State of The County 2010
State of The County 2010
State of The County 2010
The people around our nation and especially in New York State are
profoundly frustrated. They are frustrated about jobs and they are
frustrated about taxes. They are frustrated about multiple levels of
government they see as expensive and inefficient and they are
frustrated about public officials they see as more concerned about
themselves than results. As a lifelong resident of Ulster County, not
only do I understand these concerns, I agree with them.
I have heard people say, “Why can't I get a health permit on time unless
I know somebody?” Or, “Why do snowplows drive over my unplowed
road with their plow up?” As a reformer, I found these questions
troubling because to a large degree they were true. As County
Executive, I am not willing to accept that. I am not willing to accept the
status quo. I am committed to doing everything in my power to make a
better government and protect the taxpayers of Ulster County. We have
already delivered major reforms and I am looking forward to working
with this Legislature to accomplish even more.
run the day-to-day operations of a $350 million dollar organization and
to serve all 181,000 people during the most serious financial crisis since
the great depression. This is a responsibility I take extremely seriously.
I want to be very clear, regardless of your political party, if you are here
to address the serious issues at hand, protect taxpayers and move
Ulster County forward, you will find an incredible partner in the County
Executive’s office, something many Legislators can already attest to.
However, I caution any individual whose real intention is to erode the
Charter or drag this government back into the dysfunctional past: you
will find no greater opponent, because I will always side with the people
of Ulster County.
of Ulster County as well as any County Legislator, we are but a phone
call away and with our enhanced County website we now provide
greater access than ever before to information, personnel and all
aspects of County government.
Well the first year has passed and the results are in: payroll expenses
are actually down compared to last year. And more significantly,
without the actions we implemented in 2009, payroll would have gone
up over $2.7 million dollars. In fact, with my team fully committed to
protecting taxpayers, we also saved over $6 million dollars from the
County budget during the course of 2009. The simple fact is the
creators of the Charter were right.
It was then, and only then, that we added Dr. LaMar Hasbrouck, a
physician with extensive CDC experience, as the new Director of Public
Health. This overhaul has provided the citizens of Ulster County with
what they so richly deserve, a health department they can be proud of.
This Health Department has been acknowledged as one of the finest in
our region.
I would also like to note that during the recent Legionnaire’s scare at
Golden Hill, it was reassuring to have such highly skilled physicians on
the Board of Health and as the Director of Public Health.
And I would be remise if I failed to acknowledge the new Health
Committee Chair, Walter Frey and his cooperation as we worked to
transparently address the Legionnaire’s situation.
In addition to the Health Department, last year I spoke of the need for
governments to work more closely together. Because all levels of
government are supposed to serve the exact same taxpayers, today we
are well on our way to the largest shared service initiative in the history
of Ulster County – reshaping how highway services are delivered.
Though Ulster County is one of the only counties in upstate New York
not already doing this to a significant degree, I believe shared municipal
services, in general, are the future of government. There is no question
that roads have to get plowed. The real question is, do our collective
taxpayers have to over pay to get it done? I look forward to working
with Legislator Fabino and the entire Public Works Committee on
completing this initiative. As we strive to identify 5, 6 and 7 million dollar
solutions, this is the type of reform that can actually save taxpayers
Last year, I also spoke of the need to focus on job retention, an issue
that was particularly raw since the County was still reeling from the loss
of Colony Liquor. My administration fully understands this and
following individual meetings I had with the head of Empire State
Development, we were able to secure $600,000 to avert another
tragedy. We kept Gillette Creamery here and did not lose them to
Vermont. This move saved over 60 jobs and insured an over $5.7
million dollar investment by Gillette, filling vacant, industrial real estate
right here in Ulster County.
These results are positive but there is still a long way to go. To put this
in perspective, the Ulster County unemployment rate is 1.2 % less than
the State average and over 2% less than the national average. From a
regional perspective, it is either at or better than our surrounding
counties and in some cases, it is significantly better. But the bottom line
is that there are still far too many people struggling to find work. So we
must re-double our efforts to grow jobs in our community.
The fact that the Charter provides for a strong single voice to advocate
on behalf of the people of Ulster County is very beneficial. But there is
another critical piece to economic development: since UCDC falls under
the purview of this Legislature, I am requesting you thoroughly examine
the current UCDC and IDA structure and determine if it is really the best
model to deliver economic development services. Simply put, if it works
then let’s fund it, but if it is broken, then let’s fix it.
There is also a problem facing too many existing small businesses, and
that is the ability to access capital. If a quality small business cannot
access capital, it cannot keep its doors open. This is about saving jobs.
Until recently, only big business had access to multiple banks working
together to help them. Small businesses were left on the sidelines. The
banking consortium we initiated will provide this type of help to small
businesses all across Ulster County, and we will do so at no cost to
County taxpayers. Though it is gratifying to see Senator Schumer
embrace this idea and expand it across upstate New York, and now
potentially even nationwide, the best part of all is helping businesses
and people right here in our own backyard.
Last year I also advocated for major reform of the Empire Zone
program. Taxpayers statewide were too often being abused by
companies making fictitious job promises in return for big tax breaks.
Companies that never delivered the jobs they promised. Companies
that gave a bad name to honest companies in the program.
I am pleased to see a proposal in Albany to replace Empire Zones. And
at the local level, I am pleased to see the Ulster County Comptroller
undertaking a review of the IDA. These types of abuses must end. Not
only are they wrong, they cost local taxpayers money and worst of all,
they betray the public trust.
Part of being the County Executive is striving to make things right. Last
year, I was pleased to ask for Ulster Landing Park to be re-named in
honor of famed abolitionist Sojourner Truth. We did it because it was
the right thing to do. I issued an anti-nepotism order because it was the
right thing to do. And we are working everyday to tear down the walls of
inefficiency because it is the right thing to do. That has always been,
and will always be, my administration’s measuring stick. Is it the right
thing to do for the people of Ulster County?
As we examine the first year of this Charter and the first year of my
administration just imagine the extraordinary changes we are talking
Better accountability
And real innovations, like the banking consortium.
Had it not been for the crisis caused by the deep global recession,
these accomplishments would be the prime focus of our discussion. But
the fact remains: a global crisis is far from over. People everywhere are
struggling. In New York, where our State is facing an over $7 billion
dollar budget gap, with even larger out-year deficits, the compound
effect of lost sales tax and growing unfunded and under-funded
mandates is putting intense strains on all local budgets.
its current reimbursement method, only slightly above the 1983 rates,
the State is quietly trying to put us out of business.
The recent Legionnaire’s scare at Golden Hill only further highlights the
need for a major policy decision. As a Legislature you must decide:
What are your plans to insure Golden Hill’s long term viability?
This is only one of the many challenges facing Ulster County in 2010.
Like the vast majority of other New York counties, we are facing a
serious budget gap of our own, caused by reductions in sales tax, the
crushing burden of growing unfunded and under-funded mandates and
a sharp increase in the demand for service. This multi-million dollar
budget gap will force choices that will make last year’s pale by
Though is may not seem fair, this body will face multiple controversial
policy issues all at once this year. These issues will include, but not
end with examining equitable funding methods for police protection and
as Legislator Loughran has long advocated, a full review of DSS laws
and policies to protect recipients and taxpayers against fraud, waste
and abuse.
Since I believe with every fiber in my being that proactive solutions are
better than a reactive government, as of today I have issued a
moratorium on spending. Anything but the most bare bones of
spending across County departments will be held back to protect
taxpayers. I have directed all department heads to evaluate every
aspect of their 2010 budget and develop a plan to hold off on expenses
not mandated by law or essential to the public’s health and safety. This
action will undoubtedly have consequences, but the consequences for
not acting would be far worse.
Unfortunately, it will take much more than this moratorium to solve the
problem. Ulster County government must continually re-invent itself.
We cannot afford to be the largest employer in Ulster County. Not only
does it strain already overburdened taxpayers, it is fundamentally not a
sustainable model. We must continue to make the same hard choices
American families are making every single day. And whether it is
through attrition, internal transfers, early retirements or other reductions
in personnel, part of being County Executive is making tough choices
that you know are needed but still weigh heavily on your mind.
breath, oppose any hard choices needed to actually affect taxes. Do I
wish we were not forced to establish this new government during the
most difficult financial times in generations? Of course, but that is the
At its core, this year will be about jobs and taxes and this body’s
willingness to work with my administration to address a multi-million
dollar budget gap with much needed policy decisions. The stakes are
high because a failure to act is much more than a lost opportunity. A
failure to act will negatively impact the people of Ulster County. I can
assure you, my administration will do everything in our power to protect
the people of Ulster County. We have shown the willingness to make
tough decisions and the ability to bring forward innovative solutions.
We will continue to do it, because it’s the right thing to do.
Conclusion - I hope you see tonight as much more than a typical “State
of the County” address. I hope you see it for what it is meant to be: a
call to action for all branches of government to set aside partisan politics
and focus on the issues at hand. This body must address the tough
policy issues that will define your tenure as Legislators. I am reaching
out to you. I am asking for you to join me in a fight for the future of
Ulster County. I am asking this Legislature to embrace its policy role
and decide once and for all:
Is it right that New York State under funds Golden Hill? And will
you make the definitive policy decisions associated with Golden
Is it right that taxpayers from towns with a police force pay the
same as taxpayers from towns with none?
Is it right that DSS laws and policies are not reviewed locally to
protect recipients as well as the rights of taxpayers against fraud,
waste and abuse?
Is it right that business owners must wonder if the economic
development model established by this Legislature is the most
effective one available?
And last but not least, is it right that taxpayers pay too much to get
their roads plowed? The studies are clear, and taxpayers in over
30 other counties are already benefiting. The Ulster County
taxpayers need you to encourage your towns to participate in the
highway shared services program.
I am confident you can and will address these difficult policy issues and
do so quickly because in times like these every minute counts.
When I look to the future, what I see is a spectacular Ulster County. A
County with a strong, sustainable economy, and an alternative energy
center with high quality tech firms. I see a thriving tourism industry and
vibrant family farms. I see tourists enjoying historical sites, world class
resorts and quaint B&B’s. I see families experiencing the breathtaking
“Walkway over the Hudson” and our many farmers markets. Ladies and
gentleman, what I see is the healthiest county in all of New York State.
And finally, I see a government that recognizes that it is it that serves
the people and not the other way around. That is the Ulster County I
envision, and I need your help to make it a reality.
We can do this. We can get there. We have come so far and made so
many significant changes. But, for the people of Ulster County to fully
benefit from the Charter form of government, all branches of
government must stand up and deliver during this moment of great
challenge and controversy.
Thank you very much for your time tonight, God bless you and God
bless the people of Ulster County.