WASP Newsletter 11/01/75
WASP Newsletter 11/01/75
WASP Newsletter 11/01/75
Editor - Betty Cross
Vol. XI
R. D. 2, Box 519
Newton, N. J. 07$60
Betty Cross
2001 Elm Ave.
Modesto, Calif. 95351
The proposal for a WASP Memorial submitted by Mary Jones (Regalbuto) 44-9 is
for a six to seven foot bronze statue of a
WASP in flying garb. She commissioned the
internationally known sculptor, William
McVey, to cre~te the rough quarter size
sketch model pictured.
McVey's sculpture is in permanent collections at various museums across the country
including the Smithsonian Institution. His
publicly owned works include the monuments to
Davey Crockett, Ozana, Texas; James Bowie,
Texarkana, Texas and George Washington,
Cleveland Federal Building. Particularly
famous works are his 9 foot bronze of Winston
Churchill at the British Embassy, Washington,
D.C. and his many works in the Washington
National Cathedral.
The statue, to be presented to the Air
Force Museum at Wright Patterson Air Force
Base, Ohio, would be placed on a suitable
stone base with a bronze tablet. It would
be a lasting tribute to the nation's first
women military pilots, the WASP of World
War II, as well as those who died in the performance of flying duties. The cost is estimated at $15,000.
The Air Force Museum has suggested that,
if the Order of Fifinella proceeds, hopefully.
the piece would be completed in sufficient
time to permit a public unveiling at the
museum's July 1970 Bicentennial celebration,
with a representative group of WASP present.
g3g Havenwood,
Dallas,Tx. 75232
Ph. (214) 224-2905 or 352-5204
The following have donated their wings
to the Smithsonian: Nancy Crews (WAFS),
Gerry Nyman (43-1 and WAFS), Ruth Trees
(43-2), Gretchen Gorman (43-3) Betty
Martin (43-4), Jill McCormick f43-5), &
Irma Story (43-6). The Smithsonian would
like a duplicate set of the wings to be
used "behind the scenes" for study. They
need another shoulder strap. pocket book,
set of wings with the lozenge and a pair
of slacks worn with the Eisenhower jacket.
Either send them to the Smithsonian in
Washington, D.C. (Air & Space Museum) properly identified or to Bee Haydu who will
see they are delivered.
43-1 Secretary:
17205 N. 14th St.
Phoenix, Ariz. 85022
D ~~
ANN HOPKINS WHITE is now working with bank examiners and enjoying the work.
EILEEN KEALY WORDEN says she is still a housewife. Four of her children are still at
home. She has a new address.
and ELEANOR HINKLE VAUGHN sent greetings to
everyone and regret they couldn't attend
the reunion.
JEANETTE JENKINS - It is so good to hear from
everyone and I sincerely appreciate your
response when I write. Looking forward to
our next reunion in the Ozarks in Oct. '76.
why not schedule your vacation now. Ask
your husband and even your whole family to
join you? Perhaps Smitty would schedule
something special for the fellows if we had
a dozen or more husbands attend. Autumn
in the Ozarks is delightful as those who
have seen it will agree, so if you haven't
seen it, start planning.
44-2 Secretary: MARY ELLEN KEIL
56 South Chesterfield Road
Columbus Ohio 43209
Phone: (l14)231-7367
speech (in Latin) with footnotes instructFirst item is a plea for help:
ing girls, or men, or both when to applaud
and how loud."
HOW can I get a copy of my pilot's
HAZEL STAMPER HOHN said thanks for all the
license? FAA has no record and mine
nice thank-you's after the reunion and
was stolen in 1954. Two numbers
commented that there was a blizzard two
shown on my army service record are
days after the reunion was over. She and
P-46275$ and S-46275$, but FAA says
Werner went for their first hot air balthese numbers are assigned to someloon ride and although she has published
one else. If anyone has a clue as
articles on ballooning, she had never had
to where I could appeal for further
the personal experience before.
She was
research, I would surely appreciate
so busy watching the procedures of flyknowing.
ing the balloon that she forgot to look
over the side admire the view of mts. and
3425 Brown Valley Road
At $100 per hr., she isn't very
Vacaville, Calif. 956$$
about getting a rating, but
FRAN'S husband is a dermatologist and her
sure would like to solo.
-recent hobby is making leaded stained
ALYCE STEVENS ROHRER was leaving for Hawaii
glass windows. She has remodelled her
just after she wrote. Alyce's husband is
kitchen with one 6-foot and two 3-foot
A.F. Ret. and a friend of Vance Brand, the
stained glass windows forming an archway
astronaut, so they got an invitation to
around two square sliding windows. Doesn't
the Cape Canaveral blast-off.
Alyce didthat sound beautifull One son is an Air
thought it
Force Capt. just returned from Jordan. She
very impressive even worth the five hr.
also has three daughters and four grandtraffic jam back to the base. Alyce is
children so life is obviously full for
still busy with her extra curriculars of
Fran and if someone can help her locate
school teaching but if she could inspire
a duplicate license, she will be most
1 to contributing to the Newsletter,
I'd happily give her the Secty. job back.
MERIEM ROBY ANDERSON loved the reunion and
FLORA BELLE SMITH REECE found few of 44-4
thought they did a beautiful job on it.
at the reunion but delighted to see Sue
She is still buffaloing and has one lady
Sivade, one of her original baymates who
buffalo named Rosalie who doesn't like to
had not been able to finish training bestay put, so Meriem spends a great deal
cause of a death in her family.
of her time hunting for Rosalie. Meriem's
Belle had recently returned from a Peace
ranch was on one leg of the Powder Puff
Corps tour of Malaysia where she worked
Derby this year and she watched them jockas a math consultant for the educational
eying for position.
After the WASP re-,
TV. They loved the country and its people
union she went to the "99'sn convention
but came home realizing how very great this
in Couer d'Alene.
"good ole U.S.A." really is. She was also
RUTH SHAFER FLEISHER retired last year as a
pleased to be reunited with her four grandmajor from the AF Reserve and got out of
her air traffic control job. She livesl
LOUISE BRAND HYDE's "not much with me in way
in Homestead, Fla., belongs to the A.F.
of news" means she's still selling real esflying club and makes the "99" flying
tate and sailing.
In Aug. she joined the
activities. The best event of the year for
"Meander" for a long sail from Martinique
her was the "Waspie" reunion and she is
to Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. There were only
looking forward to next year's.
3 aboard so it was a busy trip. Louise
MADGE LEON MOORE had two sons graduate
hopes to make the WASP reunion next year.
from Princeton in June. The whole family MARGARET DIFFIN CHURCH just barely beat the
including parents~ grandparents and girl
press deadline with her news that Barry
friends attended and the return trip which
is back on complete physical flying status
added sons and paraphernalia + bicycles
and hopes to get his helicopter instructor
actually required the addition of a tralicense.
She too:is recovering from their
iler to the caravan.
She writes: "Prin3 years of stress after his crash and terceton makes a real occasion out of gradrible burns. The way out for Maggie has
uation. (The parents are entitled to a
been transcendental meditation.
"It is
show after footing the bills for four
the greatest thing since sliced bread. I
years). There were receptions, awarQ cerelost the extreme exhaustion I had, got my
monies, concerts, a garden party, a prom,
energy back, my mind is clear again, I can
picnic, displays, and the biggest show of
remember things, I can visualize (which
all was the Commencement itself, with all
for decorating is a must), I am more opthe pomp and color of a coronation.
timistic and I smile." Maggie was especSalutatorian's address was in Latin. I
ially pleased to see ANABEL EARP RUSO at
was amazed at the number of graduates verthe reunion and reports that after all
sed in the classics--as evidenced by t~ir
these years, Anabel is "as pretty as ever."
laughter or applause at appropriate times
during the delivery.
Later we learned
lovely WASP-related experience I want to
each graduate was given a copy of the
share with you. In April one of the deI
Dear Classmates:
Having just been elected Secretary-Treasurer of the Order of Fifinella, I think
it is time to turn over the duties of Class
Secretary to someone else. We've been very
fortunate in having Eleanor Gunderson agree
~o do this. For your records, her address
1S 6901 E. 2nd St., Tucson, Ariz. 85710
and her phone number is (602) 885-1688.
As you can probably imagine, I had fierce
competition for my new job but am looking
forward to doing it. Having the convention already scheduled for Hot Springs, Ark.,
in Oct. 1976 will be a real help. Save the
dates--Oct. 22-23-24, and plan to be there.
Our Reno Reunion was just great.
hand were Classmates Eileen Wright Ferguson,
Bea Falk Haydu, Mary Ann Walker Dreher, Lila
Moore Mann, Eleanor Gunderson, Jane Harris
Cunningham, Betty Jo Streff Reed, Nona Holt
Pickering, Irene Norris Wysocki, Joan Smythe
McKesson, Velta Haney Benn, Sunny Miller
Reich, Betty Roth Cross, and, of course,
yours truly.
(Hope I didn't miss anybodyl)
I'll have to admit I missed a lot of the
old familiar faces--and YOU know who you
are--but a lot of people came to this convention who hadn't been to any others.
Carey Bowles, my AT-6 transition instructor
(now flying anywhere the Flying Tiger line
goes)and my very first instructor from Pennsylvania whom I'd lost for a while.
So, all
in all, it was a great occasion and I hope
more of you will be able to make Arkansas--
304S Sandra Drive
Shreveport, La. 71109
in high school. The family enjoys tennis,
but Flo prefers jogging.
She is still
teaching in Calif. She is still learning
too. She keeps adding to her transcript.
Lucky students, lucky family, plucky Flo.
She wishes to express her thanks to the reunion committee for their efforts.
BETTY (FULBRIGHT) WHITE and husband made it
to within 140 miles of Reno when he had to
be hospitalized.
They are members of trave]
clubs for trailers and motorcycles.
are retired and are wheel-whirling.
promise to get to Shreveport this fall.
They made it to Austin for the memorial.
JACQUELINE (RILEY) ZERLAUT showed off a terrifictan and loves being retired in Fla.
How about those red shoes with the uniform!
MARGARET (EGER) TEMME with husband attended
the Austin, Tx. dedication.
She is now
among the horsey set and learning to jump.
RUTH GUHSE sent more info to be added: Now
office mgr. for the "best architects in
Sacto.--She and husband are reduced to one
poodle-person left at home. They work
hard during the week and collapse by the
pool at home week-ends.
She plans on '76
reunion in Hot Springs.
ETHEL (LYTCH) MILLER: My favorite husband
and I just got back from a salmon fishing
trip off the coast of Wash. We got 75 Ibs.
of that good fish, packed it in dry ice
and brought it home - mostly to smoke ourselves. That favorite husband is the same
handsome fighter pilar I met and fell in
love with at Sweetwater and married 30
yrs. ago. Marv is retired from AF now
(after 31 yrs.) and we've built a new
home here in Santa Maria. Are thoroughly enjoying being settled for the first
time in our lives. All our children are
married and live out this way, but none
very close by. Have one grandson and two
more grandchildren are due to arrive this
month: "How sweet it is"J
to attend.
A real vote of thanks to Mid
ESTHER BERNER 43-3 received the Indiana
Cassidy for opening her home to myself,
Aviation "Man of the YEAR" Award in SeptBetty Cross, as not having been a WASP
ember of this year. Quite an honor for
she really went all out for us. Esther
a woman and another milestone for the WASP
Berner put up Sara Haydn and Betty Nicholas having one of their number to be so honored.
had Dedie and Bee and Joe Haydu. Thanks
to all of theml
Plans for this coming year were discussed,
concerning Hot Springs reunion, publishing
President Bee Haydu would like and WASP
of a second Newsletter before Hot Springs,
who have pictures of girls taken at bases
legal aspects in obtaining
where they were stationed (group) to send
recognition of OOF by IRS as an exempt orone to her.
ganization, whether to incorporate or organize as a club and many other items pertaining to the OOF. A full 8 hrs. were
spent at the conference table, with Sect.Treas. Betty Nicholas, tape recording all
discussions, full report to be made later.
Before leaving for our various homes on
Sunday, Bee & Joe Haydu, Dedie, Esther
Berner, Betty Nicholas and your Editor,
see the WASP display.
If any of you are
in that area it's worth your while to tour
the museum, not only to see your display
but all the planes many of you flew and
tremendous change in aircraft through the
Saturday evening, after the conference,
a cocktail party and dinner was held at
Betty Nicholas's house.
Marty Wyall's
husband Gene came in from Ft. Wayne,
Mid Cassidy, Esther Berner, Jill McCormick,
Barry Vincent, "Smitty", Joe and Bea Haydu,
Dedie and your Editor, plus a couple of
other WASP who dropped in for a moment had
an enjoyable evening looking through the
1. to r. Dorothy Britt, Margot Harvey, Ver~eda
Historian's scrapbook which Marty had broRodriquez, Corinne Nienstedt, Dottie Smith,
ught along, and talking over old times
Betty Cross, Harriet Griggs). Jo Ann ParrY,
after the delicious dinner Betty Nicholas
Front row: artha Harmon,
lice Riss, Anne
You're a great hostess Bettyl
Nordhoff, Mary Alice Putnam.
These girls were stationed at MooreFi~ld,
Mission, Texas, at the time of deactivation.
They towed targets for SE Pursuit and did
ferrying of planes to all parts of the country.
Ann Waldner Currier
Lillian Dixon Kelley
O.A. "Moose" Martin
Doris "Dee" Williams
Nelle Carmody Klein
In Seattle, Wash., July ~4, 1975.
Her epitaph simply says,
"Lillian Kelley 'Dixie',
W. A. S. P. 44-W-9" which sums
up the importance to her life
and to this, her final solo.
She is survived by a son,
Michael Dixon, and her
closest friend Charlyne Creger.
4.44-7 Lila Mann Moore and Eileen
Wright Ferguson
5. Frances Touchband (Smith) 44-2
6. At dedication of Bronze Memorial
Plaque in Austin
* MORE PIes *
1. Jackie Cochran, center, surrounded by Class 44-1 :
Alphabetical by class name:
Bartholf, Beyer, Carter, Crane,
Dodd, Harper, Hopkins, Hunt,
Jenkins, Jones, Kealy, Koth,
Krasovec, Meurer, Murphy,
Shaffer, Stell, Wall.
2. Neil Armstrong and Ziggy
Hunter, Austin, Texas 4-11-75.
3. Gov. Mike O'Callaghan and
Jackie Cochran
8. Ruth Jones 44-1 with Jackie
Cochran. Looking on, Skip
Carter, Marge Harper Watson, Adele Beyer, all 44.1.
9.44-2 WASP Reunion Reno,
Nev. (Bus tour to Lake Tahoe) I. to r. Jean Soard,
Betty LeFevre, Mary Ellen
Keil, Fran Tuchband.
10. Brownie Kindig, Gerry
Nyman, Dottie Young.
Iris and
Feb. '75
Some of us
can still
fit our
unifl''ms! !
Smitty and
Dedie in
Smitty's Bar!