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LeMarquand - Africa and The Bible by Edwin Yamauchi

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Africa and the Bible by Edwin Yamauchi

Book Review
By Grant LeMarquand
Several writers have explored the exegetical significance of Africa and Africans in the Bible. The subject
has engaged African American scholars, especially Charles Copher, who has spent many years on this
subject (Black Biblical Studies. Chicago: Black Light, 1993). Scholars from Africa have also focused
attention on texts having to do with Africa, the most thorough being the Nigerian, David Adamo (Africa
and Africans in the Old Testament. Bethesda: International Scholars Publications, 1998). These scholars
demonstrate not only the importance of African places and persons within the biblical world and text, but
they also unearth a disturbing pattern within western scholarship of de-Africanizing the Bible in various
ways. The discovery of Africa within the Bible is perceived by African and African-American writers as an
encouragement (since Africans are seen as an important part of Gods story) and also as a challenge to
western interpretative hegemony.
Within this context the book Africa and the Bible by Edwin Yamauchi makes an important contribution.
Yamauchi is well known for his publications in the field of biblical archaeology and he now applies his
expertise to understanding the presence of Africa and Africans in the Bible. The chapters are selfcontained units, distinct essays on particular topics. The first four are new; the others have appeared
previously and have been revised for this book. Nevertheless, the book does have a sense of unity, for
the themes that run through the work enable the separate chapters to work together in a coherent way.
Yamauchis purpose is to examine texts which are either about Africa or which have been perceived to be
about Africa in such a way as to provide the reader with a description of the cultural, geographical, and
historical background of each particular text. So, for example, in order to understand Simon of Cyrene
(and others in the NT who are said to be from Cyrene), Yamauchi provides a description of ancient Libya,
its peoples, its history, and an account of archeological work carried out there. In this case, his conclusion
is that Simon, although African because his home was a part of northern Africa, was probably not black:
in the case of Cyrene, the city was a Greek colony; Simon was no doubt a member of the Jewish
community there. (186).
On the other hand, Yamauchi is aware of the legacy of Eurocentric interpretation that would read Africans
out of the text. In a lengthy chapter on Moses Cushite wife, he provides a detailed history of Cush and
its relations with Egypt during the OT period. This evidence leads him to conclude that there were many
Nubians in Egypt from as early as the Old Kingdom, that the intermarriage between Egyptians and
Nubians was common and we should not doubt the possibility of Moses marriage to a Cushite or Nubian
woman. (75). Archaeology, in other words, contradicts those scholars who would de-Africanize the
Cushite wife of Moses. The authors examination of the historical and cultural context of other biblical
Africans (Tirhakah, the Nubian Pharaoh, 2 Kings 19:9 and Is 37:9; Cushi, father of Zephaniah, Zeph 1:1;
Jehudi, Jer 36:13-14; Ebed-Melech, Jer 38; the Sudanese eunuch, Acts 8:26-40) is also illuminating.
Yamauchi also deals with two texts often associated with Africa, but which are probably not about Africa
at all. The first is the so-called curse of Ham. Yamauchi makes a strong case that the use of the curse on
Canaan in Genesis 9:25 to justify oppression, is a complete misreading of the text. Likewise, the story the
Queen of Sheba (in spite of Ethiopian tradition) was probably from southern Arabia. Yamauchi has,
however, included a worthwhile study of the ways in which that story has been appropriated in Ethiopia.
Yamauchi attempts to walk a middle road. He rejects a Eurocentric approach that reads Africans out of
the text or reads the text with racist intent. He also rejects certain Afrocentric readings that assume that all
Africans were black or that everything of value has its origin in Africa. His contribution cannot be ignored
by anyone who wants to take these texts seriously.
This review appeared in the Fall 2005 issue of the Anglican Theological Review.

The Rev. Dr. Grant LeMarquand is Academic Dean and Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and
Mission at Trinity. Dr. LeMarquand has written and edited numerous articles and books, including Why
Havent You Left? Letters from the Sudan and A Comparative Study of the Story of the Bleeding Woman
in North Atlantic and African Contexts. He is executive editor of Trinitys new theological journal, the
Trinity Journal for Theology & Ministry and international editor of Anglican and Episcopal History.

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