25, 33, 37, 41, 45, 49, 53, 55, 61, 63, 73, 75, 91, 97, 101, 107, 117
Study Guide: 5, 7, 9, 13, 19, 21, 27, 29, 35, 43, 51, 57, 59, 65, 69, 79, 81, 85, 95, 103, 105, 109
Chapter 25
Solution Manual: 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 21, 27, 31, 35, 37, 39, 43, 45, 47, 53, 59, 63, 69, 73, 75, 81
Study Guide: 1, 9, 11, 15, 19, 23, 25, 29, 33, 41, 49, 51, 57, 61, 65, 67, 77
Chapter 26
Solution Manual: 3, 5, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 33, 35, 39, 45, 47, 55, 57, 63, 69, 75, 79
Study Guide: 1, 7, 11, 13, 25, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 49, 53, 59, 65, 73, 81
Problems in the Student Solution Manual, in the Student’s Companion, and on the Wiley Website 267
Chapter 27
Solution Manual: 5, 9, 13, 19, 21, 31, 33, 35, 45, 53, 55, 57, 61, 67, 73, 77, 81, 85, 91, 93, 101
Study Guide: 3, 7, 11, 17, 23, 25, 29, 37, 41, 43, 47, 51, 59, 69, 71, 75, 83, 99, 103, 111
Chapter 28
Solution Manual: 1, 9, 17, 23, 29, 33, 37, 39, 41, 45, 47, 51, 55, 59, 61, 63, 67, 71, 75, 79, 81, 85,
89, 89
Study Guide: 5, 7, 11, 13, 19, 21, 25, 27, 31, 35, 43, 53, 57, 65, 69, 77, 83, 87
Chapter 29
Solution Manual: 3, 5, 7, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 35, 43, 45, 47, 49, 53, 59, 61, 75, 77, 83, 85, 89, 91,
Study Guide: 1, 9, 11, 21, 25, 29, 31, 33, 37, 39, 41, 51, 57, 63, 67, 73, 79, 81, 87
Chapter 30
Solution Manual: 5, 9, 19, 25, 27, 33, 35, 41, 49, 53, 57, 61, 63, 67, 69, 71, 77, 85, 87, 89, 99
Study Guide: 3, 11, 13, 15, 23, 31, 37, 45, 47, 51, 59, 65, 73, 75, 79, 83, 93, 95, 97
Chapter 31
Solution Manual: 7, 15, 19, 27, 33, 39, 45, 47, 53, 55, 57, 61, 65, 71, 75, 77, 89
Study Guide: 1, 11, 13, 17, 25, 29, 31, 35, 37, 41, 43, 49, 59, 63, 73, 77, 83, 91, 97
Chapter 32
Solution Manual: 3, 5, 13, 19, 21, 27, 29, 31, 35, 37, 43, 49, 53, 57, 63, 69, 71
Study Guide: 1, 9, 11, 17, 23, 25, 33, 39, 41, 45, 47, 55, 61, 65, 75
Chapter 33
Solution Manual: 5, 19, 23, 25, 27, 33, 43, 49, 53, 61, 65, 75, 85, 89, 93, 95, 105, 109
Study Guide: 3, 13, 17, 21, 29, 35, 39, 47, 51, 57, 63, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 87, 91, 101, 107
Chapter 34
Solution Manual: 5, 9, 11, 13, 25, 31, 35, 39, 43, 49, 53, 57, 65, 73, 77, 83, 89, 91, 95, 103, 105, 111
Study Guide: 3, 15, 17, 21, 27, 39, 47, 55, 61, 71, 75, 85, 93, 97, 101, 109, 115, 121, 125, 131,
Chapter 35
Solution Manual: 7, 15, 17, 19, 21, 27, 29, 39, 43, 45, 49, 55, 61, 65, 69, 71, 75, 79, 81, 91, 95, 107,
111, 115, 121, 123
Study Guide: 5, 11, 23, 25, 33, 37, 41, 51, 59, 67, 73, 77, 83, 87, 97, 99, 105, 109, 113, 121
268 Problems in the Student Solution Manual, in the Student’s Companion, and on the Wiley Website
Chapter 36
Solution Manual: 3, 5, 7, 13, 15, 17, 21, 25, 33, 39, 41, 43, 47, 51, 63, 69, 73, 79, 83, 93, 103, 105,
107, 109
Study Guide: 1, 9, 11, 19, 27, 29, 35, 37, 49, 55, 57, 59, 65, 77, 81, 89, 95
Chapter 37
Solution Manual: 1, 9, 11, 13, 17, 19, 21, 27, 29, 31, 35, 39, 41, 49, 51, 53, 55, 63, 73, 75, 81, 83,
87, 93, 99
Study Guide: 3, 5, 15, 23, 33, 37, 43, 45, 47, 59, 65, 71, 77, 89, 91
Chapter 38
Solution Manual: 9, 13, 19, 25, 29, 33, 39, 41, 45, 49, 51, 55, 57, 61, 65, 73, 83
Study Guide: 7, 15, 17, 21, 23, 31, 37, 43, 51, 59, 63, 69, 75, 79
Chapter 39
Solution Manual: 3, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37, 41, 43, 45, 47, 53, 57
Study Guide: 5, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 51, 55
Chapter 40
Solution Manual: 9, 11, 15, 17, 23, 27, 33, 35, 37, 47, 59, 63
Study Guide: 3, 7, 13, 19, 21, 25, 31, 39, 43, 45, 53, 57, 67
Chapter 41
Solution Manual: 5, 9, 15, 19, 21, 27, 31, 35, 37, 45
Study Guide: 1, 11, 13, 17, 23, 25, 29, 33, 41, 47
Chapter 42
Solution Manual: 11, 15, 19, 25, 31, 37, 41, 45, 51, 57, 65, 69, 75, 77
Study Guide: 3, 13, 23, 33, 39, 43, 49, 53, 61, 67, 79, 85, 87
Chapter 43
Solution Manual: 3, 9, 11, 15, 19, 21, 23, 27, 29, 39, 45
Study Guide: 5, 7, 13, 17, 23, 31, 35, 37, 43, 47, 51, 53
Chapter 44
Solution Manual: 7, 11, 15, 23, 33, 37, 39, 43
Study Guide: 1, 5, 13, 17, 27, 31, 35, 41
Problems in the Student Solution Manual, in the Student’s Companion, and on the Wiley Website 269