Value Engineering (VE) in Design-Build: A Value Management Approach
Value Engineering (VE) in Design-Build: A Value Management Approach
Value Engineering (VE) in Design-Build: A Value Management Approach
#5 01
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
Table of Contents
1 | Introduction/Overview................................................................3
2 | Key Issues/Considerations...........................................................4
3 | Best Practices..............................................................................8
4 | Expectations..............................................................................13
5 | Summary..................................................................................15
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
1.0 Introduction
he following discussion provides general guidelines for including Value Engineering (VE) within design-build
project delivery. Application of the VE process in this context will include the design-builder. The sections
herein define VE and describe its process, merits, and benefits in the context of design-build. The options and
opportunities for VE implementation take into account diverse owner goals and the differing procurement laws
that define procurement possibilities. The formal VE studies addressed in this guide are the structured implementation of focused
VE events by trained facilitators during the course of a design-build project. All participants in a design-build project should
incorporate the underlying VE concepts and tenets throughout the planning and execution of the project.
Improved Value
Virtually all projects have opportunities for improved value, and the VE process has the objective of identifying those
opportunities. Value is proportional to the ratio of function over cost, where a projects function is defined as what it is expected
to do.
Value = Function/Cost
Alternatively, the term performance can be used instead of the term function.
Value is achieved by improving function and maintaining cost; by maintaining function while reducing cost; or by improving
function while reducing cost. VE can be defined as an analysis of a projects functions directed at improving performance,
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
Information Phase:
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
Creative Phase:
Analysis Phase:
Evaluation Phase:
Presentation Phase:
Present recommendations.
Implementation Phase:
Study Features
VE studies identify project issues and provide opportunities to optimize the design in progress while validating project
scope, budget, and costs. Activities undertaken during VE studies include:
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
Team Formation
Formal VE studies should be lead by a trained facilitator (e.g., Certified Value Specialist - CVS). Studies are most successful when
qualified individuals from a range of disciplines and backgrounds are included in the team to achieve an optimum combination
of perspectives, owner requirements, project goals and constraints, and independent technical input.
Collaboration between owner and independent team members will encourage diversity and independence of thought. An
advantage of the integrated team is that the potential for organizational constraints can be overcome. Teams totally or mostly
composed of owner representatives are generally more constrained by policy, politics, guidelines, standard practice, and
VE in DB
Focus on major cost items
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
The VE process does not change based on the project delivery method. In the standard design-bid-build scenario, the
VE study (or studies) can be performed at any time during the project delivery process, starting with scoping/planning
and continuing through various stages of design completion. Paretos Law of Distribution presented by the graph on the
previous page shows that a limited number of project elements correlate to a majority of project cost. The VE study will
generally focus on major project components as it determines best value.
VE at Planning/Scoping. Define project budget and parameters.
VE at 0% Design. Identify project requirements and issues.
VE at 15 % Design (Schematic). Validate and refine project concept and cost.
VE at 30% Design. Evaluate major systems and refine cost.
VE at 60% Design. Refine systems, cost, and constructability.
As the design and project schedule advance, each successive study performed offers a slightly different focus. Typically,
VE Savings Potential
Operations &
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
the earlier the study occurs, the greater the potential benefit. Owners may elect to contract for only one study or to have
multiple studies performed in response to project complexity or cost.
Design-build is a project delivery method in which design and construction are provided from a single source. Since
VE optimizes design and promotes project value, construction through the design-build project delivery method is
compatible with the goals of VE. Furthermore, VE will augment the benefits of design-build, since its focus extends
beyond cost-cutting and creativity in construction.
Study Options
Option 1: During Planning/Scoping
Scope Validation
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
End Product:
1 Week (Max.)
O, F, E
Scope & Budget
Study Descriptions
Option 1: During Planning/Scoping
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
Owners have their own methodologies for project need identification and budgeting. For certain high-profile, politically
sensitive, high-cost projects, it could prove beneficial to seek additional input to review issues including the schedule,
contract provisions, design and construction alternatives, and the budget.
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
owner, although the split should be sufficient to engage the cooperation of the design-builder. Equal sharing of cost
savings is likely to serve as an incentive to the design-builder.
Should a recommendation or set of recommendations lead to a cost increase, the cost would be added to the designbuilders bid price, since the owner is deriving the full benefit from the change.
The cost for the VE study in Option 3 is borne by the owner. Funding for the study can be included as a fixed add cost
in the design-builders initial bid. As a variation, the owner may also require that the cost of the VE study be reimbursed
from implemented project cost savings and the additional savings then shared between the owner and design-builder.
The process described above represents a true partnership between project participants, as both the owner and designbuilder have the same goals, although perhaps due to different motives.
Implementing VE in design-build subsequent to contractor (DB)
selection furthers partnership goals by:
Compared to the design-bid-build scenario, in design-build project delivery the design-builder takes on significantly
more risk by committing to an early bid price. The construction price is developed from baseline design criteria and
project performance requirements prepared and established by the owner, combined with the design-build teams
own design development, which is significantly less than a 100% complete set of documents. Other protocols used
throughout the industry as the basis for the design-build bid include a standard design, or requesting a complete
performance design based upon given criteria. The risk assumed by the design-builder remains higher than in a designbid-build scenario.
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
A VE study performed prior to the release of the baseline RFP package will help manage the owners quantifiable risk
prior to involvement of the design-builder. The study will identify issues of concern and develop alternative solutions to
address those concerns.
A VE study held in conjunction with the design-builder after its selection will help in managing risk for both the owner
and the design-builder. A study at this point will reduce the possibility of future claims by the design-builder, since
there is an opportunity to clarify project issues and modify stipulations early on in the project. The design-builders
participation in the VE study will ensure a more even sharing of project risk with the owner.
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
4.0 Expectations
Study Deliverables
The typical VE study will provide the owner between 40 and 60 recommendations spanning various project categories
or disciplines, including:
Specialty Equipment
Project Scope
Design Criteria
Design Standards
Alternative Construction
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
Risk Allocation
Life-Cycle Cost
Construction Cost
Cost Savings/Avoidance
Various agencies have documented cost savings from their VE programs, wherein construction cost reductions of well
over 5% on the baseline project cost estimate are common. The return on investment (ROI), or the cost of the VE study/
cost savings, is related to the construction cost of a project,
since the cost of the VE study is relatively stable. A ROI of
Many VE recommendations will have cost
over 100:1 is documented by some owners.
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
not applicable
Study Cost:
$32.4 M
$1.9 M
$1.4 M
Baseline Estimate:
$78.7 B
$2.6 B
$18.2 B
Cost Reduction:
$4.1 B
$1.1 B
% Cost Reduction*:
Return on Investment
No. of Studies:
5.0 Summary
The VE process is pertinent to the evaluation of any project type by any owner (public or private) and the earlier a VE
study is performed, the greater the potential benefits. It has positive impact on a project when studies are performed
during design for a standard design-bid-build scenario, and even more so for a design-build delivery as the designbuilder becomes integral to the process.
VA LU E E N G I N E E R I N G ( V E ) I N D E S I G N - B U I L D : A VA LU E M A N AG E M E N T A P P R O AC H
In conclusion, implementing VE within the design-build process provides the following benefits:
Generate cost shared savings for both the owner and the design-builder.
Spurs innovation in construction, since the terms of the owners RFP may be re-evaluated or
Minimize risk to both the owner and the design-builder due to the consensus approach to the
Increase likelihood that the resulting project will satisfy owner and user needs.
DBIA thanks SAVE International for their contributions to this chapter. DBIA promotes the value of design-build project
delivery and teaches the effective integration of design and construction services to ensure success for owners and design
and construction practitioner.
SAVE International is the international society devoted to the advancement and promotion of the value methodology (also
called value engineering, value analysis or value management). Value methodology benefits include decreasing costs,
increasing profits and improving quality.