What Is A Coronary Angiogram?: Heart
What Is A Coronary Angiogram?: Heart
What Is A Coronary Angiogram?: Heart
by heart
Treatments + Tests
What Is a
The coronary arteries supply your
heart muscle with blood. They
can become clogged from a
buildup of cholesterol, cells or
other substances (plaque). This
Right coronary
artery injected with
X-ray contrast dye
to show blockage
or narrowing inside
of the artery
Narrowing of right
coronary artery
tay physically active.
If you wish, you can see the X-ray pictures on the
screen during or after the test.
by heart
Treatments + Tests
Rarely, nausea
If a picture of the hearts main pumping chamber is
taken (and its taken during about 2/3 of angiograms),
youll feel a hot flash sensation from head to toe that
will last for 20 seconds as the special fluid is injected.
During the angiogram, youll be awake so you can do
as your doctor asks.
What happens after the test?
The catheter will be taken out.
A nurse or doctor will apply direct pressure for 15
minutes or longer where the catheter was inserted to
make sure there is no internal bleeding.
You will be asked to lie quietly on your back for
several hours. You wont have to lie on your back if
the catheterization was performed from an arm artery.
You will go back to your hospital room or Cardiac
Care Unit (CCU).
You may feel sore where the catheter was inserted or
from lying on your back.
Your doctor will talk to you about the results.
After your angiogram, your doctor will discuss the results with you.
Do you have
questions for the
doctor or nurse?
My Questions:
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2012, American Heart Association