Nilkanth Newsletter
Nilkanth Newsletter
Nilkanth Newsletter
Satsang Article
NC13 Reflection
Campus Corner
Connecting with Bapa
Swamishris Vicharan
Precious Moments
Precious Moments
The news has spread like wildfire; excitement levels have never been higher. Bhakti, seva, taap, and
agna/niyam levels are peaking and overflowing beyond what we all thought possible. Many have
found their own jarukho with Swamishri but now that jarukho will be filled with Swamishri Himself!
What seemed like absolutely impossible is now less than 2 months away!
Every few seconds, our phones vibrate with a new message, a new picture of Swamishri asking if
we are ready for his visit, his plan that was so expectant for him yet unexpected to all else. These
are the ways of Swami, divine ways that only he can explain to all. He is never bound by anything,
as to see a limitation in him of any sense is pure manushyabhav. He is beyond age, beyond human
body, beyond health!
During the recent sant shibir that just happened in Sarangpur a month ago, during one of the
evening sessions that the P. Santo had with Swamishri in the garden, Swamishri was asked to repeat
in English:
I am Akshar.
I am Brahma.
I am Atma.
I am Shriji Maharaj.
I am Gunatitanand Swam.
I am Bhagatji Maharaj.
I am Shastriji Maharaj.
I am Yogiji Maharaj.
I am Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
I am Narayanswarupdas.
NC13 Reflection
NC13 Reflection
Campus Corner
Many kishores that live on college campuses are not able to attend their regular kishore
sabhas on the weekends. So, how can these kishores continue to develop this intense love
for the Satpurush, if are surrounded by a completely different atmosphere from the one they
grew with at home? One way a kishore can maintain his Jodhan with the Pragat Satpursh is
to stay involved in Campus Sabhas. At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the
8 kishores on campus take on different responsibilities for their campus sabhas to ensure
their personal satsang maintains firm. Whether it is planning an outing, helping out with
dinner, or singing during sabha, the kishores all have connected and developed friendships
that keep them going on their personal path to pleasing Bapa.
Not only has involvement in campus sabha influenced kishores to keep Satsang as a priorty
in their life, but also has allowed kishores to develop other essential skills as well. For
example, older kishores on campuses have paved out the roads to become sucessful for
younger kishores to take. They have acted like mentors to help the underclassmen with
their class schedules, involvement on campus and networking abilities. This samp truly
ignited because of campus sabha!
SE Summer
SE Summer
With so much of our lives dedicated to school, we find it difficult to find time for
mandir activities. Over the last few months karyakars have been receiving acceptance
from universities across the nation. Last month a few of these karayakars stories were
portrayed, however there were several more karayakars who received acceptance to top
tier programs. One of these karyakars is Yogeshbhai Kanjee from San Antonio.
Yogeshbhai graduated Sum Cum Lade from University of Texas, San Antonio with a
3.99GPA. He received a bachelors degree in both Architecture and Sound Engineering.
This fall Yogeshbhai will be attending University of Texas, San Antonio doing his masters
in architecture after receiving VIP admission into the program. UTSA is known as one of
the best graduate programs for architecture. In addition to going above and beyond in
school Yogeshbhai also excelled in mandir by doing hundreds of hours of seva.
Yogeshbhai was a sanchalak at San Antonio mandir, but with his talents in the Audio
Video department and architecture, he has also put in countless hours helping with audio
video design and drawing production for Mandir projects in North America, Australia and
Hong Kong.
A 3.99 GPA is close to essentially flawless and requires 100% dedication and effort,
hundreds of hours of seva for fellow haribhaktos requires sincerity and selflessness, yet
through the krupa of Maharaj and Swami, Yogeshbhai was able to be extraordinary in
both seva and education. Yogeshbhai exemplifies a perfect karyakar. His education was
never used as an excuse to avoid seva, rather his education benefitted with his excellence
in seva. If so many karayakars are able to do hours and hours of seva and excel in their
education, why cant we?
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