Words of Wisdom: Happy Valley National High School Grade 7-English Subject Jose Jr. B. Orquia
Words of Wisdom: Happy Valley National High School Grade 7-English Subject Jose Jr. B. Orquia
Words of Wisdom: Happy Valley National High School Grade 7-English Subject Jose Jr. B. Orquia
Words of Wisdom
Folkliterature that reveal our ancestors wisdom. When she gathered proverbs
from various areas in our country, she declared that our elders lived by simple,
yet very meaningful rules of righteous living. In fact, she asserted that even the
Spaniards who colonized our country noticed how proverbs formed part of the
native spirit. Spanish missionaries were found to have translated such proverbs
and other oral expressions in Spanish in order for their fellow religious people to
learn our indigenous languages. By doing so, they were able to interact with the
early Filipinos their and eventually introduce the Catholic faith.
Proverbs are brief instructive expressions that suggest a specific action, behavior,
or judgment. Referred to by some scholars as the wisdom of many and the wit
of one, they are commonly written in the form of short assertions or poetic twoliners which have rhyme. It is interesting to note that people are easily struck by
proverbs when they are woven in conversations or writings. This is perhaps
because they have the power to teach people the more essential truths about life
and the complexity of living. Compared to lengthy narrations, descriptions, or
argumentations, proverbs are able to effect quickly a change in view or
In Filipino, proverbs are called salawikain or sawikain. They prescribe norms,
impart a lesson, or emphasize traditions and beliefs in a community. In the
anthology of Damiana L. Eugenio, she classified proverbs into six categories: (1)
proverbs expressing a general attitude towards life and the laws that govern life;
(2) ethical proverbs recommending certain virtues and condemning certain vices;
(3) proverbs expressing a system of values; (4) proverbs expressing general
truths and observations about life and human nature; (5) humorous proverbs and
(6) miscellaneous proverbs. Below are examples of each category.
Damiana L. Eugenio, the mother of Philippine Folklore compiled and edited what
may very well be considered as the most comprehensive collection of proverbs in
our country. There is a limited number of works like this in existence. She spent a
lifetime collecting pieces
1. Proverbs expressing a general attitude towards life and the laws that govern
4. Proverbs expressing general truths and observations about life and human
with merchants and traders culminated in a unique blend of East and West, both
in the appearance and culture of the people of the Filipinos, or people of the
(6) Northern Philippines boast of its old Spanish flavor, from architecture to
culinary traditions. (7) There are much pleasure to discover in the coasts and
shorelines of Central Philippines. (8) In Southern Philippines, one discovers the
rich Islamic backgrounds of our country. (9) Nobody has ever experienced
boredom in hopping from one island to another. (10) Either pleasure or warm
insights is taken home by every visitor in our shores.