Performance Appraisal Words
Performance Appraisal Words
Performance Appraisal Words
In this file, you can ref useful information about performance appraisal words such as
performance appraisal words methods, performance appraisal words tips, performance appraisal
words forms, performance appraisal words phrases If you need more assistant for
performance appraisal words, please leave your comment at the end of file.
Other useful material for you:
The employee's name. When someone hears her own name, she reacts. She may turn,
jump, flinch, or smile, but she's not likely to ignore it, nor is she likely to ignore what
happens after her name is called. By saying your employee's name before providing her
with feedback, you're improving her readiness to listen carefully to your next words
and to act on them.
Build. The word build inherently assumes that something positive is going to be
designed, created, and brought to life. In this way, it sets off positive emotions as soon as
it's heard or seen.
Include build across the broad spectrum of employee performance for example, when
you're talking about building productivity, output, relationships, knowledge, skills,
strengths, teamwork, performance, and profits.
Can. By using the word can when appraising your employees, you're sending a subtle
message not only in terms of positive expectations but also in terms of your
confidence in the employees' abilities to perform successfully. The more your employees
hear what they can do, the more likely they are to do it.
Growth. Employees want to know whether and how they've been growing, and by
including the word growth in your comments, you provide them with an answer that is
clear, meaningful, and energizing and encourage them to repeat the behaviors that
have helped them grow.
Profit. By keeping profit in mind, any employee becomes far more likely to take small or
large steps to help the company be more successful.
Promotion. Every employee remembers his first promotion with pride, and simply
hearing the word promotion brings back at least a hint of those positive feelings. Plus,
promotions have long been found to be a strong source of employee motivation. The
result is that both of these factors contribute to the long-lasting positive emotional charge
associated with the word promotion.
Success. Although your feedback will still have its share of rates, ratios, and percentages,
including the word success wraps the data in a motivational package that gives your
employees a strong sense of recognition and personal competence.
Thanks. One powerful word that you can easily overlook is thanks. If you forget to use
the word thanks, you're losing a valuable and cost-effective opportunity to raise an
employee's spirits, morale, and sense of self-worth.
Yes. The word yes is particularly powerful because it plays a critical role in building
mutual understanding and agreement. You want your employees to listen to your
comments and act on them; the more they hear the word yes, the more likely they are to
do exactly that.
1. Essay Method
In this method the rater writes down the employee
description in detail within a number of broad categories
like, overall impression of performance, promoteability
of employee, existing capabilities and qualifications of
performing jobs, strengths and weaknesses and training
needs of the employee. Advantage It is extremely
useful in filing information gaps about the employees
that often occur in a better-structured checklist.
Disadvantages It its highly dependent upon the writing
skills of rater and most of them are not good writers.
They may get confused success depends on the memory
power of raters.
3. Rating Scale
4. Checklist method
Under this method, checklist of statements of traits of
employee in the form of Yes or No based questions is
prepared. Here the rater only does the reporting or
checking and HR department does the actual evaluation.
Advantages economy, ease of administration, limited
training required, standardization. Disadvantages Raters
biases, use of improper weighs by HR, does not allow
rater to give relative ratings
5.Ranking Method
The ranking system requires the rater to rank his
subordinates on overall performance. This consists in
simply putting a man in a rank order. Under this method,
the ranking of an employee in a work group is done
against that of another employee. The relative position of
each employee is tested in terms of his numerical rank. It
may also be done by ranking a person on his job
performance against another member of the competitive
Advantages of Ranking Method
Employees are ranked according to their
performance levels.
It is easier to rank the best and the worst
Limitations of Ranking Method
The whole man is compared with another
whole man in this method. In practice, it is very difficult
to compare individuals possessing various individual
This method speaks only of the position where an
employee stands in his group. It does not test anything
about how much better or how much worse an employee
is when compared to another employee.
When a large number of employees are working,
ranking of individuals become a difficult issue.
There is no systematic procedure for ranking
individuals in the organization. The ranking system does
not eliminate the possibility of snap judgements.