2446 Lee Julie Anne Rm-04
2446 Lee Julie Anne Rm-04
2446 Lee Julie Anne Rm-04
Values are guiding principles that determine what is important to us (Rokeach, 1973; Kahle, 1983). They
have been defined as enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is
personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state (Rokeach,
1973, p. 5). Values are thought to be relatively stable in adults and to motivate people's behavior (e.g.,
Rokeach, 1973; Schwartz 1992; Kahle, Rose, & Shoham, 1999). Rokeach and other values researchers
have suggested that values reflect real differences between cultures, social classes, occupations, religions
and political orientations. Consequently, it is not surprising that researchers have long felt that values
impact on decisions and have tried to investigate this impact (e.g., Carman 1977; Vinson, Scott, &
Lamont, 1977; Prakash & Munson 1985; McCarty & Shrum, 1993; Donthu & Cherian 1994).
Several instruments have been developed to measure values, including Rokeachs (1973) Value Survey
(RVS), Kahles (1983) List of Values (LOV), Mitchells (1983) Values and Life Styles (VALS) survey
and Schwartzs (1992) Values Scale (SVS). Each of these instruments use some form of rating or ranking
scales to obtain the needed data. The ranking method was used in most of the early research on values,
but increasingly, rating scales have become the preferred method (see Krosnick & Alwin, 1989).
Rating scales have several advantages and disadvantages as compared to ranking for respondents and
researchers. On the positive side, rating scales are easier for respondents to answer (e.g., Rokeach, 1973;
Alwin & Krosnick, 1985; Schwartz, 1994), allow longer lists of values to be asked, enable the
measurement of negative values and have better statistical properties (Schwartz, 1994). On the negative
side, people often use different parts of a scale, or response styles, which can affect both the mean and
the variance obtained (Craig & Douglas, 2000; Baumgartner & Steenkamp, 2001). For instance, people
often endorse most values as being important in their life, leading to skewed responses and so-called
"end-piling" (Hood, 2003; Mattila, 1999). Indeed, Schwartz and Bardi (2001) noted that responses to
values items generally range from somewhat to very important for each individual. Thus, the order of
importance is often what is compared across samples. This skewing tendency can be compounded by high
correlations between different value types (Krosnick & Alwin, 1989). While this should be expected for
similar or compatible values, the pattern of correlations between dissimilar values should be negative,
or non-significant, if there is discrimination between values items.
Optimally, the way in which values are measured should not impact on associations between values or
between values and behaviour. Many studies have shown that rankings and ratings produce a similar
aggregate ordering of values (e.g., Alwin & Krosnick, 1985; Feather, 1973, 1975; Moore, 1975).
However, differences have been found when the correlational structures of ranking and rating data have
been compared (e.g., Rankin & Grube, 1980; Reynolds & Jolly, 1980, Alwin & Krosnick, 1985, 1989).
Since response bias is a systematic tendency that distorts ratings so that they do not represent the true
score, many researchers standardize raw scores to reduce or eliminate unwanted differences (Fischer,
2004). The standardization of raw rating scores is often used to adjust the means and/or the standard
deviations of individuals, groups or cultures, depending on the type of analysis being conducted (see
Fischer, 2004 for a full discussion of the variety of standardization procedures). Many authors suggest
ipsatizing, or centering, responses around an individual's overall mean or using this mean as a covariate to
reduce such effects (e.g., Schwartz, 1992). The problem is, however, that this process may remove true
differences from the data (e.g. Smith, 2004; Van Hemert, et al., 2002).
Consequently, a measurement approach that overcame these issues would be a valuable addition to
researchers examining values. This paper discusses Best-Worst Scaling (BWS), which is such an
approach. In the paper, the performance of a traditional rating scale (the Schwartz Values Survey) is
compared with a BWS approach used to obtain similar values data. Given the importance of Schwartzs
values approach to the present study, it is discussed in some detail in the next section.
Schwartz (1992, 1994) developed the 57-item Schwartz Value Survey (called the SVS), which can be
used to compute the ten value types. Each item in the scale is followed by a short description (e.g.
CREATIVITY [uniqueness, imagination]) and respondents are asked how important the item is for them
as a guiding principle in their life. They are asked to choose the one item that is most important and rate
its importance. Next, they are asked to choose the value that is most opposed to their values and rate it as
-1 or, if there is no such value, to rate the least important value as 0 or 1. They are then asked to rate the
remaining 55 values on a 9-point scale (which ranges from -1 [opposed to my principles], through 0 [not
important], 3 [important], 6 [very important] to 7 [of supreme importance]). Responses to the items
associated with each of the 10 value types are averaged to obtain a score for each value type (Schwartz,
1992, 1994). A higher score for a value indicates that the respondent attaches greater importance to that
value. Schwartz and Bardi (2001; p. 271) noted that, people typically view values as desirable (and)
values generally range from somewhat to very important.
Third, Schwartz short description of each value item was imbedded into the webpage, so respondents
could read the description as they moved their mouse over any of the words. For example when people
held their mouse over the word CREATIVITY, Schwartzs description [uniqueness, imagination]
appeared. Respondents were given the following instruction:
In this section, we will ask you to pick the most and least important values that guide your life.
These values come from different cultures. While more than one may be important or
unimportant, please choose the MOST and the LEAST important to YOU as a guiding principle in
YOUR life. There are 11 sets of statements in this section.
Which is the MOST and LEAST important factor to you as a guiding principle in YOUR life?
BWS scores were calculated for each individual by counting the number of times each item was chosen as
the most or the least important and subtracting the number for least important from the number for most
important. This number was then divided by the number of times the item appeared in the survey, creating
a scale (-1 to +1) where high scores implying a value was more important to the respondent.
The data were obtained from a large study of consumers travel plans. The study was conducted on the
Internet, using a sample from a large online consumer panel in Western Australia. The sample was chosen
to reflect the age, gender, income and regional characteristics of the States residents. The sample was
limited to people aged from 18 to 75 years who do not work in advertising, marketing research or tourism.
Respondents were randomly assigned to answer a questionnaire that contained either the SVS or the BWS
task. This resulted in a sample of 202 people completing the SVS and 404 people completing the BWS
task. While individual question completion time was not measured in this study, two versions differed
only in the way in which values were measured. On average, the SVS questionnaire took 12 minutes
longer for respondents to complete than did the BWS questionnaire.
As discussed earlier, values research has been notable for respondents tending to rate most items as
important, leading to highly skewed responses (Hood, 2003; Mattila, 1999) and significant positive
correlations between the various values items.
respondents who answered the SVS items using the traditional 9-point scale (ranging from -1 to7) and the
404 respondents who answered the BWS task were computed and are shown in Table 1.
Value Item
Self Direction
As can be seen from Table 1, eight of the ten SVS means were above the scale midpoint and the range
was less than 3 on the 9-point scale used. In contrast, five of the ten BWS means were above the midpoint
and the range covered almost half of the BWS scale (-1 to +1). While there were differences in the
dispersion of the means for the two methods, there were also similarities. For instance, the most important
value (Benevolence) and least important values (Power, Tradition and Stimulation) were the same using
both methods. While the rank orders were different for some of the values, this was mainly due to the low
variation in the rating scale means, with four of the ten SVS items being very similar (all scoring 4.36).
Interrelationship between the Value Types
Schwartz (1992, 1994) has argued that the value dimensions follow a circumplex structure, where
adjacent values are compatible and opposite values conflict. Thus, the overall set of relationships between
the ten value types can be examined through the creation of multidimensional maps, as Schwartz (1992,
1994) has noted on a number of occasions. Maps were developed for the ten values dimensions obtained
from the SVS scores1 and those obtained from the BWS scores, through the MRSCAL computer program
(Roskam, 1972). As Schwartzs implied structure is two dimensional, the two-dimensional maps are
shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
The maps obtained generally support Schwartz suggested structure. However, as can be seen from Figure
1, the SVS data provided a less coherent structure and much less discrimination between the dimensions
than did the BWS data, which is shown in Figure 2. Further, some dimensions were misplaced in the
SVS map in Figure 1, as achievement and security should have been found on either side of power but
were found on the opposite side of the circle closer to benevolence. On the other hand, the BWS
dimensions in Figure 2 only show benevolence as slightly out of position. Following Schwartz et al.
(2001), the observed order of the dimensions around the circle for the two approaches were compared
with the hypothesized order by ranking self-direction as 1 and assigning ranks in an appropriate direction
so that universalism had a rank of 10. The Spearman rank correlation between the data and the
hypothesised order was higher for BWS (0.99), than for SVS (0.73).
While Schwartz recommends various forms of correction prior to analysis, he recommends that the raw scores be
used for multidimensional scaling. Thus, the raw scores were used to produce the SVS map.
achievement hedonism
pow er
self direction
Figure 5: Twobenevolence
Dimensional Map Best Worst Scaling Data
conf ormity
5: Two Dimensional
Map BWS Data
for individuals SVS and behavior means) and the BWS method performed better. The standardized
SVS method produced 20 significant correlations with non-corresponding behaviors and only seven when
neighboring behaviors were discounted. Similarly, the BWS method produced 28 significant
correlations with non-corresponding behaviors and only eight when neighboring behaviors were
discounted. Thus, BWS method performed about as well as the standardized SVS method when behaviors
were examined.
and eight of the 10 means were above the scale mid-point. After standardization (i.e., controlling for
individual respondents means as recommended by Schwartz) the SVS means performed about as well as
the BWS means, but the BWS means did this without any loss of information. Second, the BWS data
better represented Schwartz value circumplex, than the SVS data when multidimensional maps were
created, based on the correlations between the ten dimensions. Third, the BWS data produced the
hypothesized relationships between the values and predicted behaviours (suggested by Bardi and
Schwartz 2003), better than the SVS raw scores and as well as the SVS standardized scores, without any
loss of information.
Another significant benefit of the BWS method, over the SVS, is the reduction in task time for
respondents. On average the BWS task took 12 minutes less than the SVS task for respondents to
complete. This offers a significant benefit to researchers who may be considering the inclusion of
Schwartz values into their surveys.
The BWS approach also offers advantages to cross-cultural researchers in terms of cross-cultural
equivalence. Where the SVS includes multiple verbal scale terms (-1= opposed to my values, 0= not
important, 3=important, 6=very important, and 7=of supreme importance), the BWS method only has two
verbal scale terms (most important and least important). This reduces the problems associated with lexical
equivalence as it is easier to find equivalent terms for most and least in different languages, than the
finer grained verbal terms employed in the SVS method. The BWS method also eliminates problems that
may be found when numbers have meanings in certain cultures, as it does not include numerical anchors.
It would seem that the BWS approach is a real alternative for researchers interested in values and the roles
they play in peoples lives. While further research is necessary to see whether the present results are
generalizable to other contexts and to other values approaches (e.g. Kahle's (1983) List of Values
approach), the results obtained in the present study suggest such research is desirable and that values
researchers should think seriously about collecting BWS data, rather than ratings data.
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