L&D - Assignment 1 Yashu Yadav (PGP14105)
L&D - Assignment 1 Yashu Yadav (PGP14105)
L&D - Assignment 1 Yashu Yadav (PGP14105)
Yashu Yadav
Q1. What did you learn from the Summer Internship Project?
I learnt how to effectively perform a marketing research and various key
aspects linked with it like mind map, Google fusion, questionnaire etc. I
learnt that wherever you go it is necessary to understand their revenue
model to carry out your research and make best use out of it. In this
research I came to know that corporate holds a greater responsibility which
should be fulfilled for the betterment of the society. It also came to
knowledge that theres a huge potential market for outsourcing CSR
activities to CSR agencies. Companies which are new to CSR want to
completely outsource their CSR projects because of little or no knowledge
about CSR. Major focused areas by corporate are: Health, Education,
Community Development and Environment for CSR projects. Half the
number of companies doesnt encourages their employees for CSR
initiation. Companies are also executing CSR just for the sake of law and
giving away their CSR to random NGOs etc. and get away with the CSR
budget easily by manipulating their account section. Almost 30% of the
companies are executing random projects which dont synchronize with
their core business activity. Also, only 18.29% are reporting budget in
accordance with the Act while it is mandatory for each eligible company to
report their CSR budget.
Apart from project learnings, I learnt that one needs to be very persuasive,
submissive, dedicated and regular with high level corporate in order to get
recognition and consideration from them. Female staffs are sometime used
to charm important clients to extend deadlines. I also learnt that one needs
to have certain contacts to expand a business, networking helps a business
to grow to its potential. One important thing that I learnt was that
employees also get fired because of cracking jokes about the companys
important client.
Q2. What have you learnt from Designing Work Organization Course?
I learnt the basic difference between behaviour in organization and work
design in organization in the very first session of DWO that organizational
behaviour is oriented towards individual behaviour in an organization while
work design in organization involve people in developing business strategies
understand how not to be fooled by our insurance agent who used to show
lucrative offers to my mother while they are not as their net value is way
lower than the actual bank interest including present value and past value
In third semester, I have been introduced to legal aspects of business which
helped me understanding various laws and acts of partnership, consumer
protection, contracts etc. During PGDM 1st year, I have also learnt from my
mistakes which should never be repeated for my own good. Managing
people in organization helped me understand the concept of CTC, designing
job description and women safety issues in organizations. There had been
countless learnings during the whole journey of PGDM 1st year and I hope it
will keep on adding effectively during the whole course.