Size-Dependent Plasticity in An Nb25Mo25Ta25W25 Refractory High-Entropy Alloy
Size-Dependent Plasticity in An Nb25Mo25Ta25W25 Refractory High-Entropy Alloy
Size-Dependent Plasticity in An Nb25Mo25Ta25W25 Refractory High-Entropy Alloy
Acta Materialia 65 (2014) 8597
Laboratory for Nanometallurgy, Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 10, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland
Laboratory of Crystallography, Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 10, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland
Received 8 October 2013; received in revised form 17 November 2013; accepted 18 November 2013
Available online 21 December 2013
High-entropy alloys (HEAs) are evolving multi-component intermetallic systems, wherein multiple principal elements tend to form
single solid-solution-like phases with a strong tendency to solid solution strengthening. In this study, an Nb25Mo25Ta25W25 refractory
HEA was synthesized by arc melting and well homogenized at 1800 C. Single-crystalline HEA pillars in two orientations ([0 0 1] and
[3 1 6]) and with diameters ranging from 2 lm to 200 nm were produced by focused ion beam milling and compressed using a at-punch
tip in a nanoindenter. The HEA pillar samples can reach extraordinarily high strength levels of 44.5 GPa, which is 33.5 times
higher than that of the bulk HEA; meanwhile the ductility is signicantly improved. Compared to pure Nb, Mo, Ta and W pillars,
the HEA pillars exhibit higher strengths than any of them in both absolute and normalized values, and the HEA pillars also show relatively low compressive size eects, as evaluated by the loglog slope of strength vs. pillar diameter. The higher strength levels and lower
size dependence for the HEA could be attributed to the increased lattice resistance caused by localized distortion at atomic length scales.
The correlation between normalized strengths, length scales and temperatures for body-centered cubic structured pillars is illustrated,
and the relevance of a size-eect slope as well as the additivity of strengthening mechanisms is critically discussed.
2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Microcompression; High-entropy alloy; Body-centered cubic; Size eects; Solid solution hardening
1. Introduction
High-entropy alloys (HEAs), conceptualized by Yeh et al.
in 2004 [1], are usually made of ve or more metallic elements
with equimolar or near-equimolar ratios, where their congurational entropy, Sconf, increases with the number of elements n as DSconf = R ln(n), with R the universal gas
constant. The high entropy stabilizes solid-solution phases
at elevated temperatures and single-phase HEAs prevent
the formation of possible intermetallics in these compositions [13]. HEAs may have interesting applications due to
1359-6454/$36.00 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
300 m
200 m
Fig. 1. (a) EBSD inverse pole gure map of the cross-section of the HEA bulk specimen before FIB milling. Two grains which were selected to mill pillars
are indicated by circles: the left one is [3 1 6]-oriented (tolerance angle <6) and the right one is [0 0 1]-oriented (tolerance angle <4). The orientations of the
two selected grains are also indicated in the inverse pole gure at the bottom. (b) A typical SEM image (SE mode) of the HEA specimen after FIB milling.
The two selected grains are indicated by circles as well.
100 m
100 m
Fig. 3. SEM images (BSE mode) of the cross-sections of the NbMoTaW HEA annealed at 1800 C for 7 days: (a) inside a grain and (c) including a
grain boundary. The arrows indicate the line-scans for EDX analysis. (b and d) The corresponding atomic proportions of the four elements along the lines
in (a) and (c), respectively. The typical EDX resolution limit is 1.0 at.%.
Table 1
The average values and standard deviations (in MPa) of the Vickers microhardness of 15 random indents on the HEAs (as-cast and as-annealed at 1800 C
for 2, 4 and 7 days) and pure Nb, Mo, Ta and W (as-annealed at 1800 C for 7 days).
Nb 7D
Mo 7D
Ta 7D
W 7D
HEA cast
HEA 2 days
HEA 4 days
HEA 7 days
Standard deviation
2, which is
to be Ut + Us = 0.0037 + 0.0055 = 0.0092 A
close to the experimental value of 0.0091 A
3.2. Compression of pillar samples
As shown in the SEM images (Fig. 5a and b), single slips
are observed in 2 lm and 1 lm [3 1 6]-oriented HEA pillars,
which have slip bands traversing along the gauge length of
the samples. The slip bands are oriented at 4070 o the
loading axis. A second slip system could be also activated
when the pillars experienced large strains. Some localized
shear osets along slip planes are observed at the top part
of the pillars (Fig. 5b). For smaller pillars (500 nm and
250 nm in diameter, Fig. 5c and d), multiple slips are usually observed. The multiple slips might be due to a slight
misalignment between the pillar top and the at punch or
due to the inuence of the tolerance angle. The multiple
slips are expected to contribute to strain hardening. As
shown in Fig. 5b, occasionally some degree of bending is
Fig. 4. High-resolution TEM images of the NbMoTaW HEA homogenized at 1800 C for 7 days: (a) a bright-eld TEM image oriented in [1 0 0] zone
axis and the corresponding electron diraction pattern; (b) an inverse fast Fourier transform image of the area (a); (c) and (e) are enlarged images of the
indicated boxes in (b); (d) and (f) show lattice fringes which are traced for (c) and (f), respectively, to indicate the regions with lattice distortions.
1 m
2 m
2 m
500 nm
500 nm
Fig. 5. SEM images (SE mode) of post-compressed [3 1 6]-oriented HEA pillars with approximate diameters of: (a) 2 lm, (b) 1 lm, (c) 500 nm and (d)
250 nm. An enlarged image which presents sharp slip bands is shown in the inset of (a).
bursts may be due to a relatively low feedback rate in displacement mode compared with the burst events, as
explained in Refs. [38,39]. In both orientations, the smaller
pillars exhibit stronger displacement bursts in both magni-
500 nm
1 m
2 m
400 nm
500 nm
Fig. 6. SEM images (SE mode) of post-compressed [0 0 1]-oriented HEA pillars with approximate diameters of: (a) 2 lm, (b) 1 lm, (c) 500 nm and (d)
250 nm. An enlarge image which presents a wavy morphology is shown in the inset of (a).
Fig. 7. Representative engineering stress strain curves for (a) [3 1 6]-oriented and (b) [0 0 1]-oriented single crystalline HEA pillars with the diameters
ranging from 2 lm to 200 nm.
the displacement bursts on analysis and make a direct comparison with pure bcc metal pillars in the references [23,26],
the highest ow stress values measured below 5% strain
and 8% strain, which are dened as r0.05 and r0.08, respectively, are used to compare the strengths for dierent pillar
The changes of r0.05 and r0.08 due to dierent pillar
diameters for both [3 1 6] and [0 0 1] orientations are plotted
in Fig. 8: for r0.05, [3 1 6] and [0 0 1]-orientated HEA pillars
have size-eect exponents (m) of 0.30 0.02 and
0.33 0.02, respectively; for r0.08, [3 1 6] and [0 0 1]-orientated HEA pillars have m values of 0.32 0.02 and
Table 2
Physical properties of pure Nb, Mo, Ta, W and the HEA.
a (A
q (g cm3)
s0 (MPa)
G (GPa)
s0 (103)
Tm (K)
Tc (K)
m for r0.05
m for r0.08
HEA calc.
HEA exp.
0.48 [23]
0.38 [23]
0.21 [23]
47.2 [41]
158 [24]
62.8 [41]
164 [42]
The crystal lattice parameter, a, density, q, and melting temperature, Tm, of pure Nb, Mo, Ta and W are adapted from Table 2 of Ref. [9]; Peierls stress, s0 ,
is collected from Ref. [42], the corresponding shear modulus, G, is chosen for the active slip systems of {1 1 2}h1 1 1i [24,41,42]; the values of critical
temperature, Tc, and size-eect exponent, m, are chosen from Refs. [23,26]. To give an estimation of Tc in the bulk HEA [10], an intersection point between
the high-temperature linear part and the low-temperature linear part in the measured stresstemperature curve is chosen as the value of Tc. HEA calc. is
calculated due to the rule of mixtures. HEA exp. is the value measured in this study.
400 m
10 m
5 m
Fig. 9. Typical SEM images (SE mode) of: (a) a fracture surface in the HEA bulk sample, showing the fracture occurred along grain boundaries; (b) a
post-deformed HEA pillar that contains a grain boundary (indicated by arrows), where the fracture occurred. The corresponding forcedisplacement
curve and the enlarged area of the fracture region are shown in the insets; (c) a 2 lm [0 0 1]-oriented single-crystalline HEA pillar, which was severely bent
without any fracture or crack after deformation.
side of the pillar. This comparison suggests that the elimination of grain boundaries and decrease of sample size
could signicantly increase the ductility of HEAs.
4.2.2. Strength
Submicron-sized HEA pillars exhibit extraordinarily
high strengths compared to the bulk HEA (44.5 vs.
1 GPa [10]). The origin of the higher strength for the
HEA pillars could be the same as the size-eect phenomena
for the other metal pillars. It is generally believed that when
the sample dimension is reduced into micron and submicron
regimes, the strength is increased due to the decreased average size of dislocation sources. Weinberger and Cai [30] suggest, for bcc pillars, that a single dislocation can also
multiply itself repeatedly and forms dislocation segments
and hard junctions, contributing to the increased strength.
4.3. HEA bcc pillar vs. pure elemental bcc pillars: size eects
Size-dependent strengths have been commonly and
empirically characterized by a power-law relation, either
in a non-normalized form, r = A(D)m, or in a normalized
form, s/G = A(D/b)m, where s is the resolved shear stress
on primary slip planes, A is a constant, D is the pillar
Fig. 10. Size-dependent strengths for the [3 1 6]- and [0 0 1]-oriented HEA pillars in this study and pure Nb, Mo, Ta and W as reported by Schneider et al.
[23] and Kim et al. [26]. (a and b) r0.05 and r0.08 vs. pillar diameters (D); (c and d) resolved ow strengths normalized by corresponding shear modulus (s/
G) vs. pillar diameters normalized by Burgers vector (D/b). (e) Schematic illustration of size-dependent strengths for dierent metallic systems: FIB-milled
pure fcc and bcc pillars (data summarized from Refs. [17,23,26]) and the HEA bcc pillars in this study, and the range of each group is indicated by a
colored solid ellipse. The HEA bcc pillars exhibit both higher absolute and normalized strength levels than any other bcc metals but a relatively low size
dependence of strengths.
s s sG ssource
with T t P T c
Fig. 11. A 3-D illustration for the size and temperature dependence of the
strengths in Mo pillars according to Eq. (7): normalized strength (s/G) vs.
(normalized length scale (D/b), normalized temperature (Tt/Tc)) in a size
range of 102105b and a temperature range of 0Tc. In order to give the
best estimation of the strength, the parameters are chosen as: a 0.5,
, (q0 + qD) 5.0 1012 m2, K 0.5 and k D, [48,50,51].
b 2.728 A
The top rainbow-colored surface with contours is a sum of all the
strengthening mechanisms in Eq. (7). The contributions from the lattice
resistance (s*), the Taylor hardening (sG) and the source strength (ssource)
are plotted in blue, red and green, respectively. (For interpretation of the
references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)
calculated strengthsize curve according to Eq. (7) is compared to the experimental data of [0 0 1]-Mo pillars [23,26]
and [1 1 1]-Mo pillars [53], as shown in Fig. 12. The dashed
lines present the individual contributions from the lattice
friction (s*, blue), the Taylor hardening (sG, red) and the
source strengthening (ssource, green) to the overall strength
(s, black), respectively. In the case of Mo, the experimental
data points are in a good agreement with the calculated
strength curve at a reasonable scatter level, especially for
the sample size larger than 100 nm. Surface image stresses
may have a large eect at the length smaller than 100 nm.
In the region in which two or three mechanisms are similar
in magnitude, the normalized strength will change by up to
a factor of three, compared to a scenario where only the
strongest strengthening mechanism is relevant. This is the
only scenario where an understanding of which strengthening mechanisms are additive and which are not becomes
important. If only one mechanism dominates, the distinction is secondary.
4.3.2. HEA bcc pillar
Here, we attempt to predict a strengthsize curve for the
HEA pillars using Eq. (7). Although there is no experimental data of the Peierls stress and shear modulus for the
HEA, the values of s0 =G are available for Nb, Mo, Ta
and W [42] (Table 2), which are between 103 and 102.
Wang [54] also calculates s0 =G theoretically and estimates
that the values of s0 =G are 103 for bcc edge dislocations
and 102 for bcc screws. Here, the maximum s0 =G value
among the bcc metals, 8.7 103, is chosen to give an esti , and Tc
mation for the HEA pillars as well as b of 2.799 A
of 1050 K (Table 2). As can be seen in Fig. 12, the experimental data points are higher than the predicted curve by a
factor of 2. The reason might be that unlike pure bcc elements the solute atoms in the HEA have dierent atomic
dimensions which can induce signicant localized lattice
distortion (Fig. 4). While the rule of mixtures may be
appropriate for determining the shear modulus, the severe
lattice distortions in the HEA are expected to result in a
signicantly higher Peierls potential than for each of the
constituents. Moreover, the non-uniform stress elds
throughout the HEA sample might cause an increased
dynamic drag eect and the following phenomena might
occur [46,55,56]: the emission of elastic waves during the
deceleration and acceleration of dislocation sliding along
a distorted lattice, the excitation of local vibrations of solute atoms and the radiation of phonons by dislocation
vibration like a string. Dierent from pure and lightly
alloyed metals with a relative ideal lattice, the dynamic
drag eect could be prominent in the HEA, and therefore
the lattice friction could be signicantly increased, leading
to strong strengthening. However, to make a convincing
conclusion, a precise experimental evaluation of Tc and
s0 =G as well as detailed microstructural analyses and
atomic simulations of the non-planar dislocation core
structure in HEAs will be a subject for future investigation.
As we have shown in Fig. 11, the apparent size eect
exponent m depends not only on the superposition of
strengthening mechanisms but also on the experimentally
accessible size range. Nevertheless it is instructive to correlate m to the normalized temperature, if the analyzed size
ranges and dislocation densities are comparable. Here, we
adapted the method used by Schneider et al. [23] to correlate m and Tt/Tc for pure bcc and HEA bcc pillars. According to Eq. (7), the value of m can be expressed as:
Mo Ta
Fig. 12. The calculated normalized strength vs. normalized length for Mo
pillars at room temperature (300 K) according to Eq. (7). The solid black
line is a sum of all the mechanisms for Mo and the contribution of each
mechanism is plotted separately in a dashed color line: s* (blue), sG (red)
and ssource (green). The black points are the experimental data of [0 0 1] Mo
pillars [23,26] and [1 1 1] Mo pillars [53]. The predicted curve for the HEA
using Eq. (7) and the experimental data of [0 0 1] HEA in this study are
also plotted. In order to calculate the strength levels of the HEA, the
, Tc 1050 K (Table 2) and
following parameters are chosen: b 2.799 A
the maximum s0 =G value among the bcc metals, 8.7 103. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader
is referred to the web version of this article.)
the HEA
Fig. 13. The absolute values of m vs. Tt/Tc: the correlation between the
size eects and the critical temperatures of pure Nb, Mo, Ta and W pillars
[23,26] and the HEA pillars in this study.
m ln
s T t
ln B 0
GA T c
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