Unhinging of Site Specificity
Unhinging of Site Specificity
Unhinging of Site Specificity
Richard Serra, Splash Piece: Casting (1969-1970), lead, at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 1990
(destroyed). (Photo courtesy the artist)
Richard Serra, Gutter Corner Splash: Night Shift, installed at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1995,
(Photo by Ivory Serra; The Collection of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Gift of Jasper Johns.)
Carl Andre, Fall (1968), installed at the Guggenheim Museum SoHo for the exhibition "Selections from the
Guggenheim Museum," 1992, (Photo by David Heald, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, Panza
the point of (re)production. That is, with the evacuation of "artistic" traces,
theartist's authorship as producer of objects is reconfigured as his/her
authority to authorize in the capacity of director or supervisor of
(re)production. The guarantee of authenticity is finally the artist's sanction,
which may be articulated by his/her actual presence at the moment of
production-installation or via a certificate of verification.8
While Andre and Judd once problematized authorship through
the recruitment of serialized industrial production, only to cry foul years
later when their proposition was taken to one of its logical conclusions, 9
artists whose practices are based in modes of "traditional" manual labor
have registered a more complex understanding of the politics of authorship.
Sol LeWitt, certificate for Wall Drawing no. 150, October 1972. (Courtesy The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York,
Panza Collection.)
A case in point: for a 1995 historical survey of feminist art entitled "Division of Labor:
'Women's Work' in Contemporary Art" at the Bronx Museum, Faith Wilding, an original
member of the Feminist Art Program at the California Institute of the Arts, was invited
to recreate her room-sized site-specific installation Womb Room (Crocheted
Environment) from the 1972 Womanhouse project in Los Angeles. As the original
piece no longer existed, the project presented Wilding with a number of problems,
least of which were the long hours and intensive physical labor required to complete
the task. To decline the invitation to redo the piece for the sake of preserving the
integrity of the original installation would have been an act of self-marginalization,
contributing to a self-silencing that would write Wilding and an aspect of feminist
art out of the dominant account of art history (again). But on the other hand, to recreate
the work as an independent art object for a white cubic space in the Bronx Museum
also meant voiding the meaning of the work as it was first established in relation to
the site of its original context. Indeed, while the cultural legitimation as represented
by the institutional interest in Wilding's work allowed for the (temporary) unearthing
of one of the neglected trajectories of feminist art, in the institutional setting of the
Bronx Museum and later the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, Womb
Room (Crocheted Environment) became for the most part a beautiful but innocuous
work, its primary interest formal, the handicraft nature of the work rendered thematic
(feminine labor).10
But even if the efficacy of site-specific art from the past seems to weaken
when it is re-presented, the procedural complications, ethical dilemmas, and pragmatic headaches that such situations raise for artists, collectors, dealers, and host
institutions are still meaningful. They present an unprecedented strain on established patterns of (re)producing, exhibiting, borrowing/lending, purchasing/selling,
and commissioning/executing art works in general. At the same time, while some
artists regress into the traditional argument of authorial inviolability in order to defend their site-specific practice, others are keen to undo the presumption of criticality associated with such principles as immobility, permanence, and unrepeatability
Rather than resisting mobilization, these artists are attempting to reinvent site
specificity as a nomadic practice.
Faith Wilding, Womb Room (Crocheted Environment), installed at Womanhouse, Los Angeles, 1972. (Photo by Lloyd Hamrol;
courtesy the artist.)
Faith Wilding, Womb Room (Crocheted Environment), reconstructed for the exhibition "Division of Labor: 'Women's
Work' in Contemporary Art" at the Bronx Museum, 1995. (Photo by Becket Logan; courtesy Bronx Museum of Art.)
Itinerant Artists
The increasing institutional interest in current site-oriented practices that mobilize
the site as a discursive narrative is demanding an intensive physical mobilization of
the artist to create works in various cities throughout the cosmopolitan art world.
Typically, an artist (no longer a studio-bound object maker; primarily working now
on call) is invited by an art institution to produce a work specifically configured for
the framework provided by the institution (in some cases the artist may solicit the
institution with a proposal). Subsequently, the artist enters into a contractual agreement with the host institution for the commission. There follow repeated visits to or
extended stays at the site; research into the particularities of the institution and/or
the city within which it is located (its history, constituency of the [art] audience, the
installation space); consideration of the parameters of the exhibition itself (its thematic structure, social relevance, other artists in the show); and many meetings
with curators, educators, and administrative support staff, who may all end up "collaborating" with the artist to produce the work. The project will likely be timeconsuming and in the end will have engaged the "site" in a multitude of ways, and
the documentation of the project will take on another life within the art world's publicity circuit, which will in turn alert another institution to suggest another commission.
Thus, if the artist is successful, he or she travels constantly as a freelancer,
often working on more than one site-specific project at a time, globetrotting as a
guest, tourist, adventurer, temporary in-house critic, or pseudo-ethnographer11 to
Sao Paulo, Paris, Munich, London, Chicago, Seoul, New York, Amsterdam, Los Angeles, and so on.12 Generally, the in situ configuration of a project that emerges out
of such a situation is temporary, ostensibly unsuitable for re-presentation anywhere
else without altering its meaning, partly because the commission is defined by a
unique set of geographical and temporal circumstances and partly because the
project is dependent on unpredictable and unprogrammable on-site relations. But
such conditions, despite appearances to the contrary, do not circumvent or even
complicate the problem of commodification, because there is a strange reversal
now by which the artist comes to approximate the "work," instead of the other way
around as is commonly assumed (that is, art work as surrogate of the artist). Perhaps because of the absence of the artist from the physical manifestation of the
work, the presence of the artist has become an absolute prerequisite for the execution/presentation of site-oriented projects. It is now the performative aspect of an
artist's characteristic mode of operation (even when working in collaboration) that
is repeated and circulated as a new art commodity, with the artist him/herself functioning as the primary vehicle for its verification, repetition, and circulation.13
For example, after a yearlong engagement with the Maryland Historical Society, Fred Wilson finalized his site-specific project Mining the Museum (1992) as a
temporary reorganization of the institution's permanent collection. As a timely convergence of institutional museum critique and multicultural identity politics, Mining
the Museum drew many new visitors to the Society and the project received high
praise from both the art world and the popular press.14 Subsequently, Wilson performed a similar archival excavation/intervention at the Seattle Art Museum in 1993,
a project also defined by the museum's permanent collection.15 Although the shift
from Baltimore to Seattle, from a historical society to an art museum, introduced
new variables and challenges, the Seattle project established a repetitive pattern
between the artist and the hosting institution, reflecting what has become a familiar
museological practicethe commissioning of artists to rehang permanent collections.16 The fact that Wilson's project in Seattle fell short of the Baltimore success
may be evidence of how ongoing repetition of such commissions can render
methodologies of critique rote and generic. They can easily become extensions of
the museum's own self-promotional apparatus, while the artist becomes a commodity with a special purchase on "criticality" As Isabelle Graw has noted, "the result
can be an absurd situation in which the commissioning institution (the museum or
gallery) turns to an artist as a person who has the legitimacy to point out the contradictions and irregularities of which they themselves disapprove." And for artists,
"subversion in the service of one's own convictions finds easy transition into subversion for hire; 'criticism turns into spectacle.' "17
To say, however, that this changeover represents the commodification of the
Christian Philipp Culler, Illegal Border Crossing between Austria and Czechoslovakia, Austrian contribution to the
Venice Biennale, 1993, (Photo courtesy the artist.)
artist is not completely accurate, because it is not the figure of the artist
per se, as a personality or a celebrity (a la Warhol), that is produced/consumed in
an exchange with the institution. What the current pattern points to, in fact, is the
extent to which the very nature of the commodity as a cipher of production and labor
relations is no longer bound to the realm of manufacturing (of things) but defined
in relation to the service and management industries.18 The artist as an overspecialized
aesthetic object maker has been anachronistic for a long time already. What they
provide now, rather than produce, are aesthetic, often "critical-artistic," services.
Andrea Fraser's 1994-1995 project in which she contracted herself out to the EAGenerali Foundation in Vienna (an art association established by companies belonging
to the EA-Generali insurance group) as an artist/consultant to provide "interpretive"
and "interventionary" services to the foundation, is a uniquely self-conscious playing out of this shift.19 Through this and prior performance pieces, Fraser highlights
the changing conditions of artistic production and reception in terms of both the
content and the structure of the project.
Andrea Fraser, Museum Highlights: A Gallery Talk, performance at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1989. (Photo by
Kelly & Massa; courtesy the artist and American Fine Arts, Co. , New York.)
Thus, if Richard Serra could once distill the nature of artistic activities down
to their elemental physical actions (to drop, to split, to roll, to fold, to cut, etc.),20 the
situation now demands a different set of verbs: to negotiate, to coordinate, to compromise, to research, to promote, to organize, to interview. This shift was forecast in
conceptual art's adoption of what Benjamin Buchloh has described as the "aesthetics of administration."21 The salient point here is how quickly this aesthetics of administration, developed in the 1960s and 1970s, has converted to the administration
of aesthetics in the 1980s and 1990s. Generally speaking, the artist used to be a
maker of aesthetic objects; now he/she is a facilitator, educator, coordinator, and
bureaucrat. Additionally, as artists have adopted managerial functions of art institutions (curatorial, educational, archival) as an integral part of their creative process,
managers of art within art institutions (curators, educators, public program directors), who often take their cues from these artists, now see themselves as authorial
figures in their own right.22
Concurrent with, or because of, these methodological and procedural
changes, there is a reemergence of the centrality of the artist as the progenitor of
meaning. This is true even when authorship is deferred to others in collaborations,
or when the institutional framework is self-consciously integrated into the work, or
when an artist problematizes his/her own authorial role. On the one hand, this
"return of the author" results from the thematization of discursive sites, which engenders a misrecognition of them as natural extensions of the artist's identity and
the legitimacy of the work's critique is measured by the proximity of the artist's
personal association (converted to expertise) with a particular place, history,
discourse, identity, etc. (converted to content). On the other hand, because the
signifying chain of site-oriented art is constructed foremost by the movement and
decision of the artist,23 the (critical) elaboration of the project inevitably unfolds
around the artist. That is, the intricate orchestration of literal and discursive sites
that make up a nomadic narrative requires the artist as a narrator-protagonist. In
some cases, this renewed focus on the artist in the name of authorial self-reflexivity
leads to a hermetic implosion of (auto)biographical and subjective indulgences.
This being so, one of the narrative trajectories of all site-oriented projects is consistently
aligned with the artist's prior projects executed in other places, generating what
might be called another "site"the exhibition history of an artist, his/her vitae. The
tension between the intensive mobilization of the artist and the recentralization of
meaning around him/her is addressed in Renee Green's 1993 World Tour, a group
reinstallation of four site-specific projects produced in disparate parts of the world
over a period of three years.24 By bringing several distinct projects together, World
Tour sought to reflect on the problematic conditions of present-day site specificity,
such as the ethnographic predicament of artists who are frequently imported by
foreign institutions and cities as expert/exotic visitors. World Tour also attempted
to imagine a productive convergence between specificity and mobility in which a
project created under one set of circumstances might be redeployed in another
without losing its impactor, better, might find new meaning and gain critical
sharpness through recontextualizations.25 But these concerns were not readily
available to viewers of World Tour, whose interpretive reaction was to see the artist
as the primary link between the projects. Indeed, the effort to resituate the individual
site-oriented projects as a conceptually coherent ensemble eclipsed the specificity
of each and forced a relational dynamic between discrete projects. Consequently
especially for an audience unfamiliar with Green's practice, the overriding narrative
of World Tour became Green's creative process as an artist in and through the four
installations. And in this sense, the project functioned institutionally as a fairly
conventional retrospective.
Just as shifts in the structural organization of cultural production alter the
form of the art commodity (as service) and the authority of the artist (as primary
narrator and protagonist), values like originality authenticity, and singularity are
also reworked in site-oriented artevacuated from the art work and attributed to
the sitereinforcing a general cultural valorization of places as the locus of authentic experience and coherent sense of historical and personal identity.26 An instructive example of this phenomenon is "Places with a Past," a 1991 site-specific
exhibition organized by independent curator Mary Jane Jacob, which took the city
of Charleston, South Carolina, as not only its backdrop but "the bridge between the
works of art and the audience."27 In addition to breaking the rules of the art
establishment, the exhibition wanted to further a dialogue between art and the
socio-historical dimension of the place.28 According to Jacob, "Charleston proved
to be fertile ground" for the investigation of issues concerning "gender, race, cultural identity, considerations of difference . . . subjects much in the vanguard of criticism and art-making. . . . The actuality of the situation, the fabric of the time and
place of Charleston, offered an incredibly rich and meaningful context for the making and siting of publicly visible and physically prominent installations that rang
true in [the artists'] approach to these ideas."29
While site-specific art is still described as refuting originality and authenticity as intrinsic qualities of the art object or the artist, these qualities are readily relocated from the art work to the place of its presentationonly to return to the art
work now that it has become integral to the site. Admittedly, according to Jacob, "locations . . . contribute a specific identity to the shows staged by injecting into the
experience the uniqueness of the place."30 Conversely if the social, historical, and
geographical specificity of Charleston offered artists a unique opportunity to create unrepeatable works (and by extension an unrepeatable exhibition), then the
programmatic implementations of site-specific art in projects like "Places with a
Past" ultimately utilize art to promote Charleston as a unique place. What is prized
most of all in site-specific art is still the singularity and authenticity that the presence of the artist seems to guarantee, not only in terms of the presumed unrepeatability of the work but in the way the presence of the artist also endows places with
a "unique" distinction.
Certainly, site-specific art can lead to the unearthing of repressed histories,
help provide greater visibility to marginalized groups and issues, and initiate the
re(dis)covery of "minor" places so far ignored by the dominant culture. But inasmuch as the current socioeconomic order thrives on the (artificial) production and
(mass) consumption of difference (for difference sake), the siting of art in "real"
places can also be a means to extract the social and historical dimensions of these
places in order to variously serve the thematic drive of an artist, satisfy institutional
demographic profiles, or fulfill the fiscal needs of a city. It is within this framework,
in which art serves to generate a sense of authenticity and uniqueness of place for
for "Places with a Past" was a "tasteful" tourist promotion, pitching the city of
Charleston as a unique, "artistic," and meaningful place (to visit).33 Under the pre-
The fundamental idea behind the exhibitions was to create a dialogue between artists, the town and the public, in other words, to
dite the erasure of differences via the commodification and serialization of places.
The yoking together of the myth of the artist as a privileged source of origi-
encourage the artists to create projects that dealt with conditions in the
nality with the customary belief in places as ready reservoirs of unique identity be-
town, its architecture, urban planning, its history and the social structure of
lies the compensatory nature of such a move. For this collapse of the artist and the
society in the town. . . . Invitations to artists from all over the world to come
site reveals an anxious cultural desire to assuage the sense of loss and vacancy that
to Funster for the sculpture project, to enter into a debate with the town,
have established a tradition which will not only be continued in the year
pervades both sides of this equation. In this sense, Craig Owens was perhaps correct to characterize site specificity as a melancholic discourse and practice,34 as
1997 but beyond this will become something specific to Funster: a town not
was Thierry de Duve in claiming that "sculpture in the last 20 years is an attempt to
only as an "open-air museum for modern art" but also as a place for a natural
confrontation between history and contemporary art. . . . The aim of the
reconstruct the notion of site from the standpoint of having acknowledged its disappearance."35 Keeping this sense of loss of place or disappearance of the site in
mind, we will next turn to the problem of site specificity as it has evolved quite dis-
tinctly in the mainstream public art context over the past three decades. We will return to a consideration of site specificity in relation to issues concerning locational
identity in the final chapter.