Ems Case Study 1
Ems Case Study 1
Ems Case Study 1
Pulmonary Edema
This is a case study training evolution - for the management of a patient
complaining of shortness of breath. The training can be delivered as a practical
medical call with somebody acting as the patient or can be a table top discussion
that allows all personnel to participate at the same level.
The underlying illness is a patient with congestive heart failure. The patient will
present with severe shortness of breath and so the students must actively
engage the patient to obtain an appropriate history.
Students are not to receive copies of the training information; this requires them
to write down the information they obtain from their assessment as if they were in
the field.
Students must treat the patient in accordance with your departments approved
This scenario should last between 30 minutes and 1 hour depending on class
Each student shall give a report of their clinical findings, treatments, patients
condition after treatment, and hospital report.
Due to staffing issues an ALS ambulance crew is not available.
P. 1
Pulmonary Edema
Ambulance 317 is dispatched to a residence for a 62 year old male complaining
of shortness of breath. Ambulance is staffed by EMT-basic level trained
personnel only. It is 1900 hours. Response time is 4 minutes. The dispatcher
informs the responding crew that the patient is unable to speak beyond a few
words over the telephone.
On arrival the crew finds the patient sitting in a recliner located in the living room
of his small home. The only other occupant is a small dog that continues to bark
at you from under the sofa. The patient is sitting forward with his hands on his
knees. He is using all of his accessory muscles to breath. His lips are pursed. His
skin color is pale to ashen. Gurgling can be heard and he has a productive cough
that is producing pink tinged sputum.
When asked questions, the patient can only utter yes or no or point.
Patient Information
Mr. Joe Jenkins is a retired welder.
Medications are located on the table next to his recliner, they include: potassium
chloride, Lasix, Lopressor, nitroglycerin, Lanoxin.
The doctors name on the medication bottles is Dr. Mary Vanderhouse.
Assessment Findings
Blood pressure: 180/100
Respiratory rate: 30, shallow
Lung sounds: noted congestion in all lobes.
Oxygen saturation: 80% on home oxygen at 2 liters per minutes
LOC: alert and awake, presents with two word dyspnea.
Pulse: 140 irregular
Pupils: equal and reactive
Physical findings:
HEENT: No JVD, No TD, pursed lips, maintaining his own airway.
CHEST: Lung sounds as noted.
ABD: Soft not tender
EXT: +2 pitting edema at ankles
P. 2
Pulmonary Edema
Suction mouth
Recline patient slightly to aid in airway control
Begin to assist ventilation with BVM and 100% oxygen.
P. 3
Pulmonary Edema
Radio/Hospital Report
The hospital report will vary from student to student but should contain all
pertinent information. An example would be as follows:
This is ambulance 317, we are en route to your facility emergency status
with a 62 year old male patient of Dr. Vanhouse, transporting from patients
residence with a chief complaint of shortness of breath. Patient has a history of
congestive heart failure. On our arrival we found the patient sitting in a recliner,
with his hands on his knees breathing through pursed lips and presenting with
one to two word dyspnea. Patient is on home oxygen at around 2 liters per
minute. We establish high flow oxygen at 15 lpm via a non-rebreather mask.
Initial O2 saturation was 80%. Initial vitals were BP 180/100, pulse 140 and
irregular, respiratory rate at 30 and shallow. Lung sounds were congested with
patient producing pink tinged sputum. En route to your facility patients shortness
of breath increased and patient became unable to speak. We suctioned the
airway and began to assist ventilation using a BVM and 100% oxygen. We will be
at your facility within ten minutes. Do you have any questions or orders?
Case Summary
Many patients that the EMT will encounter are living with congestive heart failure.
In this case our patient was a welder all of his life and exposed to fumes from his
working environment. The EMT should be willing to assist in ventilating a
conscious patient. ALS intervention would have been beneficial but rapid
transport to the hospital was the best choice any medic could have made.
P. 4