Assessment Literacy: Process of Gaining Information About The Gap and Learning Is
Assessment Literacy: Process of Gaining Information About The Gap and Learning Is
Assessment Literacy: Process of Gaining Information About The Gap and Learning Is
Brown & Newman, 1986). If this is true for learning, it is also true
for assessment. As students collaborate with their teacher on
assessment, they reflect and ask themselves, 'How have I done?'
'What can I do to improve?' 'How can I use what I have learned?'
Thus, students should help you assess and evaluate their own
progress in literacy. ... Collaboration means students sometimes
help select what they want evaluated. This becomes a joint effort
in which teacher and students work and think together, and
should also involve parents (Dillon, 1990). When students,
teacher, and parents collaborate on evaluation, the responsibility
is shared, as it should be.
5. Effective assessment is multidimensional. Quality
assessment should use several different tasks, such as samples of
writing, student retellings, records of independent reading, selfevaluations, and checklists. In making these choices, you need to
trust your own intuition based on your knowledge and
observations about students. More formal types of assessments
have proclaimed their validity and reliability using various
statistical procedures. Although many of the techniques being
suggested today are more informal, we must still know that they
are trustworthy (Valencia, 1990a), and one way to determine this
is to use multiple tasks to get a consistent pattern of
performance. Cambourne and Turbill (1990) argue that data
generated from multiple sources using teacher observations and
judgments are just as trustworthy and 'scientific' as those
generated by what have been called 'measurement-based'
approaches to assessment.
6. Assessment should be developmentally and culturally
appropriate. We know children develop literacy and their ability
to construct meaning by 'trying out' their reading and writing and
making approximations. Therefore, tests or procedures that
require absolute mastery at a given level or complete mastery of
a given set of words before moving to a new book are completely
contrary to how we know children learn. We must select
assessment tasks that honor children's developmental levels of
learning. At the same time, we must consider the cultural
diversity of our classrooms. Children from different cultures have
not only different language bases but also different patterns and
styles of learning (Au, 1993; Garcia, [G. E.] 1994). We must take
these into consideration as we plan our assessment procedures.
7. Effective assessment identifies students'
strengths. Children learn to construct meaning by doing what
they already know how to do and by getting support in gaining
new strategies and techniques. This is using what Vygotsky
(1978) calls the zone of proximal development. Effective
assessment therefore must help us identify what our students do
well. For many years, we have given students tests to find out
what they do not know; then we proceeded to plan lessons totally
around these weaknesses. This is contrary to how students
acquire language and contrary to how they learn to construct
8. Assessment must be based on what we know about how
students learn to read and write. This entire text has focused
on how students learn to read and write and construct meaning.
Clearly, we know assessment has not kept pace with our
knowledge about reading and writing. We know the two processes
are similar but different. We also know they develop together and
produce benefits that are attainable by neither one alone (Tierney
& Shanahan, 1991). And we know reading and writing are both
constructive processes. As we plan assessment tasks, we must
keep this knowledge in mind, incorporating new knowledge as it
becomes available.
Assessing literacy
People with low literacy often inadvertently give us clue that
can lead as to realization that they may have a reading or a
comprehension problem. Such clues include the following: