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Bartok's Works

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Walczer for Piano, Op.

1, DD 1 -- composed in 1890
Changing Piece (Vltozo darab) for Piano, Op. 2, DD 2 -- composed in 1890
Mazurka for Piano, Op. 3, DD 3 -- composed in 1890
Budapest Athletic Competition (A Budapesti tornaverseny) for Piano, Op. 4, DD 4 -- composed in 1890
Sonatina No. 1 for Piano, Op. 5, DD 5 -- composed in 1890
Wallachian Piece (Olh darab) for Piano, Op. 6, DD 6 -- composed in 1890
Fast Polka (Gyorspolka) for Piano, Op. 7, DD 7 -- composed in 1891
'Bla' Polka for Piano, Op. 8, DD 8 -- composed in 1891
'Katinka' Polka for Piano, Op. 9, DD 9 -- composed in 1891
Voices of Spring (Tavaszi hangok) for Piano, Op. 10, DD 10 -- composed in 1891
'Joln' Polka for Piano, Op. 11, DD 11 -- composed in 1891
'Gabi' Polka for Piano, Op. 12, DD 12 -- composed 1891
Forget-me-not (Nefelejts) for Piano, Op. 13, DD 13 -- composed in 1891
Lndler No. 1 for Piano, Op. 14, DD 14 -- composed in 1891
'Irma' Polka for Piano, Op. 15, DD 15 -- composed in 1891
Radegund Echo (Radegundi visszhang) for Piano, Op. 16, DD 16 -- composed in 1891
March (Indulo) for Piano, Op. 17, DD 17 -- composed in 1891
Lndler No. 2 for Piano, Op. 18, DD 18 -- composed in 1891
Circus Polka (Cirkusz polka) for Piano, Op. 19, DD 19 -- composed in 1891
The Course of the Danube (A Duna folysa) for Piano, Op. 20, DD 20 -- composed in 1891
The Course of the Danube (A Duna folysa) for Violin and Piano, DD 20b -- arrangement of DD 20
made in 1894
Sonatina No. 2 for Piano, Op. 21, DD 21 -- composed in 1891 (?)
Lndler No. 3 for Piano, Op. 22, DD 22 -- composed in 1892 (work lost)
Spring Song (Tavaszi dal) for Piano, Op. 23, DD 23 -- composed in 1892
Szllos Piece (Szllosi darab) for Piano, Op. 24, DD 24 -- composed in 1892 (work lost)
'Margit' Polka for Piano, Op. 25, DD 25 -- composed in 1893
'Ilona' Mazurka for Piano, Op. 26, DD 26 -- composed in 1893
'Loli' Mazurka for Piano, Op. 27, DD 27 -- composed in 1893
'Lajos' Waltz ('Lajos' valczer) for Piano, Op. 28, DD 28 -- composed in 1893
'Elza' Polka for Piano, Op. 29, DD 29 -- composed in 1894
Andante con variazioni for Piano, Op. 30, DD 30 -- composed in 1894
X.Y. for Piano, Op. 31, DD 31 -- composed in 1894 (work lost)
Sonata No. 1 in G Minor for Piano, Op. 1, DD 32 -- composed in 1894
Scherzo in G Minor for Piano, DD 33 -- composed in 1894
Fantasie in A Minor for Piano, Op. 2, DD 34 -- composed in 1895
Sonata No. 2 in F Major for Piano, Op. 3, DD 35 -- composed in 1895
Capriccio in B Minor for Piano, Op. 4, DD 36 -- composed in 1895
Sonata in C Minor for Violin and Piano, Op. 5, DD 37 -- composed in 1895
Sonata No. 3 in C Major for Piano, Op. 6, DD 38 -- composed in 1895 (work lost)
Pieces for Violin, Op. 7, DD 39 -- composed in 1895 (work lost)
Two Fantasias for Violin, Ops. 8 and 9, DD 40 and DD 41 -- composed in 1896 (work lost)
String Quartet No. 1 in B Major, Op. 10, DD 42 -- composed in 1896 (work lost)
String Quartet No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 11, DD 43 -- composed in 1896 (work lost)
Andante, Scherzo and Finale for Piano, Op. 12, DD 44 -- composed in 1897 (work lost)
Three Piano Pieces (Drei Klavierstcke), Op. 12, DD 45 -- composed in 1897; Spring Song (Tavaszi dal),
Valse (Valcer), In Wallachian Style (Olhos)
Piano Quintet in C Major, Op. 14, DD 46 -- composed in 1897 (work lost)
Two Pieces for Piano, Op. 15, DD 47 -- composed in 1897 (work lost)
Great Fantasy for Piano, Op. 16, DD 48 -- composed in 1897 (work lost)
Sonata in A Major for Violin and Piano, Op. 17, DD 49 -- composed in 1897 (work lost)
Scherzo or Fantasie for Piano (Scherzo oder Fantasie fr das Pianoforte), Op. 18, DD 50 -- composed in
Sonata for Piano, Op. 19, DD 51 - composed in 1898 (work lost)
Piano Quartet in C Minor, Op. 20, DD 52 -- composed in 1898
Three Piano Pieces (Drei Klavierstcke), Op. 21, DD 53 -- composed in 1898; Adagio-Presto; (untitled);

Adagio, sehr dster

Three Songs (Drei Lieder), DD 54 -- composed in 1898; Im wunderschnen Monat Mai (lyrics by Heinrich
Heine), Nacht am Rheine (lyrics by Karl Siebel), Ein Lied
Scherzo in B Minor for Piano, DD 55 -- composed in 1898
String Quartet in F Major, DD 56 -- composed in 1898
Piano Quintet Fragments, DD B10 & B12 -- composed in 1899
Tiefblaue Veilchen for Soprano and Orchestra, DD 57 -- composed in 1899
Scherzo in Sonata Form for String Quartet, DD 58 -- begun in 1899, completed in 1900
Scherzo in B Flat Minor for Piano, DD 59 -- composed in 1900 (?)
Six Dances, DD 60 -- composed c. 1900
Valcer for Orchestra, DD 60b -- orchestrations of nos. 1 and 2 of DD 60 made in c. 1900
Liebeslieder, DD 62 -- Diese Rose pflck ich hier (I pluck this rose), Ich fhle deinen Odem (I feel your
breath); composed in 1899
Scherzo in B Flat Minor for Piano, DD 63 -- composed in 1900
Variations on a Theme by F.F. (Vltozatok F.F. egy tmja fltt) for Piano, DD 64 -- begun in 1900,
completed in 1901
Scherzo for Orchestra, DD 65 -- composed c. 1901
Tempo di minuetto for Piano, DD 66 -- composed in 1901
Four Songs, DD 67 -- composed in 1902; Autumn breeze (szi szell); The girls of Szeged scorn me (Mg
azt vetik a szememre); There is no such sorrow (Nincs olyan b); Well, well! (Ejnye! Ejnye!)
Symphony, DD 68 -- composed in 1902, orchestrated in 1903
Duo for Two Violins, DD 69 -- composed in 1902
Albumblatt in A Major for Violin and Piano, DD 70 -- composed in 1902
Four Piano Pieces (Ngy zongoradarab), DD 71 -- composed in 1903; Study for the left hand (Tanulmny
balkzre); Fantasy I. (I. brnd); Fantasy II. (II. brnd); Scherzo
Andante in F Sharp Major for Violin and Piano, DD B14 -- composed in 1903 (?)
Violin Sonata in E Minor, DD 72 -- composed in 1903
Est (Evening) for Voice and Piano -- lyrics by Klmn Harsnyi; composed in 1903
Est (Evening) for Male Chorus, DD 74 -- text identical to the above, music entirely different; composed in
Kossuth, Symphonic Poem in Ten Tableaux, DD 75a -- composed in 1903
Marcia Funbre for Piano, DD 75b -- arrangement of two sections of Kossuth (DD 75a) made in 1903
Four Songs, DD 76 -- composed in 1903 (work lost)
Piano Quintet, DD 77 -- begun in 1903, completed in 1904
Rhapsody for Piano, Op. 1, Sz 26 -- composed in 1904
Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 1, Sz 27 -- arrangement of Sz 26 made in 1904 (?)
Scherzo for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 2, Sz 28 -- composed 1904; also known as Burlesque
Hungarian Folksongs (Magyar npdalok), Sz 29 -- begun in 1904, completed in 1905
Szkely Folksongs (Piros alma), Sz 30 -- begun in 1904, completed in 1905
Petits morceaux for Piano, (DD 67/1) -- begun in 1905, completed in 1907 (?)
Suite No. 1 for Orchestra, Op. 3, Sz 31 -- composed in 1905, revised c.1920
To the Little 'Tot' (A kicsi 'tot'-nak), Five Songs for Voice and Piano, Sz 32 -- composed in 1905
Hungarian Folksongs (Magyar npdalok), Ten Songs for Voice and Piano, Sz 33 -- composed in 1906,
revised in 1938:
I set out for my fair homeland (Elindultam szp hazmbul)
I would cross the Tisza in a boat (ltalmennk n a Tiszn ladikon)
Lszl Fehr stole a horse (Fehr Lszl lovat lopott)
In the Gyula garden (A gyulai kert alatt)
I walked in the Kertmeg garden (A kertmegi kert alatt stltam)
In my window shone the moonlight (Ablakomba, ablakomba besttt a holdvilg)
From the withered brach no rose blooms (Szraz gtl messze virt a rzsa)
I walked to the end of the great street in Trknya (Vgig mentem a trknyi sej, haj, nagy uccn)
Not far from here is Kismargitta (Nem messze van ide kis Margitta)
My sweetheart is plowing, jingle, clatter (Sznt a babm csireg, csrg)
Two Hungarian Folksongs for Voice and Piano, Sz 33b -- selection from Sz 33 made in 1906
Suite No. 2 for Small Orchestra, Op. 4, Sz 34 -- first 3 movements composed in 1905, fourth movement in

1907, revised in 1920 and 1943

Three Hungarian Folksongs from the Csik District (Hrom Csik megyei npdal) for Piano, Sz 35a -composed in 1907
From Gyergyo for Reed Pipe and Piano, Sz 35 -- arrangement of Sz 35a made in 1907
Four Slovak Folksongs for Voice and Piano, Sz 35b -- based on Sz 35, completed in 1916:
Near the borders of Bistrita (V tej bystrickej brne)
Mourning song (Pohrebn psen)
Message (Priletel ptk)
Tono whirls the spindle (Krut Tono vretana)
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 1, Sz 36 -- begun in 1907, completed in 1908
Two Portraits (Kt portr) for Orchestra, Op. 5, Sz 37 -- begun in 1907, completed in 1908, no. 2
orchestrated in 1911
Fourteen Bagatelles for Piano, Op. 6 -- only the last two have titles: 13. Elle est morte; 14. Ma Mie qui
danse; composed in 1908
Ten Easy Pieces for Piano, Sz 39 -- composed in 1908:
Peasant song (Ajnls)
Frustration (Lass vergds)
Slovakian boys' dance (Tt legnytnc)
Evening with the Szklers (Az este a Szkelyeknel)
Hungarian folksong (Magyar npdal)
Dawn (Hajnal)
Folksong (Azt mondjk, nem adnak)
Five-finger excercise (Gyakorlat)
Bear dance (Medvetnc)
String Quartet No. 1, Op. 7, Sz 40 -- begun in 1908, completed in 1909
Two Elegies (Kt elgia) for Piano, Op. 8b, Sz 41 -- first version composed in 1908, completed in 1909
For Children (Gyermekeknek) for Piano, Sz 42 -- begun in 1908, completed in 1909 (85 pieces in four
volumes), revised in 1944-1945 (79 pieces in two volumes)
Two Romanian Dances (Kt romn tnc) for Piano, Op. 8a, Sz 43 -- composed in 1910
Seven Sketches (Vzlatok) for Piano, Op. 9b, Sz 44 -- begun in 1908, completed in 1910:
Portrait of a girl (Lenyi arckp)
See-saw, dickory-daw (Hinta palinta...)
Non troppo lento
Romanian folksong (Romn npdal)
In Walachian style (Olhos)
Poco lento
Four Dirges (Ngy siratnek, Quatre nnies) for Piano, Op. 9a, Sz 45 -- composed in 1910
Two Pictures (Kt kp) for Orchestra, Op. 10, Sz 46 -- composed in 1910; In full flower (Virgzs, En
pleine fleur); Village dance (A falu tnca, Danse campagnarde)
Three Burlesques (Hrom burleszk) for Piano, Op. 8c, Sz 47 -- first version composed in 1908,
completed 1911; Quarrel (Perpatvar); A bit drunk (Kicsit zottan); Molto vivo, capriccioso;
Duke Bluebeard's Castle (A Kkszakllu herceg vra), Opera in One Act, Op. 11, Sz 48 -- libretto by
Bla Balzs; composed in 1911, revised in 1912 and 1918
Allegro barbaro for Piano, Sz 49 -- composed in 1911
Four Old Hungarian Folksongs (Ngy rgi magyar npdl) for Male Chorus, Sz 50 -- composed in
1910, revised in 1912:
Long ago I told you (Rg megmondtam)
Oh God, why am I waiting? (Jaj istenem! kire vtok)
In my sister-in-law's garden (ngyomasszony kertje)
Farmboy, load the cart well (Breslegny, jl megrakd a szekeret)
Four Pieces for Orchestra, Op. 12, Sz 51 -- composed 1912, orchestrated in 1921

Marcia funebre
The First Term at the Piano (Kezdk zongoramuzsikja), Sz 53 -- composed in 1913; 18 pieces from
Piano Method, with Sndor Reschofsky
Sonatina for Piano, Sz 55 -- composed in 1915
Romanian Folkdances (Romn npi tncok) for Piano, Sz 56 -- composed in 1915:
Stick dance (Joc cu bta)
Sash dance (Brul)
In one spot (Pe loc)
Horn dance (Buciumeana)
Romanian polka (Poarga romneasca)
Fast dance (Maruntel)
Fast dance (Maruntel)
Romanian Christmas Carols (Romn kolindadallok) for Piano, Sz 57 -- composed in 1915
Two Romanian Folksongs for Female Chorus, Sz 58 -- arrangement of piano pieces made in 1915
Nine Romanian Folksongs for Voice and Piano, Sz 59 -- composed in 1915
The Wooden Prince (A fbol faragott kirlyfi), Ballet in One Act, Op. 13, Sz 60 -- libretto by Bla
Balzs; begun in 1914, completed in 1917
The Wooden Prince (A fbol faragott kirlyfi), Suite, Op. 13 -- an arrangement begun in 1921 and
completed in 1924 (?)
Suite for Piano, Op. 14, Sz 62 -- composed in 1916
Five Songs (t dal) for Voice and Piano, Op. 15, Sz 61 -- begun in 1915, completed in 1916:
My love (Az n szerelnen)
Summer (Nyr)
Night of desire (A vgyak jjele)
In vivid dreams (Sznes lomban)
In the valley (Itt lent a vlgyben)
Five Songs (t dal) for Voice and Piano, Op. 16, Sz 63 -- composed in 1916; lyrics by Andre Ady:
Three autumn tears (Hrom szi knnycsepp)
Sounds of autumn (Az szi lrma)
My bed calls me (Az gyam hvogat)
Alone with the sea (Egyedl a tengerrel)
I cannot come to you (Nem mehetek hozzd)
Slovak Folksong, Sz 63a -- composed in 1916 (?)
Eight Hungarian Folksongs (Nyolc magyar npdal) for Voice and Piano, Sz 64 -- first version composed
in 1907, completed in 1917:
Black is the earth (Fekete fld)
My God, my God, make the river swell (Istenem, istenem, rasd meg a vizet)
Wives, let me be one of your company (Asszonyok, asszonyok)
So much sorrow lies on my heart (Annyi bnat az szvemen)
If I climb yonder hill (Ha kimegyek arr' a magos tetre)
They are mending the great forest highway (Tltik a nagy erd tjt)
Up to now my work was plowing in the springtime (Eddig val dolgom a tavaszi sznts)
The snow is melting (Olvad a h)
Three Hungarian Folksongs for Piano, Sz 66 -- first version composed in 1914, completed in 1918
String Quartet No. 2, Op. 17, Sz 67 -- begun in 1915, completed in 1917
Romanian Folkdances (Romn npi tncok) for Orchestra, Sz 68 -- arrangement of piano pieces made in
Five Slovak Folksongs for Male Chorus (Tot npdalok: Slovck ludov piesne), Sz 69 -- composed in
Hey, my dear, kind comrades (Ej, postluchajte mlo)
If I must go to the war (Ked' ja smutny pojdem)
Let us go, comrades (Kamardi moj)
Hey, if soon I fall (Ej, a ked' mna zabiju)
To battle I went forth (Ked' som siou na vojnu)
Four Slovak Folksongs for Mixed Choir (Ngy tot npdal: Styri slovensk piesne), Sz 70 -- composed in
1916 (?):

Thus sent the mother (Zadala mamka)

In alpine pastures (Na holi, na holi)
Food and drink's your only pleasure (Rada pila, rada jedla)
Let the bagpipe sound (Gajdujte, gajdence)
Fifteen Hungarian Peasant Songs (Tizent magyar parasztdal) for Piano, Sz 71 -- begun in 1914,
completed in 1918
Studies for Piano, Op. 18, Sz 72 -- composed in 1918
The Miraculous Mandarin (A csondlatos mandarin), Pantomime in One Act, Op. 19, Sz 73 -- begun in
1918, completed in 1919, orchestrated in 1923, revised in 1924 and 1923-1931
The Miraculous Mandarin, Suite, Op. 19 -- an arrangement began in 1919 and completed in 1927
Eight Improvisations on Hungarian Peasant Songs for Piano (Rgtnzsek magyar parasztdalokra),
Op. 20, Sz 74 -- composed in 1920
Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 1, Op. 21, Sz 75 -- composed in 1921
Sonata for Violin and Piano No. 2, Sz 76 -- composed in 1922
Dance Suite (Tncsvit, or, Tnc-suite) for Orchestra, Sz 77 -- composed in 1923
Village Scenes (Falun), Five Slovak Songs for Female Voice and Piano, Sz 78 -- composed in 1924
Three Village Scenes (Falun, Tri dedinsk scny) for 4/8 Female Voices and Chamber Orchestra, Sz 79
-- arrangement of nos. 3-5 of Sz 78 made in 1926
Sonata for Piano, Sz 80 -- composed in 1926
Out of Doors (Szabadban) for Piano, Sz 81 -- composed in 1926:
With drums and pipes (Sppal, dobbal)
The night's music (As jszaka zenje, Musiques nocturnes)
The chase (Hajsza)
Nine Little Pieces for Piano, Sz 82 -- composed in 1926:
1-4. Dialogues
5. Menuetto
6. Air
7. Marcia delle bestie
8. Tambourine
9. Preludio, all' ungherese
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 1, Sz 83 -- composed in 1926
Three Rondos on Slovak Folk Tunes (Hrom rondo npi dallamokkal) for Piano, Sz 84 -- first rondo
composed in 1916, the other two in 1927
String Quartet No. 3, Sz 85 -- composed in 1927
Rhapsody for Violin and Piano No. 1, Sz 86 -- composed in 1928
Rhapsody for Violin and Orchestra No. 1, Sz 87 -- composed in 1928
Rhapsody for Violin and Piano No. 2, Sz 89 -- composed in 1928
Rhapsody for Violin and Orchestra No. 2, Sz 90 -- composed in 1928, revised in 1944
String Quartet No. 4, Sz 91 -- composed in 1928
Twenty Hungarian Folksongs (Husz magyar npdal) for Voice and Piano, Sz 92 -- composed in 1929; 1.
In Prison (A tmlcben), 2. Ancient grief (Rgi keserves), 3. The fugitive (Bujdos-nek), 4. Herdsman's
song (Psztornta), 5. Szkely 'lass', 6. Szkely 'friss', 7. Swineherd's dance (Kansztnc), 8. Six-florin
dance ('Htforintos' nta), 9. The shepherd (Juhszcsfol), 10. Joking song (Trfs nta), 11. Nuptial
serenade (Prost I), 12. Humorous song (Prost II), 13. Dialogue song (Pr-nek), 14. Complaint
(Panasz), 15. Drinking song (Bordal), 16. Oh, my dear mother (Hej, des anym), 17. Ripening cherries
(rik a ropogos cseresznye), 18. Long ago at Doboz fell the snow (Mr Dobozon rgen leesett a h), 19.
Yellow cornstalk (Srga kukoricaszl), 20. Wheat, wheat (Buza, buza)
Four Hungarian Folksongs (Magyar npdalok) for Mixed Chorus, Sz 93 -- composed in 1932:
The prisoner (A rab)
The rover (A bujdos)
The marrigeable girl (As elad lny)
Song (Dal)
Cantata Profana, or, The Nine Enchanted Stags (A kilenc csodaszarvas), for Tenor, Baritone, Double
Chorus, and Orchestra, Sz 94 -- composed in 1930

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 2, Sz 95 -- begun in 1930, completed in 1931
Transylvanian Dances (Erdlyi tncok) for Orchestra, Sz 96 -- arrangement made in 1931 of Sz 55
Hungarian Sketches (Magyar kpek) for Orchestra, Sz 97 -- arrangement made in 1931 of nos. 5 and 10
of Ten Easy Pieces, no. 2 of Four Dirges, no. 2 of Three Burlesques, and no. 40 of For Children, Book 1
44 Duos for Two Violins, Sz 98 -- composed in 1931; 44 short duos in four volumes: Volume I: 1. Prosto
(Teasing Song), 2. Kalamajk (Maypole Dance), 3. Menuetto, 4. Szentivnji (Midsummer Night Song), 5.
Tt nta (1) (Slovakian Song), 6. Magyar nta (1) (Hungarian Song), 7. Olh nta (Walachian Song), 8. Tt
nta (2) (Slovakian Song), 9. Jtk (Play Song), 10. Rutn nta (Ruthenian Song), 11. Gyermekrengetskor
(Cradle Song), 12. Sznagyjtskor (Hay Song), 13. Lakodalmas (Wedding Song), 14. Prns tnc(Pillow
Dance); Volume II: 15. Katonanta (Soldiers' Song), 16. Burleszk (Burlesque), 17. Mentel nta (1)
(Hungarian March), 18. Mentel nta (2) (Hungarian March), 19. Mese (Fairy Tale), 20. Dal (A Rhythm
Song), 21. jvksznt (1) (New Year's Song), 22. Szunyogtnc (Mosquito Dance), 23.
Mennyasszonybcsztat (Bride's Farewell), 24. Trfs nta (Comic Song), 25. Magyar nta (2) (Hungarian
Song); Volume III: 26. "Ugyan des kommasszony..." (Teasing Song), 27. Snta-tnc (Limping Dance), 28.
Bnkds (Sorrow), 29. jvksznt (2) (New Year's Song), 30. jvksznt (3) (New Year's Song), 31.
jvksznt (4) (New Year's Song), 32. Mramarosi tnc (Dance from Mramaros), 33. Ara tskor
(Harvest Song), 34. Szmll nta (Enumerating Song), 35. Rutn kolomejka (Ruthenian Kolomejka), 36.
Szl a Duda (Bagpipes); Volume IV: 37. Preludium s Knon (Prelude and Canon), 38. Forgats (Rumanian
Whirling Dance), 39. Szerb tnc (Serbian Dance), 40. Olh tnc (Walachian Dance), 41. Scherzo, 42. Arab
dal (Arabian Song), 43. Pizzicato, 44. "Erdlyi" tnc (Transylvanian Dance).
Szkely Songs (Szkely dalok) for Male Chorus, Sz 99 -- composed in 1932 and 1938:
1. How often I've regretted (Hej, de sokszor megbntottl)
2. My God, my life (Instenem, letem)
3. Slender Thread, hard seed (Vkony crna, kemny mag)
4. In Kilynfalva girls are gathering (Kilynfalvi kzptizbe)
5. = 3.
6. Do a dance, priest (Jrjaz pap a tncot)
Hungarian Peasant Songs (Magyar parasztdalok) for Orchestra, Sz 100 -- arrangement made in 1933 of
piano pieces
Five Hungarian Folksongs (Magyar npdalok) for Solo Voice and Orchestra, Sz 101 -- arrangement
made in 1933 of five pieces from Sz 92
String Quartet No. 5, Sz 102 -- composed in 1934
27 Two and Three-part Choruses for Children's Chorus (Vols. 1 to 6) and for Female Chorus (Vols. 7
and 8) (27 kt-s hromszlam krus), Sz 103 -- traditional Hungarian songs arranged by Bartk; begun
in 1935, completed in 1936; five songs transcribed for choir and school orchestra in 1937; two songs
transcribed for choir and chamber orchestra in 1937
From Olden Times (Elmult idokbol) for Male Chorus, Sz 104 -- composed in 1935; No one's more
unhappy than the peasant (Nincs boldogtalanabb); One, two, three, four (Egy, kett, hrom, ngy); No one is
happier than the peasant (Nincsen szerencssebb)
Petite suite for Piano, Sz 105 -- arrangement made in 1936 of nos. 28, 38, 43, 16, and 36 of Sz 98; revised
in 1943
Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, Sz 106 -- composed in 1936
Mikrokosmos for Piano, Sz 107 -- first version composed in 1926, completed in 1932-1939; 153 pieces of
increasing difficulty in six volumes
Seven Pieces from Mikrokosmos for Two Pianos, Sz 108 -- begun in 1939, completed in 1940
Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion, Sz 110 -- composed in 1937
Contrasts for Violin, Clarinet and Piano, Sz 111 -- composed in 1938
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 2, Sz 112 -- begun in 1937, completed in 1938
Divertimento for Strings, Sz 113 -- composed in 1939
String Quartet No. 6, Sz 114 -- composed in 1939
Concerto for Two Pianos, Sz 115 -- arrangement made in 1940 of Sz 110
Suite for Two Pianos, Op. 4b, Sz 115a -- arrangement made in 1941 of no. 2 from Sz 34
Concerto for Orchestra, Sz 116 -- begun in 1942, completed in 1943, revised in 1945
Sonata for Solo Violin, Sz 117 -- composed in 1944
Ukranian Folksong (A frj keserve: The Husband's Grief) for Voice and Piano, Sz 118 -- composed in

Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 3, Sz 119 -- composed in 1945

Concerto for Viola and Orchestra, Sz 120 -- begun in 1945, but left unfinished; completed and
orchestrated by Tibor Serly in 1949; revised and edited by Peter Bartk and Paul Neubauer in 1995

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