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Herget James Carol 1978 Haiti

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2713 Sheringham Road, Orlando, Florida, 32808.


January 26, 1978

Dear Christian Family,

U/e are writing to thank you for your loving care and gifts for
our missionary service*

lYIanyvtimes over the years we have said

thanks for those special "noiu" gifts.

But truly, at this great

turning point in our lives we see more reason to be grateful than

ever before#

So we say "thank" you and God bless you for standing

with us once again*

Seven boys are in Haiti with Shirley and one will go with us*


are thankful to have them as a very special part of our fflissionary


Uie plan to fly to Haiti on February 1st*

Our new home is

comfortable and the challenge for the future is exciting*


will receive our new magazine soon with a full account of our

Until then, please write us*



25 CHAfflPS de WARS


PLEASE Do not sand any mail to Jamaica*

will be forwarded to us in Haiti*
Orlando address*

Any mail already sent

Please send all gifts to our

Pray for us, and thanks again*

In Christian love,

Local address: Chrlstianville, Port au Prince, Haiti. P.O. Box


A Christian Quarterly
from tlie Caribbean

'Letthem give glory unto the Lord, and declare his praise in theislands"
Isaiah 42:12

With'the Compliments of


Head Office: 134 Tower Street, Kingston.



.Statue of Liberation: 'Le Negre Marron'with the President's residence in the baciiground.

More than 5 million people of which 83% live in rural areas populate the beau
tiful island of Haiti. The French speaking people with their patois of Creole are

even tempered, friendly, willing hearted and desperately poor. Haiti's climate and
geography are very similar to Jamaica. We will not be strange to the land.

Yet, Haiti is a much larger island than jamaica with a vast challenge to missionaries,
a challenge which has reached our hearts, a challenge that says from every hill and
vale, "we want you and we need you." The great desperate need for the physical
things of life are strongly accompanied by a deep desire for the Gospel. The needs
of children are overwhelming in medical areas caused mostly by mal-nutrition and
lack of care. Yet how can a mother 'care' when there isn't water to wash clothes?
Or money for medical assistance?

Beyond the comprehension of foreigners is the African cull of voodoo with its
mysterious rituals, symbols, music and dances which shares its entity with gambl
ing filling thefree time hours of the poor. The official state religion is Catholicism.
This is the island...the people, to whom we have pledged
our hearts and our love alongside of our beloved jamaica.

The Government of Haiti has given us a personal invitation to "come over into

Haiti and help us." The President has agreed to give us a large piece of land and
other amenities for farming and for the establishment of an orphanage and
medical clinic.


We have rented a house in Port au Prince and we plan to live there until we are
able to build on the property In the country. We expect to take our Ford Pick-up
truck with us and to leave our Landrover for the Home. Some of our boys will be
with us. And, we have been studying French and are rapidly increasing our vocab
ulary. It is easier to learn when there are several learning together.


Haitian House.

Haitian schoolglrl...her smile says 'welcome to Haiti'


Shirley A. Peace, LCDR, NC. USNR, RN, BSN,

CRNA, is Co-Worker with Jim and Carol Herget
and Mrs. Ada Walker for the CHRISTIANVILLE
Mission In Haiti.

V S h i r l e y did her Nurses Training in Buffalo, N.Y.,

earned her B.S. Degree at Boston University,


Mass, and earned her degree in Anesthesia at

George Washington Uhiversity, Washington, D.C.

and at the U.S. Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Va.
After being certified by the American Associat

ion of Nurse Anesthetests she spent twelve years in the U.S. Navy with the rank
of Lt. Commander,

Shirley, a member of the Englewood Christian Church, Jacksonville, Florida. Fred

Smith Jr. Minister, spent a month in Jamaica working in camp, 1977. It was then
that she dedicated her life to mission work and stated her desire to work with the

Hergets. She spent one term at Central Florida Bible College in Orlando and then
joined the Hergets in Jamaica to help prepare for the opening of their new work
in Haiti. Shirley comes recommended by her minister, Fred Smith, and that



For the past twenty-four years the Jamaica Christian Boys' Home has been reach
ing into the hearts and lives of needy young boys, bringing them up to know the
Lord as their Saviour and teaching them the Christian way of life. This Home hopes
to retain its identity as a Christian haven of hope to other boys of Jamaica. It is
operated by a Board of Directorswho are not only willing but capable of taking
this serious responsibility. Our Jamaican firms and friends have pledged support
for the Home and we are leaving rental property of our own personal ownership
for the Home's use. Other rental income on the Home property along with gifts

from the many business firms in Jamaica who have been supporting the Home for
many years, should amply support the Home. We plan to keep a close watch on
this support and to encourage it. The boys spiritual lives and education will be
carefully guarded as well as their health and happiness.


Meadowbrook church has been under our ministry for eleven years. Dur

ing this time two buildings have been constructed and five hundred peo
ple won to Christ. Special activities are far too many to be mentioned
but it all can be summed up and capped by the deepest expression of the
-heart, "Praise the Lord!"

Two men have been ordained to the ministry from the congregation, several young
people have gone out to Bible College and now the Lord has blessed us with a
young Jamaican minister and his wife to be supported by the congregation. Jim

resigned as of this month and is carefully watching over Bro Alvin Anderson, help
ing him to know the congregation and the responsibilities of his ministry. The
people already love their new young minister and his wife.

The work of the organist and choir director has now fallen to a capable Jamaican,
Sister Williams, as Carol resigned her work. Faith Brandon, our 'adopted daugh
ter', member of Meadowbrook and graduate of Johnson Bible College, is Youth
Director and Treasurer of the church. We are proud of her and her dedicated life.
So let us praise the Lord together in this fruitful ministry and also continue to
keep the church in our prayers.

Jim ministered to the Memorial Chapel church for eleven years and it has been a
flourishing ministry under Jamaican leadership for many years now. Isn't it
strangely wonderful that the Meadowbrook ministry has also been eleven years
in length and a great blessing to the Lord?



The 'Christian Childrens' Clinic^ was

For twenty years our Christian Day

School was meeting educational needs
of children in Kingston and our last
year of operation, 1976, was our
crowning year. However, we closed
due to problems of keeping qualified
teachers and meeting their salaries.

operated for fifteen years and regist

ered over 10,000 children. The Lord
blessed this ministry that was coupled
with Bible classes for the children. It

closed a year and a half ago when our

volunteer Nurse left Jamaica with her
husband and family. We attempted
re-opening the clinic when another

The Government Schools have improved

to such an extent that parents are more

Christian Nurse volunteered her ser

and more inclined to enter their children

vices, but were informed that Jamaican

laws now prohibit any private medi
cal clinics being operated unless a lic

there rather than where heavy fees are

to be paid. Also, Government has plans

for supporting all of the Jamaican sch

ensed doctor attends at all times and

ools with the hope of making education

makes all decisions concerning the

childrens' health. Doctors In Jamaica
are all over-worked since there is a

compulsary in every parish of the island.

This is growth. We are proud of Jamaica
in its grown up way of life for every
Jamaican now feels his need for indepen
dence and for running his business and
caring for his 'own'.

great shortage, even in spite of the

fact that many Cuban doctors have

been helping to fill the gaps. Thus,

our clinic has not been re-opened.

Joy and sadness are always partners in

growth...with our children as they grow
and marry and leave, and also with one's
work when the days of hard labour are
over and you know the time has come
for the young capable workers to fill

tjr *; V- vs


the seats of leadership. It is hard to

leave Sun Mountain but we leave a be

autiful camp site with five permanent

completed buildings and a sixth remodled house.

Orange and banana trees are in product

ion, and the land is in fair farming con
dition which should be a financial help
to the upkeep of the grounds.
A camp committee will soon be organ
ized for the continuation of this work.

And again we praise the Lord for the

wonderful years of service we have had
there. Let us pray that the Lord will
protect and guide this work for His

Youth for Christ is on the march here!

Each one help one

The humanitarian principle of rendering assistance to the less for
tunate, we believe, is a highly commendable one and we heartily applaud
the many organizations in Jamaica which carry out such projects. We.
ourselves, encourage members of our group of companiesto involve them
selves in assisting these organizations in any way they can and our
companies contribute financially from time to time to many worthwhile

projects and fund-raising schemes which are carried out by these


We believe that a philosophy of life which admits of the inter

dependence of people and the need to meaningfully contribute to each

other, can only benefit the society as a whole.



We wonder what it takes - to convincingly convey "thank you" for the endless
love and faithfulness you have shown throughout these 27 years. Some of you
have been our ardent supporters since 1948. We thank God for all who have made
the work possible. The seed has been sown...God will give the increase. Let us
trust Him.

Jamaica Evangel
A well earned "thank you" goes to Bro Vic Raid for the excellent work he has
done with the Jamaica Evangel since Christmas 1968. Our magazine will con
tinue under the name THE EVANGEL and will carry news of CHRISTIANVILLE

Haiti, and the Jamaica work, and will be a continuation of reporting the work of
the Hergets and co-workers; Mrs. Ada Walker and Miss Shirley Peace.

Mrs. Ada Walker went on leave from Jamaica in

September, 1977 and plans to join the CHRISTIANVILLE family in Haiti. All who know her are
amazed at her strength and ability at the age of

80. We pray that God will grant her time yet to

useful and productive for His church. She


should be at home in Haiti by the end of January.

Jamaica Work



Faith has been akeen help and we hope will be

able to continue her work with the Home for a

i .


Faith Brandon, has been a real part of the Home

family in Jamaica since her early childhood. She
became a Christian when only ten and remained
faithful to the Lord. After teaching Sunday School at Meadowbrook for a few years, she attended
Johnson Bible College and graduated in May 1977.
She then returned to work part time for the Home.

long time. We are proud of our'daughter'in the

faith. She has done well.

The Jamaican Christian Boys' Home

Jim and Carol Herget will remain on the Board of Directors of the Jamaican Chris
tian Boys' Home and plan to return to Jamaica occasionally to assist with local
support of the Home. This would probably be at the latter part of the year. A com
plete financial report will be forthcoming and available and the books will con
tinue to be audited for the Home. The Bord of Directors (members of the Church
es of Christ) will continue to function for the Home as well as a Management
Advisory Committee.

Man to man. The exchange of love - and it's

...but not for long, Christopher is waiting

Denver's time...

with that'see me'iook.



In recent months four of our boys have returned to their parents who are now able

to take care of them. Although sad at parting with thesechildren we are glad when
families can be reunited and when poverty can be overcome.

Six of the youngest boys will remain in the Home under the tendercareof Nurse
Peterson who begins her fourth year with us. Eight boys will live in Haiti with us.
We have been their parents since babyhood and these boys would be the most aff

ected by change of parents, and also, their home situation is the least likely to



Remember us in Prayer. This is our greatest need. We know our early days in the
work will not be easy but the Lord is able to keep us and give us joy. He is the
same Heavenly Father who opened the gates of this Jamaican Home in 1955 with

so many answeres to prayer that we were staggered with His goodness. We do not
go alone to Haiti. He will go with us.

'Wow unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or
think." Ephesians 3:20

With the Compliments



155 King Street, Kingston. Telephone: 929-5400

With the Compliments




Head Office - 116 Tower Street, Kingston, Jamaica, W.I.

Branch Office 6a Half Way Tree Road, Kingston 5,
Phone; 922-5840 & 936-4744



We appreciate the personal gifts that made shipping and plane fares possible for
ourfamily move. However, we begin from 'scratch' now and will need funds first
for rent of our home ($400.00 per month),utilities, schooling for our 8 boys

($300.00 per month) and our general fund for building. Our first project will be
to build our home on the new property. We will be eager to share with you a
step by step account of our progress.

Please send all funds to our forwarding agents, the Wheelers, in Orlando, Florida.
CHRISTIANVILLE, 2713 Sheringham Road, Orlando, Florida 32808.
We are thankful for the many years of faithful loving service that Don and Julia
Wheeler have given us.

"Formy God shall supply allyourneedaccording to His riches inglory by Christ

Jesus." Philllppians 4:19


Summer school with advanced extra

studies kept Tony from coming home


for the first summer since he entered

One of the five weddings that Jim per

Johnson Bible College nearly five years

ago. He came home for Christmas. It

formed in December (he is Senior Marr

iageOfficer for our Kingston churches)

was a time of joy for all his 'brothers'

was for our little Darren's mother. It

And for him to renew his friendships

was held in our Home - a beautiful sett

and have deep important talks with

Mom and Dad. When he graduates in
June of this year from the University of
Tennessee he plans to spend his first
internship with Civil Engineering in
Haiti with us. He hopes to be of help as

ing with the Christmas decorations and

a lovely dinner party. It has always been
our custom to open our Home for wed
dings thus encouraging the divine order
for marriage and the Christian Home.

we establish our work there.

"For we are labourers together with God.

1 Corinthians 3:9


The Jamaica Christian Boys' Home has gathered to itself a great following of the
finest kind of friends. They range from very personal friends who have loved us
and stood by us in sickness and in health and in every need, to friends in Business
firms who have poured all manner of food and equipment into this project, to
friends in Government and in the Jamaica Defence Force. We could never begin to

say goodbye to each and every one. In fact, it is not goodbye, but just 'so long
now' for a little while, and thanks from the bottom of our hearts for all you have
done. Stand by now - and help hold the Life-Line that the Home may go on to
greater heights.

'We thank our God upon every rememberance ofyou." PhiHippians 1:3


"Let no man despise thy youth...but be thou an example."

1Timothy 5:12


Danny is five years old. That means he

had to leave Nursery School and go out
to school with the big boys. His excite
ment made him very quiet. In the morn
ing Nursle put on his big-boy uniform
for the first time, polished his shoes,
combed his hair and gave him his bag
with a notebook and pencil. Oh yes,
there was a pencil sharpener in there too.
Just like the big boys all the way. After
line-up and prayers Mommy led the
little group through the gate holding
Danny's hand very tight. Carefully we
made our way along the busy road, on
and on until we reached the school near

he picked one himself. Nursie has to be

careful that the other boys aren't jealous
of Danny for he is often Nursie's pet.
Yes, you would love Danny too.

ly a half mile away. All the way Danny

was quiet. When we reached the school
Danny's little face showed that he was
trying very hard to be brave, but inside
Danny was all mixed bp. He liked being
a big boy but he also liked to keep hold
of Mommy's hand. It was all over in a


moment. The teacher hurried him away

to his classroom and his new life began.

that means a lovely talk with Jesus to

thank Him for the day's joys and to ask
Him to forgive our wrong doings. It is
also a time to say thank you for our fri
ends in America and Jamaica who help
our Home and help us in our many needs.

Danny should do well in school and he

will be nicely cared for in his Home at
Oxford Road. Nursie loves Danny very

much and a few weeks ago took him to

her home in the country for a few days.
He enjoyed it very much and behaved
himself like a dear little angel. When he
came home he brought fruits for Mom
and Daddy and with a proud smile said

It is evening time in our Home. And

when the hour gets close to bed time
the boys begin to gather in the living
room with books for story time. Very
often Daddy lets the boys do the read

ing, after which it is time for prayers and

We love you all and think of you and

thank God for you when the boys are

jumping into bed. Their strong bodies
say that you have cared for them and we
are thankful.

Frankie and Derrick went to visit the

home of their birth, way back in the mo

untains about 150 miles from Kingston
where we live. They went to see their
real mothers and to spend a little time
before going to live in Haiti. All went
well for a little while, but then home
sickness set in. When it was time to re

turn we found that Frankie just the day

before had gone on a hunger strike. He
said he would not eat until he saw his

Mommy and Daddy. No amount of co

axing could get Frankie to take a morsel
of food. So we are glad that he is back
with us now and that he can live with us

It was an exciting day for Robert and

Darren who were to be the first to travel

to the land of their new home. There was

packing and goodbyes and then their first

plane ride. In Haiti with Aunt Shirley
all went well. Of course everybody slept
on the floor until the furniture arrived.

until he grows up. He is 12 years old and We will live in the city of Port au Prince
a fine little man. Derrick and Frankie
will have lots of stories to tell the other

for a while until we can build our home

boys when they all get together in Haiti.

That should be a great day for all of us.

dren of Haiti. Please pray for us as we

and a place where we can help little chil

go to our new mission field.


Faith Brandon is the youth leader at Meadowbrook now. At Christmas she and her
group of teenagers put on a lovely play. Our teenage boys were in the play and
did very well.Also at Christmas our boys had their Annual Christmas Candlelight
Programme. It is always a time of joy to singand tell the sweet story of Jesus in
the beautiful candlelit church building at Meadowbrook. We wish you could all
have been there. But we know that you had a joyful Christmas too.

Next month we hope to have news of our new home in Haiti. If you would like to

hear from us, please write asking for the CHRISTIANVILLE JUNIOR, a new pa
per. Please remember to pray for us and our boys.

lAJitfi lite Compiimentd








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^^iTi r

Dear Family in Christ,

How very precious the Lord has been to us this month.

It is hard to believe that

we are really In Haiti and settled In our home with our eight Jamaican boys. They
are truly happy and so are we! It is like starting life all over again and we

are refreshed and excited as day by day the Lord opens doors for us. You would
be amazed at the rapid pace we are getting things done while others tell of
months and even years of waiting for the same things. No one but the Lord Him
self could open such doors. Shirley wrote this verse and left It on our desk:

"Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh;

is anything too difficult for me?

Nothing is too difficult for Him,

Jeremiah 32:27

On every hand we find people who want to help

us. The Park Hotel has been very gracious to allow us to have our mall delivered
there while we await our postal box. Friends in Jamaica have written letters of
Introduction, spolen of us personally to associates and sent us to Doctors and Den


We are very thankful for these many Jamaican friends who want to help us.

Wayne accompanied us as we left for Haiti. There was no time to go to bed that
last night - It was a "massive** departure with dozens of little things to complete.
Our Board of Directors worked closely to us right up to the time of our leaving
and said their goodbyes In a beautiful circle of prayers* There were lovely gifts
from friends and Meadowbrook church as well as continual phone calls. I won't tell
of the sadness but you can well know there was a share of that, especially from the
Home workers. Our secretary Gloria Ebanks had said that she simply could not come
to work the day we left but In the end she stood by bravely and was a tremendous
help. We have had a blessed service together for seven years,
Shirley welcomed us to Haiti. A thankful faithful girl who had done a great job
In receiving everyone as they left Jamaica three by three, as well as all the lug
gage and furniture. The house was settled and Cookie had a good dinner ready. It
was joy unspeakable to be settled once again. The boys enjoy school and their new
life and "Grandma" is with us again after a brief illness In the States.
We are beginning our new work. Jim holds services In our home for English speaking
people and It shows promise with the good start of l^ In our family. Our beautiful
land has nov; been given to us by the government and we have drawn up plans for our
house. There is enough land for an orphanage, school, medical center and a farm
and we are hoping to begin Immediately.


of Living Water

/While still in Jamaica we knew that our first job would be to drill for a well of
good water. This would cps.t
Last week we began arrangements for this.
But yesterday we made a thorou^ search of our land...and LO! Bubbling up from
the heart of the earth was a beautiful fresh water spring. Crisp greens and tiny

flowers covered the green pool which overflowed down through the property.


could only bow in deep gratitude to such a wonderful Heavenly Father who sees and
knows the needs of His children.

How thankful we are!

Surely this is the place the Lord hath chosen

for ChrlstlanviIle.

and we look forward to bringing a message of hope to precious souls for whom the

Jesus died.

Our needs are heavy...building costs are before us. But agaln..,ls anything too hard for God? Thank you for your many"

letters of encouragement In the time of our great need.


greatest tests of our faith since we left the U.S, In

19^9 was to leave the land of our love, Jamaica, But
we are thankful for our understanding friends. We
need your prayers more than ever as we turn to
this land of great need.
Christian love


to all ^



' '

' 1!" "e t



Blessings of March, I978


P.O. Box V/-90

Port au Prince, Haiti

Dear Christian Friends,


is our refuge and strength.

emphasisWhatis comfort
made by this!
one Ir
or only '"'"T''
refuge and strength.

that God is our

Truly we have found strength as we have gone to Him over and over during

^o: L^Lf^Lled!



Several of you have asked about our plans for our mission to Haiti. We

have spent much time in seeking guidance from the Lord and from new friends

who know their country well. From this we have gleaned enough to assure us
that our tirst plans were reasonable.

They are:

1. To establish our own home with our missionary family including our
eight Jamaican boys. This means to buiid a house on the property
so generously given to us by our Haitian President, Son Exellence

Jean Claude Duvalier.


To establish a medical clinic for the needy. Our co~worker,

Shirley Peace, C.R.K.A., hopes to begin this work just as soon as
we can get a "roof" over her head. Our complete goal however, Is
to build a comfortable convenient medical center.


To establish an orphanage beginning with babies and children up to

the age of three.

This would include building a separate unit we

could be proud to house our little ones in.


To establish a school for the underpriviledged including both the

children in the Home and the cHildren in fle&Fby-v^llages?-- A freelunch is to be provided for the needy ones. Good Haitian Christian
teachers are readily available.


To farm and raise foods for the project.


On the 25th day of March we began trucking fence posts to mark our
various corners of the property. V^e planted some 100 banana trees as well.
Our whole family is involved - all but "Cookie" and Grandma had their hands

In the earth but they did their part in providing a good lunch.
Language study continues strong in our home and It Is now a joy to be
able to read a few signs and carry on a bit of conversation.

One of our

needs Is to employ a French teacher and this we pray to be able to do soon.

We have received your gift from our Forwarding Agents, the Wheelers,
and are most grateful to you. In fact, we are encouraged by the amount
of love and encouragement we have had through letters and gifts from our
friends. Each letter has been a blessing. We needed this so much these
first few months and are deeply grateful. How true it Is that we have come
to Haiti "together" and that you are a real part of our mission here. A
most necessary and blessed part.

So thank you for coming with us.

And please pray that we will be able

to make a real contribution to the Kingdom of God and God's children here.

*/e all join in sending our love to you.

Yours faithfully serving.

Jim and Carol Herget

P.O. Box W^90

Port au Princa^ BcdM


APRIL 1978

Dear Friends,

it was the first outreach to the peasants at ChrlstianvIUe, the first

promise of friendship, of love, of compassion. And even though our

language still stands as a barrier there was something that could
reach out beyone the barrier. It was the warmth of Christian love. We

shared our Dedication Day with them - the pledge of our hearts and love
and the promise of the Gospel message.

Two sticks of sugar-cane made the crude cross that stood on the Chapel
site. We gathered 'round It while we prayed God's blessing for the

future church. But there were other dedications also...the Clinic site

where we bowed our heads while children gathered with us " naked, needy

precious little souls. And there was the Childrens' Home site where we
held babies In our arms to ask God*s blessing on them and on this future

ha^en of love. Finally there was the school site where we hope to teach
children to read and to understand the Word of God.

Don and Julia Wheeler came from Orlando, Fla. They have been our for
warding agents for fifteen years now and we were thrilled to have them

share the Dedication with us. Less and Bess Lumsden of Elizabethton,
A J^n.
who winter In Port Charlotte, Fla. came to visit in April too.
Both returned eager to be helpful toward ChrlstianvlIle's future.

Thank you for your gift that shows you have extended your hand to Haiti
along with ours. Never before have we had such a tremendous challenge

^^_an_tbo Lord keeps right on blessing. Our tool and cement house Is com

pleted and the fence work has begun. Regular work days are common now
and we enjoy them. But we need shelter from the broiling sun. Hope
fully we will soon get something over our heads. Once again we send our
loving thanks. Please keep us ever In your prayers. All things are


Your faithful servants,

Jim and Carol Herget


Christian Quarterly
NO. 2

"Let them give glory unto the Lord,

and declare his praise in the islands" {Isaiah 42:12)




Christianville P.O. Box W-90


Mrand Mrs James Herget, Managing Directors

Mr Robert C. Shannon, Largo, Florida U.S.A.

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Mr Fred W. Smith Jr., Jacksonville, Florida U.S.A.

Mr Donald Wheeler, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.

Mr A. A. Herget-Bagwandat, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Miss Shirley Peace, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Missionaries and Sponsoring churches:

James Herget, First Christian Church, College Park, Ga.

Carol Herget, First Christian Church, Largo, Fla.
Shirley Peace, Englewood Christian Church,
Jacksonville, Fla.

First Christian Church, Winter Park, Fla.

Ada Walker, Retired Volunteer of Hialeah

Christian Church, Fla.

Architect and Engineer
Mr Rolf Tippenhauer, Port-au-Prince, Haiti


Mr Jean Claude N. Leger, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Editor The Evangel Mrs Carol Herget

Miss Anita Rapien


In Memory of Herb Swearingen

beloved Minister of the Gospel to Christian Churches, retired and residing at

Crawfordsville who wentto his reward. Brother Herb had a very deep love forour
boys and their physical needs. He had offered his volunteer services to raising
support for them when he fell ill. His memorial Fund will be a great joy to them.
Irj Memory of Don MacNees

beloved member of the Perry Christian Church, Canton. Ohio, who passed to
his reward. Brother Don was not only an active worker at Perry Church but was a
blessing to our work and our children through the years. His Memorial Fund
should live to bless the children of Christianville.

In Memory of Esther Criland

beloved member and Sunday School teacher of Cornland Christian Church,

Cornland, Illinois. The Memorial Fund for Sister Esther will continue to bless

the children she so loved and helped through the years.

We thank God upon every remembrance of these His children.

(Announcement of the Memorials will be made)


The challenge that faced us on February 1st is quickly changing to the reality of
accomplishment. True to his promise, the President of Haiti, Son Excellence M.

Jean Claude Duvalier, has given us a beautiful piece of land, some 24 a_cres, a
duty-free franchise and many other favors. A most recent blessing was a letter
sent to the militia of the Christianville area asking them to protect our land

and our family and to assist us in any way possible. Business people have given
excellent discounts as well as free will gifts. Our legal work involving the
establishment of the Christianville Foundation is being done without charge. A
donation of twenty cows has been offered by Heifer Project Inc.

We are discovering a beautiful island and a beautiful people. The kind help
already shown is outstanding and we face the tremendous challenge of this
work with deep humility. In just these first nine weeks we have settled our boys
in school, seen our land acquired and surveyed and our fence and farm, both
started. We have built shed for building supplies and have drawn blueprints for
the Clinic. Children's Home and our own home. We plan to work on all three
simultaneously if funds are designated. Already we have a reasonable amount
to begin the home for our missionary family pictured above.

We had begun a search for a firm to drill for water on our property which was to
cost some $3000.000. The next day we were on the property when we heard the
boys shout for us. A few moments later we were kneeling in thanksgiving at the

side of a Ij^utiful bubbling^sprjng producing pure water for our future projects,
(see front cover) Let us praise the Lord whilehand in hand we discover more of
this most challenging field of labor. We need you - your prayers and your
support. We need this togetherness.


^James and Carol Herget

born, educated and mar





later attended the Atlan

ta Christian College, At
lanta, Ga. together earn

ing their B.A. degrees.

From there they took up


residence m Jamaica W.

I,, where they spent 27

years building a Home

~* *

* '

'I # -,




a grade school, a medi








and for a few years operated a printing industry on the Home presises. They

moved to Haiti in ^[anuary 1978 leaving behind a capable Board of Directors and
a stable Jamaican income to support the work they had established. They have

remained managing directors of that work for an indefinite period. In Haiti they
have received the blessing of the President Son Excellence M. Jean Claude
Duvalier and work has now begun toward a similar project to the Jamaican

work. They are proud of their Jamaican Board and the excellent job they are
doing in their own country with their own resources. This is a real proof of this
young nation's ability to be independent and we pray God's continual blessing
on them.

_^irley A. Peace,





Missionary Co-Worker with Jim and Carol Herget


Shirley's degrees and her her twelve years in the

U.S. Navy with rank of Lt. Commander will serve
her well as she begins her work of establishing
the Medical Clinic at Christianville.


plans are drawn which include a dental wing, a

lab and a minor surgery. It is hoped that the work

will progress into a small hospital as we try to
meet the needs of the people in our area.

Don and Julia Wheeler, our.forward-

,:J_na agents spent nine days with us

in April. It was a great visit. They
were deeply impresed with our work
in Haiti and pledged themselves
anew to their task of being our coworkers. This year marks their
lifteenth anniversary of being our
forwarding agents and we do thank
God for their faithful help. Now they
have renewed vigor in helping us to
build for Christ here. They are
especially thrilled with all that the
Government is doing to assist us
and have returned to carry the good
news to you. They are available for
speaking engagements in Florida.

Compassion's Ed Kimball visited our

Jamaica family in Haiti during March
and we were all thrilled to have him.

Compassion Inc. has been support

ing our boys on a monthly basis for
many years having chosen our Home
in Jamaica to be a part of their
world-wide family. Compassion
finds sponsors for kids in homes






Christian family life and sends a

monthly gift toward their support.

They also send an annual gift of
school clothing. When we had a fire
at home in Jamaica Compassion
sent $1000.00 toward rebuilding.
Again they have proved their love for
God's children by pledging support
for the children we plan to help here.
We praise the lord for this.

Anita's love for babies and tiny tots

is outstanding. She did an excellent

job in Jamaica re-building a Govern
ment children's home and in serving
as a Home Superintendent. But
Anita lost her work-permit in Jamai

ca's struggle for becoming complety

independent, and followed us to
Haiti. She quickly attached herself
to the family and is now hard at work
helping Christianville. Her role often
finds her at the property working

with building plans or generally

assisting. But her aim is to eventual
ly supervize the Christianville Child
ren's Home.


"Auntie" is our Jamaican^ cook who

followed us to Haiti. Mrs Morgan is a
beautiful Christian and one who has a

decided advantage in the kitchen. She

keeps us well and happy and is a real
part of our family life.



HI &




affair - a day of prayer and dedication as we stood on the

our hopes and dreams for Christianviile. The Chapel will
5l message in word and praise and song. But the Clinic,
3 and School will be the Gospel of Christ in action. We are
- to give the best that we have. This was our prayer of

Guests of the Christian

ville family on Dedica

tion Day were Mrs Betty
Snyder associated with
Grace Children's Hospi
tal, Mr Paul Michelet,
Superintendent of Cookson



Home, and our Forward

ing Agents, Don and
Julia Wheeler from


lando, Fla. and Mr Sam

Sch Iu r (no/ pictured).



Funds for Building

Equipment for the Clinic:

(all ffVtVSffl


Dental Chair

Examining Table










Washing Machine

Sunday School Classes


Mission Groups



all who will work, pray,

sacrifice and send
so that


may be a reality by

Desks and Chairs



First things first. Our land supervisor has

completed his job pointing out the corners to
Daddy Herget, the boys and friend Gerry
Moise. Gerry has been a great help in our
orientation in Port-au-Prince.

Then the stakes go down. Hey, they look


pretty happy about the whole thing!

Coming downstairs very early one
morning. Mommy heard the sound of
voices in the boys' bedroom. Quietly
opening thedoorshe looked in and saw
all six of the younger set already
dressed and sitting around on the beds
together studying their Bibles. They
have received new Bibles for Easter and

were enjoying the study together.

Mommy slipped away quietly for her


camera, snapped the picture without

their realizing she had done so.






kitchen told Mommy that they were up

early like that every morning since they
liad received their new Bibles. We know

(hat in time their Bible study will be a

great blessing to them. Remember what
David said? <Thy Word have I hid in my
heart that I might not sin against Thee.


Our boys are very happy in Haiti and they are

learning to understand a new language as well as

new friends. School life is somewhat different

and church time as well. But no matter how

happy one is, there is always a special joy In
getting a letter from home in Jamaica. Here is i



Wayne deeply busy with his letter while the other i; " _
boys stand close by for bits of news they hope he

will give them. Some of ourfriends from Jamaica


have already visited us here in Haiti and others

have promised to come.
Mommy and Daddy also get letters from Jamaica and the best ones are from the
boys at the Home there. Each little fellow writes and each little fellow expresses
his love for the ones who have gone to Haiti. They are doing well in school and are
all trying their best to be the most well behaved in the Home. Last month we sent
new shoes to each little guy. They are all healthy and happy with Sup't Aunt
Fannie>> and Nursie Peterson.


There is a lot of fun at No. 1 Fontamara where the Christianviile family now lives.
And there are a lot of chores-chores for Mom and Dad and some for the boys too.
Keeping up with clothes for 8 boys and 6 adults is a big job. And you know that
boys will be boys! Here Aunt Shirley catches up with Darren who has worn his

socks too long without washing them. You can well guess that Aunt Shirley sent
him to the washlub to scrub them when she found them.


l am more than delighted to know you are moving to Haiti. I am coming to Haiti
and will certainly want to see you immediately upon arrival." Reggie Thomas,
Revival Fires.

l am sure you will have a very beneficial impact on a people who need you very
much. Hugh & Mildred Thomas, Lake, Miss.

lt was good to hear from you and to learn that such good progress is being made
in the establishing of your new ministry...we are grateful for the goodwill of the
Haitian government..." David Eubanks, Pres. Johnson Bible College.
Just a note to let you know that this week has been designated as a special prayer
week for the Hergets and Christianville. Betty {Mrs Elvin Gray) Brownstown, Ind.

The man you already found is part of the program that I wanted you to get into!
Wonderful! Bob Shannon, Largo, Fla. {This Grow-Box farming is bringing life and
hope to this hungry nation: In fact, our Grow Box is doing well in our back yard).
These are only few of the many encouraging letters you have sent. We are deeply
grateful for all. We invite our supporting friends to visit us in Haiti. Those who have
already come are:

Dr J. Eisenbud, Mrs Betty Hamilton, Ian and Nan Sturdy, Mr and Mrs Reggie

Thomas, Ed Kimball, Less &Bess Lumsden, Ralph Gorman &Lawrence Hallp^

(Cookson Hills), and Don and Julia Wheeler.

l am thrilled you are willing to leave your life's work to answer the Spiritual needs
of the Haitian people. I know what type of courage it takes to go in and stay... we

will uphold you in our prayers." Joe Garman, American Rehabilitation Ministry.


Reports for the first three months concerning the Jamaica Christian Boys' Home
show God's blessing. The children have been well, they have gotten along nicely at
school and the financial report is good. The work in Jamaica is sufficiently
supported in Jamaica by free will Jamaican gifts and by rental properties both at
the Home and also those left by the Hergets. James and Carol Herget remain at the

present time as Managing Directors and plan to return before the end of the year for
a visit or at any time of urgent need. A Jamaican Board of Directors is doing an
excellent job. We are particularly grateful to the Jamaican firms and friends who
have so graciously supported the Home through the years and who now have
strengthened their giving and interest. May the Lord bless this work of His.

This was cne of twenty homes located on the Christianville lands. The families

have now been relocated to adjacent lands. These are the people who stand first in
line for the benefits of Christianville. There is hope for these precious people. The
answer comes in a word: SHARING>k Oh, we who have so much., can we not

reach out with a helping hand? How can we tell them of Jesus unless we are willing
to show them through a ministering message? Let us not just preach... let us live
the Christ message!


With the Compliments




Security Efficiency Continuity


God' blessings on May I978

Chrlstianville, P.O. Box W-90
Port au Prince, Haiti

Dear Fellow-laborers,


our hearts has run over and has

our missionandtowethose
need thanl<fu)
us in Haiti.
month of
has been astrength
month ofofbeginnings
are who
so very
to ourThe

and to you through whom He has worked In our behalf.

We have begun our house.

Our engineer Is drawing plans and ordering supplies.

We have begun our fence.

Men are pouring forms for cement posts today.

We have begun our cUnic

Not the buiIdlng.,.but the ministering to the sick and

suffering little ones at Chrlstianville. Shirley Is

surrounded with them each time we go to the property.
She needs the clinic building urgently.

We have begun language study. Our teacher comes to the house three evenings a
week and we are making good progress with French.

The new EVANGEL Is at the printers at a generous 50^ discount. You will enjoy
the pictures...and the message of God's goodness.


Our building needs are urgent. The first of this is the need for $1500.00
for_our fence. Please pray about this with us, --Ouj^lncome-4s--ivlce+y
taking care of our 8 boys, their schooling, rental of our house and food.

But our funds must Increase If we are to build.

We have established our Board of Directors for the CHRISTIANVILLE FOUNDATION

and we present them to you asking your prayerful interest In them:

Mr and Mrs James Herget, Co-Managing Directors

Mr Robert C. Shannon, Minister First Christian Church, Largo, Fla,

Mr Fred W. Smith Jr., Minister Englev/ood Christian Church, Jacksonville, Fla.

Mr Donald Wheeler, Elder, Pine Hills Christian Church, Orlando, Fla,
Mr. A.A. Herget-Bagwandat, Port au Prince, Haiti.
Miss Shirley Peace, Port au Prince, Haiti.

Please continue to send all checks to Orlando and make them payable to Chrlstian
ville. Our Jamaican boys are truly benefltting from good family life here in
Haiti which Includes dally Bible study and prayers. We are striving to maintain a
deep Spiri tual atmosphere In our home as we look to God for guidance.

Thank you for helping..for sharing with the lessfortunate. And for sending the
Gospel to anotf>er small corner of God's world.

In Christian love to all.






U.' I.




A Christian Quarterly
from the Caribbean

VOL 24

NO. 3

"Let them give glory unto the Lord,

and declare his praise in the islar)ds {Isaiah 42:12)



~-->^^Mrand Mrs James'-^r^t^anaging Directors

Mr Robert C. Stiannon, llargo, Fla. U.S.A.
Mr Fred W. Smith Jr, Jacl<sonville. Fla. U.S.A.
Mr Donald Wheeler, Orlando, Fla. U.S.A.
Mr A.A. Herget-Bagwandat. Haiti
Miss Shirley Peace, Haiti.

Missionaries and jpojigfiiii^Churches:

James Herget, First Christian Church, College Park, Ga.

Carol Herget, First Christian Church, Largo, Fla.
Shirley Peace, Englewood Christian Church,
Jacksonville, Fla.
First Christian Church, Winter Park, Fla.
Ada Walker, Retired Volunteer

Forwarding Agents

Mr and Mrs Don Wheeler

2713Sheringham Rd.
Orlando, Fla. 32808


MrC.E. Shepard, 630 Knollwood St.,

Winston Salem, N.C. 27103

Architect and Engineer

Mr Rolf Tippenhauer, Port-au-Prince, Haiti


Mr Jean Claude N. Leger, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Editor The Evangel Mrs Carol Herget

Mail to Haiti
Local Address

1 Fontamara, Port-au-Prince, Haiti Telephone: 2-2259

P.O. Box W-90, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

C.E. Shepard and his wife Grace, retired from full time ministry recently.
However, they visited with us in June and became very enthusiastic about the
great challenge of Christianville. They returned home and prayed about working
part time in the interest of this mission. They are eager to visit your
congregation and present the work, or are available for Faith Promise Rallies.
Please contact him (address above) or us for an appointment.

In memory of Mrs. Kirsien Krjudson

beloved Mother of Mrs Harriet Lorentzen of Boca Raton, Florida. This gift

represents a portion of the will of Kirsten Knudson who in the later years of her
life was interested in our Caribbean family. Her life will continue to be a

blessing to these children as we use this money toward the building of our
Mission Home. May God bless her memory.



Suzanne Pohto, Teen Missions' Leader

The concrete fence posts were piled in neat heaps at the top of our small hill at
Christianville. They were heavy. Two men could scarcely carry one of them to
the fence line. But Jim and our boys accepted the challenge and began the job.
At night they came home with the score..sometimes it was 12 posts,
sometimes 10. After a week passed we answered a strange telegram and met a
young woman at the airport who was backed 26 strong by a team of husky
young Americans. Miss Photo said the group had come for six weeks but plans
for four weeks had fallen out - they were available if we needed them. Needed
them? Oh, praise the Lord for His watchful loving care! The four weeks flew by
and now that it is all over we stand amazed at our fence line of over 1000 posts
all neatly laid into two foot holes of concrete. And they are complete with
barbed wire.


This verse from Hebrews in God's Holy Word becomes more meaningful as the
days and weeks go by. The fifty posts that Jim and the boys put down were
nearest to the pile and we faced the reality of the tremendous task ahead. A
stronger faith was needed...and we sought it. This is the way God answers
prayer...the way He "removes mountains."

Fence Posts were not all. The "Teen Missions" team cleared land and esta
blished 14 Grow-Boxes for vegetables made with 60 cement blocks in each and

filled with cane trash. After building the boxes, (a tremendous job) they fenced
the 80 foot square area and dug a ground tank for watering. Finally they planted
the Boxes. Carpentry, masonry and many other jobs filled in every spare hour of
the Team's contribution at Christianville. (See the pictures following.)


Proposed Buildings:
1. Mission Home

2. Children's Home
3. School

4. Community Industry
5. Medical Clinic

6. Chapel
7. Football Field

9. Spring
10. Animal Pens



Sited on top of the only hill on hundreds of acres of farmlands, looking out on
the north to the Blue Caribbean and on the south to a range of beautiful

mountains, Christianville's Mission Home is making good progress.

Foundations are broadly based with stone and walls are beginning to appear
above the surface.

Behind the scenes of busy workers, truckloads of stone and cement rolling in,
and a water-team keeping barrels full, is the important role of seeing that bills
are paid. This is a matter of a step by step exercise of faith. We need...we
pray...and trust. Thank you for hearing the still small voice of the Lord and
sharing with us so that we can see our Mission Home completed.
The home is planned for housing our family of Jamaican boys, offices for the
entire project and quarters for our Directors and co-missionaries. There will be
room for a few needy Haitian boys as well until we are able to build the Christianvilie Children's Home.


One of our greatest blessings is your constant flow of letters of encouragement.

Oh, how very much this has meant in these early days of our work here in Haiti!
And because God has led us here and crowned our obedience to Him with your

love and gifts, we are assured that He will meet every need for our Mission
Home. Please make it a matter of special prayer that this Home will be a
testimony to God's provision for every need. We want our friends in Haiti as well
as you, to rejoice with us in the knowledge that God hears and answers prayer.

Shirley Peace is busy in her corner of Christianviiie and is anxiously awaiting

the time when she will have her Clinic Building. In the meantime she is wasting
no opportunity. Helpful drugs have been donated and will always be useful, so
write for specific needs if you want to help. "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto
one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Matt. 25::40

Frank Timmel of U.S.A.I.D.

and friend of Christianviiie

shows Teen Missions Bry

an a technical point. Friend
ship at Christianviiie means

working together to bring

the Spirit of Christ and of
love to our neighbors.

Alfred Herget-Bagwandat, adopted Jamaican son of the Hergets, graduated

from the University of Tennessee with a B.S. in Civil Engineering. He is in Haili
with the Christianville family now, hopefully to work in the field of Engineering
here and mean while making a very positive contribution to the work. "Tony" as
his family and friends know him, received his primary and secondary education
in Jamaica with the Hergets and then spent one year at Johnson Bible College
before entering University. He worked with the Christian Campus Ivlinistry at

Stopping for a drink on one

of Haiti's '100 in the shade'
days at Christianville, our

boys Frankie,

Dave and

Derrick keep a keen eye on

that peanut butter jar. Work


fun were all mixed

together this summer.

Bill Swanson. Assistant


Leader for Teen




girls for accuracy on

their fence-wiring. Blist
ered hands were cooled

in the evening bath-hour

at the river.


Carol is ready for a dive into her

tent after a tough day's work.
Rising Bell went at 4:30 a.m. and
lights out at 8:00 p.m. And those

hours were rigid!


has had to be washed...and baths

provided a beautiful river less th

our property. The evening

reat fun.

THANK YOU...Dr. C.L. Evans for the complete care of all our boy's
dental needs at no cost tou us. We are sincerely grateful. Dr. Evans
donates his services for several months of the year to the handicapped
children of Haiti at the St. Vincent School in Port-au-Prince.

Unloading a gift of four cows to Christianville. Shortly after arrival, one of the
cows produced a beautiful calf. Our boys are delighted and Teen Missions
group named her "Christian". They deserved this privilege since it was a breachbirth and two of the




on a farm, turned her

around and brought

her into the world

safely. See God's lo- ^

ving care again!

WORDS OF APPRECIATION are deserved in many directions in Haiti as well as
in the U.S. and other countries. We cannot mention all but here are a few:

MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORKS has most generously donated sand and gravel
for our entire needs thus far. We are truly grateful to our Haitian Government for

this excellent help. Minister Pierre St. Come has shown his very kind interest.
MARINI &KANSKI Heavy Contractors made a generous contribution in leveling

about threeacres of land forbuildings and a football field. Itwasa greatjob!

(See picture below)

C.A.R.E. in Haiti has helped with Brick Making machines and plans to help us
with a nutrition center.

ANDRE JUISTE, one of Haiti's

outstanding journalists, contributed

a full page newspaper story on our

work and





public aware of Christianville and its





donated barbed wire for our fencing.

Generous gifts of funds have given

by these




Ben Bigio, David Talamas, Georges

Jaar, Michael Jaar, Georges Rizk,
Releve Industries, S.A.
Also, 10 dozen soft drinks for Teen

missions treat,


Brasserie Nationale,




Hello boys and girls! Here's a bit of news about the younger set of the
Christianville family...mainly our Jamaican boys. When school let out at the
end of May the boys were eager to be a part of all the activities at
Christianville for the summer. But at that time they did not know the fun in store
for them that Teen Missions would bring. Each morning the boys rise at 6:00
a.m. have breakfast and prayers, and then spend the whole day until dark,

helping the Teenagers, playing, carrying rock, milking cows, and lots of other
things. Carrying water was an important part of the summer work. Sometimes
there were unexpected jobs like the one in the picture below. Mom was very

glad she had the boys along when this happened! What the picture doesn't
show is the load of lumber that had to be taken off the truck in order to get the

spare tire out! It was a great summer and we are proud of our missionary family
and the willing hearts and hands they gave us. They are great boys!


ees for them

) drink. Each

Du see Dave,


It was difficult for young boys to see what Grow-Boxes were to be when first
there was so much to do. The cement blocl<s had to be carried from the

roadside, hundreds of them and the boys did their share along with the Teens.

Then when the Boxes were all planted they had to be watered every night. But
the pleasant part was that the Haitian children gathered ' round and gave the
boys a lot of help. It was a real joy to see them all working together as a team.

Now the plants are almost ready to bear and we want to share some of the good
things with our Haitian boys and girls.

Whether you're travelling

for business or pleasure, go
with PAN AM Daily Non
stop Service to Haiti.


You call it the World

We call it Home

With the Compliments


With Compliments
and Best Wishes

DMxl (Hjtx,
Avenue Somosa, Delmas
Port-au-Prince, Haiti

With the Compliments



Haiti Water Supply, s.a.

<I> ^



nC^. ? o

With the Compiiments




Security Efficiency Continuity

^ /

K VliMg,


Dear Christian Family,

It's good to know that you are a real part of our family and work here in
Haiti. Thank you for being so helpful in prayers and love and giving. We
deeply appreciate.

Last month we did not write you because we sent you the EVANGEL with lots of

good news. If you did not get it, please let us know, V/e are now hurrying

with a new Issue for there Is so much more to tell you. Christianvilie Is
certainly on the move.

Around the first of July we got a strange telegram asking us to meet a cer
tain young lady at the airport. V/e met her and found that she represented
0 "Teen Missions" Team who were on the plane with her ready to spend six
weeks in Haiti. They had two weeks spoken for and asked if they could give
us the balance of four in which time they would do any kind of work that we
might have at Christianvi1le. While we were talking 26 other husky young
Americans filed out of the Airport loaded with shovels, hammers, trowels,
"tons" of food, tents, seeds, fertilizers and other gear.

They pitched their tents on Chri stianvi 1le's 2k acres, lirprovtsed a kitchen
in the work-shed and presented themselves for work the next morning. In the
past two weeks they have planted over 1000 heavy cement posts in two foot deep
holes with concrete.

They also built fourteen cement-block "Grow Boxes" and

have them ready for planting next week. These five by thirty foot boxes meant
carrying by hand hundreds of cement blocks from the road some 300 feet away.
Financially speaking they pay their own way
terials they work with...cement, wire, even
we haul supplies. And in the end...? They
to work for God. They thank us for letting
Praise the Lord.

and In addition purchase Ulas ma

the gasoline in our vehicles as
praise the Lord for an opportunity
them come to help usi

Oh, our hearts do magnify the Lord and our cup runs over

with joy.
Our "Builder" did not want to start our Mission House when he heard that we had

only $10,000.00 In the fund. He said the house would cost $^*0,000,00. We told
him to go ahead and we would pray about it. Surely the Lord would supply. So
he started and four days later a couple from Indiana sent us $3,100.00. It was
the beginning of a great testimony. We are believing Him for every penny that
will be needed for we know He Is able.

Tony Is now at home with us after graduating from University of Tennessee with
a B.S, in Civil Engineering. He is looking for vjork here In Haiti
that he
can be with us for awhile. We are very proud of him and his testimony for the
Lord. He was secretary of the Christian Campus Ministry at U.T. for three years
Grandma Walker Is under Doctor's care in Orlando and is doing fairly well. We
miss her sorely and hope she will soon be home.
God bless you allwe send our loving greetings
and ask that you keep us in your prayers.
In Christian love.

thanks from all the family

August 30; 1378

Chrlstianviile, P.O. Box W-90

Port au Prince, Halt?

Dear Friends of Haiti's Needy,

They needed the peace of God which Is a gift to all
who will accept It on God's terms. Yes, there were
two young women and they came seeking Jesus.
obedi ence may constitute the beginning
have begun building a native-thatched

of the church at ChrlstianviUe.

building for wrship services.

But there are other needs...like friends.

When tradgedy strikes, when all hope Is

gone, when hunger tugs at one's whole being..there Is no one to care.

Friends are theblessing of God.



Already we

What then?

Yesterday one of our Christianvl 1le families had a

Being a grass-roofed hut with the meager belongings of a very poor family, it

took all of four minutes to burn to the ground. All was lost. But as the mother
and little girl rolled on the ground crying they remembered the missionaries - they
called for us to come and help. Thank you for being our friends - for helping us to
help others, ftow there Is hope, hope for salvation and hope for physical needs.
Summer Is over and our boys are excited about school and new subjects. But parents
In Haiti face financial burdens with education. School fees, books, lunches, French
classes and travel will cost us over $400,00 a month. Would you like to help?
High School fees for Wayne and Robert are $75.00 a month, (each)
Grammar School fees for six boys are
25.00 a month,

100.00 a month

We are asking the Lord for special pledges so that we will not have

to slow down our building program.

V^lll you pray with us?

Some of you have asked why we use U.S. stamps on our letters. A letter from Haiti
costs 25<. Friends have been very kind to offer to take our mall to the U.S. for us

at I5< malling.

We are grateful for this saving.

(You may send a few stamps in

your letters to help with our mailing costs.

Among our many blessings this summer is that U.S.A.I.D. has agreed to ship any
supplies donated for our work at no cost to us. If youwant to help please write us
for a full


Here are a few food items:

Plastic buckets of Peanut Butter

Boys' socks, pants, shirts for ages 9-18.

Tea Bags, Instant Coffee
Tuna Fish, Canned Corned Beef
First aid Items, and boys' shoes or tennis shoes
sizes 4-10 wide.

Thank you for helping us to have a most wonderful summer.


have seen good progress and are most grateful to you for
supplying our financial needs, 'f possible plan to visit us
this winter. We want to show you how God has answered prayer
for us In Haiti, May He bless you continually.
In Christian love,

' ~


Home address:

1 Fontamara, Tel 22

Jamaica Christian Boys' Home

Completes its 22nd year

The warning bell of judgment tolls

Above us

looms the cross

Around are ever dying souls

How great, how great the loss!


0 Lord, constrain and move Thy church

The glad news to impart
And Lord, as Thou dost stir Thy church.
Begin within our hearts.

Dear Brethren,

The "Good News'" has once again reached the hearts of seeking men and women.

Jim baptized J^ifteen into Christ during August, twelve of them had been attend
ing Meadowbrook church and three were teenage campers.//Praise God - the Word
has again taken root.

One of the converts, a fine young man, is praying for

his Roman Catholic wife who attends regularly with him.

Last night marked a forward step in evangelism as Jim chaired a meeting of

workers from five churches who joined the Christian Evangelizing Association of
the Jamaica Christian Boys' Home. iVe planned for the establishment of a church

near Sun Mt Camp and for a circulation of preachers among the five churches.
Meadowbrook has offered a salary of $55.00 per week to one of the ministers so
that he might leave his position and give full time to the ministry.

And the "cup of cold water" has been given to another precious little soul as
Howard found his place at the Home table, and knelt to pray beside a little
white crib in the Nursery. "Inasmuch"...yes, it is all for Him, for our loving
Saviour of whose Kingdom are little children,
as he joins the clamor for Daddy's knees.

Howard is another "Daddy's Boy'

The summer ended with joy unspeakable. Jim put his arm around me as we sat
watching the sun set. We were both happy and thankful as we reviewed the
blessings of success in our new camp program at Sun Mountain. There were three

regular camps besides our work-camp weeks. U'e have found that Sun Mt grounds
are far more promising than we had even-dreamed.. How we do thank God for this
challenging ministry for Jamaican youth! And we sincerely thank Pat Carrington

of Largo, Fla, for coming out to help us this summer.

How very much we both appreciate your support!

H^did a great job.

VJe only wish you could share

the testimonies of the faithful Christians who have found Christ because of our

labors. They are stars in your crown..fruit of your labor, the answer of your
outreach to the lost of this world. God bless you and keep you ever loving the
little children of the world, ever helping the lost to know Jesus.

Yoursr^aithfully serving.

Jim and Carol Herget


dec ^ 8 m


A Christian Quarterly
from the Caribbean

"Let them give glory unto the Lord,

and declare his praise it) the islands {Isaiah 42:12)


Mr and Mrs James Herget, Managing Directors

MrRobertC. Shannon, Largo, Fla. U.S.A.
Mr Fred W- Smith Jr, Jacl<sonville, Fla. U.S.A.
Mr Donald Wheeler, Orlando, Fla. U.S.A.
Mr A.A. Herget-Bagwandat, Haiti
Miss Shirley Peace, Nurse Anesthetist, Haiti.

Missionaries and Sponsoring Churches:

James Herget, First Christian Church, College Park, Ga.
Carol Herget, First Christian Church, Largo, Fla.
Shirley Peace, Englewood Christian Church,
Jacl<sonville, Fla.

Ada Wall<er, Retired Volunteer


Forwarding Agents

Mr and Mrs Don Wheeler

2713Sheringham Rd.
Orlando, Fla. 32808


Mr C.E. Shepard, 630 Knollwood St.,

Winston Salem, N.C. 27103
Mr and Mrs Leslie Lumsden, PuntaGorda, Fla.

Architect and Engineer

MrRolf Tippenhauer, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Mr Jean Claude N. Leger, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Editor "The Evangel" Mrs Carol Herget
Mail to Haiti

P.O. Box W-90, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Local Address

1 Fontamara, Port-au-Prince, Haiti Telephone: 2-2259


In memory of Mrs. Mary Stevens

beloved wife of Mr. Marvin Stevens of Boca Raton, Florida. Mary Stevens loved
our Caribbean family and the memorial gift that comes to bless our children is a
tribute to this love.

In memory of Mrs. William Bon Durant

beloved mother of Julia Bon Durant of Washington, D.C., and Mr George Bon
Durant President of Roanoke Bible College, N.C. The gift that comes to bless
our children also blesses the memory of this beloved Christian mother.
In memory of Mrs. Cassle Overhalser
beloved mother of Mrs Ethel Beever, both of Anaheim, California. This
memorial gift was sent with love for our Jamaican children in our Home.

We thank God for the loving remembrance of these His children.







Your Christianville







Born in humble circumstances Jesus walked al ease among His people. Along
the wayside, through the crowded villages, sharing the stench of boats with
stale fishwaters along the seaside Jesus worked, taught, commanded and loved.
The Spiritual ministry of Jesus was not one of words alone, ever! He healed the
sick and made the blind to see. And He took a little child into His arms and said,
"of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."

The world's need has not changed. Nor has the Son of man changed. He still
holds the key and shares it with whomsoever will. That key is love and today it
performs the same wonders as it did 2000 years ago. The sick, the blind, the
little children - they are all still here. Our message for Haiti is not in word alone
but in doing the will of the fvlaster, following in His footsteps.

Language barriers during our first



year in Haiti have drawn our fami

ly closer





Sunday morning means Adult Bible Class discussions before reguiar worship

hour and Communion. And it also finds the young boys studying with Mommy.

When Daddy is Invited to preach in a Haitian church, his three big "sons'
capably carry on.



speaking Haitians
come in and share

our worship times


Don't just cast a viewing eye across






Prince. Take time.

SFindalittle niche and pause, watch,


Here lies




Haiti... not the towering mountains,

not the sandy seashores, not the
acres of

coconut palms



nor the



sun and shadows dancing, gliste-

Haiti's real beauty is its people.

Look... the people hustle! No one is

leaning against a shop wall.

And no one sleeps after the first

peep of sunlight creeps out from

behind those majestic mountains
See the Baby-Sitters on the side
walks doing their job while mothers

The loads are heavy... but never too

heavy for the Haitian. He has a mind

to work.

Have they time to smiie? Ah! See all around you...everyone is waiting to smiie if
you will just cast an eye in their direction.
I see you have to smile too. That's because their smile is so real it demands one
of you.
Do they hurt? Yes, just as you do. They do mind being poor. They do care that
their baby dies when it should not have had to. The sidewalk is hard when there
is no where else to sleep and tears fall when there is no bread for the children.

But the beauty of Haiti's people lies in their willingness to work their way out of

They do not sit and bemoan their fate.

They rise and smile and find a way out.
No grumbling. No complaints.
See a beautiful people and learn a lesson.

There must be a


storage tank, deep - and


God has provided in a

this writing waiis are
doorways and plumbi
eager to be living in th
But building has not

crowd surrounding Sh
site a little thatched bi

U.S. raising funds for

And in another corner

us. What will we preac

in undenominational t

Opportunities are vast

You can help... your p
We need you! Write u

And now it

most finished.

a -


will provide water

for the clinic and


)nderfLil way thus far in the building of our Mission Home. At the time of
ing up on firm foundations and decisions are being made for windows,
. We are pleased with the progress made and are growing moreand more
enter of our program of wori<.

)wed the progress of our medical thrust or Spiritual opportunities. The

5y and her "First Aid" supplies continues to grow whiie on the ciinic iand
ding now stands readyfor action. (Shiriey recently spent fourweeks in the

r worl<.)

ands a thatched building where we hope to minister to the people around

' There is no change in our message... the old story of Jesus and His love,
NTestament Christianity. The Bible is our only creed book.

/ers, your gifts, your services in various ways both professional and non-

"elephone us...join hearts and hands in Christianville's growth.



Shortly after receiving our gift of land from the President of Haiti last March, w/e rejoi
ced in finding a beautiful spring of water flowing through the property. Some people
felt it might dry up during the dry months. Butit has continued to flow abundantlyand
serves our cows and farm lands in a wonder.fiil way. We truly thank the Lord for this.
Then the time came for us to consider drinking the waterand so we had it tested, only
to find that the water was completely unfit tor human use. We could have been dis

couraged but instead began praying about drilling a well. Haiti Water Supply Inc.
offered to drill the well at a generously reduced price. And so by faith we ordered the
job done. Now a well drilled two hundred feet down is completed and giving us
enough pure water to serve all of our projects at Christianville and also to serve the
nearby neighbors of whom there are several hundred.

Oh how good it is to see water coming up pure and sparkling from our new well! What

about the cost? And payment? The bill for the drilling is $5,073.00 and we have paid
half ot it. This does not include the pump or a generator to run the pump. We need
your prayers. Water is as important as a roof over our heads and our Heavenly Father
knows and cares.







Please remember these needs

in your prayers.

IVe thank God upon every remembrance of you.

Even our little boys are deeply Impressed vi/ith the gifts and services of the
friends of Christianville. They see the sacrifice - it is very obvious. And from the
hearts of all of us come thanks that are real and warm with love. Again we can't

mention all gifts but we do feel that the loving help of our Haitian friends
mentioned here will make our foreign friends rejoice in that they are sharing the

burden as well as the joy of growth at Christianville. God bless you all, whether
near or far.

Recent Help

A gasoline pump to provide water temporarily for the building project and later
for many other uses. - Mr Burt Gordon, Haiti Water Supply Inc.
Anonymous gift of $200.00 from a loving Haitian heart.

Continuous helpful and sacrificial deeds at any hour of day or night. Gerry

Volunteer professional physical labor on Saturdays for the past seven months.
Sam Schlur.

Over three hundred trees have been given by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Medical equipment and drugs have been generously given by Grace Children's
Hospital, Ron Gregory, Administrator, and the Adventist Medical wing, both
here in Haiti.

Volunteer Medical service to our children. Dr. C. Laroche.

Purchases of needs in the U.S. and mailing of letters and packets, bringing and
taking to and from Miami - Ian and Nan sturdy, our long-time Jamaican friends.
Ian is working in Haiti and living in Miami.

For all of these helpful gifts of materials and services, we say thank you. And
for all the regular and special gifts from our friends in the U.S. we say thank
you. God bless you all!


Visiting Haiti?

Ask for Individual Fun Fore

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Derrick has



message for you this month.


He wants you to know that you

must be very carefuf of your
eyes, and piease don't play


with bow and arrowsl

You see, in September Derrick and the boys were playing and one of the arrows
they were playing with stuck in Derrick's eye. He went to the hospital for an
operation and has been in bed for neariy eight weeks. Now the Doctor says he

can be up and around the house, but no school until Juanuary. This has been a
difficult time for Derrick but he has been a very good little boy, never complains
and always has a sweet smile for everyone. Derrick stays in Mommy and
Daddy's bedroon for that is the most quiet place and he has had to lie very still.
We are thankful that God has heard our prayer and is making his eye well. Only
God could have made him well for his eye was very very badly hurt. Won't you
say thank-you to God with us?
Derrick and his Doctor, Dr. Gerard Frederique. have become very good friends
because Doctor took such wonderful care of him. Last week Derrick promised to
bake him a cake as soon as he is well.


Now that the boys are back in

school they only have holidays
and Saturdays to go to Christianville. But those days are
lots of fun. One of the big jobs
is to go to the river for water.
Wayne drives the truck and
stops right in the river and

then the boys all help to fill






course they have fbn... and

you know they get wet too!


Yes, carrying water is only one. After

the cows were fenced in we needed a

gate. And see that gate post? Those

fellows did a great job with it.
Dozens of trees have been planted

by the boys and they chose ever

greens to line the driveway. But they
took special care to put plenty of
fruit trees out too.


makes the Christianville boys dull. And so we have our

fun times too. Here you see Dave sharing a bag of

popcorn that Daddy just made. The boys like to see
him go to the kitchen on Saturday nights after game
time. That means a treat! Everyone likes a birthday in

the family for there is always a cake. You ought to see

all the "lickers" waiting to lick the cake bowl when
Mommy finally turns the cake into the oven.


Wayne is 16. Mom and Dad can hardly believe

that 15 years have passed since Wayne came to
live in our home. He is a wonderful big brother to

the little fellows and a great help to Daddy.

Wayne is a senior in high school this year and

would like to go to college.

Thank you boys and girls for your loving gifts

that are helping

our boys to




Christians, loving Jesus. Please pray for them


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5 i9?8

Dear Christian Friends,

God heard...and answered!

The Doctor said the stitching during the operation should not have held on
the rotten flesh of Oerricic's eye. It held. There should have been scar
tissue In the healing proceedure. There was none. The retina should have
become detached. It didn't, "Derricl<'s heating is miraculous" said this

famous eye surgeon. Our God simply heard your prayers and ours and helped
in our hour of need. Praise His Name. And thank you for your prayers and
loving concern during Derrick's eight weeks in bed.
The past two monlhs have been

The temporary clinic building

hopefully will be replaced with
a real structure in the coming
Shirley recently spent

exciting In our progress. The

walls of our hoise are going
up and the water tank to serve

all of Christlanville's pro

jects is almost conpleted. All
along the drive from our gate

four weeks In the U. S. and re

turned with medical equipment

.valued at $30,000., and $2000.
toward the building. With the

to the house are planted ever

green trees given by Govern


$500. we already have we plan to

begin the foundations very soon.

They should look lovely.



0 F




J E S II S !

Our thatched-roof chapel building should see some great activity In January
when Revival Fires comes to Haiti. We will be holding meetings In coopera
tion with the Crusade and will have a strong follow-up program afterwards.
How thankful we are at this beautiful time of the year.

We approach it with

deep gratitude to the Lord for His unspeakable gift - the Son of Glory, the
King of Kings, the Lord of Lords,..our Saviour, our Master and our friend.
May the Spirit of love that can penetrate the darkest corner of the earth,
melt the hardest heart, and give peace to all who will receive it, fill
your Christmas and make your more aware of Him than ever before.
We all join In sending our most grateful thanks to
you for loving us and caring about our needs and
about our boys..for the deep interest you have had

in CHRIST!ANViLLE..,God bless you.

Prayerfully yours.

Jim and Carol Herget



P r< 0 J E c T


I d E h S



C HHI S'T I A [] V I L L E

2713 Sheringham Road

Orlando, Florida




Sunday School Classes

Kids, Teens, Adults

Mission Groups,



U)zj 3. r-j P


of all kinds can be made and sent






Tea Towels,

Hot pads,



We must have a Pressure Pump
for our tank


TOWELS, (light weight) and put in

This will cost about $500.00

the clothes pine! Also Boys U.nderwear t



r 1 I ^ . t I i i_A



Donations of U.S. 15^ stamps


are most helpful...and fun

for the younger set to collect





for electricity



to serve the


Tea Bags,

Mission Home and other buildings.

Try a sock-line for boys ages

8-13 Solid gray for school


Baking Powder
Dried beans

Garlic Salt
Tuna Fish

and big socks for those lanky

This is going to cost anywhere



from $2000.00 to $^5000.00.

We Inv i te you

Instant mashed potatoes


to share in this need.

We cannot


move into the house until we have

some means of refrigeration and

this means electricity.

pray about this need!


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