Techniques of Speaking
Techniques of Speaking
Techniques of Speaking
1. Keep a Beard.
(Sahih Bukhari Vol. 7, Book of Dress, Chapter no. 64 and 65 Hadith no.
780 & 781)
2. It is preferable to wear a cap which is clean or cover your head.(if the
label shows your intent, wear it!)
3. Wear formal clothes (avoid T-shirts, jeans and other casual wear).
4. Wear formal shoes (avoid track shoes, slippers, etc.). If footwear are not
allowed, wear only clean, untorn socks.
5. Do not wear neck chains or wrist chains.
6. Avoid wearing glamorous things like shining watches, rings, etc.
7. Do not wear belts with big showy buckles.
8. Button your shirt (except for collar button, all the other buttons should be
9. Do not fold your sleeves while lecturing.
10. Do not keep anything (not even a pen) in your shirt pocket. Do not clutter
your trouser pockets with things not required.
11. If spectacles are worn then the frame should not be glamorous. (If the
talk is being video recorded, then preferably the glasses should have an
antiglare coating).
12. Your overall appearance should be smart, appealing and confident.
1. It is preferable to stand and talk rather than sitting and speaking.
2. While standing, your legs should neither be too far apart nor too close.
3. Stand erect on both your feet, without bending them at the knees.
4. Stand upright and not with drooping shoulders.
5. Do not move to and fro, i.e. sideways, or front and backward.
6. Do not shake unnecessarily.
7. Do not lean on anything like table, chair, etc.
8. Your posture should be confident and energetic. It should be relaxed and
not tense.
1. Your hands should be placed one on top of the other on the navel or
slightly below or above the navel, (or on the podium) when at rest, i.e.
while not making gestures.
6. Do not fidget with the mike, or the wire, or any article such as pen, paper,
1. At the beginning of the talk give a glance throughout the audience.
2. Have eye to eye contact with as much of the audience as possible (each
and every one if possible if you have a small audience).
3. Do not look at the opposite sex if they are present in the audience. You
may however give a passing glance occasionally.
4. Look more often at the target audience (e.g. Non-Muslims, Questioners,
5. You may draw attention of a person in the audience by looking at him
directly. However, if this person continues to disturb or distract, it may be
advisable at such times to ignore the distraction and continue with your
6. It will be helpful to you and enhance your confidence if you look more at
those sections of the audience that appear to be supportive and
7. Do not look at or fix your gaze on the ceiling, floor, empty space or above
the heads of the audience.
8. If referring to your notes is unavoidable, then do not peep at them from
far in an apologetic half-hearted manner, but instead hold them close to
you and look at them properly in a dignified manner.
14. Avoid giving a talk with a handheld mike since the gestures become
restricted. There is a tendency for the hand to move thereby creating
variations in the sound.
1. Speak loudly.
3. People can usually listen faster than the speed at which they can speak.
Thus there should not be pauses or blanks, leaving the audience without
something to listen and allowing their attention to be diverted.
6. Speak confidently.
7. Speak with energy and enthusiasm. (You have to enthuse and charge-
up the audience).
12. Do not have a patterned speech like a sing-song voice which goes up
and down at regular intervals. The concentration of the audience is lost.
(This is common in memorised speeches).
5. Visit the venue in advance, if possible, to familiarise yourself with the hall
and the surroundings.